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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1892)
j C'rPlGHT ISM 77i? smallrsf is the bctt in jiills, other tilings licinj einal. lint, with Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pel lets, nothing else is eiit.-il. They're the best, lint only heeause they're the smallest, ami the easiest to take but because they (In more good. They cleanse ami regulate the liver, stomach ami bowels in a way the huge, old-fashioned pill doesn't dream of. Think of trying to rciit lute the system will) the ordinary jtill. It's only good for upsetting it. These are mild and gentle but thorough and effective, no pain no griping. One little pellet for u laxa tive three for a cathartic. The best Liver I'ill known. Sick Head ache, Itilious Headache, Constipa tion, Indigestion, lhlioua Attacks and all derangements of the liver, stomach nml howt-ls are prevented, relieved nml cured. l'ut up in sealed vials a perfect vest-pocket remedy, always conven ient, fresh and reliable. They're the nii .4 pill yon can buy for they're tmirniti l to give satisfaction, or your inoi.ey is re turned. It's a pfan jitciH'W to l)r. Pierce's medicines. You pay only rur the good you get. Can you s.v more? J,' K. KF.YNOl.DS, lii'L'Islelfil l'liy-li lull lllnl 1 ' 1 1 ; 1 1 1 r i n t -1 Special iittention given to Ollice 1'raclicc. Km K Itl.llTS - Ni;u. 9 J. HiVNSKN J 4 IIK VI. Kit IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of the I'uMic Solicited, North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth DH A SALISBURY I) K-N T-I-S T :- (JOI.I) ANU I'lihriXAlN CK'OWNS. Dr. Steiiiwayi ati;e-illietie fur tin- ialiileri ex ll'ill'tillll l'l tl'flll. Fine (iolii Work a Specialty. ItiickvviHiil I ; 1 1 1 1 k riiitl-!iinii!li, Ncli Jf, 'J I 9, 'JJI, AND 'JJj WaIN bT i-lattsmoith, m;h. F. R. GUTHUANN. PROP- 1v'.ti:s-1.."() 1 1 k' vi:i:k ,xn n Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. U. A. WATERHAN & H 1 Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds Cn supply eww demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. TIMOTHY CLAHK. DEALEK IX COAL I WOOD oTKKMS CASHo nl and Office m South Third Street. Telephone 13. riATTSMOUTH, NEFKASKA LUMBER (77 r klrAM Vcr;ihl. liiKi;i( nK VINK ANh HITII SIS I I I i: i H N K :! K NOTTS BROS, Publisher s Piilili-lii.l ew-ry Tlinr-il:t , .-iml ilnily every evening rvi ret SmiihI.iv. KVni-tereil at tin' Halt- nt It. Ni l.ra-ka pnt ptlii 11- . ( mil 1 la- miiil mutter f' r triin-iiii inn tliet'. S. mill-'. I KKMS I V K W KKKLV. I lite year ill inl ant i- fl One year nut in ail am 1" - " - - 1,1 Six iimiil lis in ml viiiK e - Three iiimitlm in iiilviince l TKKMS OF DAILY. ( ne yeiir ill uiIvmimt I hie copy one niniit li - . - - .-tl Per week ly currier - - 1 THl kSDAY, J PLY 21. IMC. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. For President llKN'.l A MIX HAh'KISoX u( Iiiiliiina. Kur Vice l'r siili-nt Will TKI.AW KIKI ,,1 .New York. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. The rcpuMicail electors of the 1 i rr-1 congressional district of the slate of Nebraska are re(ilested to send delegates from the sevral counties (1 mi nisi ng said district to meet in convention in the city of NelirasKii I'itv, Tliursd.iy. July L's, IML', at '.I n'clocli p. 111., for the pur-io-e of placing in nomination a candidate for mi-mluT of congress for said district and for the trans action of such oilier business as may joiin- liefore 1 1 1 con vent ion. I III: ITiilv' I In.NMIA I . The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, heing lia.