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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1883)
rfl rV' 1 i II VOL. 1 ii PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, MAUCil 20, 1883. NO. 20. tte ftfteiii0ti 1 1 j1 4 1 1 . 'r t -i, J j' W if k - THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full ILiikj General Full Line General Merchandise. Always on Hand, Always on Hand. liotfoui Prices for -Cash. ISottom Prices for Cash JOSEPH V. WECKBAC OPERA BLOCK. " ' - -J "' TELEGRAPHIC BURLINGTON ROUTE (Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad.) !: I . 'A . .... ..... -"'Ti..'i,-.-,'.-r' --:: ?- i' 1 5 r ! 3 L'i ti IS Vi' QU iii:kk AM) Til Kltti. The National Exposition of Railroad Appliances. GOING EAST AND WEST. Uearant Dav Coaches. I'arlnr n&n. with Rwlln- jinx Chairs (scuts free). SmoWinjr Cars, with Ke hrolTtns Chairs, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars ami Itha famous C. D. & Q. Dininc ( an run doily to and prom Chicago & Kansas Citjr, Chicago & Council lUlafrs, Chicago & Des Moines. Chicago. St. Jo Ucph. Atchinoo & Topeka. Only through line be ftween Chicago, Lincoln & Denrpr. Through cars brtweea lortianapohs & Council Ulurrs via 1'uona. All connections made in Union lx-rot. It u Ikbowa m Uw rret THROUGH CAR LINE. GOING NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Trains of Eleeant Day Coaches and Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars are run daily to and from St. Louis, via Hannibal, Ouincv, Keokuk, Burlington. Cedar RaDids and Albert Lea to St. I Paul and Minneapolis: Parlor Cars with Reclining Uiairs to ana irum b(. Louis and i'conaonato and from St. Louis and Ottumwa. Only one change of cars between St. IxuU and Des Moinex. lov.a, Lincoln, ebraska, aud Denver. Colorado. It is universally admitted to be the Finest Equipped Railroad in tho World for all Classes of Travel- fr. J. POTTEIL Id Vlce-Pres't and Gen l Manngcr. PERCEVAL LOWELL. Pen. Pass. Ag't, Chicago ALWAYS AHEAD! BENNETT & LEWIS, Wt uikmm hmbtml i V.liii' tn thtfiv::t .1 ciin;li t-.-t-n: of e and fancy brccenes FIIESII AND NICK. Stap AVe always Imy the 1-cst poods in tli' lr.-tikct, :uu iiainis'.te c-m!iing we sell We aie suit' agents i;i this town for ti.e sale of PEUFECTIOX" GROUND SPICES, AND THE CELI-T.KATED -ATAVIA" CANNED GOODS, Nothiug finer in the market. Tlatt's "Ti'Kei" hrrnd of U.-tltiuiore Oyster always on hand. Come and sc-e us. We rnako you irlad. - A.X D At Wholesale and Retail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see me Opposite First National Sank. H. WEHRLY, has just received a large stock of the hest AaHICULTUHAL IMPLEMENTS manufactured. In addition to a general line.. I keep the celebrated SANDWICH BINDERS and CANTON PLOWS. - "'Four, kinds of the best tongue- less cultivators, with other stand , ard goods, Don't fail to call and see me. CEP iR CREEK, HEB. OPERA HOUSE ANi- GEKT3' rURMSHERS. I'OST OFFICE rs iepot, STATION K U V. NOTIO NS, MAOX A HAMLIN SI Bill B ti y &fv&M fj"ti fifs P 3 ti ' p f 'i y P '3 r aa.aiiS4yUi? V. vl "4 hj HE.NKY K. MILLKI: ami ir DKCKRK Polaii BOAltl) by the DAY or WEEK. urphv CENTRAL RESTAURANT, Q Meals at AL Hours. OYSTERS IX SEASON. IT THW'P'P'o 1 PEA Hl & 7th ST, MISCELLANKUUX ITEMS. A NICK I. lb NtUitl). Paiiis, Tcx., March 19-- A u jgro was killed in u y,Atnl!iu houdu in a dispute over live cuutt. THK .kKKIKLU NATIONAL li.'