f I' uuuiu urn ULiJ. IJLISIIED DAILY AUD WEEKLY nr LPlattsmontli Herald mXx&w. Co. J TEEMS: DAILY, d-II vrr-i by tan ler to any art of I lie - city FarWrek 9 It rr Month no Tr Year 7 00 WEKKI.Y, by mall. e ropy sis months tl W One copy ou year 2 00 BKtsl-reil at tlie Post Office. IMaUMiioiitli. aa Kcuml cla. matter. PLATTSMOUTH, MAIICI1 15, 163. Iavii 1avis marriage yi-strnUy, wuh one of the lir,jest" on record. Tonkiiit is the old feoMUr'a night, and a royal time limy be txiicted both tor those who bore arum, and their "m-.stB f the evening. I)k LekskI's, the great French eu jrlnecr, has commenced work on hia latent project, which is to m.ik- of tho ,.ctcrt .!' ."54lani, :i r'vit inland 0(1. The wtrtrklv Hkkm. i.i sh'd to day, Hom-s On? eighteenth car ! its exi.ilciK'c. the eoinpmy have ro comment to make; the pap r rtpej.ka for ili-elf. . i Ex (Jov. Wm. !"pkajite hits been nominated for governor of Itliode Is laud; the report that ex-Senator Conk ling will assist in the tauvu3, is i fabrieution out of wholo cloth. Tiik Wiseonin, Iowa ami Ncbras ka railroHil, the diagonal route, is working a heavy force in eaateru Iowa, and a preliminary surrey is now being made between Des Moines and Council I'luffr. Tiik Iowa Ilrewcrs were in convcu- tioii at Council Willi's yi-ptcrday; There is a Morm brewing in the pro hibition ranks in that state, that will astonish the Iowa beer mauufactti rers at au earlv da v. Now U the time to take steps to widen the H.U wa'.ks upon Main street, and put in gutters that will protect the. citizens i-roperty. Now let it be discussed and settled one way or the other. The IIkk ali is fur ex: ended sidewa'ks aud de- - cent suiters. Is it not time our people were paying some attention to the coming city eltc- tlon? We want active, business men 'at the head of affairs; much that effects the future of Piattsmouth depends upon this. Agaiu the IIeiiai.d calls on. our business men to not shirk their duty in this matter. I'ivKK Mtice Mr. Folger has been tecrctary ot the treasury, rumors have been rife of his resignation at oft recurring intervals The last ru mor is now declared off, and Mr. Fol ger assures the public that he will continue to hold that position. The best suggestion for the nation al rcpublicaa ticket next year in print is as lollowe: For president, Geo. F. Erlniuud?, of Vermont; r vicc-prc suleut, Peijainin II irri?ou,f of Indiana. Two of the ablest and bet men in the United Stales of Auier ica. Diagonal. i jo uoi iei !:e aigouAi sc. your nl'mtiou, g '.'it ''iiifii; i; is ou otii- cr -ide of 1 iic-riv.r.. ft;d ;,m- uvaiis your euoour.ictr.-.;it aa-.l luvtration to bask iu thj sir-shin.: oi X UrasKa prosperity. Keep the garter iu sight gentlemen, and act proi.-ip-lr. More about Wiggins IVvhi the Chi cago Iuter-Ocean: "V. W. WILL NEVER MOKE TROUBLE YOU" AFTER THIS V KEK. The entire failure of Wiggius storm predictictioti has called forth the following tonight from a defeated candidate for the House of Commons, known as "our deacon:1' Wiggins wanted wind Wiggins wished waveg. Wigirius wagered wind would wollopwild. Wide wast ing waters would wave. Worlds would wobble. Wrecking winds would waft with woful wast age. World woniered. Women Watched wakefnlly. Widows wtai. rtficktl wights winked wittily, vviz- gins waxed wanton,, writiug woeful word. Weeks wore".' Wiggins wind ware weather wouldn't work. Wrecks wares, winds were -wanting. World warbled. Wiggins ' was wrong. Wicked -Wiggi