Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 14, 1892, Image 3
) RIOT RUNS RAMPANT A Bloov attlo Between Mill Hands and Pinkertons. 1 UK l'lKIKItl MKN M KUI.MM K The Saloons at Homestead are Closed Tight so as to Keep the Large Crowd Orderly--Railroaders are In bympathy. V inn T .1 i rili V- 1 :i' : y . Pittsdury liiid another rn ricuce Willi labor riots, ami this time, as duntiy the fearful scenes which were witnessed (lining the riots of 1ST7, Mood has been shed, life jeopardized and valuable properly placed in danger. This time there was no destruction of property, hut the moli was thoroughly well orga nized, well disciplined ai.d had suf ficient officers at its head to conduct operations. The lorce embraced all Hie men employed in the extensive plants of tin- Carnegie Iron and iteel company at Homestead, ciyht miles east of I'itlshii -y.nitd the hat tle, which for liloodthirstiness an 1 boldness of execut ion has not heen excelled m actual warfare, rayed from 1 o'clock in the morning utiiil a o'clock in the afternoon, and only ceased when the force ol I 'iiikertons brniiyht to the place to suppress the strike uilcniidil:onaUy sui rendered leaviny their arms in the baryes in which they had heen transposed lo their works. The riot to-day was the culmina tion of the trundle which has heen dn winy at I lomslead lor the past month. The Carnegie coiiiiany submitted a scale which was lo yov ern the workmen in the sieel plants and announced that it was their ul timatum. The scale made a sweep- iny reduction in the wayes of skilled men, and it was ofticially an nun need that unless its terms were complied with before J uly I the places of the workmen would he tilled by others. This was followed by a peremptory refusal on the part of the company to recognize the amalgamated asso ciation. The men announced their determination to resist any elforl on the part nfCarneyietortin the plant with nonunion men. Troub.c was precipitated by the workmen at Homestead hailing 11. C. Frick, president of the company, in el'liyv. and in retaliation the company or dered the immediate shut down of the biy works. Both Sides in Fnrnest. I he cinplov es ;it once proceeded lo organize for the defence and the company erected a hiyh board fence around t'le entire works, yiviny them the appcarauccof an immense stockade, the sides beiny pierced with portholes. Yeslcrday the Cai neyie company announced its inten tion to proceed to yet ready to make repairs, and the official asked the sheriff to appoint deputies to pro tect the property. The sheriff sent a small stpiad of men up to tin works, but the strikers assembled in force and notified them to yet out of town; that no disorder was intended and no damage would be done to property. They even offered to be sworn in as deputies and yive bonds for the faithful performance of their duties as conservators of the peace. When the offer was declined the advisory committee vvhkdi had been directing the action of the workmen ami held the turbulent spirits aiuony the workmen in check was immediately dissolved and all records of the committee promptly destroyed. The developments of to-day FRED BORDER SON, II.Wi; A VKKY LARGI-; STOCK of Harness - and - Busies. AND A cl'I.L I. IMC Of 1'AIOI M All 1 1 N FRY SPCII AS HOOSitR SEECERS. PLOWS. HSRSOWS. ETC. wr; campy l'HK two li;ahl; cpltiyatops NEW DEPARTURE T0NGUELE8S, AND JIAJKiEU KtDLN'G Cl'LTIVATOliS They also carry a lull Lino of Implements at their house in Weeping Water. Fred Corder & Son lMuttNiiioutli, showed that the applications made for the assistance of the sheriif were merely for the pnrpoM' of covering what was intended to be a coup de main on the part of the Carneyie compi.ny in clandestinely introducing a body of l'iukerlon guards into the mill enclosure. These men had been rendezvoused some live or six miles below the city on ti e Ohio river, at which point two model ha ryes had been prepared for them. The barges were tilled up with bunks, cookiny arrangements and other accommo dations, and, as an