Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 04, 1892, Image 5

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JaDy'a tearrui ouuenn, ironi saun
Dlieaae Covering Entire 15oly
Cured by Cutlcura.
Vy baby w taken very nick when h threa
mdii uiii ug in a lew via, s uri 1:1 i re sktiik: ui; .
e eiumuyed bum of tlx bona' d,H'tor, and they
est aocuir in nauia luiuius. 3iitn.. iuu ua uw
tuna mm jur ii
ik, mid he K' l
vureu all the t'.mc;
and llicu I touk li -1 : i to
J .1. .r. II, U) B Ui'lM"!
I to elan Uiiai , and
tlll'tllie ajutWtirn't.-.B'l
ever. '1 Inn 1 t"l.l in y
hnsband I tin r
try the liTim;.
J;i:MimM any :n :
did not li.'ive miy Mi '
I tli''V euld dj ir y
ti M.'.l, but in le- ill !i
Xv o mimtlis fri'in fu
me we be?Mi giving mrm in ju:u no mun
ill, and not a enul mi mm. nis nir uriiin
' wava lie tmlil-heaile.l. I iiiro is nut a. i"i'ni n i
.i whole budy, f:n-e, and In-ad, only Ins ii',-i' ami
eves, but what van as raw a neei riem. ro
there win not anything but himrs, und so weuk ho
could raWe nrltlur truid tior heud.
llua. iUA'K UAK11KTT, VV lniluld, ilka.
Cuticura Resolvent
The new blood and Fkln rurlflVr, ami (,'ri'ntcnt (
Humor Uumi'dii'ii, cleuin.i'8 tlio blood of all impart
t.i' and iiiiKuiioun eluim-nti., und thiin rt'iuovca tho
1 -nam, wliilu C'L'TItL'HA, tho irri-at akin 011 ro, and
'A rii'L'KA Soap, an t'' n k in t.rantitl. r, clur
'.L ikin und aral)., and rciitoro tin- liuir. 'J'lui- tlio
t.'UTIci'KA Hkmeiue euro every n'rli' of iti'lilmt,
I 1 1.. ..1.-.. I.. -...I l.l. ...!,.. -bin ....In m .. 1
HUrillUUi l 1 lllll'lj t nilli uinn 11 J nnin, p
blood iliM-axi'd, from iiiinnli'i to m-rofulu, irom
Infancy tu age, when Uia bcal bhyitluna fail.
Rold every where. Pri-e, CrncrRA, 80c. ; Soap,
r.c.f Kksolvest, (1. rrupaad by tho l'oT'mu
1)1'. ( ASU C'UHSIl'AL CoKrnUATION, llonlon.
-Bend for " Uuw W Cur lilood .Diseases."
fkln and Hcalp purified and beautified
by CuTitl'KA tioAi-. Absolutely tiuru.
In one in I note the Cuticura Ant I-
Paln 1'Iaater relievoa rheumatic m-t.
atlca, tip, kidney, chest, ana muscular
psuis and w eaknessea. l'rtce, 'He.
Notiirv l'tibllc & Alistrcter toliclto
Eal Esta e, Loan ar.d Itifurance Ae;t'nt
If yon liitvi-ri'itl t' tt) .fl! or
t'xcliattii'e st'iitl 11 s tli-st r i pt ion, price
anil U' rins.
. 1, -1 r. wis df t it In f 11 mi sl iril at ri'aH
oiiatiit.' rait .s.
'MIX ,'") to loan at T'o juTfi-iit and
110 commissions, on jrood
farm sreurity.
Olllee under ''hip County Hunk.
Kxpfrifiifftl Aiii'tiniiff r mi
stuck mul htnisf linltl 1,'iitnls.
mil li in
o Corrcspotidcticc Soliciteil
(Jroe tiwtiiitl, Nfh. ------
n 11 11 n n (Jri'fiiw I, fl.
