PLATTSIIOOTH HERALD PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY THe Flattsmontii Herald Publishing: Co for City and County Directory, Railway Time Tablet. Telethons KicbaoK liiwiness I1- restory. Business Cards Ac, see third page. J JUT. X STONE, - City Editor A. Salisbury, Dentist. A young lady who lived on Vine street. A confectioner's clerk used to meet ; Tbey'd embrace o'er tbe gate Every night ratber late Both loaded with taffy so -tweet 1 Jill I j Neville was exercising hi new teamtbis afternoon. He is justly proud of them. No markets today; the board of trade in Liverpool and Chicago being closed on account of Good Friday. County Clerk Jennings and Judge Newell went out to scare the ducks again this afternon. More fun for the ducks In the case tried before Judge Pot- tenger. Die va Warren, for forcible entry and detainer, judgment was ren dared for the defense. The first annual ball by the A. O. H. at Fitzgerald's hall next Tuecday even ing will be a "smash" affair, and for nice time promises to words imply. be all that the In the county court today the case of Phillips ts Carey, a suit for labor, J. S. Mathews appeared for plaintiff and A. N. Sullivan for defense, de cision reserved until tomorrow. The St. Joe police force are puzzled over the barn burners at that place; every two weeks some barn in the city is sacrificed and no trace 01 the mo tive or clue of the perpetrators can be found. The appearance of the sun brings oat the loafers again. Why not, at the coming election, put in some coun eilmen who would macademize Main street and make the able bodied loaf ers help pound the rock. AH parties who wish to offer spec ial premiums to be competed for at the next annual fair, are requested to baud them in to the secretary to morrow that he may iucorporats them in the premium list. Youag ladies who can't find skates large enough for them have our sym pathy. It's really too bad to be com pelled to stand around and watch the others enjoy themselues. Arrange ments hare been made for a couple of flat cars in case of future emergency. A cordial invitation is extended to all, to come and hear the glorious gospel of the blessed God, to be pro claimed every evening next week at 7:30 in the Baptist Chapel, High School hill. Bible readings cn vari ous subjects every afternoon at 3. Meeting on Lord's day at 3 and 7 p. m. "We declare unto yon, glad tid ings,, Acts 13-32. A STARTLING SUICIDE;! fillari N. Buell Takes HirtOwn Life IN A FIT OF MENTAL DEPUESSlON. Sheriff Hyers returned this morning from St. Joe, where he went to inter view a man arretted there, supposed to be the Weeking Water safe blower; parties' from Kansas, however, were looking for just such a chap, and the jewelry found on his person was iden tified by the Kansas parties, and the man taken home by them for punishment. II. A. Ensign, deputy sheriff of Lan caster county, came down on the Lin coln train this morning with Joe Sharp, of South Bend, in tow, whom he had arrested in Lincoln at the in stigation of Charlie West, for running mortgaged property out of the county and attempting to sell the same. It seems the property, consisting of three or four head of horses, were taken to Ashland, where he was trying to dis pose of them. He was turned over to the sheriff here, and recognized in the um of 9500 to appear at the county court on the 6th of April. William Neville went on the bond. The Hek ald and other friends of Mr. Sharp hope that there may be some satisfac tory explanation made of his doings and that he will come out all right in the end.' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. As reported from the Clerk's office each day: Amos Teft to J. IL Marquet. losts 7 nd 8. block 8, Avoca. w d 890. D. C. Fleming and wife to E. M. - Compton, w n e f 17-10-13, w d 1800.. C. B. & Q. It. R. Co. to E. M. Coinp ton, n e 4 n e if. 17-10 1, w d 38.t7. John Bons and wife to Andrew Kern, e 21 ft. lots and 7, block 21, Plattsmouth $2000. J G. Hayes to C. C. Despain lot 1 block 28 Y. & II. addition Plattsmouth, w d $125. N.J.Mason and husband to Jennie Morrlsoo. lots 9 and 10 11 Duke's addition, Plattsmouth w d $300. U. S. to Alston Stack s w s w 20-12-10, Pat' Alston Stack and wife to G. D. Metta- son s w4 s w 20-12-10 w d $350 e JUver Report, X famished officially to the War Department. - The river at noon today, stood 5 ft. j in. above low water mark, showing fall of in since noon yesterday. The community was startled this morning by the announcement that a stranger, visiting in the city had taken his own life, and an investigation of the rumor developed the fact that it was only too true. Mr. Willard N. Buell, a son-in-law of Chaplain Wright, committed suicide last even ing by shooting himself, in a fit of mental depression, at the residence of his father-in-law. The report of the pistol was not heard by any one, and from the time he was last seen alive until he was found dead, a period of about four or five hours had elapsed. The particulars, as far as known may be gleaned from the testimony of Chap Iain and Mrs. Wright and Drs. Living ston and Hall, given at the Coroner's inquest. Chaplain Wright's testimony was in substance as follows: "Mr. Buell left the room where we were sitting, about half past three o'clock, and the supposition ws that tie had gon upstairs. He didntcome down, and I went up to see what the matter was, knowing his mind was in an unsettled condition. Ha wasn't there, and I concluded he had gone down town, as he was looking for a letter from his wife. I becran to feel uneasy, and between five and six o'clock went down town to look for him. Not finding him, I concluded he had gone to the junction to meet his wife. I left word withJJ. N. Wise, and he also started out to help iiunt him. Mrs. Wright had occasion about 8 o'clock to go to the water closet, and felt timid about it. I went out and stood on the porch. The door to the water closet opened toward the inside She said she couldn't get the door open and that some one was inside. I went out and discovered that some one was inside, and nut m " a- hand around and it rested on his neck and ear. I found his neck cold. I told my wife it was Willard, and that he was dead. I went over for Will and P. L. Wise, and we telephoned for Dr. Livingston and Sheriff Hyers. He (Mr. Buell; has been insane at times for two years. His head trouble af fected his mind. He showed signs of insanity Thursday, but none Wednes day. lie said he would rather die than live. I have noticed a tendency to insanity for three or four years. I 4 1- r i ii . "... tuiua. it was nereaitary. l Had no hope of his recovery. Dr. Livingston, Will Wise, P. S. Wise and J. N. Wise brought him into the house." Mrs. Wright testified that she had known Mr. Buell for eighteen or nine teen years; that he has not been right in his mind since he has been here. and that be was worse yesterday. She first discovered him about the time the train came in, between seven and eight o'clock. Didn't know that he ever threatened to take his own life. He was 44 or 45 years of age. ir. .Livingston examined the de ceased, and says that death was caused by a small pistol ball entering the brain about one inch below the occipi tal, ranging forward and upward, and that the wound could have been pro duced by deceased's own band. He found him in the water closet lying on his race, and the pistol lying at bis feet. In company with Chaplain Wright he called on Dr. Liv ingston last Sunday, and has called twice since. Deceased was troubled with catarrh and he told isnapiain wrigni he would go insane and threatened to take his own life He asked Dr. Livingston if anything else ailed him, and the doctor told him "No," whereupon he replied that if he cOuldol get well he would rather be dead. Dr. Hall corroborated the testimony of Dr. Livingston in regard to the wound. The testimony of Will Wise, P. L Wise and J.N. Wise as to finding the body is in substance the same as that given by Chaplain Wright. The following letter was found in Mr. Buell's pass book : March 22, 1862. The asylum or the grave the latter will be best for my family. May God forgive. Ned, be good and remember the instructions in the book I sent you while at Lawrence. Little ignorant boys acquire habits sometimes that make their lives miserable. Maud, 1 have been in good health most of our married life, for which I thank God, and hope jou may bo hap- of March, A. D. if 8S, before Mr. P.