.SK. Ni:w Vijrk, M trc!i V.). Th;: (iiirfifld N'io-. i hunk today i f tt ! to lues; .jcrshij) in t!ie t-i-ari:ir'; lions.- ut k i ution. ( K.'.I K CoCNCII. IJl.CFKN l'J. -l.'-ivcr uin! 15,i ir.his hot. t !o .-.-oontl of their series ;' clay :;."o;i m:i:. -hc-s herti today, i-hc'.i Wuakii. 9J ul of u hundred, mak- ; iZiC, a 'if. liu is t!i.: lpit reoorl y't m:;dc hy tl.ciii. TK fcKTS i:aki.n. Crunch, fJi.iKKS, Miirch 1 if. Last night thieves enu red the :;'' ticket of fice here of the Iowa pool and stole 100 tickets over the Chioa.i A: Northwestern and ronn:tinfif line. No ciue. The numbers of the tickets have bn-u re port id. liOiJ) UAD BOYS. Ai stin, March 19. Max Thompson, a young train robber, who as.sisted :n the robbery of a train here a few days ago, was captured and jailed here today. All four of the robbers are norv jniied. The youngest is thirteen and the oldest six teen veais. (1UOD INDIAN. St. Pai-l, March 19. Sitting Bull and 140 followers, under military surveil lance at Fort Randall, expres-s the desire to join the remainder of the Sioux at Standing Rock, and it is understood the war department and Indian bureau will accede to the change May 1, owin-? to the good conduct of the envages the past winter. scmivan's peanck. Rostov. March 19. The largest crow! ever brought together by any exhibition of the kind attended the benefit to John Sullivan in the Charitable Mechan ics' Fair building. Eighteen thousand people wei present. The street in front of the main entrance wa densely packed and thousands turned away. The crowd in the main, though impulsive, was quiet and the jolice had little lal r in pre Berving order. 0T1IKR LANDS. General Sheridan Arrives in Mexico. The British Grain Trade. COR. calcrs in all kinds of SL S2J j3M&jJMJ&9 !pjtSa.yjaK.5 js'jy MIX1B WAJWSS, 'smmsm asm mm r - wT-i X. . . m n n g33 The l'j,ATTSMOUTII ilEiLALD VUHLISIIIXG COMPANY has .-w-ry facility for first-class Triaiaia mm v n.'A fcT3 iZi E Vr5V I In every d epartmeu t a TT H B a . 1TW,9 w. Uautlosrues una Jt ampnici v via, In every department. Our Stock of Blank Papers and materials is Large and complete in I 2 a 1 ......h ORDERS BY KAIL SOLICITED. Piattsiiiouth ilerald Pub Co. TiC IIP HEPAII Iiil J NATIONAL KAII.WAT KXrOMTION. Chicago, March 19. The exhibits for the national exposition of railroad ap- pliances.which opens here March 24, are beintr received in large numbers. Sccre tary Talbott to day received a cablegram from London, stating that the old engine Rocket," built by George Stephenson, and the first locomotive ever run upou a railroad, has been secured. It is now among curiosities m the Sj'ith Kensiug- tou inusuem. Ths exposition will h ive four of the oldest enginc3 in existence. The other three include one from Eng land, one from Xova Scotia, built by Stephenson, ad one owned by the Balti more & Ohio. SHOT A SEDUCER. New Yoi;:c, March ID. George CoHklin, United States superintendent of government surveys ot Nevada, shetdead William Ilaveratick. seducer of his sister. The tragedy took place iu Paris flat, 341 north Twenty-third street. Conkling arrived in the city a few day ago. Ten years ago his sister married a man named Wap:er. They J soon quarrelied and separated. Pall ing in with llaverstick she came; to New York and lived with him in a Paris flat. Learning her whereabouts Conkling cine to New York and ob tained an interview with his slater. She promised to go west with him, but refused to live with her husband. Tonight Conkling went again to see