extra precaution, as if in preparation for the si eye to which they were subjected to-day, were lined with heavy sleel plates on the inside, while the whole back of the deck was protci ed in a simi lar manner. It was tin- inlention thai the liieu should nach the works at 'A o'clock this nioriiiny, but the strikers on duty alony the river yot word of the threatened invasion of the hated l'inkeiion men : 1 1 1 prepared to receive them. The baryes were towed up the river by ;i towbo it, but !ony before he Pin kerlon men reached Homestead thousands of strikers were yathered iic the banks of the rier, ready to yive them a warm welcome. When the boats attempted to laud the workmen broke throuyh the fence surround iny the mill, en trench iuy themselves behind piles of steel, and prepared to resist the . a 1 1 d i n y . l'.v I o'clock in the mommy an ef fort was made to hind the detect ives, but the strikers met them and n fierce battle was precipitated, both sides c chauyiny heavy volleys of shot. The rinkertons were all armed with Winchester rilles, but at the point where the attempt to bind was made there was a sleep embankment mid they were com pelled to yo in sinyle tile and were .soon driven back to the boats by the steady tire from the shore. The noise ol the battle spread about the borough like wildfire and thous ands of men, w i nil' mill children thronyeil the river bank to witness the liyht in proyress. The Pinker ton men were deter cined to land and they poured volley after volley into the ranks of the strikers, many of whom were stricken down by bullets Mime fatally iijui'ed and others killed oiitriyht. As the hat tie progressed th trikeis took up a position behind a breastwork hastily constructed of steel rails and billets, mid from this place of s.ile rcfuye were able to pick oil the yuards as soon as the appeared on the decks of the boats. Creutod Torriblo Excitement. In the meantime Captain Hind and Lieutenant l li lie of the Pinker tons, wi re disabled iiud the lire he Came so fierce that the crew of the towboat hastily cut loose lroui the haryes and steamed up the river, enrryiuy as many wounded as they could reach to Praddock. from which point they were sent to hos pitals at Pittshury. The strikers' wounded were carried to their homes iit Homestead, the dead he iny carried to undertakiny estab lishments in the town. The news of the riot reached I 'itts bury as early as (1 o'clock in the mnruiiiy, and thousands of mill workers now idle conyreyated in the streets, while I mud reds of others armed with yarns and revolvers and well supplied with amunition, took up the march to reinforce the strik ers. As soon as day broke the strikers secured a small brass ten-pound cannon and planted it within the steel billet ciiibrazurc, so as to com mand the baryes. At the same time mere than a thousand men took up ii position on the opposite side of the river and also planted a camion, which they protected with a breastwork ol railroad ties. Nebraska. Shortly before t o'clock the camions were turned (ii the boats and tor several hours an awful bombard ment was kept up. The boat was splintered, but the heavy steel plates on the insi le prevented the balls fiom penetratiny the interior. .M.inv ot the strikers, however are expert marksmen and they sent shot after shot into the porthole-' of the boat, and inflicted terrible in jury to the imprisoned men. A complete list of the killed and wounded Could not be obtained at midiiiyht 1 ist niyht. .s far as as certained, eleven workmen and nine detectives were killed and ciyhteeii workmen and t went) -one detectives wouinh d. 1 h iM!