PLATTSnODTH HERALD. rUBLIMIIEU DAILY A til) WKEKLT BY Pervonsl. George Hanson in spending the day In town. MitTur Weckhach want to South Tie Plattxmoiith Eerali PdMisMjie Co. momm. Attorney Drown, of Ashland, patted through on Xo. 1 this morning on his way home. M .T. Orassinau returned this iug from Dm Moines for a Bhort visit with his parent. Dr. Keller went to Omaha this morning to attend the commencement exeicises and receive his diploma. for CHy and County Directory, (Uil way TWae Tables. Telephone Kxchasg Oulo Dl rectory, Buslnefla Cards Ac. m tblrd page. JUT. I STOVE, - City Editr. A. Salisbury. Ueutlat. Board of trade tonight. A whitewash iu the uolice court tu-d.y. The Land will be at the rink again to-Dlght. A good time is prenihit-d. One hundred and oue voters, thus far, have registered iu the First ward. The boys who went to Omaha to bear the opera last night, say it was Im mense. They had front seat too. A lot of boxes filled with new good were unleaded at the Opera House Clothing Stare this morning, brand ed -S. & C. Mayer." Carefully glance over the advertise ments in today's paper and inform yourself of what our business men are doing and what they have to do with. W. II. Daker.riatUmouth, Nebraska, is treading the pavements at the Bluffs, and eating at the Ogden. Omaha Dee. Mark Palmer, of western Kansas, cauie In on Xo. t yesterday, for a few days visit with his sister Mrs. Geo. Clarke. He reports the west booming Walter Houseworth was down from Omaha last night to attend the bas ket social. Walter dou't come down now as often as be used to. Wonder why? Itobert Wittke. private secretary of Gov. Hale, and a big stock man, from Wyoming, was a pleasant caller at the 1 1 icr a i.i office today, in company with Ilenrv McMaken. The Nebraska State Teachers' Asso ciation it In session at Columbus. Our. teachers don't indulge in celu&i-bi s-4 but Uke their' after dark over the front gte. Eleven cars of cattle were shipped from Plattsmouth to Chicago yester day. J. B. Holmes shipped flvo cars, T. S. Core, a; d Gcrrau & Ho; gl fid three cars e;.ch. Frank White an. I L. V. Muii..w j re skirmishing arou d the Pla ts today river for leathers. Their pi n s to scare the ducks until their feathers come out, tl.en send the doga after the leather. Avoea Letter. Avoca, March 26, 1883. Ed. IIkhai.d:-Have been busy for the pHt two weeks getting opring work done up early nnd wjjeat sown; however. I must spare time for a small budget of Avooa news thin week. I'lay an honest game, Dan, and look out for paint. E. F. Colby has returned from his business and pleasure trip in the f uth, tmnt hi pl-iti'iiii in there, and reports having a pleasant time, and everything prosperous. O. T. Hock well has relumed from his lonr visit in Miehiun, bringing with him one of the fair daughters af The Basket Social. The basket social last night was one of the anoit enjoyable gatherings that has .assembled iu Plattsmouth for some time-, and unlike the average church sociable was not a bore. The most amusing feature was the sale of baskets. The amusing part of it to us was the fact that there were not bas kets euough to go around, and it was aggravating, after fumbling our 25 cent piece in our hand until we had the eagle nearly worn ofl', to confi dently walk up for a basket and dis cover that they were all gono. Ve wasn't hungry, anyway, but just wanted to try our luck. And there was a married man who "not left" too, and he had to stand around and witness two young men loading up on the delicious viands his wife had prepared, and