The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 30, 1883, Image 4

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TbgPlaltsmontb Herald PrAlisMag Co.
for C'ty iiiriiifv lir-iory. Railway "Vim
Tll". T'l-t'ion Kwhiiitic I'.uiiiKHS
it ctofj, ll'ixliirHi ( unlit f.i:., ne third n:igf.
JUrr. I. STOKE. . City Editor.
.4. Salisbury, l)4'iitlt.
Kepiiblicau Conventions.
The ri'i lli-:iiiH of the city f Piatts
mouth arc ei.lhd ! n.tct nii'l hold pri
rnares . this (Friday) evening at 7:30
o'c'ih k to sileet delegates lo a
city ci'iivi nftoii t be Inld :tt Kuckwuod
It ill ii Suliinl iy evening M.wcb ."1 at
7:"'J o'clock p. ii. ti place in nomination
Candidates for r i 1 3' oilier.
The Fiist ward will im it at the
county judge's ollice.
The Second ward at W'.ij ninn's foun
dry. The Tliiid ward atuiiivan it Wool
cy's ollice.
'I ho Fourth wunl at the council ch.-iui-
Kur il wnrd wiil t !-1 ten delegates.
Republicans art" rciji-.csU-.l to turn out
lo theu ii it s.
K. II. Lkwis, Coin, l.-t wurd.
W. S. Wise. 4k 2.1 "
.1. B. Strode. " 3d "
F. :.mim II!, 4ll
Iljgistt r.
ReyUtt r.
Don't forget to register.
The T. A. M. hop
Up to noon today
registered in thf 1-i
u Kockwood h:!J
178 ' olr is hud
uaid. et tli-'j-f.
M. M..Shijiiiati, of Wet-ping Water, in
In the city tod:iy.
Mii BnrrU departed thin mfarniug for
St. Joseph lor ti'i-hiiiwiit of her even.
Mike M rrisey went west this mora
II. I j. II. Lincoln IxiHrded the train
for (irvrntvud today.
Mrs. I.. M. If.-iycs and daughter went
to Omaha tlii ri morning.
.1. W. I.irncH returned last, niyht from
limine county.
Ciu-Ktcr, Maud Karnes and Bertie Hy
ert! went to Falls c:ity this morning.
A Mea.t Reception Tendered Them
Last Lveulng by a Number of
' Friends.
Lust eveuiug a uumU-r of old ac
quaintances and friends of Mr. simeon
I). Mayer witli their ladies assembled at
tStudelmuirn parlors and tendered an im
promptu reception to himself and bride
whom he ha brought to Plattsinouth as
their future home. Mrs. Stadelmann
threw the parlors open to the gctts and
a merry time was enjoyed by ail. At
9:30 Mr. ami Mrs. Mayer, who were at
the Japanese tea putty were appraised
A. P. tiiout, of Syra uie, a member of that a number of their friends had as
1 1 1- htate legislature from Otoe was in the
eity I st night registered at the Perkins.
V ado kri ett, the genial represent
ative of the Chicago Newspaper
Union, w.n a caller at this oilicc to- l
A.I. 1 ay lor, Ld. uu liner and Sum
Marker returned home from Omaha
this morning.
ills. 12. 13. Lewis returned fron La
fayette, I nd.t this morning, her father,
Mr. Seat I. accompany ing her, we learo
Mr. . will iiiMke tin his permanent
h oie. CfC-ne" went to Bed OaK to
meet his wife and kiss the baby, but
mrougu in'.siHKe board eel the wrong
train and came home just ahead of
i luiMn otiin nas telephone cohiiec-
tiou now with Louisrille, Greenwood
and Springfield.
r . Jt rug. the Omaha brewer, has
placed in Piattsmouth a handsome
1 1 ...
uen ery v. tii.n, wineli every morn
ing makt-e the t;raiid louuds taking
up emj tv keifj. and h-aring lilleil
pembled at Scidelmans and desired their
presence. It was a. genuine hurprise to
them and at the umic i-imiium the intro
ductions were given, and music aaJ jol
lity reigned until refrefhiiietifs were an
nounced when all repaired to the dining
room where a royal bamjuet was spread
such us istatk-imun'e know so well how
to prepare. The menu wus exttnsive.elab
orate and complete and when appetites
weie uppeustd Dr. Itichuioml and ilr
O'Neill in response to toats sugetd
made extended kihI eloquent speeches
which were warmly applauded and called
forth a response from Mr. Mayer who
thanked his friends assembled for the
reception tendered and who spoke for
hiuirell and Mrs. Mayer,w ho would long
hold all in rcinemberauee. Th.we prei
ent were Mr. aud ilrs. 8. I. Mayer, the
Kiie-ts. Mr. Charles Maver, Miss Water-
Air. tux! Mrs. .J. P. Young, Dr.
