The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 30, 1883, Image 1
.3 ' .1 7 twtrih 4 VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, FIUDAY, MARCH 30, 1883. NO. LM. III fflftttg pill 3 a I, 4 I. I , i I 7 I HE DAYLIGM Fail Line cncral Merdmmlise. Full lAiua Gteiicnil Merchandise. Always on Hand, Always on Hand. iBottosn JOSEPH' . 4f BURLINGTON- ROUTE nicngo, Burlington COINC EAST AND WEST. Elcant Day Coaches. Parlor Cars, with Rcclin- wig ciiairs (seats free), Smoking- Cars, with Be- voiving cnairs. rullman I'alace Sleeping Cars and the famous (.'. B. Jt y. Dining Cars run daily to and from Chicago & Kansas City, Chiisigo & Council Bluffs, Chicago fc lies Moini-s. Chicago. St. Jo seph. Atchison & Toneka. Only through line la tween Chicago, Uncoln & Denver. Through cars between Indianapolis & Council Bluffs via Peoria. All connections made in Union Depots. It is known as the creat THROUGH CAR LINE. Finest Equipped Railroad in tho JT. J. POTTER, 3d Vlee-Pres't and Gen'l Manajror. ALWAYS BENNETT nj C T.J t'o:iio to tl.; fr-:,t l:h i H V TTI laoie ana rancv riiKSlI and We :i!w.-.s uy tlic guud.i in tin: luaiket, and guarautiO everything we sell We mo oul .-iirents in thi.s town for the sale of ' rLUFEOTION" GROUND SPICES, a:d Tnn celebrated BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS, Xothins finer in the market. I'latt's "Tier" Lrand of Ualtimore Oysters ulways on hantl. (!nme anil see U3. We i 1 1 make you glad. THIS CELEBRATED DEALERS Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. The best ar.d most Complete assortment in the city. In the IlOCKWOOl) ULOCK, two doors west of Carruths. Call axd'sre us. Xo old stock to work oft". GLASS JJSTJD Q,TJEB1TSWARB. FLOIJIi. J'KEI) AKD TKOVISIONS. Tho Yery Highess Market Price paid for Country Pre due e DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMUOTH. : -sJl ctll. attended to. STORE! Iriccs:ior Cash. W'ECKBAGH. &. Quincy Railroad.) COINC NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Trains of Elegant Day Coaches and Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars ore run daily to and from St. Louis, vi.i Hannibal, Quincy, Keokuk, Burlington. Cedar Knpidsnnd Albert Lea to St. Paul and Minneapolis: Parlor Cars with lioclinine Chairs to and from St. Louis and Peoria and to and from St. Louis aud Ottumwa. Only one cnango or cars ociween bt. ixuis ana vea nioines, lows, Lincoln, Nebraska, and Denver, Colorado. It is universally admitted to be the World for all Classes of Travel. PERCEVAL LOWELL. Gen. Pass. Ag't, Chicago. AHEAD! & LEWIS, a complete Ack ot item xici:. AX FOR SALE B TN The latest patterns cf Freeb Mtt . ' se 1 i : s Tti ansa l()n I OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. p ! . . I ' '. . I- ' m. I . '. I . - " . I" '- -I-.. - . ' . . i -r n m& lis I'rifi H u Bbi r Mi vta n w u Orders t:iku for WILSON' l-UOS.' S'.UKTS 13 n j?. m. DECKER BROS.' ROAKI by the DAY or WEEK. Corner Pearl and Seventh Streets, DEAL.ERS IN ALL KINDS OF Lifmber. Sash.Doors. Blinds jUUOIIjUUUIOI SAXSZSZS FAXXTTS, LIME, p Lowest H.&ts. l'l.ATTSMOUTII HERALD every facility 3?' SB I In Every Department. Catalogues F LBG-AL BLAITKS, AUCTIOIT BILLS, SALE BILLS, COMMERCIAL (9zz7- StocTc of And materials is large and complete in every department. ORDERS BIT MAIL SOLICITED PLATTSMOUTH Sizbscribe for tKeJDcuZy tterald " UIV1MW' W !). opera iicusp: clothiers, AND FURNISHERS. GENTS TOST OFFICE ievvs Depot, STATIOXEKY. NOTION'S. MA SOX & HAMLIN MILLER CENTRAL RESTAURANT. P Meals at All Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. PUULISIIIXG COMI'AXY has for first-class aoiphlet Work BinsTTiisra- SIcluJz, Fajpars HERALD PUB; CO. voorsxi h: 7 TELEGRAPHIC SMALL POX IN KANSAS. The