Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 14, 1892, Image 9

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? I.
When in tho ccu:rre of hurvm eve-.': It b.-ror-"'- s-m-- to vehvm-nu-nJ
some brand of Smoking Toluxo, w u;i.....-iu:u!y rror.a:tiv:
io tne rest n ti:e world.
Many times imitated, hit never
Get the centime. Made onlv
, j j
Blackwcll's Durham Tobacco Co.,
Durham, N. C
for the Ailments of Man and Ilcast.
j.-i'j-toted pain reliever.
is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
rt'.'rk kaiser, and by every one requiring an ffctive
tl'.cr application compares with it in efficacy.
;- w, : I known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
-'. dicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
.sons arise for its use almost every day.
i druggists and dealers have
tit ?1 to-; " J1.
'KLY iiUOTHEns. fill Wnir
( i R A T K L' I C C) M Ft ) R T I G
Labeled l-'J ll Tins Only.
i i" ii if i -nit reiu-i i'i urn wursT i
a-s. Slid tiri. i run', nhfrr ollii r lull.
Ttiu rwliM ' I . ... II... i... k. .ii
iilitfM. ru. u. FfinrprvAvv, ht ninn.
ikkii. Scientific American
Agency iori
Tifi''i.:':'.' -iJiif DESICN PATENTS
1 ryl, COPYRICHTS, etc.
fcr Itifnnmtinn nnrl froo llnndlvink wrltp to
Ml'SN ., HmiAI.WAV. Nhw V i.
Oui.iia I'.irortu for HfM-urtna uilrnta In AnnTn-ji.
Kvery imlt'iit tnkon hv m liniuulit If (mo
ILe imlilu by a iiiKIco kivuii free uf ('Iiutkc in lliu
Scientific tucvicitu
T.mvput Hrrnlnf Ion nf nnv srlcntlfl imt"-r In ttm
W'irlil. Spli'iiiinllv ilhitruU'il. Nn i t m -) 1 . -. -1 i t
mini Miiiuiil in withuiit it. Wi-eKlv, s.;.(iu a
ynr: ?x tnntit h. Aililrnjf .Ml'N.N i i o
I'i lil.ULH.-,;';! liniaUwiu'. Ni w Voik.
Cliaunbcrlain'3 Eyo and Ekia
A certain enro for Chronic Pcro Eye?
Tetter, Salt Kheum, Scald Head, 01
Chronic Sorc3, 1'evrr Son'3, Kczcnm,
Itch, Trairio SeratcLes, t'oro I'.'.l)
arutPili-s. It i.3 cooling 6i;d Eoothin.
Uacdredyof ca3 have l:i!:u curt'd bj
Itafter all other trcntmetit had failed.
. It is put up ia 23 and GO cent. bjse3.
ffeoii of tm,
E:iail. Quickly, Pyrniitnontly ketoru.
.i .""'""'" 'tvimiih'. ni hility, mxl nil
iiib ruin i.i Vui Ii ml; iTri.Mi.rliitiTfi
tin- rr-ulti. ,.f nviTwnrk. -ii kin's. !
alriiiiL-lli .I...-..I . . . i'J.i
"'" ii'lNii.'in, in.. j I ' 'lie jrlv
iircftn ami ,.r:i. i, u H. l,.u-. h,
hii'IIhkN. Inn Into iini.n.vt'iiii'nt s.
biniii, imtiir'il
jTr's' s', ''''- ""k. 'X,ltii,ilc.L
I- nihirii
Lj ,TIie!etinyC::psiiloi nrpsuierfor
i-uiu jjuuij 1110 j
saino diseases without atiyincon.
..; -a--
. ' is.'.
r -!i DURHAM
n i;. ?hi
r i)
equalled. ! JijfftJ
bv r " T?i.""!i .LEi
r? v !.-, V; : r-! ;.
S. ?;.
l.y lt.. ili .,U, Tulmlar Lar
Iuh.. Whiibrra h.aril. t'
S t,-, SildkyK lllanil.iinlv . C n CC
uruMlna;. .New Iwm,
nle lor nk MLfliLC
. 'I' i'.i. K I b lllll
rr J .