us! Windv Wiggins! Would-be weather-wise, wild, weird, wizzurd Wiggins..' r: Packing Interests. Our people should not be despondent over the discouraging views of eastern capitalists, in regaril to developing a pirk packing interest at this point. Had James E. Boyd gone to 'Mr. Arn;our when he established his packing house in Omaha, doubtless be would hare been told that Chicago, was the only market in the world where, capital and brains could b successfully utilized in that particular branch of trade. There is not so much in the argument of Mx. Ar mour, as he would have us believe. It may be true, and doubtless is, that the refuse, the trimmings, .such as hair ani hoof of the swine can be utilized in 'Chicago, aud to a great exit made to pay.thc expense of a slaughtering estab lishment; hut all this can be saved here id placed niiou the market, not ao ad 5v i. . t? ?C,,usiyi " true, as it can be ' Y vrChicagpi, but It can be done, aud - nc otner point which Mr. Ar- io;ir and his brethren upon the lakes :ould not forget, it is a small matter of 'r.nrse, . but still it is a. fact Chicago Vs should not overl-ok, and t?iat is x?gV aod the Cv.ru that makes th hog, in this great producing region ars raised right here, aud there can b r.o question but they can be profitably lUnghtered.here to the great advantage of this country. This is cot aa experi ment, not an unsolved problem, but long a demonstrated fact. Let not our loard of trade bj discouraged. If hoi cau be slaughtered a they have been, pro fitably, for yeard on the Missouri river, it can yet b doiwyuid riht here where they are produced anl tutted for the market is the place to slaughter them. Tmk telegraph system, like Hie rail way system of the country, has be- cotn.i an arbitrary master, whenever it touches the commercial, operations of the different and distant beclions of our country ;and sooner or later a rem edy bus to be applied. The dilllcul- ty and the danger from these two agencies, is. that the trud of the coun try is dependent to a very large extent upon them; speed destroys distance; we are not so many miles, but so many hours from market. In the case of the telegraph no man of sense aud judine.'it would dare go into our markets here and buy the stock ami prince of Nebraska, wi'.hout. he was constantly within -ear nhot" of the Chicago, or New VorK quotation, as they p ilsate nomentarily from thosa great centers of trade; this renders tue telegraph indispensible to the mer chant and jobber; it is bis medium of information; his protection in trade. These great interests, by virtue of their great value, their overshadowing importance, become the exalted ob jects of speculating capitalists. Their stocks have become chatties in the markets for ventursome gamblers until today the railway and teiegraph stock of America is the grand feature of our quotations. This has stimulated the building of telegraph us well as railroad lines; aud the formation of new companies and corporations, for purposes of speculation. These stocks depend to a great extent for their market value, i. c., the basis of their market value, upon the net earnings of their oper ated lines, whether it be railway or telegraph, hence, anyone can see how necessary it is that such stocks should have a good reputation. Wealthy men of late, iu this coun try, seem to have a mania for the sole ownership of the stock of our railway and telegraph lines consequently. these stocks have naturally- flowed