Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 14, 1892, SUPPLEMENT, Image 7

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1 -
Not a Nourishing lilrt.
Agril at Mm li t ii Wars.
They Made tlie First Tariff for Tlicii
Own Special Benefit.
tinder normal oju lltl .ns, our own peo-
consume all cur fimio rs proline.
Iheroare no more en 'h v i-t tract" of uiiooeu-
pled wheit lands as woie lro'j.,bl unJor cu'il
vr;i.n during tho last twenty yurs. and Hie .11
versif! -atlon of Ind uttry roeul::ug from coifis
lent Protection for a few years m re will l-i.-n
our tanners m a pn-iu.n hero prices i)f .heir
produce will bo regulated lu.lepoadontly of
erpool, l.usj'.a au.l India. 'VI. mi that tune
mos, and it !) r! at h ind, fanners will be
Ion. Thesi
art the teachings ..f cinin.ii house nr.. I expert
eu.e. Tin' only evideu.'e that em be produced
ag..lust them is tl.e Insincere, partisan va; or
lugs of Ihe Tioo Trade iiemu .ogao.
Forcers IcnefUcd by tho New Tariff
TTore and Eett?r All Wool Goods ISadej
iimu Lver licfo.-e.
Which Side To You CLoosat
LAND. Congross shall havo
power to luy ntid
eolloct tnx-s, duties
tl ileuls, provide tor
the common defense
and carry on tho gov
ernment of tLt Confod-
unit Stales; but no
bounties eh all be
granted from the
Treasury, nor shall
any duties or taxes on
importations from for
eign nation!) be laid to
promote or fus'er any
brand of Industry
Artictt 1, Satimt, clauit
1 of tht permanent Consti
tution of Vu CirfrJ;rate
Stain, alaplci when in
rtbtUun on March 11,
We d.-dara it to he a
fundamental principle
of tlio Democratic
party that the federal
government baa no
constitutional power to
enforce and collect
tariff duties oicept for
the purpime of revenue
ouly. Vm Platform of
Dtvuxnhc I'trty Aduptti
Junt 22, 1BU3.
the j
farmers' Votes Tluve Ever Sine" nrutnliied
Hie I'lotecttve f-y .teiiiH otv They llmr ""TO than ever Inl. reaie 1 In Pro.e
Ilriietlttcd Ity It (irrul Improvement In
Agi li uliurnl In ptr.y l ittler I'ltXtr-tiun-SlrlMng
Ki l Mi.nit Ai;ri nltnral
- ComlKiou iu tile "CooU Old Ti.ut-."
" frctcctlon was adopts.! ly the f. undors of the
Covernment tor the special purpixe of t one
Oiling farmers. The member? of the Urst Ton
ius were uoarly all farmers thciiioelvos or
Tipresented farming constlluenclps. Agrli'iil
,t ire was practically tho Industry of the
reoplo, and they saw their produce rot on their
iauds ynar aftttr year f. r want of n market for
ll. To croute a markot for this produce was tho
Irlme object of the early legislators. There wa
uotarobbnr baron aniotiR them. Their policy and exclavs tor revouuo
.was a farmer's policy pure and slmplo. l.utnr only iir"s!ti-v to nv
tbolr advocacy of Protection on their oellnf Hint
I: beucQtted the farmer most of all. We eliall
(uote from two only, Jacks .u and Calhoun,
fcoth Democrats. Hatd the former, lu advocacj
HI the Tariff of 1W4:
"1 will oak what. Is the real situation of the
agriculturist? Whe has tho American faraier
markot for hit surplus produce? T ike from
agriculture In tho United Status COo.ooO men.
Women and children, and you will at once give a
tnarkel f..r more brcadstuils than ail turopo
fiow tiirnlehea us."
He ondontiy understood how Protection hon-
filed the armor. Tho certain results of l'ru
tcolon, Calhoun said, would be :
"The farmer will find a rcaly market for his
urplus produce, and, what Is almost of equal
cnntte.iueuco, a certulu and cheap supply of all
Lis wants."
11 was no loss euro that Protection benefited
the farmer, becaiiKe he, like Jackson, had expo
rlunced the miseries of a lack ot domestic mar
lets tor farm produce.
Notwithstanding the teachings of all the great
talesmen of early times, our country has on
Several occasions experlinoutnd with low tariff.
in every Instance tho effects on agriculture
Wuro most dlnastrous. Ponator Ewlug, of Ohio,
peaking ot tho low tariff period lmuiediutely
preceding the Tariff of 1H24, said:
"Jn short, every portion of the world was
Searched by our Intelligent merchants, anil all
Combined did not turnltb a Uiatkel ailequato to
aur surplus productions.
"Every fat nior lu Ohio lonf knew and foit tho
pressure consequent on this stale of things.
Year after year their stacks of wheat stood un-
IhrAnheil. Hcurcttlv worth thA mnnliftl labor of
BsnAratlnff tliA trraln from Lha straw. So low
as It reduced in comparison with manufac
tured r.rllcles that I have known forty bushcle
I wheat given lor a pair oi boots.
Colton'B "Life of Henry Clay" thus describes
the wretched condition ot agriculture under
another cxporlmont with low tariff, before the
Vrotectlvo act ot 181i cam to the tanner's
"Iu some part of Pennsylvania the people
were obliged to divide bank notos Into halves.