" i :lk I in . II
. I'I
..ti.iTi. i'.iiii, '1 aki' in l.ini'. .'. tj.
, 'l'fu' i.mIv nrr fur.-t .r C ini..
ist, ur IIImaiX Co., N. V.
bu.j l a., l a, ii. a. i'lu,
How Lost ! How Rcgainodl
Or hU F-I'HKSKIH ATION. A new mi.i only
(lold Mnlal 11SSA V on NKUVDI H and
ntl WKAKN K.SSKS of MAX. DUO utiim cloth,
pilt; 145 invalualile prcBcriptiona. only fi.uo
by mail, donl.le onUL Uesoriptlvo l'rofpoct
i's with endorsements mrr I crkirt
of the l'resg and Knliintary yUU k I JC-IMU
tt'Ktiiiinniii.B of tint curiA IIIULl NOW,
ConuiiltiiHon in 'ron or ly rrntil. Exiiort treat
mmt. IN VIOI.AI'.I i: sni'UOT ami ( t(.
TAIN ( I UK. A.lilrnsa hr. V, U. l-nrkcr. or
I lit; I'e.ilKiily Mi'ilicul IiiHtitnti-, No. I liiiliiucli St.,
lli'Htiin, M;tni.
Tin- lVnl'ody Mi illi'ul Instlttito lu.a many lini.
t;, luit nn f.lial. - , r,i''l.
'I'hi' Scii'iin. f I, if, , i.r -Ji lf l"r.'iTvnt!,ii', ia a
tri'i.Mir" viiliin' ir th.ui ft.lil. ii inw,
I'M'i v l: l iin.l i;l: i num, .mil li .iri' lu
! VI KOM; , M, J,, : .; , , . ,x ,,j riiiind.
airier:-'V ?
1 Stkl
4 ("''' ti'.e inie. It r ninvis
t thv.' languor of morning, sus- f
5 tains tU' c:is.v,i s ol'
Ik , - .
V tl:o v.:nik.s j1 iiiiit. ' $
A itli BeerJ
4 delicious, sparMin,;, nppctiiiii:.
a r-'n't hr ,!.'. in' l if i ,!,. ,. i , I r , , ,)., -
t l lii r ,i'.i,, u ii n .. M,., i-,,,, W
ii "jiist.u ,ii ,r' iis i ,- .v, nii.uii n 4
i as ; iuii .13 me ,';iiii.iic ili.u i .
a 1
A(;li.NTS to sell iiiirrlniit ! iiur-i. ry
s.tork Mirny line rMriiil t i (i tn nilcr
wri t it ick niui M'ttin- clinki' ul trrriturv
k'iiclii'i.tfr,X. Y
v c-vS .feS PARK EM' 3
' P&'ifH'' S f& Ii "" "'', i' p hair.
..(ft i-.' M I'i a,, a Iiui.i.:i,,1 p,Ih.
VAjN('v,r Fails to Krstor? (irnv
' '..I : , ,.a.r to in Vout l.f,il Color.
Till- It.ill I'll Tl.illi;lit lliili' V:IS u
l.riiml i...i i iini i y ( llnr s,.nt. I'tni
Mini st..! !,.,! in I n ji.y II lllls. ll -( ,ni
slrl'.li.t loll llilnni; III,. lii'Voliit iiinist.
Aiii't'ur l-i'Vnlntii'ii Iris Kvn stij.
1'i'Vvsi J i,! 1 iawau, aii'l I'm.' Miiirri-:--.
