Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 14, 1892, SUPPLEMENT, Image 8

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Cirover Cleveland 1
jjuod (or "d.iiiif; up
volition i" Chicago.
of liim in Mi athiui! terms. u a t
i I
. I :
employers and employed, and I
TlIK democrats t:i
form that tlu-v are ii
sionn to disabled vet
will prove it ly fit
numerous aiil in
TllH independent:
tin- same old W'i:
minds lis ol old "!
would jm-t as sin
lcut)t that Cieiiit
will in'." mmm
Till; Louisiana hi,
j.Ti.-d a I'ill pro 'li
tii.nof the Aiit-tralin
an 1 the democratic
will aeroniiiii;
tit limine.
of his nominal
is innntli, so'af
secretin y time
encyclnpedia 1
ct li for liim 1" '
( iK'i) I .
.iii'-sled tin
Ii mi
ul Hi
i A 1 1 H. II I I.I- I
pi. ink ol tin- platfn
Chicago lias made
ami factory in tin'
republican cainpai,
That is what conso
lor the loss of that l
At last Adlai
'heard from Ciiovi:
Ihi..ard's Ha . ami
tied tin- commit W'f
m i- will In- in om!
Tammany in the
on July -'I, rcaily l:
tin' moi tilioatiott 0
lion at Chicago.
A I'IK'M of tin
which has oppose
duty on tin plate n
dices of tin cans a
not advanced. We
democrats howling
tain that the indus'
coming; establishec
and there art' inn
liein employed
A Hates county f
of 1 i l;' 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 strike
one of his fields, in
Id see the elfects o'
iti d the spot. Ik' i
llilid had left i's ii!
if an enormous " 1)
color, and had ml
.-it: ii in inual of llit
,-cll.- Kansas City;
T ti ADE Wl 1
Jv'ecipt ooity has i
poi l.iti'in ui 11 hi r t
.-i .nondis in an il
.In i. I ii 1 V'l. Iionf
inclusive, we epo1
In lvi, iluri n 1 tlie
amount exported I
Vlli:. the alliani
ivitc told that it w
party; that politic
do with tlie oruaui
i n ,i fact, then w!
politicians n'c inn
.mil i 1 1 1 i i l;' if' V
1 he farmers or a I
rums from the ol I
lions.- Did any la
the nomination':
see with the u.ikei'
CltAflXR I.
rinm ikk KiM.m
"Where thr tswork for the handirf man
there will be work fur Ihelr tenth. Where there
In i mploy a.ent there will be bread." Damtl
A aootiday sun, brlhl ami uneoinpromlilnit,
theae down upon Ilia blackened rhlmnois i.f it
Pennsylvania laws noma nfiy yoal a ag.'i. It
plaroad ike heavy tiaoke of ilia turnama thai
roee aarpeul-llke t" Join Ilia wane olnnds in Hie
ikyaeeve; ti peeetreted every crack anil urrv
lee of iheiahar eialded, unluliiieaiiiebtilldli,rs.
ueuktiig rar arrose Ika valley, auil then. In
prnliar mood, crept u lab) the shadow ( the
hillanad reaied upon ika flu i uf a fur young
r'rl who Hood geilsg dreaiuliy at ilia a-1-ia be
lli. lib liaul removed karkal mid, p'la'.ila; bark
Ilia damp cur a I rum bar t iribtuu. Il(td liar
liaad f-rau b tlia warm baaaia at ibr fall.
"Hew Ilka auutaur II amia. Jim. om, lo ba
not uadanhaakj upaa auca a0; mattluu
oi lit mvmn v raaiiiuliiB, a atalaart yi uamaPi alio a
! ii bnl.ltual auliau fia. IIH.4 bin
ja. airniia ..IWalo iila kii; l.m:iiui
lua faaa if al ban.
', M'i, iniHlurg far tba aumhlua uwi
rurta ikaai biui laul ft lr.,in li. m 1 1"
Tha !.. dj tMiia l auf uui tarlll uil clr aa
liliit, ara Way taaawl f.l ru, tba
an-'aw lua mti balaw iraa dark wu buay
Ufiuiaf Ufa.
Tbt firl tnraaa wliU a laiifti : "ti I uat
la ralaa, Ja. L h,xt all tba liaaiia ara
tiurrri and yunua luaaMliu' lua tba riobaal
VI Ika a ait, '
"Mlat, Mac. Illtla Uma 4 Juu anil ma rl to
Tiraaib, lai alona f Ula. Va aa ar w.uilil Lia
baa tbia ha' y but for lb OaCtti a ba4 lun.
f.irn raiti bata aaa liaarta!"
ska ttavl Ulm IIM aa loiatital t"'rt.
"Jua Uarua, It a uat ma tbal will lltln U
auch talk, for It la falaa aaa yaukuiwltl Kliy
twa ..a I J yaawitfar. all.-'a bjul
una. llial Hiaa Kika4 talla a.a4 aQarad iia
niuaay. a UUa I aaa4 tba muuar. tfinnt U"a
knt I blaaa k fi.r bar kluil tbouitbt fur in four
tulk uat Ika aaaiai"
Jiia Datla im a kar qnlik. auaiililolia (imar.
I bay rara ya Ibalr K-oioy. nbf Vtali, If
tbay aid lhay ara our naiaril anania uat tbn
Hkina Mm A It mm 1 1 mm 1 . . . 'I l... .a n - .
l,liil,l,U4 PI,.M ,V T' "" ' '"D"' aa.,. ei.Mtai,tmn,.t. Ilk a hi:Ub:lln. liaUwi-c-i
r.L.. f-r tar lihL. I,'.I?!v. k. JA HaM win t. IHa biMna l ilia rit-hara. h'lllt In
'. i " . iMvir Man niiraam will t
jfii?N. 'ir; twill km) ''.!: ;L i
r..r-iiiAPB sa mho ro a iioa Bfk, tioir Blioot, aunlyl I' a Fre
Xrntr, I m, nnil only '(lyln' Fran Trn!f to dnt mpfm,
rmvtK-no.v Ai'itTi 'uii ner, fmL ohrr do price oh dat melon quick, or
uriv ll uv a liuu omcittl Ullll u UlfJKlU b. 1 LaliCVes in 1 i'OlOOUOU, 1 Ulltti.
arly ('ulmiinl aiylo. AtuMl tiiiiju u bill ltlpl
iwtiure ana will Hat. l. man nu tiuin IbalT ciiiniiiaii.nm a miiuiic
had bran firakn amt I'lrnial diirluc Ilia ''In
i'"ivti, only tuvitns comiinrclkl dlnstar fur
C'.l. oKlfia'i blonde fH.-.a irnw Ki at thlf
iii'ninii, aim nn aniTf rut. rt nr.a to hl liya
w, c iv v iti rr.m wltliiu cba -kait hit worrtc
i -iri.a.1 inn n-irai ittk.uiiuQ llial way.
