Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 21, 1892, Image 1

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    Is'-riV-,) ?(.
VOL. Xl. NO 17.
lM(ATTSM()rTlL('ASS( ()rNTY.Ni:i:KASKA.TliriI)AV .1 TLV :. s)
Sl..0 AVLAll.
'I Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder
Hiirhest of all in lfaveniiiir f trengtli
Latest U. S. Government food re
port. 'iCRUXUTuS & MISSOURI UlVEli ' It.
Ni. 5 : 17 I'. M,
Vi. 4 1(1 :itl a. n .
Wo. 8 7 ;44 p, in
No. HI . 9M5 . Ill
No, ii r.':'J."ia. Hi
n 3 :5 a. m
No. J. ;t :-n p. ill
No. 5 ( tin ii, in.
No. 7. 5 rp n il..
No. 9 4 :40 p, III.
V,S1 i :i& a. III.
Huslini'H's extra If avrs f-r (linstlia about two
iVIoek ior Oiuitliii ami will ueeimiiiunlate ihx
vnnerrt. MISSOVHl I'AI IflC itAILWAY
No. 3H1 Aeconiodiitiou Leave..
. iii.w a in,
, . 4 ,!' p. in.
i.3W ' arrives..
i'aius ilally except Hiimlay.
ASS CAMP No. 32 M. V. A. cts every
"' fecoml anil fourth Monday evnluirn in
.Z:eralil hall. V lsilllii! neighbors welcome.
'.('. Haiioen. V. v.. : V. Wertituberirer, W. A ,
tt. C. Wllilt, Clerk.
fAl'TAlN II K I'ALMKK CAM 1' NO 50--
Sons of Veteran, division of Neliraska, I'
S. A. meet every Tnei-day ninlit at 7 ::to o'clock
in their hall ill Kit IfceraM liiock. All soiissohI
visiting comrade are conlialiy invited lo meet
Altiius .). .1 . Kuilz, Commander ; It. A. .Mc
Eiv Bin, lft Heaipunt.
I fAltDKK OK THE, Meet- at T : Ml
I every Moiinay evening at the (iia'.ul Army
Mlall. A. 1'. liloimi, iivnient, J hos walling,
O V W No " -Meet lirst ttml flint Hri-
at.v wveiiiiti; nieacli uKintli nt M M K
I? l. - I l V . I I. II..
HUM, I I il 1 1 H C I 1 1 1 J " I il I , , J I, 4HII HUN,
n a.
H.MeCoiiiliie l'o"t No. 4"i meets every
v i
atuiMay evoniliL' t 7 : ;li in th- ir Hall in
Vockwood liloek. All vlsitinn comrades are
rfeoiillallv invueil to meet with us. Kled Hates,
, I'oi't Adjiiiant ; O. K. Niles, 1'oi-t Cominadder.
1 ' I'Mcilll's iK fVI ill AS-(iamitli-t I.ode
I v.. IT Y...a fvrrv Vliie-il:iv eve-
I Mini; lit their hall over Helmet A l int's, nil
visilini; ktiiirlits ore cordially invited In
l'i visit
J atten
y K nil
tend. ?l . irilIitli,C C: litis Oiivey K ut
nnd S.
A o f W e ! -Meet seedinl tsinl fourth
" Krii1ii' ffi'tlillir III till' Itliilltll lit
I tl
O K Hall.
M V.mdran, M W, t' 1'
- hud of l'roni-
' I'O l.odiie. No
4(1 meets the Meeolnl and
U th Thursday evenings of cacli mouth In
f7l"0.0 V hall. .Mrs. T. K. Williamn, N
U. ; JlrK. Jolni t'017. Secretary.
DKCJKEK OK HOMlK -Meets the lirst
and third Tlmirsilaveveniiins nf each
, tb in 1. I . I. K. hull. Kit .Kerald Idnek.
M rs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister id I liuinr
Mrs. Nannie Iturkel, sister se r- tary.
k . ( Ann 1.000K, mi. u. i.o. u. r. meets ev
Vy Tuwday tiluht at their hull In Fitzgerald
X' ick. All Odd Fellow are cordially invited
VJ attend wlieu visiting In the city. Chris 1'et
r..en.N. (. .; S. F, Or-horn, Secretary.