March of the Mormons. Tewksbury Tricks. STEAMED UP. Scuantox, March 59. TheScrantoa tel company have started thir naw mills, employinf over 1,000 men. SCCCESSOK TO HOWK. St. Paul, Mitrch S9. The governor and other stxte ofllceri have signed a petition urjing Mark H. Dunnell for pottmaster general. THE MORMONS. Ciiattakoooa. Marclt u'J. Elder Morgan, presiding elder in the Mor mon church, left the city today witL 150 converts for Utah, fiom all parts of the south. Mnety missionaries in th fconth chiiin CoO coinetts annually. TO HEAD TUEM OFF. Tomustoxk, March 'J.-Cpt. Craw ford, With 100 Apache icouts, arrive tomorrow, to proceed to the frontier to head oil" the Apaches being driven from Souora ly (Jen. PequtV troops They will be stutioued along tha iron tier to interrupt them. SMALL-FOX. FoitT fc'coTT, Kas., March iiSi. The major and poatmaater of Empiie City have bent an appeal here lor uid to nurse and care for nfty persona who ar down with small-pox. This city is quarantined ag;tinst ail surrounding placts, and the disease is said to be on the increase. Much distress prevails, and money, provisions aud medicine, paiticulaily money to pay nurses, is needed badiy. TI1K BANKRUPT LUMBERMEN. Oshkosu, March 2. Arrangements have been agreed upon between the hands of J. A. Paige & Paige, and the bixmuth lumber company, and their creditors, by which fcjamuel L. Libbey aud Leander Choate are to act as as signees to settle the affairs of the two companies. Sufficient money will be advanced by the banks to enable tWe assignees to close out their lumber and logging business without interruption, and so realize a greater amount upon the assets. THE TEWKSBURY ALMSHOUSE. IiObTON, March 29. The legislative committee appointed to investigate the charges made against the officers ot the Tewksbury almshouse lor sel liug bodies, is in session today. The counsel for the officers denied the specific charges. Gov. liutler was present, aud said this was a trial. He was not a public prosecutor, but was present to give evidence by witnes ses who knew whereof they spoke, ad ding: "I have neither a whitewash brush nor a blacking brush to use as weapons. Dr. John Pixwell, gradu ate of Harvard medical school, testi fied that students had received a large number of infant bodies, which they bought from Win. Andrews, the jan itor, at from $3 to $5 ach. Andrews said he obtained all the bodies from the almshouse. Andrews has since killed himself. The dissection showed that in many cases the iufants had had no food lor twenty-lour hours be fore death. Tho witness said the bodies were dissected oa the same ta ble w ith animals, and the remains swept into the s ime receptacle. Adult bodies cost so Riuch that tho students had to chip in to obtain them. John II. Chase, employed at the almshouse in 1880 aud was discharged lor drunk enness, testified to driving a team contaiuinicg a large Dumber of bodies from the almshouse tho Harvard. He heard Marsh, assistant superintend ent, say he received $100 for adult bodies. There were between 300 aud 400 deaths a year. Some bodies were Tifklrl !n nork barrels and sent to Boston by Marsh. Sometimes fuuer al services were held over coffins filled with wood. Butler offered a letter alleging that Marsh had prevaricated about the disposition of bodies. Ad journed. WASHINGTON NEWS. Ohio Heard From. PROGRESS OF THE STAR ROUTE TRIAL. THE JEANXETTE COCBT. Washington, D. C. March 29. The Jesnnetts court of inquiry will reconvene at the navy department to morrow for the examination of the four menibcrB of the Jtaouette crew who have recently returned from Siberia. OHIO MUST BE R ETK IS EXT ED. The president will not take any action with regard to the vacancy in his cabi net