H. P. JONKS iV CO.. l'K-tii'
I It it )l III
lifst riu
at tlif liiwi-st ralfs
I) 11 u Surf tn I'lt-a
1 o I
i f r lia.ty
d anil mast ri'lialdf plaff in taw n
islieriffs Ir'nle.
Itv virtue nt ail nrtler at -ale i-sueil l.v
W II I ifiiriiiu'. clerk ul t he il t-t riet cuiir
vi iiliin ami f. i r I ' a ss cm i ii 1 -. N i I iru ska , a i n I
I., in., ilin.i toil. 1 will .nil li.- ''Jti.l .lav .
Atiuust. A. II. P-.i-', at '.' t.'cl.ii k p. in. ul -anl
tlay, at the smith ilu.,r nf the cuurt linu-e
sin said count v, -ell at pill. lie aiietiun tn
L'.he hiuhest 1 Ti 1 1 . r lar ca-h t he l.tllnwinu
In-al e-tale, tn w it : lleuinniuu at the iu-"ter-ei
timi at t he -nil li -itle al (i-treel in
Keeil's I" tlm town uf Weepinu
Water, I a-s cainit v. .i'lu'a-Ua. with tlif
fast hank uf the Wecpinu Water crt'ek,
thftice runninu in a -nut hwe-tf rlv tlirt'f
liaii aimiu 1lifi' i-t hank ul saiU tr.'.-U
tn thr pmnt where the limiiutarv line ul
-aitl Keeil's a.l.litimi inter-etts saitl ea-t
ma m
2 I BJ V
3 mm wmtrnvn
s . I!i
hi In Your lame to-
i l ... w. . i. in- Water i t ck. them
r.'i.iiim! i ii-t nl. . n -i lilt' I Inn1
-ai.l Keel- a.l.lili'.n to im i - ;
sai.l l.mui.larvliue inlfr-f. 1 die li-s..un i
I' i, ill,- riuli'i.ol n-ln 1,1 "-'N- iheme
nine in a nnrthvt -ici lv 'llr' i'""" '
tin- w.-t i-i. it- ..t sai.i 'tin . "
point where sai.l riuliti.t w.iv uil.'i-.'fi- :
T.fuSnuir;:!.M:;;!.u.Xui: i
except a ccitniu 1 ..t Urn. lot II. 1'. II. .1; i
-i ll, in tin- ,ili..f .If-i riiu-.l pan'.', "I land. .
a , ,11. ,v - : I!, uiuuiuu at a ..nut when- I
tin- Mi .niri I'm ill. riutit a iuk-i-.-. i
tin- . n : t li 1 m u1 .t 1 x line nt k'.'.'.l'-.i.ll't 1..11
tn Wi-i-imu Water. N. 1 T.1-I..1. 1li. nr.' run
ntnu wc-i HI'.' ti'ft. thence 1 1 1 . ) '.'
thence 11. Mill s r.S. ili.'iii.' u. -l I r.i.l-.
t ln-llf f .1:1 ll v I "1-. 1 Ui'lH'.' f .1-1 I rail- t.'
liia.'f 01 1 inn 111
I ll- -.11111' l.f!t! i.' if
;i tin- prnpi'M v ill v.n .i
ani S. II .1 1 i i -: mil aio
-a il 1I1 1. -a. lam-: 1"
.it all . .'lilt II I " i'l.-.t
1 hi
1 an.!'-n 1
I. H.llM-l -t.l.H . 1
lii'iirv A. Il.ii 11
,-!'. 1 " : . 1 1 1 " ! 1 . :
v William la I
.,,. .'.....
I'lai t -in
itli'r.N-l"'.! I'.'r.v ' !. A. M l-'
V i I 1.1 'l l'l''!ll
Wi 1.
All I"l' plaint ill.
Loual Nctict'.
Tn Mar. K. II Sr. ml.-, ti.m r-
l',-tl.l:l I It . ' .11.1 ! I- 1 1 1 ' I l I ' V 11""
it .It
1 I
. I... Ill I, .1 1 I .It I 1! 1 V I - ' t M l. W . I ll " 'I.
