A 4 t .BS - i VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1883. A lie - piMfem0ntlj . Brill i t ; t - , 1 i f i 1- u v. 5- THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full JLine General Merchandise. Full ILinc General Merchandise. Always on Hand, Always on Hand. IJottorngPrices for Cash. Bottom Prices for Cash JOSEPH V. WECKBACH. ii BURLINGTON- ROUTE" (Chicago, Burlington A. Qulncy Railroad.) III I ill T 1 ' Ss?r-7'-SLJJ MZ&rYVf2Z!d GOING EAST AND WEST. t Day Cottcbea, Parlor Cars, with Raclin haira (seat. free), bmoklnr Carm. vith Ha rm uuurs. tmuman Palace Bleeping Cars and lfMI famous C. B. St Q IHning Cars run daily to and i.mrgo at n uiy. vmrago az council Bluffs. Chicajr o A Des Moines. Chtc&cro. fit. Ju- pepn. Atcblsoa & Topeka. Only through line be- CUcaro, Lincoln St Denver. Through cars an Indianapolis & Council Bluffs ria Peoria. wt. It is tail connections made in Union Ikaowsi as the creat THROUGH CAB GOING NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Trains of Elegant Day Coaches and Pull man Palace Bleeping Cars are run dally to and from St. Louis, via Hannibal, Owner, Keokuk, BurUncton. Cedar Raoidsand Albert Lea to St.i Paul and Minneapolis; Parlor Cars with Reclining Chairs to and from St. Louis and Peoria and to ana irom ti. uoma ana ottumwa. Only obu change of cars between St. Louis and Dee Biotnes, iowa, uiuvun. Kebraaka, aaa Vesrer, It l3 ururereauy admitted to be the Finest Equipped Railroad In the World far all Claaaaa af Travel. fT. J. POTTER. 3d Vioe-Pres't and Gent Manager. PERCEVAL LOWELL. Gen. Pass. A'i. ChlesM. ALWAYS AHEAD! BENNETT & LEWIS, rvj B sat inE Staol C'oiue to thf front with a complete i-tock of e and Fancy Groceries FRESH AND XI CE. We alwa;. 8 buy the best goods in the market, ami guarantee everything we sell We are sole agents in this town for the sale of PERFECTION" GROUND SPICES, AND TOE CELEBRATED it BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the market. Piatt's "Tiger" brand of Baltimore Oysters always on hand. Come ami see us. We ill make you glad. THIS CELEBRATED AX FOR SALE B f elf: . JOHTSOK BROS., -- DEALERS IN Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Tb Lt aii.l mt caipU-v aa-ortmei'.t in the city. In the ROCKWOOD BlOCK, lvu tJ.-.r west of CurtUths. CALL AND SEE US. IFILOUIEL - A X D At Wholesale and It c tail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see me. Opposite First National Hank. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. 1 en --- TELEGEAPHIC OPERA HCUSE CJLOTHIICItN, Ail- Orden takui tor Vt H.)N 1KdS.' sm.lii. GENTS' FTJRMS1IERS. D POST OFFICE Mews Depot, STATIONEKV. NATIONS. CJAsTJDXJUS J-JSTJD CIGARS. J$?h - MASON A HAMLIN ,)KS, PIAMOS. 0 H BOAld) by the DAY or WEEK urphVp CENTRAL RESTAURANT. Meals at All Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. ILn TO" 3EEr JB5 IE3 IRi. Corner Pearl and Seventh Streets. DEAL.ERS rN ALL KINDS OF Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds MZZED PITS, LIME, ILaoivcst Rates. Terms Cash The l'i,. I'TrtMOlTTII i-RUALD PUBLISHING COMPANY i-vi-rj facility for first-class has In Every Department. NATIONAL NEWS. General Howe's Funeral. BRADY ANUKBLLOUU INDICTED. HERE AND THERE. Murder at Hastings. THE t'OMINU CO N CLAVE. If Ucellaneuus. Catalogues Pamphlet Work LEGAL BLANKS, . ATJc5rJ?I035r ZBIT-JLS, SALE BXXjXjS, ' COMMERCIAL Oii7 Stoc7i- of JSlanTz JPajpers And materials in Urrt and complete in everv deDartmnt. OBLIlRS BY -A 3 L EC LICITED. '.PLATTSMOUTH HERALD PUB. CO OCR V1SITOKA. Washinotojc, March 17. Ex-Prei deat Disz, of Mexico, was formally pre sented to the president today, by the sec retary of state, accompanied by several members of the ttnlt, the minister of Rome and General Foster. WILL SOT hkbiux Act iajf upon advice from friends Col- ector lIttincn,of IJrownvilk-, Texas, in forms the acting secretary o.' the treas ury that he muat decline to resign an requested. SHADY AND KKLLtXIO. The grand jury returned indictments this af ternoou against Thomas J. Brady for corrupt official action in connection with two of the Price routes,oue aguinst Wui. Pitt Kelloj; for unlawfully receiv ing money from Price for the conhidera tion ot cortuptly inrtu nciu Brady in regard to Price's mail route, aud one against Brudy and Ktllojjjf fr conspiracy in connection with the bini- routea. UOW It's KL'.NEUAL Kknohiia. Wik, II arch 27. Major Totton auti Fruuk Howe ar here from Waahing'ou. lt--v. H. M. and Hev. Ito'M. C'-llyer re expected here