1' the iil"i ii :ir c'llL;r.i!!.!.il;iU t!t-::i
M'lv. -i mi ii..' Mr.-tiitth ul' th. .ivfvii
liti'iit. ( -!n r ii,',.i!,i i'.'i':il! t!i.' la. t tli.n
l'' first 'i!i'i.- ii'iii' was sii ;)!i'ssci
a 1 as. i. .11 Iiit !' tin- kinir
' a .' i ' a i ' Ii.- b...u!:i.tvt f ir
. r i t ; . A t' wwli.i Ivin.w ai u'ft
t' Umil,' I'i" iiii iiy tal" uf ImW H.'.Efi,
t ' '. 1 1 i r s In; I i i l ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 'l"V ii a l' Vi'lui J(i.,
s.i .-I I a tin I'M.' aa I sratti ia 1 1 in' l.-a ;in':
ht :ir;.i:i s ..f t h r. i i.. a!! in ill.-..., ra
liniilVf kin.; lmn el' liii. -. 1, .ia,.li Ma. in
l"s. This is l'ii. M.'i'v ;.'i.':;i. Na-li
''. wen- at tli" i:-!aii'!s a year ., I we
ii.uio Harry (iilli.:;. Frank my
M'it'ainl i'n'MMt. l'irrii.t was Ilanv's
l.u',1 jii;i. tin- ji'V i'f Lis iiuina's lif. , tin
jn'i'io i.f Lis L.'art. II.. was a li.tvf.
Mixiiiiliiisty Imikin biulf, aiul wiiiai
t'viT H lnii r-i r t w.utlil pass liim lln
e.'Vt'UMis M'uai'il which tin1 man,!il
show I'm' tii'' tlni; wi'i'.Ll iua!;i' tli.- cul!
eliills iif apiiri'lii'iisiiiii jilay lt ;i jtt'i-i i:i
Sillies spinal nian-nu-. As u laallcr 1 1
fai'l. tlnniu'ii. rici' was as playful and
'puti' as harmless as a kit i.-n. H,. n.'Vci
iiit iinythiti in his lir excrp; tl. sweet
breails, chateaalii'i.iiii'is a ' i 1 such ileli
c ic'i s with which his iinlalcnt ownci
pa,llii'reil hii 11.
Well, nr. the island David Kalakaua
was kiii-j; and a kindlier man n.'Vci
lived. II" slewed lis luaili.'d all. ulimi:
Mrran:;.'.! t'easis in n;ir In-half, made nn
piveninr uf an island fur a day, and Lm
I'.is inmiey to us lit puker. lie speiil
laarly r,s lunch tium at nut C"tl.ii;e a
h" lid at the palace, which was close a!
uaad. We 'icw tn havti a p'liuiiiu re
'.rarl f..r him, lucaust., whatever hi
i'aulls, Le was every inch a kin;,' in tin
t;eiier.isity uf his impulses mid tlio luv.
which he lmi'i) fur his subjects.
''I'ln re was Hciaiditinii then prevail
ing at the islands somewhat similar to
that preceding the arrestof Wilcox, A-h-f"l'd
and the other conspirators. Dis
c.mteiit ntutten d on thu corners. An in
definable strain was in tho political at
mosphere. Without knowing why, the
onlooker f t that rebellion miht set
the alarm bills liniiii; at any moiiieiit.
The wrecking of iv govcninieiit might
have been precipitated by tho jostling
of a man on the sidewalk.
"The kiiiL? was uneasy, though he
kept a smiling face nml his customary
affability. Feeling a wo did toward
him, wo shared in a measure his anxiety,
and awaited klio denouement with fe
verish iuipaticuco.
'Tho urmy wus giving trouble. It had
felt Its power by ptiuim; down (with the
aid of tho baseball pitcher) tho first Wil
cox revolution. It becamo unreasonable
in its deiKands, nml tho king was soon
involved in trouble with his own troops.
"You know tho Hawaiian army con
sists of about sixty-seven men ami half
as many officers. But though small, it
is tho ono military prop of tho island
kingdom, and it has relatively ns much
power and Importance as tho kaiser's
marshaled millions. And so it was that
when tierce discontent nml whispered
denunciation were rife in tho army the
people's faces blanched and apprehen
sion mingled in the merriest rout.
"At last it came. One night, as Cil
ligntni 1 sat on the poivli of our cottage,
we heard 'the roll of the stirring dninr
and tin- clangorous marching of armed
" 'Tin' revolution has begun! The
army is inarching on the palace!'
shouted ( iillig,
il.'in-'it br.iv.'.aggi'essivo man, Harry
grabbed a revolver and started on a rail
for the palace ilicloMil'e. Being nn re
or less of a fool, I suppose, I ran after
him wilhout any revolver. Being dog,
l'ierrot ran after us both.