I i It'll II I 'I' 1 it lull i't-.iiii-t v mi in tin- 1I1-1 1 11 I
urt ..I l a-- c.' iiit.v. A''1'. M-'.a. 1 no "in. . 1
mil plavi-r nt winch art- ta nlitaiu a Hi
rff Irani van nil tlif raiiiin niai an
i.-ivf willtiiiiv aiiail'i'in.'.i tin-
llltallt uaa.l . ail-.' I'M' tlli-t.'ini
t tu.
M-at- la-t ..i-t. 1 im: an- r.'ipin
I tn an
-vvt r sin Pi ! 1 1 in all a l.l-I.M
Mull. la.v,
tin- ."Jinl ilav ul Auua-i I":'-.
( W . liU'.Mllv
1 1 i- at tarnr v s. I lri'-i mi .v l' .at .
Win. A. I.ini li. 11 hi ii'-bl.'iit ili'li'inlaiit
will taLf Hutu r that an tin- l ull 'l:i ..I
July IM-. J. I. la-r III l t'll m Mni'lmif
I 'inn pan y. .lain I i'.t. Iit-rt-in a rnrpnrat imi.
Iili'tl 11-pt't it urn 111 tin' 111-iriii 1. Mill ill
I'a 11 hi nt '. rl.ia-lia. acaill-t tin- ili'ti-n-
lant Win. A. 1. 1111 li. tin fi t anil pinvrr
it u liiili art- t.i n'i af r a jut lun if tit auam-t
-aitl li im a prinni ul v nntr fur ;i;
itli tt 11 pi' r i t iit inti rift thi rfuii Irmn
Jnlv '.'Itli. lvlt an. I tar tn-ts nl -nit, -an!
Ill it f liflllU t'M' nt in J 1 1 1 -11 n it 1 1 if 11 v
wrt'tl to tin- ilnintill. Saitl imtf i- ia-t
liif ; t hat nil siitl ila v tlit rf was lilt-il in
-aitl 11111 1 in sniil riiti-f a i rrtilinl trail-
si ript nl prufff ilinu" in nt tai'lniif tit in
liisln'f 1 ttiirt ul . 1 . . rf lit' r iiwnin mr Mini
t tiniit v wlif rt-ill .1. IA11H' I liri'f-lnnu .'la
i liiiif (.'innpaiiv whs plaintill anil Win A.
I.incli tlf If inlaiit. wlifrt'in tlif rt'tnrn nt
tlif tilliif r tlist lusr.l that sanl laiifli Innl
1111 I in 11 rt v in sanU'i unity tthii than hits
.'nlniiil 2n."i (irfftiw I. ntiil sanl iittaili-
nu'iit was ft 11 it 1 unfit in I Ins f iniri anil sniil
pmpi-rty leviftl mi mul nttai hi'tl ill this
art inn . ....
Vnil a rf rt'iinirfil tu answi-r sanl pt't 11 inn
mi nr In-fur Mtintlay the '-".th tlsiy ul An-
I . I.I A f. I 11 K e. -1 1 1 -1 1 1 . 1 . v -i
v its nttnriif s, Hffsini iV K'.int.
Levinl Notice
t'ass c 'mini y
In i 'mint v Cuurt
()f (
Tu all pf rstnis intf rf-tfil in tlif i-statf
Alltulllii -Mill, tlfi f ilst'tl :
.Natii f ishfrt hv uivfii that mi Ihf hth
ilav uf Aiiunst A. II '. ivrj at Ihf hmir nt In
n'l liit ka. in., at tht'ftiiiiity iuilu'f's utlit f
in riattsiiinnth. in saitl nullity, the pfti
tiuiiaskitiu fur Ihf aipuiiitiiif nt nf J. dm
Sfhiappaiassf as iiiliniiiistrattir nf saitl
ttntf, will In- lifaril anil itiiisitlf rf tl ; lit
which time ami place all persons iutf rt-st-ftl
iiiiiv appi-ur ami show cause, if any
they have, w hy he shmilil nut he nppiiint
etl lis such iitluiini-t rattir.