r 1 11 UlUlldr ciii;umt. ati.utl ii
Wurka a ar&kii' iliim u,,iii,.i i
llatlik hlinamf iai.Mi.i,.lr aa thoiiih l,a, " " ",r'"" "n" ' '""C ".' '" 'r n.:na : no.,rimy. Hha naa youutf woman l.uiUir,"" V, r, , . , '"ll",,r,'!1l P""1' ' ,an r.ur, UiiiiM i.ial fma. ua muiia illal
eu i. Kin biaaiu.uiii.ra Hut, riat.-liar a Imvlug . h...n l. hv-..,hvo!t in ,mP', niemry. Tall, urma-rul u.l
HirrlwyDil,N.kadraiilahlathlin "".J1 " r!ll,!"" 1,1 1".' r.',"W '''"l"' 1 l'"-l" punUly th rtiult uf
Vi.ii hmhIu'i faar m. J., rr 1 liafan l Bui , tfoniiui."un i.u i'... iu " u'.iiunif, aho a niliii ratn.iiu
tnrturra. God Laa ulten ma a heart to ptty bin mailt at of nafenl tlmaa ireawr fauia timu in
ml(Mry and If I dl.l tint ua my waalih to aJil'irhiilo w. rld'e uiarkaia onioblued ; It kaapa huu-
html know that aomedayat tlia har of hoiTaa .dreils of mlllloua ot oonara id m rauiirr tnat
Iia woiibl cry nut acalnal ma. and Jiiatlr, too. would o'.liarwl b ani airoa4 to pay tof
1 rail cot Diaka orar th.woiia or ll.-bt gra il'tbli,pi wa ran raiaa and maaufiatu auraairaaj
aoclnl wrouia. lu tba futara I IMok, .1 lucnea ibtaiitlnD ; It ai.liiia. ua w lift ututr,
will baatruu eamirh to do ao; but now.aal.aat buiiar Hud war bourr ci;jaa wan
ftanil cIi.Ifii the Uttla food 1 cm, uotnlu pbllna-iaiiy "thr It enulea ua ta kawp our
ityahall datxr m or rob uio of Uia biaaaad w'tre it botua li ataal of lu tha fil ta or tu tba
lini l lnasaof fclflin." n.lli; il enMilaa ua to cdr.cito our cuiwrit ; ta
Mhai riaiuber looked ao baatlfiil, wl'.h tba abort. It mak ua tne moat prxai-aroua ma
ilkbt of rtnir.vuj liuuuist warmlig bar md liapi.laal opla on tba faia u lua
eras and oolorluc bar cbaak. Ibkl lioL, C'riit la euriu.
could K'urciy rti ra a dwlkxailon ot bin
4lmlraU4u tben and tiara.
l'o bad cnuia tu Air.arioalnr I) litloal
but un ultorlor luoilta bail urfad blm to ta
towu whara Llhal Fiaclbcr iltOii. 'I lir a j.oiiw
f a fair, wail-kuon fue bad left II. c fay cHita
r.uruM dra.Uia f.-r blm. au.l be bud oc lued,
Pertinent Qnestioas Acs'wered.
ft nnt tmkrKi Uraiim m inrmg'Ufnl apon aij
rviHU t
.So mora tl.nn dlrent tatatlon would ba. II
wa aboilKli Infllroi-i taiatlun, dirar.i taxaiiea
Jurliif tbla trip to tna L uliti-l diuirs. to av brr uj,m uka Ita plara. for wa muat raliw raoaaf
it bar own bouia, aud tbaro lu LU toi'Viua and M,i.iai.jw toiltfray tha nuinareu ai:Miiani( ta
pruepaoiiva l.llo at bar Iol,
Til hi 0ONTIKI E0.
Nauoiml tiovamruaut. btrrct iiuiih would
fail in-tt litufDy oa laad utun, at Mtataa
noiib'.y, town and acbool bin, wal k ara oo4
Irvlnd fllrf tly, now do. Ab ra atl olnaana
f ii intra do not wait a cbnofn lo dlro:t laia
li u.
An tcAiif khv im- lh. fan be ft fwm Itl-orrri tkat
Ktirktiy tMmrHinf
It kirgta awairoaof laboiara la Uvo cltlr
-miiyai In fa'tonet a".d a.aawkrr wka otttcr-
Ira would draraud on Iba oouulr y duli trta la
'oinelrtn Dieni.ra. each laxarch of a )
imifitilng iba land m tba ultimata rrfu.a at
nan w!irn Uify ua drlvtn fro, a oiaar loy-
i.'nis. l:h ibrau luvn iCHikluf lor uo lub on
I'.vru If AVa Could ( nitnra Tlitra Tllfy
Wnald iVat Amnaiil la "lui h.
What nnd whara nra the erout nifti kela of tliai
worid, for which tha Fn-o '1 rndi would clva up
nir ap andld noma market ?
The folinwIlK tabla boW tin imri'llIMM 'ifUmrf lum in Itia nouulix liuw wiiuU tt, r,. rt
iha whoia world In 11 9. mivrding to that arnl juborrr fainf
,ir,,t rraa Trado .'.UsiU'lau. Mlcb.ol . Mul- .Jlu Tmlfrt a ,., ,fcWn!(,M
UllUoii l,rl I, a-ikiHa a im a.ptiU Hi u ul. It
Camilla H1 urn trw f
nuau.ula a aliill nnawar tlilaquaatlna byaiaatlaK Ika
Routb Africa iljw.irdavl l'raf. R. T. tlf. ana at tba aat yrnaik.
iitiico. , ,n,i,i ecoiixmltu la tna Unltad axuaa. la ata
'jM I (.antral Aamrtca.... U book on poUtual acauty, tt.l. Hiy, fat umi
'iai uariy ...
I'ortnaal ...
toiiinrk ...
if 'Milt ....
H ilu.rlajtd.
Kara ara Iba buyara of tba wkula world.
, 43
, rj
South America
et India.
Cm ua
Other Countries..
9Tr a aara :
.. 'M "tt is fi-aijiitiiWy . l-f4 that HiimiIvi Tin
.. 'XI 17i nrv a rijlnlion of aa ataaaead aaturai rUtl
.. l'f f avury naa i buy hie tMwte wia.-a aa will4
.. J I' aail bit pristuot tuntvtr ha si. uairaaa
.. " n:rlcd bfhuMu tawa I'kta arnaaaaai, ba4i
. . 'Ji on nl.iial rlitnt. luay It 4lanjiM4 aa a -a-v-.
