Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 04, 1892, Image 3

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Jhirty-six Informations Against
as Many Ex. Employes.
cnvinvi'Jiiv Mikl'ti i ruil'CK
II Those Heretofore Arrested for
Murder Included in the N w
Warrants Issued Yesterday.
O Uonnell Says it Was
a Joke.
The Policy to be Carried Out,
PiTTsisrh'C. July 'SI- When Heuty
Knelt was shot last Saturday la
id while tho doctors were en-
ged in probing the wounds that
lie trairei v won Id have no effect
hatever noon the noliev of iln
iiiipany toward the J louiestead
roil i es. 1 hal lie meant w he
said was evidenced to-day when
Secretary I.ovejoy at V2:'M o'clock
appeared before Alderman McMas
ter.3. and f wore out thirty-six infor.
:fction.s against as many of the
x-einployesj of the company and
mon wliich warrants were iiii.nedi-
aieiy issued, ii was significant,
however, that these informations
in.,, In n li'idtm 1,1 tlt i,.it,,t-o i( iltn, the men being charged
wipi aggravated riot instead of
j.h murder. It is taken as indi
ciijing that the company now
doubts its ability to sustain the
main charges against the men and
has concluded to content
itself by preferring a charge upon
whiph there may be a chance of ob
taining some convictions. It was
also significant that among the
names included in the informations
were those of nearly every ex-employe
who has testified before the
coroner's jury that the first tdiots
fired on the morning of July 0 came
from the Pinkcrtons. 1 he fact that
he comnanv should have selected
vse men as victims, esneeial v in
.v of the fact that as witnesses he
re te coroners nirv i nev woitiu
,u4 i;l..i.- i,.. ,.v,.,.(.,,i t, t,.t;v ;,,
urt, has created a great deal of
nment, and that not very favor-
le to the company. The suppres
sion ot names in tne mancr oi in
formations was again carried out
to-day anil the majority of the men
'igainst whom the warrants are is-
intM w ni' Tin mho v 1 1 ( l I r, fir Trio
. i,. i i. r . i
fact until thev are placed under ar-
st. It is understood that new
nformations will now be made
rom iiav to uav tor some time to
ine. otii me auvisorv cominmee
preparing for ample bail and not
ie of tho men will be allowed to
stay in jail an hour longer than the
machinery of the law will allow.
Private information is also to the
tfect that informations sworn out
o-day include the name of nearly
very member of the advisory com
mittee, as well as some of those
who have already been arrested on
the charge of murder and released
on bail. James Close, who was ar
rested yesterday, will have to
answer to the new charge, as will
Sylvester Critchlow, who
lintarily surrendered to-day and
jse warrant was issued at the
le time as those of O'Donnell,
I.tickie and others on the charge
murder. To-morrow morning
Jiidie McKee will hear the motion
for b.d for both Close and Critch-
Donnoll Says He Did Not Author-
Ize Newspaper Men to Act.
r.i 1 1' s i r. . i ' . i a., jiii) (. iiugu
I'Donnell s;is he did not author
i to with the
'arnegie people with a view of end
ag tin' trouble 1') a surrender ol
l'lie l l TI'e-po' lelits toi 'U
I eitial k ol his ill eat lie-1
avored to iie:;otiat.' a set-
l.i . i i . k , . . ...
M . J . i s ll.' l i m t 1 1 fi.i iie'i i n . ii .ill
itl-'i'lpt was made I . blow up Car
i.fgie's union mills hi tlm city,
.uring the ale-em e of toe engineer
ollli' (illr llirilol on 1 1 ll I i ll',.'i I gas
I the f r. t ii, id- -. Ill' ill -on tv of
le (.it w ,i s 1 1 1 i 1 1 j U -it intone to
vent an e pies - on. 1' here w ei e
llli'li 11! tile -' ' 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 at the
1 1 1
mam 1 1 i :
lief sa) s tla I
a I e
a"0 auar
I 'Km ill
, !ii-ts in I'itt.-l r.i
Western IViin-'j 1 atti.t.
.v I'l'ieli passed a nio-t s.iti
actoi v
K. M. I'hler. a It. M. engineer at
Lincoln, had his right hand badly
crushed under the wheels of his
own engine yesterday and one of bis
lingers had to be amputated. He
was oiling the engine and at his re
ipiest the fireman started theengine.
