Sje A VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1883. NO. L. mm ALWAYS SNNJSTT THE LEADING GROCERS! Come to Ihn (runt with Staple and Fancy Groceries FJIESH ANI NICK. We always buy the best goods in the market, and guarantee everything . r- sell We are sole agents in this town for the sale of PERFECTION" (JKOUNI) SPICES, AND T1IK CELKI1KATK1) " B ATA VI A" CANNED GOODS, .Vnthinjr iiner in the market, Piatt's M Tier" brand of I.altini ore Oysters ;i!.vah i.i; Coiue ami see us. We will make you glad. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Line General Merchandise. Full JLine General Merchandise. Always on Hand, Always on Mai id. llottom Prices for Cash. Bottom Prices for Cash JOSEPH V. WECKBAGH. T? 7 Tlie PLATTSMOUTII IIE11ALD every facility JOB In every department. Catalogues and Pamphlet Wmorli, 57 AHEAD! & LEWIS, a complete -lock of PUKLISIIINCi COMPANY has for first-class WORE! department. Large and complete in OPERA HOUSE BLOCK V-.' .n ' IP nr bnhL Order takn for WILSON BHOS.' SHIRTS. D DECKKK UKOS. o) nn D)oM ROAltl) by the DAY or WEEK. ATTE lit i I . I? tail aver VOUDIgp wsmm ft From this date until closed out I sell my large stock of BEST GOO So NOTIONS, OPERA HOUSE --AND . GENTS' FURNISHERS. P POST OFFICE News Depot, STATIOXKKY. NOTIONS, -MASON & HAMLIN HENRY F. MILI.KU and CKNTItAL RESTAURANT. P tetfs J yfli? Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. 9 OAFS ETTJOEJ TELEGRAPHIC NATIONAL NEWS. Condition of the Nation's Finances. Hazen to be Investigated- 3Ilcellaueous. '1JIE t'KKSJDKNT. W Af MINGTON, March 12. The Prehult-ut is btill iudi-i- !, and to day refused t see uu re(i inti mate friends. STANDARD HI I. V Kit lll. IKS. The i&auo ul a'audard bilvor dollar!) troin the mints for the week ending March 10 was 28l.(W. For the cor reKpoiidiiij; period lait vear, $141,490. i 1 1. VI L, I. A N 'd 6VC4 K.SMO It. Seeretary Folger had a loujf inter view with the president t!.in after uoon in regard to tilling the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Treasurer Gilfillau. No person was determined upon for the position. NATIONAL FINANCES. The statement of the - treasurer shows gold, silver and United State's note in the treasury today as fol lows: Gold coin and bullion, $179, 685,008; silver dollars and bulliou, $105, 251,198; fractional silver coin, $27,778; United State's, $42,584,268. Total, ,$358,188,946. CertiGcates out standing: Gold, $42,535,870; silyer, $68,71 4,880: currency, $10,595,000. HAZKX'S ADMINISTRATION. The secretary of war ha requested (ho president to order a court of in quiry to investigate General Hazen's administration of the "signal service. The detail for the court ha not been made, ll is expected soon. CIVII. SERVICE COMMISSION. The members of the civil service commission met by the appointment at Wil lard's, hotel this morning-, and then proceeded to inspect the apart ments offered them as headquarter. Judge Thonan, one of the commis sioners, said: "We want three rooms for the commieiou proper, and a large room in which to conduct examina tions.'1 After the commissioners se cure their quarters, ihey will prepare for work. The coinmiskivuers have not yet formally considered she mat ter of the appointment of uu exami-ner-in-chief. THK NKW TARIFF. The treasury department today mailed copies of the new tariff act to all collectors of customs, together with instructions. Sections seven aud nine of the act go into effect at once, and apply to all goods in boad