- P. Gasa, Coroner of said county, upon the body of Willard N. Buell lying dead, by the Jurors whose names are hereto subscribed, the said jurors upon their oath do say that the deceased came to his death by a pistol shot, said shot having been fired by bis own hand while laboring under a fit of tempo rary Insanity. Ia testimony whereof the said Ju rors have hereunto set their hands the i day and year aforesaid. M. McElwain, A G'A. A8HMUN, attest. R. O'Neill, X ' Geo. W. Pase, Wm.Nkvillk, C. F. NicnoLS. Ho leaves a wife and two boys aged respectfully 17 and 11 years, who are at their home at Blue Rapids, Kan. They have been telegraphed the terri ble news, and are expected on tonight's I train. No arrangements for the f u aeral will be made until their arrival. Due notice of the same will be given. Personal. Frank Mickle, of Ashland, is here today. w w a 4 . Justus Liiny, ot oaiuna, came in this morning. Jim Woodson boarded the train for Iltd Cloud this morning. A. B. Smith returned this morning from Gage county. Prof. Albee, of Louisville, is spend ing the day in the city. Herman Herold came down from Louisville this morniug. Mrs. Peny Walker went to Chica go last nigh,. Diat. Attorney Strode has finished his labors at Lincolu and came home this morniug. Mrs. A. W. McLaughlin started westward toiluy for a visit with rela tives in Lincoln. A. V . Saxe, of Omaha, chief clerk m the B. & M. auditor's office, came down this raornlujr. G. M. r lowers and brother both from Centre precinct are in Platts mouth today and visited the Herald headquarters. Dr. G. H. Black, who accompanied Mr. Thompson to Chicago, writes home that they are mectiug with flat tering endorsements from all who ex amine their fire escape. r raiiK itrown. who has taught a very acceptable school at Cedar Creek finishes his work this week, aud en ters upon a college course this spring. Mr. Brown has contributed during the winter to the Herald, a goodly number of letters, wherein as More Anon, he has made the acquaintance of many. AUUSEHZirrs. Ho For the Rink. Almost a Fire I An alarm of fire this morning, about half-past nine o'clock, caused a grand rush toward the lower end of Main treat. On arrival there it was ascer tained that a small blaze had started in Frank Morrison's restaurant and lunch house. The fire was between the ceiling of the first story and floor of the second story, where a stove-pipe ran up through. Steve Davis first noticed it on his way 'up town from his grain- warehouse. Fortunately a tub of water atnnd itiat nntafdp. whirh was soon brought into requisition and JOSEPH FORD, Prop. the fire checked before OPEN EVERT AFTERNOON In Basement or Fitzgerald Block, Roller Skates For All. 2T. Ifc QiniPOOU, AGENCY FIRE INSURANCE Cfl'S: CITY, of London, QUEEN, of Liverpool FIREMAN FUND, of California it had made much headway or done much damage. A good alarm was given, and the fire department were on hand with their apparatus and ready for business in a remarkably short time, which entitles them to much credit. PHE FIRST L BALL Amusements Next Week. Monday evening The celebrated Swedish Ladies Quartette at the op era house. Tuesday evening Basket social at Mrs. E. Buttery's under the auspices of the ladies and friends of St. Luke's Guild. Tuesday eveulug First annual ball of the Plattsmouth A.' O. II at Fitz- gerald's hall. Thursday evening Japanese Tea party given by the ladies of the Pres byterian church at Rock wood hall. Thursday evening Democratic city primaries. Saturday evening Continuation of the democratic amusements in city convention at the court house. OF THE PLATTSMOUTH J. O. IKE. Tuesday Evening, March 27, IX FITZGERALD HALL The music will be furnished by the PLATTSMOUTH QUAD III LLK BAND. Nobody will be admitted without an invitation TICKETS, for Ball, SUPPER, at Central tra. $1.00 Restaurant, ex- List of Letters. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the post office at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Neb., March S3, 1883. Bachler John II Betele Clause Brinkman Frank . Beverage John Burke Miss Maggiu Jiaier Oswald Cowley Angela CroBser Ernest Cloidt John Donelsou A Davis Miss Bradie Frank George Grindel Abraham Griffin Wm II Graham Alex Harvey Chas L Hollinger Dr Hauck F liar tmanMrsMari a Helms Sylvia Jones Douglass Johnston M S Lerine Mr M Muty A W Maurer Wm Sheppard C O Smith Geo F T Te Val W Wilson Maggie C Weaver Mr Persons calling Jacobs Ed 1 Jones Mollie MeGeary John McConkey Warren Parish Edward L Saunders F E Saybert Isaac Taylor W A Weikel Relonzo Worden W A for the above will WALL PAPER! "We have received a larre stock of very desirable "WALL PAPER. It consists of all grades from the cheap brown at 20 cents to the high price gilt at $1 a double roll. Buy your wall paper where you can vet the lamest and best stock to select from. Competent mechanics furnished to hang paper when desired. We taxe pleasure 111 snowinjr our goods; call and see us. Respect fully, WILL J. WARRICK. please say "Advertised." J. W. Marshall. P. M. Good Friday. The Sir Knights of Mt. Zion Cora- mandry No. 5. in compliance with the usages of that order, observed Good Fri day by attending divine service at St Luke's chapel; wheu Key. Mr. Burgess officiated. There was a general turn out of the members of the coramandry in full dress making a fine display. There was a large congregation present and tbe services were very impressive. Rev. Bur gess delivered an eloquent address dwel ling with great force upon the influences of Christian religion in every clime and tbe grand mission of its defenders who amid ether civilizations wielded the sword in its defense and who today are me ugni 01 me mncieentu century as devoutly hail it as they did during the darkest hours of its persecution. At the close of the services the Sir Knights re turned to their assylum. A Fine Office. Messrs. Smith & Beeson, who re cently entered into partnership in the practice of law, have now their suit of rooms in Fitzgerald's block in ex cellent trim, having remodeled them entirely. Their central room is the business room, the front room the private ofiicejaud the rear room the library, wherein their immense libra ry, one of the huest and most exten sive in the state, may be seen. The offices entire, are commodious well arranged and as pleasant quarter as" any could desire. - A young lady writes to the Journal from Decatur, 111., wishing informa tion of her uncle,' named Higgins, whose given name she does not know. Her name was Lizzie Higgins; her fa ther's being James Higgins; he died while his daughter" was an infant. She was raised near Mattoou, 111. Her uncle is somewhere in eastern Ne braska. Any one having any infor mation likely to aid an orphan girl in finding her relative will greatly oblige by addressing Lizzie Michael, Decatur, HI. Will our state exchanges kindly mention? State Journal. HOUSE, SIGN, AND Carriage Painter, Graining, Glazing, Paper Hanging, . Three Gboves, March 22, 1883. The horse spokea of in the' Three Groves itcim on Monday aj having got loose from Dee Shrader, Sunday night and thought afterward to be stolen, was found yesterday tied to a j tree in the brush a mile or so from where it wa i taken. It is supposed that a joke has been played on young 1 Shrader. Big Sis. A Good Chance To rent, to tbe right parties, a com plete restaurant; location central and business already established. Restau rant can also bo used for ice cream room. An excellant business chance for a man and wife apply at. 7dtf Stadleman s Bakery KALSOMINING. Leave orders at V5 arrick's. Plattsmouth. Feb. Secure Yourself a II O iVt E ! Forty Acres laid oO" in City Lots, in Palmer's Addition, ADJOINING THE B. & if. RAILROAD SHOPS, Just outside the City limits, and not sub ject to city Taxes. FINE RESIDENT LOTS where a shop man, or any other man, can eat his dinner under his own roof and not cold grub from a dinner pail in the dusty, smoky shops. Only three to ten minutes' walk from his work. Call on JAS. S. MATHEWS, Att y at Law and Real Est ate A "cut. Over Baker's Store.will luuke terms to suit EXPRESS COMPANIES: AMKU1CAN KXPKKHH CO., WELLS, FAltCO & CO. EXPKESS. Onice In Kockwood Dock, with Johnson Bros tidfin WARRANTY DEEDS MORTGAGE DEEDS CHATTEL MORTGAGES QUITCLAIM DEEDS AND LEASES Secure tliein at the Plattsmouth Herald Office A FINE LOT OK MACKEREL, LAURA DORE HERRING, TROUT, WILD WAVE COD FISH, Also a choice lot of LEXOITS CSS. We have a fine tok or (JHQIQE FAMILY GROCERIES, Fanry?Ilraiids of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUE. I have In stock a flue line of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, &c. All our good are new and fifth. Will Exchange lor Conntry Produce. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hani. Next door to Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb, 1Idi82w3,u M. B. MURPHY & CO. 5ESBQ) FIXED ON ROOM, FIXED ON LOCATION, FIXED ON GOODS. FIXED ON FITS, FIXED ON STYLES, FIXED ON PRICES, REAL ESTATE (AND) and we can fix you to your satis faction on ClotMi, Hats anfl Caps, Trunks and Va lices. Furnishing gjoods, Neck wear, 1&DC. Fresh Goods in everv ment of quality One price and no monkey busi ness. Remem ber the place, JUockwood block C. E. WESCOTT, The only "Boss" Clothier. depart-prime COLLECTION AGENCY. Law niid collection business promp tly attended to at this otlice aud pro ceeds remitted without delay. Notarial work, couveyauciug aud abstracting attended to ou short no tice and satlslactkm guaranteed. If there is any thini; we do make a specialty of, it is city and suburbau real estate. Several tine farms aud some wild land at bargains. Laboring men can get a homo by paying moath ly what they now pay lor house rent. Space forbids giving but a small Eercentage of the bargains now on tbe ooks at this agency; we name the following; - tiix choice half acre lots, 8 tuinutca from li. It. shops, at from $80 to $160 each, and on terms that would make a man ashamed to say he did not own a house. Come aud see, you are not compelled to buy and we wont- givo these lots away, but you can get them so they will absolutely co3t,you uoth iug. Five acre lot J mile from city for $260 part ou time. Eleven acre lot mile from city for $550 this is extra Hue. I have three pieces of outside prop' erty which 1 can . sell and under take to furnish purchaser work enough to pay for them, now I will furnish the ground and you the work, i 1 a a . won is wuai uuris me. 11 you will do the work at a fair price 1 will give you a clear deed for the laud; if you can't do the work come and fcee me, I may find some one who will do it lor you. Ten acres for $ 600 00 " " " 600 00 " " " 760 00 " " " 2600 00 Several small tracts well improved aud adjoining the city, for sale at reasonable rates. FARM LANDS. 40 acres, wild $ COO 00 80 " improy'd 1600 00 120 " " 2000 00 MAXIJFACTUBIN O AND 1G0 " 200 ' " 240 " " Finest slock 6000 00 6200 00 6000 00 larm in Cass county In- Clutter & Marshall, gerald's block. dentists, Fitz-leb28dti I-ots from $-0 to $so KEPAIKING On timc,or for Cash,to men that will build It ia better, in my judgment to die than be a dependent orr our friends especially when they are not able to care for us. it does not seem right to live to cause the suffering of others. God forgive me, I know my mind is fast going. " jrv I hope my dear family thai you will remember some kind things of me. for I have worked hard a good many years and tried to be an honorable man. I wish I Lad always been a christian man. and hope my bojs may be. and that they may grow up to be useful men." Chaplain Wright recognized the writing as that of Mr. Buell. Tbe verdict of tbe Coroners Jury was rendered about one . o'clock last night, and is aa follows: coroner's verdict. State of Neb., ) CA83 CO. ' At an inquisition bolden at Platts mouth, ia Cass Co., Neb., on the tt day A Nebraska City younjr eirl de scribes her beau's first kiss as being like a tub of roses 9wimiiur in hon ey, colored with uutmegaand berrie9, escorted bv leveral little Cuoids. drawn by angels shaded by- hoftev suckle, antl the whole spread with melted rainbows. No wonder all the railroads are headed towards Nebras ka City. Plattsmouth Journal. We will wasrer a four dollar dosr that Cutright has been dowu to see his Sarah Jane near this city and iust returned home feeling very jubilant over his first spit swanuiuir. Nob. City News. If this isn't Cut right off, wo will Herald the Nevs to" the world that these fellows are both alter the same girl, aud tha: the lives at the mouth of