which he paic? n couple ol small boys a quarter to carry there. We know that man suffered," and we were gl id, then, that we hadn't got that basket, aud that we wasn't divid ed, oursclf, so us to have a better half. O Jier young meu, who had no fami lies, but ought to have, were also dis appointed in not getting baskets; they were hungry, too, and managed to get pretty close to the kitchen. Some of the youug ladies (or old ones) must have known that more would be needed, and had an extra; supply of good things in the kitch en so that there was some solace for the untortuuates after all. After supper music aud a geurral good time were the order of exercises. All wont home feeling that it bad been good for them to bo there, and all joined iu pronouncing the buvkct social most e.ljoable occasion. The United Brethren conference held at Uoadilla closed last week. Rev. G. ft. Swartz will take charge of the Concord circuit. It. A. Bishop, the Stove Creek. Plattsmouth to be supplied. Rev. Lam bert goes to Cheney. P. L. Swan to Polk county mission. P. W. Scott to Vesta circuit. LOST. Between the post office and Dovey's store, a black kid glove for the right baud. The finder w;ll greatly oblige by leaving the name at II rt fc Co.'s butcher shop. 27 d3t v B Buy St. Josep.i No. 1. flour. d at Laadrelh's aad Others Garden Seed. A fine line of bulk seeds comprising all kinds of garden seeds, the largest line ever before kept we have in the mar ket this spring. Before buying vegeta ble seeds of any kind, cull and see us. wgt&d 2t a w U. V. Mathews. St. Joseph Xo. 1. flour sold only by Beuuett & Lewis. d 2t "Art is nature passed through the Alembalc of man." Emerson. Geo. Graybill, teacher ol a thor ough and practical system of physi cal aud vocal culture, nnd expr ssion by voice and action. Children's classes, advanced class es, Spakespeare or Milton classes, private classes, public and parlor readings at reasonable rates. Office at the Perkins house. Remember the Board of Trade meet ing tonight. St. Joseph Xo. 1. L a guaranteed to be equal to the St. Louis flour. d 2t Every suck of St. Joseph Xo. 1. flour is sold with a guarantee and can be re turned if not as represented. A new .ine of liue tiros goods con sisting of the latext styles and patterns just received at Week bach's. 23?tf ITo Humbug Here! I Can Outsell any One Price Clothing Outfit In riattsmontli S"T SO 3P23H. GENT., And Htlll Make H.aejr. Both Here and at mj Branch Store, AT LOUISVILLE, As I Buy For Cash. Remember the above statement. C. G. HEROLD. 23d-2w-lui BT. I. SIMPflON, AGENCY FIRE INSURANCE CO'S: CITY, of London, QUEEX, of Liverpool FIREMAN FUND, of California T IK IE B. & M. R. R. One bundled and fifty loaded cars were transferred over the Plattsmouth bridge yi.s erday. They were laden with grain, principally corn, from along the B. & M. west. The company that State, aud with a Cupid and Hy- have Put on nUQiker of extra trains. Judge Post, the new internal rev enue collector, takes possession or the office and begins to draw his salary next Saturday, He doesn't regret tak ing tho office, but it is drawing the sa axy that is tho hard work. men's Uirectory they are proposing to enjoy their honey ou in a plea sure trip to the City d Mutua' Affec tion, in the great State of Matrimony, with "II. X. Cs" ho t congratulations aud ;rsMI u with them. G. McAsser is threatened with an and yet the cry is for cars. it Feud U tii r. One hnidly knows these days wheth er he is in South Bend or Plattsmouth Yesterday we had the pleasure of Auction: If you have ain