" When we reached t he palace we found
the entire army just drawing into line
in front of it. There was all tho thun
der of the captains and the shouting
which a man's heart could wish. Tho
army had como to make a demand on
the king, and was prepared to enforce it
with bullet it lit I bayonet.
"Xow pretty much everything on that
trip had been arranged for Pierrot's
amusement. So when he saw the glori
ously caparisoned army drawn mi in the
glare of the palace lamp he .supposed it
wa-i there as a part cf his fun. With a
bark and a b..iiud he Parted to enjoy the
"When Pierrot started for the army
the army saw him ( ling. Wit h Li's
bow legs, wide jaw nt.d red, overhang
ing jowl, he s.'iiued a ravening bea. t.
His onslaught was iuiek and noisy.
"The army stood its ground a moment,
and tln-ii began to a retreat. Tin
! treat was m ;:u j., .? ,a. a lout, t;,,.
" bowir a (!' ;.'l !e. with the tl,-
tal'.' the hi :rl in. s i',, i ,".e, -v man's m.ilio,
'i'hi- was all th niur..' fan for Pierrot,
lie gave expivs. j,,n i,, i,js j,,y in wild
yowl-. . f .!. Kvery lew momenfs
agorgeons flicer or sligh'ly more sub
dued private w.uild coi ue leapmgthi'om.'h
tlie in 'a yellow cloud of fear.'
Pierrot pla fi-!Iy cu'Vi.-.c l.u leads until
attracted by .-ome . her scattered leia
nant of tin; lengui ring host.
"The rebellion was ,m m, -.,,.,1. :.,!.,.
kaua was iii.-rntain. d on 'lie llinuieand
Hawaii was again at peace-all on ac
count of Ham- (iillig s bull pup. "-San
Francisco Kxniniiier.
laul l.nttlsh I inlin llaH.
Two centuries ago tin-umbrella was
known and used as a sunshade. Ben
.Toiisou and P.e.auinont and Fletcher al
luded to it. In 1TI J it was us. d as a
rain protector, (iay in Lis "Trivia"
speaks of the "umbrella's oily shed."
which was rn- ordi-d as a kind of sou'
wester material more serviceablo than
gingham or silk, which was used in its
construction at that period. Detroit
Free Press.
Net a NouriahiiiK IH t.
An old Scotch servant attached to
th household of tho famous British
logician. Sir William Hamilton, was as
proud of Lis master's fame as if it ud
be n his own. and, ha ing picked up a
few of Sir William's technical words
and phrases, brought them into play on
ev. ry possible occasion.
One .lav a gentleman who was fond
of drawing out old John for the minis, .
neiit of t he i o'lipany said to him, with
an engaging air:
"I suppose, John, now that you've
lived so l..'g with such a Ira-.-iin'
as Sir William, Veil are ipaiie able In
c induct an argument j oiirseli";"
"Wei l, I w unci say s e mucl,ie as
that." r pi e l t old Sc..;, hman, with
he' mod- sty of true genius, "but it 1
cantia conduct an uirgyuii-ni, I'm think
in J could draw an inference."
'Could VoU'r Let lis , then? Thev'-i
an 'Far!, rii proverb, y.u know, about
tin. wild ;'-s sinuling vp the cist w ind.
N'ov w'. it inf. I'eiice would .mi draw
tron i that:"
For a moment old John looked non
plussed, as well la might, and then n
gleam of sly humor twinkled in tho t or
lu r of his dark gray eye. and he an
swered, with a grim chuckle:
"Aweel, the inference that, 1 wad
draw Iroiii 'that wad be that ho might
t-i: nil a king time before he grew fat!"
David K.T in Harper's.
I i.llv VlM'il the 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 s .
We hid moved into a newly bui't
house, which Lad ail the Modern im
provements, the electric bell being one,
of thelil.
It. was a cold winter's night. Mr. and
Mrs. J. w.-re traveling iu Kut'ope and
i iie servants were all gathered a'ooii! t ho
kitchen lire. Polly was also near the
lire, but ia the dining room, which was
up stairs.