tonight. A diitpatch from Mudmou atates that the entire slate legislature and all atate offi cers will be here touiorrow.including 150 eraoua, A 8pcial tr iiu is placed at their dipo.sd. which will arrive in the morning. The citizen committee from Green Bay will r-ach here tomorrow. A delegation of forty-five will be in attend auce from the Chicago poat office. A special funeral train will convey the party to Green Bay tomorrow, leaving here at eleven o'clock. - All business places in the city arc draped in meurn ing. All business will be suspended during the atteruoou tomorrow. The Kenoaha fire department and various se cret orders will attend the funeral in a body. On account of the large number who will be in attendance it has been de cided to hold the services in the Unitar ian church in order that as many as pos sible may have an opportunity to see and hear. A committee will meet the funer al train at Green Bay. The' remains will be cenveyed first to the hoaae where a short service will beheld beford proceed ing to the grave. About two hun Ired will come from Milwaukee. THE INDICTMENTS Washixgtox, D. C. March 22 After recess the if rand jury came into court with a number of indictments. Among them are the following: The United States vs . Thomas J. Brady for unlawfully receiving of money and post a! drafts to the amount of $3,000, while second assistant postmaster gener al, from Jas. B. Price, as a reward for making a contract for mail service with nee on July 13, 1880, upn the star routes from Soccorro to Silver City. New Mexico. Against Wm. Pitt Kellogg and Thom as J. Brady, for conspirac y on April 17, 1880, with Price to defraud the United States by means of falsw oath" and frau 1 nlent claims to be made for increase! pay for expeditiou on post routes from Munroe to Shreveuort, and from Sn A.n tonia to Corpus Christ i Against Wiu.Pitt Kellogg,ettiug forih that ou April 17, 1880, whilst senator from Louisiana, he did unlawfully re ccive from James B. Price. cCiractor. a certain sum of money in postal draft and promissoiy notes, together to tin value of $2,000,for serv'ce of procuring, persuading and inducing Tiioma J. Brady, second assistant postmaster gen eral, to award and to allow to Price an increase of pay and compensation for carrying the mails, and corruptly in fluencing the action of said Brady there in. Another presentment against Brady for having on or about April 17, 1880, unlawfully received certain money, pos tal drafts and notes, being of a total value of $20,000, as compensation for the service of awarding to Jas. B. Price, mail contractor, in each of the roates from Monroe to Shr eves port and San Autonto to Corpus Christi. to carry the mails with increased speed, and for in creased pay. 1 be witnesses named are John R. Welsh, Jas. B. Price, Jos. Coch ran and J. W. Brady. AOCOXVODATIONS FOB 6UBBTS. San Fbancmco, llareh 17. The xecutire committee of the Knights Templars hare not been successfu Ayet in arranging for the accommoda tion of Tlsiting commanderies. Only two houses, the Occidental and Leek hare agreed te contract for any definite numbers. The others saj they wil stretch accommodations to their ut most, but will not contract. First come, first ssrred. A' meeting will be held today of the committee and hotel msnagers to endearor to settle the UISCHAKGED. Nkw Yonic. March 27. Police Jus tice Smith has given a decision in the matter of the shooting of Win. II. Ilaverstick by Geo. W. Coukling, jr. The decision i that there were reason able grounds for defendant, apprehend ing bodily liiirin at the hands of the deceased, and discharged Conk ling from custody. The announcement wa received with tumultuous ap plause. TUK KALANCK OF TI1K OIKW. Xew York, March 27. The steam ship Westphalia, from Hamburg, ar rived this morning. Among the pas sengers were Ensign Henry J. Hunt, Herbert Wood, Leach, James H. Ilart lett. Jno. Lantei bach and f rank Ma sou, survivors of the artie exploring steamer, the Jeanriette. They will be officially received by Thief Engineer Melville and the officers of the navy yard. I'KKY kmm;ki. Battle Ckkkk, Mich , March 27. A fpeeiitl saya a man named Johnson, giving near Johnstown, suspt-cted a hired man named V rey or undiin inti macy with the former's wife, and find ing Frey aione in a dense woods he bound and gaifwl him and succeeded in securely pinioning him to a tree. After mutilating his person the as sailant left Frey, and the latter waa discovered by a searching party