IJOYAI. AKUANAM Cai" Council No 1021,
lx Met ht the K, of P. hall In the 1'annele &
CraiK lilock over Jienliett (i Tlltti, visirliiK
hretlireu Invited. Henry OertiiK, Keent ;
Tlio.s Wallinu, Secretary,
X Wateruuui lilock. Main Strret. Koums
pen from H :;io a in to 8:;Mpm, r or men only
Jospel meetiiiK every Sunday nfteitioon at 4
J elocK.
ccirding to the census of lS'.Ki,
nicago takes rank, by virttteof her
lopulation of l,(i,,"7il people, as the
Viglith largest city 011 the glolie.
.f.Most of us desire, at one time or
mother, to visit a city in which so
.lanv persons find homes, and.
whVn we do, we can find no better
line than the "Hurlington Route,"
Three fast and comfortable trains
laUy. For further information ad
'h8 the agent of the company at
hhis jilace, or write to J. Francis,
General l'asseuger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
Mr. Van l'elt. editor of the Craig,
Mo., Meteor, went to a drug store at
Hillsdale, Iowa, and asked the phy
sician in attendance to give him a
Jose )f something for cholera mor
bus and looseness of the bowels,
lie says: "I felt so much better the
Jievt morning that I concluded to
i 'all on the physician and Kot him
S lix me up a supply of the inedi-
lice. I was surprised when he
ttu',ed me a hot tie of Chamberlain's,
tilie, Cholera and Diat rlm a Reuic
A. He said he prescribed it regu
jlrly in bis practice and found it
in- best he could lri-t or iirenaro r
,111 testify to its efficiency in my
i,e at all events." For sale by F.
Fricke A- Co.
Cedar Creek.
Fanners around here are bu-y
Crops are looking tine considering
the dry weather we have been hav
ing. Will Schneider sloped two car
load of cattle to Omaha last week
and is now buying a car load of
hogs. Will is deserving of the credit
he does the town.
Mr. James Paxton returned to Lin
coln Sunday evening, after visiting
his many friends.
There were quite a number of our
young pet-pie who went over to
Springfield Friday evening to attend
a ball. They reported a very plea
sant trip and hail a real good time.
Mrs. J. Oreenwalt returned home
from Omaha Thursday morning on
No. HI.
(ieo. Horn and Geo. K. Sayles are
our leading grai.- buyers, and they
report having plenty to do this
warm weather.
The H. V M. has about L'a men at
work here repairing the Turkey
Creek bridge and they are all board
iug at the Hotel de Schneider.
Hok-N-To Mr. and Mrs. Co. Horn
a son. Mother and child doing well
and George is the happiest man in
Mr. C. C. I'armelc spent Munday
inCtdar Creek attending to busi
ness Thursday, July Jl. Grandma Lillie
will celebrate her TUth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marker spent Sunday
with relatives west of Louisville.
We are glad to see our blacksmith,
Mr. K'ys, is able to work again.
I'armele Haker are olfering PJ'o
cents for l.'ifl do;.eu eggs.
Miss Tillie Leuchtweise returned
to her home in 1'lattsmotith after
visiting her relatives.
Heing at Louisville a short time
last week, and always being desir
ous of giving evet body and every
town their dues, we feel tinder obli
gattont to express our exact opin
ion of the nourishing liltle town of
It is pleasantly located on the
southern slope of the La Platte and
is at the junction of three railroads,
the Rock Island, the M. I', and the
RAM. The Rock Island is on the
north side of the river but passen
gers are permitted to get on and off
at the railroad crossing, which place
is easily reached by means of the
free bridge which crosses the river
at that place and is the only one for
miles around.
Fully mhi people reside in this
place and they are active, energetic
workers, which is demonstrated by
the interest manifested in their own
town. Good brick buildings are
rapidly being built in the place of
the old frame ones and shortly it
will have nothing but brick on Main
street. The Hank of Commerce is
erecting a two story building of
pre-sed brick, the upper part to be
furnished up for a hall and to be
used by the I. O.O. F., which order
is very strong here. C A. M. inker
is having a new dwelling built
which adorns the south part of
town to no little degree.
A. G. I'aukonin is building a new
hardware and implement house and :
will soon be ready to carry on his
business on an extensive scale.