ed warehouses as well as to goods im ported after the date of the passage of the act. Section repeals the duties on packages heretofore added in as containing dutiable merchandise for the purpe or assessment duties. The section of the revised statutes re pealed by section seven of the new tariff bill and sectious 2,967 and 2,908, and section 1-4 of ,the act to amend custom revenue laws, approved Ju 22,1874. FOREIGN FLASHES. administered to him the body of 1'rince Gortcbakoff will be subjected to an autopsy aud a judicial inquiry be in stituted. The remain will be placed in the Greek chapel, where they will be in state, awaiting the convenience of tko Russian authorities. Til K THKOVV. Ottawa, Mnrch 12.- The following in Wj'Kg'n' theory promised after the norm: jnid titorin has satiitled me that the theory of the opjtosite tide.which I bdvauctd in 1804, in cbrrect, namely: That it is caused by the vibratory motion of the ocean from east to west. I know to an absolute fact that the hour at which local storms will arise at different points on the earth's surface; also when a cold period like that of January junt passed is to occur; when remarkable floods will will take place and when winters will be distinguished for grat quantities of snow can be predicted for anv length of time in advance. Ho then gives u loa confabulation on planetary conjunctions and moon's phases, aud Huys the time will come within a thousand year when the whale American coast will be put under water by a tidal wave, and should Venus and Mercury at that momcut be at interior conjuctions and Jupiter, Mars and Saturn at wuprrior conductions, breakers will roar in the streets of New York, and Florida will be no more. GENERAL GLEANINGS. A Chapter of Crimes and Casualties. !wm From all Paris. A. DECISION. New York, March 12. The supe rior court decided that a seat in the Stock Exchange is a p:irt of the ussets of a banking firm. THE BODY SNATCHKK8. Philadklfia, March 12. Dr. NVui. S. Forbes, demonstrator of anatomy at Jefferson Medical College, is on trial n the charge or complicity iu the des ecration of graves at Lebanon county. ASSIGNED. Louisville, Mareh 12. Mussel- man & Co., tobacco manufacturers, as signed today for the benefit of credit ors. Liabilities $40,00; as-ut-s $10,- 000. BASE BALL. St, Louis, March 12. The Ameri can base uall club, in session Iiere, adopted the report of the comm'ttee of conference with the base bail league. SENTENCED Columbus, O., March 12. A motion for a new trial in the case of J. I). Watson, convicted of offering bribes to Representative Black, was overruled today, and the accused sentenced to one year in the penitential y. ASSIGNED. New York, March 12 Griflin & Co., merchants assigned. Liabilities, $125,000. A TERRIBLE ACClpaNT. Crawfordsville, I hd., March 12. The west bound passenger train on the Indianapolis, Bloomiugtm'& Western railroad ran into thaAlatno hack, two miles west of here, instantly killing Joseph Greene, driver,--and Milton Busk and Elizabeth Clark, passengers, demolishing the hack and killing the horses. BILLIARDS."- - Chicago, March 12. Afternoon bil liard game: Wallace. 