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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1883)
...jHsral PnsiisHiss Co. ..-bJcal news. lr Cty fttiA Count v Directory, Railway Tin. rnjlory, li-minna C'arl .s.e , tM:-l iiK . JEFF, lu STONE, - City Editor. Tuo Vesper Bug. 1 li evi iiIiik ktur it tr-iK-r lump. Above the vt-l ItHil lit. 1 he dukky cut Ului o( the bight Were following over It. ... Ilerled hrrwutft and cUkpi-d uer hand. And told 111 lalu u( love ; He railed her cvtry tender uv r, "My darllmf." "duc k" and "dovi. A tremor iliowk Iter fairy form. 11 r fyi began to blink. Her blood roue to a hundred, and h cried, "1 thlnk-1 think" lie sighed, "You tnlnk you lov m?" tor llli oul Was on the rack. "," ahe yelled ; "1 think a bug 1 rrawlliiK down my back." A. Salisbury, Uenllit. A fine orchestra accompanies Stadt Theater troupe. the To say that today was a lively oue for Plattsmouth, feebly expresses it. A c;ir load of new goods was today received by S. & C. Mayer, the Opera House clothiers. The Daily IIekald has a large list of subscribers in Louisville who re ceiye their paper each evening deliv ered by carrier Wiley Mack was bragging about some of the finest cattle in the state, thvt were quartered in the stock yards hist Bight. Miss Oilie Jones very pleasantly en tertained a number of the young peo ple at her home last evening, and "George" danced the Itacquet. Revival meetings are now in prog ress at Avoca, this county, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. It. Cooley of Mt. Pleasant. May much good bo the re sult. James G. Daniels, representing Jan iimi. MrfMiiic .c- Cit . nor. i-.i l.fiH hir"-fst. iiOO'a. iAi'.l StTitltLitl houses in Chica go, vr.u in th; cily veslenljy selling ar.t Ceil this fWonoou from ilia. i?u s-id 11:". y'jL-f b.ijli., .--i irc:. of j tho a i iua.i (:fjiliun. itrpot. fci'lcJidni aliCwf ii it'.id loiUw i fill? ev-.cit.UiiriieuL. ooijic idea of liiu way . ebruika is j teitliii-: up tlia eju-ing can ho gltaiitd j 'i l!if f.if.t Lhiil. ovit thr iiim.rii! I c.irljaJs ol iinujir;i:it's g;)od3 have j l-.jss'd through 1'ialtoUijaih for uif- ' ft-reitt poitits iu lLo btalo duriUij the t lail live davs. The tadt Theater troupe arrived from Omaha this morning, aud will prescut a play tonight at the opera house, which, in United State., means the Jolly Larks. To all who can un derstand the German language a raro treat is promised. DuVi ing tho past week there were two days upon which no case of tardi ness occurred in the high school build ing. . In tlie high school room there has not been a cast of tardiness for one week; in room 20, Miss Worden's for two weeks, and in room 28. none for five weeks. on tmr. kM'Hl3E.4CrfF from Cll-tlll'Si who 'us jv;r. :.i gt-i:: 1 Muitiii to be iti'.ui-. '.o.tcJ tL jury lor btt- iiiwii a lrn.iu Ij'io;i v.u I C.ltt'.T ll .1.1 'tiari;y lltilli.:. ', ari;y Hull;.:: -, .'A , tV.l.T, im cc-c'c'l in The p.ii"'K:ul;.r. nre r..iif.v,: j '1 'he iron jfiit of lln' jn'.l t':lhi.itJ of j the cells Mid coni'.lir in ft out o them, iirid :r: so urrir.gfl t!i:it 111-'T can !h L the ct lU iVoni ilic nutMilc. Tiie custom of the jailer is to o in,onl:r lb? priBomr. into tlifir cells then lock up. There is a bench in the corridor lor tlio accomodation of prisoners, who are al lowed the privilege of tlin corridor dur ing the day. Jones has complained of not feeling well, lately, aud John Polin, for a night or two, has closed the door of the cell which he, (Jone) occupied, then returned to his own cell to be lock ed in. Jailer Eikenbory, as usual, last night, went to lock up, and Polin, as usual, shut Jones' cell door, and said Jones was in. The cells were locked, and Polin asked Eikenbary for a bucket of lime, which they use in the jail for a disinfectant. Eikenbary went after the lime which was in the rear of the cells and while he was gone Jones, who had hid under the bench in the corridor slipped out from his hiding place and secreted himself on the opposite side of the cells from the jailer. The lime was delivered as 'requested and the lights blown out, and the building locked up for the night. This morning, the bird had flown. JIc had climbed through the transom during the night and skipped. John Polin today gars the whole tuirg away aud laughed over it. Below is the description of the man and reward for his capture, $50.00 IIKWARD. "Charles Jones broke jail at Plattsmouth Neb. on the night of March 9th 1883 Five feet 8 inches tall, weighs 185 to 140 pounds, dark hair, whiskers three week's growth, small sandy mustache twenty-two years old, narrow thin face, high forohead, black soft hat, narrow rim, grey coat and pants, dark vest, large, gray, sack overcoat, boots with tops cutoff also rubber boots, no money. Crime, horse stealing. 