H f. H 1; r i ii - -PLATTSIIODTH HERALD.- PUBLISIIKI DAILY AND WfcKKLT kv ; - .. ' . The Plattsmantb Hcrali PdilisMie Co. TEBM8: liAll.Y, dellveietl ly carrier l any part f the. city 1'erWeek 15 Cr Munlli V) frr Year Tim WEKKL.Y. ly mail. i)ue copy ilx month t i One copy o..e year 2 00 """TUiKUtered a( t'ie Post ftffiee. second elan mailer. 1'l.itUmnuth, a PLATTSMOUTII, MAItt'II '2. lo9:?. KlMll.s fur '84; and why not? The speedy extinction of the Sand wich Islanders is pronhecied. When they are gone why not send our In diaus over there. Dispatches statu that the apple orchards are killed in the northern portion of Iowa by the severe winter. They are unscathed in Nebraska. Now that our people are discussing fit persons to fill the various city olliccs for the ensuing year, let everybody keep in view the necessity of choosing Jit men to meet the public .questions that will arise during the year. And the democratic party liuvc en - uorseu aprasnie oi Uhode iianl lor :v- eruor of that state. If elected wo sup pose it places the t.innnn William ou the ljoariU as a oisiblc candidate for president iu "84. Now it remains to be seen whether the people of Iiliode Ilan will endorse the choice of the indc-pend eut and democratic parties. The Arkansas authorities don't eem to have much respect for the Missouri plan of suppressing crime They are hunting their chivalric train robbers dowu with shot guns, - and mean business too. The Missouri plan is a little different. The Hon Frank James is a living example of how the governor of Missouri "tem pera the wiud to the shorn lamb " lintoii & Missouri Il'.vir. it will 0 jt MMia'w'IuTVre conpirutlfnit roulidently t-liiiii) ft'ive a shot ter line t Chicago. It Is to t!.e in'ercst f 4 tin producer ami shipiH-r in this htate that we have ciu p I i lion for tin? trade f Nel.i a-ka this line of rmd wonM, we beJivo, v;ivt tin healthy coiupetion." It will run south west tliiouh Iowa, Nebraska ami Kau nas Hiid will le a reat independent line to the lakes, wo have tin It. & M. running eat and west, the M. I, north and hoiitli, ami now l-t us pneonr are the diagonal for a southwest line. What is our Loard of trade doin in re gard to this enterprise? V prediet this road, will bo a bonnn a for southern Nebraska and we think our people should lose no time in meet ing the gentlemen who are building it in order to induce them to enter Nebraska at this point. ' Thk Lincoln Journal gets otf an ad mirable homily upon the pernicious practice of municipalities going into the repudiation business, and takes riattsmouth and her High School IkmuIs us a text. That is all right, ilr. Journal, but isu't there a great deal of the old woman's "I told vou so,' about your sermon. Ik Peck's bad boy was over iu Lou don, we would be inclined to think that the amoosiu' little cuss" had something to do with those explo sions, and the sensational boomerang over the attempted assassination of the old lady at Windsor, b it we have the bod boy: with us, aud can't ex- ""plaln it,ttnless perchance, Punch has a bad boy over there who is just devel oping. And now Kremlin, where the Czar is to be crowned, is to be blown into smithereens, uulcas the boss ot all the Hussias grants the constitution de manded of him by the Nihilistic or ganization. If we were Czar, we would grant that constitution and throw in a lot of by-laws with it for good measure, it' it wojld banish, dy namite from the KussUu empire. This blowing up business is getting to be a serious matter nil over Eu rope. Even Ilerr Most is trying to blow himself up in this country, and we hope nobody will iutcrfere with his mine if there is any possibility of his ultimate success. Wiggins has succeeded, an 1 why not the Iletr. Democratic