with the current of trade into the hands of the Vanderbilts, Goulds, and Fields the speculating millionaires of -America. The result has been, that a these stocks have gravitated into the hands of the few, the management ef these great interests have become more and more arbitrary, and less re gardful of the wants and necessities of those dependent upon thr-m in the regular course of trade. The little morning ialk of Mr Gould, over a year ago, to the'St. Louis board of trade, when he said, ia sub stance, that his consuming de3ire to swallow all the railways of the coun try, and absorb ali the telegraph stocks. had become merely a matter of amuse meut and pastime to him, was an alarming statement made by one of the autocrats of our commercial world. to tbeproducer of the great northwest ; the statement of a fact, which the producer had realized and felt before. viz., that owing to the ability of one or two men to own and control the railway and teiegraph lines of this country, th products of r.h rat n.jrtiiTct, wvro vu-tu:tlir at U;g uv-r-cy of thv'r wi.Uas io ::x Arbitrary nud exorbitant raie.s ri! rue; : v, almost, of ;:i market vain?; a da!.er which the laws of trade, so often applied to, could not avert, c aip..t;ltoii using practically ubohsiied. The great question has been, and will be, until a satisfactory solution is arrived at how can this be reme died? In the case of our telegraph monopoly, a remedy has been suggest ed, and very favorably - received nd commented upon; and that is. that the government sliail conste- ; i.i.......or -uu srauuaiivnicn purchase. lue rranor soMiArsti i,v wealthy Vjje r&ntfiol- much in is proposed emu Riamat recom- &i&.etrZ-ff. It would take the telegrath stock off the market, and this w'uld stop the ten dency and. practice o arbitrarily raising the tariff rates, and thus tax ing the customer and patron (who, in the regular course of trade, is com pelled to patronize) to meet the losses sustained by the Individuals owning the fctocks and lines in gambling speculations in stocks which have proved disastrous ;;all the government would want would be a reasonable rate sufficient to maintain the linrf in good repair and make the system a self sustaining one. Every individual and corporation woald be placed upon an equal foot ing, and no one class could monopolize thsse great agencies of trade and in telligence, to the exclusion of its com petitor and neighbor. Consumption POSITIVELY OtTllED. All suffiTt-ni from this :seaf that are ai. irnH to l-! cured should try Dr. Kiisiier' Cele brated Consumption 1'owdtr'n. .'tt)e.; IVwfl crs arc tnc only prep.iraii. n kno it tiiat will cure C'oa.MUinptwn and all di.tea.stn of tlieTliroat and Lungs lodreU, o nlroiiK Is our faith iu toetu. aud alsuto convince you that they are no humbug. w will forward to everv .utterer. by mail, nosi paid, a Kree Trial Box. We don't wut your money until you arc per fectly aatifled of their curative powers. If your life i worth living. doa"l df lay in Kivtnx these 1'ui1..h a trial, tut they will surely cure yon. Price, for larue Rox. ?3.00. or 4 Coxes for $10. Sent to any part of the I tilled States or Cana da, by wail, on receipt of price. Address ASH & HOBBIJiR, Pee. 28th. Mffir. SU lJro0Uyn' V.'Y, J. LEVY, Will UUY and fcF.LL all kinds of FURNITURE, METALS, IR01T, RAG3 AND FURS" Will advance money on all SALABLE MODS, on lower Main street. Opposite Th; Old Huh': Jiuiiling. Plaltsmouth, Feb. Is'., Is8; 4Gtf. "ROBERT DONNELLY'S A I'D IHiACKaMlTll SHOP. Wayon, Jtnyyy, Mar.hine. uiul I' low rt- pairiny, and yewrttl jubbiny I am now prppan-d to l all kinds of n-p.