Quarters, eights, and so on, and agree from
cocouslly to use then as money. In Ohio, with
all her abundance, U was hard to got money to
pay taxes. The shenlT of Sluslilnguru County,
as stated by the Uuerusoy Tmri In tho summer
cf M1, sold at auction one four-horse wagon at
Vi.Ul; teu bogs at d'i con Is each: two horses
(said to he worth $M to $73 each) at t- each; two
cows at$l each; a barrel ofsugaratfl.60. and a
tore of goods at that rate. In C'oruty,
Mo., as stated by the llnunlbul Jmrnul, the
Ihorl.T sold three horses at SI . .r0 each ; one large
OX at 12,'i cuius; flvo cows, two steers and one
calf, tho lot at $1.25; twenty sheop at 13s cents
each; twenty four bogs, the lot at 25 cents; one
eight day clock altl.aO; lotot tobacco, seven or
Ignt hogsheads, at 15; three stacks ot hay, each
at 25 cents, and one stack of fodder at 25 cents,"
Bo much tor our own experience with low or
revenue tariffs. England's example is no less
Instructive. Hefore bor adoption ot Free Trade
tier agriculture was the main source ot her
Strength and wealth. It was armies drawn
from English farms that Won her victories,
inade her couquoets and placed her In the proud
place she has occupied for centuries among the
nations of the earth.
To day, eleven million acres of the best
farm land In the world Is lying wasto In ling
land, 2im).(XX) persons annually leave the agri
cultural districts and tho condition of British
agriculture is simply deplorable. I'roeTiade
tins all hut ruined the English farmer, do li has
ruined the Irish farmer. Holt has dealt with
agriculture In India. In tact, our own exporl
ace and that of the whole world Is that a
revenue tariff means doath to the farmer's pros
perity. On the other hand, eoe tow constantly and
froatly the condition of American farmers has
Improved. Never hefore could they get so great
quantity of the things they consume with so
Small a quantity of the things they produce. Th
following comparison hetwt en former and pres
ent agricultural conditions shows how superior
those of the present are, and vindicates the
ledum of our early statesmen, who, at a tune
hen the farmer citizens ot the young Kopubllc
bad to exchange a wagon load of farm prod
Bco for a pair ot boots, so dire, ted the course
et legislation as to realize at the closo ot the
yilneuenth coutuir IU conditions bore
1PM. 1890.
It is In Free Trade r.ngl.iiKl w:,ero ftliodtl)
C.lMtll. Ahtllltlllill '1'r.ill. . .1. A..-..
lion Hint Our T, !,1 I ........ i. .i. . i t:umher have
. .. " M,
It! v t ill Miei.ueuu(y, ui lei) , II.
'" t'lieniin of lumettir t-ootis A'e ei
li. lore
A rrltlcltm upon tho domc-Mc mfinfacturors,
relteiattul du hs the tleo.iie In tun :Iouo o.'
WASIUSOTOS ASD n.VU-,1: piCiciitatU -s. Is that tm w Ml t irilt had
'W'N. drl'-on them into a l.iuien.ahle ue of 6ho.;dy
W hereiH, It is necos and oll.or &ul-tt tutes for Wi, .l, that tho ch.ii.ic
sary for the support of I tor ot don est i fabrics ha 1 rapidly tloi. rloralo 1
.vornmeia ...I Un-iand that he Aiue: lca-i pu..ide can no lonccr cl
tlltcliR- go of the debts
ot the Unite J States,
and the encouragement
and protection o f
noiinifa.-ti i rs th at
dntlns be laid u; on
goolls. c. III
Flint hl.)' ,,!.( Sti,H'il
July 4. 17J.
t'otiros i has repeat
edly and not wlthocl
sue. . -s directed Its at
tention to the en
courgoniei.t if manu
facturos. The object
Is of too much con
sequonco l.ot to Insure
a c i.iUnU'.nce ,,f Us ef
foils in every way
which shall appear
eligible. r' uni'-pe
lu.ft.n.iiTO'i Si ft fi t (Vu
V'e bollevo that a'
articles which cannot
be produ ed lu tho
United Statoi, except
luxuries, ehotild be ad
mitted free of duty,
and that on ail Imports
cornlnir Into competi
tion with the products
of American mbor
there should bo levlod
duties equal to ths dif
ference between wages
abroad and at home
from J'Uitform of .imfi-
li'cim I'm i n, A llied Junt
VI, inyj.
Watch the Tin-Plate Market.
The welsh manufacturer who la selling his
tin-plates at present low prices could tell the
American Free Trade "reformer" a thing or two
about who pays the duty. Tho Amrr,con. Manu-
ltirtwer t urnishoa the following conipurleoa ut
pneos :
Pricti o Btitmer Stert Colt Finish I, C. Tin Piatt,
f, 0, P., itl'TJJOOi.
1S91 1801.
a. d a. A.
Jan. 1st week 12 6
13 0
Amount, per ct.
irteat, per bushol.. $0.44 $1.05 $0.61 H0
Cats, per bushel.... 0.15 0.44 0.23 V)i
Corn, per bushel.... 0.20 0..VJ 0..12 100 1
Duller, per poiiud.. 0.12 0.24 lnO
Cows, per head 13. 0 40. l 2(5 00 lt;6
Hay. per ton 6.00 10.00 6.00 loO
farm labor, per m'U S.oo 20.00 12.00 150
Average Increase.. 14t
rmcM of TDixoa r.tRMKia bct.
190, Amt, cent.