Iiatetl this lath tlavuf Jnlv A. I). WU.
H. S. KA.MSKV, C'niitit v Jiltlue.
Itch on human and horses animals
cured in 3D minutes by Woolford's
sanitary lotion. This never fails.
Sold F. O. Fricke it Co. (Insist,
MONEY to loan on farms
from 6 1 -2 per cent up, on 1 to
10 years time to suit the bor
rower. Also loans on second
mortgages. J. M. LEYDA
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Miss Yiraie Tutt went to (ireetl
wood today.
Martin Propst, an inline ulinl
farmer of Cass county, made Till-:
IIi;k'AI.i a pleasent call to-dav.
Jesst" I.. K'oot left this mornine.'
fur lieatrice to hear McKinley to
morrow anil visit with his parents.
Henry -Tartsch, Kudolph Katiens,
Tom Habb, "Whitey" Miller, Tet
Clilford and Walt Holmes com
prisetl a jiarty who started overland
1ns uiormnu; lor Lake Waiionsie
fur a week's iiiilinu-.
' THE Managers of THE HERALD
having made extensive preparlions for
the present campaign have decided to
send this paper to any address in Cass
County from now until after election
for 25 cents cash in advance.
This is the best offer ever made by
any paper in this county and every one
should take advantage of the oppor
tunity. Show this to your neighbor or
send in a quarter and have the paper
sent to his address.
About S 1 OO.OOO Worth of Pro-
perty Destroyed by Firo.
orr.i: v iidi m im 1 i;o i.i i: i ii;r.
PKlttsiiioulh V.sitc il liy a Disastrous
Criil.;t!r;'.t Work ot
an Int o niliary--C."oi.U cl
Kli'in .1 nit M.irphy
Totally Do
btroyoil I'h'in M. m. l.i v '- I 'a ,1 v .
A lew minutes lu-inre 'J u'clnck
Sun. lay ttinrnina Uie V,it"ini.ui
ujn't a liiuiM' was t'.isi'nx e i i'tl tn In"
mi tire. Tlif alarm was immediate
ly turned in and the Yuvuieu tut tied
nut, but could tl" uiilhine,' to sae
the building, llie lirenien were
lu-jit busy to keep uthtT builtline-s
from bein cotismmed by tile
11. lines.
J u.-t before the building was dis
covered to be on lire an explosion
was heard in the opera house on
the back part of the stai;e ami al
most in an instant the Haines were
seen issuing Irom the windows.
Policeman June Mack and Henry
Tartsch were standing in front of
Mayer iV lort;an's store when the
explosion occurred and they im
mediately ran out into the street to
see w hat had caused it; when they
reached the street the opera house
was in a blaze. Tartsch ran to the
bell tower to ",ive the alarm and
ranir the bell two or three times
when the rope broke. Then Mack
bewail lirimr his revolver. In the
meantime Tartsch had climbed up
the tower until he could attain reach
the rope.
A man who lives in one of t'has,
l'etersens houses, just back of the
opera house, says he saw a lin'ht in
the opera house about It) o clock; he
also saitl that the timethe explosion
occurred he was up with a sick
baby, and as soon as he heard the
noise he ran to a window and saw
llames comine; out of the south side
of the buildintr. He says he ran up
toward the postouiee and came
back and went up the stairs, but
the doors were locked. Policeman
Mack says that he came down find
went up the east stairs and the
doors were open, and he went upon
the starve; that the scenery and
stnye settings were on fire and
burning rapidly and that the fire
soon enveloped the entire build
It is evident that the lire Sunday
mornini;- was the result of an in
ceutliary the explosion is attributed
to gasoline and the supposition is
that a live gallon can was taken ;:p
there ami a fuse attached to it and
when the explosion occurred the
a'asoliue was thrown over the sta
which accounts for the rapidity
willi which the (lames spread, The
fireman winked like demons and
done everything in their power tt
save the building but before they
could reach it, the building was be
voud their reach. They were also
handicapped by some liend, who
had cut thirteen section of the hose,
the rope on the bell tower had also
been jut.