leaders like Senator Morgan, of Alabama, are always charging the republican party with legislating against the poor man, and in favor of pampered corporations and the wealthy autocrats of the country. It now appears this democratic senator has raised a rumpus down in Alabama by some special legislation he u orked through for bis own state, which with draws the public lands of Alabama from both the homestead and mineral land acts, placing about two mil. lion acres of iron and coal lands in the hands of a syndicate of speculators. If anything of this kind was to be per petrated by a s called carpal badger, there would be a merry war in that country." : FISH CULTL'KK. Fish Commissioner Livingston hands us a note just received from Hon. 1J. K. Ii. Kennedy, of Omaha, stating that he (Mr. Kennedy) had just been noti fied by telegram from Washington that the "Fish Commission Car" would leave Washington on the night of the 20th (last evening), containing, for Nebraska two thousand Get man carp, four hundred thousand white fish, hat cited at Central station, Michigan, aud ten golden ides Cgold fish). These fish will be received by Messrs. Ken nedy, Livingston anil May, commis sioners for Nebraska, iu Omaha on perhaps tomorrow afternoon, when they will proceed to plant them in Nebraska lakes and streams most suit able for the'r propagation. It has been impossible heretofore owing to the scarcity of the German carp in American waters to procure any great amount of these valuable fish, but now through the untiring energy and en terprise of our fish commission Ne braska has secured a good nest egg in this particular. The four hundred thousand white fish we believe are the first invoice of this kind of fish Ne braska has received. In a very short time, if properly sustained by our law makers, our fish commission will stock the waters of Nebraska with good fish in abundance. Queen Victuuia secmsto have beeu niore severely iujured than was J at firM siifpecte.l, by I Jus accident citi-d by al!ppiug upon thtf stairs at Windsor. Our riispatrhee-aiinoiiucu that crowds stand about the bulletin boards, er.gerly watching and a-kiu for news; although her physicians au thorize the atatemenl that she is iu no immediate danger, the injury is unquestionably of a grave character and may result fatally. BR So In the North American Review for April, the scriptural aud the legal as pects of divorce are presented re pectively by the Uev. Dr. Theodore 1. Woolsey, well known for his in sistauce ou the indissolubility of the marriage tie, and by Judge John A Jameson, a jurist whose long experi ence with divorce cases in Chicago both on the judicial bcuch and at the bar, lends to his observations, a very special value. Dr. P. Bender, a Ca nadian who has studied to some pur pose the political conditions of hn country, unde- the title, "A Canadian view of Annexation'', makes a forci ble presentation of the reasons which incline many citizens of he Domin ion to regard with favor the idea of absorption by the United States Senator John A. Logan sets forth the need which exists lor "Natioual Ai to Public Schools" in the several states aud territories. The llev. Dr Howard Crosby write of 'The Dan gerous Classes" that menace the per petuity of civil order and the peace of the community, meaning the manipulators of corporation stocks and the nieu who, having amassed enormous wealth, use it for nefarious pusposes. James C. Welling treats of "Mace Education", the problem that confronts the philosophic states man, of the presence in our bodv pol itic of a strong negro con tingeut. The supreme court of Nebraska is now iu session at the state house in Lincoln, and yesterday's Lincoln Jour nal contains quite a batch of opinions, twenty-two in number, by Maxwell J. Among whicli we notice the case of Wm. Stadelman vs John Fitzgerald. this suit involves the title to a portion of the lot ou Main street adjoir.ing Waterman's opera house on the west, and, is decided favorably to Mr, Fitz gerald. The following is the syllabus of the opinion: -SUtJeliuan vs Fitzeraid. Error from Cas.s county. Aturmed. Opin ion by Maxwell, J. A letter from a. i principal t his ag:it direi.