.. -H mautm In diituMx." at aa kar't.a ).'i4 aaiia
.. uin nri i rfu.iif. Ulaa aouauiif para
are loaniuotn ur arHraeaM, aad
.. ii oiifar annuo ara ILruet a-.a ocaa wuavot a
T r'l tf"t l aHriatakKaia tha. at pro a
7,r'J ii, i.aiural i-lBir u aot at apaaan w tlaa
n tj jriiy nf mtuklsd aa a ibtaa: rbjpat ta liaatt ta
Now,l,,:', aall wkare one aa-, raa4la at
uu:u of tbem doei ourl'iaa Trader !iiitni t" waa., aaa a,i bla-wry ta ajataK
aptura bf bla "lower cut of puMtueUon!' ' : '" 'fratual i:luia af la4iTiuiUau Ik
.vaa tna abiding failii of au Aiacrlc neol:il.ll.'!l,,u' ,0 "'"t that taa fe4w mioM
'imrnl hojia for jsroatly lucraaiiad aaian ot tli;11,! f ioailoaa at tale latura. PrataaUai U
l-iijiiHa at Awmrioai laili In tha ehadow . f ; rmifrj, www n ih.iiu m ae-
iiiilau factorlaa. -. Uieat llritalit and l:a l.C nanrrai r ai. it ia ata.'a t aa 4taurad
that niyumtnn of tail avrt akwaU oaaw to ba
noarii a iijnatilly.
fhit i Un ilJn'K-e fczinni iWii jxnaitr JoVar
frt. or ailo, 'onj thl fnku-l if Olal lul.vr f
Tb" pro lurk, or U or Bw fraaiy rraaa p'tca to
plai n lu olieilinnre bi tha leui oaeii r dtffar-
In pri. I,ibor, rhlok li inaa. It Iwund la
to ill-tin, 1 tuieta
rnrrlnifa, nal If I wauled
aaikie' win do fr ma .'
"Vtff, d"a'l Im a huri y; ,
n oetemiui: umN ua br aria and ilm,
Mini lively raniovlnf It. -I'd lit itr almii.
niloiia r hiiraa. If ya d but apeak III.- word, and
7 know It. Hfii. 1 '
"No, uow ib u i, Joa," lult-rrnpiad tba tlrl
hiwilly. '!: ni ,a tba f. od filtuda wo are.
It you apeak m;alii a y..u did Inat wo k. and
Hint would b a puy if ir Wo Va rrowud up Iwy
aud k'lrl toirotbor."
well." br i.,iiild. .f
tlvr ..f !
It I .ll'llO.ll. I'llUlll'.l lll,t.n. a w.
rir too ynira or liro in r uropoan cariiinii. I"fi1 timi li.i!. sni.-o w.,n for u-.i f n i',ri .......
, ,. ii 'Tliorpa r"lP'har and I. la aimer bad roturnad In the rrcisiipioii f tlia w-rld. '
, i" v - ... vi ...... , ...or-. k, i i iiineii, i,uo Lull. them
u It.Ltr ,,IJ, I, ITS f., ItMlt'll, ,.,l, I. r . ,.. t.t.i :l ,,,,r1.. ...I... , . " "
leu ,r, ,. i ,V , V I -, . ,11 'J " ,, " OM"".""i. you wen
..... ... "p..-. ........... n ..
and rurtfnl trnlnlni; Klfen tlim ny t'.elr fmbei
In tna polllic,l ai'niionili'n of I.itropn.
One orouliu. durlnii the m .'lionicnt of t!ir
rn:iiiat!fi. rtiorpa Fieii Iiit aloud iii.on tln-
pliirxA tit t'.i'uiiinoo; taikin r.iK'"tly with tnn
"thr ifiitleiiun. Turuliik' to ouo bo e
, . , . li'lnlrni'd :
I miml. I til lint ll j .. .... ..
autilhita but ..', .. ... L ..... ! 1 1 ir nil noi nil I ll HO in ilP'-'-(.llO!l. Id) li.ll. mill
Willi aiifona .in.. u....w roil nun of II, o Soul li shollnl I
. iiinin hi bo,, iio.iipiu; iriMi a
CIHtire al Ilia OHHiwriLLo r,... r.. i i... I
hm an Id-ii. .!,.: 1 ,..iu .t..'.!..-!. .!'" ""'ra tlia.i inially .ruv ho
roi p.ny,
Va will Noma day
piitacni nunrrol
bo inUuu ilfi lit
Tlia i:n.t!i.u.-in odor
but lipid- u'i ii'iily. 11.:
u-di f,.r tt?"
R-d tlUHlu'd -ll.:Mty
fini'ly out. tboiii(!, rful
"IV l! 111,., vhtl'o;i4 a illMlier .:1ILI,,,1- l.ln
f"l 'hit ma nud mive your ar.uinuun for poi(
ra kind ovitilF.v. '
CKA1MKH lit.
A Pl.u .riMi ok tiik m.a k.":iihiu
'Pi-otI l.'iii'o ftlla 1 our luoiiuLnloa ;uul our
p!'ii!i irnii iiiinorfiin. and g on iih ,i riiumtr
llo I rflll fill- tllil rrn'l'l'ii .,f ho.oi. i.n.l
t !'l OMeht to bnvo riti'iidvd totlirm .ulonuato
I lika .,H i.i.i I . iiiinmn ina uii.o irom uio liin:in.,aiMi it.y i,i uif i- -non, in' our o:lur rs and
be reinarkvd ton
friend a en-ito l words
"ll.iw to-called moil of horinrcuti I'oiinti'nncr
ain'b fraud, 1 ruiiimt i'uiiip-..'lio'l," I'h irin :
on'llitied, aiifrlly. "Why. Unit tl"k"l oil.'bl
ilio'.-rs mv l.o i.ln. 'd li, ,i f.ilr .imoetiiloi,
ll'i tt.. -of Ii-1, t'Rio wo ahinild bo.
Ohio :i llttia lil'ii'e A iiitiri.ii I '.,,. iiwtjiA.I ..r
P'iiioii and laimrxra of Eiiglan I.
trntlolliily, ,in' 1 inn wan."
Tliry bad raiu-bed Vircand'i homo n low
roofed rotimio ri,i m too d.ior.
An old mini, lyn.R ,, (ho bed nenr tbaflre I
Jdiiof, lunied hit bund wllu a peavmh acowl ati
Happen aa i.o, ye'd fievr cotue, Map Mi. . UTjnTi" l''"f'"' "In-t
tr,. Hi.. i ... ....... i . ' . . ; ' I'tu'ent t.irlff and bin iiI'Tht-i etemtilr Oi'.n
...... . ' --"..-. ..r u, un. on i I... v.n I 1,1. n i,rl,,l V.i ;l..r "1:i l llll! i t iukI In il.-ikm fr lk,,l., I.I
foe. 1 1 MS Hi.
not lodei'elfe u rblld, yet I fo.'l con vlm-M tiue i'""! ' if nun. - AMIimkw .1 u
ilio workliiini'ii of tills SUito will !' olliole I iv .'.iter Ida s-n' lemon wore tinted ut :ho tli!.