- i i: ah, P... Jul V Fvety thiuy remains ipiiet here, but the citizens arc becominy anxious to have the rcyularly constituted au thorities in chnrye once more in stead of the present choatic condi tion in whice ever" man assumes to be an ol'licer, and labor leaders yive orders as if the were the properly constituted authorities. A mass meetiiiy has been called for this eveiiiny at which an effort will be made to induce .the men to ayree to permit the deputies to take chiirye of the works, but were un successful. Leual Points. It is understood the men propose, if possible, to have the ipiestiun le yaliy decided whether the Pinker tons have a riyht to briny armed duputies here. Another attempt by the Pinkertons is apprehended and there is a nervous dread of what is to come. Ayainst such an attempt the strikers will array all the power the- ha e. The railroad men are in hearty sympathy with the men and for this reason it will be hard to surprise the strikers with an adequate force. The have plenty of money and the best of ieynl counsel. Guards are on duly ayainst surprise at ever point and dynamite is stored all alony the trestle tocut oil commun ication between the two shores of the riv er if necessary. Another speaker said the sheriff and the men he would briny here would be in sympathy with the peo ple of Homestead, lie would not be foolhardy cnoiiyh to briny a lot of men lu re to shoot us down. We have their sympathy and will have it when they come. The sheriif must do his duty, and will do it, not in a spirit of animosity. Another speaker said "one lawyer had told us what the militia can do. If we can't believe him, who arc we to believe'.- We all know this yrciit struyyle, if the associ i t ion di ies not wi n, will not amount to a row of p'ns. In future the ipieslion is, will we permit the sheriif to keep possession of the mill as our n it-iid'."' Time will show the best thiny for us. the sheriif take possession. We know the law is uyainst us." The ineet i ny is still in session. I' loin Tlun-dav's I laily. J.C. Fisher, formerly of this city, wiis in the city hist eveiiiny. Will Saye and Clarence K'obine left this nioriiiny for Ashland to take treatment for the liquor habit Mrs. S.J. Chilbery and dauyhter of Cambridye, HI., are in the city, the yuests of .V Ci. Chilbery and family. Miss Laura Russell departed for her home in Weepiny Water this nioriiiny, accompanied by Miss Grace Russell of Yillisca. The replevin suit of Vamleventer vs. Stull is beiny tried this after noon before Judye Ramsey in county court. James Winn was taken before J l id ye Archer hist even iny and lined ifhl lor the part he played in a scrapiny affair Saturday niylil. Mike O'Pr'en wi.s arrested last niyht on 1 he chnrye of drunkenness and this uinuiiiy Judye An 1 1 -r sentenced him to work out his line oil the street - The social yiven at the hiyh school last eveiiiny by the Altiumi association was the event of the season. A la rye omvd were pus nt and enjoved themselves by danciny, sinyiny etc. Ice cream a ud cake wei e serv ed. I h.' eyy race lor yirls was partic ipated in by almost a dozen of sweet ones. Miss Humphrey of Nchnvvka ycttiny to youl fust with her eyy in yood order, thiee others followed close alter her, the'e dropped their fruit on the way. Weepiny Wider Kiiyle. The Chic.'iyo, Jiiirliuyloii and tjuincy Railroad company yester day secured a temporary injunction from Judye Chapman restraininy Nebraska City and the board of ed ucation from levyiiiy taxes on their b dye at that city. The company claims that inasmuch as the prop erty is in the channel of the Mis souri it is not taxable for city and school purposes, not beiny prop erty in the city limits. The case will be argued iu this city before Judye Chapman on J uly 2tli. Bravery Rewarded The fo,,w in- dispatch, djted Wasiuyton. from the I tost, m Herald, conceruiny a Nebraska uirl. is re printed for what it is worth: "A decided stimulus is likely to be yiven to the cultivation ol ath letics at yit Is' colleges by an award decided upon at the treasury de pill tment. Representative Georye bred Wit liiini ' ot appeared before the bond which awauls medals f,,r heroism in s.iviny hie. and lilted that a tiled il be yiven to Miss lierticO. liutrut Nebraska for rescuiny two youny ladies nom drowiiiny in the Pine river ne; r I lete. Ned.. I . t t summer. A number of v ouey ladies were hathiuy in the i iv er. w hen one ol them thtevv up her