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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1892)
1 I t:N.Kw llni. is mad ln-causi' f.nwi-r (.'levelainl lia not ;ipolo-jvu,-1 (or .luintfiip" liissnap con vention i' C'liioayo. Tin: di nKH -rat! s ay in tln-ir plat form lliat tlu-y art- in favor of pi-n-sioiistolisalil.-l veterans, ami tlu-y will prove it ly i-'tint,' n.-velatnl's numerous ami insulting pension VCtOCS. T)1K iinlepeinlent li.ivi- put up Hi,- same l.l Weaver, vvliieli it min. Is iim t 1,I llarkis." whom we would just as soon .loitl.t as to ,,,,il.t that Cenernl Weaver "is Willill'." , TlIK Louisiana leoiMatnre has re t, l a hill providing for tin-adop-li,,nofth,- Australian ballot s stem; .in I the d. nio.-ratic majority in that state will arrordin-ly rein a in at tin present liuii's. ( i.i;v i.i. AM' " I to notify 1 ih,- 'Juih His pri- I iK'i VI K nip-ste.! th- ronimitti-i- no him of his nomination till . o il.U in i 1 1 1 1 . so as to u i v . . .. . . i . .. a, 1 1. .-. i .i li vat,' sctTi'tary limr i" moi. opidia and copy ""l a lln- fiicyclop speech for him t' i ri'ii' 1AVII U. IIH.I. savs "tin- talilf pi. mk of tin- platform adopt. -d at fhii-ai) has mad.- every workshop and factory in tin- I'niteil States a n puMi. an campaign head. plai t. -is. That is what consoles th.' senator lor the loss of that nomination. At last Adlai Stevenson has heard from Clover C'l.-relaml at'd's Hay, ami Adlai has noti fied the committee that he and (Iro er will he in one of the halls of Tammany in the city of New York on July -U, ready to In- surprised at the iiioi tilicalion of their noininn I ion at Chicago. A IIK'M of tin plate importers which has opposed the McKinley ilutv on tin nlate now admits that prices of tin cans and utensils li ivt not advanced. Well then what art democrats howliniralioiifr It is cer tain that the industry is rapidly he comiii established in this country and there are many working-men heinif employed--- Hartford Post. SATAN'S SIGNATURE. A Hates countv farmer saw a holt of I ihtniu strike in the center . one of his fields, and, lieino curious to see the effects of the stroke, vis ited the spot, lie fount: tlie subllr lluid had left is m ilk in the shap. ol an enormous " I " ot an a u o rv re. t olor, and had no douhl it was tin ,-io.n manual nf (lie an il fiend him .-ell. Kansas City Journal. SEIZURE OF THE OTEHI. ,'Hie steamship Joseph Ot.-ri is named after its owner, who is an American citizen, resident at New Orleans, l.etvvo, u which port and the harbor of the republic of Hon duras his vi-ss-.-l does a regular trade, t n In r last outward trip the Oteri carried, a n' other tfooils, -..'aO Winchester lilies, and a ii.m tity of ammunition, consign,' I to the government of Honduras. Hut while the Oteri was on her wav a revolution, headed by Colonel Nail. i. broke out in Hon duras. The re ol III ioilisls were ill neeo ol arms. ,md it happened that the Oteri touched at the port of Ceiba, which the revolutionist- had been stuve.-sflll ill rapt lit i no;. The captain ol the Oteri had ii-i knowledge ol the changed condi tion o! allairs and was a-toin-bed to find loin-. II ma le a pris rand his ve.-se) and i car-., coiiliscat.-d as .