He attempted to walk in front of it
when he slipped and fell, but man.
ed to save himself except his
C. V. Green and daughter,
" I'rentiss, left this morning
lyer for Denver to be gone a
c of weeks.
Taken to Hastings.
From Thurstla) 's baity.
K. T. Hughes, the young man ar
rested Tuesday on complaint of
Mrs. tirace l'ennington and hound
over to the district court, was re
leased by Judge Horgelt yesterday
on the discovery of the fact that the
alleged offense was committed in
Adams county, lie was at once re
arrested cm another warrant and
taken to Hastings last evening.
Hughes claims, or rather his attor
ney does for him, that he and the
fair widow were engaged to be mar
ried and that the wedding was only
deferred until a Jra.iHH) damage suit
against the It. M. could he
pressed to an issue. He further
claims that the it'Jui loaned him was
made in good faith, while the if.ia
was mi expense bill incurred in a
trip to Omaha, which he and Mrs.
Pennington enjoyed together. The
lady indignantly denied the al
leged betrothal and the story that
she visited Omaha with the young
fellow. The jury in the case will
have to decide between the state
ments of the parties.-Omaha Pee.
J. F. Kaulinaii of Avoca is in the
citv to-dav.
Mrs. 1'. Ii. Runner ami children
went down to Nehawk-t this morn
ing to vi-it with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. John Hlack left
this morning for Denver, accompa
nied by Mrs. lilack's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoeck were
Nebraska City passengers this
morning over the Missouri Pacific.
Frank Dickson was the happiest
man in town to-day, all caused by a
boy baby making its appearance at
his home. Frank says he is a good
strong republican. Grandpa Kichey
is bearing the honor in a becoming
Mrs. John Lynch of San Francisco
writes Coroner 1'iiruh regarding
the man killed in the wreck on the
H. iV M. east of the bridge. She
says her husband, in company with
a friend, lei t San Fronctsco for this
part of the country and she thought
had just about reached here when
the accident occurred. She says
her husband was thirty-two years
old and the man with him was
Old Cass county is nothing if not
original, so when it came to the
count" convention it had to spring
an entirely new candidate for gov
ernor. The thing was so sudden
that Messrs.Crouse, Majors, Max
well and the rest of them had no
time to arrange a reception for Hon
Lawson Sheldon. He will doubtless
be initiated into the order of the
Ancient and Honorable Guberna
torial Grabbers at an early date.
Lincoln Journal.
An Appeal For Aid.
The following has been received
by 'The 1 1 KKALb asking the people of
I'lattsmouth foraid. Allthosewho
feel disposed to give may forward it
to John G. Hall, Mason City:
Mason City, Ni;h.,J uly 1 1, 1 !('.
To the charitable people of Ne
braska It is generally known by
the telegraphic dispatches to the
daily papers of Omaha and Lincoln,
that this village was visited by a
very destructive cyc'.one on Friday
evening, July 1, lNCi, which totally
destroyed many of the resident and
business houses and all the public
buildings of our town.
Our school district is already
bonded to the limit of the law, and
the financial condition of thepeople
will not allow the rebuilding or re
pairing of one loss in ten. The
losses are not confined to our town,
but many of the larnii i s in our vi
cinity are without shelter, and it is
the feeling of our citiz.e ns that they
share equally with the town in any
aid that may lie given lis.
The loss is estimated at from thir
ty to fifty thousand dollars, and we
are greatly in need id help. It is
with pride that we refer to the Kiel
that our people have always le
ponded liber. ill to any ot our
Height Mil's who have met with shell
! isa el . , and we won Id a
each a a 1 e vei v I s. hi who in ! y
a ware ol our !o s to i o.ii nl nil
1 1 1 id all a i ll i s oi le r 1 1 .1.1 nc i a i ,'
1 1 1 1 ; o 1 1 i : , . l v allow.
We have se a ,- I Mi oha
Hall, an old and (expected fit..',
as lieasnier, and any foods ma;.