caused by the death of Postmaster 5'-. . (leneral Howe before next week. A del egation from Ohio, consisting of Osn, OroBveuor, Briggs Cunningham and W. P. Lippiurftt called upon the president this sfteraoon and ured uiwn him tho importance of having his cabinet repre sented from Ohio. Representative Iiut terworth, of Ohio, nlso hud an inter view with the president. ST AH KOLTE TRIAL. In the star route trial Dorsey was on the stand, and described the routes from Trinidad to Madison, and from Garland to Parrot City, and claimed that his ac tion in regard to the latter route had ro- eulted in tho discontinuance of over 100 miles of service. Nothing sensutional was developed. The direct examina tion of Horsey by Merrill whs cloned to day, and cross examination commenced but no new points developed. Adjourned till tomorow. MOVEMENTS OV Til K MEXICANS. Ex-President Diaz and purty wrcnt to Mount Vernon this morning on the United .States steamer Dispatch, escorted by a large delegation of officials. General Diaz and party were entertain ed at dinner tonight at the Mexican le gation. They will leave for New York tomorrow in the special train provided by the Wabash, Ht. Louis & f'arific rail road, which brought them through from St. Louis and Chicago. From New York the party goes to Boston for two d;3-s, mnl utter visiting Albany, will return to (jitlvefiton. ON THE. OTIIKR SIDF. Mt. iEtna Still Talks. Murdered For Money. TIIK OKOdllAVHICAU SOCIETY. Fiiankfokt. March 19. The Geo graphical society today advocated the resumption of polar expeditions. FAILHD. London, March 29. Antouis, Luis, Schute & Co., general merchants and cigar importers, failsd. Liabilities, S2,000 pounds. MT. .KTNA. Catonia, March 29. Tha crators of Mount JEtna are again active. The rumblings of tha volcano and frequent signs of earthquake are evident. TIIK KNTIIHONKMENT. Canterbury, March J9. Tha en thronement of the Archbishop of Canterbury took place today. The traditional enthronement ceremonies were observed. A dense crowd waa in the cathedral The Duke of Edin burgh representatives of Oxford and Cambridge universities, and a great concourse of clergymen, and the bish op of Saskatchftwan and the bishop of Long Island were present. FOUND MURDERED. Pestii, March 39 The Count Van Macklock Majlath Von Sechly, presi dent of the court of cassation, has baen found murdered at his residence at Ofan. Ila had been strangled and his tongue cut out. His bands were bound tightly together with ropes. His body was lying on the bed in the count's room whn discovered, and the ceunt was not undressed. There was a ropa hanging from the window of the apartment to.the street below. The count's hous'a had been roDbed by his murderers. A hussar, stationed at Count Van Macklock Majlath on Sachlev's residence has been arrested on suspicion of murdering the count. Chicago Grain Market. VP TO 3 O'CLOCK P Special Dispatch to the IIekalb. Chicago, March SO. Call 3 wheat. m. Apri : May, 110; : July.llO ; No. 3, 92. CORN. AprilJXo. ,53; Mav,57; June,.V7; July, 57J ; new mixed, 52. OATS. April, 40; May, 43; June, 4lA. Plattsmonth City Markets. PBOVI8I0NS, FBU1T, FEED AC. (BKTAIL) Reported by M. II. Murpby & Co. Flour.. Meal... &3.00&4.SO perevt. " Bran. .85 c " Chopped Feed S1.25 itye .riour i:nhim Klonr !.? 00 Butter ai&.icts pr lb Cheese (part mm) is Cheese (full cream) w Sugar Cured Hams 17 Bacon 14 Shoulders 15 nrirt Beef 15 Poultry si..") qj, per noz. Eirci iuu e. Cabbage.. 1X1 c. Choice I'otatoes Sweet VSc to ct. per bu. " 75 cts " . 75 ct " 1.H0 Ct " Beets Onious Apples (wiuter) Sweet Cider Oysters, select Common . i5cperird 4iS per cau Public Sale. Xotlec Is herebr eiven that I will cell at nub ile front of the oounty clerk's oaice. In Flattsnioutta, Cass Co., Nebraska, at 2 o'clock p. m. en Saturday, the 3lt day of March. 