She used to see our mistress ring the
bell for the servants to enter, ainl, like
a f-lever bird, t-tndied mi this for a long
On this night Polly was all alono,
when suddenly the door opened and
two men entered. The room being
dark they could not see the bird and
began searching for valuables, for they
were burglars.
Polly now proved her worth. She put
out her claw and pressed the button of
tho electric bell.
It brought the servants to tho dining
room, where, after a short struggle, they
secured the burglars, w ho were about to
make w:;y with much of tho valuable
silver in t lit dining room.
Polly was fed on dainties for sonm
time as a reward for her valuable as
sistance. Cor. New York Recorder.
An Old l!n- HiM-cr.
"I recently met a survivor of Pirate
Lafitte's band of freebooters," said
Thomas Haines, oneo a lieutenant in the
United States navy. "Ho was a tough
looking specimen, and must have been
well past eighty years ot age, tor it is
more than sixty years since I.afitte had
his headipuirters on (Jalvestoii island
and preyed upon tho commerce of tho
Gulf. The relic of those half forgotten
times was an inmate of a Jersey City
charitable institution and was not much
inclined to discuss bygones. Ho said
however, that Lalitte was a very band
some Frenchman more than six f.-.-t in
height, well made ami possessed of won
derful talents as a commander. He
ruled tho toughest lot of men ever con
gregated on one island as though they
were a flock of lambs. Occasionally a
lawless spirit would rebel, however, but
his days thenceforth wa-ro brief and full
of trouble. Kvery woman who came in
contact with Lalitte f -ll in love wilh
him, ami he was as safe among Lis fe
male friends in New I h leans as on ial
v.'sion island surrounded by his ariind
buccaneers." St. Louis ( m,.
era!. r.'ii.liKlloii of I'nrtlaiiil Ci'iiu'iit.
Mr. (iii'oii read before t'ne I'.ngi neer's
club at Philadelphia a paper on the trade
of the world in Portland cement, in the
course of which lie said that the present
annual production in F.urope amounts to
over gO.iiiiu.tiiH) barrels and its commer
cial value to oyer i'Tgnii.iiiii). 'j'h,. (irst
factory was established at NoitLfleet, on
the Thames. The process was so crude
that in only four factories were in
op. ration. In I'ngland there is now
ov r , linn. nun barrels made each year.
The process is much the same as it was
twenty years ago. The raw materials
are chalk and i lay, both pure, and al
though inferior processes are employed
they make satisfactory cement.
A few y.-ars ago the lit ire product t
the kilns was put on the market, but the
tin. lies-. o the Continental cements led
FiiJish mak-irs to improve their juo
ecss, s, although even now English t t
ineut is ii. t as a rule as linn as ( ieneva
or French Portland.- New York Kvi n
ing Sun.
!'lottoi;r:iilii: ran','.
i'iiot ir iphers were obliged until r -
I coin iy i., import Ir an ( ,, riaauv tin- l a-
rit-' li:i t lieir W' a k, out- own liiauii
I'acfir. is being unable to assemble the
necessary conditions of material watt r
and Workman -hip for h- production (.f
paper suitable for silver printing.
A process ha- now been perfected iti
this country w hereby a very ordinal".
paper i-coated with a thin surface o
sulph ivof baiyt. s and answers a. h.ii
raiily f-.r phot, ;. re phic bringing i ,n i
in the liiii.-li. d picture a wealth of tie
tail f : niei y uioiiiown iii tiie art. it be
ing 1. st in tin- leMure of the paper em
ployed. F. in. cl ing Magazine,
A (li'w r Oil of W in l.iii. in-liip.
In a museum of curiosities at Salem,
-Mass., th-'ie is preserved a common
i lierry seed or .-ti no hollowed and fiuli
ioiied like a basket. Within the basket
tie twelve t iliy silver s IIS, the shape
and finish of which cannot be distin
guished with the naked t ye. The nanio
uf the artist who constructed this little.
wonder Las been lost, but the actual ex
istence of the thing itself will not Imj
questioned by any one from the old
witch ht',dquarters of tin; Bay State.
Chicago Herald.