As reported from the Clerk's ollice
e:ich day:
A U Fox and wife to Catherine
Keichnrt pt lolu 375, 376, 377 aud 378
Louisville w d 30.
Catherine Ilcich&rt to M I) Ueieh
art part lot 378 Louisville w d $10.
US to Marcus M Shipinau . w'
22-1 1-1 1 pat.
South Platte Land Co. lo II D Hoot
lots 428 and 429 Orcenwood vr d $50.
James W Carey to F Towle u s
10-10-11 w d $1.15",
W W Town Co. to Henry Hoyer,
lot 1 in block 88 Weeping Water q c
Amos Tefl't to O T Rockwell mid
S lot 6 block 13, Avoca, w d- $25.
Treas. Cass county to W W Graves
lots in Rock IIluHs tax deed -$1.
J O Miller aud wife to F 11 Todd
lot 3 and m e4 s v)4 til 13-13 w d
Ilichmond, Mias Wiutersteiu, Dr. Hall,
Miss Wiles, it. O'Neill, Miss Stadeiman,
Frank Morgan. M'.h Sehildknreht, S. S.
Hull, Miss Woid: i!. H. ?.!. liv.aUm II, Miss
The jiopuhuity of the ladies oi
I'resbyiri etuiicli and the
One hundred aud fifty thousand of
the white iioli presented to the state
Hah commission by the govern men t
were deposited in the TimbervHle lake
and Criaa' lake, on Tuesday. These
Gsh aro yet very dimlnitive, their eyes
being the most noticeable feature
They can.e through in good condition,
but whether they will grow and thrive
is a question oT expei iment. It take
moat of the uovelty and hit erf? t away
when we remember that white Hah
can't be caught with a hook, but this
item doesn'L enter muci: into our cal
culations when we go fi.hing. When
the cat p are ready for disli ibution
(being intended mainly for privat"
ponds) we shall thn have fish 1 arm
ing started on a practical acalr. These
latter are a domestic li.-di and need at
tention fi r same as chickens and -cattle.
They iv- a line food lis:. :iu:l c j:i
A Square Meal
Can be had at the City Hotel for only
2.1 cents and lodging at same reasonable
rnten. Farmers ami Commercial Men
will please bear thiii in mind. d'Wtf
For Sale.
A desirable house and lot withia three
blocks of business. V try cheap. En
quire of Sullivan fc Wooley. a22-lw
All our wall pai'KH is here and we are
sure we can please all, the following are
our piices per double roll:
lirowns 20
Ruffs 2.
Whites 35
Flats HO
Satins ;o
(Jilts !!.-
Kmbossed 1 25
Centres, corners, ceiling papers, &e.,iu
abundance. We have a very large stock
and must 8(11. We arc making a spec
ialty of lead, oil, mixed paints, etc., this
season. 25-cUwlw n.i.J. W.!i!ti-K.
jr. i. Niiwcraow,
CITY, of London,
QITEL'N, of Liverpool
FIR KM A NT FCNI), of California
Wi:i.l.S. KA U:) &; CO. KX I'llKSS.
Oltlee In i:ekvnxl ;1n L. v, l!h .lulmsiiii Itros
111 ill
T. 1ST
The man wiih the khiven continues
to amuse the boy, aid gtt their S5
cent pieces.
The Chicago avenue culvert is t inir
completed and workmen arc engaged in
cleaning up the stone work.
The feMow in jail, who u'n arr.'ited
for tin! l-nrglury of the Loui-v.lie .-;:!m.:i
had lir. all forenoo i -o lay. bit ' !.b:.,JS'
iifj;iii thir sffcirooa.
eo. Fail tied. i is" .".:!- in
setting grade itak.-s 1'ur Mi l, .lz:.1u'b
new residence 011 5th stieet.
The editorial psige ot the .Journal
last evening, was dressed in mourn
ing, what is the matter? Has lire.
Sherman lot faith?
A Card.