her aud was met by llaverstick, who swore the woman should not leave th house. The two men came, to blows. Conkling drew a revolver and fired- The ball struck llaverstick in the pit of the stomach, inflicting a wound from which h died an hour later. Conkling left the house immediately after the shooting aud walked to Eighth aveuue aud Twenty-third street, and surrendered to the ol2cers. Conkling said Ubler wa a broker at 17 Broad street. llaverstick was his partner. In this way he made the ac quaintance of Mrs. Ubler. When his sister saw Coukling she said she would go with him to his western home, and last night was the time fixed upon for leaving. When Conkling arrived at the house his sister was in an inner room, and heard only the noise of the quarrel. J. .Conkling is - twenty-aeveu Years old. llaverstick was thirty. Conkling ii locked up, and refused to talk to a reporter; Mrs. Ubler is said CHIMIN A L. C'OKHUIj MoKTiiKAi, March 19. C. O. Pcre ault, consul for France, was arrested on charge of making false declara tions to detvuud customs, CUSTOM KKAL'IH. Montueai,, March 19. 'Jusiness men assert that tho fruit ils upcm c-in-toins amount annually to nearly a million dollars. MISEIl'S JIEIiEH. St Kti hn n k, March 19 - Fifty ulteiuoted to rciiu le their comrades ! The tfcuuaniH'S used weapons. One j miner was killed" a ii 1 several arn'als made. (Jreat excitement. NIIICKIDIN IN MKXIl'H. MoXTKKKv, Mareli 11. -lieu. Hut- idan arrived thin morning. .Sher'nbiif visit is Koiclv for tiie purpose of ob serving tlx; railway met hod of Mei- I co. lie declinod a public reception. ', INCJIEASK OI l'OMt'K. London, Manb 19. Sir William Ilarcourt, home fcecretary, said the police force won. d be increased by 600 men. Until that was done tho military weuld protect tho public buildings. (ieu. tiir Charles Hastings Doyle, Iv. C. M. is dead. ARTHUR'S L UTTER. Iondon, March 19. The universal arbitration and peace society publisli a letter from President Arthur, ac knowledging tho letter the society sent commending the president's reference in ids last annual message to arbitration. The society draw from the president's response that he sympathizes with their objects. l.ADY DIXIE'S DANCJKIl. London, March 19. Lady Klo.enM; Dixie, who was attacked Saturday by two men disguised in women's clothes says the men spoke no br. gue. She remembers seeing her St. Bernard dog drag one of them backward, Irish members of parliament dis credit the story of Lady Florence that she was attacked by masked men. The Lady Florence Dixie affair i6 puzzliug everyone. No clue to tho assailants. A gardener cutting gera niums thirty yards away from the scene neither saw nor heard anything of the occurrence. Lady FUreuco says she called to her husband lor help. She states that she should be sorry to attribute the outrage to the land league THE BRITISH GRAIN TRADE. Lcndon, March 19 The Mark Lane Express in its review ot the British grain trade for the past week says: The 6iipply ot wheat is iucreased and improved in quality. Cargoes in omnll demand. Fifteen arrivals and fnnr c-ilfrij- Flour, lower. Sabs ot English wheat tuejpast week, 57,821 quarters, at 4'J.s va, against oi,-y quarter, at 14s 7d for th correspond ing period last year. To J. H. Barrett, cuhl-r of the flf-rniau Security Link Sir: In reply t your let ter of the ytli in t. yo i ar'' iiiilViimed that tliis (ii,;. ( h n imt yi t I f.led wliirh corixtriK'tion hbonld !' il.iei-1 on t!in biiUMiie f th it jart oftlut in t i f Mnrrh 3 1, 1 SS I, which repi lUllio tax on cMpl tul and ili-j ts f bmikH nu l Lnnker. In view of the imp 'i t ui' " of 111 . qui s tiona involved it i-. prob.i'il'.