-..on as he entered the harbor. The in-iir-enls were kind enough to t. il hull tnat II tne re. Minion v i -1 i j - I in lo a ",ov ei ion, in ii would pay !ib")U,noil for the ship and eare.o. and that it the revolution were suppressed and its leaders lot, which is the late of uu -ucce-s. lid rev olntioni-ts in llon.luras, tin- c . . ... ..II .... . I . . ovv ii. r ol tne neri . .nun sue me re; t'overnnteiit lor damages inllicled bv rebels. It is a somewhat slow process to sue anil collect money iiuin ao eaiv ,-rnincnt bv any civil inelho.l. And so the owner of the Oteri is to ask the ;oi eminent of the 1'nited Slates to demand reparation on his behalf from the overnillent of Honduras. As the act of seizure . . . . i . r : . . is a llayrani violation in unci na tional law. and constitutes a U'ross insult to the l'nited States lla', it is quite probable that President Harrison will act with his accus tomed vior in matters of interna tional policy. Hut il Mr. Oteri of New Orleans be, as most ol his fel low citi.ens are, opposed to all nets and apuropriations that help to build up a war navy for the. Tinted States, he may be very thankful that the piveriniieiit of Honduras is a weak one, for southern demo cratic policy wold. 1 not enable this eovei innent to . nlorce a just de mand against a strong naval power. Trillin-- as the value of the ( Meri may be. this lawless si-i.tire empha sizes the need of increased facili ties for the protection of Tinted Slates persons and property when alloat in foreign waters. THIRD PARTIES IN PRESIDENTIAL YEARS Minor parties never carry the presidency themselves, but they sometimes ive it to one or other of the ureat organizations which could not have obtained it without their aid. Tlu'y do this, too, when they do not - ain a sinyle vote in the elec toral college. Indeed, the only de cisive inlluence which they have WHAT THE MEN m.ZZt man with no more sensebility than " a load. His speech aside from the The Pinkerton Men Have Been negative feature of tin- almost un natural quiet and hush of the town, was the event of the dav. Given Their Liberty. had in polities was in the years in j w They Are Opposed to the Sher- T U DE WI t H CUBA Jv'ccipl'oeity has increased our e p.n t.iti'in ol 11 air to Cuba the last ,-i mouths in an unprecedented de dr, . I ii is'Jl, bom January to April inclusive, we eportc ! !0,:t77 barrels. In IV.1, during the same pel mil, 1 1 n -iniount exported reached 'i lild'.l barrels. Wlli:. the alliance fust started we were told that it was not a political jiarty; that politics had nothing to do w ith the organization. That he inir a fact, then whv is it that the politicians a-,- now at the head ol .ind runninn it'- Who have contral, lhe farmers or a lew of the polili cinus from the other old oraniza tions'r Did any firmer come in lor the nomination'.- Not that von can see with the naked eye.- David City .News. oALUTE THE I-LAG AND VOTE. The Tnited States lis, al year losed last week, June :in. Tncle finds himself in eiuul comli ! ion, thank v on. For the first time in the history ot Mie nation the export of American merchandise ami American inn- '.nets amounted to more than a bil lion dollar-, or wiitleii this way. more than S I ,c m.i k i,m m. The balance of the trade is in tavor nf this country by one hun dred and filly millions, ,si;m, ,o,umi. That is. th;- (ouiitiv .-old toniher 'ount rii.'s f-I V. i,iK ki.i i worth ol miod. more thin it bought Irom other , (ilintries. A- Ion;; as a man's in come exceeds his expend :! ni es he pros,es. It -,. the. -ame wav will: nations. The national debt dm am; the ear was reduced by U.:nV-".s'. oi nearly a million dollars a mouth. There is a surplus in the tti a -m v , , iii'ludine;- tin- eohl reserve, ol ?'U'I'.,-',.ii-'..i77. When the republican party educed the duties on many arli li s and removed it from others, .notably suar, entire!, the demo, rats predicted a bankrupted trea sury. Hut the republican party has been able to i;ive a practical den.onstration of