-ttriiig of farm anil other iiuicliiiii-ry, as tlirrt is a food latlio in my shop. PETER RAIT EN. The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the waun s-liop. He is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. If ew Wagons and Itussfe raaite f Order. SATISFACTION OU A KANTKEI)., HENRY BCFCK DEALKK IN SAFES, CHAIRS, TC, KT6., ETC., Of All Descriptions: METALLIC BURIAL CASES wooDsiir coFFiisrs Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash, MY FINE HEARSE 1 CU ilKAUk fUH HEU.VIVE. With many thanks for past patronage. Invite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF SUf. FUR.VTl'HE AMI COPflK u 4 o o a P H M D 3 1 r 1 14 B CO 0 9 W 9 S Q CD o CD 0 i 6 i a 3- r 41. 1 H (!) CD MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, HUiK SilOKINO; & WAdOX KEPAIKING. 1 1 All ii2u3 of fam noleiaents Mecaeil will Neatness and IUspatch. Horse, 31ule& Ox Shoeing, In short, w e'll shoe anything that ha four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JSTETW" SHOP a tilth St between Main and Vine Streets. u.t acres; corner from the kkw IIEUALJ OFFICK. ioy. For Sale ! N E , Sec. 3, T. 12, II. 13. i t oec. :j . T. 12, K. 1.3. SY. . Sec," 3, T. 12, Ii. 13.! ana .n. . Sec. 10. T. 12, I?. 13. KA S. W. Sec. 34, T. 13, K. 13J E A, Lot 10, lilotk 2S. b I. " 'J. n. Duke's Adlition. The above Jc-ocriIcil lurms axo for bale on Ionj time, with 7 per cent, interest. Ajinly tu 13, WINDHAM, d9tf KattEiaoutb, Keb. 1 'jiiL-XJ&itSs the I . , JS UJ'W- WM. HAROLD and SON desire to state to the public thai they have :noved their Dry Goods Notions, Hoots, and Gent's Fur nishing go ils to their store room formerly occupied by Jf. It. Cox. A full line of will b-3 kepi at theold stand. We would be , leased to see all our old customer and many new ones. ' will k. c j a li! ' VVAl line allel to. Blake's Biulding, up Stairs, Win-"- they ari PIEf E C!'tM)DS We also v. :..i to inf Dyin.g,Ci-3aningy Repairing On notice, and z -a The Fii est Pressed Brick Orders and ffilled Those slioul:! e quality of our bricks and prices. Yard, i:: rear of Bonner Stable, Plattmor ih, Nebraska. 1 n ui r ii 1 1 Man 11 ii" l is of tFae eld saasal yoea will find Smith & Black Bros,, ESi ISIS T13W ralE, IDT for trouble to Unci ; J out . Bargains in Vanned Goods, Fresh ProvM-ms of a;S Ki mis, at Trices that will astonish you. Don't lake ray wot ! lor it, but call and examine for yourself. South Side of .V "hi Street, at Smith & Black llros.. Old titaml. 'iymWM cr m m- a : i r f ENSWARS t)"u jls than we wen- funnerl y on- ci-ivii:ga complete line of all kinds of V SUITINGS, i the citizens of I'lattsmoulh that we have made an inurements for warrant s iti.sfaction fc-g at eceived for any quantity a satisfactory manner, o n t em p 1 at i 1 1 g- to bui 1 d oiiine our work, the TIP 51 g n rUiJUJLl& BUSnSTESS. W rl .WOOBSOM. a select line of ALL KINDS FOR SALE RV ST. LOU IS, MO bale by J. S. Duke. BANKS. Joiim PlT.or.KAl.D. PreslUent. A. W. .Vi'I.AtruBLIM, r.i.hlrr. FIRST NATIONAL OK ri-ATTSMul Til. NKMCAHKA. Offers The veiy host f .i-i'iil-s : i tlic j -t i:t jt tr:ib;wti. ii f l.