I'l.ATT.SllOl XM. Neb
March ::0. m.i. $
To Tllli KlUToK DAJI.V ilKRALIi:
i eruiit me to i.a to the citiZt-ns of
Piatt sm-ralh, on the approach if the
comii'.g ciiy i ctn n, il.;:t I am in t,
and uii.itr u.i en cuinatanccs will be. a
candidate fur the 1 nice uf i-ajurof
ti:iaci-; an.! perniit m- fui,hcr to
thank the citizens of Plaitsuiouth,
wiihout regi-.rd to party, who gave
thrir sympathy and support to my ad-
miuisiiauon uuring me last year, a
period eventful ami trying in the his
tory of our city.
My business demands my attention
and care, and I have concluded that
its demands should be heeded.
Joseph V. Weckbach.
be raised for ptciit tin .same ;i i::
nppreia- i otm-r branch of iudustf r - -Frein ml
tion ot their Japanese tea party .t j 'rrihtiite.
Ko-kSToi hall, last evening, wai 1 -vi-i
1 : 1 p . .
deuced by the large crowd which was t!, P-"
in atteiidanee. The hall was strei s ! As furnished o:ih ialiy ( ihu War
leiirjthtt ! ;.nd eros-iwise with .Jaj:i:- Depart uic-it.
ese lanterns, ana ll;t t: g liittiet ; n-i ai noon muay. a 0 it.
thither wi if voi!ii(! tvop;e middle ! 10 in. above !o- witter s:is rk, showing
1 lie
tlifitio;h lino for Denver
Ge. Ilomeworrh and Al Wiluer
are going over to fJlenwood tonight to
attend a masquerade. Al is a heart
smasher and the (l!enwoo j girls must
look out.
The train lor th- wet thi morn
ing was one of the heaviest that has
passed through lately. There is no
let up to the immigration west, and
Nebraska will have a big boom this
Ambrose PattersoM interviewed a
mule not long since, and the inter
view terminated in the usual way. A
mule's foot is harder thau a man's,
ami tnat is the reason ot 3fr. Patter
ou' lameness.
Small-pox is raging at Nebraska
City. A correspondent to the Omaha
Republican writes as follows:
"Nebraska City. March 28.
Small-pox is raging to a fearful ex
tent in this vicinity. S. Guarvell
brought it from Germany four weeks
ago. Two members of his family have
aieu ana many cases are reported. It
is feared chat it will be epidemic. The
newspapers here are silent upon the
subject, no doubt thinking it would
affect the interests of the town, but
the public should be no longer kept in
ignorance. Dr. JJoweu is attending
tne patients.
Our authorities should investigate
the matter and take the necessary pre
cautions to prevent the possibility of
its entrance into Piattsmouth.
wi ie voting pvop;e
aged people and old people dressed in
oriental costumes, doing the hoi.or oi'
the occasion. In one corner of the
hall was an art gallery, consisting of
a rare collection of ancient and modern
works. The first piece "Fork over the
cash" was probably the ba ling one, as
that demand was made before a view
of the others could be obtained. An
other one, listed "Over the garden
wall" supposed to have actually trans
pired as iepresented, attracted con
siderable attention and if "O Neel
ed, I would kneel under the same cir
cumstance8, so would U. The one en
titled "The old snuil taker , it seems
took too much snuff and snuffed out
Another one "The grub that makes the
butterfly," by Geo. Smith, was very
suggestive and no one but he 'would
have given such an aesthetic title to
cold pancake one that was left over
from last season. In another corner a
collection of dolls . of different kinds
colors and sizes was another attrac
tion. The supper was all that a sup
per could be. The B. & M. band was
present and furnished lots of fine mu
sic. The society realized in the vicm
ity of $90 from the entertainment.
All persons that have made articles
for the Bazaar, please bring them to
the M. E. parsonage tomorrow morn
ing; anyou? having articles not fin
ished by that time please bring them
to Kockwood hall Friday, Apr. 6th.
A fellow who lives about 10 miles
in the country came into town a few
day.- ago with a fine team of mules,
which in the course of the dav he
traded to one of lh.3 "town bt yj" for a
pan ofhorscs. The horses are a fail-
"There's a Pickpocket on This Train."