-ti-x. a sale of his real estate id aunl..-i-:it authori t) to l lie agent to Hell sued propcrij according to the ter:,i- of the writing; but if the authority is denied, .nd the Utter is lost, its contents must b clearly proven to sustain a contract u-a4c l j the agfiit. We notice some very important qncs tions re tit-ci-h-tl by tie Suprvui? court in :l.: !.! h opl.ii wiiii-h wiil !. of intereHt ! the pr f.-sioi,r!if lit I a:ii- hittl i!t- iib:I'. I " flIK diagoiial road niil bring iuto Ne braska an entirely -Uitfervul interest from that of the Union Pacific and Bur- Ouk Indian policy is a constant source of trouble and needless expense to the government. We notice his ex cellency, Mr. Sitting Bull, is negotia ting with the great father ( in-law; of some Indian agency, to come back ar.d be a good Indian ; and on the heels of this announcement, special agent Townsend addresses a state paper to the department from the Sac and Fox agency, stating that the Indians are roaming over the country in a state of insubordination, with their war paint on, and as a natural result, the tettlers are deserting and have deserted their homes: and instead of being engaged in their fields, where they ought to be this season of the year, putting in their crops, and providing for the support of their families, they have to arm and drill and get ready to wage a war for their existence with th? noble red man. As Ion? as the government treats with these semi-civilized and much abused people aud furnishes them powder and shot and ponies, just so long will this trouble last, and just so long will their civilization be de layed. The homesteader and the cat tle man are now scattered over all the vacant territory between the Missouri j and the Iiockies; the policy of push ing the Indian further west, has played out; the reset vation business with wild game for his support is played out also; a different policy will have to be inaugurated, and the sooner the j better. When dismounted and dis armed these people are comparatively liuiuiirss. - We have to maintain a' siuail standing army as it is to keep settlers off these reservations now. j The sooner permanent homes ar st-1 j as'de for these rd meu. and for- pi . vided to teach tl.em Put thsre th-y i must remain and depend upon their i own labor fur uiaiuteiiauv. the MtMier ' they will sutremUr tln-ir i..i.s of j nomadic life. Furnish tlnMii school j aid van-ftcl tha edu : lion . of their j you'ij and lh) obedienu) of the old to the laws and observances of civiiiz tlou.! . - . Just Received. A FINK LINE OP MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES Otv DIUIHVr ini'OKTATIOX. A Challenge 5c Cigar, Specially inaile for the retail trade only, at Pepperberg's Cigar Factory. CALL AT THE Old Reliable MBERYARD B. 1. WATERMAN 4 SON, Y Uolesalejarut KetailIealel In PINE LUMBER SHLNGLES, LATH, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, &c., Fourth .Street, in rur of Opera U.tuse. PLATTSMOITTII, - NEBRASKA. BANKS'. MhWIEIIB HMD Blake's Bu ilding', tip Stairs, Where thy are d;t reiving a complete line of all kinds of PII2CI3 GOODS 4. SUITINGS, We also wish to inform the fitizens of riattsmouth that we have made arrangements for Dying,GleaningAN" Repairing On short notice, and warrant satisfaction. RASiSOP.SHEK BROS. The Finest I2T THE STATE, Brick M A IV UI MCTIIREI) IS Y Orders received for any quantity and filled in a satisfactory manner. Those contemplating to build should examine our work, the quality of our bricks and prices. Yard, in rear of Bonner Stable, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. JOHX FlTZOKKALl), President. A. W. Mr La UU 11 MX, Caahier. FiaST NATIONAL OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. ! Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction uf legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. StoekM, Bonds. Gold, Ooverument and Local Securities Bought and Sola, Deposits reeei v eil and interest allowed on time Certitl caien. Draft drawn, available iu any part of the United States and all the principal towns of Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted. Highest market prices paid for County War rants, State aid Countv Bonds. DIRECTORS : A COMPLETE LINE -OF- ARNESS Will Hi; V and SKLL nil kinds of FURNITURE, METALS, IRON, AND FURSl Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. OppoHite The Old Ihtke Jtuilding. riattsmouth. Feb. 1st, l!S8:J 40tf. KENDALUS) . iir - mi -1 . r: 1 j r . u w 0 h (SI 1 D o C2 3 W T. D -, C3 i-i OS w x P4 4 in 0 b to cu o j A0 CO Ml is rl LiJ r 00 H (5 JASON STREIGHT, (Murrruor to Htrelsht Jk. Miller,) M AN U KACTUUKlt OK RV FINEf II I G. CHAMBERS & SON Everytliin Iiaiul-ininle ami warranted. Call in and sou ns. NEXT DOOR WEST TO THE LATE FIRE J Works John Fitzgerald John tt. Clars. oo. L. Dovey, A. W. McLaugJtlin. A. E. Touzalin, it. C. Cnching. r. j--. vmte. Bank 1 Cass County Cotner Mala aud Sixth Streets. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB JOHN BLACK. President, ) J. M. PATTEKSON, Cashier. ) Transacts a General BaniiBi Bnsiness. HIGHEST CASH PUiCE Paid J or County and City Warrants. COLLKCriOXS JI IK and promptly remitted for. DlKKCPTOlig : John rllaek. J. M. latterioii, C. II. l'aimele, r . U. fluthmaiin. J. Morrissey, A. B. dinitii. tred Gorder. ; sily Cass County Iron WAYMAN & KIRIJY, Propr's. JrlattsirLontli. TsTel3. MANUFACTURERS OF BOIILEKS, ENGINES, IKON FRONTS, HOUSE COLUMNS, AND CASTINGS. Our facilities for heavy work iu Columns and Castings for Business Houses are not surpassed in the at ate. MAC1II2MK REPAIRING of nil kinds. Our Machine Shop is fully equipped 101 an 01 worn 111 iron. Patronize Nebraska manufacturing freight and time. Parties building in any part of the State should w rite for our Urins of carinas We duplicate all eastern prices, saving CASS ZlOT VOrLSLS March 11th, 1882. PLATTSMOUTH. Mil;. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. - NEB. E. L. REED, President. B A. GIIJS02T. Vice-President. K. S. WILKINSON". Oishier. A General Baailng Business Transacted. lHt ived. and Interest allowed on Time Certificates. DKAFTM Drawn available in any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. Atjcnte for the celebrated Msmm of steamers. CITY HOTEL. WM. HEROLD and SON desire to state to the public that they have moved their Dry Goods Notions, Hoots, and Gent's Fur nishing goods to their store room formerly occupied by J. II. Cox. A full line of STAPLE, FA:TCY GEQCLEIES and will be kept at thcold stand. We would be pleased to see all our old customers and many new ones. Wo will keep a JtvTTKi lino ol'guoils than we were formerly en Metl to. HEAVY HARNESS. A large line or Saddles Bridles, Collars, Whips. &c. always in stock. Repairing of all kinds neatly done tn sort notice. Main Street, bet v eon Fourth and Klftli, O. M. STKEKJHT, Km-IneHS Manager. Chas.Simsio vs. M"c!iauic:il Mauafr. Vt NEW FurniturE StorE HARRIS & UNRUH, DKALEKSjlN FURUITURE t COFFINS, and ail kiud.H of goods usually kept