11. 17. ilVEKS. Personal. :''... I.. .... iia.i dLu nC U c III 11 ci;:.i'.iLi.iu ; oo Ii.b n.d.'jy iiiondi aril j ui' in I ruour, tua-Je the ! I t ir-uiie 'A verv l)iea;nt Cali V"eUnt- j ,v. 1 iciuott iiibiuie, i'rauk iSLuudw, of Louisville, id tsk- I iug in the sights of the city to-d-iy. Geo. S. Smith, A. V.', White, JL E. Whitf an-i J TV. Marshall, weresuesls at the Paxton House, Ouiuha, last night says the Omaha Bee. 'W. B. Murray aud A. B. Todd started for Ctiicago this wonting with a car load of cattle. They will be ab sent a week. married. HO WAU1 BAKKER At the bomo ct the bride's father at iiight Mile Grove, March 7th 1S3. by ltv. K. Coolwy, or Mt. Pleasant, Ca Co., Neb., Mr. Edward S. Howard, ol Mt. I'leaitaut ana Miss Mat tie M. Barker. A fine gathering of the. friends were present on the occasion. . "Sam" was in his best mood. May a long and happy life be their fortune. New Mail FacIlUIes. The railway mail service has order ed night pouches from this city to "J") and South Bend on the B. v 'urn wmmmm 11 ANOSUJI i: II ElllirOBD. i The Fine Slock ilroujht to Cas-j Co. 6. If. Atv. j )! aimcU Mo ? fjo'.ii ;:.o rj.uii ; t.';lo"l;4:.. v.i wi'.h hi cai' i.e. . 1'H . 14dl j hii UiW I Wllii oti.'j U..U h o,' i H Pli atl'l t.u:i ft:rli VI!:V. !J jMil t ly I h' cf lari:nrs iocA lancets ... i . f .1 . . . : . .... I .lie Hlu. j .-j. n n i ui mi-, j itj .' Li.i3a, iic w aiuL.. .h AtAim ? has vtiy wisely coiiciudt-d iu hi? pur chase that the very best is the cheap est aud the records of his thorough breds are not excelled in the country. The following is a list of the Here fords: Bull calf, Ivanhoe" number 4317, l.Vuouths old bred direct from impor ted bull and cow. Bull calf "Fred Gebhardt" months old, importtd. Hereford cow "Pigeon 2nd," numLer 6683 bjed in Hereford, England, im ported. Hereford cow, "Moss liose 2nd," number 5681 bred in Hereford, Eng land, imported. Heifer 2 years old, "Sea Breeze" number f401, from imported stock. Heifer calf, "Mrs. Laugtry," heiftr calf "Picnic 3d." Both the latter also from imported stock. Mr. Atwood also brought with him sevsn head of high grade Hereford heifer calves -and IS head of high grade short hvtrn heifer calves to com plete his car load. U. A. U- Camp Fire and Experience Meeting. The G. A. K. will hold a grand camp fire at Rockwood hall, Thursday even ing March 15. The following is the gen eral outline of the meeting. Music by the band, vocal music, speeches by Grand Commander of the U. S.G. A. R. Vandervoort, Commander Bonnell, of the state G. A. R-, an experience meeting, roll call, dress parade, court murtiul, drumming soldiers out . of camp, forag ing party, all interspersed with army songs. During the evening a qrand sup per will be served. The following are the committees: On tupper Mrs. Holloway, Mrs. Wiles, Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. Mc.tfakec, On uoL Ao ?-Iiis A una Livia-ioo, M!.-3 Li.cia O-.erl-audfr, 2-llitt tra Si:r- ', .ii.-s Eva- McMakin, 31 II triple. Miss Louisa Ilciuple. Oa provisions Mrs. Thos. Wi:ei?,Mr:i. J. II. FairJiel.l, Mrs. McMakcn, Mies ifi'i:'. Fairfield, Miss Anna Cecil. Oa iavititation, spe&kin and pro gramme Geo. l'oiel, S. M. Chapman. Or. music J. V. Tiiouia-.C. W. Sher nihn, J. Y. Jennings. Oa decorations -11. Kin kali, M. Mc- E1VR:.U. On priming C. J. Hoffman, General committee II. McMaken, C. J. Hoffuiaou, J. W. Thomas, George Poisell. All the propeeds from this is to be used to help sick and disabled veteran soldiers in the city wbeni the post have been contributing aid to during the win ter. It is to be hoped that a very large at tendance will be present that evening. Chareli Services To morrow. The gospel services, conducted by Messrs. Smith & Held, evangelists, in the Baptist chapel, high school hill be continued next week. Lord's day at 3 and 7 p.m. Week evening! at U9. Meeting tonight, you are invited to attend and hear how you may be eared and know t. " V MErrnisT. Uegitur services in cnurcn, sixth 't r th 6t Main tomorrow nam. -4 ay school atpO .H. - AMUSEMENTS Opera Hou j li !!' V MarHi 10.1 A II,- I.:, i ! . . ...... . . cfw,l:i,n. nn v!h . oddity, entitled. Grand Farce la Five Acts. Admlwioa, 50 Cu. Ollery. 