When the firemen reached the
scene anil hail their hose attached
they were unable to throw water on
top of the building, with only two
or three streams. This is attribu
ted by a uooil many to the water
company not having the stand pipe
Mill. Alotiu- toward the last after
a lire had been started at the pump
house, they were enabled to throw
water with six streams at a time
1 sir over the buildim;-.
Tile water I'tilllTi.'inv elaitii the I
stand pipe was full and say that the
reason they could not throw waler
was on account of the hose beiiia
cut. Hut let this be as il may, an
investigation will in all probability
be the result.
The lire was one of the worst ever
witnessed in Plattsmottlh, and but
for the hemic work of (he lirenn n
wniilil nave rcsiwieu even more dis
astrously. The Ailheilser liuseli
iiiildina- was scorched badly anil
was tiamaucu to uie extent 01 ahout
iflOO. Philip lhierolts household
oinls in the Anhen-cr huildina-
were il imaucii to tiie extent ot
about if lot I. fully insured. The
buildings on the mirth side of the
street were badly burned, and were
only saved from the (lames alter a
aotid deal of hard wink.
The opera house was built in ls'
by II. A. Waterman Son. The
building and furniture were in -
surcd for irUl.tliiil. Policies in the
following companies wen
Springfield, ir'J.iUlO; Home. fa.lKKi; I 111 ition.
North American, .fa.uoti; Pcnnsyl- j
vania Insurance, l.UOU; Hartford.1 Some of PI. ittsinouth's capitalists
ifH,.i(Kl; Connecticut, ifH.aUU; .lvtna, ' should accept Mr Waterman's pro
if'J.aOil, Phu nix, !fj,.iild. The building I position, h'ilteen thousand dollars,
cost Mr. Waterman iid.i.OOd. M. M.I with the amount that Mr. Water-
Murphy A Co. had their stock in
surcd lor .I.UM, and Joe Klein's
stock vvas insured forijd'.J.OOO. Xotli-
iii vvas saved trout the two stores
except the stiitied pelican which
oe had in his show window
i.e. :
louii'inn' to Jti le Chapman.
The books ot Klein ami Murphy
were in the s ites and art' thought
to be safe.
The lite w i- about mi
In 'iir in ,
. ,- tii.. i. , , i.i I,, ,,
, , a , , , , .............. ....
soiithwe-t cotuer wall was thetir.-t j
to fall, follow ed in a lew minutes hv
the li'ont pat t. then the a-t, tl.en
the entire W.'.-l wall I- !1 Willi .1 let' ,
111 .li- crash. The south wall . -toi'd j
up until l..-t evening, a ! ,
se era I attempts m t e made 1 1 1 I . v j
it up w itli tl iiamite, but alletfoi ts
w ere li tiitless. The wall stood un
til t he storm came up la-l evenina
and t lie wind 'aid i 1 Ion .
The biirnma of lite opera house
is ma (nlv alleavv In-s to the ownei s
but is a are .iter loss to'tlie eitv , and
it is to be hoped it will be re
built immediately.
"I'ncle " .Neil, vvho has been t un
nini; a stand near the opera house,
lost everythitiii during the tire. A
collection has been started and Ned
will be able to stal l up as soon as
he funis a suitable location.
To Start Aunin.
II. A. Waterman Son have made
this proposition: They will n'ive
towards huildini;' a new opera
oltselt),iKKl, furnish tin' Inundation
mil whdt material can be used
if the citizens of the city will lur
nish the rest of the money; ami the
prospects are very In'itiht for the
enterprise to pi throm;!!.