It. In aptto of our effortslo uiirioia'.i tbr . i. , II -If w !'' coiiver-n n turning ui,m .inalii p isi
Ma p "illlc le nlr. .la'iiea Iv. 1'ni. v, .1 in.oiu ni- iory, nti t l t. her, fou.-luif .in
iiinT oi...i-.oii nu putty iBsiicH, toi.t Hie e.ib
!'! In bind b nolf:
uiii.ioaa may be eltnilui'.tal. .Suit tutri:i
t rauoo. Ovriuany. Ruatia, Auatrla,", T; In
and Portttfal, Beitflum, Cauada. fwLUorinn J,
'kaadiuavia and Auairalla, nil of which are fro
levied coiiiiirb s, wh policy ia lo ) re.ierte f"r
ibair owu iriauufacturna a r.ioio.poty of tbo do
fiaat!; market. Tbo Protcctioniel Inw mak'-r-i
.I theaa uounlrlaa will lee to 11 tUnl u iwry ax bia tui'.tre toll br i: l iinir..l .ni
.ou. lra tap'ures" ot their marketi nra mad yil. b III k' ap h.m at aonia la eplte ' rary al
ly ii- L nltel Staloa or luiy otin r win.lry.liiii-iiii: luiliin uvula b; out lu a f re'en laad.
rhet-e rowialua ttaon aa ti e ouiy part of tin I' lie ..ifTirtuce it ecaaly ibat betwwn aa lu. WHiid'a maiketof 7 U:i nillliou dol'nrii anly't. ti-ne bole of cl..'h und a eoiiiliaeotai thiuK
!.' mil II uib f.vr which v can ovrn hope. l'.fc- hnumi aool. A (tent dlTarim-o la wut1
Well, wnat ara our pr-ibpacta for ot ..-tlnlnf . m r eilat beiwaen thla wniniry .vol Vraaca. r
thin rotnuautf Ilolland, the most llhenit bujer, Frenchniei will nraf- ... i-
oiporls ntarlyaa inu.h Iron and aieel "t nil f t. lo uj In beautiful Frauce at lava iha a hull
in" " It linP'irtn. Ai tor tei'.lled. it mual'y tiie A,iierl.-an waraa n,u,..n .. i, ..i ,. .
eKo. ijiilt a mni-h us l' if tuetn f eies a lerellnr of win rtM In thi m mi.
und tentH to Enf land three times aa ".inch af it trtva It N aiu.paOier differawt with tha nro4
t aea of nrtl!iii product. I n-tlrv i-best uu Inn. nets of l!,.it Hren-h lalr, watch neither feol foe
ilth tba helpot lie onroinely low w'o nil, u. tlituk. If lima were na Tarlll to pravout th'ow
supply Its own demand f..r iriu'ifaciurea and would flow to thla countrv In a deiuiri ao lo ua
will soon he a dan rotie o mprtlPT In the.s'p-l.-e. here weio a half of one ir ooat. (leet tha
m irketa of tha wi rid." Cottons ara the pnn !". ai "f tramp-nation) b:ehor bare than la
ripe irmiuifactiifol goods n. odBd In the Orient i'rnn.t. The r.isnlt ntimt ho a lerellai of wue
and it Is altogether oinb il la that the dem.itni:r.iics of the lth.,e n,,,i,.,n. ...m7. .r.
if irtiina, Jova and Jntmu win s n b ahun
..l'lntiy euppliuit with Orb mat nduina at o ,
a rite that coin petition by r itl.rr F.ngliMid or tha
L til'e I siuios will be out of toe Q'lettlon. Tur
Key Ati lcannd too "oiIot coiin'rlns" hnre bin
'ew Ttiiits, aud uro for tlie most part sucu
ia a-i c mi l not supply.
nuts d- lh "troai m irkiiH of Iho world" dls
ipp'-.-.r iiudor careful natl oi .md minimis.
I. von If tbo whole $7,8.1.1. o i , i ij wM.-b repriMonte
ih i til re purchase, . f tb.i w.o id's "to'iitrii"
aiarket weie orfcriU to m in tx'hani.'e tor our
doaiosilc inark. t wo n iuid n-t nfford 1 1 avei t.
JUr Iioiiis inido lsa; least tun tiiu;.i tbts .inooiut
annually. bnme. i
Uio itk of distant ncenn traohiMi' itloti Is
foieis In the two countries. By iireToiitio tbla
i-yoiIuS competition of products the Tariff pro
touts a reduction u Amurlcau wages even
Llr.i.h labor Is udmltie t free.
H'y u Ut. iJnukraUt jsi (y i tiipvnl lit a l&ctm
Ail men andefen animals fear and hate what
(on- mey no not utiusreland. A home not
i broken lo tbo . reseu, e of a erlet mill, u bur.a
'' thraahliiu m .cblue or a locomoilvo tears
laud hau a It. tin win einstb eterylliltii; to which,
no is iilla. bed to ct . way from It. lie does uot
i nocf thai e.ieh of iheso inings Is doing mora
Iroldd and e.Te,'iivA v..,-if t... ..i ... n. .
''isiielicrli li I ui and his owuar than heci.ii p eal-
and U slur an the noon.
"I ilarbd tin Leila run, crarithar,"!
,""l""u ' sooininuiy. "ton it t ,, h,.l
ail was ao roiiyn Unit I nloppe I t"
ati'i i ins r
tent a tilt,"
ibsis the way, always the wny
in, em mail.
' muttero t i
I'.illrrand hliiisolf c-uld led tioitor u
l:iui;iiai:o tn eonciw.l Ills li ne thoughts. Iibiin
telltlcn tesins lo lis to eonf-v I" US Peitiisil
aiilsnslbs lio rees..n thnt be favors or-ie-
lion, while In fad Im ns n-tlilii i't tlie km I
'.'o he!n alom: tbo sbnmeleHs fraad f ti lonr,
lint little u,e r.. .," ' r it haf e pi seed on tlia ticket, aa Vleel'resl, Margaret nreiisre.1 .....Jb'-it, cur own sf.tesiiwii,, drone lallas. a pr--
siinr a meal auds,iii coat.Mi 1,1 .. i, i. r',"" prou-noni-i mil f.e insii.ii:iei.,r.-,s ee
tl IllOUl ,
xnow where ho wilt aland In tne day of irlnl.'
noi see now n o can blanm our Ainviiors for
them. No ' is s.h."i I of tils tiruo."
i " iro riit'it, Miss Kiet -hsr, f-r nature
Imake, no leaps. It li'is t il.eii ceniur ea for
tnau t-i ?t.i:nl -.l,rs bo do e .,-day. Wec.iiiuot
passat a ii.,ui,,i rom ihe sava-o to the stales
i ni ui, f-r loousd'ids of years of Intelieciual de-
"eb.pnioiit llo oeiwoen. We imisl Inaru to wail."