M't y'i v. mil t .Li at auction cull on .I n- Fmif. diiwt" 'I he Troy i'Uj Uum.f'y lius removed. to the Mockcnhaiipt build. i;ir iicur the ihi(:k smith shop uul ure pred to do uork. 16-illm Ludies, your t-pecial attention js culled to the new line of dre.s joode just received at Weckbach's. 23itf 2tfebraskA The through line tr Denver and the Mountains, and all points in Southern :inI Western Is'ebru.s ka. EXPRESS COMPANIES: AMKUIOAN EX PKKMS CO., WKLLS. KAUOO & CO. EX i'UKHS. Onioe la HookwrroJ liliM'k , with Juhuson llros SUl'iii WARRANTY DEEDS MORTGAGE DEEDS CHATTEL MORTGAGES QUITCLAIM DEEDS AND LEASES Secure them at the Plattsmouth Herald Ollic FTP ! A FINE LOT OK MACKEREL, LABRADORE HERRIN(J, TROUT, WILD WAVE COD FISH, AjHO a choice lot of LEMOHS AUD OEANCES, We bave a flue tok ol GMQWE FAMILY GROCERIES, FancyHrai.dt ol MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. 1 liavu In Htock h Dha line of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, lie. All our koo1h are new autl li e.Ii. Will Exchange lor Country Proflnce. Linsed OiL Meal Always en Haul Next loor to Court House, Rhittt'iiioiuh, Neb, iwK3". M. B. MURPHY & CO. The ladies who ara conductlnic 9q art loan will publish a thirty page cata logue of the ariielee oo exhibilitn Basinets men are patronizing the aiaiogue noeraiiy with their adver tisemenU. and the IIbbald prints thena. grasping the hand of J. M. r.itt. rHi.n attack of inflammatory rheumatism ; Joe Roberts, Croft Kikenbary. M Mc- Dr. Packard iu atteudauco. Elwain, M. A. Hartigan and a hoBt of Alessrs. Urant & Ilouser sold out ice 1 Ice ! Ice ! X'-vv is the time to contract for vour summer's Mipply ot'iee . Bed rock prices prompt delivery and sujeiior quality of i come ursi s rvei uy liienew ice d-2m3 .Iok Fairfield. ice. 0 man. thir grocery, dry goods and notion stock lo II. l. llciuierH, from Wis. Our grain buyers cannot obtain fa- others. We understand they are here with a view of going into biz. So ere tuug juu way expert 10 near mat we have a bank established by J. M. P., a Fo the c orliee. For sale. ilots together in good location in of Plattsmouth. Inquire at this dtf Eastern Connect ion at PLATTSMOUTH, OIvIAHA and ATCHISON KANSAS, for a! I points last, North and Connections at mm FIXED ON ROOM, FIXED ON LOCATION, FIXED ON GOODS. FIXED ON FITS, FIXED ON STYLES, FIXED ON PRICES, 9 REAL. ESTATE (AN D) COLLECTION A4'ENt V. nnd cilities to ship mare than one-third or paint shop by He, drug stoie br Joe Let tin re be a general turnout at the Board af Trade meeting to-mght. in qLattiou of railrt a It wi 1 be dis cussed, and it is a queai u of vital one-hall or the amount of corn thev hate chance to buy; they are short of cars all the time. (iant St, Ilouser propose erecting a new building this Spring, and stock it with implements and machinery. I. Ilouser has moved iuto G. II. lmnortancc tn iu luhI ii.. I . K iiB vt iisiu ;i .... u . , moutn. Ta k ia chrap ut necessary. t v t , and U efl-.t; . ',. 'i k , . J. E. Beatty has bought Al. Mar- auu i enei u. e on. v when backed UD in. t . , by action. 8 rrfcI1,,'uct? ' t aud commenced J work on cellar at once. He will 6oon George Calder cannot go on his good Lave a "eat dvr,liuST ,lol erected Sawyer's store room and bouse, and and evening the first of the week aud a . loon, nor on his being a Scotchman, nor even on his general good reputa tion and winning ways when Uncle Peter Herges ean go in at a basket so cial, and after George has passed un der the wish-bone, walk off with the wish-bone, basket, school ma'am and all. Dr. Ilildebrand has returned from his trip to Louisville. Sawyer & Bennett arc iucreasiug their hardware, machinery, imple ment and furniture stock in volume and variety, ready for the Spring boom in trade. Charley Spcier rcmaius Troy City laundry. Now Located on W. B. BEOW, Proprietor. Transient Work solicited. Thinklni? mv nutrnni f Ar no . ..,.