25 CU. No extra charge tor Reserved SU. Jietervtd Stats on $aU at J.P. Young's ... Waterman Opera House ! ONE NIGHT ONLY ! Wednesday, March 14 Engagement EiMiiary or THE Hyers Sisters Famous Combination, Who will appear in tbctr latest vemloa of tlte Oriuiaal Munctl Drama OUT OF BONDAGE! The Greatest Success ever Knowu. 50 FAMOUS cn 3U FEATURES. MR. DICK ALLEN, the greatest Colored Comedian now before tlu publio, jilay lDg upon 15 different Intrtiuieu:s, 7 at one time The Famous Hyrrs Sisters Quartette- MLLE MAO AH, Soprano, MI LE I.0UISI. Cotitrai'o. CHAS. BENTI.ET. Tenor. CilAS. iiOOUC. U'iJ'r lUe sjccc-.lal :n;.ijut;ciii:iii oi 1., va- f i a... v. l.'ii.. WuS C.dict i.o o:.-'-: lite Oik VVt il-?')' niStriu? crc-r: . tLrce c cV invjled cu or.-! ; Th Daily Ui:ualo ip of a litJwspaper tlirt ii- , "n ' its telegraphic r ors a?'d m.itt. nished at a liter hour to u tun 1 I! paper ia the state is a fair ezpoiient of what it is to be aud for that whict it was established. We are at a very small extra ex pense in haadling. books andstatien ery, therefore are able to sell at a less profit than those making it a specialty. dl2tf Will J. Warrick. Bremner's Lewis.1 crackers at Bennett & t&s 4w Bremner's crackers t&s 4w at Weckbach's. Bremner's crackers at Murphy's. tAs4w Bremner's crackers at Hansen's. t&s4w Bremner's crackers at Baker's, t & 4w Bremner's Stadelman's. tJts 4w Akers at ling you want sold I I if 1 K II 1 P J I. A I A A se a fjt i t .-.I. I N t , 1 1 111 !iv vti to l'aeti'H on Trunks and Ya liccs. Furnishing goods, Neck wear, 4&C. Fresh tioods in every depart ment of prime quality One price and no monkey busi ness. Remem ber the place, Rockwood block C. E. WESCOTT, The only "Boss" Clothier. REAL ESTATE ) -- t .1 c-' , i li . .!. ,iO. Oil S I ! ) I I 1... :: r.irm-.:-. ' .!) - i , . i'. . - i i y Se'.MT.U li .i.i lr! .," . I MO ! i,... ii- . JlU I A I .;oii :.. . -iti , :.' iroin to fclSO mi ! fuis thai Ho;il'l iii.ikt. i -iiV I'lil ow a a l.i"hi. Com uuil ce, you an: not nij.-lie.t to buy aud w oiit ivc thesi Sots awuy, but. you cau get tln'iu so bey will absolutely cost you noth ing. Five acre lot J mile from city lor $260 psrt on time. Kleveu acre lot t mile frcm city for $550 this is extra fine. 1 havo three pieces ol'outeide prop erty which 1 can sell and under take to furuish purchaser work enough to pay for them, now I will furnish the ground and you the work, work is what hurts tne. If you w ill do the work at a fair price I will give you a clear deed for the laud; if. you can't do the work come aud se me, I may find some oue who will do it lor you. Ten acres for $ 500 00 " 600 00 " 750 00 " " 2500 00 Several small tracts well improved and adjoining tho cit)', for sale at reasonable rates. ClOlliBE Cans j. n. nu n s o r "i i ; '.JII.I;l A.s ! I'UI.m-. U , wrli.n. rAKtio (( t'.vriii OfHce la Koi-kwvod Ulo. k . wild Joliavm Itr. SJrin . I. A MNC LOT UK MACKEREL, LAUKADOUE If KKKINO, TKOTT, WJLh WAVE COD FISH, Also h H.oirc- )..t of LEMONS OEANCES. ( We ksTf a fln rtuak t CHOWE FAMILY GROVEltIVS, l ai f y.Hiui.iln of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. A I lilita In ;,. k it flu lue "I Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, c. All our goo'U :.. ii-. wiul fteah. Will Eichange lor CoHatry Produce. Linseed Oil Meal Always cu Hand. N'.t Joor to (.mrt Ilmisi', I'lultr-pooilli, N' li. . nd523n, Mm B murphy tV CO. THE Best Selected Stock O CdDWJEI annaH For Snlol . 't. . .. ., I . t - , I I . ;. 'i . 1 . ' ; N. w. s.-.-. i i.', i; . . :i. 1. K. l:. . '. m ;i , ; .... , ,. ,. i mi-, . ! ' i i j ! r : M ' A t . i:. j;. u iNDii am, IMaltMiL Mil,. .,!,. ' il!tl HEAFEST -A. 2sT ZD IF1 cooes 'I Gfooda, Ford. d&wtf