two days after, unconscious and his limbs badly frozen, but may recover. John son and his wife have lied. HEAVY ARGUMENTS. Boston, March 37. The fuil bench ef the supreme court are engaged in bearing arguments on the questions of law arising on a bill in equity brought Iy the Union Pacific Railway company against the Ciedit Mobilers of Ameri ca, for an injunction to restrain the Credit .Mobiler from prosecuting suits at law against the Union Pacific com pany to recover the balance dua to the Credit Mobiler for the construction of 346 miles of the Union Pacific railroad. The amount involved is $1,198,000. BILLIARDS. Chicago, March 27. Sex Ion and Morris were the contestants in tne secon 1 game of the Balk line tourna ment this afternoon. The attendance was light and the game thought to be tme sided. Sexton was the favorite. Betting was 230 to 150, but it was close at times, and anybody's game till ended. Sexton in the seventh inning took a strong lead, with a run of 111. He remained in. front throughout, though at one time Morris came to four points from him. Morris run 8J in the tweutieth inning, mainly the re sult of bis skillful use of the cushion and kiss combination. The score stood : Morris, 532, biglieat run. S9, average 9 28 61. Sexton C90, highest run in, average 10 40 56. THE CUEEK WAR. T. Louis. March 27. A M;i.sko,'--. I.T- special says: Gun. Porter hit disbanded bU forces. I hey have gone borne with the exception of tiveacou;s. earning that United States troops were coming to capture Spirachee and hi men. At last accounts they nau not yet reached his camp, fifteen inile west of the Sac and Fox agency. There is no doubt that he will surren der to them w ithout resistance, an m would have done to the Creeks had htt not been afraid he would have on,i the way of Sleeping Kabbitt, who was killed while trying to escape. Last Wednesday a detachment of troops of the army discovered Spirachee's scouts and gave chase, capturing one. They questioned him as to Spirachee's whereabouts and forces, bat a he ouldtell nothing they took him out and shot him dead. There are rumors of more killing on the same plan. Nothing authentic has readied here tonight. News reached here of an other killing near Eufaula last week of about twenty of Chicotee's men, who left that place and discovered a Spirachee man named Kehail) llr?e, and without more ado riddbd him with bullets. MILLET MUKDEltED. HASTTXGS, Neb., March 27. About half-past nine this evening as Cash M. Millet, a groceryman of this cit, was en route from his business to his resi dence, about five blocks from the busi ness part of the city, he was confront ed by three men who told him to ilw ow up his hands. This occurred in fr ;r of his residence. He did as r.ci-t tt-u and told the desperadoes ;o lake Lis money. They tried to drive l.i:n p:,s't his residence, and he started to run, when one of them shot him from tin rear, the ball striking just below the shoulder-blade and lodging in the left lunr. . Tl,,.:. ... . thai : i iUld U i .:; :; hut. Al:.. years old ;. Ji.it ticiil.i ' l-Vi ; --. f'j' Ciih Aj.:.l. I .V. i' . 1 1 . II:,., ; K i; ) J'.. .11. . i i . i I. . y.i 40 41 42 4:; 44 in 47 4) r.i rjr;. At 1. i. Jl. !.. .1 '.. v. y. iI'l ; c w M. j; ::..; i. if. .1. J". 'J.L 1 i, ; . r. ;.. .i. r. v.. J-:lki. !. I;. li Tiihi:i..1 a Hi i:.-.' !. .1. X. V. . i ii. -i .t V. Ii. ! A. N. .Mii! ii. v.. r. . V-. '.. A. W. A. 1'. Mo J.. i. i. ..-.-. 1.. A. '1 .1. '.V. ! i;. i.'. :. i. . ib :)... Vv. Ji. -(. .. K Th'- A!il.-: in '! , sr..'. i : t:.H in. n :: A ill"!! IJ Vit;ii 1 1 I ill v l.i'V l,i Hi.' iiinl !-i i ;ir ."luii. i.'iia: ': r-'4 i ! ! "iiiri l;iw ::. Hill. 1 ' ::!ii ti-iif ' - - i . r. 1 1 1 ; i ) mil!"- ,.i i i') i ;: : or ' -ii - i ; - .'r.ll..: r.-i ' ' lioi.t .:. A I; J'i ' . i Hit it. :i : v tli. .- . hum.. ; I ( ;i!(- I ;, v - ii: : Hi. r. . i...;.;. t; ; fic-.i;" . : llii-'ilioi .-i!.) :, anil ... . (! ll.l iH.iilt ' i.l ' : rex rii-f t! sais. a . i " (ll'i.l' t!; fHunvttr 151;. l:K !! . ut: ;): I '. tin. i . :in i - lll'lt'lll- 'li i . i.y i.-: : fiiiii:-.:!! l i . mi:i. ti-l :!n-.' J-.'i ";.. Iii:irkel : " i :uit a'i'.r.- .sp. : ! . 1 .' i i A . r 'Li-..-' .ti.' lie :iii':t i in I i :i i'c:.i!'k ?inO.I, J..-1M .: -IS. : Ki'A 1 tcrufwof iu t ..v.;r fctit i...' t. 15.-0 Vjr.. ..: ' ( l'hrt J r i.t XW.-. inllvti f it vu 1 1 .Li :.,L i i . ,7.'t -ii . -i.i .,. i--t - ' of .i : - . ! i ' IiC . .-t. .1- . ' 2 . V III . 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