-ed upon the vote cast for lion. Y. J. Council for congress in MH: ( ne delegali' for each I'm votes and major fraction thereof and one dclegate-at large from each county. I ' .11 1 1 1 ii I lelemite-. Citlllllii-s. I leley lit e-. ( a-s I'' I hue I.I Jiillil-iill I" I'aw lire U l.aiii';i-ti'r I " l nliat i Isi in . . . 1'. Nrinalia IJ . Total- I It is recommended that 110 prox ies he admilted to the convention, and that the delegates present from each county cast the full vole of the delegation. W. II. YYtinnw u. I'k.WU' M'C K'I AMY, Chairman. Secretary. CALL FOR PRIMARIES. A republican county convention is hereby called to meet at Weep ing Water at 1 o'clock p. in., July I'll, for the put pose of selecting nine teen delegates to attend the con gressional convention to be held at .Nebraska City July 1, anil twenty delegates to attend the state con vention to be held at Lincoln mi the llh day of August, in accordance with tin- call of the state and C011 .gVcssioiial Committees, and the transact ion ol such other business as may properly come before it. The basis of representation of the dillerent wards and precincts being li veil a I one delegate for every li flee 11 otes or major tract ion thereof cast for Ceoi'm- II. Hastings for attor ney general at the general election in Ivhi, and onedelegate-at-large for each ward and precinct. The dillerent wards and precincts are entitled to representation as follows: Salt Creek, 7; South Mend, I; Louisville, 7; Light Mile Grove, 7; riallsniouth precinct, 7; Green wood, A; Ivlmwood, li; ('inter, li; Mount I'leasant, a; Iv'ock Ml mi's First district, li; Iv'ock Mlull's, Second district, I; Tipton, C; Stove Creek. '.I; Weeping- Water precinct, a; Avoca (i; Liberty, 7; .Nehawka, a; I'latts mouth. First ward, ; Second ward S; Third ward, 11; Fourth ward,!", Fifth ward I; Weeping Water, Fij-st ward, a; Second ward, 1; Third ward :i. The primaries to elect delegates to said county convention will tie held Saturday, July ' the follow ing places and at the times here after named, to-wit; Avoca, at Ilutchins school house, 3 p. 111, Center, at Manley school house, 4 p. in. Kight Mile Grove, at I foil school house, 3 p. in. Ivlinvvood, at Murdock, 7 p. 111. Greenwood, at Alvu, 7:1(0 p. 111. Liberty, at Ledger ollice, 1:M p. 111. Louisville, at office of W. A. Cleg horn, :M p. in. Mt. Pleasant, at Gilinore school house, 3 p. in. Nehawka, at Sturm's ofliee, S p. 111 Plattsmouth precinct, at Taylor school house, ( p. in. Kock HlulTs, first district, at Mur ray school house, S p, in. Kock HlulTs, second district, at k'oek HlulTs school house, 8 p. in. Salt Creek, at Greenwood 7. HO p. in South I (end, at school house in South Hend, 7:1(0 p. 111. Stove Creek, at G. A. li. hall, Ivlm- wood, 7:1(0 p. in. Tipton, at hall in Fiagle, 7:1(0 p. m Weeping Water precinct, at Cas cade school house, :'M p. m.. First ward Plattsniouth, from 4 to 8 p. .111. Second ward Plattsmouth, Second I ward schoollioiise I to p. 111. Third ward I'lattsmouth, office of K'icle-vV luuilier v.iid, 4 to s p. in. Fourth ward I'lattsiiiouth, police court. 4 to s p, in. Fifth ward l'lattsiiioiith, at school hi uise, 4 to s p. in. Fir! ward. Weeping Water, re publican club room, p. m. Second ward, Weeping Water, council chamber, s p. 111. Third ward, Weeping Water, Tid ball Fuller s ollice. N i. m. It is recoiiuiieiided that the pri maries held in the several wards ot Plattsmouth be held under the state Jaws governing primary elections. It is further ri commended that 110 proxies be admitted in convention but that the delegates present cast the entire vote of the ward or pre cinct represented by them. Ok LAMM) TK FT, A. L. TT.MiiLiN, Chairman. Secretary. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVEN TION. The republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their several counties to meet in convention at the city of Lincoln, August 4, IML', at lo o'clock a. 111., for the purpose if putting in nomination candi dates for the following state ollices: ( 'iov ernor. Lieutenant governor. Secretary of state. Auditor of public accounts. T reasurer. Superintendent of public instruc tion Attorney-general. Commissioner of public lands and buildings. Light presidential electors. And to transact such other busi ness as may come before the con vention. Till: Al Ti'k l li ANIAT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being- based upon the vote cast for t ieorge II. Hastings for attorney-general in IMM, giv ing one delegate-at large to each countv and one for each 1 M ) votes and the major fraction thereof: Counties. 1 elei;ate. ( , .nut ie. I ii-leyate-. Ail. 1111- I''. Jnll 11-. hi ... II Villi'!''1!' Ki .11 iii'V s I laiiner a Ke a I 'alia I I II. one "Keith . . . :i I Ii i me - l 1111 1 'all 1' lluvil I Kmix x I I 1 I int te " I. am .1-1 er V! Iti-i w.i "1 l.inei il 11 . . 11 liuilaiii I". I.uan - -J Itiillrr I" I . 1 1 1 1 .... J Hurt !-' Maili-i.ii !i l'a-s '.',1 M.-rriek 7 li He Pliei-on I I lia-e I alli e T, V lle elllU' I. eltlali.l IJ ( hel l v 7 uel l i- ( 'lav II Hi. it- II Cnl la ; '. I'aw m-r II I iiiuiiu- I . I'd kills .. I ll-ter ... 17 I'lc-Ve I I lakota . i. I'helps ."i I'aue- 1" I'lalte a H;i -mi !i I ' .1 li 7 I l.'il.'l ... I keil Willi.VV !i 1 1 i i n i li'iiliiiril-'.ii t'i I .nle te. K.u k I I lunulas :i Saline 1M I iiui.l v I Sar.y ''. l-'illiiinre la s.inmlers r; l'raiil,hii i; sri,tts mull :t l-'. .ni n r ii -.-w a n I 1 1 I 'm na- 7 sh.'i'i.l'in - .a e shi'i ., aa I I t.'ll liehl J SlnllX il I lo-ier ... il slant'. II I (iraul I'haver '' I .reelcv il l lliillla- J Hall . .' IJ I'he.i -lull .'i I I . i Ml i i 1 1 ill II Vallev a Hal la i .". Va-liiin.liiii ... I' Have- 1 avne Mm in h ',- .". 'el.-!ei' 1" ll.ii'U, r I Wheeler - lb-It li Yoik I ii leller II 'Int:,! 1-7 It is recommended that 110 prox ies be admitted to the Convention and that the delegates present be authorised to cast the full vole of the delegation. s. n. m KKvi k Chairman. W.U.r M. Si;i,i.i.v, P. M. I! Ai.ti t 1 1 1 : , J. K'. St H TltlMv'I.AM), Secretaries. Till-: desire of the labor unions of Pittsburg to have the city authori ties tliug back Mr. Carnegie's gift of .tT.OUU. ) for a free library, in his face, because they are real mad at Carnegie, reminds the New York Tribune of a little story of what happened once in New York. Two members of a club, who were cronies, hail a little dispute one day over some trifling matter, but both got hot under the collar and they parted in anger. One of them was a manager of the Western Union Telegraph company and the other was a newspaper man. The news paper man had been supplied by the manager with a book of tele graph franks. When he got home he bundled up his frank book and sent it back to the manager with a freezing note, polite, but curt, very curt. The manager had in the meantime cooled otT, and the humor of the situation appeared unto him. So he sent the book back with the fol lowing rejoinder: ' My Dear , return the