I cm i I le. 1 la 1 i i in. on a o on a ulee
tile part ol every lai-ine-- ni ill
M isuii I ': t v t h a -aa n i m n 1 will
e pee . . I lor the rel ill ; h 1 1 1 f. o i
-ehool ho i se and ehutyhe-
i in
.xl l . 'A N'l.'l No I :
A. H. W'AK-I.'l.l.l,,
Y. C Ki.i ii 1 1 i ,
l-'fe I l-'o-lav'- n,.:-.
O. I ' Monro.' vs 1 1 ank Sinotliet .
Action in attachment; heating set
lor A u e a -1 at 1 1 a m . A nioiiii t
of claim
Suit in
A ugusi
Thierolf s
.'. A mon nt
Peter Feller,
tlial set lor
f claim ;l '.'0.
State of Nebraska vs Gils Pailey.
Charged with carrying concealed
weapons, dismissed by consent,
costs paid by complainant.
State of Nebraska vs. "Frank No
vak, charged with disturbing the
peace. Dismissed by consent, de
fendant paying the costs.
Dennis McIIuge vs. Sam Archer.
Judgment by default l ''a for work.
Joe K I ifti vs. Val lliirkel. Judg
ment by default for $12. 40 on ac
count. Joe Klien vs. Herman Streetweiser
Continued by the court until Au
gust 5.
Nominated for Congress
Republicans all of One Mind'-Jude
Chapman Early Withdraws
Fromthe Riceand Makts
the Nominating
The First district republican !
congressional convention met last j
night in Nebraska City. The con-j
vention was largely attended and
was an enthusiastic gathering..
The Lancaster delegation arrived
in a special car.
After an afternoon's lovefeast in
the ofliee of the Watson hotel Un
delegates met in the opera house
last evening to name Hon. Allen
W. Field of Lancaster county by ac
clamation as their crndidate for
congress. It was understood
during the afternoon that Judge
Chapman of this city, who had
been the only other candidate, was
not making a fight as he was but
just off a sick bed, and to place the
cap sheaf on the mountain of exist
ing good feeling he willingly com
plied with the ropiest to make the
nominating speech in presenting
the name of Judie Field.
The opening hour was set for 9
o'clock and although the delegates
were in their seats at that time and
the house was crowded it was twen
ty minutes later when Chairman
Woodward and Secretary McCart
ney took their seats.
In calling the convention to or
der the chairman said that he saw
such harmony on all sides as to
warrant the linn belief that the con
vention would, on this occasion
nominate the next congressman
from the first district of Nebraska.
He said that the district lpid been
misrepresented in congress long
enough and it was desired to place
in nomination a candidate who was
in favor of American industries as
against luiglish or other foreign in
terests, and one who would show
up the fallacies of the man who for
nearly two years has been misrep
resenting this district.
Judge Sullivan of Cass was named
as temporary chairman. He said
that Nebraska had been represented
by gabble and noise for two years
and that a man would be placed in
nomination by the convention who
would defeat the man who had
brought the honor of the United
States in question by votingagainst
the world's fair appropriation and in
his open hostility to American in
dustries. Mr. McCartney was made
temporary secretary, and the cre
dentials of the various delegations
were considered. The credentials
were accepted without reading, and
the temporary organisation made
permanent. The roll was called for
members of the committee on reso
lutions with the following result:
Cass, Orlando Tefft; Johnson, J, S.
Drew; Lancaster, II. M. Hushnell;
Nemaha, George W. Fairhrother;
Otoe. J.. K. McKcc; Pawnee, CO.
Drown; Richardson, D. 1). K'eavis.
k'l-soLtri ions in- nil- fivi:rio.