I "ti Is so much e.ielor lo la or thun lo wn i,"
sai l Miss I'leicbei-. "I'hli talk uiiout fuiure
and how Is our a
In day wss a sultry one for tha san-on and
townrd ereuliir. therlouds Uilcki ned ami tbran
emsl rain. the door In the eirlr twi
l.Khl, wsiclied the Hub is sn that one by iiuo'fllck
eied Into life lu the town tar below.
As ti e tinned to ko III a pleasant voice, behind
her usked :
ibs.d afenliiK, Margaret
'li. Mr. Vleteher. Is Hint you? (.rnndfa
soei -r. thank you, nr. i will po hack i- w
ilk i mni ii ii; r,
" I but la uood. Here ,re ln h0)lk,
ask.d me to on my wsy m town. Rue you lo euniy what she hst uiurked, and
to coiae up to morrow etenlnir."
Msrcaral eoiirteseyml. wlihout speaklnc and
Wllh a r esaant ilo.,d ou-l.t " i,. ..'
I lie iiirl atiMst for a ew,met i.,. ... . . i
tier, the bmikt hree.a.1 a.i bee i.....,,n n . R
Piee., to a iHiumum. lit hetudita an.l i.i.s ' '" "
i" i.iHKT, oit suioie, iuo locoliloiivs)
,dr.-i4 lo dieunt in, ,r. els tlie crop which ha
nans only t i t:: d,.ii,,t. tho t ile.bii.K macLloa,
(.niTBura Incalcu'ali e.atil It will t,n s dnra and
dismal d ly vshan tnis apieii lid biribrih'ol I'
..artored UTsy for trial miserable moss of pot
tage, "tbo world's neutral uiai kets."
Canalians Pay the Tariff.
Tha rvniMilttop appointed by tlia Senuto to lit
vesttsuo tho iffec; of iho uciy tariff on tiud
nub ( annilrt rlstiivt Delrop, Ml. Iiliran, Seplem
o r lh. Is'.d, kiid lfos lu ua olio ,al inis.ri Itie
f-lliiwiUK dlnhicnw Its chalruiau and
requiems uf lPtro!t:
i5uaior Morrill. Mr. McI..iiouKb, what Is Hie
oiToctof ihoiarirt on Inip-rmilons ffenernlly In
Ibis cltv -hn it tim price lo tho con
nuuioi ?
ir. MoPon.oich. Chief Clerli of the fustoin
House. - l lial .piest! m tuny be ansvveied na sat
lkfiv.'.tnrlly r.y I'lt'iiit a:i Imp, rt.iib.n of cl-s re
ceived ai tills pi rl Ui day, tlie f reifu ta:ii of
separates 11,0 era I ii be eat-, from lbs iiran. nnJ
tin frlsi mill fiiniislms breud t thoeii who fe4
lilt'i Aii art as bene. b eni i.i I.iju as Ids roc,
ler s nio-t kind ciires-es and fur moru ofnclintlj
sol n.-cabliv Its Imios tbeio aitiiply boc.inse ba
does not under.. land them uud tliluts fanciful
ilon,-ie or enielites are connected sill, tbem.
Ilioiedlie heiso wants ibe lec onoilfe. tha
i.u.isnw the m ist nun and tl.o tbreil.l k ma
chine ail n pealed hecaus l.o bears their cbit
i"r, but li s reason l.s loo aliuio aud almplj lo
coinprel end their utility. As the Ihiinucratlo
party i,'-;s bn.ko b tho TutiC It dis.lkcs UU. a.
I he euro Is to bold lis iioee rla-iit to tbo Tariff
Ull 1. 1 It .jlllU B down.
- , .
What inoro In the way of a tnii.T plunk cuia
be Im porter, and 111 ludi iniimiract ii' o ask or
Uio Lieino. iil,: part,'? Tnern Is nu i, t,vt
"If Jams. Polk protes to lie ibo doiil.le fa. ed -r,e'r in. ui'i eemiis so hopeless, so far n way. 1
eandldate you rear, and lie ra Dallas turn. r,ni "' enoui;li to waul to Rather the liar
iriltor to the poli-y ha professes," exclaimed j v'"1' I pi ml."
Perion. a Paeh of linger llliimiiilna bin ipti'dl "' 11 v" l:at fcnllnir myself," answend 1'oy
eyes. "Iben will 1 n loiik'er Is . set of liem. s r i;i. ' ' "'' ""'I working; f-r mail's ad ci:iee:ie-ii,
in'1,1 nr itii .HTH-ir iirue i un, i nm in. in,,,. , ..i., .un eoieiii o i li i.;li Was 1U Co: i is rt-r U Of 11 A, n i"i n.t f, ,. .,. .., , ... ' ' -
this ,u .tier, Met-ier'. and be assure., thai ,.; .. III., is HI. Paul diiecs. Ilu.uan derel uentjpc,. one ye.r npo, while t he's i hn Vrv e i'. , " 'al'uio.a'o .;.iu'd''i"?U tXX
...i f mle .1, nil er he lisil to font r n l.e'ls so s: , t while tho oat'n,i,. t woi-U f - n. o,l I ... ,1.,. ... ... ... , 1 r.oe riol.l tne B'.UIuoa lialilud.
and perpetual a national it!rael Tritih first lHlt f.r tt Is divine!'' lasatuat 17 , cei.t. per down a year n'.'tu'un
anil u.wj-. in ". ...j . , . "i e i ,-i o.o o I r.ioeri lllini; ine tlil'l lllkl lliodiily
ireni, tllil ll omi n ,i"irm,;, .uvii.twt iiinnii - .v , n .n uere.i e Herein llo: Oil 1 In p 'Sed 11 poll ett:S
ir my mrnmneiv ..",,''"" ' '"7 ' " I'erai.'in'iiy. ;s pid by the rorv b-n pr idnuor nud uut liv
li... -.. 1, .,.. I b.iol.nnd the. renin.. ( -I. "il1 f le W til is fl,-l,l ...i...,,,, . " 1 um u)
panlon. il blonde f'eui dud Kmrllrhiii iu. threw u! r"'t fe.ituiT. snd wi ll bred manner, teitifyl .pi ' a a a a
half smoked clear upon the lawn and Jolucd in ' I'1" I'-oble Saion llnoai.-o, and her ii'oibr woiel t-ediator M.erlll I ntn iuitIoo. ia..