.'.(! $10.00 8:1
3.7S 12.28 70
4 00 11.00 Ti
0.1)0 024 HO
0 Uoi o.n1; 74
0.60 6.M VI
Kalis, per 100 pounds.. .$12 oo
Broadcloth, por yard . . . lfi.00
Woolen blankets, pr. pr. 15.00
Cotton cloth, per yard.. 0 u)
Calico 0.25
Suit, por barrel C.uO
A voi ago decrease "'J
00 buhol wbeat would buy pound
00 bushels corn would buy yards
broadcloth 1W
100 pounds butter would buy pairs
Woolen blankets
1 cow would buyymdscot:on cloth.
1 ton hay would buy yards calico...
I month farm labor would buy bar
rels salt
For some years back American agriculture
as depressed, though In lea-i decree than
agriculture lu foroUu countries, because of
tverproductlon. Th true traue domagugiio
look a.ivauuige oi too situation to urge las pet
theories upou farmers, who more steadfastly
than any other class of ciil.cns havo turned a
deaf ear to tho free trade siren and formed the
innlu bulwark of American protection from the
time of Washlngtou down. Tlio dom.igogue as
urcs them thai theromcdy for their Ids Is to
tie sought In foreign markets tor their produce
It Is exactly the argumeut used to persuade
them to consent to a revenue tariff In lMiG. Hut
When that tariff had been voted they di.ici.verr d
bow thoy had been tooled. Said President I PI
tnoro In his annual message lu l'ect-mber, lull,
flvo yours aflei the low tariff bud been inaugu
rated: "Tho t 'luoof our exports ot bres ljtufTs and
provisions, which 11 was supposed Mo Incentive
t a lew Tariff and large In-por.allons from
broad would have greatly augmented, has
fallen from $i'.8,iiUO,000 In 1M7 to $21.C00.(k)O 111
1851, with almost a certainty ot a still further
reduction In 1852. The policy which dictated a
low rule of duties on foreign merchandise, It
as thought by those who established It, would
lend to benefit the farming population of tills
Country, by Increasing the demand and raising
lbs price ot our agricultural products In toielgn
markets. The foregoing facts, however, seem
to show, lncoutestahly, that no such result has
followed the adoption of this policy."
And no such result would follow a repetition
St the experiment now. Our misfortune Is
that wo have to send loo much ot our agricul
tural produeo for sale iu foreign cnuutrles. Util
w aro r q.ldiy go: ting .cr that dilTtculty.
Hear.) eppi a. ;.m.: v.ry p tho hue
tain all-w .ol ,; A.d t, but aro deirai ile 1 and ue
eeivt-a bytue adulterated fubrles forced upon
This charg' Is wholly fi'l-e. It ortrlnntos In
Icnornn. e of the conilllions and the adutneo
ot wool nianunti'tura In all couniiios.
Theccnu is thows that there were mnnnfa.'
tiinitl lu the United st-i;es, lu in), l n i , s. jt;. t
square yards of all-n ol and wor"ed, tu'
Uie mill valuo of $.vj. 114 V.i..; t.f mixed goods
that Is, of goods Into tue narp.T llllingof winch
. or c. ttoii was .ar.lo.l with wool fsl C.r.',-t-
2 squure yards, of the mill value of $.l,!ir.h'.r. ;
and of goods Weven upon cotton wcrps. PU.iIoh,.
is. -q-iare yawls, of I'm mill vu'.ue of ;:i,:is7.imi.
There was now a II men hen the proportion
of ell-woo g la made and worn lu thhi country
as larger in eoni nrl.ion with the inlM-d and
c. tb u goods w. rn than at present.
l'hls Is e::t inordinary In view of Urn fact that
tho use of shoddy or renovated wool has rea lie 1
Utrrmbcr 7, v,'rJ ,lil-'u dt-ve! pmeut wllhlu rocoul years,
parucuiany in tngniuu.
Rheddy Is utlll.ed abroad to nil extent tin
dreamed of and uiiappiv iched by our own man
ufacturers. The quantl y of shoddy con utmed
by tho brltish nianiitaci urer Is vastly p. ex
cess of the quantity iim I by our own, while
both upo nearly the mmo amount of wool. 1'bev
have an. lined a sU til lu com enl'ng Its presonce,
lu utlll.iug wastes wo still ihr iw ,-iw.iy, and In
comuiuing tnoin with rresn material that no
mills In this country can equal.
There were In (lieat Urltaiii In 1M9 (f,ee offl
lal roturns under tho r'aetories ami Work
shops act") l'i'i shoddy mills, employing 4,50.1
persons, as compnreu wun mo 2,211 poisons eni-
ploycd In our W ehoddy mills lu iH'jo. No
onidai return la made of the product of theee
mills, but from other data accjs-llda It Is esti
mated to exceed by four limn tho t .tal con
sumption of shoddy lu all the woolea mills ot
me ijuiio.i mates.
While 8.2H,2Wi spindles In the Hulled States
consumed over 4.hj,ou(i,(' 'li i.ound- of w.l In into,
over 6,(ki,iio spindles In the wot .en and worsted
mills of Ureal llrllaln consumed but 47i),lHKJ,uoi)
poumls of wool. A considerable propotl n of
this great discrepancy may be explained by the
larger production of line counts of yarn lu that
country; but It Is evident that to keen theso
i,u spiuiues supplied Micro must nave been
enormous quantities of shoddy and Ootton pass
tug o.or tuem.