inclosed, as I think upon reflection that you will agree with me that a mere personal ditfereuce between us is hardly sufficient to justify your withdrawal of your patronage from the Western Cnion company." The journalist ordered the refreshments the next time they met. Lincoln Journal. TllEKK is no democratic party in Kansas this year, it has died and the Independents have buried it. The people of 1'nion ate making ; preparations for the fourth annual j reunion of old settlers of (ass conn- 1 ty to be held there August j which will be the best one of the kind , ever held in this county, and every old settler should not tail to be there. Tilt: New York Sun declares that Grover Cleveland is a protectionist We would not be surprised if some of Mr. Cleveland's friends would de clare that he is a republican before they get through with this cam paign. They are ready to pledge li i in to anything. UNANSWERABLE There are men at Homestead to whom this company offers $047 per day. These are no professional men; they are not superintendents of departments. They are simply skilled workmen. Democrats may explain and explain' until election day, or until doomsday, but they will not be able to convince any man of sense that any such scale of wages could be paid in this country if the "vviill of protection" were torn down and our workmen forced into direct competition with workmen in Kurope, who receive not more than half so much. Leavenworth Times. Tin; New York Sun warns the free trader that win n the principle of free trade becomes identified with the cause of anarchy, and the destruction ol the right of properTy as its leading advocates among us are frantically tending to identify it, all thought of its continuing to receive serious consideration will have to be abandoned for many years to follow. This country is not re idy for anarchy yet. The Sun is eminently right. The free traders have gone mad in their support oftheelfort of the work men of the Homestead mills to take that property away from its propri etors by force of arms.'! lieirattcnipt to identify the Carnegie company and its scale of wages with protec tion of home industries ami put both down with the revolver and Winchester is om of the most idiot ic out bursts of demagogy the coun try ev er saw.- Lincoln Journal. NO DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN IOWA. Since it has been deliniu ly settled that there is to be no democratic ticket in Kansas the demo crats have eo-ieltided to throw up the sponge in Iowa, and indorse any and all means that is Lkcly to take the electoral! vo,e away from Harrison. The deniocra'ie plan is to insist on t lie renom iuation of and fusion on Iowa's 'sick six" the peo ple's parly 'o have the congression al candidates in the other livejdis Iricts and the entire electoral aad state ticket! The bosses of 1 he peo ple's pany have not vet eg.eed to fuse on (lie "sick s'.." but that is the pre-ent probable outcome of t he liego, iai ions i !i it have been in progress between ihe bosses of the '.he wigwam Co ivent ion ;.i I ioarn-1 1. Thai isihe rea-oil vli- ;lh.' e 1, a- been no I'i'li fieaS.n in' I he mini i ia ; io'i o ,r C'leve I Mid and SteveM-mi at MesMoines. l'lie whole objeei i,r ihe now cer- tj'ufu-iou in lovvajind o,her e- iiibbenu -! .i s, js to aoempt to lel'ei'iihe elee. ol of a i'e.