a system id tarill duties "sufficient for the needs of the ' ivernment economically administered." Salute Mckinley protection, .Maine's reciprocity niul Harrison's adnwuistration. And vote the re- jmbJican ticket next November. ClWMiFOH DAINTY MAIDENS The bretclle rullles, coumienciiie uairovv and seantv near the center ol lhe wab I line and e-,,vin fuller and wiiler over the shoulders, where they cud or cout i u lie do vvn the back as in the front, w-ere apparently in vented lor the stout i i 1 . as they e iv e her a longer a u 1 more slender waist, as does (he pointed eir.lle now worn, w rites Kuiina 1. Hooper in her valuable department "Hints on I lonie Dressiuakiiin" in he July l.adi.s 1 1 nine Journal. 1 or the slen der n ill, the bertha I rim mini; ol lace, embroidery, silk etc., outlines :i round yoke, falling fuller over the slum I del s and i; i v ine; lueadth to (In form and fullness tothechest. Moth wear bell and gathered skills and lull sleeves. One may wear any matel al, but ihe olncr looks better in narrow stripes, small figures and solid colors, (iirls of fourteen to sixteen years wear the Russian blouse, and h is been described many times, lor their street anil house dresses. Other pretly waists for them have a round back, where it buttons, and shot t, s.piare jacket fronts openim; over a plastron of China silk or surah. Neat challi. rocks have the trout slurred on cords from one arm hole to the other forming' a yoke, w ith Ihe lulluess nniiiiiii; into a pointed yirdle made of six-inch ribbon, which is then folded narrowly arotiu 1 the xvai-t . 1 1 1 1 1 talis in ivvo miie ,n nie back. A e- ,,f toiuteeii wears a u lthci'ed skirl ol , repon. three x ai ds and a hall wide, with a round waist eathcred at the neck in shirred tucks to lortn a yoke. The -leeves are shirred at the w ri.-ls, and a col se-h-t Irom tlie side -cams is lac, d p,-r-m. in, nt l in the trout, as the frock I. i-tens in Ihe back, l he cors. I, t is wi II loii.-d. stinuht on the upper eil . ;e, deep, a n 1 - 1 1 lit I V pomteit or I on ud mi Co- iow el cde. which they did not carry smyle slate. The earliest of the so-called third parties which was formed w as the Anti-Masonic parly, which fig ured in the president iai canvas of 1 .and whose standard-bearer, William Wilt, secured the seven electoral votes of Vermont, bill, it .lid not have a feather's weight in the canvass so far as regards i(j ,.f. feet on either id the pteal organiza tions. Jack-on beat Clay yjir, as he would have done if W irt aiid hi- party had not been in tin- held. The k now not h i Ui; - of lv"ii, h-d by e President l-'illmore, carried. Mary laud, but ihey neither materially hurt nor helped I'reinout or lln chanan, the republiciin and demo, criitic standard bearer respectively. Nor did the constitutional union parly of 11.11" and Kverelt, which carried Virginia, Kentucky anil Tennessee in In in. change the re -nil in that year. The liberty party in Ml, however, the tree soil party in lh and the prohibition party in lsM, although neither secured an electoral vote, turned the scale, and all did this in .New York. The liher I vitcs drew enough whiv.' votes a iv ay from Clay in that state to yive that state and the nation lo Polk audthe .leiuoct iicv ; an nuren, as neau oi Ihe free soilers, attracted enough deinociiils in the state away from Cass, the regular democratic nomi nee, to put the w 1 1 i o- candidate, Tay lor, in power, and St John, in the same stnt,'. earned a sufficient num ber nf prohibition republicans away from Maine- eiuht e;irs ayo to semi Cleveland to the white house. This is the record of third parties . . . ... i .