500: Maggiolio, -o sixty-eight inningo. Best runs : rfciio, 56; Wallace, '49f . game: Gallagher, 500, Car-'y-aeven innings : Gal- v rumor- Senator of ill by the firms of Robert Llngbloom A. Co., and Hardy, Richardson & Co., who are the same parties who run the successful corner in January com. The latter firm run u wheat corner in the summer of 1881. clearing ubou t 8300.00D. It in estimated that there is about :j,00i i.OOO bushels of No. 2 in store in Chicago that could be deliver ed on contracts, aud from the' best in formation the market is short from 30.000,0'jO to 40.o0,000 for May delive ry, being the largest short interest in corn for one month in the history of tho board. MUItDKUEIl CONFESSED. Boston, March 12. Patrick Levy a pasenger on the steamot Barmatia, was arrested on her arrival today, charged with killing P. Hurley in Bal timore, Ireland. Immediately after leaving Queenstown Levy informed the ollicoifl of th Sarmatia that he had committed the deed two years ago, saying that Hurley hired a farm over tho head of nn evicted tenant. and he va.i induced by the payment of twenty whom ho would not state, to kill hitu. Levy says ho never was suspected of the murder. Levy now denies the twenty pound story. He says in a drunken quariel ho com mitted the deed. Tho man proceeded to New York, but will ho kept under surveillance till advices from England are received. TO-DAYS MABKKTS- Chicno, March JJ,-Spccial. WHEAT. Mareh. lr,';. May, ill. CORN. May. The innrkt't today are inconitI te, ami low received. Xo change or any maj;ijltuue over yenterUay'H report. ria'.tsmouth City Markets. l-ltuVlxlo.Ntf, KKI'IT, KKKI) AC. (1CKTAII.) l;i-,n KM Uy M. I'.. Murpliy Co. Hour... Meal.... ... S3.Xfe 4. SO pel I. " liraii Clnind e'eed Itye Hour tiratiani Kloiir Butter CtiecHt; (ital t fcklni) ... $1.2.'.' ' . . '.7r, ...IJ.00 " 2 Vi ct jwr fc 15 " Clieexe (full ream) '- Sugar Cured Hams 15 Bacon H " BtiouMen 1 ' Dried lieel 15 " " Poultry $i.(M U i.W per dw. Ekk WW c. ' CaDbaKe Mi: " Choice I'olaUies 4V60 et. per bti. Sweet l.W " Beeti 75lt1 " Ouioust 7.'. ct Apples (wiul. i I.2S fi5l.60 " Sweet Cider per Rid Oysters, select ' Vu per caa Common. " riattsinoiith Telephone Kxrliange. 1 .1. I". Vi.uiiK, residence. 2 lieu net t A. Lew is. ttre. 3 M. :. Murphy it Co., " i 1i inner M allies. 5 ( ounly CUi k's office, ti E. B. J.ewi, residence. - I V C. L I. j.'Ii 8 10 14 l.' It! 17 18 19 20 Western l.'nion Telegraph olll.-e. 1). 11. Wheeler, residenca. K. B. Windliam, " Jr.o. Wayiuan, " , .1. W. .IcnniriKS. " W. S. Wiwe. ollice. Morrissey Bros,, ollice. V. K. Carter, Ktore. W. Fairfield, retiideuce. 1. A. Cairiltbell, 21 M.B Murphy, 22 1. II.' Wheeler Si Co . office. .1. 1. Taylor, residence. 24 l-'iisl National l'.arik. 20 .1. P. Youtii:, tor. 2 Perkins House. 2a 1. W. H v.r, residence. at .lo'imai ollice. ' 34 llKi:Ai.iri i!.(o olrici. 35 .1. N. Wise, jes.Ienc. 3 S. M. Chapman, " 37 W. IK Jones. " 38 A. '. Sulilvaii, 3 If. K. I'almer. 40 W. II. Schildknecht, office. 41 Sullivan & Wooley, " 42 A. W. McLaughliD. reldence. 43 A. Paitersou. livery. 44 C. M. Holmes. 45 L. li. Keiuiett. residence. 48 ieo. S. ."Iiiitll. oirice. 47 1j. A . Moore, flor-st. 49 .J, W. P.arnes. residence. 60 H. li. I.ivinnton, office, 307 J. V. Week lach. residence. j;i5 Chaplain Wrijcht. 340 W. II. fy hlldkneclit " 34 4ieo. S. Smith. 450 It. li. LlviuKtou. " . . The switch hoard connects Flattstuoutb with Ashland, ArliiiKton, Blair, Council liluffs, Fre mont, Lincoln. Omaha aud ElKhornStaUon. Legal Notice. Notice is hereby given, that tbe folloihjj witness fees have heeu reported to County Coa. miMioner. as reiiiainiuK iu the hands ol W. i. bliowa.lter. Clerk ol the listiict Court, urv"-. ed or up to J an nary ).13. uer Andrew, witness in lower C" r statzler, w.tnes lu lower ca. WiirUt. ltaeeiQii.wer. r