A ti ll at MiH'lei .i Wan,
All important bit of local history Ln.i
been tliscoveied at Salon in collliec'ion
with a tombstone in the old Charter
street bur nig ground. In the utter
most corner of tins ground is a stone
jearing l ' m -cv:pi-m:
"Mr. Na'hag Mather died Oct, Jmt
17th. P'.ss. Ati aged person that had
seen but in net. i n w inters in t Lis u i i M."
The nn auing . f this peculiar lusertp
tion has on.; be, :i a matter for conjec
ture aue ai ; . .eal historians. hi his
"A I ue- a, an , i. ks," at ha ni' I ll.iw-
tl oree n f : s : . u an I sa s; a 1
man at luii.-te, a .ear..' sail h t he i. : a'. .
sto"c. l! a'te, t. d III.' deep!- . h II I
cleai'l ,iv. ay I lie gra-s tf"iu tin-hall'
1 el 1 .i ' a ., , 1 1 ' ad I he 1: a i:n-
The i i; ; a y I .... hen s. l . 1 hv the
d' , o , i y tn t!it- F-.s,--i it: ! ;: ate ,.f a
I - eh'C led, Til" I icl,. ;hc. V of til-
M.-'ibt r I oIiom ." l'- this book it a;,
pe.u - iiit . it ha:. i. I M 1 1 ! T -a as In an
Jul., n. 1 I'.'.t, and was a brother of ('.ton
.Mather ami a - m of liicrea- e Matin r.
At tile age of I . he ( ais he had
til. .roughly tili.-d for c .-g. and lie wa
.:a biate.l ti"in Harvard at the ag- :
s:leeii. At twelve he had lead the()!d
Testament m Hebrew and the new Tes
tament in ( ire. k, mid was able to con
verso familiarly in in. He was de
iiugiiishcd ii. t only for his eoinpl 'te
mastery of languages, but for hisattain
incuts in mathematics, philosophy, his
tory, theology mid rabbinical learning
as well. At the time of his graduation
he delivered an oration in lb-brew up.-a
the state of learning liluong the .lev.
Boston Journal.
lu-re Oiilio n lit. h 4. ul. Hi lilivi.
Moilia'val F.urope knew but very b'lli1
of eastern and n. t t le a torn Asia. Man.,
of the most learned co.siuogruphtTs ol
the time taught that Asia siivtehod ea-t-ward
indeliiiilely, and no on" iiuagiui d
that it had an eastern coa -t washed bv
the ocean. It was seriously taught thai
eastern Asia was a land of Mist swamps',
inhabited by monster serpents and
dragons. This was the opinion that still
prevailed up to wit hin '.'HO years of the
time of Columbus.
At this time two Venetian merchants
by the name of Polo went on a vast
trading expedition to tho uttermost
parts tif Asia. They were gone many
years. I'pou their return the son of on?
of them, a young man named Marco
Polo, wrote out a full account of their
travels, described tho empire of the
grand khan (the Chinese emperor) mid
revealed the fact that Asia wan bounded
on thu east by a vast ocean. He do
scribed this eastern coast minutely,
with all its vast cities and its wealth of
precious stones and spices.
It was from leading this book that the
imagination of Columbus was fired, and
ho conceived the bold conception of
reaching this eastern coast of Asia by
sailing toward the We.-J around the
So when ho discovered Cuba lie had
not il doubt that, he had landed upon the
coast of Asia, and that ho looked upon
the same scenes that Marco Polo had
gazed upon gOO years before. Yankee
The liiiiithiK 1 -il In Hid Atlioillc
The gulf weed i Fuciis nutans) which,
with its litle round "berries," is not un
like the mistletoe in form, but of a
brownish yellow color. Las been thought
to have lost its properly of rooting on
rocks and to Lave acquired the power of
living afloat. It has even been sug
gest e. that I he sea marks the silo of a
submerged continent, apparently the
lost Atlantis. Dr. Krumiiiel holds that
the Wt ed Las -.imply been drifted to its
pres. nt po ii : .ii by the ( lulf stream and
its aillin nt- ti .m t'ne V. st Indi .n is
lands and the ( i!f of Mexico.