-. i in preside! tial canvasses, ami u lends some popular interest to Ihe organization which has just put l ticket in the field at ( luiaha. The .puslion as to which of the two ereat parlies will be injured the more by this tickets depends chictly on the section in which it displays its greatest sirens-til. If it polls more votes in the ex-slave states than in the others, then the democrats will be the principal . , - ii. . .1. .i losers, ami vice versa, uir iiiiru party leaders boast that they will carry two or three stales in the south and about the same number in the north. In such a case there would hardly be any election by Un people, ill which event the hollse of l epr. -eutat i cs w ould be called on to make the choice, and the demo cratic candidate would oe vi, loti ons, liul no I'-vci-iieancd person m cither ol the ureal parlies looks for any result of this sort. There is no ennil reason to assume that Un peoples party vote anywhere in the south will be n'reat enough even to throw nnv slate of that region into the republican column, nor that it will be heavy enough in the west to take any state away from the repub licans. -St. Louis Cilobe Dcni'n rat. Hl-Anv Attempt to Install' Deputies In the Works Wi I Start the Cattle- Hipi:sn:n. Pa., July 7. II Sher iif McCleary attempt- b enter the caclosuresiirroun.lin- the Carney ie steel works w ith a posse oi'depntu s in the moruiii". a more .-eriou.- and bloody battle than that of yesterday mornim; "i;, Im' ''M"h'u'1'- I'his inform, itiou w;i- not ob tained 1 1 the hilders of the strike, nor from the committee ap pointed by them to -ive out in for million to the press but from the in. -iii-elves. Nearlv 1" of them were seen at their homes by a reporter this afternoon, and they vver- of one mind. The works must stand idle until the strike is de clared off. The his'h sheriff, the I'hikei lon men. ur lhe state militia will not be allowed to take pos.-i sion. NrviT I'onll i - lln- I'.yi'. It is the i-eviiilin custom uiiihiil; i; lKinuit lie.u.le to put a i(iulliee on uu ill tlanie.l eye, a tiling which should nevt i till. ler liny circuilistillices he ilnlie. It i sad to see the vast number of men, wom en and children mn.le blind for life hy this one thiny. Jenness Miller Ilia trilteil. Tin- 1 1 1 u s nf ii llmif Minion. She Look liciv! This is the third handkerchief I lcive wet 1 lie. m-h wid bitter tears! 1 let, very coolly) Nutliim: hut n- 1 expense! That's hew the w.-i-hiii;: I runs up. l'opolo lenii.ui... WW i 1 K' ! Tain man v pa per o1 -lei sail! I lor a denioerat i,- cii ni ),; je n sonu ." ' It must be ideal ami rv Ik niicid in ,-t le." That is, it must handle in pod measure the names of Adlai Cle' . hind and drover Stevenson, and make them sound musical and sweet. It wants also the soniT "" have catchy expres- Pos-iidy the most "catchy ions" of Tammany have Cleveland can't carry Xew "With Cleveland defeat, is The Pussy Prophet," "The Perpetual Candidate." Western poets who compete for the prize will do well to note these points. Poets are requested to communi cate with the New York World for further particulars. Kx. llo not draw h cheek unless you have tin- money in bank or in our pas-. .--i- u to ilep.'S-.l. Don't lest lie ,'nuia.a'ir p-neruMty of your hunk by presentis:-.-or allowing to he iv-eiited v mil . -in-cl for a luruer sum than ymir bitlan. e. Mr. Stiilifurd hns en. lowed the I.i I.e. : Sliinl'oril .Iniiiur uiiieisi!y. u!n h r v. ally ;i soi t of hmiie :e).e 'l for jh..-i children, viiti prop-rty end in- i" 1 .uiumntinj; lo abniit sinimiHU'ii. A certiiii. dm ,iti hi of :i hueiiior.s i:,i pres-ieu is ii.