- t . ,i Show in town la.f ,.ihf . i, Cit XurtUer work." r-.-. ' u. Vf ....jjuw U I Wmo.K -1 . the Platts. boys, toother with IiillT Washiagjon Avanue? muKlt,:u ,UP law offce by Mike, and jail by Croft. We look for Jones and John Boone out in a day or two to start a livery stable and barber shop. Our boys are having a picnic with the ducks and geese. Thad and Clar ence Strejibt were out one mornintr brought iu ten geese and tight ducks. Business with our merchants aud grain men is dull this week. LINCOLN for CENTRAL CITY, COLUMBUS, ATCHISON, wo can fix you to your satis faction on Caps Ruffner. time. More when I have more Shakey. and all intermediate points, P. S. EUSTIS G. W. IIoldhkok, Gen. Pas. Ag't, uen i aupt. Ouiau a. Omaha LEGAL NOTICE. War ! present to assist II. Mr. Looims, ot C. Meuuers. Weeping Water, Elver Beportt .M.B lufumuuii oiuciauy to i lie Department. Tho river at noon todav, lood 7 ft. for the in. above low water mark, showiog A. W. White and Wiley Black start out B a neiu nunt Tor ducks south proposes lo locate here in a few days of town this afternoon. Farmers lir- shoemater. lie is a good work ing six or eight miles out report fields man and deserve eucouragemout. alive withthem, and Alf started out There i a report of a harness mak wlth the recollection of the time when cr locating km 'ig,t us socn. ha sho; twenty-one ducks at oue shot E T. Smith has sold his resldcnco on a grain stack, iuJ he expacU to bag to B. C. M irquaidt. I. Marshall has i7 uirut. bousrht'. MaraliulPa reidi ne lot and intend-) huV.ii TT cj..a. . .1 - . ----n w. m outton, a mne town about We shall soon wUCTAba iuq size or 'iaitsmouth, they telegraph cr il,. have organized a creamery -association work of ere !i a fall of 4 in. siuce noon yesterday. A large flat boat flouted past the city in the Ice yesterday on its wav down the river. The boat was about seveu- ly-nve long aud very strongly built. Several attempts were made to capture i, iuu an ncio unauccessiui. it IS supposed to have broekn loose some wnere up the river near Plattsmouth. The ice was running so heavy at the lime mai no one, save some man who carea naugnc for his . life, would h-ive four lines of dared to have followed the boat in f... I' .cili-: the "m. eo. uJty jvewi For Sale ! NE, Sec. 3, T. 12, R. 13. S E Sec. 3, T. 12, R. 13. S. W. Sec. 3, T. 12, R. 13. and JSi Hi. W. Sec, 10, T. 12, R. Ida Anna Teach vs. Gustavous H. Peach. depart- pnme In the district court, in tlie spemwl' (u,ii,.i..i district i and for Case county! sSbraA",! J'11 xeacn, noii-resideut de fendant : Vou are lierebv nunA o. ..f. 1 1. J , a petition aaKrt yoTii, theXAcur t oi uiu j on. on 13. E S. W. Sec. 31, T. 13, R. 13 E , Lot 10, Block 28. h Kaintlff 'J II n.1 5"1 y. ulf.ned - j 1 ; j mov t . aiiu also lor Lll Ion are reimirH t.. un....... ... : . ..... orhf,.rK-v:;;7i;r."V".v5' pennon on v.m oi iiaj 13S3. By Smith and Bc-eson her AAttorney8rKACH 62 1 4 3, &9, Si 9, Duke's Addition. 59. 23. 