The following resolutions were
reported by the committee and
adopted as read
Kesulvcd, That we, the repub
licans ol the First congressional
di-trict, endorse the platlonu ol the
national republican party; that we
endor.-e it as a wise and patiiolie
e-posilion ol the correct principles
ol a government that ha- h.-en con
ducive to tin- uoudeiful growth,
inaiwelotis i hw elopuien t and un
I oiind''d piosperity ol the nation.
h'esolvt'd. That we, the r pub
licans ol tne firM congres-ion il
district, recoi; ni.e the nut tonal mi
i eirla tu-e ol tin- Win Id's ( ol ion In' an
e posit ion til it II is I,,-, t i n si it lit' d
by the nation and is uudel national
control. We recogni.r d, great
Aortli in Nebraska in hriuning the
world almost to our dooi s. Ac he
heve it should have all u.ees-.iiy
-uippott from the tedetal eovern
ineut to the i aid that the nation's
name may be protected an I niagni
'ied to the utmost. We con h um
the votes (,f t he denioei at ;c repre
s"iitatives and the votes id the con
gressmen from Nehra-k i. cast
against aid to the wot Id's lair, as
unpatriotic. it n-A nieru'an and
against the welfare and material
interests ot the people of
this state, We denounce the
statesmanship of the congressman
w ho, in casting about lor subjects
for reform, selects an industry ju.t
starting in our own state, an indus
try which is lowering the price of
binding twine made from out own
Mrs. (.'. M. McKlroy of Fairfield
arrived this afternoon to visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. Swift. Mrs. Hiatt, Mrs.
Holmes, Mrs. Henfer and Mrs. Rich,
ardson departed this morning for
Hennett to attend the camp meet
ing . C. Showalter had hiisinc
i'ss in
Omaha to-day.
The little baby of Gus 1 Litems is
down with the meat-els.
Miss Maggie Davis left this morn-
j nig lor eeping ter.
Charles lVtersen, the butcher.
had business in Omaha to day.
! Mrs. J. G. Kichey and Mrs. K. H.
; Lewis were Omaha passengers to-
I Jay.
Jacob Vallery sr., and Joeoh Val
lery jr., were Omaha passengers
this morning.
J. C. Cummins and F. S. White
were transacting business in
Omaha to-day.
A plat was filed to-day with the
regiMir of deeds of the first ad
dition to Murdock.
Gordon 11. Kuotts left this after
noon for Council lUulTs, and lroin
there he goes to Des Moines.
Judge Chapman and children
and Sain W'aiigh went to La Platte
on a fishing excursion this after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Hlack left on
the llyer this morning for Denver,
where they will visit for a few
weeks. Mrs. Mclvl wain gave a tea party
last night at her home in honor of
Misses Gertrude and Klla Colviu of
Mrs. Walter Scott, who has been
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. II. C. McMaken, returned to
her home in Omaha this morning.
Fred Gorder & son have sold six
teen new binders during the past
three weeks, which speaks well for
the farmers of this part of the
Julius I'epperberg requests Tins
Hi'KALD to inform Mie public that
he is not running a scab shop, but
that he is running an open shop;
that both union and non-union men
are employed.
While talking with one of our
business men yesterday he said:
"There is more money in the county
than ever before. I have no trouble
in collecting and have less on my
books than ever before at this time
of the year and am doing a larger
hasines than ever."
Ice cream, cake and fruit relish
will be served to-morrow, Saturday
afternoon from three untill six
o'clock, in Mr. Waterman's yard,
corner Htli and Locust streets, for
the I'reshyterin organ fund. Ice
cream and cake 15 cents, fruit relish
10 cents. A cordial invitation is
extended to all.
An Address to Republicans.
The following address to the re
publicans of Nebraska was issued
by the officers of the Young Men's
Republican club of Lincoln yes
terday: "The Young Men's Republican
club of the city of Lincoln has suc
ceeded in inducing Hon. William
McKinley of Ohio to come to Lin
coln and deliver an address on re
publicanisui on the evening of
August M. It is the earnest desire
of the club to make his reception
hearty and enthusiastic and the oc
casion productive ot incalculable
benefit to the republican party of
the state.
"To this end the club extends
cordial invitation to all young
men's republican clubs and repub
lican organizations generally
throughout the state to be present
and participate.
"All clubs contemplating being
in attendance will kindly report at
earliest moment to F. . lollins,
president ol the doling .'lens
h'epuhhean club of Lincoln
Ncbl I -i,a."