-i e.- siii v to produce an eio-ci on t he vet in; i ; lieu, u is l ve do n. i see.-i very Viipi.'ily un v in ol -ju t , mii Ii i,. a bullet lired Inm it ,u"aii. WitlioUt its jitlil.'Sphev is a coverlet to protect f pilee felll'fnl Cold earth would h nirless in, mi. I'n . Which Serves it l.-ilillsl U . tin- siuliiee o! the en hiio that e: the sums, ex pres been, York," sure," A device that works well in keepin, loose waste paper out of the pilllcs of (Jhicai,''' is the pliiciiu,' of hie; trash bas kets about on the lawns and paths. I'rclt Tour riikiiiK. Findings are pepuhuiy sujiposed to be long to the HWeejH-r, hut one of the street sweepers of Portland observes that hid is ,i very disappointinc job. He has found only a one cent piece and a short loud jiencil during his term of office mid is disgusted with politics. Lewiston I Journal. Well Armed and Desperate. Since the awful encounter with the Piiikertons the toilers of thi. lown have become more despcrah o,,t deieiinined than ever. 1 hev have secured from some source ho e,, ouantit v of arms and aniuiii- - i -j , nition. Those known to be eo, marksmen have been selected to act as a band of sharpshooters. They w ill be concealed ami pick oil the deputy sheriffs, Piiikertons or mili tiii, as the case may be, as soon as ; landing- is attempted. The strikers are not boisterous inn- do Ihev show sic-- s of excite incut. Hut there is a more ominous I., .. if (here i s a 11 1 ll i 11 il' ilf 1 1111 1 1 ill the saviim- a calm precedes a storm l.-.o-ioieitelv I he strikers are not all llunearians mid Slavs, l-'ortunat Iv the men in the lead are men vvn . . I 1 . . 1 ........ 1 V ; oi ie I lie I r Success UC I ll I n IS 1.1 1 iv , , on their bravery. Hut the talk of ' e men thcin Ivcs will show which way the wind is blowing. Jhey "iive their honest opinions, unbiased by ain crowd or nuitaior, uir inn iw;iy from their companions iiud at home. "We will see that the works are not harmed, and that nothuiV;- i i the way of properly beloninu: lo Mr. Carm-a-ie is de.-lroved, unless 11 oe he boats used in attempt in a' to land dlicers," was the reply made by D. Corker, a steel worker, yesterday. The liiaiiiiu'ers of the works know this iis well as we do. What tlley want is to put lhe sheriff in posses sion of the works and then the coun ty will be resposible lor any dam age that may result from any dis tiirbiiuce that may follow. It will insure him against loss and we property owners will have it to pay. You see, as soon as the manaiicr install ;i sheriff at the works, the) will then brine-in the 'black sheep." They know this may incite the strikers to riot and that serious damage to the woiks may follow. They know that many of us own our homes, and that we do not care lo incur heavy fixes to pay for dam ayes dime to the works while the sheriff is in possession. We do not fear that the Piiikertons or any oth er body of officers will yam posses sion ollhe works, but we do fear another hattlc. Heady to Uio It Need Ui "Not that we iiie cowards, f.n ev ery man of us is prepared to sac rifice his l.fe if ucccs-ary in ll.i struyyle f-r what we believe to be pisl and riaht. Hut we are h-arbd ol ll e soi row d is 1 ii oi i id to I . r : 1 1 j 1 1 1 nianv of our homes.. We are not thir.- line f, ,r Llood, but vv will not stand idly by ami see the breai wrest, d Irom th - month- ol our wave- ; 1 1 a I c I i 1 1 d I e 1 1 V, 1 1 ! I u! ilia h '. no il vigorous ,-iioil to pr, vent it " Tin- story in sub.