. . . I I ll 1.1k. ! OOTt, rtf t.,..,l un .1. .,......,, , I . . . , Ull.l. Ill III lll'll,
.u V . , '. . i . s-oiii i ,,.. i, ... m. . ' "',' it'll.. utitor niiMues done hen., etc , nu 1 I n
IllliT ll.'ni.nj ill ninuin. jiiii Aiiiri i "'"HI .iiv, .. n i J i i . , l IT 1 ll'BS 1U
over lliesa freoueut eierllons of yours, lloelit "esioe ner, tr either of thee
new there la
.1 the duty of 5c.LlK ,..r , " J" 7
gn by tbo MoKtu.ey l a pf ; 'V'1k ,"' ',""'?""
pr Klnoor nud uut by ih..'""r''- ''"'1'"1' I !"'"c
wmjm. Ua pvifnil r m
not emitted with the urlff
c'oiifeutloii, he unit the
11.0 io iviioif jir. J-siyn, aiiyihlu,' llial y
nun noil aw 1 1 us on rue
II c .11
tbln and. atliiiif bv tha lirnti i.'n,n ...... . I,,,""1,r
, ., i, in .li:! L i it. f.i, fn. , . .
no irround f-r a.piarrel, is thor-' "" " reyion. philanthropist snd Christian ' Uils sido uf ibeln... son ,,, ti... ......
trn.te l.n'toii the !' itor.eri lf '''a.-hrr. had soruiik' from K,,. Vlr.rinia! Mr. J,. iv,i ironed V.,...,.i '
tloed thai tha trouble Is that lo tin. o.-k. Inherit n.' a b,rt-c nu:,,'.,.,- of slaves belli, -..It Is lb. market for at 1 -ast r per ceii .'.d
iiiir,. i n i y 1 1 ii o .ion... n -, , ,j, -uy. ii-.-n I'lem. and Hie products of Wlnds-r lu I'atiiidi nenei. n .
Ik. lbs niolot Soothe ii sives.nen.aiil I...;. ii-"i is i f Ill's ar.d cerfiiu 1,'d itlter.i'ioos r.ier ti-m D.trolti .,i,,l il, , . .;,,, ' ,' .. '
, I tiaui.cli siii porter -( your pel In. IT nud , N "" h.s piuplt, hud I I I i,nrelf . lal' j I i.,'l, e will cor-r.! an thin tb-it Is i i, i
,,..,1 ..... ,.r v.,.,.- ...... stale 1 v.. up losiraclsi. In the eonv..r.nii. ..... i... .... ..... .1 1 ... . . r" " U'M " ,!l wind-
- ' " J '' I"1 - -.- i" , ... in- ii in ii ni ai ni!,L 1 1 w I I I
I'oitae anil the i oe.
rot.min or M4.
wnoia eonntrr. with
Tin- I'nitrd M
hisi-d List Willi,
-iin I'm. l- liinisi''
! inn, til, ink ml
Fur tlir lir-1 tim
t lu nation tin- r
1 1 iTt'l I it i ul i -i ' .mC
lints .itni'Uiitrd t
J it tit. dolliii'-, ui'
niirc thun l.iMii.t
Tlie bill. mil- C
titviir of this i tiw
died :ind liit md is, this i .ut
mint rii.'H ?ri ','",
moii- th in it I"
, mintrii's
.lltlll" I'M'
i, ,itt. in
Tin' tuition il di
,is l i'iliu i'd I'V i
i million doll.nX
TlU'ir is n sin ).
, iH-lndiiiu' tl'.f ;ii
i'.'.J.;t77. Win n 11:
'vdnt'i'd tho dn
, l.'s iind ri iiiov
:H(it:ili! siiiiv, i
, TiltS piTilk'ti'd I
snry. Hut the
.'i.ik l.fon nlilo '
.IciLimstratioii n
lutirs "sninififl
tin.' n' ivi-rnttii'iil
SilyU: McKink'y'f prok clion,
JilaitieV recipioi ity and Harrison's
iidiiwuistratinii. And votf tho ro
jyutiJicati tickot iRxt Novonihor.
one of the fi, linnet to l er lltia,
oiwiKtirif I'lll ,.fl ,a h..plk tmm -I .-
censed in the tkilat iJw ,i..' . ....... i '!'
and sail to. ..i m... .'....,.. . . " . " ""''" hie In lha town slioutlnc :!'.. Ik
lilchi ' 7 " ,nr " ,lw rarlffofli:' oouluiitali.v. mil what inoio inn you I Ha had derail
t.iliel Fltieber wu. . .. I manufacturers a.k. f'" ..nrd n
.... ...... . ... . - ."""a W....IS.I oi meat i ....... i.., ... , ,.,... ,,....i
his Blares brothers.
oniss on; of tbo
tbo k'oods
l-r'Cltl.kl l.ri.i! ueer Tt,..i., I.
I....I . .,. ,i. I. . ... I. .. ... 'n
..ho,.! for I hale .... .. . - ' - 1 . . '' "" " ""rralloi,
" '-..i r.iu a i.iriner ill i. a ia l i cots s..v 6-rfi
,i nminii-.j ti t., :i,e I- ,1 i,r HiM'..f l...,,n. .,..1 w.. ....... to. .....
.......... ,i.ii. i, invi n men tie tirestile.l
U'fiite any p.s.r irl when ebe ihuiini t i ,m i Vcaut ofTes'ts. 'I he prosperity of nur country iaj A-I I'ih had r.ois.1 tl v te r...!. i: ,,f n,
Im twiesied by bar assistance " "idiia to llial sun nisi an ne our pasi 'im-v i.v.n' murmurs kve,v in;,,
Ariar a girlh. esl saenl tir. d ,i,,i,,, . inw trano rr veiy i-w i i i i.i i..s ot i.e.i. 1.11; i : oreais ni l no was una ly ! jneei-d t-
el Inker iitit,i Umi t,. a..a ...... "land lsl: look el our lals.n ra faioly seek ni , Ins cii"i K i and adviued u a field
Hbe had fulth In the ...i..;... '. I." ' " "Well. ii! Ifle. a.a..lilti of that taiHT," r..t 1.1
-in.... . ' '""'.J". nr set anir ..rMWi.i. fii,i,.i t,. it. i.....n r.-i.iiit.