Conmn; Attractions. W aterman, for the .pen
ill:.1, o i
has .
will li
lb- h i
lie opera season, Augu-t 'Si
ured a : 1 1 1 nig com pany , w hi
1 tin bo ml - I n one w eek
a lilt ml -el of ojii it date- an
tin in wit ll lit -I class at
Ibis season ; h e peoph
l Id I
ti e 1 1 oi
I St)
mouth will Willies- tietlef
i ii get companies than t ver
Manager Watetinan has
a s booked 111. to 1 . , -111
bet L'l
I he r
Willi th
-on will open A ii u -t '..'J
ill ii I t !i ma ml a ml A n n-s
ni ui n V ot si te.-n :il lists.
' In.
l y
coi ;.a:iy will pla i if week.
r i pel toil e is ii- ol lows:
nni," "Damon and I ' Unas,"
in. i ' am and ( ,a late. i ," "Sea d
"iln" llj puerile," "King ties,"
and otln s.
Si ptetiiher fi Leslie 1 a is ill
"l-'aust" iiud "Marguerite."
September 1 I and la Marcel l!ar
ton's Pantomime Co.
September '() "The Postmaster.
October 7 Charles )',. Schilling's
October 2 "Harvest Moon."
October ir "Skipped by the Light
of the Moon."
November li "The Colonel."
November 21, "," and lid-Prof.
Union's Kqucscurriculcaii, with
thirty educated horses.
December l!l -'T'licle Ziisk
Sprucely "
December 21 "( lie Olson's Trou
bles," new play.
COtl'CI hli HV'IIIK W. C.T.I',
.1. I. hi. AMI SI'ACV.
I've t.ei'ii la t lit mt'i'tiu', Niini'v,
Alton II In the l.' lliltl;
An' I wish yi. it'll 'n lieen there, Nancy,
An' I u isli t lie s.i tne of all.
llie calli'il it a temp 'ranee inertia',
An' said tlu'V nil lent i i.ine
To try anil 11(1 up the lallen,
An' riil tlic land of nun.
I'hev Mist iiseil Parson Peters
It lie woiilil please to pray
An' siu li a pi a er as I luit ar'
I hain't In , ml li.r in.inv a iiav.
l' ant tike Ins pulpit pi ayiii',
When he lells the the in -.
An' iii-deail of piea--in' his Ma-ter,
lift in' 1 1. ilea -e the pen s.
Hut tonight he Knell nil I he carpet -
All' he .Inti't otlell iln
u' lie .i a eil I. a I ho helpless w iililei ,
An' he pi a ed 1 1 a liei i h en. too,
n' he pi a ed I ni I he 1 1 nil iii nl I em pled
An' the tear- etc -i'i-ii in hi-- e es;
ll' thiil I 'I. I el d nl'iit 1iii at I he i eilin',
I hit Weill si l ah; hi ll li . 1 he sK ies.
I'licit. in ter 1 he pal "i.n's pra in',
J mi Jones. I he I inker's sun,
lie l i . Inl I he ail In I inn m hi ill -
An' he 1 1 ii I w hat ill ink had ilmi',
I needn't n ln-.u-i- it, Xancv,
You Know the facts hill wi ll
How nun has I men his ruin,
An' nuiile liis limne a hell.
Well, tin women, tin- vi.utli, nn' the
An' e'en we stronger men,
We couldn't ll help a Hohhiu'
As we Kelt I liliit taketlie pen,
An' totter up to the tahle,
Ami the paper sin
Tliut says: "We're dune! - we're ilone
(ore ver
With cider, nn' rum, un' wine."
Sipiire Smith was the next they culled oil.
An' tin old man riz and said :
We're uwlue to liliit the snrpint
Till Iic'h ii u nit M-ri d with t lit dead!"
I Hi, how in staiupi'il mi the carpet !
An' the way he phonic his cane
Would a done eousideral.te ilauiane
Had it hit u prison's I. rain.
When lie sot dow n, w h v Nancy.
You'd in u 1 1 1 to heard 'cm cheer,
To see iiow 1 hev's excited.
You'd I hi nk t lie day was near -I'he
day w lien I ami an' whiskey,
Kroin lice Shelm ( lean to ball,
Shall lint he foiuiil or purchased
llv unman, fluid or man.
Well, Nancy, as I sol tin le,
A thinkiii' o'er the past,
An' how I'd swilled down cider.
I says, "I'm done at last,"
An' when tile pledge they passe, nir,
An' said, "Sir, w ill you sinn?"