-t.n.ce w,i- re peated scores ol t-.iues ly nun in all ii.iit-id the Iowa and men bom even branch el work at t'e- mill Main added that .ii'in- been supplied and that they had secured pi en I v id i o i to iic in case an attempt IS made to put the works in the hand.- of the hiyh sher;i! ol Alleghany ciuiutv. I'll, expression ol the men lonud biickiny Iron) the need pa.-tor of one of lhe Methodist churches here, w ho in a very remarkable sermon preached over the body, 'of John Morris, the best known and most popular of the killed workmen, said in unmistakable words that in his opinions the Piiikertons had been sent here for blood if that were ne cessary for the nou-iiiiioiii.ation of the mills. He yave commendation to the workmen and evidently is linn in his belief that to Mr I-'rick is to he attributed nil the trouble between There were three funerals diiriny the afternoon and it was not un naturally expected that they iniyht ulmiuate in some sort of disturb- in ce, out the passed oil with an the decorum that should attend sucha solemn celebration. Tp to a late hour there are no leiiths in addition to those named. riirei men are in a vcrv danyerous -din 1 it ii in and it is doubtful w hc- ther or not thev will recover. what iiii: i Aiv-i:,.n; si'kikk is a i it n r. As we understand the situation at Houi 's-ead three ipte.-t h ms are in volved: 1. A reduction in the scale from T-Ti to ..; for 1x 4 Hcssenier billits. 2. A chanye in the ihite of the ex piration of the .-scale from tine lid to December HI. i. A reduction in tonnaye rales at those lurnnces and mills where important impi oveiiienls have been made and new machinery has been added that has really increased their output ami coiiseipienlly the ciirninas d the workmen. Where no such improvements nr additions have been made no reduction is asked. American M a n ll I neturer. I 'kg c:a call teonoinyt I Tht 8ureit reftdl JC9 vwrnltK A Witk Win 6kuiDoor ternary Stems to8 tk P Cl 't'w fcr as with tKm tK Juic Remain witktn tk meat, Hort food end mutft?t tatter, b (Jt far a to r Heats toteizi in thdr oivn juices bj using tlie WIRE GAUZE CVEN DOOR IOCSD ESCLCSIVELT OS Till CHARTER OAK STOVES and SMTGES. Tliprp Is rntco'ktuiu.'m'ii tiii1iiflnf the Bollil ovi-n 1'oor l unlut lhe Id 1" weight l meat le from iv to 4 t ,--m. ot tin- lumt nmsicl. In, h ril of t wrltliliiii ti n nunU, II ruaif d incilliim lo wU duLe will lode tnree puuudi. Tli-nmi' roristiMllp tlo CI'AKTIIS OAK RANCK "ill-- tto WliiB UXtZSH 0LH Uuj;;, lotii.5 kbuut ouo iuiuii. To ir'. w n.i it to ulirlnk l to l"e l.irjre portion l .,, j.e ..-.( iot. 'I hi- tiiTr ,l, not iifinidi uij a bum:' :i tuujii, taaleiwa ud uuiaiUtlti. TlIK liyht is on, and there is no 1 1 1 1 1 -1 i 1 0 1 i 1 1 the issues. It i- pro tectum to American i ndii.-i ries. American homes and A uicricn n people iis iiyiii list tree tfiide, il de struction . d' ol I r industries, and a paupari.iuy ol' our people, Ameri cans should n i h, --it. i le as to how they will vote upon uch :ui issue, l he republ ica n party t hu t has sa ed this union Ironi deslrucl ioii :it tin hands of democrats, must still pre serve it. The i , i ,'U who fa i led in war are now attcmptiny by dillcr. nt metho Is to accomplish what they fouyht for the n, iv'epiil d leans inusl be loval to tl e:r couniry. I'entriee 'rimes. ?5?0TAGCN CAPSULES, t ) ri'Mir:.-ti It-ailmt: .l.y . ::U.f Ml nl-li l'l.. I . .U;iNv.ilr 1 i t'i- .,,.,,,(1 ,' (, illv'.I. I .Uibllllf J iff. ry st? -..I,. ,,i ,,,.! I ; .''