11. Road Notice: To all whom it may concern The commissioners appointed to locate a rond tvuvuiH, io, a ana -a, town 12 N STTtVir. v . r. w 10'm cha us to 50 links A. of th i-; u ...... . r llde.SlSBC- 15 thence went Trunks and Va rices. Furnishing wymore, go o c! s , Week- wear, cfec. Fresh Goods in every ment of quality One price and no monkey busi ness, lie mem ber the place, Mockwood block C. E. WESC0T3?, The only "Boss" Clothier. Law and collection hii; ,-. tly hi tended to ut lu, oiJn. iti.u Jnu. cee.l. rcinitied witl...nt mi. Noti.i iul work, uu c; micin aud abtraeling attend). i ,!u h(,oi ticc. and nul isluclion zuumu.wl i' 1 1 . . ..." ii ineic IK any llilli Me no . specially of. it ih tilv and real itMie. Several liue latu.k ul Home will land at baraiiiM. i-iib.rlmf men ean get a home by it:y m; inuit li ly whui they now pay lor houc Sj)Hce forbila giving but a auiall percentage of tho bargain now on the books at this agency; we name thv following': bix choice half aero lot, 8 minutes from 11. II. shops, at from $Q to $160 each, and on terms that would make a man ashamed to say he did not owu a house. Come and see, you are not compelled to buy and we wont jjivo these lots away, but you can get them so ihey will absolutely cost you noth iug. - . lirA A t man 1.4 1 . " I f ... ' "ui iui! nine irom env $250 part on time. Eleven acre lot i mile f5i,. lorooo tins is extra fine. for city I have three pieces of outside prop erly which 1 cau sell and under take to furuish purchaser iViirlr enough to pay for them, now I win furnish the ground and you the work work is what hurls me. It you will do the work at a fair price 1 will KiVe you a clear deed for the land; if you cuu't do the work come and nvti me 1 may find home one who will do it i'or you. 1 en acres for $ 5O0 00 4 600 00 " " 760 00 " 2600 00 Several hinall tracts well iuiprovet it adjoining ihc city, lor sale al a point n ine i chains ; theuce mi i , N .66 west 8 chains; thence south T -iu- w The above described farms are lBJ sale on W time, with T es ; t.,f uu save commenced the erection of buildings, etc. Why can't we have one here? Furm a ioint stoHr mm. pany and utilize in capital now lying j iate. j!.nougn cows run around on Mai ii atrest erery day to furnish milk for o ie of ordinary capacity. cross-b to: .. ed rapidly furwaml. H.i r- poll- aud p-.jrt bciug push- N. C. II. THE JAPANESE TEA TARTY. Many Attritions for thi 0 Tho lufica tif It I . . r; titl , . i vi hue i j esoj lerittlj iiaior Whealer hao L.n tho I . rw.Tar. a- " ' " cuurcn nave all arrauSeuii,u made 7n-9nKKln for their entertainment. A leading :hm Z" W1 crP. Uallery and -academv of designs. r . r i vue laaiyear. magnificent collection which. the amount on hand, and the prospect, consisting chiefly of works w u. wmier grain, etc. mis Is the first of a series of circulars that will be issued monthlj, and the returns, as filled out. be forwarded to the depart- J ment or agriculture, at Washington D.C. a while of the modern school of art. embraces several of the Renaissances and a few originals from the old "masters." The music will be furnished that evening by the B. s M. band; and a supper of much magnitude will be spread for the At the Japanese tea party to be given at Rock wood hall by the ladies of tho Presbyterian church, many at tractive features are being prepared to enliven the occasion; an art gallery will be among the features of note. A Japanese lady from a distance will be present. Supper will be served,, and each one partaking will be pre sented with a Japanese cup and saucer. Sapper. 