I took the pell -well, Nancy,
My name's there, on t he line.
The license fee in Pennsylvania
for the ensuing year is 1,1,0(10. Yet
in spile of this increased fee, more
applications were made this year
than last.
The Wine anil Liipior Ciazctte of
New York says: "Nobody knows
lit tler than the liquor dealer that
the police can enforce the Sunday
law, if they want to."
Impurity The men from the vast
majority of drunkards, thieves, vag
ahonds and debauchees. There are
from live to six immoral men to
every immoral woman. It is the
men who create the demand for
vice. Rev. Dr. DeC'csta, president
of White Cross League.
There is a large amount of mater
ial for reflection in this remark
made by the superintendent of a
brewery in New York t'ity when
high license was discussed, lie
asked: "Who is going to be hint
when the brewer has only todeliver
to lilty saloons the same amount of
beer he used to send to one hun
dred'.'" This is the meaning of high
license pure and simple.
In Paint
the best is cheapest
Pure White Lead
is best; properly applied it will
not scale, chip, chalk, or rub
off; it firmly adheres to the
wood and lonr.s a permanent
base (or rer.a.ntin'j. Taints
which peel or scale have to be
removed by scraping or burn
ing before satisfactory re
painting can be don:.
In buying white lead it is im
portant to obtain that which is
genuine, strictly pure, and
properly made. Time lias
proven that .vhite lead made
by the "0!d Dutch" process
of slow ccrrosion possesses
qualities that cannot be ob
tained by any other method of
manufacture. This process
consumes four to six months
time, and produces the brands
that have given White Lead
its character as the standard
are standard brands of strictly
pure Lead made by the "Old
Dutch" process. You get the
best in buying them.
Kor sale by all first cIsk dealers in Paints.
If you are Roinp to paint, it will pay you t
Kend to us for a Look containing information
that may save you many a dollar; it will
only cost you a postal card to do so.
St. Louis Dranch,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street,
St. Louis, Mo.
The Most Interesting Contest Ever
Ottered by T'ie Canadian
One tliim-taiul dollar' in ciimIi. h
pair ol li.iiiilM.uiie Shetlan 1 miiiiea.
earraie ami hariies., and over two
tiuui.iaiKl titlier valual.le jiri.en (or
the Arieiiltiirit'nlriiritent readers
Who will have them? According
to the jiii for Home year
pant the publishers of the Aneiil.
turist now oiler their sixth half .
yearly literar.. e petition. This
uraiideoinpitition. will n doulit,
he the most .antie and siieeecsfiil
one ever presented to Hie people of
uie i inieii .-siaies an l C auail.i
One thousand dollars in cash will
he paid to the person sem inj; in
the largest lit of Kni'lUli words
eon-triieled Ironi letters in the
words " l'lie Canadian Au rienltur-
hive Hundred dollars will l.e civ-
en to the second largest list.
. handsome pair of Shetland
po tnes. earl iayv and harness, will
In i-en to the third largest list.
()er one t In msaiii I additional awarded in order of merit:
I ue u rand piano, tfitu) m ean. rtdiK)
piano, dinner sets, ladies' iolil
watches, Silk dress patterns, por
tiere curtains, silver lea services.
I'cnneson's poems hound in cloth,
1 tiekens' in 1 voluinnes hound in
cloth etc.
As there are more than 1,000 pri.
es anyone who takes the trouble to
prepare an ordinary 4ood list will
not tail to receive a valu.ile pri.e.
This is the bieeest thine' in the
competition line that we have ever
placed before the public, and all
who do not take part will miss an
opportunity of a life time,
K l l. lis I. A letter cannot be used
oftener than it a ppearw in Ihe words
' 1 lie c Agriculturist ' )or
instance the wordeieatitiotbeused.
as there is but one 'u' in the three
words, li. Worrit having more than
one meaning but upcllcd the Hiitne
can be used but once. H. Nanien of
placet- and persons barred. 4. Kr
rorswill not invalidate a list the
wrong words will simply not be
lvach list must contain one dollar
to pay for six mouths subscription
to the Agriculturist. If two or more
tie, the largest list which bears the
earliest postmark will take the first
pri.e and so on in order of merit.