These statistics prove that the duty on wool
lias uotning lodo wun the c impai alive quan'i
tie of wool and substitutes for wool usod
In the Industry, here or eleotrhcre. From every
point of view the same conclusion Is lrreslstlbly
iorced upon us. Tho Auuiicuii people, with
laxoq wool, use every year two pounds por
capita more wool than the people ot Ureal
brita'n, enjoying the advantago i f free wool
and our per capita consumption of shoddy is
mucu smaller than that ot the people.
Ths raanufacturo of nduHerated goods Is not
primarily the work ot iho manufacturer hlni
toll. These goods, like others, are ma le upou
orders; they i o made and sold because there is
a demand tor them. Ihere Is a ttemand fo.
Philosophy of Buying at Home.
I am a bs'levor In ths rlithts of niT own homo
first my own town, theu my own county, then
my owu muu, tnon myown country, and when
I um looking around for some country to boy
cott I alwajs select some forolirn country.
(Laughter and applause.) Ths prev.iillug public
spirit of ths We il is Illustrated by this clipping
i.-oin nn inuepenoeui low newspaper:
"Let Codar ltaplds people stand by Cedar Rap
ids people and Cedar liaplds Industries; wheel
your baby lu a Cedar lUplds carriage; pump
your wa er witu a Celar ltaplds punip; tilu:li
your horse with Cedar ltaplds harness ; build
with Cedar IUpl Is brick; employ Cedar ltaplds
contractors and builders; use Cedar ltaplds on; milk In Cedar ltaplds palls, and strain
as-ay tho ml k lu a Cedar ltaplds cooler; alt on a
Cedar ltaplds cushion; eat l odar ltaplds perk,
beef and crat-kera; tiset'odar ltaplds flour and
oatmeal; marry a Cedar Itapl Is girl, at d whet,
you d.e nave a Cedar ltaplds monu.nent erected
to commemorate your loyalty to your home
Applaus and groat laughter.
I have no doubt that this Is alao the prevail
ing business creed ot every wldo-awak com
munity 01 Nebraska. Not long ago ws hud a
splendid stock farmer running tor Qovoruorof
Iowa, and the Democrats slartol story to the
effect that he everything In Chicago in-
sieau or 111 me village near wnicn he resl.lsd,
and we ha 1 to fill the newr.nai.ers with aaidavlts
denying the charge, so universal Is the popular!"10"1 because tho people who use tlu in find that
couiempi tue mail wno goes back 0 llui;'""0" "o muj siiau aim nvi vico
neighborhood In which he Uvea, And that feel
ing is won founded, for while one tumorous
sot of mea might p isilhly make a Utile some
thing It they weut away from horn with their
f ane, yet, if everybody did so, the whole com
mtr.illy would be luvolvud In a common bank
ruptcy, ana the beautiful and tiirlvlug Utile
titles 01 Iowa and Nebraska would return to the
ipon prairie flora which they came. Oouarai-
man DMivtr,
able, and well worth the niouuy th. y com. 11
wool was free, this demand for a fabric cheaper
than all-wool would continue, and would be mot
lu tue same man 1101 as now.
1st week.
2d " .
8d " .,
4th .
6th " .
1st " .
21 " .
8d " .
4tn .
1st " .
21 ' .
3d " .
4th .
6th " .
1st " .
Id ' .
81 .
4th " .
1st " .
2d ' .
81 .
i. d.
16 8
This cryacalust wool substitutes Is malnlv
founded on lguoritnco. The utilization of wastes
Is as legltlmuto In this Industry as In any oilier.
In every other It Is Commended by the very
economists who Insist that In this particular ll
Is un evidence of degradation and dete-loratlon.
Tho dlscovory that animal and vrgotable fibers
can re co.nnine.i in a warm, uurabio and hand
orno fabric has been a boon to mankind and
womankind, not equaled, perhaps, by
uae occurred since tue invention ot auloinalh
lentil machinery.
The utlllatlon of wood pnln In the m.inn
focture of paper has enormously extended Its
use and Increased the educating power of the
prln'.lng press. Just so the use of substitutes
for wool has added to the comfort of IminanUv,
There could not be paper enough made without
the use of w.wd pulp 10 supply Hie dem and. and
there Is not wool enough grown In tho world to
(jlpropenycioine i:io pe,,j.:o i..naiiittng rigorous
Itllm Tu' used 1'ietr 'ZaiUet l-.xnclly n
It IVn liit-mlf.l lu do.
Xsfl.s.'.tlo In the whole McKlnhy Mil wis
.ei.'dwi'h greater cira or l b in.m Jierl:u-
In . Hon 'baa il.e s-he.Pa: of lutl-s on agrl
cultura. j Iticu ntl provisions. Not on iy did
farm. it-s u:ul a .-rlculiura: ,.ci..tlt.s wi. limit
Leei tu - I t fore the Wavs nn 1
.ins 1 oii.ii.ltte, ton t!c members of that
co'imii.tco tl ein. elves Sa ot no little time an
.aiior In the e,..,.,;rui t,,, r A dchedulo that
would g!v" the Amei c in fat mer more thorough
Prole 'Hon end a bet. . r 1, old on the home mar
kei. Thaith Ir ert u-ts .11 1 not result In failure
nehonnby tl.e f. lion ', g ihl.i giving the itn
porin of varl.ais toinpiu eg farm products (
dnlshed prod't.-ts of wbl.-h ihe raw
..inptiles' u the years 19 end IS1' the ye irs
imnit dl .tt ly t rt l'n and f!l,,tvliiL' the ei
'ictmioit of the M.-Klnley hill -together will
:buugfs in rates of duly made by the now law ;
Tariff Nuo-o-ets.
t !-:.' 1 1: :. !? '5 1
V ' J. J. :. s -1 w ci j' ?t
c T M :i" -. i- t -f 'o .) n ci ? si
7X - 10 (e -' l - i - r-
2 s
:fi - if,".
s a ' .
c ' ' .