Louisville is represented with the
following business: Five general
merchandise, two drug and notion,
two blacksmith shops, two hotels,
brick works, stone ouarries. where
work can be obtained at anv time at !
ifl.75 per day, two lumber yards, two
elevators, one newspaper
three saloons and two
churches but three denominations,
one of which hold services in the
hall, they will probably erect a
new building soon; two barber
shops, one restaurant with Miles.
Drake proprietor; two doctors, J. A
Hassemier and J. W. Streight, both
of whom are enjoying a good prac
tice. A. G. ("line is a notary public
and insurance agent. Walter Cut
forth is the hardware man. Truman
Hall is the harness maker.
There are many other things and
persons worthy of mention btiti
space postpones them until some
other time.
The body of a dead man was re
ported floating down the river pa-t
here Saturday morning. The par
ties that saw it said it had a sandy
mustache and light whiskers. The
city marshal immediately tele
graphed to Cedar Creek to watch
for the body.
There are a good many covered
wagons crossing the bridge over
the Platte this summer.
There is a large force of Italians
stationed here to work on the It. A
M. railroad.
Our new school board is alive to
it business. We have a ten months'
school.and the teaches are already
employed. School commences
Just now ii line rain is making the
farmer feel good.
Union Locals.
Kendriek W. Sapp spent Sunday
in Neliraska City.
Joe -Lambert had hogs on the
Nebraska City market Saturday.
Mr. Theo Huck arrived home
from a visit at Weeping Water
Saturday noon.
John 1'earsley and son, Arther,
made a business trip to I'latts
nioutli Thursday.
The r
u ion House closed last week.
The landord, Silas M. Cox, has re.
turned to quiet life.
Henry Johnson, a mechanic from
I'lattsniouth, lias been employed in
town for a few days.
Col. Geo. S. Smith of Omaha will
be the orator from abroad that will
speak here Moudjy, August
Will M. linker and others of
I'lattsniouth passed through here
Saturday enr.mte for Nebraska
Charles Tigner came down from
K'ock Creek Saturday and visited
wmi mends in tins vicinity over
Jos. Allison came down from
Murray's vicinity Wednesday and
done some trading with our imple
ment dealers.
Miss h'lla Finliie. a eraduale of
.the Wesleyan I'niversity at Lin
coln, gave an elocutionary enter-
tainment at the M. K. church Satttr
day night.
A representative of THE IlEHAtn
was in our vicinity Tuesday but we
being away did not meet him. We
hope to meet him the next timo he
strays down here. '
I). W. Foster will sever his conf .-c-tion
with the Chicago Lumber Co.
at this point about September 1 and
will return to his farm near town.
Who succeeds him is not known at
this writing.
Mr. J. P. Hecker, who has been in
Omaha since last winter studying
stenography and law, has been vis
iting at home near I'nion for a few
days. He will return to Omaha
and take up his studies the lirst of
the week.
Crops of all kinds are about two
weeks late. The early spring rains
did it. Plenty of farmers are still
cultivating their corn. Usually
fields of corn are in tassel at this
time of the year. With a late fall
we will have a crop of fair corn.
Otherwise vice versa.
The iiniiiiiiations are made, the race it lias
Keep on the side nf protect inn, whose
leader is Harrison.
You'll tind the party iust the tliinic,
hvery hour.dav ami minute;
1 hev always led l.y republican string's,
Heute tliey are iiUmivs 111 it.
J. S. R
The Jolly Farmer Man.
I know a jolly farmer man, a tiller
of ye soil we've had them since the
world began, these sous of noble
toil. It was as late as yesterday tnv
farmer friend dropped in, as cheer
ful as a morn in May, to swap a lit
tie chin; to talk of crops and grow
ing herds, and asks the news in
town, or give Jus views in home
spun words on topics floating
He hadn't very lone- to
stay, for sunny days in summer
were just the days for making hay,
ny every hay-seed hummer.
"The crops are fine," mv yeoman
said, "the oats and wheat are grand,
theilax is coming into hepd, and
corn's a bully stand. There's not
a runt among my shoats my steers
all feed in clover, and not a cloud
of trouble lloats the dear old home
stead over. The desert blossoms
as the rose, and sure there's plenty
in it for every willing man who
knows enough to work and win it.