I'nited States money and stamps
taken at par.
The object in olTcring these mag.
nilieent is to introduce our
popular iiiaga.ine into new homes
in every part of the American con
tinent. livery competitor enclosing IlOcts
in stamp extia will receive free, by
mail, postpaid tine of the Agricul
turists elegant souvenir spoons of
I' awarded to persons in the
I'nited States will be shipped from
our New York office fret; of duty.
All money letters should be regis
tered. Our former compel it ion We have
given away over tf-ia.lKH) in prizes
during the last two years, and have
thousands of Ietteis from prize win
tiers in every state in the union and
every part of Canada and New
foiindlaiid, Lord Kilcoursie, A, 1),
C. to the Governor general of Cana
da writes; "I shall recconinienri my
Iriends to enter yoiir competition
M M Mrandon, Vancouver, Ji C. "re
ceived !fl,HU) in gold" and we hold
his receipt for the same. A few of
the prize winners: Miss J h'obinson
Toronto, irlaOO; ) J Hrandon Fenelon
Falls Out., !f latin; David Harrison
Syracuse X Y, ijsiaa; ii Meavis. St
Louis, fMh JasHaptie, West Dulutli
Minn,if"K)() Miss (ft'orgina K'obertson
Oak St, Hrooklyn, flUKl; l'red II Hill
aa'.l State st Bridgeport, Conn, and
thousands of others.
Address all communication to
The Agriculturist, Peterborough,
Tho (Irani Weekly Competition of Tho
LiuIIoh Homo Journal
Which word in this advertise
ment spells the same backward as
forward'.- This ir a r ire opportuni
ty for every Madam, Miss, every
father and son, to secure a splendid
Wi;i:ki.V I'm.i;s livery week
throughout this great competition w ill be distributed as follows
l'lie first correct answer received
(the postmark date on each letter to
I"- taken as the date i ecei ved.)at the
oiliie of the I. a lies Home Magazine
( earl: ainl i ery week during
' v-'-') wil -el II. the see,, nil correct
a'iu.'i. .flua, the llurd rrad; fourth
a beautiful silver ii e; tilth, live
o'( tin I, s,!vi r - er-. ii , , an I the next
ati ui i ret an s -a . t - t p, j,,,. , ,lL,.
in;; Imiiii down to I'.vitv
tilth i a a i'i i I a ns wi r, 1 1 respect i ve of
w I lei hi I a ,i i .i w;inii'ior not v.ill
!;'" 11 i"' pn,e. Coin-
iitilt'is resnliuo ni the .-oulheiii
Mates as well as illu r I i -1 .- ri t
pi.Mil-, have an eipial i e with
tl-'.si in aier limne the .i.-!ui 1 1 li
wi i I I i a lit hoi it y ill e er V (a.-i ,
i-'l II s liai h I -1 . , 1 . 1 M - w , 1 - l ust
''.' ai i oiMpauied h' ,'rl In pay for
-i imailhs s u 1 1 se i ,ptiou to o'ue ,,
be he-! home 1 1 : . i , : .-. - n, m
A IIHt I (' I
Iv'I'.FI K'l.M . -The , f h.llie
Magazine i- v.. Ii able (.. e rv nut
its promises"- peli rl oioeg i (. "a i a
dai Times spleiuh.! .a , r. and
hhaii, lolly -amii ' I is;,, . s ((;,,,
ailai Star 'T, ery 'iiz. winner will
be sure t lei eie ll I what be is
' liir.leil to," Not woo.;, (Canadai
U'egister. Money should be sent bv
post ot lice order inri i stereri letter.
Acdre.-s the Ladies Home Magazine
Peterborough, Canada.
l-nK" S Al.IC-I.ots I, a and l', block ii,
and lots H and 1'. block OS. A bar
gain. Apply to Jv H. Windham.
11 w wit.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Wlien Ilk), woa sii-k, w,. khvh her O.wtori.v
Wlien sJh) wiu 4 Chilil, alio critnl for CmiUiria,
Wlien ihe bwme Miss, nhc clnni? to Cst.i ..,
When ib bad Chllitrva, l gavii tlicm Cuuturi.
1 !