1883, certain personal property .ol one John Johnson, deceased. Said property con sists of oue sbot gun. one pistol, one wateli and cnaiu, one ua ntuie, sc. P. P. G ASS. Coroner Cass Co.. Neb. Plattsmootb, March WtU, tssa. 4&w2t .'"" - . v r - y Plnttnih.uth Telephone Lxt Iidiijrc. 1 .1. P. Voiiuk. rni i. i 3 4 A i 7 M :i in 14 ir Id 17 IS ll M ai n livniH II w .-v It. More. M. M. Murphy ., llt.iihfr Nlahlt-fl. t oKiily 1 i i k't nici. i;. it. i.i-wi- reMiire. V Western I 1 1 rli-(rlnli otllo- J. II. Wheeler, reilili uvu l. A. Caliiiiliell, JL. II. U IikIiuiiii, .!;,. Wayniiiii, ' .(. W. .li llllllH'l, W. ii I-.", i.llice. Moiilsney linn,, olllro. V. It. 'al ter, iou. U. W. I'iiirtli'ld, i-lti-iii'i. M. II Mmpliy, l. II. Wheeler A f . irtllee. I. P. Tlt)lur. levulenee, ! ilsl National Hank. i& P. Ii, Uiltliiei 's olllen. W .1. P. Voimi;, kti.n;, I'eikllis House. W K. W. Ilyrn, re-lieiicu. ill .liniriilil iillli'e. lit IlKIIAI.n l'l H. Co olllco. X, .1. N. Wise, lesl.l. n,e. ;til H, M. I hainaii, " .'7 V. I. Junes, ;iH A. N. .M.lllvan, ' 11. I'.. J'iilmei, " 1 W. II. Sehil.H.iierlit, oilier. 41 .Sullivan V Wiin i y, il A. W. Mei.auKhlin. ichUiie,. -l'l A. I'allelMill. Ihi ly. 41 C. M. llclnies, 4r I.. I. I'.i lili. ll, reslilene.-. W, (ii ii. S. S 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 , i,e,.. 47 J.. A . Moure, thir st . 4!t .1. W. It. II lies, M It. II. MvlliU'liin, nil), e, K7 .1. . WeeKliaeh. ii.p,,.i,,.u. Xir, I'liaiilalii Wiluhl. 310 V. II. .sehililkiiei lit " MH lil-il. M. MliiUH. S- ll. It, I.H IliK-tull. 3lj I'. Pallanl, Till' liWitell lloar.l I OIIIIItIb - III. Aslilan l. AiIiii:dij. lii.iir. roni,,.,! nioii- i...... I iiualL i an. I I'.I K Inn hi ,'in. Proposals for Military Sup plies. III'. WXI-AII I I IIH.ZIM''!' OK I II (: I'l.ATiT lilt I t.iiial li i niasii i 's tillee m MM. NKts.. Man l, v'lh, IVkt K l.l l J Jioi oh i.s. in ti , ml, ,i,i..,.i ,.. the the I.Mial .-..i illijonN, uill he lee. He.i at tl.U olliee lllilll U o'i UirW SI., on U , ,l,...i.... Al.l ll In, is-.), or ,il t he t :i,ur liinir r. ,!.. -i I,... the ilillen iH-.; in time. i ;,f i,, ..ii,,.,.- ,,, Oil.irl.'n.iasl.i sail he lolh,wn. name,! Btl ion-, at w hu'll s an.l t ) j.y he ui.i tirii ill the .ie-ei,.'. o l.ntil.-j s. tin II,,, f u I j, f ' i I ti LC an.l l livery i.l ll., ry Mi,.,.H ihirmn thn eai eoii iui ii. inv; .iiiiv 1..I, Ihki, m,a emlln,r .lillie .Kllll. ll. a follows : Wo,.,l ..U I ( liaieoal. oi Mi. h of h.iI.I s.i,,i, s ,f,.. , re.iiiir. al On. ti.a l. ,ol. I 01 ( Omaha. J-oi t .-. mm., ,ii ,i. i l noiie. i n.-vi'iim-i r.oi.i i ...i Uis.-i. ll. I'i. it Mlecle. Toil Jua. K,i Koi.i... l oll lli i.l i i. J -, i. J.auinni. I on. AleKln- ney hoil Ua-liakle, .,, j,(. rhornhuiKh. ami lot l he (l. livi iy at I m l l hi.nioiuvli i-i ;jm tons of oal of '.'i'n ioiuns to tlin !. j i.,,.,ha,s , io he iec, jveil aj ,l,. nil to I lie itay ami hour ::l,i.v,. i,:..,.. ,i i... " .1 III 1 I T ill LI I f, IHIIltl, lie:i I I f , i t Iim in in. -no, ii, in.e i.l lint i i, i,., I';., hi.. I..ii Iwuy, hi i-iiu i iioi!.iioi ioiih or oai of 2 'lo ;,., I" mil. .umi i or lie ve I v al ll,.,:.i.i. li. ...... oral 'In! Ions on the timlji ln,e of Hi,. I uiou l'a ellii: Kai way east Ii out heaiuiy J in, el Ion, of tWH lllllllOII iOI,.n, I'OHI. Ml,. I I,,., i... pouiiils at. J;nls Joi i ram hlfoniii ( .o. ti... late per In i ll,, -n.,1 ner hmhu. I'lotiosals for eilher elas of t li tioiie.t. or loi .:iaiitiljes jess th.