Z - -j i :
o v ;
. o
c .
h it
11'S l 'aler of Mr. Cleveland's foreos In CM.
igo, and 'be one above all others he en t.iinK
' ii l,t. nomlnnlb n. Is a lypl.-al nion..n.i,uj
i.ililioaalrn, the practical owner of New York's
'-rcf. railway system ami a leading spirit I t
i,o inftnstrous Htamlar 1 oil ..ombina ..n. Vet
.nr. C'. wi'l w j iio can li.".;-V,.e
emmon pe.j.,, jt racing uureloullui: war
on trusts.
Imports free of duty. 5j cent of the total r
jlltnpotts dutiable, 4 per cent of total. Such
ii. in., siory oi me nveive ui 'iilht ot out' foreign
i.a In ending May il.
Komestlti exports were so "strangle 1" hv the
M Klnley TuritT durln 4 the mouth of May thai
thoynmy reached He Im'.o 1, JJtT, to wlilcli ,iiuh
be added . i.:i;.7,.".H of foreign exports, a total ot
fl nj 12 'X. 1,62 1. Wtjoau et tud a great deal ut that
1- i li 1 of atraugulaUou, say the Aiuerlcau pooplo.
To riimher of depositors In savings hanks la
tho V mied states Is 4.2. ",-jr.3; the amount of de
p :ts. l..v..,i,tiift, all tlin ave.-nge to e it'll ils fi'.h.ui. Tin number of depositois lu
sivlngs banks In (Irent Pi irtln Is 11,715,000; the
amount of .hq is, . til iieu.uoo, ut d the aierago
to uaou dep, l 14.2H.
tec u-.llug lo the leport of '.lie Special gent of
Ih ) United Mates I' re isury i.i; -Into 1 to laves
Hi, He Iho tin pluielndiistry. tlieio were nude In
tln.'.hioo mouths tr on .lai uarv I to Mar. h ill.
I s.i.', ;i.oii.es7 p.. nn. In i f tin pint -. Tbo latest
dgiirrs show that there are t.tenty two linns
u.;.liia sisiclalty of tin plate niauufaei are,
nh.le various others ninnufaciuro ll as it by
pio.luct. Wire n ills nnvn been sold bv Wettnrn mills at
$1 "si per keg of nun huioliod pounds. 'I hero Is
pilies. ilirfereiico le tweeu this tl-ure mi l the
Sin a beg at which they used to sell when we nil.
it-ved tee blessed privilege uioler practical Uroti
I' a le iu ti'itlsof buying them where we could
buy the cheapest.
The tax which Is placed on coTe.i by the Iirlt
ltd free I'ni. In Tanff Is 4 esnls per pound,
i here Is not n family in (treat Ui iialn -even
-.hough it be ihe poorest and hn.nbb st worklng
uiati s llict tl .es ii"t conirltiulo lowaid the pay
ment of this tux. Iho burden of .hese Uroe
1'ia.le TarliTs always f ills heaviest o.i those
least alio i to bear It. Vet the Ueiiioci Uc iarty
has Ju-t . I. .eland lu Its platform thai this Is
the only kind of tariff which Is not u uistliti-
tloiia!. Ho tho American people waul taxed
c .itee, taxed tin and t-ixetl sugar? It so, thoy
will elect the l'e.uocratio ticket.
;ry Month
. suffer from turrstfs or
ualion; they don't knew
e in to get proper advice,
in anybo-ly but try
o Rsgulalor
lor PAIftFoL. PROFU'jE.
VOMAV ' ir.a.b-u free.
n't -VoK CO., Atlanta. C,.
t .. I Hr .....I...
exo-s .ars 11 1 ri in mta esisfi
w i. I''" ploini t iitl.-i.ln -
lillb-tetl lo I, 1 1, lip,,.,.
Mde. I'lalt-n i.,,.i,
e L(.'irlmr
on liiiini ever) rli in
furnish ynur liouu.
Although the articles given lu this table aro
nut a tow or iho many that, compete with tbo
products of American farms, they a,.0 ououpli to
snow (hut the effect of the M -Klnley l ai irf has
'eon to greatly docreise agi i 'ul:,ui'al
.in.., ... i.iDiii,iiiui i.i mat noc e io. lo h it iui..iu.. . . -. . . . .
money Into the pocnetsof our farmers. Wo also-Z.Z, T ,T,i ' 3 l. " . " !':' ' "
The free trader Is verv careful not to see Ihe
jfall iu wages In ihe Uiigiish Iron Industry. Ao-
'or. nng ut mo iron iv.i.t,- ro.iifu.' suiiplenieiit
of .laniiiiry 111. pud Hers' wages wero reduced In
the North of Hngland Iron trade as follows : III
Inly, I sin i, from j HI to $1 07 ; lu September, to
Jl.u.i; lu Moy, Ism, to II. SU. and In Mooioin ,er
uth -
ee mat agricultural producers have ta'.eu the
ai vi e so often given them I. y the Proto :tl..n-
ts'.s, to diversify iheir ccpt by raising the
things for which tho new I arllf luw guatiutcoB
ih un a nplcndhl market. Ins'oad of tliode of
which tlieio Li a supo: ihi'iidaut supply, l ot
the farmer continue his go. si work It. torn direc
tion and It will be but a short time before f ..reign
...... m .o ',.''. .i"pt.o.ii u. -j win no a ui.iig:i7 ojn.iHio.diio
a um pti-.t. i i o.ipi'1 ut i.r American riu iiiei-.-.
will b( the watch-iioid In Iho coiioug cunipalgn .
and th only way lo ueoure It is to vote lor Pro
tection a candidal s next November.