Ii is now piovi d th ,i the t ,iif stream
is not a -inaie n .i .-..w- vi . r of tin
ocean." as Maerv tioallv described
it, Lu; consists o a number of currents,
not only Irom the Mexican gulf, hut ihe
Antilles. Ti.e w I. according to Dr.
Krumiiiel. would take fifteen davs to
float as f ir north as the latitude of Cape
Hatteras ami live and a half months to
reach the Azores. In the Sargasso F, ;l
it becomes heavy and sinks; but the sup
ply is kept, up ly the fiulf stream. Lou
dim ( ilobe.
Advice fur V.iiini; iI.i.ii-iiiiIUn,
A correspondent asks, "How shall a
young mail proceed who desires to be
come a r porter:"
Let him apply to the city editor of the
paper on which In- hopes to get a job. If
he can bring a short letter of introduc
tion it. w ll not hurt him: but ho doesn't
need any great wad of lveomincii. hit ions.
He should know what he can do in the
way of r-'a liiig and writing Knglish, lie
prepared to say how old ho is, if he
M ks C iei inai, or French, or any other
foreign language; if he is in health,
if he drinks; he doesn't want to be fresh,
nor does he want to 1,.. a chump. II -wants
to get rid of the idea that the
paper needs him. but war: - to iinpri -s
it on th city editor (not by talking,
how. -ver) that le- is a g I man, and
thai if In- has in 1 n. . i i, tic , v. dl
lleVel'tLole.-s lerre. S papers i'o"
green ia n ; 1 1., v don't i e t,, unlearn
SO lH.'il. - XeW o;i -s. ',,
t.illl'g Si'i'iiei-s ii, W
Ill Whiles tile S lllda V I w o I, . .
generally last two Loui-. ...w ia..
can )m. little i n'-t th t .- : , 1 ' .
t w. . ,i airs on a sun i: r . . i, . eg , - , .,
t-id, led too long by ': i... :i
Women v im ha e b. eii La: ., ,,; . .. i, i
days rui ning. f our 1. ; . !. ::
tain thoir L .Id. espe.-ia i! u i.-.- :
towns, Ihe services Hi :: I 1 .
sin 'l't'-l . I have se.ti an .- , i : -ma:
from which :t appealed that .. .. ., ..,
conformist chapel t he sen - a ir'-.' ; '
bright, brotherly." But o,;,i a is ,, i u,
Wales.-Liverpool M, ica:
i.t-rt i.iiuuiiui'.
Irate passenger, a. train is move ; ..
Why didn't you put my in
1 told you':
Porter F.h, mini: yer luggage s m.
sio a fule as yersi l'. Ye're i' tn.. wiai..
train! London Tit-Bits.
Every Month
nuny women turfer from LxtriM n
SLMiit Menatruatmn; tlicy dun t know io confule in to Ret proper advice
Don t co .hJe in atiybu iy but try
Fcmais Rsgalalor
I S;ti'C!l!c lir PAIFuL. PROFUSE.
1 a,- . tu ' WOMAN " ii-.a.l.-.i free.
t:f.4;,FtEL3 HCCI.'LA'oK CO.. Atldiita. Gl.
s. I I I,, ..I llr la-ul.l..
Mwtwta-i avimi
A. X. Sl'l.LlVAX.
illen.i') a' . V, . ri..' .i..ii i aft"i,l.
" .l !!. I.t III. -led lo ,'n, l ij:...,. ,
laeii I'le.-k, l' :i-l sale. Tail I -n . . , , ' , ,
The Lenilni'd
AND- -
tonstniitlv keeps on limnl everythin
you need to furnish your hoijut
I'lild lip cupltal
rstliev.'rv lie-t f.ii'illti. for the iromu'
traiifHOtli.ii of IlKltltnattt
Hanking: Hnsinoss
ritiH'ka.hoii.ln, until, Kovi riiiniit Hiid local to
iiirltlef In. iiflit nml aohl. Depesiu rwoly.i
mil niter.'st Klloweil on tli certllloatef
Drafet ilriiwn, hviiIIhIiIh In uny pari of the
Ihill.'.l M.itttf anil ull llitt priiit'liiul tuwna ol
TKD. Hiuiit-M nirkpt ifii-- i'mi.i for Comity War
rum., HtHit) aim County bonds.
