The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 09, 1883, Image 1
11 1 .s.J VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTII, JSEBKASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 9,1883. ALWAYS BENNETT Tilt LEADING GROCERS! Cum to Ibe fioct w Staple and Fancy Groceries FRESH AND NICE. - . .We always buy the best goods in the market, and guarantee everything wt tell ! We are sole agonts in this town for the sale of 'PERFECTION" GROUND SPICES, AND THE " B ATAVI A" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the market. Piatt's "Tiger" brand of Baltimore Oysters always ti hand. Come and see us. We will make you glad. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full ILine General Merchandise. Full ILine (General Merchandise. Always on Hand, Always on Hand. ISottom Prices for Cash. Bottom Prices for Cash- JOSEPH V. WECKBACH. The PLATTSMOUTII HERALD every facility J. OB W OIK! In every d epaxtment. (Catalogues and Pamphlet WDork, -7 - r In every department. nd AHEAD! & LEWIS, Ilh a cdtnptato itvck of CELEBRATED v PUBLISHING COMPANY has or first-class materials is Large and complete in OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. gill i; $f k u rfc ti&H f2 r-j.-XxIh ' .0 sir- ' J A if rf mm J 1 nn in ii Order taken for WILSON BEOS.' SHIRTS. J.P.Y11 3 n l'.UOS.' 0 If iui iJii S BOAUD by the DAY or WEEK. z3.. " fcj l . . - 1 : 1 rr ? ? bete, g'1- ' 'bggl!W I Mm? From this date until c. sell mv larsre stoci- BIST iiM. --rL OPERA. UGUSE CI.OTIIIKIIS, asv , . t GENTS TURKISttERS. POST OFFICE Mews Depot, STATION KUY. NOTIONS, MASON & HAMLIN -if r 1 CENTTRAL RESTAUR AWT. Meals at AL Hours. I a5 OYSTERS IN SEASOfX- TELEGRAPHIC FOREIGN FLASHES. They Come The Irish Girls. A Riot Anticipated. mii.i ni:ns'Ki. I,OMtos, March 8. Tlie Win-lsor eottou m'l burned. Loss 2:0.000. P'-.TEKMINKO S(' IAI.I3TH. Pabj, March 8. 'Ue social ifttti aie deter:uiued to hold tbci. ju- j t.ii:g lo inoirow, notwilhK'Miidii the ijovwa cuent has n Doiice tu mppirsn It. A riot ia probib:. ' ..-v.' INVOK.K tK intniotrrs. LiMKitICK, March fi. T - o hundred girls started from here iur.Nev Hauip shire. Almost the entire initiation assembled to bid iheiu gouI-be. THK 1IUKDEK CONSPinACY. London, March 8.- A correspond ent of the Central News at Dublin states tbat the authorities ekpect to be able to implicate, several Irish - mem oera parliament who are suspected of connection with the' murder con spiracy. . . t i. . ' The trial brought by - Miss Hyland against MrBiggar, member s parlia ment, for damages for breach of prom ise, began today. - The counsel said the parties ' wet e introduced in Paris by Patrick Eagan. . .In . the" Hyland-Biggar breach ,.of promise case the jury returned a ver dict acrinitt the defendant, niacin!; the damages at 400 r.. - , . "V. It notiiiJ not ba r food J store i d to noun tu cAiTi'HKn. Kanab Cur, Mo., Mrt h 8. AyTlraei Vun Burin, Ark., special hjn ouc of tlie four nun Svho attempted to rob the went bound train oa the Littlo Rock . t Foit Smith railroad, near here hut ntrht, has hcn captured.1 He whs wounded in the fnee and armr-and lefc unable 10 keen with his companion, toolc reftigo'ln u farm 1ioub?, where he whs trftced by the officers. X vigorous search being made for the rest of the b.acd It it thought they cannot eacapo. T)ic wounded robber wai'put in JI1 here. Lynching was threatened, out tho town la .-juiet tonTght. Conductor C!a.has died and Lester cannot live. ' UOUUORH Or THK AIB fcUlf. " . Xkw Vokk, March 8. Ipformatioa ban j;:-t ben received iu this city of the frightful death of two over-daring 'utr'--nauts In Madrid. Captain Mftjitund an assistant ascended in a balooa in that city before anirnmctiHC crowd of people, January 38. "When the bulobu "waa 1,000 feet 'up, Captain XI ayt got out upon the trapvzu, suspended from the Oaekit,' iukI began his performance. Suddenly rile of horror were heard, tho 'trapeze rope was . Been Jo part, and the captain (ell fronvthe farful height, turning over uud over until he atruck the atone pavetneut. A nioineut later another ahoul went up from the crowd. The b.tluou, containing the other occupant, w;is seen descending with meteoric rapidity. It crashed againat the eaves of a house hurling the occupant to the groan J. t lie died la a few momenta. Both person were under engagement to Barnum, Bailey & Co., and were to have appeared In tlds city March 2G. ' ; . .' Hklena. March ts. The river ia aho-' stationary nt three inches bejc water mark, Friar's Polnl water. The river ls than last year Long Ink? ; ChiCP r : ii 4 . ... Aplil,4t : .High mixed com, 53,',f, ' New u . ; u S3. , . . " medium, C GO to 7.15, " . heavy, 7.20 to 7.00. .... i:i;ci:u'T i:ai n, ..Wheat Oscars, corn '4"!0 cars, oaU 143 cars, . , . ... .JtKOXlI'TS RTOCJf. r, lloga, Coo head, cattle 700 head, " The ,"i:iiiikct.H today, kj compr wiLh yeatordar, dou't vary much. " I'laltMinouth City Jlarkct. rijoviaiotfd. nvir, a-. (iiktau i v- jioiwriea ly a. Murpny te vr, Ilouf. Meal.... ....... I'.rau Clipp"t I'cwt.. live Hour ....... Mo Hi-i liulicr,. 'i'riSt CM ClietfiM (burl ekini),v.. .... 15 clmiHe (full criufit).... 'Jn Hugar Cured it num.. .,, ...... it liacun , 14 rouiti-y ....... t . . 7. :. . .7. . t t nl(lHi; C'boioo fotRt IJocts. Olll 1 MOTIONS; m assortment. .-