The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 10, 1883, Image 2
..Ldpjlshed iCvCUrkoD,of tb TBX"WOKK 18 DOME. Rfor tha Adlournment of congress fth th tariff reduction bill was passed. Th bill mtmm Mtlmated bv its friends m I to reduce tbe income from impost da- fool ties about B40,voo,wnt annual j. we do not suppose it will reduce it oue .loo cent. The greatly increased amount n I of importations of 400,ooof- fti..f-oattttM, rutumouth. m 000 or ten times the amount taiX im waiter. I of tbe reduction of tbe tariff. Ana re warn farmers, business men, and f LATTSMOUTII. MARCH 10. 183. i manufacturers to prepare for tbe nat ural and ineTitable consequences or ltOAM r ImproTlo. ' fnllAwl .oh mduntlnns. and iiira Asi mffmrt f a1 Is-twa a tia a If. will 1 ii a I a .uvvw a vew w - - kAwu wnai wm uecome 01 uumuo. .. Th. n.t..r.i nf th r&rt nt (ri v fta4P la an I nnrAuasH im hat .hall.the banre.1 bet WFggini. porUtlon ThH is wbat its friends r 7 . I claim for It 'buy where you can buy Jtocnej carried some town the cheapest. and sell where you can tu, the other uaj, ou aa issue sell tbe dearest" The Increase of im water works. "Such goioa on." portatiou of 400.000,000 yearly Is not oniy ioai mucn arameu irom earnings F Tub found" of the hammer aind of of American operatives, but the doubt. of our prosperous city ouce more. swered by the statement that the ItaV ian government is among the most liberal of Europe.; UmaHA is beginning to turbinated over her next city government, and her press is bepnuin to ask "under what rule?" M. O'DONOHOS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FlUeerald'a Block. h-attiijiowtm, - mkbkaaka. Agent tor SteHiuiUIji lines to and from Europe. dl2wC2ly I 1 .1 . . 1 : . 1 . 9 K c trowel may be heard iu all quarters uucwmuui,j uu J I mnririin maniifnM nHno Innnaf rv. will compel caution, economy. and timidity amnn tnnnfatnr(M " A nA It i'flm. The Macedonian cry from starving meaces from this date. And it will Ireland still comes to the friends of I not be six weeks until strikes, the Im- that long suffering people. There has mediate and direct results of UriH ro- bcen no such distress in that island ?u l on w" co!n.raun J"c, ... . . in luvenaiiy until a uinerein. ioucy is since IS. 4. lhts couatry haa alwa.r pUrsued. All classes of manufactu coutiibuted libcruiiy to tht-se oppressed rers whose product are alfected by people, and it is right so to do. the reduction will bo compelled to at once reduce toe cost 01 production. : Senator Don Camkuon is reported This will cause strikes, mobs and un to have oein sliiibtl r "in hi cups" at rest which will still more frighten man- the time of his aault upon the war uiaciuring inu usury, x nereis a uanger- horse of Xebraska, 111 the U. S. senate; wiii encourage the mobs by incendiary at any ratu he did not iulimidato our publications, abusing the capitalists senior senator, nor prevent him from for reducing the price of labor, when expressing his opinion of tha manner they have, and plainly, demanded this iii which tin, prosecution cou-luct their 1!er. c.f buvina UDtaxed where tbov bide of thu tur route uasn. could Luv the cheapest. The btonu will come. The balance of trade will C.KN. Jk. S. SMiril i iioitii from I turn no:iinir. iih (inlil will 'fl.iw In. NiVai!intou where lie Iih- b- :ii m ik'uit? ward Europe lo buy