Jotm KltUMrnlit I). IliiwkfWortt
Hum WhiikIi. K. K. WIiIId
'ienriie R. Hovt-y
l.itni FIIK'TKlil. h. WbiikIV.
I'ri'-lilnii ( h I
W. IL Ci sni.Mi, J. v. JcjiNwi.v,.
ouOT -1M Eon
Gii.oqs - -ljqil'iy
Cnpiuil Paid in
K I! ot littum ,f W ,l,,iu sen, f: s- ,,,, .
I'.'Mv Kiki' . . M W M..":.: ,
1 oi.ii,,i u VVi'il.-iiKiiitii. vi
II ( lishil,..
A ImiiXiiiir business tr.rsts
ntted. Intticsl nlb.wc.: i u v'l -.
I N s xj K a. IsT c e
Call . m
Pbittsiiioiitli - N. l rusk,
C A I Morn . -St . I 'a nps I Ii iu eti , a! , ;,.,.,
Hill. Sixth. 1'aili, r ( an.. -' -Si-ni,-.--:
V-i.,s at s kiiiI lu ;;ui a. - ' s -,,i ,'.
Sela-iii ,a j : ;o, wuii b. iii'ilii-il.n..
11 1 1 It I I I . .N . - ( . .riuT I .a.'iist iiinl 1-1 :,i, s
.SelM.-. s I , I I 1 . i 1 1 e; .,,) ,.V(. p , , ,
(.aliewa) easiiii. riiiiiila ES Inn, l .- .v,
Kl'ls- ..i n., St. Luke's ( Iniii-li, i . :. . ; ,
nn. I !..-. ;,'v. II p.. Co.ii --. j - r . .
Mf'-s : U m aial ; i-. w , ,s, j
hi i :: ! m. ,
t.K.IIMlS i i- 411. .0 is I . uriier s
1 o.a : i. tin', I .-inr. s,. ,
ami " i l. ,s4iu.i.i) ;,i hui,; ;,
I'UI'SCN i I I ' .- S,.m, ,.s h . , ,
in ! si : .a t ; i : 1 1 1 1 t - -i-. I,. .
(...-I"' ' aas-sel ,, ,;.,..
HI II :, I . al i. in,
I la' V I S. I . I- 1. 1 Diis ! .
Sal't' .: .,-! il 7 in Ihe I
the el All Hie lllWll-. I te ,;
lllt' s,
Ki lis I 'un ii, . 1 1 1 s i . si i 1 1 st., :
in" I'1 i . low I.. I'. Ill r i ,
o. -n a - - i ' . u . s m
'' "' e i i a l -I III. et jl 'J i
(iFI: II S I I : I s I : v i .-, lN. (-,,, . ,.
Nae'i. a . Wilt.-, iis,.i. ,
lieills. S.a.ii.iy Sell. ml j -;:. ,. y
Sttl'l-H I oS. ill I-, ; I lo.s.M, - I
I w ii I :'la a.,il Sixth.
I'oH'i.'Hi i:i-i isr- mi. olive, ii
lelllll I.;.'li-Iltll, Ki'V. A. I.,
I""'. Sen s 1 1 i4. iii, anil 7 ::ie .
Ilie.-lll u' iW-ilnciln) fVflilliK.
J i.c
oi.m. Mix's i'iiiiisi ia.v A-"iv.i.
Koelns in w aleriiiaii bliii-k, Mini, sir,
jii l ia. i ling, lor lot'ii nnlv. every s-iiw.i.i-j h(
t "' I. ill 4 oVIlll'k. Itliillll Uil li V, t-fi'Jn.
, , from 14. in., i'i u : ay p. in.
Hoi Til I'.MIK TAIIKI!NACl.K.-Hl-r. .1 . M .
UtMHl, I'listtir, .Services: Surabiy Stfl...,;
ilia. in. : rieaolili.K' hi,, I s p. i,
erayer im-etlug' TiifnUy mulit ; t lioir ir'
ttce Frlilay alglit. All are wrWrowe.