-j-illi .! BANKING BUSINESS. M''k, iuhhIs. (;: hr-rurilii f lion :lii Oil ami it:!iT'-s! Catc-. I r;u 1 1- l : . Id', el : t hil l I n Ml !'l Si.ltJ, 1 ii , -It iv l - ' veil .n I rr!!tl - v 'i, :i villi. .. In ;i: V nail ot 1 !i- I .1 Sl:tii- tut t In- pi i; i i ; .il IhhIi 1 i i i jm. t Collections ruadt. & pmmj ly n rtitttd. IliKh'it market piiifH pl.l County War raut5. Stall- ii l Count !:du.1. Dllt HCTOHS John Fit7irTald John lc. ('UrK. A. K. Tuu.alln. I.. ('. I'u-liiuy. leo. K. I)ivey, i . V.. Iilll. A. W. Mi l auuhl' Bank Cass County 'otmr M;ii;i :'-id Sitli tnvt. PLATTSMOUTII, 1TEB j JOHN r.l.A' K. IT' li-nt. I I J. M. I'A 1 1 IJtSON', i .iHhli-r. f Transacts a General BanKlujc Business. HIGHEST (JASII i'HIOK Paul J or County and Ci'y War rants. loi.Li '. i loxx :z lK and promptly remittiMl tor. Di it!::"roiN : John W.ick, J. M. r.itteisou, C. II. l'aricl. K. K. Cutlim urn, J. MoiTi-stry, A. I:. Smith. I-rod 'Joimit. 511y WEEPING WATER iwfiai WEE PINO WATER, - NEB. E. I,. It EE I), President. II. A. (III'SON", Vice-President. It. S. WJLKIX OX. Cashier. A General Mu?. i Busiiij ;. Transacled. !l!'OSITH Kewivt-d. and Inti-rct :i!!om I 0:1 Time Certi ficates. JMTAKTN Drawn Hvailabl.- i'i any pal : of tin- UnilM Sti'.tes anil all t!i" .ri .:ital oil i.-s of Enroji. o- Ayeiits f-.r the eel- i-rated x I JO 5 e: ; pi ZT 1 ' ft 3 1 O f- , s 1 - -r S-i .0 M l -- Vj 2 w'"" O 5 PS 5. j w 3 rr it3 ir 3 c - a..c ce "' A CoMon-Seflse Umlj. AL iVoinorc Illieuuiatl .ai, Gout or AeismSjria.l Iiaeiiate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Gairanteei Vtoryear ttahlUkcd an-l ncrcr Known tn fail i)iainulecae.ariiif or chronic. liefer tit nil prominent hyiciw anil 0ruggiU for the itandiiui of Salicyiica. THE ONLY DISSOr.VEB OK TIIK POI.SON OU8 UKIC ACID WHICH KXIST8 IX THK 1JLOOO OF KHKUMATIU AND GOUTY PA TIENTS. HALU'YLICA i Knov.-.i as a comiuon seime remedy. becuuKe it ftrlkr-H directly at Hie cau ot ICht-uin::ttr-Tii. Gout and uralKla. while so many so-c.iileJ sperii:c- and supposed panaceas only trent locally the eflects Itbasbeeu cciiceded by tii.iueut scientists that outward aiiplicatioim. such a rubbing with oil, ointments, liutnie .ls. aud soothing lotions will not eradicate thee diseases which are the result of tlie poiiouiug oi the blood with Uric Acid. MAI.I'CYIjI t'A work wiMi man'elou n- lect on this acid juio so reiuovt-s the disorder. It is now exclusively used bv all celebrated Physicians of America and i'urope. Jlixhest Xledical Academy of I'ariH rejmrts 95 per cent cure iu three days. REJtIEMEER that MALICYLICA is a certain cure for KHKUMATlSil, liOUT anil NEL'KAMwIA. 1 he most intense pains are subdued almost in (tantly. - ' ii we it a trial. Kelief L'um mtcil or motipv refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on a pi. Men tion. $1 a Box. 6 Boxe fur ?5. Sent free by mail on receipt if money. ASK YOL" II Intl'GOIhT FOU IT. Butlonot be deluded into t iking iruitaliom or subptituter. or somethine iicomiii-nd'd sis "jusl ai c-Md !" Insist on tW irenuine with the ' name of WASHHI KNE & ro., on each box. i which Is pu.irHUli i'.l fUeinicallv pure uudi-rocr siitnature. an inuisili.'ii.mb'u ii-.unite to limine succefn in the tii:i! i::t-Dt. Ti.'.e ui other, r j jfuii io ue. I Waabburro ft Co.. 1'ioprietorn. 28" Broadvav. tor. Kcade St.. NEW YOIlK. SUit & Ktcnroe SU..Chi: AND CATALOGUE, tnuotx -"HtW, t'4 tiu. ItATitte. Drcm M&orH Staffs. u SmmUm SUN KQPf r5 0. v ! V1' EOYLIGA 1 -11 4 V "I h f ; v. J- 0" ( 7-1 V '---ri-.: -J "TH 1 ' Si Mir 1 J f fc'i;; 1 i I 'TIIK CI Omaha, K.i as CI: I II V I It' . 1 ri . 'Itliiion . . CI. "c .