- t!i eve retary ot tlie trci iuy i 1 1 i ! j i ri ! I tluj same to the alloruey (.H'M kI fur his opin ion as soon as an avtuul cuti nri-rCs which chIN for u dcefoioti -f tlie ilepsrt ment. If s.ich are still dun re turns fir the fame i:.ui:rt be ili'inaiidcd before June lt, nor chii f i" r )!U tio!i of the tianie b; eufnj- ' ! b. -:jri .Iniy 1,1'H.i. (rjigne l) ll.ll. U iiji.u.H, A-'lill "ii f n i J 1 ' 'i' . ( Ii A I'lii. '. M .... 1 A "1 11. i: j I i i . Ml' ;',) ei. i. in ;, '.f.iicli '..'n, 'i u. In. V.ii T. M..v. i'l'.' i ' ;i . ', . i.-' i -I 'Iv. .( . i M-.i liii, 1 !. in. M.i-, J',. .1' ii i ' y Win i. .' !' i. A, !U.'. I lii ,.:;:i c;i!!, '1 ). in. Al ii. I'mi.i, i...'.t. Mny ;.-i. t.liil'ACU lit I Kli'iH. Si. 1.! i.i -, i.I'. .U.y,, 1 l. iu. (;iit;. Mareli,W'i. Aju it. .'. -'.k. Muj.ftS'i. Jui. i'la'.tni.nH!i i'Uy Jlnrkcts. ri? v i si. .vn, I'.i.: 1 1 . ir.-i- I l.v .1. II. .'.) '.II ,'.! y J I'.i. l-'idiii liran Cln;:;)( l Kt 1 live 1' lour .iiii;uu i' in' r.uii-r Sie'-M- ( 1..1M Iv 1 1 1 . ;. . (,'liei i tt.i ' ' . i. J Sitar Cuieil H:i i!S leiiii f-liOlliiHT" Drinl I'.eet 1' y V..:r Itlill tK- t'iii.'icii '.''.:. mf-... . hi-, t-.-t " Reel Odious A nine i Aii.lerf. . . . Hweet t.'itier. ....... . Oysters, lert ...... Culiliii.i.i .. .',ii ! l.'.O lierrnt. ylM; " K.U " , ... il.Si - ifl " . . . . SJ.U.J " . e'H pur 111 it ...j ".'.'.'.'.'ir, 14 " " 4J Jj " " 'jit . si per loz. v c. " . .. WC. '.i j' i-i. per b ii. '.1 ii '. j cl " ,jt:l " .Vi ..!.. " ).': per (ral 4'.ii imt run l'J For LS;tit5 1 K -, fcyc. :; 'j. i-J, i- la. c... T. 12, li. 13 V. K a n I N .-. X 1G. i re, 10, T. 12, R. AV. ike. :u, T. J:3, ll. 13 Lot 10, Jilot-k r!f. ft 11, NATIONAL NEWS. The Yellowstone Par - The ahove 'k-fj-ibt-fl fknu-i nff fur f-:i!e on ii:i-, with 7 j-t v.f'vA. iutero.-t. -iq" lJ JJ. Ii. AViXDHAM, Uli' l't;itriliio-.'.il:, Xcb. THF1 TAX ON CAPITAL DEPOSIT ETC. THK PRKSirkaT.' WASirrNGTON, March 19. It is state i that the president has abandoned his proposed trip to Portress Monroe, . and will instead move to the -Soldier's Home. THK.PARK I'ljOTliCrED. Secretary Teller .has Requested tlie sec retary of war to detail a military guard for the protection of Yellovrstone Park. Secretary Lincoln promised to comply with the request. FINAL DIVIDEND. C'otupt roller KooX wiU s!iortly pay t'le ieposi ors of the froedmau's bank an other and a in i diyidtStd of seven per Uni.ien I am wiating in tlie ag- ceut. 1- gregate to sixty live -h't cent, nave read;-beit -paid-.- ' 11 K it 1.1 S-H ANKKitS. Piesideut Arthur has received a letter frm Beriiu, enclosing a contribution ot 10 iO murks from a number or !iakers of that citv, for the ilood suiforers in th. s countrv. The 'etter was referred to the state department, for proper ackuow ltjslgemeijvand the money turned over to tlie-repre8tot.uve iu city of the Red Cross for distiibutiou. tH.K KEVJJSCE COiIliIVI0NKR S Jli.T. -The commissioner of internal revenue replies to the inquiry of officials on the cosistrcctioa of the law repealing the ttu- tax on capital deposits, of b.inka, as allows: . , . Tkcasvbt DzrABTMENT. Wabhinotos I alircb ictsu t Proposals lor Xvlilit.ry Sup plies. )Ia;''':,..i:Tn:'i i-.i-'j "i HK n.A-rii, l.i.lei 'JV..