(.',' IVyV Mrii'lipre 'itmI nil ! Vi ; ' -n-liir:.i!iM I. e.:. -. I no sJ. v-sia-' ;i i'f Sl.ln Il.n,.,Strrnl- r,loii Kurri nni'ei-i.iiUior A (fortuui, voiu 1M V.:wxt..)i'.:-. t,'ft:LWACEEE, WJ4, Q rs. B ETTS & Betts PKYSICIiaS, SURGEONS and SPECIALISTS, 1409 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. juvcoiinilciMIt l ;is lie llesl. il I,ii M.vus, I'lymoutu Co., Iu., May, 19. I BUlIi-red from t.nuponiry hl.'i''liaui'9 from Overwork lor two vims, tor wliich I used Pastor Keoiiiii's Nerve Tunic, uu. 1 cull ii'ciminn'ud euiiio as tho K'ot liiclii iiie lor similar innil.teH. 1' . HDJlXHOltST. Mu.Foue, Oil., May, ls3. .Mvfiulial a F'lnu niul uorvo ilisiase ; was uiiifli h.-iH-litril ly tin- iis uf l'11-.tor Kociiig' Ni-i-vo Tonic:. 'J im iliuitilitei- of a friend ol Uliue had lits aud vvaseuri'd Ly lli.i Tonii:. .1. S. M. 1 'KKMOTT. .Mr. Thod. j, 1'iirccll, of simkunel nils, Wanli., wrilcii fr.mi the tion-iilii t'ollei;,', Juuo, lv.w : I Iiud -)iilopH- Vi yt'iirb, hub ticiitcil by mauy iliHicii,)iH and tun!, iiimiy HO'Cullt'd i.atont iiicdii'ini",, but uf no (jiHid until I took 1'a-itor Konni'n Ncrvo Tonic. Now, tlinnks to tlod Utta not Und uu uiidcli eiuco Novuuibor, ibodb -A Viitiiiililo Hook on Norvnni l)isees ei-nt lre lo any uuimisg ami iiMr imiIbuw ran l-o olrtsit tins medicine tree uf cliiirKO. Hub n nii'ilyhan been inciniri'd by the lU-wixne p-ior hiH ini!. of Fori 'V.imi. iua muce isiftaui Linow I'n iKiri d under iuvotlou by Uia FREE " Chicago, ". .""PoMlc C tor S3 km CAMCER Fut.'iv'tTtpi'd fo'irno lnm:or fn-m thlH Klni of '1. :i. r., l-.r rv a iii,t ..iuli rlul ,!r.ivry In Ii ,1-. ail'. :uirl n :un- run ol I In" limly ,'iill bo l i neeii inly turnl wIUiiimI Ilic lio of ' !v;i::'"lV. U. Coi iiv. t' ln.llHn:, Avo., ( hlnuo, - '-i.'':ai 1 1 1 r.ii!i,iT"i I til' er.-iev in m ' a y . . u- . lii-.'l "I trci'-vi-i.t." seml l.T j)i-. 1.. s. loiltt iai.i ?u. chiciii;'!. 'mm PURu RYE. Hns become a houselwlJ wnnl becaase of its absolute purity, nutritive value, smooth taste an J delicious boiuiuet. It isunod lor weak bines an.l a stimulant lor impiiirtii constitutions. Unlike inferior whiskies it does not rasp or scald tl.i: throat and stomach, nor cause nausea, dizziness ant' headache. You may know il by the ahov , qualities and the proprietary bottles in wliich it is served. Call for "(V. nm Pure A'vt" and take no othr. I nr sale at all first-ckiss drinking places and drug stores li DALLF.M AND CO.. rhicacc For Side by JOS. J. McVKY. (Mlioii lioiim front U a.m. to p. lu. Suiiditj irom to a. in. to I I', in Hviiilisti iu t'lironic, Norvous.ljkin nnd IU.khI lllnt'llMIH. k VToacnltfltion nt nfhYn or liv iimil fn Molirinim Rout by miiil or oxprosM, Horuri-ly lutrki'il, froe fi-oni nliHTviilion. (iiuirautiH.H to uuri' nmrkly, wifely and iiormniiuiitl). Tho mot widolv niul fiivoriiblv known fmirinl ift in llio L'nilH.I tttiitra. Tlieir Ihiik ixiriiiic'. romnrkiililo hkill nt d univiTHiil HiireesH in t bo ri'iitnii'iit and euro of Nitvoiim, t brunii' nnd Sur tfirid I lieiio'S. out it lo llipo idiyt-ieitins to tin' full roiifidonce of tin atliictiil rvorywIiiTO Xli'-y Kietrjiiiti'.': A CERTAIN AND TOSITIVE CURE for tho n, fnl I'lti'i-iH -f .-iirly vice iiud tin1 iniiiiiTons rviltt Hint follow in ll" triiin. I'RIVATE, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES t'. itily, coiwi'l- ti'ly it: o H.riiiHiieiit ly ruri'.l. KEHVOVS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL DIS- OUhL'Ki) Ji.ld r.-a.Kly to tlieir nkillliil aviil- Illl III. PILES, FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCERS i.-'iiioint.'. ,1 i-iniil without oiun or il.-n nii..n from Iiumii.s. HYDROCELE AND VARICOCELE rennu- ln'lill i,:rl iuee-s f ii i ly rur.-d iu i-OTy r.i-. SY I'll I LIS liONOt:l!INK , tihlMT. Spennn t,. ril , a s,.iaii:d V,.;ikho-H, l,.t M:uhhhI, Nttl.t Kiniinii-.. I'miod Ktu'tillii'-., I -m it ! W .' .kn, ;,i:d nil . lei if:itt" duordi-ri. K'i-nli;,r to oil Lit n.'X j.o-a lively riir.'