The averago annual tleereami In tho national
debt ot Hid United siiilus during Iho decs le ex
cco.lod IIOU.ishi.oki; tho tle.'rease per capita of
coinbni.'d listloiial, htato and local ilelit dining
the sums period was from $ji..7.i to u..n, whiio
other statistics show thai Iheva.uoof properly
is..hieu loriuxaiioii iiicroast j incau wliile from
lo $J5.ii0u.uo.l.iKn). or .il) nor cent..
indicating a reduction of public d. bl, and
lucreiwe of wo.tith tor the ooiiutry unpre
. e leulud nl least lu lUoduru tlmos. iVimui AV-I'nit,
J()..L : HANK
Great Fortunes Not I'adt in Protected
No srgiimont Is more constantly dinned into
tho ears of our pimple by Ires Trade ilsma-
g .gii "S, and none appeals more strongly to
Ignorant iiml prejudiced inlnd i, than tlioasser-
t faclllilfs for the promt'
tloii of llgltiniHle
Protection BrcadH Pioiperity. HllsillOiSS'
lion that Protection Is responsible for ercatl . . V V 1
a cumul itionsof wealth and' It , '. mce aira'thai t . liel .H,: 1-l i;';'
into the hands of a fo.v men. Vet no Hi gutneiit W " 'l'V ',J n
Il hns been truly said that Iho gates of Castle
Harden swing Inwn .i. No man or woman who
Is struggling up tin hill of life tor a con. potency
mid contort e-er h s occasion to s'lue tlintn
out. None doMlr t ieave this bind or Proteo.
tl .ii and plumv for ihe poverty and wretched-
ssnsss fr ui
lun. I of tnelr
ton we till, lest men In the Unltod'-s, t. gstli
with tao bualueijs or In.lmiry lu which ihelr has been acquired:
llliaul aldorr Astor. real estate: .lav floiild ., ti legr idis, uud pe -iilatloii : J,,bn D.
iiockeieiio.', ou ; Cornelius vaiiderullt rail
roads; William h. Vaiiderhllt. i a.ll'o llenrv
M. llagler, oil; John J. Iilulr, railroads and
hanking: Knseoll Si.go, railroads and specula
tion! dills P. Ilunliuglon. railroads: William
ItocUefoller. oil.
Without nn exception, these tortures hive
been aiuanBod h men engaged lu occupations
not In anyway protected occupations that nave
no more connection with th" Tariff than wth
the spots o:i the sun. I he rapt I miililplica
tlonot woattu Is the natural rosuilof ths develop,
monl of our country's resources, lu which devel
opment ot railroads and tolegraphs have played
a prolnlnout part, and the effect or which has
iieeu to greatly auginaut the value of real estate
it Is nothing bill pure demagogy which would
make Protection resp .nslble.
Freight ILites Have
Under Protection.
clluiatos from the M moriU ai.h'.-if I fo the .Vcs.
ate ly tKe Yil.on if itioevifiVni of Wnot ifi.macmr
ert ojipoKd to the Frtt Wool bill
, .
Who Are the Free Traders
But who are our freo traders? They are not
found much among our Industrial classes, cer
tlttlllV 11. it ml. .,.(. I n ......... m. I
"jducors. They aro compose.l of pro-slavery the )
0 rists, who can uover forget what they learned
! before the war; doctrinaires and dreameis.who
have a supremo couieupt tor facia aud prac
J Ileal rosulm; foreign Importers, who can see
JiLotlilng isiyoud their own peisoual gains; news
naoeri. which are the nitl.i.1.11 A bii..i...... ,.r
foreign manufacturers and inorchauta: the
Cobden Club, representing Urltlsh Interests and
carlni; nothlne- for Hi nMlfnia if .or tA.ivj.
Now, the McKlnloy lncreaso In duty was $1.80 the honor and glory of our country, and tue pro
a box, and we find tho plates soiling $1 to $1.2o!iirllleb nomocracy.
less than a year ago, The f iiilguer pays that The tollers and producers of our land, they
much of tl.e Tariff by lowering prices lo make whose Intelligent labor makes tho wealth aud
allowances for it to the American buyer. When grealnessof our country aud the prosperity of
a iow inoio aniericuu tin uiius goi unaor way, our people, aro Dot nmoutf lueia, (owyrtttntin
uonti. j.uj .. nit. IJtflOlKtTI.
The results of Improvements lu lake trans
porlatlon In reducing prices are strikingly
shown In the report ot Chief it rock of the
bureau of wiallsllcs by a comparison of Ihe fall
In freight rates during a series ofyuais. In
has been during the tivonty seven years
since In, V subject to teiupoiary variation and
till tuatiom, u etei. ly utlvance In Iho rates of
wages, u steady rediicliou In the cost of labor
pur null of product, and a corresponding reduc
tion lu the price of goods of aliuoit every kind
to the consumer. Htn-ant At'.mioii ',. J'rmlri l .
fit .t iy '..rum.