George Fairfield has had many hair
breadth escapes from pickpockets. lis
has met them in Lincoln; he has met
them in Omaha. In the latter place
he escaped their hands by having his
money in his boots. This morning as
George was seating Mrs. Fairfield in
the tra'n, his Vanderbilt appearanc
gave him away again, and some pick
pockets who were aboard laid for him,
and one of thenimbled-fmgered gently
The ladies of the Japanese enter
tainment desire to express their most
cordial thanks to the H. & M. band for
their efficient services; nd, also to all
who so kindly aided them in many
ways, thus promoting the success of
the evening. By order of the Com.
lire, and the follow is now lrw.L-;i-
f;r the man he traded with, and when Proceeded at once to seize upon his pleth-
he finds him, if he don't trade back or oric FOCKec ook. However, Ueorge
pay the difference, there w ill be mu
sic ill the air, and attorneys will j lay
I he liddle.
Julius Pepperberg receivad a full
line 'of ' tine mcrschautn goods this
-morning, and he says if the smokers
want good goods at way down prices
he cr.n r.ccommoaate them. Juliu is
liko another good little Loy we have
read about he cannot tell a lie- and
by looking at his stoct and getting his
prices, we think our statement will be
- Mr Randall. Immigration Agent of
the inform us that he is
meeting ' with great success in his
work, and has had a. ready over a
thousand letters from all parts of the
east asking for information about Ne
braska land and crops. With a view
to getting this informatiom published
and distributed as quickly as possible
he desires us to ask those to whom he
baa applied for data to send in their
reports 10 us. as early as possible.
Xeb. City Press: - 1 - ' -
discovered the chap's doings, and made
a grab for him, whereupon the accom
plices of the thief crowded Leureeo
the two and the thief escaped from
the car while George shout d after
him, crying the text of this article,
which the people in the car heard wU.'j
every manifestation of ahum. The
thief got out on the plaifoim, dodged
around the depot several limes and
made his escape, and today Fairfield is
whooping it up to the accomplices who
prevented .his getting hold of the fel
low, and will hereafter quit shaving
every day and wear his old clothes, so
that among a thousand he will not be
singled out as a wealthy man and be
subjected to the attacks of every tra
veling pickpocket.
Yesterday complaint was made be
fore J(jdp Johnson by. William Lind
sey, charging George C. Miller with
assault and battery. Today. Miller
voluntarily appeared and gave recog
nizance to appear gain Monday at 8
pr.mi Tor -.hearing. A more serious
charge was contemplated at first, ac
cusing Milierof nsing brass knuckles
of something of that kind. The par
ties live t-Fae! ery ville, and Sheriff
Hjers "went down' there after Miller,
not knowing that he was here. Keub
will enjo'y.lils ride if ho did miss his
At the democratic primaries lt
night the following delegate wt;ie
selected to attend the city convention
Saturday night.
From the 1st ward r-Fred Goos, W
Herold, J A Connor, II Bous, V - V
Leonard, M Waybright, Ed Stamm,
V Egenberger, J M Hobert, aud J N
From the 2d ward Jim Grace, F
8 White, F Krbehler. J Lcuchtweis,
W Guthinan, "VT Gushing, J Draue, JI
Speiee, C Ileieel and G Wcidmau.
Frem the 3d ward, G Poisnl, M W
Morgan, Charles Bell, W D Jones, A
D Deipain, C McKntee, P McCann, J
W Kinser, C F Nichols, aud James
Paliu. - , '.' '
From I lie 4th ward M O'Connor.
J.Blake, If llemple, F Lehuhoff, A
Tamil, M EcUuire, P McCallau, II
Martin Mm. Winterslciu and R Gulh-uan.
Death of a Nebraska Weraan.
The associated press report Wednes
day morning gave a short account of the
sndden death of Delia Brown, of Dillon,
Neb., nt Council Bluffs, and frcm the
surroundings it was surmised that the
case was either one of suicide or mtd-
practice. An inquest was held, and the j
evidence elicted proved beyond a dmi.t i
that the death of the young woman tn j
caused by the criminal act of onie i;n- !
known person, and the jury so found. .7.
M. Bear, the alleged husband of the
womau,swore that the night of her death
she got out ol bed,and going to a drawer
got six niorphiue powders and swallow
ing them, thuti intending to prove that it
was n deiib-.-rure xuieide. The testimony
of other narties, how. vi r, went far to un
set th it of Bear, and the finding of t le
jury is undoubtedly correct. During the
inquest the coroner received a telegram
from Liliou, Nebraska, feigned Mariah
Brown, instructing the coroner to en
close the body iu a fine casket and for
ward at once to Fairbury, Neb. No fur
ther particulars were given iu the ui
patch. The woman' is probably the
mother of the deceased, and it is to be
hoped she will throw some light upon
the mysterious case at an early dav.