Joe Klein will open up as soon as
he can find a store room and get
the iroods here. In the meantime
his office will be at F. S. White's
M. H. Murphy A: Co., will start up
with a larger and better stock than
he has heretofore carried. Mr.
Murphy informed a reporter that
he has already secured a room ami
would open up as soon he could
stock up.
Mr (iutnian, the man vvho vvas to
occupy the west room of the opera
house block as a wholesale ami re
tail litpior store will remain in the
city and open his place as soon as
he can secure a room.
The above named persons have
lots of confidence in Plattsuiouth.
One of the men who vvas burned
out said that he had so much confi
dence in the city that if he hail
if'JD.OtK) he would invest it in Platts-
mouth property. Plattsmnulh
needs no better advertisement than
the above. To have all those men
who were burned out start iinniedi
ately in business again speaks
volumes for the city.
Ready to Return.
The first important break in the
ranks of the skilled laborers of
Homestead is likely to take place
to-day. Saturday night there vvas a
meeting of twenty-live nf the skilled
men, several of them members of
the amalgamated association. Tin
situation was discussed and it was
decided that there vvas no hope ol
winning the strike. A committee
was appointed to wait upon M
Potter, the superintendent, to as
li i 111 on what terms they might
come hack. The committee called
yesterday and was cordially re
ceivi'd by Mr. Poller, who (oldthetu
of the rules the company hai
adopted as to the treatment nf tin
strikers and that he meant to ad
here to them. If they would abi
by these rules he could find places
lor lliem. They expressed Ihem-
selvt s favorably and saitl then
would be another meeting to-day
when they would make their re
port. The committee thought tin
terms would be accepted and that
tip t'.ventv live would go to work.
Poller, in an interview, said.
"I i'.ink tin- break :s coming very
sin 1. My the end of the week we
i will probably have as many 1 1 1 1 1 as
we 1 .111 previde places for."
Henry McCarthy Drowned.
Ye-tenia) morning Henry Mc
Cart' v, the II year-old son of Con
Cartl')', in company with several
o'.ln 1 bo) s about his age, went down
to is called "K'oeky Point'' 1o
go s .'imming. From what can be
lean ml young McCarthy went out
too t ir anil the current caught him
ami tapidly carried him down
stream. J list as he was carried by
the middle pier of the bridge he
wen! under, and his body has not
yet been dinnd. A large parly has
been -earching along the river with
the I, 'c that the strong current of
the river would carry him down to
a sau I barwlitre it is thought his
bod) .voiild lodge. I p lo the Kmc
olgtiiiigto press no tidings have
been heard that would throw !iny
! const ! ation upon the In .11 t broju 11
j parents. The bctv ived parents
! have the sv mpat h y ol the cit i.en s
of PI ittsmouth in this ih
man will furnish,
good, if not better,
than the old one.
will put up as
an opera house
Sixth Street Will Bo P.ivod
With Brick.
im Mil. IiIiimii 111 ri;o-i.ii
Tl Cotinc I Also Granted the lieiv
cral KltH trie L'ulit ami Power
Oompiny a luse--Smli-walks
to be
.'-'.V . I
The 1 itv council met in special I
session last night, wi'h Max or Hut
let'. Clerk I'ox and Count ilincn
Petersen, Lake, I ."il gen hageil,
Minor, Murphy, Spies, ll.v. Jones,
Stei inker and ( !ra v es pi esc lit, W. I '.
Join's coming in later.
A coiiiiu utiicat ion was read fttuu
the chief of the lire tlipaltiueut
asking the council to pun 'tase l.iHiO
feet of new hose ami also p. tee new
lanterns (or the use of the depart
ment. The communication vvas re-'
ferretl to the committee on (ire ami
water, with instructions to procure
the necessary articles. ,
A petition front the pre -perty
oAtiers 011 Sixth street vvas pre
sented and read, asking that Sixth
street be paved with lirst-tlass
paving brick,
An ordinance vvas read reipiiiing
the curbing of paving district .V.'.