iron, bait, and the V : : . r- 1. I cheao enirlish hats and blankets which itoa. Co. bays, '-it tu k Kowj who fof And the end is not yet. The juiun t sleep e;iy, becausu he . held a irt.e traders are not satisfied with the deral oflice, are pleased any better than present reduction, and if,. the , storm (Gen'l. Smith) is with his suceebsor does not come so Here as U tnghten is ready to shake." He expects Gen. , .,, MRe t,lft jben3ou will be hero bometimc dur- rand triumph of JJritish man-ufactur the coming week; and expects to J ing interests in this country. ftulrn over to hiin darini; tlio first days I The writer has lived through three oi April the office. reuueuona 01 .u tann. anu woman's missionary society was re- or- Vnn :ently organized under the auspices ol , neraon-. ftaneciallv those so unfor- the Presbytery of Los Angeles, Cal. I tunate as to be in debt, we have be- lioth home and loreiga missions will I come use to this thing, and can stand hear from this society, as it intends to it. iiut the novice will flna tne sea work tor both boards. As the work to ra"ie' r0U?' tri2' .,i(,Kf doue by the boards of home and for- red action, manufacturing will be crip- misssous was considered to be in I pled, operatives thrown out of em- jropuriion of 40,000,000 to 200,000.- ployment railroad building will cease. anu strikes ana moos win ruio iug itwas unanimously de- hour. Money will be scarce, interest ie iu is raise-j by the dvanCp .d moniftd mBT, wm reap Uba '.: between the I the harvest, while the laboring man s in that prv jrtion. Interior, who has by his vote aided in bringing about this reduction will reap a crop of sorrow, want and woe. But our people have to be led into this kind of schooling about every other deeade by the most blatant and wicked dema gogues that a corrupt mother ever spawned upon earth. We hope, how ever, as mobs are inaugurated they will be called as they really will be, -Tariff Reduction Mobs," and the ial. laborers will be call "Free Trade Ghosts." Gladstone, fie great premier gland, has returned from other es, renewed in health, and we read received in the House of Com- ns with cheers. Mr. Gladstone is greatest man, in many respects. at has stood a, tbe head of tbe Eng- hgovernmsnt since the days of Mr. itt, with his broadly cultured mind, comprehensive views of jjovern- d its objects, it "is remarka- strange that he does not break through tbe seated prejudices of the English mind, and insist upon a dif- erea$j?olicy in the management of Irish affairs. ktiA deserve a bettter fate than her board of public works fped out in the manner It has been no by the late legislature; but to rge tneir delegation with careless-' j, it only in keeping with the stu- ishioh in thi3 country of "d g 'gislature." To say thaV Charley rn is careless in legislative mat ters, will not do; the trouble," gentle man, is With the short time given your I members to do their, work in.Tbe IlEKAiLmdoes ootr.believe there ever as a more careiaCr diligent fielega- n, in looking after home interesto, .n the one which represented Doag- 0 lap US ML I g wg 0 1 a $1 5 H r 1 0 flo)IUl p? ro)fo)fTi a wm Sd Blake's Bi-dlding;, up Stairs, Where they are da cWving a compluti line cf all lnJ of PIKCE GOODS V 8VITI.OS, We also wis! to inform the citizens of Plattsiuoulh that we have 111 ado arrangements