Omaha Herald.
a tA 1 of 2 sire-- i;oo: f8te:d.j,
Henry i; eK
Hi. iiU eit-cjnif ,, ,,y
ca: ; i.ics
so a nice lo! of
for si:!e vety cheap.
refi iterator." and the largest .roi.k of fur
niture ever brought to PlatUiiioiilh hi
prices that can't be discounted. it will
pay you to see him. d20.tw2-tf
Wanted to Kent.
A house of four or fi ve rooms in Piatts
mouth, or instead, board for a famil3- ot
three in a private family. Address B
IIkkald office. d29 Ct
sjiul the Mountains, and all joints
in Southern ntul WcsU-ni Ni-hras5
Eastern Connect ions a:
wakuantv dkkds
mokt(ia(;k vkkds
Secure them nt th
Piattsmouth Herald Office
a hm: 1. o r ok
COD FISH, Ajso u cioi-c lot of
Wi- have a flm -tKik f
l':inry.i!raiul nf
I li;i in i-tock a flnf Hum (!
Queensware, Glassware, Lamps,
&c. All our K.xU are new and freth.
Will Eiciiange lor Country Frcilncc. Liuscefl Oil Meal Always on Hand.
Next door to Court House, IMattsniouth, Neb,
M. 13, MURPHY & CO.
"Art is nature passed through the
Alembaic of man." Emerson.
Geo. Gray bill, teacher of a thor
ough and practical system of physi
cal and vocal culture, and expr ssion
by voice and action.
Children's classes, advanced class
es, Spakespeare or Milton classes,
private classes, public and parlor
leadings at reasonable rates. Ollice
at the Perkins house.
A new iiue of fine dress goods con
sisting of the latest styles and patterns
inst rccMi'pH ot WenHiiiti'ii o.lF
Between the post office and Dovev's
store, a black kid glove for the right
hand. Ihu fauder will ereatlv oblige bv
leaving the same at Hatt & Co.'s butcher
shop. 27-d3t
If you have anything von want sold
at auction call on Joe Ford. d&wtf
Ladies, your special attention is called
to the new line of dress "ooda iufct
received at Weckbach's. 23utf
Ice ! lee ! Ice !
Now is the time to contract for vour
summer's supply of ice. Bed rock prices
prompt ueuverv and superior oualitv of
ice, lirst come first served bv theucw ice
man. . (I2m2 Joe Faikxiki.h
For Sale.
Four lots togelhi-r in ood i...cut:ori in
the city :f P:a:tsi:u:ii!i. i.Mjnire at tliis
office (iir
for all 'points
East, Horth and South
Connections at
vour :-al i
j II!
" ------5
cck -
and all
intermediate points.
G. W. IIoldheje, Gen. Pas. Ag't,
Genl Supt. Omaha. Oim ha
For Sale !
N E Sec. 3, T. 12, R. 13.
S E, Sec. 3, T. 12, I?. 13.
S. W. 1, Sec. 3, T. 12, 11. 13.
and N N. Ar. Sec, 10, T. 12, Jl.
(I s.
wear, t&c.
Fresh Ooods
in every depart
ment 01 rmie
One price and
110 monkey busi-
ness. Remem
ber tbe place,
Rock wood block
The on!y "Boss" Clothier.
1 J.
I'eekN 1.1 Buy.
Boun-I in book tonn at Warrick's.
r til S.-ile ur t'raile.
Two :.-d e.oK . with calf, for
cither f.-r -t i.-k or tat co.vs.
ijuWe at .b.::::;iui. Ili.f, A; Co.'s.
!!. t
Impure ofChaplaiu Wrihi".
E- S. W. Sec. 34, T. 13, R
E Lot 10, Block 2s.
" 7 u. '
Si, . -
Duke's Addition.
i 01; a novo dosfrii.'i.d 1-
for sale mi Ion time, with 7
cent, interest. to
'''f Plattsmgil., Nel,
There was a lively time at the Firs1
ward primary last night. When the
democrats quarrel among themselves
it is no "glove contest." There is a
story of a lady who went away from
home and left a magpie and monkey
to keep house in her absence. While
she was gone they had a "set to," and
when she returned feathers and hair
were strewn all over the house, and
the magpie explained by saving, "W
had a h 1 of a time. That i3 the re- j
port from the First ward caucus.
House to Kent.
one of the best locutions ?n llm
. awx.uair7
Inquire of J. W Jennings.