Murphy moved that the board of
public works be authorized to atl-
verlise for bids for the paving and
curbing of said Sixth street and
that the engineer be authorized to
f 1 1 r 1 1 i s 1 1 an estimate.
On motion the street commis
sioner was ordered to widen lite
southeast part ol Sixth street at the
corner of Pearl so that the ground
would have time to settle belorethe
time to pave.
Mr. Donnelly asked the council to
move the water trough at the inter
section of Sixth hud Pearl streets
The reouest vvas granted.
An ordinance granting the lien
cral Klcctric bight and Power com
pany of Chicago a franchise, was,
upon motion, read by sections. On
motion of Murphy the words "three
months" were stricken out and
"sixty days" substituted in section
six. It vvas moved that another
section he added compelling the
company to complete their works
within six months and that said
works should be inside of the city
limits. Carried.
On motion the ordinance was
put upon its second and third
reading on final passage.
The streets, alleys and bridges
committee reported favorably on
eonilcniningcertaiil property south
ol the M. it M. shops for a public
highway. I'pon motion of Minor
tin' in liter was laid over until tin
Spencer mailer vvas nettled.
The bond of I. Ciiituiau was reai
ami approved; also a license is
Minor moved thai the license In
pro-rated. Jones of the Secont
amended that he should pay
The amendment carried.
The engineer vvas instructed !
furnish an estimate 011 the newer
in order that the council could ad
vertise for bitls for I'a construc
tion of the sewer the same time
they advertised I t bids for pav
i 1 1 g.
The engineer Was al o authorized
to make an estimate lor sidewalk
on ( iranite to Maiden Lane.
'I lie streets, alleys ami bridges
committee was instructed to have
the sidewalks over til
entire city
repaired immediately.
On motion the con ncil ;n
A Shooting Affair.
Last evening about si o'clock a
.-hooting alfray occurred at Mercer
ville, wherein C.eorge W. Sa while
shot ieorge Caslord and Lis .-on.
from the particulars al hand the
shooting was caused over some
lumber, that Casford borrowed
from Savvtelle. Sawtelle had been
drinking v ester la',' and meeting
Casford. a-ketl him when he wa
going to return I lie lit in! nr. A tier a
lew more words Sawtelle picked up
a shot gnu he had in his wagon and
told him if he didn't bring it back
he would blow hisd - head oil.
Caslord drove on and hail got a bout
thirty Icet when Sawtelle (iretl both
barrels at him. Part ol the .-hot j
struck him in the back and pail i
.-ti tick his bo; . j
Ca-loltl went belore Jlltlg
I K'amsev and ( alisetl a warrant to be
sworn out charging him with ,-hoot
! uig with the intent to kill. The
i warrant wa" pined in Constable
; Kroehler's hands, bu t a- ft he has
f- lailetl to captured his man. Saw
1 telle packed up his gooilsand silent
I ly left for parts unknown last
Neither Mr. Casford or sou were
seriously injured
Joseph Adams returned to Have
lock this morning, after vi.-iting
his family couple of days.
Cletk I aitlpbeli of the . 1 1 I't ' I tH
court was in town 1, st night.
John A. IVivic- home
last nighi Iimiii his wi'-l. iii trip.
D. Hon. 111, editor of the K idway
k'eporter oft niaha. passed through
the i'it v this morning.
Joe Klein ami M. M. Murphy ,v Co.
opened their sales this morning.
I'he books jo Joe's -ue w u e
scorched somewhat, but not sil'i-011-lv.
and Murphv's were ....iked
w ilh Water.
Colonel (.forge P.. Mann, former
ly of the Llklioin lixeliange, has
'hired mil" to the I'l.iti-inouth
News, and il is rumored that soa.e
thilig' In -iiles Hie situation attrac
ted him thither. Lincoln Journal.