, persnnil lucmfenlenee, .aw... Mh-., P.,.;. ., i . ,r ,m- ' I.t.
hr.,u,. r'm . . . """7 "I ner
lieenmiuf ae4ualiuswlih ihein snd their waits
.Ufa freely, yet wl.ely, r herabundale. for'
nllkoiitrk vouirollmc a Ure lucoiae. she fell
reels iMblefwr lis eipoidnura.
foiirieen. ex.-epUoiial ttauly aud lanraa. e had
J."t it. ' ",r"r'l'"cied Ibe heireat,
luidfertbresyantatba bad I.e.,, w... kina oat
i'nnV .f,...?i,.T,".'" r"-
, v, i-i vuu' Hiinn.
wararet had Ueom, f,e,jUent and welcoma, H"
visitor at tba fraud house n the ", h, ,
pablMIss n.teb.r'B luinest i i.h i' deiiou ! I'" !
wrirs wnilf ineir laniiues Biarfen, our r.trniers pi-niiiTrn. (i ... ,
wlthoul a ninkel, tneir piM.lnee rt.ttliis, while The deslrn to Kfu lc Pfe In the mallei t . -uiw t
ihetr lands, rich with harvest, were s,..t tor) S';rihcrn Stales eunved bun I-ele ii. bis af loni libas redo
l.irrs, min iiii.iiui.iiin, i,ik-i-u ,., K, , . n n - i... , r n i ..r t ll i lln.-ll no nnscic .' f lion .ula 1.1 le.lst r.
r 6-il loislit.t
It market, no. I
iwheu ll ;..e.s op n few cent,. -b ps il,t.m In. I be
pllrctiiieur bete Mi Detroit will t.av tin, rreleti!
miuiei i j and du. y snd will de ln-t that fivm the sun ed
rest,.,, up,,,, .riie an l rem, l ibe l,ln,;.. to the d tier.
iin-'o Is c.uT.ed -ii.
I o! Iiii.-r I Is In w a ,
.to il
abroad lu order l live. Ku-di hare a'wavs lsen his i-inber.i home,
ha raaiilts of free trsda pert.sla, and If tl: tariff; '"l. ' i rllvl- j; anc it curiously trot". Peiion lo
la tbrestene.t 1, for one, will never support S"l,J,1s Kiotcher as f !: t ilued' np-nt, an.t half
'ttipstrlotlc a p.illcT." l.t. the tnenuliii; ot what Tliorpg. Hi icner was
Well." driwle l Ocllrla. "wa Fhgtlalt main-'Say uu.
Istn thai you Amarleans should oitifins y.oir at I llo n-w till nod fi-m Klelclicr .nut iid l-i Bsod
leetion in ii'ini uipe'n, nun i tkii kiihw; mat 'lis simi'i
r'i. il ti.'uld be a
. k .act cff... 1-. b it I e
1 the i iie.t of b-ih e
u 1" lo J) I'er ecu l.
Irl Billtf
111 (.1111
Sole a-ff-rstls.
lll'.:isit 1'imid.ffiuli St., Now Yorli
Froicctiia-VViiat Is It?
ninoutiilkf aleji.m to ldol ,iry. and alreuil...
Ibe fa. b.ry dlteoiiieuud lliilrtnnr. 1.... .......
as to the marked favorl lsai shown MeJii-V. ' ' A'alkor wse aafliiir to me a short lime tin -e that
Vy Wr.l'.eu.'her. tba niaeivr of the work. iif R" rettrlcilona were ramorad from acrbul
the rllmst of tills couniry la not fitted for insu
lin, lour rrent American statesman.
Handolph, declared yests ako that manii-
fa.'lurli.f wss a curse tntha nalion, and inanv
f your beat men of to-tar nirres wllu him, Mr,
one video, da
tura, with your fertile s., II, you could feed and
clothe the pontile of the world, and 1 believe
'1 bat are's n of T.vlff let; :n;l -n wl.irh levlen
di.lios on liiipoiiH sti.-h us me a te.pia!,. n.e.i.
l.lbi'sll and ln.t.ot.liu iadillries. ll,t.rirhi4; li!eu
W...-S laie.rere. is . all. .1 I'.iiM'Ri'i uis.
'Ibe nineiiiit i f iloii needed is'
siman nam- mined by the dl(Toi oikim In Iho c..l of pr,sliu-.
.ti ti. ii..:ii- im'i n ruaii.
1 .ro., ..n. ,,. r... ." .. . 1 i.i.n wnoes tiara.
trouble Is lh t. us a i,,:i., , , V., i " : .. . .... .. , ' "lrr "nd
delllenou Kb ..f lil-nar dileal tra tltluna "
"Miss t.'leieli.-r. y mulil plan t-me of i,!ir
t.ui-.ii. nn as iii me-so sma.l lnns ir yours.
i".i .i mo. ii . oi neon i, lore i-lsiiim
lot ; y hi nro too n h m."
Mien Hevher soil!.. I I
om luce a i
o'.MUse o l Of e.-iV's il'y;2, , k;,,.
h,,,.l th.,, .I.inl l-.U. ......1 . . . . K
Tbo I, lei bel,.,." I,.,. .1...- ! "". " ij .ti eooill iu
, , , i- i...,., in. ii. weium io keep our niiir. nj
Wb-h to clierlpli le.iliviiltii.llii- i,. ,,.i. . - . .'
irs. ninni r.iit'i-.t'iir- lire in I. or Ollllti'l l" c' 'T I o OHIO! t.i:li on t ie fa- ,,r In.
- t ouri
Walker's ri-ee trtide theories," sneered Flstehar.
" and I cannot say tha' I blame them, li la the
old cry of the cotton king and foielk'u m.iuti
,. i w,nn.i. i. th--i. . : oe-oiti eif o
- ' IKiwerto enact rmtert... ...T-i. '.'""'"'o"-' """t. "ul" " re.ente-i bv ever,
which thev haidaa - rwerirone-v puiriimo American c u.en. aK,icollatv
teiM.nd.aea. Ik . " "r 'h- would only be oi sectional bener.t, and
oni.t n. k. ....... .. . l".wr mans us wni we are ueeiine.i lo ne, its reale-ii
ist .i.hi which, i t,,,;, ,. : "V .V" . ? ...IX:!1
an te. lh ... ... . ' ""- ." 7 """"Ii pr.Hiuois.
- " ""''"ai enia 'a home nisrkst. aud ueceut we,s ,,r imr woik
Ki rt s o mi. im..
earth. Who has said t!
al '
AlmIu. I' It CDS'
. lot
" wur-.. abr i.i.
lenlV ..nil s Ihi.i.aI , .
irr-w or.'ilt is fa. ,r..t..- ron ier In... ii,i ,t, lp r...... . .
vorablo t-ii i-werful iudivbluaiiivr n.... : ... '.' t.. .:. . . .. oiisbel
., ,. . . "i" i,tii i.iivi.i, ii..i leu mj oi." is i i,.;e,
a World of iruili in It for t rrii space it fsisi 'n,,.,...,.: ,,f ti.i i ...,. ,. i,.,....:
se. As In- If a dut) Is Imposed on miv nrtlel
listing i-ur, the dtlf-ieu''" !". Ui cost of or-doe:
t the
to coiicaoiriill.
dlvl'lnnbi wo s
all vitality noon t
can others. Is it o-i iv
i or inoiicnt ..r p. u p.
rk belior by not eh
io mill) tl illes. If a,. Uv,
-er I- havo Hie im
Oh. you msniifactui ais are te.-. narroi
iietif only i bnsi coin h-pe lo sne all."