For brawn and brain are in com
mand, as sure as I'ni a sinner, and
.... ...... ""Mi im.iiii wiui prawn is
many times a winner. );;r states
men all may legislate to make con
ditions better, but riches will not
vegetate for him who plays the
'setter,' who wonders why he's out
of luck, when every day to town he
conies lu. KU.H ,(( (ak ri,ami(Vi
and howls the rascals down; who
think, there's surely something
wrong. vhile all around is brewin'
a storm to sweep us all along te'
everlasting ruin; who swears tho
country's downside up, and all the
good things spilling, the while
his leaky old tin cup with bitter,
ness is tilling; who looks out
oa the ship of state, short-sighted
eyes a blinking, and vows that all
her precious freight is steadily a
a sinking; who sows the seed of
rank distrust among his fellow men.
and kicks up such a cloud of dust
he can't wash clean again. No
thank you, mister printer man, I
don't want none of that, for I'm no
follower of Van, and don't talk
through my hat. I'm letting well
enough alone, the taritf and all sich;
I have no hard lot to bemoan, and
envy not the rich. I'm surely not a
fool let loose your pardon sir, I
beg- to go and kill the good old
goose that lays my golden egg.''
Oh, blessed be ye farmer man,
with sunshine in his soul, and may
the heaven's brightest span rest on
his final goal where demagogues
are quite shut out, with all their
kith and kin, and croakers, too, will
wail and shout because they can't
get in.- Kearney Hub.
The I!. A M. will sell round trip
tii'kets to Denver, Helena and Salt
Lake City on July 'J.'i to A ugti-t 111,
inclusive. Final limit, October in.
Tickets will be sold at one lowest
first-class fare. J. Fk'VNCIs,
General Passenger Agent.
The I'lattsniouth Journal reported
Mr. I lorr's speech on one paee with
out comment, and on another pane
tries to make fun of him and denies
everything Mr. Horr said, witl t
trying to prove the statements false,
and then claims to have published
a fair act out. The Journal does not
know the tir.-t principle of fairness.
Slierilf's Solo.
Hv virtue ot unorder of sale issued Lv
W. II. Hearing, clerk of the district toiiit
wit Ii i ii and for Cuss count v. Nebra-ka, and
to 1 lirected. 1 will on Hie '.'Jnd dnv id
Alinust, A. I). IViJ, ,t lin'cloi k p. in. ol -.nil
day, at the south door of t he 1 0111 1 house
in sail) county, sell at public uu Hon to
the biuhest bidder for cash t be tollow iui;
real estate, lo-wil : lli'itimiim,' at tin- in-
iTsrct jim of the south side ot street in
Kred'siU'iiiiin to the town ot Wii piiu;
ntei . llciiiiiitv, Nebraska. Willi the
east lijr,f the Weepint; Water creek,
thenwe .inning in 11 southwesterly direr
Hon iiloiii; the east bunk ,,f said cree k
to the point where the hmmilurv line U
said Weed's addition intersects said eai
bank of said Weeping Water creek, thence
runiiitiu east aloni; the I ndary line ot
said Weed's addition to tin- point whev
said boundary line iuter-n ts the Missouri
I'millc niilr I riuht of way, thence run
ninir in 11 northwesterly direction alon
the west side ol said rinht ol wav to the
point where aiil riidit of way inters,-, i
Hie south side ol said ( 1 street to the place
of he KiuiiiiiK, containing about :t.os a ri -,
except a certain lot bonded to II. I'. Han
sen, in tin- above described parcel of laud,
as follows: lli'itinuinu at a point when
the Missouri I'nei lie nuht of wav niterserts
the south boundary line ol KeedV addition
to W'cepinn Water, Nebraska, thence run
ning west .till teet, thence ninth .' md-.
thence north S rods, thrnre west I rod-,
thence suuths rods, thence east I rod- to
place of lick'iutnni;.
The same briny levied upon ni.d taken
as the property of Sarah I. Ilu! vertadt.
Sam s,. Ilalverstadt and Henry A. Ilalvi r
stadt. d.feuda uts; tosatislva judgment
01 s;, l( court recovered hv William la
Kill, plant ill ; nwainst said del -in hint.
l'latt-i it h. Neb., Jnlv lit. A. i. 1 !.
W I I.I.I l Til, II K.
W not K Y A; (;illso, SI, . ritl Ca-Co.
A It. vs. for plaintitl.