Secure Yonrsslf
Forty Acres laid off in City Lots,
in Palmer's Addition.
It is pretty evident that somebody
is'interferirtg with the telephone wires,
and from some threats that have been
mad suspicion rests upon a boy or
two, here in town. If it is proven
against them it may not be so funny
after all.
Just outside the City limits, and not sub
ject to city Taxes.
where a shop man, or any other man, can
" "inner unuer nis own roof and
not cold grub from a dinner pail
in the dusty, smoky shops.
uuiy tnree to ten minutes' walk
from his work. Call on
Att'y at Law and Real Estate Agent.
Over Baker's Store.will make terms to suit
Ziots from $40 to $50
On time.or for men that will build
No LU for Speculator!
No Humbug Here!
I ( an Outsell any One Price Ciothiny
umnt iu i'iatlsmontu
Bolt1 Here and at ay Branca Store,
As I Buy For Cash.
Remember the above statement.
Troy City Laundry.
Now Located on
IV II. BBOW.N, Proprietor.
Transient Work solicited
elt further work. ' ,s' 1 BOU"
Kockwood Block,
Piattsmout'i, N eb.
(AN D)
Lav and coilectiou btinineHH promp
tly attended to at this ollice and pro
ceeds remitted without delay.
.Notarial work, convej ancin and
aniti ai ling attcinlcit to on short 110
tiee und sati,slaction iiitranleed.
If then; is any tiling wc do make a
ppecial:y of, it is city and k 11 hut bun
real estate. .Several line farms and
borne wild land at bargains. Laboring
men can get a homo by paying month
ly what they now pay lor house rent.
.Space forbids giving but a small
percentage of the bargains now on the
uookh ai, mis agency; wc namo tho
Six choice half acre lots, 8 minutes
from ll. U. fchops, at from $80 to tloO
each, and on terms that would make
a man ashamed to say he did not own
ti house. Come and see, you arc not
compelled to buy and we wontj give
these lots away, but you can get thera
so they will absolutely cost you noth
ing. Five acre lot j mile from citv for
20 part on time.
Eleven acre lot mile from city
for 5o0 this is extra line.
I have three pieces of outside nron.
erty which I can ecII and under
take to furnish nurchaser work
enough to pay for them, now I will
furnish the ground ami you the work,
work is what hurls me. If vnn will
do the work at a fair nricc I will iMv
you a clear deed for the laud; if you
can't do the work come and see me, I
may find some one who will do it tor
1 en acres for 500 00
" . " ' COO 00
" " 750 00
" " " 2500 00
Secrnl femall tracts well imnroved
ami adioiniiiv the citv. lor sale nt
reasonable rate.-,.
40 acres, wild $ COO 00
80 " improy'd ICtX) 00
10 " " 2000 00
160 " .0000 00
200 " (J200 M
210 eooo 00
Finest stock larm in f!naa nm.ntr,
$16000, Jong time nud low rate ol in
terest. 160 acres, wild 42.r,00
' 2800
100 itcrcf'. wild. B.1M1. V'i- f,.ni. wi
' -7 i - j v. .... j pifrj
Cor. lota bl'ks frot 11 shops (cheap)$100
" 175
2 :; .. 150
3 cor " 2 " 4
1 " 4 " i7o
3 cor " 2 " '
2 " " X. Cth street (liue) 3O0
2 " " Picnic Hill
1J " " Washington five"
1 " " 1 bl'k from .Main st extra 400
Imj.rovcd city real estato iu abuu
dance. I can iiud what you want in
this line if you will call and see inc.
Business houses and lots lor sale
at much lower tic-urea thnn will i.a
aked six months lience.
htore.s and dwellings rented And r.r
rent, rents nroinnilv t'.i ft,..i
It you don't see w hat you want in
tin column come and ak lor it. I've
probably im-d j,,st what vou wan.
(Mice open nearly every evening from
o to 8. .
(Jood new house and two fiae lots
in iit.ifj location price, .',00.
nui 00 ruiia FKjca to a
boot m PWM. 6N UlutxaoE
Pat fruit Triet2jSbliXr?M
( V I
otu. j
tm. and to
rn. it
STfTOlT Miok.
Union Qlock.
Choice Candies!
Home-made and "Warranted
Strictly Pure.
at all hoTirs. .
"testers night or dav at the
Next to Weckbach's tcre
JAMES ;ANT1X, Proprietor