iu a FIKM CLASH FI K.VITI'lli: HTOKK Also, a v-ry complete fctock of Kuucra.1 (Uodn, Metaliic&WoodeiiCoffliis Casiets.Rolies. EMBLEMS, Ac. Our New aud elegant liearse ia always in readiness. Remember the place, in UNION 5I5LOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Hank. Whear we may be found niz'.it or day. HARRIS & UNRUH, TllRMoNT HUtTMHtlll. ItKMKIfV Wt ll covered as It l certain In Itn rln etn mitt .. not hllfler; AIo exo-llrnt lr lumiai. tl ICKAD I'KOOK IlKiXlW. FIIOM COL. I.. T. rosrr.it YouiiRktowii. tililo. May .01 It. ixxn. 11. J. Kt-ndall it Co., Out :-1 hud it v. iy kI Uable l.miiblelolil.in foil wlilrli I .IUI -IJ' lilulily. he had n laiK, bom j.avln Iu one Jolul and a small on 011 tne oim-i . uu him very lame ; I hail hlni nul 1 the t-li.n. f of two veterinary sin nuul mlm lallnl In rum hlwi. I wan one day leiMliiiK the a.l vrl t Ueiiiunt O keiMlBll'H hialii'uie In the I'IiK-hko I -pres, I ilelealMlncd lit iitfi to tl ll.anl on I ilriiKicUtM here will lor It. they onli KMi il.r..e boll !, took them all ami HomiM 1 woul.l Ulve It a tliorouich trial. I mini II arroi.lliiK l il rertlomt ami the loiil lh lay t In- roll rarU tit be lame, and the lumi hail iliHiipprared. I mted hut one hotthi and tint eolU llmlw Hie a free from lump and a fimwttli ai any hornr In the statf. It ! enllndy rureil. 1 he cine t as so remarkable thai I let two ol my i.tlKlibom have I he rrmaluliiU two bottles wliy, are now Ulll it. Vny Kfspeftfnlly. I.. T. I'OH'I Hit. Kendall's Spavin Cure ON HUMAN FLUSH. I'til ten's Mill". N. V.. Feb. 21. IsVH. ft. J. Kkniiai.I. & Co.. lielitH : 'I he n il t leu lar rami on mUI'1 1 used your hernial!' Mpavln Curo was a mallKiianl auk In alii of slilern moitlliM hl.niilliin. I had llh d iii;iii)' llitliV"t in vain. Vour JSiiavlil I'me ot I lie loot l III urouiiil Haili. ami l'r Hie nr-i lime mure nun. In a natural imimiiiom. i i a ia cxcellM a ii I Ii 1 11 Lf we ever used. Your truly. UKV. M. 1'. I! KM., I'aHloi of M. i:. Iiuk Ii. I'atlniN Will. N. V Heml adil rexs lor IJI11M rate.l 'lie ular. lil h wo think Klves ohitive Iroof of ll virtue. No remedy ha ever met with nuh uinuallfled NKcresM, to our know Ii-Jk. il I'm it us wll as man. ITUe $1, x i l.otlle. or U bollliM for V. All DniKuli-l have It n win K' t It for you 01 It will be sent lo imv inldrris on lieell t of rlro by the prom i.loi s. I!t. 1;. .1. KKM Vl.l. & CO. Knonburii l all... Vt. ')' SOI.lt HI' il.l. IHHUi.'JIS I H A Comiiiou-Sensc Remedy. SALiGYLiGA. IV o more Illit-iiiiiut Iniii, ul or J''Mnilf;ln. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Care Guaranteed Five yearn cmUililittlir.il arul nm r known lit tail in a KinuU rour, aculr tir rhrtmlr. Idler Id all prominent phuHieUtn anit ilnm-jUt fur the ahmdinu of Saliculica, SEBRET 1 TIIK ONLY IlKSOI.VKK OK THK I'OIHON. ot H ukk; a u which kxmih in iiik HMOI OK UHKUMaTIO AM iOC. V I'A- TIKNTH. HAMCYI.ICA i kuouu as a roiiiinon- svnHe remedy, beeamie II utrlkeH l 1 1 -. 1 1 y at the can Me of lUieumatii'm. (.out ami .S ui.ilU. while no many so-called HpecitlcH ami uppiMi-d panaceas only treat locally the etlYeiM, Ithasbeeu conceded by emineiit scleiitlNts that outward applications, such as rubbing; witn on, ointments, limine its. ami s- bluing lotions will not eradicate the thiea.es wlilch are the result of tlie polHoniiitf 01-tlie '.jod with Uric Acid. HAI.ICYMCA works with innrvc'.ous ef. feet on this acid and so removes the flvorder. It Is now exclusively used by all celebrated iliyslclans of America and Knrope. Jlljftivwt dedieal Academy of farm reports US pttr cent cures Iu three days. REMEMBER that NALICYMCA Is a certain curo for itllKLM AtISM, (JOLT and NKLltAUJIA. The most intense pains arc subdued almost lu- tantly. Oive