the Wejping Water. j lee! Ice ! Ice ! AO is tne tune to contract lor your summer s supply of ice. Bed rock prices prompt delivery and superior quality of ice, hrst come first served by the hew ice man. tl2m3 - Joe Fairfield. No Lota for Speculator ! AT Eor Bent. The Holbrook house corner of 5th and Locust street. House ia-large com modious and excelent condition, apply to 13dtf Thos. Pollock. A Square Meal Cmd be had at the City Hotel for oaly 25 cvata and lodging at same reasonable iates. Farmers and . Commercial Men will please bear this in mind. d&wtf Fo, the ci ' of office For Sale. lots together iu good location in i'luttsinouth. Inquire at this dtf HENRY BGHCK DEALER in E 11 rniture, SAFES, CHAIRS. arc., xtc. tc.. Of All Descriptions. IffiTALLIC BIJEJAL CASE? Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for casb. MT F1NEHEAR8E Sherwood'S $16000, long time and low rate ot (erest. 1C0 acres, wild $2600 160 " 2800 80 " " , 1200 80 " u 320 160 acres, wild, Kep. V'y (cash) $1000 CITY 1'ItOPKXTY. Cor. lot 3 bl'ksfrom shops (eheap)$100 Myrou K. Wheeler, second sou of I the major, left yesterday for riatts- j mouth, aud it is understood that he will proceed from there to Iowa City to eut'.T the t-thool of phonography. Myrou has becu in Nebraska univer sity three years, and duriug that time has stradily pursued by himself the study of short-baud writing after the Ben Pitmau svstem. until low ha is ranked as oue of the most rapid of young phonogrnphers. He has al ready been offered several positions, but decided to first take a thorough course at Iowa Citjr. State Journ al. For Sale ur Trale Tw irood cows, with calf, for rubt-r f.r Htclc-hoj; or fat co. piU- in JonatliHu ilatt & Co 's. ' House to Kent. Inquire of Chaplain Wright. I dtf Ttic only first class barber shop aud hatli rooms iu the city at Joe Kurds, under. tJarrutn block. . d&wtf Mrs. A. E. fiea-) wilt give special at tention to drcs m.tkiuir. - A new line of fine dress cronda on- slstiug of the latest styles and oatterns just received at Week bach. 23dtf New inilliuerv goods just received -at Mrs. Read's in the ilcrold-Todd block. St Fur Sale- A desirable house and lot within three blocks of business. Very cheap. En quire of Sullivan & Woolcy. a22-lw We have just received .another invoice of wall paper. Don't fail to tee our stock before bnylpg elsewhere- . .. 22d-3t ' Will J. Wabsick. IS NOW KEAUV toil SERVICE. 1 2 3 cor 1 S cor 2 " 0 tt m 1J" 1 " 3 3 2 4 2 u it tt .i It I. tt tt tt ( it " N. 6th street (fine) " Picnic Hill " " Washington avc" " 1 bl'k from Maiu t extra With many thanks for past patrona'. Invite all to call anil exaiuiue my LARGE STOCK OF Sltf. ri'nXTI'HE AM lOKKl.VH SEEDS Our Larre AVOE1V GCTDK deTlbint CeU't HtltabU SfU U Hailed iM In All. w. HEEn PHTimn " Vi... bfllL. aild tha llr.t faJLmrldm ... T 1. 1 lower. OrM,tnl Twairfii. pJT,i.iIi?f!?.u'I I The Troy City1aaadry Has removed to the Mockenbaupt build- ing ncarthe blacksmith bnji and is pre pared to do tint-class work. 16-dlm Ladies,' your special attention is called to the new --line of-dress go6da"1ust received at Week bach's. - . 28dtf Bockwobd Block, Plattsmouth, Neb BOYD & LARSEN, Contractors and Builders. Will give estimates on all kinds of work. Any orders left at the Lumber Yards or Post - Office, will receive promot attention. Heavy Truss Framing, for barns and large buildings .a specialty... For refeience apply to J. P. Tonne, J. V. wsei iacn or a. a. Waierniaa a 176 .160 460 175 160 .300 'J00 350 400 Improved city real estato iu abun dance. 1 cau find what you want in this line if you will call aud see me. Business houses aud lota for sale at much lower figures than will be asked six months heucc. Stores and dwclliciga ren'ed and for rent, rents promptly fcllcted. If you don't ace whit rou want in this column come a&4uk for it. I've probably misftc-d just what you wan. Office open nearly every evening from 6 Jo 8. Cfx-d unn houaf and two fine lots i:i kixmI location t-rlnf. 8800. W. S. WISZ2. Union Qlock. Choice Candies! Ilome-matle and Warranted Strictly Pure. MEALS AND LUNCH at all hours. Oysters night or day at the DrP CE3 3ST 1 2C , Next to "WeckbacIVB gtorp V JAMES ANTlt, Proprietor.