Siiperintedtlent C olir-ev iulornied
Till. Ill: K- M.l to, lav thai the com-
panv would extend Us mains two
blocks north mi Lice-nth from
Kim street; also the mains will Pe
ex ti titled one block 1 m si ail h lentil
sl reel ami one block on. south hirst
Word came Irom Lincoln today
that the little girl ot los. Mrashek
hail dit tl at the llomeof the hi iend-
ess. .Mr. .'iraslieli is an employe ot this place. His wife
lied last winter, leaving live
motherless children. The youngest,
which just died, was taken to the
Home of the Friendless.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herold, Mr.
mil Mrs. T. M. Patltersmi, Misses
Mia tiering, Amelia and Maggie
Vallery, Flora Honovan, Julia
Herrmann, Mary McClelland,
Aldora Clark and Messrs. Henry
tiering, W. J. Streight, Charles
Spencer, A. 10. Marrett, Frank Mc
Clelland and Paul Polk composed a
jolly party that departed this mir .ril
ing for Lake Waubonsie on a lish-
ing excursion.
JikIko Archer's Court.
Mrs. Troltmau vvas lined fa and
costs this morning- by ludere
Archer for using obscene language
ami disturbing the peace.
Sam Henderson vs. A. C. Spencer
is on trial this afternoon. C.
Polk is prosecuting ami J. S.
Mathews defending.
Henry Hons vs. Mart Multery.
Settled and dismissed, plaintiff pay
ing the costs.
Mary K. I.oiighageii caused il
warrant to lie sworn out for the ar
rest of Mrs. P. Trottman for using;
obscene language and disturbing
the peace. The case will be called
at ID o'clock to-morrow.
Sights That Surprise.
Hon. I 1 1 1 C. Watson entertained
Hon. I II. Windham, president of
the Plattsmouth board of trade,
Judge Chapman find Kditor Peter
son, of the Journal, Friday. He
drove them about the city, anil
showed thent the niiiliy sights of
industry which our city has above
all others. They were highly sur
prised with such plants as the cere
al mills and the starch works and
expressed themselves ; - liov1.,',
been hitherto ignorant 1' a' lae city
hatl such great iiiiliisti c . ilcthcii
drove the honored gu" to Arbor
Lodge, r. lure J Sl cling' Morton
eutert ,'iiit'd them until leaving on
the .uternoou traia for their home
in the petty city of Piatt stnoti th.
NcbrasU.i City Press.
W. IL Humphrey v
Creamer is the title of a 1 1st
with the district clerk to-day.
1 11 his speech not i f) i 11 g Cleveland
of his nominal ion, Wilso.i, o West
Virginia, addressed (he following
hilaliitiu' remark to the democratic
Four veal's ago in the mid-catver will deserved the
highe-t humus your countrymen
could bestow, as feel sure that it
will receive the highe.-t encomiums
that history can award, you were
struck down because as a democrat
v 011 could make no terms with those
who wished to plunder the people's
treasury, or those who sought to
perpetuate the passion of civil
Now, it must be remembered that
it was the whole American people
that Cleveland threw his free trade
message lull in the face ol. It is
true that, utter having dour so, he
tried and his friend! in every way
tried, to make terms w ith the offen
ded American people, but they de
clined to be Ci'licilliatetl. Ami now
tlii--mart Mr. Wilson has the im
pel 1 i iience to say to the nation that
its refusal lo be 0 mi 1 1 1 iated was
due to a purpose to "plunder the
people'.- treasury" and "pel pet Hate
the pas-ions of civil strife."
( l.i.v i:i.." allirms "1 am a dem
ocrat," but the Manhattan club
boys don't rank him as high as
A 1 Id I'd Me ven son. C lev eland went
home and Atldled stayed it out
with the boys.
Mk. Wlt.stiN (in Madison Square
(iarden) -Mr. Cleveland, you are
nominated for president by the
democratic convention.
i. Cleveland Great Heavens!
This is so sudden and unexpected.
Kxcttsc these emotions.