-'d' 1 1 by die people and ihus make Cer. tain of the elect ion of Cleveland by the ih mocraiic house, if the line to cat t y out ths agreements between the of the two pa,-,ies, in ex change for coni ad- it i r whatever vicious a. id des.riu-live legislation that iiiiiv have been contracted for to eifect die hi-ion in the republican states. Fusion will be a stool pigeon trap 5 ears Soap What is wanted of soap for the skin is to wash it clean and not hurt it. Pure soap does that. This is why we want pure soap; and, when we say pure, we mean without alkali. Pears' is pure; no al kali in it ; no free alkali. There are a thousand virtues of soap ; this one is enough. You can trust a soap that has no biting alkali in it. All sorts of stores sell it, especially druggists; . all sorts of people use it They wash their clothes m SAN MADE ONLY BY N.K.Fairbank;8cCo. chica? for democracy all around. The trap will be baited with calainity ites of evety degree of opposition to republicanism, but the demo cratic bosses are in charge of tin trap and they will work it wholly in the in K-rt si of free trade democracy It is a dangerous conihina ion to every good interest of the people of the state and nation, and il can only bedelealed by the v igomus and united efforts of all honest voters who are in favor of the best, purest and most progressive government of the bosses, by t hi' bosses and for the bosses who are determined to rule or ruin wit limit regard to the the intercsis of the people. Con science democrats will In-put to a severe test in Iowa and other repub Mean states in this years campaign, for fusion is to be the rule in all states where the democrat 'c parly is not in the majority. Commtssioner Proceedings. Hoard met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present, A. C. Loder, Jacob Triisch and S. W. Dulton, countv commissioners, and Frank Dickson, county clerk. Final settlement w is made with O. J. King on the contract for build ing coiirf house, and a receipt in full from O.J. King wa- filed and accepted. Ollicial bond of Fred Hall, road overseer in district No. :!7, approved Jas. A. Allhauds was appointed road overseer in and lor dislricl No. ;r K'eport of C W. Noble of the in stitute funds ol Cass Co., for the fust six monthsof !!'', tiled and ap proved. Notice of appointment of Charles M. liutler as deputy clerk of thedis trict court was filed and approved. I'elition by (ieorge ."McAilie and others to have commissioners re scind their action of April 7th h'.iJ w 1 1 ere : ii said commissioners vacat ed a public road commencing rods east of die center of west line of section 1. range Id and town 11, ruut'iug the. ice east Ml rods. ilu-n north N) rods, i hence inn l heast to center of seci'on was taken up for eotisidcral'ou and refused. Notice of appointment of ."Miss Maggie ( )' iv'oc - ke as depu.y regis ter ol deeds to te m ' late July ll'.lli lVi'.' was filed and approved. Hy order of the board the treas" urer is hereby lo correct lax receipts for the years l'.K I as shown lor lot sei , bil'.' lit. sons to include lols :rt a id iKI; lot hav ing been divided so as to form lots "' ;oid and both having bee:i as sessed at the same amount as die orginal lot it!) was assessed, it ,he-e by making a double sses-inen'. The bo irdorde'ed thai the assess ment on si x ho scs owned by 1'eter Keil of Kight Mde drove, for the year lv.i'J be cancelled assaid horses were burned up by (he recent fire which rccenily de? I royed F. (iuth uiami's barn. The following biils were nuditcd on general fund: l I.niler, sitliiry mill eien-e.. . $ lit 2i J null l'i itseh, siiine 511 X S W Ihittuii, same "il 7.1 Frank llii ksua, wink, sal A exp !!. I't t. .Nolile, sal iV exp