.l, :u well i,n ii!I fimc do-. ir...r 11, ht '.Mill from yonUiful folli.w or :Ih- rxi-i-f. -f nmiuri' yinr. Qrir,Jtn liuiinmliii'd .crniin'ntly curi'd, vJlllolUIL, r )v.j ,.,., ,,,t(, witliont cut. " or ililntntion l lirp ofloilpd lit iiM.t will, out a iiioiii.'iitH p;, in ol t?EAKSISSr1 0U1CKLY, THOROUGHLY, FOREVER CURED '9 rT a new iorirn.-n iTii-nnnc niL'iiioa oi'n. Ciii nut full mili'SK thu cm Aj In lievnnil liuniiia 'V-? 3 rid. Yoii ti',1 ImproTi-il t SK . l, ,,- rnl n lm, y f V. lit I'vcrr ilii'y: Komi know L -V 0, 1111-11 II KIIJH IIIU.'I'W ' r-r v t : u.... .i...i i V i- Ijivvf-ir li.'irt. llriiiiiRanit liw ,,n'aV.Vfl. 17 oh'""'1 mm. to happy nmiTiPd litf n v . iiMri5T. Drain tm.wit w mm hilling lust, m u rii'trcti iy huh trcai iniT'it. AM MimHnn1 wv-i'd. I". i t ii'in of t he ImmIv en Iui'o.l junl ntronntlitjR'il, Vlctlrus of ithnst'H nti'l pc-,'i". rt'cluim your ri:iiitifii 1 SiiIWit fr.iin lo'h ovorworlt.ill health, IT VlU'-f Dull t 11 -"d iV!':tr.)'Vt'n it' in 1 ho la."t i. ! i ,1 votl. .'lllSfl.lV r .r th .1 :in t'.iral i t'h'iicn aibl ! M-mip-w hiiir t-till ni'-t; lir-o c h:ml tn ha"t. 1 . l.lftl "iifit iVi'n, 4vt'i xi OHO iTlrrrntt, xr:n risncAL co., v-uffaio. it. y. ... :i . flQiil' l,iifn.lp beib-.y-N, u rcioi'.liiM t!i:it i!o i tee' V U I i jnro tin- li. . w;l I 1 r liiti il l i, .i tn- It i':iii!;i u,i :i li. iill'ie ! .'in.,;,.-. '.,li :hI I,. . w.i'M-.i .r ive In :io.-; : ' i- l.m !. r-' d le. .,:.., l.i.-o. i. .. IfcllCMTS T-.F.ATuD fcY f Ml. It ,rnl. V . ..-,lt,j. S t I fi . , lillr-CI.-w-i or t :.i . tr, :,n, ,,l '' lii.ll - si Cfivrb'ir'jTini. ereli .11 tl tin.-, .-mi.! bohio I , illiilo) m.ce. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ACJi'm Pure Tl"! w'iii en.-i-tH of early OUI C UUI C vi.'i" vvbieli In im.'M orumiic w.', iitroiiiif both muni nnd bmly. vvirh nil il- dn'.id'il illn, iifriieini'i.tly nirwl. PpQ Rr4tl Addn'NH tJioso who liuvo iniiar VI Oi DtUil f.a iiii.niwlvini by improper in iliili'i'iirn nnd Militnry Imbit.H. wliir-li ruin IkiIIi in iml and Imdy, iinntlin; On.iii for buxinttuti, -.tiidy or iiuiiriiu.'o. MAIIItlKI) MRS, or thc ciib'rinK on Hint b.'ipl y lit", nware of i liyiic:il .lebilily, u i e k I y ill.MRtl',1. ;yS.-nd 1 n"itn poKtiwi- for ri'li bnitiil works on Cbronic, Nitvuiiii iind Ili'liciito llituHo.. Tliouwui'ls ifA frii'ii.lly l. ttur or otill niity hnvo Jim fnturi' mifrerintf and sliunii', nmj add ifuldi'ii yinm to liff. " No lotUT hhbwi p',1 unli.n i.i'coriit.nnii'd by 4 (vnt in PtruniH. Addnsw, er mil oo DRS. BETTS & BETTS. I 10 Sotuh 14th St N. K. Cor 14th and Douglas Sts OMAHA, - NEBRASKA U. 0. W. f. 5:iaCR. t'VICKiii i'.lt.iUii, CiHWCU, IX r S e . i -4; Up sir "f'f to l"tro.nn ,mr CltAYIIX POK I K 1 1 I M nnd ihiiltn new riiMoiiiiirn. wo liuvu il. i iil.'.l lo in ike lies .,., l .,.,. send IK ft t nluma I'll lnr...-li, .toKni.i.'lli,l vf. Alii,p,tvi or liiiiii'r..tv4i.'o y..iirM.for miy i'iinil-ruf yl.ur fmiill y, llvinu or iloiul. nml wi' will liiiiko y,.n n iHHin I'm li nil f,,r ol luiriii-, proviilod you ,'ilnliit it I,, your tni-ntl u n huniptc of our work, tirnl use v.uir tntliii'iii'i. In (.fcuriiiu us f tit urn onlern. i'liiciinnini' nml tii1ilri.ion hnckuf picture nnd it will Ik' ritiuriu-il Iu iiitP'oI ordi'r. VVcnnike HiiyrhniiKB In plrturp yon irWh, not InliTfcrlinf withliki'iii'sa. Il,-li-r Iniinv llanu In IiIi iiku Artdrnwnii mini to ECLIPSE PORTRAIT CO.. ? 5 R,ant,0IPh CHICACO,'. III. MiP- .wli fnrfidi flld to anr rni-x. XytitU la blUICTLV 110.NA. ll)J X