"I 11'feo with Mr. I'evlen. a.ll.l Miss H'bdier
! have piirp'sely cnrfnlf I my en n w..r!,. f,,r j
havn found that by ih-nnc a lilt eld, :t .f.-,."
" I bat tli y. ul eay to fM,.v phili..opl,ers.
Miss tlthel, who cntlemti lour wumau'r mis.
oil ai.illf sinllltiniy ..iili.i, c .1. (l-ilvie. ' Voii
less th,,,,
,, it ...... i
..-" "' " ' .-'i.i.j.o:,is pe, minl! a 1 r-ie.-tue duly ..n a r.i.le of pin, b, ,-, np,,'
".,s i ..-. rvi j.ii, lie till no; l.o I'l-Iei'llou'
at nil. I
A lYi.tcetlre TorlT syeiem not onlv in -nns
hlu'li duties oil s. nie tliln-s, :ie,'.i.. ,pu
oUiei n, and even low tluties ou curiam in tp ies
hut ll litems no duty nt allou HiKb think'- us we
cairn t produce or m intarline In sniii..i., 1
Who emend ibai Tour uiiamlLieH for our mfn i...
ties are tie.ti nciive tor-e. nn te i sod c .rfa.'. for Instance, wo lew no i..
wiin p.Tt duly. fr wa cunnol raise tuom 'tn this
we nor eur rhlldnea lo lha
thin, ere aeomad to wee.
. raarint a critical f .(ut In the
hleh Tha ii.m-V.V,i i.r. 1 i T '""' rsnlcannol lake s renv.nsole, vlsw of know there aio tlosie
1M4 had reamnaea i. ,k ,...,. ,,v"Tnnl'"i ef.thlots. yawned OTITIS. "I p.,.lt,viy tall to harmless, p-et iv char
nosltha. m.71n- . Li'.'f':rm """"r isoa how you can rouse you.aa.f ... vor tills. uu.lern.,u,( s .e.oty,
.riw-llealtieeirade. I'.dar ia. ...Vi1 M.ln."uau you had her while land. Is s.,wl.u the seeds nt future ..., ry
hfii protaetlon hsd rattirai .V.. ..... . . i . 'J1" , . V- . .. " w"7 "nu " Uawiiipe-urn and mi-iry."
n.,ef every klkd bad become 7um;,: ''A . I otad'Ytit tlisve It." s,,hed rWn.e ,! , IVZ ' S "r:' J" r'. . "1''.
eropsaaV.'s;.'. r. M.h "r J"'?;1 ' VT7 "l""" ' r.spe,., ar.-o, Iti'dnl..,,,., ..rr.... .1 It Ve .-oa,:.,,- ""U""1
the peo".rte..Tba sbo.u4 ho.erahle r.... but a Ireaeheieue one I win flk.hI!to nt and the nr. sh..t the rac. Il.-w few men I A P.te,Hve Tariff, tlier. arc. tie,!.!., ,,e . .
Ta,T. riXker la, reiuea hi. I.,.. , MTl hre.tu I It by Odon.l Offilvle. If or v...,,:,-,, w mid Is, phllanthrop M- rtll not so.-,-0 of r-,.,,,,,. , s, J" N
tori. Jlvtaa . l'1 ,h "'oer.c.Ty Is l.idee.1 for the UrlfTot 'tl xiv.nn.s !. and lie nt the very .bore of .helrniricilurc and Innu.i.erabl. Z
fcun7riD..aJ Iwomr aad aaiofoi r"ft-" rr t,r epannlnifl Home? We cannot Ko ,, bread flUiot heisR loiM.lustrlee; ll enables us h. pay uii li h,, if
-uairy awa aa woiDrn. aaa. a emplojaieM ua aat man ay upa au eltrvion whl.h, If tt acnio IJ a siShtot hit peT,rty an4 iyatoal workwv.u high wss.e, thereby laaur i. a hoi
Fury person who It rt-4 to Free TraSO
Bluvery and favors AiueJioan Indailriul I Mia.
reiidciico e ui.4 tlirinmh the pulley ef I'ro
tuction, thuuld read tbo aoei.aientt ol.i:-lii
by tlia Aiiierlean I'roUsdlye TarltT Iarr.c. At
npiitrlniK- ollltsn It la your duty to plaoo these
dis'uuients lu Die bauds f your fneudt. They
170 Interesting and l ittiucllve, :id enil raee
disciiKSioni of ail phuM't of the Tariff a,.iv-i;oa.
Tho Jiivne pl.lsbs over tfl diffureut ids-n.
nicnls, cumpritiug nearly tm pmres f pbuniy
prmted, rarofuliy u'.itel and reliable tntorm.
lion. Among the nulliora of tbejie ttiwuinvnt
nro, Hon, Jam (. I'lHltie- Vt. VKin'c. tr
novernorol Ohio; Svtmtarr'. M. ' nllt.ei i f ilJ
Vr',; im' H' i,j""i.' N'brs.U: ,. u,f
jr.e.i.f kUike; Sn aUir laftv . e( .Notlb ;i..v.,..
v.'.'i"'. r il"T,f- Murr,l "' Vein., m : ., ,:,
si' " ,"". "t llll.e Issaa lion
T iHinits II. I lev. . f N,, , ,t, V
I'. Poller, of 11. .1.. . ...... ' " ." 'a
of the Airrinilt inil D, i.Hrti,,,..,. i- ..i".,
ii t ... -
iiiei.K " 7'k:JV.. L-.V; V' a.
os; 11. .ti. II. r. Jonri: li..,,. in i i,'.... .1
t r ).,
Mot. i iw tu,sr, to... wn ndtult free of dutr, fori
D- P. P. M iles.of New Vntt; ll.e 11,., r.,,.w'
This cutnplata set of dooimeTtts win bo ret
to ai: y address, antt , rsft. ,ii .......
A Mnt .tVjhnr r. Wnbaniau, Ctal.
Mk IfM JN twatt, lit TaU
IV) Cukta
"tefftaiy, K
5 )
will do well to note thoso jiointsi.
l'ootis hit rcittt'Htod to coinnuitii.
onto with the New York World for
further particular. Kx.
loimcl onty n otic cent piece mm a siinri
lead pencil during his term of ofliee uud
is disgusted with jMilities. Lewiston
to the worknieii and evidently is firm
in his heliof that to Mr l-'rick i-s to
lie attrihuted all the trouble hotwoon
N- K. Cor 14th and Douglas Sts
witn imf nn. nvirnnMnv iimii t..
Afl.lnHfill nirul to ECLIPSE PORTRAIT CO..
f I. H. We will fnrfttit 111.) tn nnv nn.v
.r.. Tl.ilmre THIS
V a-. a sj DXl.HJlLil liiJA KII)
i n
i on Q