for Dying,Cleaning Repairing On short notice, and warrant satisfaction. IHLilSHS'OlHi S3HH33K HDBlOS. r:i.L AT Tin: Old Reliable WM. HEROLD and SON desire to state to the public that they have moved their Dry Goods Notions, Boots, and Gent's Fur nishing goods to r sfore room formorlv o'ecunied h J. 5S. m Z. A full. lieic of OANRV. J MX KlTXOKNAl.1. rreslJmi. A. W. MtI.AUOMt.SV, Cm Uler. FIRST NATIONAL OK PLAriHMOt'TM. NKHKAMKA. UD.Mntl.i- vrry bt furtlltlr. l. rll.c .n.iu.l , lr.tu.4-llin of lrltliuulv BANKING BUSINESS. rttick. Iluul, JolJ. (Soveminri.t and l.oc;tl ! H-curtllr llouichl mxl Solo, 1-im nn-flv - i t'l nuil iiiirrrki AJlowfU u linn-1 i till -i-ittr. I'raft ilritH n. alUL.r In i,y iart of Ihf I'lilirat Stittc nuil ul the prlni'lp.-il towna of Collection made & promptly rttnttteil. HlKlifst Uiarkft prlci' pntl fir (Ji.iiuty Wkr rauu, State ai.J C'ouiity Iiund.. DIRECTOnS 1 I Iho (1I Kavonia u 1 i rniivrcirAij XjIIvjh j run j Omaha, Kantat City, atchiton and 81. Jotrph, iron John KltL'ralil John It. UrK. Ueo. K Uovt'y. A. W. Mcl aUKhltn A. K. Tuu.alln. I It. f. I 'tl'lilUK. i r. K. Willi. Bank Cass County (tul M till unti Slvtii Slim h. CHICAGO, PEORIA, ST. LOUIS, MILWAUKEE, DETROIT, NIAGARA FALLS, New York, Boston X And All Point EAST and SOUTHEAST. TIIK LINK roMI'KIsrs Ni-nrlT 0lJ liillva S .ll.l Hn..-.lh Mli-vl Trark Alt e..ilf).' lr- Intnl.. l.i t'NIIIN llf-f t'ln It liu m N.tu.mjil Ku.i .i'.l(j b . ilk 'I II Iw t.KKAl 'i'MKori.lI I' Ml I I M-; mid n uuKiTMillr r-mmlra ( l.t'lllti IIM.M' I Vt II-IT.I IlllllnoJ Iu Ul VS'iirM I'll' ull via.. 4 l lriiva-1 ! 1 i i It. hii I x.u v.ii! 3;i'l iiuu "t u n liuurr kiinlna.l I Ol ill't' i.uil ilt. i ' f !i ' i. l l.i liii' 1 I Ino 1tl wlf I I I' I i.f I'm n . J i :ttt Cut I ' 4-U , At H lit li clir H. A. WATERMAN k EON, Wli,:ile and lieUU rea'.cr in PINE LUMBER shinoijSs, Lvni, SASU, DOOitS, BLINDS, &c, Kourtk .Street, in rear of Optra House. PL ATTS MOUT 1 1, - NEBRASKA. will he kept at thei,; would be pleased tu s r nil ou customers aEtd miun .rv. i.-- -jr-v .jl. ' '. '" -Ik' We will kei-i. u L-'TTKU iiii..- o .i r. we ,.Kiitfi! i.VAT Ha AAV 1 "i o v,i - "i C -Ji "i" " f T 1 1, .. i ; ' - n , ' ).- 1 Consumption POSITIVELY CURED. All sufferer from thia disease that are anx ious to be cured should try Dr. Klssner'a Cele brated Consumption Powder's. These Powd ers are the only preparation kno, n that will cure Consumption and all diseases of theThroat ana i,uncs inueea, ao sironK is our xaitn in them, and also to eonrince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every auflerer, by mail, pout paid, a Free Trial Box We don't want your money until you are Dor fectly satisfied of their curative powers. If f our life is worm saving, aon'i aeiay in giving bese Powders a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for lan;e Box. $3.00, or 4 Boxes for SiO. Bent to any part of tbe United States or Cana da, by mail, on receipt of price. Address ASH & BOBBINS. . sco Vulton Su Brooklyn, K. Y. Dec. 28th, 13 4Uly. T ZE3Z.ZE3 Irony a tiro Edyed Sword. The Interior, a religious newspaper, publishes Dr. Patton's rejoiner, to Sen ator J. J. Ing&Ils savage personal attack upon the doctor, for dariDg; to criticise the senator's oration over the late Sena tor Ben Hill. Here it is, it is too good to be lost. He who plays with' edged tools should always be very careful - that he uca cot lmj hi'msclf.