-in nn' JioJ eIlllre.l will he r.eeiveil. . Jiaell proposlil Nholilii l.i Ii, tililleate, hi I'AIIAI K I ou KAi ll All! II'I.K AT l:M II K' ATli, V. Jll.ll lMlii.ll... eoinpanieil hv a hoinl In lhtMiiiii ol live Jiimil leil dollars ( s aiui eveeuleij Hllellv In i.,.r,i . anee with the onnli il lie t rnel n.i, u,.,i Ihehlaiikfoiui liiinifhiil in, .lei Hit's sol 1 1; 1 1.,.. inelit, Kuaiaiili eii,t; HiMi M. parly Inaklln the liru iiiMai snal iiot ml H uwiin. . -..,1.... ixly days from the ilale aiiriouneeil lor ooen- HIK I Mi-III ; Mini kiiiiiillea l,i,l tor thereiiliih r. he will, williiu teu ilays'HfK r he iliK liotilled of the awiil. (,ro lle1 Kuril noil Ileal ion he luaiJe w, thhi IlieoWiv ,!.., nieiitioiiel.)iieee(,t . Kame ami furnisli koo.I ami siilheleiit suietien, nt onee. fo IIk; lallhful liei formaiiee of t lie l onii aet. 'J lie (;iivei iilnent lexerveH the iiiht to r.-ieet aiiv or i Hals. pie. ere, lie will l(.Jvell toaitlcleh of domeM Ic production. lilauK in ouos.ils and i,r iite.l el, i,l.-. .. int; the kind, ami Ht i n . i ,l n i. ,.r Wood, Hay and t'hareoal ronuiieil m oneh .f-i- tlon, ami nlvinji full ii.Mriiilioim us to th mit'iiiei- of iM.nliiitf, ouniil ioiiM to he ohi-el vcit hv hhhiers and tel ins ol eiinl i m i ..i. ,,i i... furnished on appJieal ion to dm oflii i'Vir lotlm yiiarteiiuaneis at the Vai lous'stat ion iiameil. I'.ll Vl lolie , I nlil.illile-- l, i'oi, .1,, i I... marked :--"J'roio,als l.r m 1 " and addiessed to the undeMj'iied or to the le Hpeetive J'.jst and liepot. Juurtei-inaMers. . st t- .'yM v- L,1'KV. apliiin. A. I). M . I . S. A .. In ph:ir:' of ! li 1 ..f. lice, lep'l. of the J ialte. . '.''I I HOUSE, SIGN, AND Carriage Painter, Faior Mmi GraiiiiiiL Glazia A A 7 KALSOMINING. Iavc orders :it V, urriek'n. natlsmoutli, J'eii. KENDALUS) 2X35 ThkMust Siccttssiri, KKMiMir ent dis covered as it i" ceitaiu In Its eileetK arid tines riot blister; Alto exeeiiei.t lor liuuiau llerli. KKAJJ 1'iiOOJ BELOW. ritOM COL. I. T. FOSTER Youngftowu. Oliio, May 10th, J)0. B. J. Kendall & Co.. Gents : I bad a very val uable 1 ainhletoman colt whlnh I prized very highly, be bad a targe bono rpavin m one Joint and a small one on the other, wliirli made Iiim very lame ; J bad hlni under the charge of two veterinary suii;eoii who failed to cur him. I wax one day reading tiie adverilneiueiit O Kendall s hpanu lire in the Chicago tx- Drecs. I ueteamiued at mice to try it. ami our drugniittn here xeiit lor it. they ordered three bottles. I took them all and thought I would give it a thorough trial, I usedilt aceording to di rections ana me lourin nay me con ceaieu to be lame, and the lumpit bad disappeared. I used but one bottle and the colts iimu ar as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the state, lie I entirely cured, llie cure waa so remarkable that 1 let two ot my neighbors have the remaining two bottles w no are now using iu Very itcsjiectiuiiy, 1 T. FOSTER. Kendall's Spavin Cure OX HUMAN FLESH, fatten Miils. N. Y.. Feb. 21. 1878. B. J. Ken da i.i. & Co.. Gents The particu lar caie on which I used your Kendall'. Spavin Cure wan a malignant ankl sprain of sixteen months standing, l naa triea many tiling, but in vain. Your Spavin Cure put the foot to the gro in a 'round again, and for the firt time Mnoe bu ft a natural position. For a f.nnilj- liniment excells an thing we ever used Yours truly, KEV. M. P. BEI.L. Pastor of ii. E. Church, Pattens Mill. N. Y fiend addret-s for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive proof of lt virtues. No remedy baa ever met with nui-b uu'iUMllfled 8uccet t our know ledge, for beaht aH well as nian. Price $1. per bottle, or six bottles for S5. AH Prus.-ifts have it or can get it, for you. or it will he oent to any address on Teeeipt of price by tha proprietor. Lilt. B. J. KUNJJAL1, i CO. Etioslmrg i alls. Vt. - - - 3-ry SOLE) HY AL& Oni'G GISTS :. y,i,i. ,m 34 JHi