Why is it that
Pure White Lead
is the best paint?
Because it will outlast all
other Paints, make a hand
somer finish, give better pro
tection to the wood, and the
nrst cost ol painting will be
If a color other than white
is wanted, tint the Lead with
the National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors
These colors are sold in
small cans, one pound being
sufficient to tint twenty-five
1 e . .
pounu5 01 pure vvnite Lead
the desired shade.
Be Careful
to use only old and well
known brands of white lead.
The market is flooded with
adulterated Paints, and "so
called " white leads. The fol
lowing are strictly pure "Old
Dutch " process brands, and are
established by a lifetime of use:
For tile by !1 firtt clasi dcilcn in Painu.
If you re going to paint, it will pay
you to end to us lor a book containing in
formation that may aavc you many a dollar;
it will only cost you a postal card to do ao,
St. Louis Branch,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street,
St. Louis, Mo.
f V
J. I.
A Full Hint
Drags, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions ( an luily ( onipoiiminl jit all Hours.
GO - TOr
T ir. ti 1
House Furnishing Emporium.
liLKK you caii get your liotisi; l'limit-licd from
kitchen to ji'ti'loi' and at eay tcaniis. I h m
die the world r:io,vii Haywood lahy canines, nl.-o
the latest improved Ucliahlc Proepsd (iiit-olint.' f tov e
("all and ho convinced. .No trotihlo to .-how oodn.
I. Pearleman,
How's This!
We olfer Ion (lolliiin reward for
any cacc of catarrh that can not he
cured liy I IallV C atarrh Cure.
K J. C heney iV Co. Props, Toledo,
We the ltndersicfiied, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last la year,
and helivc him pefectly IionoraMc
in all Ijiusiiess transactions andl'm
ancially aide to carry out an oblig
ations made liy their firm.
Went iV Truax, Wholesale Drny
H'ist, Toledo Ohio., Waldm Kinnan
(V Tarvin, WholcKale drtij;-i;ist Tole
do Ohio.
Hall'a Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, action directly upon the lilood
and mucous mirfaees of the system.
Price, 7.")C. per Lottie. Sold hy all
LVutfist; Testimonial tree.
Colorado'! Cool HetreHtn.
During the "tourist season"- from
June until September-the Hurling.
ton route lias 011 sale round trip
tickets, at very reduced rates, to the
principal resorts of Colorado
l'o Denver, Colorado Springs,
.'lauuoii, i tieiiio ami hstes park
(the most attractive spot in Hie
whole state) particularly low rates
are in lorce.
July and August are the hest
months in which to visit Colorado's
unrivalled resorts, to nil of which
the Hurlington, with its connec
tions, offers unequalled service.
The local aifcnt will he triad to
jjive you any desired information.
Allow me to add my trilmte to the
eflicaey of Kly'sCreatn Halm. I was
sutferinjr from a severe attack of hi
ll uciua ami catarrh and was induced
to try your remedy. The result was
marvelous. I could hardly articu
late, and in less than twentv-fotir
hours the catarrhal 'ymptoins and
my hoarseness, disappeared and I
was aide to sintr a heavv role in
(rami Opera with voice uniuipared.
I strongly recommend it to all nitiy
ers. Win. II. Hamilton, leading
hasso of the C. I). I less (iraml Onera-
J-'i: j-' ;s r cuss FVUMTuni:.
K II.WDLKS the Whitney baby Carriages anCJ
can olfer good bargains in them
f 1 01 i.e.-. oesiriiig to itirnisii a iioiism oompleU
could not do better than to call and inspect llis line of
furniture, in the way of Parlor sets, Dining room sets,
Hed Room set, and evenythiug kept in a .first clasa
('oniilcte line of
Ciidfct; work an J fine fluid work a
OK. HTKINAL'8 LOCAL a well ai othflr au
itlW!i:KlvHii forth pulnlessMtraolion of
J. . MARSHAL!.., - FitZL'trald Rluc
Auioncr Tobacco, Havana
alone pleases the taste of
the critical connoisseur. No
artificial process can en
hance its value. The "Hud"
cigars are always made of
the finest Havana fillers and
lias always been esteemed
above every other brands
made ar sold at Platts
mouth. I'lattsniouth,
Correspondence Solicited.
Office in I'liion Bl&ck
T3T-Arh miffA-MI