lilt) ( ) J C Kikeiiluirv, IiiI'iijj lumpers, less rent Ill mi Hen lleiiipet, janitor court house 50 1 I August Haeh, nulso to poor H oo K I'liliuer, same is oo A Clark, sumo ii (vi A W While, same 1 i K MiCiiuri, siune r, so Ii Stuueni'KKor, sicne y mi J Siii', roek for steps ,f)i AH Knolls, prhit'iiu .. '.'1 (hi Horn Klasluiiaii, kecpim,' l.liml man. ir mi beliiiliulT Urns, stationery 7 ,", J C Smith, keeping cripple i. im ll C Molier, smlili ie , roiuiils p;; ;j K K' Cii'.hiiiu l, lioiinliiirf juiy pi -, Cost hill - Inipiest of Aeloiii Alili. .. Il 15 Kosa H Ite.ry, erroneoes iax refil'il.. 2 71 John liar' mull, work it t eoii't Itous,.. or, P K kiillner, ass'itK2il vvanl, I'la'.ts. PAi I 1 11(1 h'ai e, uss'im 1st vvanl, W V ,-, in M (ieriiitf. ilef pri- tli-tt let court tl'i mi Hrovvu Hiirrolt, papering jail M II Murphy A (.'o. nubt' to poor... . 7 .1 Levi (lohliiiK, rent of safe j;, wt C Treat, erroneous tax rcfunth-d '.'s ,ri-.' A C Mayes, work iiud expense ai 75 (imiilui I'rintiiiK Cu, otutionvry lii ni WITH SOAK .t ' M.xr ,.,;.,o., Cl T.o....l, T 1 yji n.n.-n, ..'i. jos, ll, X-.eil l. II j worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points no'th, east J south or west. Tick- I ets sold and bag- 1 gage checked I t o a 11 y point in the United S t a te.s or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO K'ATI' AND h'Ol'TKS Call at Depot or address If, C. T(), C. 1. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. 1'iiiM.ii'i'i, A. (J. 1. A. Omaha. IL D. Ai'C.xw. Agt., I'lattsmouth. Telephone, 77. 9 ITrFl?'v7 ill mm HEALTHFIX, ACRnCABLH. CLEANSING. rcr Farmers, Winers and Mechanic! A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cur'.s Chatinj Etc. , ChappcJ Hand3, Wounds, Burns A DcliMlul Slumpuo. iV!5!TE RUSSIAN SOfiPA Specially Adopted for Use in Hard Wa'er II M K' K", t icKt-t (or paapi-r ( i 1 1. 1 i ,V Si 1 1, tin l-i- , 11 ri.i!'i ; y . . . I-' "I'll ( .1 ins, l.uj , 1 1 ,1 jni'V II W l-'iy an. a; k a I i nn ! t 1 11 n 1 ( It C Vi Mnli"! ,V Son, u.iii'iiiir tit I'nll. t llntlr I. Mi-nlii A ' S , 1 1 1 I'u. -iili-wti ',- I niiin I-', i'' 11 t-I'u, t-nlli a !t,r pi. -per 'Jil I ) I'.w!, l',rv II Spi-tu-i- , la; r...... W II I lf:i . x, cxprii-i' inc., fit- Ja-itrs Irt'-, '; li-ini II l Travis, ':iry two tput U rs Ili-iiry liiti-ck, iiul-i' tu poor Cost l.ill, S.nti' vs (lay C W Slii-riiiaii, p' inl inn Cost hill, Sliite vs Kiiiki's Nfli Ti-I Co, Icli'plioiit' rt'tit Cost I till, St nt 1' vs Cnl si 111 Win Tittle, IhIk prisoiii-rs, etc Kil l''it.tfi'riilil, lmilitT Mtty tt-rin John Tijjlii', sunn.' T II Thrasher, same 11 ( Viillnltit u(,,,.t r "" It IV Stiiinler Urns, tiuNe to poor Tt M t joe, same l'lattsCasA Klec la'Kht Cn.Kas... HKIIKiK H n. IHcksnn, Stotlier A Co, liiinlier. . . , C II Vnllerv, posts , IS I) I l " : John Waterman. Intnl. rr M ." t '1 w t Mini it l'ai!i;ht,!imiler is n.-, A K Sturiti, saine KOI ITVI1, " " I N CAmiard, repair of urtuler 1 n A C Mayes, viewing roinl 6 N, ; J CColeinaii, repair har, i,,s t (fc N K Marshall, spikes ". ,'1 TD lavis & Kikt iil.ary, saine j , IHSTWII T ko.Mi Kt'XIi Western Wheel S, r Co. w ,iM"lin.. ; r) , "i-siern w heel Si r C lovvtlis i" Western Wheel S, r Co. plow .list .'.'. . """ "cr l o, II strapers, I ' ...... ,1J( A lotion, Mint wntk.ilist ;I7 il II (i Van Horn, -tone, ilist i yt COI WT lltu sK IIomi 'i ,." j Mnn.iiiiiu settlement Hoard adjourned to check Mi.. I...-, in the different county ollicea and. to meet in regular Hessioii Anp.l' IV U t tr 1 , . - V mmmm A County Clerk.