it a trial. Itcllef guaranted or Uriunej ref umled. Thousands of testimonials srut 011 antillt-a tlon. 61 a Ilox. a lloxe for T.. Sent free by mall on receipt oi idom-y. ASK YOUi: I)hUO(;.ST KOIt IT. Iiiittonot be deluded Into t.ikni' luiilai ions or subHtituteN. or somethiiiK 1 ecoiunieiited as jusl as noon '." l:ipst ou tie Keminie Ii Ii the name, of WASIIBL'JtNK t CO.. on each box. which Is Kuarauteed chemically pure tiaderotir t-lKiiature, an IndlsdeiiHlble ieulHlle to insure siiecexft In the treatment. Take no n'hrr, or send to us. Waahburne tc Co., I'ropiietors. 2H7 Itroadwav. cor. Keade St.. N K'.V Y iltlC. . 1 24tJ3 PI.ATTSMOUTU. NEB. fbi-. i nir,i rtir.TM ,r- brick ftrueture. on erM ii.l itr. ,.. n. i.t. b-eo fluUhed and ;'t-. 11,1 ! i.u- areo.nm jJati-.ii .t TliA Sfilit.iT CUSTOM KIM. 1 LAP. ItOAltDKIlS. WW THIN& NEW AND CLEAN . A Good Bar !u"".Jsi7u;.,.t'" 27tf . FRED GOOS, Prcpr. ,,U hi,, . V . WAU V-rrV LJJJA ' "'nm mvN v st And Tinners' Stocl OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BV Excelsior LOUIS. MO J u Sale by J . S. Duke. MIKE SCHNBLLBACHER, B CKSJ1 1 TIJ IIOliSE SHOEINfi Si WAtiOX KErAIJUNG All Kinds of Farm implements Mended witt NeatntiSR and Dispatch. Fits, Kpilepsy, OK FALLING SICK X JOSS, ermantly Cured No HuiuIhil' lvoi c linu.li't intake of lr. Ooulard's Celebrated liifailibl Kit Powder. To convince xubcri-M I hat 1 he I'owders will do all we claim for ibrtn. ue m.ii semi in cm oy mail, post p;Cnl. a I- ree rial rr as ur.t.aiiami is tlie only I'liysiclan that hi crr iiiitur 111m i incase a soecial MLikiv. a.na mm to our knowledge thousands have been per . ......!. .1 1 .. .1. . . . " ii.tiiei.iy curcii oy iiie ufc oi niece I owaers,W4 win Kuar:iiiee H ihhiiciiI cure 11. 1 verv i'. or ri iunii on an nioiii-y exnemieu. All sunrm rs should K've tlicse rowdcr an early trial nn ne convinced of their curative iHttters. I'rice. for laue lioxe. I On, or 4 lloxe for $iol nl by mall to any part of the I. nltetl htatesl or Canada, on receipt of prices, or by expres ,. it. Auuiess, AbU & i:oi;iunh. Fulton St.. Iirooklyu. S. Y lec. 2Hlli. WH2 4ttly. Horse, 31ulc& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that hat four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. 2SnE"W SHOP d Fittb St. between Main ani Vine Streets, ust across e corner from the mew UEUALJ or?i-K. to. ROBERT DONNELLY'S BLACKS3I1TII Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing l am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing 01 rami ami otner machinery, as there - : i a fcoot! lihe iu my shop. PETER RAVEN, The old Reliable Was on Maker has taken charge of the wag-on shop, lie Is well known as a X). t WORKMAN. .rw tt'i;otiM smf Knciclesi sifl tm Order. SATISFACTION GDAItANTEED. Notice to Physicians, Notice U lierehv :iveii that bids will he re received at the fifllce of the County Clerk, up to noou of the 2d day of A pi 1!. Ifhj. for the med ical at.ettdance and urnir liiliif of medicines for county chari;eii ait Inmaten if county I'oor Ilouxe and Jail for one year. The Com missioners reerv the rtpht to reject any or all bids, liy order of County Vrnmt.Hloners. Witness my liand and fflHal seal, this 7tll day of March, ih.i J. w. Jr.N.Miwt.. w51t3 County tlerlc. 1 I M II g- v csj " COS E C U tt ) be 9 M 41 a m a 0 H e a p 4 aa cs 2 a. CO 2. 3, j CO B o o PS CD -t- ai P4 J c e s s a t O S S &t TENDERLOIN Meat Market, LAFB (NEIL, Prop'r. Beef Mutton Port Veal Cantons. &c Couslantlr ou band. Also.allkludsof i AMI: in season, awl r- . erythliiK kept In a I'I5IST-CI.4SS .Hi: AT SHOl'f At lowest possible rates. North Side MaitiSl bet. 4th and 6M' S2)y PIiTTSMOUTB. NXBTJ 1 wj V fc 1 1 - P-rn nj. 1 'r- ftr baru3-sntrWTT-fnjT;JliJa anec!n."; t-t