The American laboring classes are far bettor
paid, belter fed, belter clothe 1. bettor taught
and happier than iboeo of trance, and still
more no than thtHO of other countries lu Kt
rop. Ills almost discouraging to have lo go
hack to my country and paiuta picture In my
report which shown such a eoiitnis; bniwooii the
.miidlllo u of things In America aud In Franco.
- I 'aiil Dttcliiitul, .."-iuV t'uiiumxiiiifiur of th -Vin' A
t'tuimbfr t.f iffmtui to invtHttjtr tt conititum oj
workinqmrn inttie UiuVd A.uf.-.., IssiJ.
In no event can tho growth of largo fortunes
ho laid to the charge ot the Protective policy.
Protection has proved a distributor of great
nuns ot money, u a an agency for aina.isiiig It
iu the hands of a lew. 'Ihe re olds of our sav.
lugs banks and building associations can bo up
p.sile.l to In support ot this slalemeul. The
Is-noili of Protection govs first and last to tlio
men who earu th' ir bicad in the awout of their
faces. Jan 1 G. UUum.
Id. goveriiment and local r e
I sold. Deposits received
owed on the certlllcales
liable In any part of the
all the principal towns of
nee psiii for County War-
aim Counly bonds.
4 I). Hawkswortr
V. K. Wblie
rge K, llovey
h. Waufi.
til Cklf'
J. W. J(,
C Irl El lo,)
How Protection Lowers Prices.
Woolen goods are lower then 'hey woro before
ji.iji. in ,. i. . .....ff : ..
IH'JO tl.e averag.rat.of lake freight on a bushel lV i. ' . . r Zu.t., 1 .hi- V , . a
used 1 1' the maeses; and It Is also the fact that
if coru between Chicago and buffalo was 1.11
cents: lu 171 the same service oust 7 cents a
Ousliel; lu 1W9 It cost ljf, cents a bnsiiel. Tl. e
average season rate ou coal from llulTaio to
Dululh and Hiierlor In 120 was 89 4 ceuu per
ton. and 1 1 1S91 31.8 cent per tou. rom Novein
her 10. ls.d, to tlin close of navigation, coal was
oarrlo.l from to Dululh, a of a
thousand lulloe, for Id rents per i..n. In 1 91
bvbi y wmlcii mill In Hit country and every set
..r wool, manufacturing machinery la to day
miming, ahoreas a quarter ot them wore silent
lu ltf-8.
Now, whr.l Is tho explanation of this fact which
cannot be deulod? Kt elrlog to gel an explana
tion, I wenl to a leading manufacturer who. I
th rate on coal bv lake from IlufTalo to Chi. in "'" " ".''."'" "''aiinriy run
durln the entire season was from ....Jdown In is... w hli In ist'l tie was r.iniilng every
.1.1. r...r I.... ....I IC "PllllUO. IS
W .loliiM.n. i: s i.i, hM.j
um. M Mono;. ,i
W VV. . ,K:. I v.
sixty cents per ion, and the average searou
rate was rxt cent ;r ton. in ist the avorag.i
rale was $1.1)5 per ton. in 1W7 11 cost an aver
age ia $t.i5 per ton to carry Iron ore from
(tecanaha to J.ake line, lu lri7u ihe same ser
vice cost $2.50; In lKe9, $1.1.1, and lu, Bj -cuts.
During the season of 121 the rale from Ks :.tnv
ba to iMko Erie was ut limes u low us ui coma
per tou.
Whore is
tho World's
TVlilr" Jl)vA!lt rilirlllllfl tlMllltf tliA WArtallifl
Ithe wind! In C.iiUP( tloat is ft .tilt inrt coin j trln evwry partl.;l of itr. hlm-ry I havo;
The Tariff Not a Tax.
'frjEUJT 0 N
CAUT li'.331V
.Vy ,.t-Vssi'v' A',.JU9 T
eUTTMfJlT fik
6AKRCL fx.
tLojivr 'it
muni y who live from tho ivory manufacturing
business. And where Uo you suppose ll.ey gel
their Ivory for nianulaoiure ?
Prom London.
And where do you think It Is s Id after being
fashioned by the deft ' ouuectictit Vaakeos ?
In London.
Yes; thoilnlshed product Is actually shipped
buck to the place whence tho raw material came,
and sold there.
According to Cobden, we were the people who
were lo devote ourselves lo furnish K.ugland
with raw material aud buying back tlio Duishud
hut tlioro was much In this protective systom
of ours which the philosophy of Cobdou did not
take Into uccoutil.
Two Free Traders Differ.
plndle. t sai I I hlni : "What are ),,u getting
for your goods now?" He boil me. rimu I
.jkr.l : "How d es that compare with the price
..f lssj?o I(J ,llisw,.r0q : "unc to pi cent., a yard
less, according lo grade." "Idd you uiase any
I profit n li'".!.'" "No, I lost money." "lMd you
m ike anylhliiglii lsji ?" "ies 1 made a vm y r.dr
orollt." "II. .w could you make a profit II you
receive 11 to Id cents less per yard than you did
In imti. when, as you slated, yiu lost m .noy?"