-.U' un:: I n Uil.CM . li.ii.iu, .. i- e.. Mid l.i 7. Ii. : Skai.ko 1 i.ol-ot-Ai.!. i.i I. ''UK-ate. i J ft to .. i iu- ;i i i iniili'ii -. v. ili I r- leivert at tliis .::'iC u:i: U 1-i 'i.i'.t4 -i-. V(iierUay, April 1. UbJ, i r .it iH'Mic - :iO,ir iai.u .. in;- .or tue uirtei;Uio in ll:ne ) HI tiliJ Oilijes til tlie Q'.!'.: s al I'.i:- v. ins; tiunit-'t lt uus at wiiil pi. '; .1 1 ui tl.ey v jpmu in ill'- iireseue 'it L.i'.M.-r. In tlie lurtuliiuK and delivery ui .i.u..iy ..ui,:;n: iuni.s .c v.-:tr et,iiil:ei.C!I.S: July 1st. J" '. aud eilUlll2 June soil), lasi. m i)ii' : Umtci U.iy and Charcoui, or :xii jX supjiIU-a uii.jr tat retiuirea at uuiu;' u 4.-01. r u; 1 uhwi.h, r .111. Niotirv-r. 1'ort -iiOuey. .C'hevcune Jeit, iVrt J-.uSMCll. Fort Stctie. i ott Do.ivia. Kvrt hot-lu-een. l"ort 15riUn:r. t ort I-yiaim..-, McKin iey, Kurt Va.-liak!C, KM I 1 h-rnburuli, anUI'jr tlie U -nverv r.t Fori ii:i.inliiii;,li -J ZHQ tons of Coal ol aKi pouuc m ui i""- . r. nO'lOSHIS l ! llTllic'i at til. v ' ... .hu tl'iv .iti.l l,m:r :ll:(il.e. Y-.iXlU'll. luV tllA 111 1 ' ' - ' -' - - " - rtellverj a ll; caiaitt tu- poli.:. i;e;ei.l to tne li:.l!"" OI l HO Mlie OI llltJ tllll-n l ftmv lui'"J, t.j ei 'iit tnoiii iud tt'iiB ol Cual.. t'l p junu a to the tn. Also lr delivery at fmaiia ltiMt. (ir at i-t.'itloin! fin tl.e n.ain m.e of tlie Urion l"a- c-if.c Kai way ea.i iroia y juuli.uh, hi tvt iml!i-ii i)i;i.L-:'- nt.' ii 1 one ii li ion . ii.t. Ki.iv it.r 1 lii.u sLoUiil Alii.e ln I'luti . . -' - - - , . - rate per 10-j llis, not per booiiel lTo L O-U.S lor 1 . l.KI lui w- '.'.a u.v.i- lluued. o. l-.l ijnamitB l "is ih :n tii- v.iiolo nouiiL'-l iil L"- :--L-.-:ve 1. J'.rieli irop.-al eh( ul 1 te in tiiiii!C::te, -.MAMrr: ron t.vtn Ai'.lCi.B a r -...oii M .v i lu.i . it.l -: t L- ao- eiii'-.i;ii' i 0V u Li "U-; in i-' iiuiiii- red ti'ill.i' ( f . ii . eai" ruictl)' in LCeord- ' wii.i 'il': l 1,-iiiu hum, mm . piu ilie l)!;.!:it . r 1. lu.'iiiui-u uuociiun nuimira- uieiit. .!' t-i:fc-1 iial 1.1c i.iii ktttMiut: .. 1 . -.-.I a h .1.1 .'i 1 ; - :n.i wi i ti in iiv. -;:..- . v. " iX;y ti-y irv.n :i:-tiri-e anuiiuucetl ir uen i.U t-n ; ai.i! M-i -jli bin lor. aioe4 r. I;-v, ii:. v. 1-. 1.1 .-. flaua r be ink iiul-a ti i : - itk- "- Pf " - such botl- IlC.AllIlL, Of l.U'lL- v. 11 Tii'i 11. uaj" nieiilto-eO. -; c'c ;-l trv iuiuiu and HaiufKui vi.. ti..--. at i-C.-. 1- r - lie HUii.Xul performaiie th- fuMwt. I h- irrui.ieitt i-earrvra Uv -i .1 I I" r- i-' '- a:: r all li;Jo- als. a p, i-wi ru'e v. 1 j m." i ui loamtciuB 01 domestic iirtMliictioii .... . . .(.... 1 ..1..,. (. t . 1 1 Ul&IIH. IIO3iVI ttuu 1'IIUICU I.VIt 1,1-., Olfll- inU tlie K-ii.d. nud eatwi.aii-d qui.nti.i. f ot ood. liay and Cuarvoui recju leu ai t-aeli t ton. and ell'C lull iiisiiiifiioim a ! tue. uiaaiier ol bi.idniif,;. in ln oUci-rvett by bidder-aad teitii 1 fi-uti i4-l. ru-.viii 09 luililiibvd 1111 ippliii.tiili l'i lti 1 lU.-eer to the QuartrmaitrH ut I hi- V'iriu' . t:,'.i.riP ii:-iurd. aveloj.e. eo;.Lw' i"-; 4"'' ' - ttiind, be- inj:!-.e-l : " i ri.i'O.. tol 3. 1111 1. "1 , ,HJ.-. ..-- ... . ai.d aldn-?cri tf t .;e t;i-rijii.i d tr to tlie re-npi-ciivi' i'ust aiiil i'" rot Cjuaiit-ri.ioMeis. JdliS V t L i'.EV. Cii'it'ln, A. Q. M I". S. A.t iut-Liaie 1 C. Q. of- . . lice. Xe.'l. i t the I ,; (e. - ' - The Troy City 1 aiuniiy . lias removed to the Mockciihaupl huUl"- ' iog near the blacktuiilh shop and ispre- -pared to do nret-cla. -woik. 16-dlror, ... ,1 i W f I lb to t vcrj jrUy. - - 1