- In -this case,. tbe Ka-opr who, " by tlkO' -way,j- bas quit?- v-e-iJ'''h literary attainments lion. John J. States senate, trirA A. S. PaUon, ofthf a solemn "rn tenance of case with whic posed oi the sei It made some' taste of IngaUs' ator IIill,intlat casin for ventilal tions. Insralls I f 4 Id'': I I.' . I' -mm -4- aa, aJ:. M A 3S"U V A C T J 2 K 5 : Orders received for any quantity and filled in a satisfactory manner. ; Those contemplating to build should examine our work, the quality of our bricks and prices. fiCarcL in iwear of Bonner Stable, IPlattsmouth, Nebraska. Ciflourity Iron Works 4,. I'.Mvl. J'le..jfia. JJ. A. (JIIJ.SON, Y'ice-I'residtiit. K. S. WILKINSON". Cashier. A Genera! Mm Tracsaclei. UBPWITN Received, aad Interest allowed on Tine Certi ncate. IIUAKTH I)li;wu avlUble iu any part of the I'ritt-d KtauiM ail li.u luiwlual CltiiS (f ;L!rP'- Agents fur the t-tlebrated Mure Line of Slei jrs. 8 isvs lit H 1 3 :li 1 1 0-3 e- m .23 . S or: WAYMAN &.KIRBY, Propr's. IPlattsmouth . Neb. 3f AMU FACT URIClltS OP aa r- . f ' V ' 51' "g S3 t. C5 c co .i m -a t3 3 SS r 3 2 0 1 O O pc3 ' C X e ee t As 1 III III ;: 1 'i n i I; I lit til' . ' i . -' : - : ...... I-. .11. 1 II 1. I . . O V " I I ! . .1 llilll. 1 -r ..II'. I t) i ii ! : ! .Sp:r. In .1 li. 1 1. lll-, I il.-ffMIMIM il ill urn ! ! '. II i;.. mil il ilui--l lu ll- "i iii tin it. I !.i '. im . 1 i"l I !n i e ?ii(tllrs. I l....k Ili. in .'i !;u.. I II,. ;;lii I v. .... I . it a l tu mm uii 1 1 i.i i. I ii villi i ."''"'i ui";' in - li -lertimis iilid I Ii- k.ui I li I In nil i-.nri In he l:iln', 111. 'I Hi'- I'lln'i" li..'l ii-...-:iie.. I i:ni-.I lniL iii.i l.iil In- ..H I I In lis llnil. .I'.' : . 1'.. lUClll free frinii liinin ! :in -' .:;; . ine i;i'.... . I i i, i -' .... ' ! i' ' i"j v ' liiive I he rriiiainiiiK I w " "'! I '.. ... nv usiiij; It. Verr . i- t f i ' 1 s . J.. I . I I I.K. Kendall's Spavin C"r DM llf.M.: I l.i:.ij. l'iitt.Mi k Mill-. N. V.. Ki 1 1. 21. 17X. It. J. K KN l A I.I. t ( :!.. ienl : - 'I lie i:illfil lar i-;ii on v Im li I iihi il your Krii.l.illV !-ii;uin Uilic was :i in;lllKli:ii'l unkle iiiiini i.l mO.m ii III. .lit Iih st;m.llm. I II :nt I rli'il III ;i Ii V I Ii I MU-. I ..I I in vain. Your niiavin Cine .nl tlx- lout lo lli Kioillid Hl-'.-l'i:. J'M'I lor l'l; Hl. Mum- lnee Iim-I exeells Ui.ytiiiiiK v.i- ever Uim1.. Youra truly, KKV. M. 1'. 15K1.I., rastorof M. K. ( Iuim Ii, I';i i t hm Mill. N. V Send aililrei"! for I lliivtrnteil I'lreii.'ar. wlii.-li we tliink ivt-s .oMlive .ioo( nl il viiliies. No n iiu ily lias ever met W illi rin li tiiiiii;ililie nue:eM fo our k uov. U ik'e. Im IhmsI a. veil ! man. " ... I'riee 9 , f. ot.iiu: o' i,.n t i-.i i.'i . Ai) friiKi!iii 1ims it ti an r-t il ( :!, M U will lie fent lo auy ailili nu l'..i;.t J j.i i.: I.V tlie projirii ton. 1'K. II. .1. K I.M. I.l. ,. hnohbiiiit I'alU. Y't. a-ly mold ! Y 4 i.i. im:i ;';iktk FurniturE StorE HARRIS Sc UNRUH, FURNITUKE C0FFIH5 and tH kludr of goixS umukI: . I I lur .iicmties l-. iC-hV V -l."k :n :.:!.. - l i.. l i. :.- :'l i . .-.'. :-.! I i I nt surias?ed in ih Siat'.. - ! - - m 1 AUgRBrAlIX'J Of H.I Hi. ... ..... ;. -; . .1 ? - ... - r - :unGH UkuhUjt ker & editor, which countv in the late session. I hare liad i? (nmmni:il treat with ging about, ue . .Mexican - I f