33 cents; admission to hall, 10 cents; children, 5 cents. Bennett & Lewis have taken the agen cy for Qoff & Fleischman's com Dressetl yeast and will receive it fresh twice each week. This is the lest yeast in the mar ket. Call and get a sample package rcc. a 2t for sale on lone tim with V O 7 -1 cent, interest. Apply to K. B. WINDHAM, d9tf PlatrsmmiH. Vtol. - r cur- i . rui'in-r i. -. i:uiK.f 111 Secure Yourself a II OM E! Forty Aoren i.ijtl of iu City Lot, S m Palmer's Addiiion. of S E. corner ot seeV U; t,,e.v Xe-1 T m S chains trt o nint kj. ii.. i. . " " ,v ' w w m lillrvH , m t,l (Jj,. l er .(ir. I . , on nonh iit- oi .i-c. m, ,n ;, und f .vi.i. ..4 ww REPAIRING all oojcetion.H th-u-:.. or . l jt : damages, iui be flieU in Hi,- :..,:, t' t -5 oilice, on or IWore iio.m on rli. i,: . .. 'K ? All reahoiiable rale V A KA1 i.AM8. ) aeree, wild $ (JOU 00 W0 imnrov'd ttjui nri Jooo 00 6000 00 6200 00 6000 00 at I CO 'A'O V?4 t inest tock """i uiioiu rficre iicc i.ireto I o;mtj Clik. Legal Notice. I- the district court of Usi cwuut v Nebrmi -In the mat er of the a, plu h... i iliry S J nrtminutratrix of u. t ir: On rradimr the if iii 7, "V r' ' " MiinUtratrU of tle.e fA"Z. sZ I, 1 ADJOISI2VO TUK Ji. & M. RAILROAD SHOPS, LeilMll rf Yl t u.. lit Ii. u ...... the aid .ieceateJ uied seized of eertaiu real estate therein described, aud that it is ni'es ary tonsil the i t., , Ji.J A-i?. ..t' n deeeaa-d. nn.l nr- .. f ..... v.. - " " rr. j 71 f.-'.;fc u iiccuio to en tlie Just out-ide the City limits, and nf sub- VVJ " ject to city Taxes. We have just received another invoice FINE RFSTT)FrVrl' T rkTfi of wall paper. Don't fail to see our IVCOllACH 1 LUib ,T.J cai rsiate ior mat pur- poje. It u ordered that said petition be heard before Hon 8. B. P.und. Judge of the dK S2riAnK"i&Wwnj;y ?f Ca.,. at The of- The A. O. H. ball last evening was guests. Everyone should attend. complete - ucceaa in CTerv senna Between sixty and seventy tickets were sold and the dancers just coni forUMy filed the hall. The supper at Murphy's popular restaurant was in keeping with the rest of the pro gramme, and the dancing and eating were kept up until from sheer exhaus- I a a. . uou iney nau 10 stop. The A. O. II. are to be congratulated upon the suc cess of their first entertainmsnt. Tae H rl l take great pleasure in anaouuein-f Mrs. Simpson's Musicale tonight, ut her Muic Rooms, ilrp. Siutpsou ha wi rkvd lung and faith fully in this chy, and nany indeed stock before buylDg elsewhere, 22d3t Will J. Warmcs:. Pecks Bad Boy. Bound in book form at Warrick's. d6t Fer Sale er Trade. Two good cows, with calf, for trade euner ior stocic-hog or fat cows. En qu!re at Jonathan Hatt & Co.'s. Dra. Clutter & Marshall, dentists, Fitzgerald's block, have their beautiful suite ot rooms fitted up in the finest style They have all the latest improve ments in the dental art.and are prepared to perform all operations in their line in tho most com Die te and atifn manner. Both members of the firm are uenusts ot ability and experience. Dr. Clutter having an experience of sixteen yfar, and having enjoyed a most suc cessful practice throughout this vicinity for the naiit five tmm Tt ix i 1 1 the new member ot " the firm comes' u Tie oniy r8t cI88 brbr "hP and among us with the highest recommenda- ?a TOm luu? cL,y at Jo ord- iions irom nis iormer nome at Ttnrlinfr i ui- uwu ton, Iowa. dwlt House to Bent. Inquire of Chaplain Wright dtf For Sale. A desirable house and lot within three blocks of business. Very chean. En- w We kindly ask the ladies of Platts- llinnth and rnnnft. Mall J . ave re. e ved I heir musical mstruc- as possible aad inspect the . nA quire of Sullivan & Woov r. .. i . . I ".. . . "! .uu irom on, nn ca ao always Deen ' " aress gooas received this a c:edit aud