-jIi, . it- CHICAGO pi:oi i a, ST, LOluS, DETRC:T, I 1AGARA FALLS, NewVof.i, Bcston! An-1 A'l "ints ; t: i t . T anil ' I nMI' . I -i t I. i ; . " l-.l I- ii I IITI ; r .i .' ; : i . v. 'i i . i .-I. 1 Ti ,:ast. i:-' . I 'I'm. u a r. i i i - hi . i i i; i.i.i:, r r- . i ii. -il ( '.i.l in I i.i) t in y liiHt.'.i'l . ii... f.,i - .! : .-ri":' nr i i : . r:. :., N'l-m lv 1 '! - 'MIM'I'flOII j: ft N:lll.n:'l ( I i 1 1 I . 1 1 i.i I. Tin: ( V .rM f. r ml . Try il. ;iM. ii' u 1 1 'in f -i Tln."li.'ti 'I i. h: nil otii.-.- ii. All inl .r A .-riniiHi. .iliit . . fully i v i'ii ( T. J. POTTEII. . 1 V:- . I'i.- 1 .' (1)11 Hi 1. 1 I IT ' . I! N ! I'I . Mi l . '. 'I I i .,.,'. .. -. I .!: T MCI. KENFiAf SS) 2!05 Til K M. im'i iiii'ci cdv't.-iI as 1 i 1 - I'.'i ; i;il l.li-l. r ; AI-. j:i;a 1 n;i' f hi. vnor, co! V ;in"l i!. .1. Kcii'! il tc ii;il!.. I'.iiii twin. Iiinlily, In' I.' 1 a I i niiii a sum: mil ium vi'iy lai.." ; I I Ino I't.-i 1 1 iv mi I'V.'i '. . .i.;il .. H Ii .111. 111 M Ii. J.. T. i ) 1 Ki: 11. lii. " a.', inlli, I . ; -u 1 roll, u l.lllll' 1 Hi- . I. Illl I lillf a. I in,.' .'uri' ii. .it inn-.' Kit if . ; all mill 1,1 IIS. : i !i ilny ii i ! ii 11 y v il - 1 1 ;.i ii:'l ' i y .11 ii 1. in- j..: nt r. ii i'ti tn .1 f 1 i- rli ;tt ,' i- of ia -il t ".i o hi .11;. -ii'. nt ' I.:..-; 1. I 1 ;, it , .1 .1 ..iii 1 li-ii'i! Iliii'i: .,: !;l I v.... ,1.1 .('. I .llli III a 1 1 1 . 1 .'.'Il . ll In j liim. I vii 1 if i!:i I Ki'iiilall S.;i i I Iis, I ii . .ilinr.i ! inij.'nir'l.-i II ; c Hi'li ' , l.ottli'.s, I to-.;, tin-: 1 1 nr 11 ,1 inn 11 .' 1 , ! I I -. till' .1 ir' ill 1 i I I . ,IM'! I I'll . I ul III" . s ii' ti- iii " as Ml s I' V tl .11 M III llsl'll till I I ill - ; ml III fiiv triuii l:i' ih in ; t In- state. .' i- e: K'i ii in.ii ka' . tli.i' liave t he i i i .. iniu, usiiif: il. V c'.y en !! tiVi Wo l)H ' 1 1 ' .''III" AH 11 lii l;'li Inn - U11 ;ui' Ih.w I- t i.il. . I. I. 1 os 1 i;i:. Kendill'f. Spavin Cure o. in iax 1 m:mi. rotten' III". N. V.. F'.-'i. , H. J. Kk. w.i. . lie .,i ! I i--i -'..!!'- ;i i in .t i ! en l ir rave nil ii-li I i!i:-!i lit. . il iii: ' m e was a in. mill- st ;i : i 1 vam. i.lllt.'l I'.'I!' 11 a tii'l :.!';.! v.'i:- ;.,..i I IKlkl : ia I 1 1 i iii" I liii.-" . fl. :i:nl ill I ! Il' M. 1 I V.'I .1 I.l;. ! .1 1:1. 1 n: - : .'i.il :..!.!, ' ' !:!'. f i'lil'iiV iii. -ti'('i---, I., ' ill). I'l l'-e i , ; ; ;ri. ;i-1 s i ill i.V n-ut ' ' I i " iro;. . IKl-l.l.l 1 ii sou) r: ; Purnitt'jBi. E HARJilS & UKRUH, n. .i.LTCS.i.V PUENITU11E C0FFI17S, and ill Kiudu ot rood xin- '''jr j si - FIHSi CjAMp. , : s lit: STOilK Also, n very compl- t,; uh:Li I'.i .crjl ;x,N, EM - !M!5, ( .. ' Our Xe k.:d f u' it.t lif; ;...'. j.- .'.' jji ; 1. 4i ilit S. llemeuib? , tl ,hic: in IJXfOV 'xULOCK, on Sixth s,'i-ft. TWO Jo- rssoii'b of C... Coun ty Jar,k. AVliear - e may be foun.' -.. u ord y. HARRIS & UNRUH, 213 PLATTSMOVTII. NER. JASON 3TREIGHT, (Kues -r to :-4trels!it .'i Ziller.) MAX l i ACT I I! I K -Jk Fiif heavy mm. A i rgeiine rr Sadalss IflM. Collars, f Sips. &c. aln'..yA In ::".:. Repairing ' aV' land's u. al'y done on nort notify . St; i t. b . ten Fcui ii and 1 i.tJi, O. V. STKI illT, r-K-. - M t ii wr.i m t. AV JC Mc ! Sample You will find . the i 'French landv. Cliaia:1 -i'cn. mih Fine Win , c Kf niu-:-!cy Whi several or tiie ! st r.tKi ir.osl j. iu brands of 1 LU i'TLE l.'JSHR. l'r;s Beer Always ontlrausbt, ar'J FiHt- Ci garfl. . . t'Gtf., HI. I i ;. I :i in ii ' . fit. -in V. It r l. "St X 1 i) ...t, he I ; " No Ml :- ) -;:,7 f - ir