Why," said he. "evcy woolen in iuuf i tuier
knows the r aioii. When I could run only ilir.-o-fourths
of my machinery I could not pr .dure
goods ss cheaply as I can now when I run all of
(,fiu. v hen ui) mar.;o' is isi-go nn.. coruiiu I can
fvry ikri....t ' o in t oinerv t iinvo; i am
leiie.itir.'ige.l lo (nit iiow capit il lu the business,
to li lug Into u to new labor- , i ving .lovlcus, aud.
nubbles, a large part of the t.'p.-nses are very
uoarly 'he same w hether 1 run threo fourths of
my machinery or tho whole of it. 'Ihu I can
m i e goods at a lower c.Bt per yard with a
qui.-k mari.ot and a 1 irg-i demand that, allows
mo to lie venae my production Mian lc in when
the market la dull. Thai Is tho explanation." .
i Vaiyiviiniaa 1'iniitfn.
Mny IniMii,.. tta s -ri
t iillnwci! i,.; cl;.
--all on
Thtrt was a time when the farmer had to pay the price of two or three
tons of hay for a barrel of salt. That tvas in our Revenue Tariff period
and little of the precious stuff could he afford to give his stock. Now it is
so cheap under the McKii.ley Tariff that he can afford to lay it and dump
it, a barrel at a time, in his sheep pasture. And the Tariff has enabled
him to do it. From American Economist.
At any rate, the con
suiuor has found life
harder since this re
form 1. e.,the McKlnley
l artff than bofuru, and
if there Is working
man anywhero who has
had Lis wigos In
creased by virtue ot Us
operation, be lias not
yet in a do himself
known. Ilrwr i 'm-t.
land, it a tpf'rh at Yfa-i-dene,
It. I., Afrit 2.
There has ne'.erUien
a porl d In tho history
ot this or any other
country when the gen
eral rate of wages was
as high as U. Is to-day,
nor a period when the
workman. In thcmriot
sense of the w..rd, has
so fully seemed to his
o i n u-ottiid enjoyment
sir h a steadily Mid
progressively Increas
ing proportion of a con
s t
ill's ( lunch, ;:';. ,
Untlier I nn. U;,
t -lid in ::,o ,. . . .:,,,.,.
Ii b. i.edietioi.,
if L.ii iit unit I- j i . . ..
Illltl Mel, l,i.'. r ....
("iinilnj ti, bo. ...-:.
Ike's ( I'lllch, i . , . i - I , ,
I I'.. I'.IHil-s-. - '.., f.
J 7 :''!. W. , ih.n
1 Ml ri
Are you willing to work for the cause of Pro.
le dlon lu placing reliable Information lu lb
hands of your acquaintances?
It you are, you should be I lentllled with the
135 W. 23d St., New York.
taiit iy lucreasliie'Am;B Y'"' "VK ,;,VI:N '. f 'l'roitr TO
fljnn, i Ui: Jf.ry forum.
and Democrat
There Is a somewhat general Idea In this coun
try that tho McKliley Tariff bill will be re
pealed boforo long, or at all ov uls be so much
'modified that the sting will be taken out or
thoso clauses most objectionable to British
miuufnciuiers; and It Is for this reason that
tho hopes or
IhiS Co Ulltiy - ..s..-lr.e.'ll".ll;, April t.
Pllll' Tel'''' exponent ef the paltry of I'ro's.'tlen.
HI , Kv.ov i...i . tn win. u 1 1,. it In I. . v.. .. 1
p hi tlio 'liuill l.av T ll K Kl UMJH ItT naif
oi ly. Puce, $2 uu star.
In cltllil of fir inbserlptlelis (o- ovsr) TMR Kt'ONO.
Ml.-trwlll be sent til bVclmU dUis.Ms until . m-i.,..
usr e.i at rtrtit. ei' n.
tl. I ;irticl f-
. I --lor. , i
uu i :n liooi :
CI'V le.-, II; 1 . ,
lllte i,. '. .
Cl ool ,,t
Ill thl- ebpu-l
t T .l"i lb Un- I
re iii ii i-tl to ,,'
- sM S
I-. U. Ill I' I
l ."ii I'. M
lii.elii i: Will;
llll N - Col;
'. pislor. , .
Iliiol :i :iio a. M
tho l.emocrats for the approaching! lrJ "tl C'J 13'' " ?" W?Te"V'- A
ceellon nro so largely sharod lBl IM Vl 2W StT.'.et,
w Vert
-Mt 111 .-. II., ,.t.,, ,.
Itll. lil'V. A. I.. ........ p;i
III. anil 7 :!. p : j i,.- ,.
y evening,
tesi ouutu uicv.a.-a nimouii auy iului. ...... .....n ...... tt..
- ""in 'i i ri i 1 1 1 n
Kiitlicicr,X. Y
Ki'inliimi in- Mlk,
cdiistructinn ut
Free Press.
RIHTl.iy A' ni-.i n
n block, .Man. -ii ,-er. i.n-,
iu null . evcrv ,,,. ,v, il(
:. Kooms open a esk da"
:30 p. in.
which wns iisial in its
that ju'ridd.
ibtt'iicc of tlie tiling itM-lf will nut ho
'lti('tstii.ii"il liy iiny (mo from the (,1,1
witch hM(lqii!irtcrs nf tht; Buy ttiitc
Chicago Herald.
1'oltor Kll, limn; yiT In.
cic a fult' us jfi-i 1'. Yi-'r,. i'
traiti! Limiliui Tit-Hits.
U'' Is IP
'Mo WML.
yjoil, J asior, s,.rvi,.es: .Suula Se,),,,;;
Mia. in.: Iieachli.g, u. m. aiul S a.m.
prayer meeting Tuesday night ; choir pr.'
Hoe Friday night. All are welcome.