phaaure to t!ira. Every week in desirable shades of terracotta, year Mrs. S. prepare u-r is for a j,"f Musical, siruilar to ,hc oue which v.ietie; of lrd JK" 10c. regular price 15c We. will take pleasure in sho win sr vou the novltia f the season sod fruarantee these mxwia never before shown in Plattsmouth. w dawlt Soi.OMOif A Hatbax. thev hilt U evening, and which af for7 psrouts anf 'trleod o:4the pupils food opportunities for witnessing the progrtS-i made. A Sqaare Meal Can be had at the City Hotel for oaly 25 cents and lodging at Same reasonable tatea. farmers and Commercial Men will please bear this in mind. d&wtf In city. Boose f Kent. oue of the best locations in the Inquire of J. W. Jennings. . dtf where a shop man, or any other man, can eai iu dinner under nisown roof and uot cold grub from a dinner pail in the dusty, smoky shops. -Only three to ten minutes' walk from his work. Call on JAS. S. MATHEWS, Att'y at Law and Real Estate Agent. Over Baker's Store.will make terms to suit XiOts from $-iO to $50 On time.or for Cash,to men that will build N Lota for Speculators I i HOUSE, SIGN, AND Carriage Paintor, GrainiM, Glaziii, Paper fiaatijif, KA1-SOMINING. I SrWl Whaa va iic civia in i mp nuirinr i . . .;:' . v , " " lu county ol fjas. auS tT,l.-'i: fVf.K. A " u""r oiered that iuuiiiiii at leant iour sueceafiir weeks before cairi da flr.n vi ITT petition, in the PlatUmouth Hibald, a. week ly newspaper published at PlatUmouth in ilid county of fca... Wiluah Oai ii j "la auniran arwooley. Judxe Presidii'i Attoniay. far Petitlaaers. 62tJ Sherwood'S, Notice to Farmers. A flrtl 1mm ... V- . ui n unt n iiooi thn nrna. St.. - ..TabhetZ' 8ucn frui t'ee. srape lllnh v r',Wrod?-, '" P1 and laede Plattsmouth, Neb.. "W-M JOHN LEE LEY. Notice to Tfiafih firs. Fridal,iHtJ,70iSBce ,n rJa'tmouth tke fir.t , - iu . uuijr anu Saturday, and a weeping water the third Haturdav of S " land to any school buafnes that BIAV ...... . j - f.ocurou LVIDI ALTOV Superintendent Estray Notice. Taken up by the subscriber at hi place iu the city of Vlatt-uiouth ou the 7th day of Kebra- 19 i?" ne,,t1n' i nrown inara supposed to be i . --j1 - maris, i no owner U hereby notified to call, prove property par - tome uci sway. Plattsmouth. Feb. 27th 18S3. ' UVIi Jarin iu i', onuni. j Itllhit. $2500 IJVO . . v. li.!. lir J ' (eash) llju 111' r Iti 1 1' k MTV. i ifoii, liop(t'lieap)4il0u 176 " - 1W Hi 100 bit) MA) u ubuu want tu 1-U ;i !, JtiO AwV .-IT;.-. ( Of r i In; 1 I !: i. t.i V --.l,li'' t.,i uVf" 1 ll'i IrOHl .1HH. .! - uiti t o tH) icai ai ce 1 can liu.l wi.ii r.n tni line ii ;i,u wll call aud me uus.ijea i.ouki-k and loin for sale at much lower liuje. will be unked six im.uthe iieuce. Stores and diveiling ren ed Sbd for nt, relit iiroiiipily eolJtcted. 1 1 you dou'i cc v1ihI you want in ihn eoliiiuii oiuo ami Mk fori! l're lrobMbl i..iMti Jum hat you want. Urtice iicurO every eTenln from 0 io o. ;o,d new house and two fine lots In good h.Cition t.riee, 800. w. S. WISU,-.-.-Utiiorz Qlock VUTtATgw CI UCTTTin is Hal J th. ... ri7.T'"a-1' Bockwood Block, I,!atkmoul!J Nc-L BOYD & LASSEN," Contractors and Builders- Will gjre esthnates ou all kinds of work. ' Any owners ieir at ine Liimbrr Vards or Tout Offlcs will rect i ve promot attention . Heavy Truss Framing, , for barns and large buildings a specialty. For refaienee spply to J. p. Youiie. J. V. W Choice Candies! Home-made nl Wui ranted Strictly Pure. MEALS AND LUNCH at all hours. C)"rP?,lXir:.'d.'at tlip HP. 32. CEJilsT IX', ' JAMES A VTir- iw .A bach or J H. A. Wateroiau Hon. dm.