hands and dis. appeared, siukiuy twice in twenty led ol water before Mi-s Pnrr could yo to her rescue. Miss Purr Wiis the only -wimmer in the pjrty of live or six. and pliiuyed boldly into the sw it t cur rent, driuyiny the drowniuy ouiie woniaii sa'el v to shore. Another v ouny woiiiiin waded so far out in the stream under the ex citement of the moment that she was carried o,l her feet by the cur rent, and Miss linrr swain out ayaiu and broiiyhl her salely to shore. The strikiny fact about this double rescue was not only Miss Purr was the only swimmer in the partv , but that she had learned to swim at I.asell L'emale Seminary at A iiburud.i le, Mass. The princi pal ol the scminarx , Prof. liraydou, wrote a stiony letter on the subject to Representative Williams, and Mr. Williams went to the treasury department and represented the case so stronyly to the cxamiuine hoard that it was voted unanimous ly to yrant ;i medal. The courayeous v ouny woman, if Secre tary Luster approves the report of the exainininy board, will enjoy a further distinction in the fact that her medal will be of y'ohl instead of silver. Silver medals are yrauted for dis plays of heroism, and yold medals are yrauted rarely for cases of cx traordiiiiii dariny and endurance. Miss Purr did not intend to o into the water at all mi the day of the rescue because she was not feeliny in the best of spirits; but when she saw the danyer of her companions she took no account of her own leelin;,s, bill tec,- I b uy her t rai n i ny at I.asell, pliiiiyed bravely into the stream. 'I he f easor officials reyard it as one of i 1 1 1 most sirikiny cases ol (oiiraye and self-possession which has been broitynt lo their attention, and as, perhaps, more remarkable, lliouyh not more crcd'table, iu be iny displayed dy a carefully . Mili tated society yirl tuthcr than by a fisherman's dauyhter or some one accustomed to such risks." ! re n l-'rVi.vs I laily. The Nebraska association of trottiny horse breeders will hold their seventh annual ineetiu'y at Linden Tree park, Heatrice, Auyust It-12, inclusive. Klmer Rouse of Khnwood, who has b"cn visit iny with J. S. Mat hews and family, will return home this eveiiiny. Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard of Weep iny Water returned home this morn iuy, after a short visit with Timothy ( lark and family. Mrs. Jennie Moore and children, who have been visitiny at the resi deuce of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dabb, departed this mommy for Reynolds, Neb., for a short visit be fore yoiny to her home at Kansas t'iiy. Pursuing i Truant Son. The Nebraska City correspondent of the Lincoln Journal says: "Three weeks ;iyo Henry, the fourteen-year-old sou of Thomas Miller ol Platl.s. mouth, ran away lroui home. Ycs lerday Mr Mi'ler located him in this city and came lu re to claim Inn the I i . and the ill. I le arrived just one day late, boy haviny I -1 1 for Clarinda. Tuesday. Mr. Mill-r followed is pa il icu hit 1 v anxious to fuel hoy, as his mother is seriously I r-. i Satin. lav la. J. .dye An her rendered his deed si. ei to-day iu the case of McMaken ik s hi vs. Mor her. lie yave McMitken iV S ui a pidyement for jfl. J idye Dundy, of the federal coi rt, has appointed Iliad Slaught er i eceiver of the I lotel Riley. L.ind loi l Opelt will co it i it ii- rtinniny the hotel f his nioriiiny Judye An her ren derel ;i decision in the case of Planch Traver vs. School Ihstiict No. Ii. He yave Miss Traver a judy ineiil for $lha. Three new cases were filed in dis trict court to-day. The C. II. O. vs. Cass county and the city of Pliittsmouth, Clark county, Iowa, vs. the First National Itank of Pliittsmontli and O.J. Kiny, and the state of Nebraska vs. l-'red lk-llowa of Weeping Water. AROUND THE CITY. The Loans Annihilated tho Fats Yesterday Afternoon. ANO I 111 K Will. ill. II.VM I) Deaihof Mrs. Wm. Titfany-Dolnns of Di'terent People The Hotel Klley in the Hands of a He. ceiv er. To tlio-e vv ho failed to see the ball yaiie- vesterd.' between the hits and leans, I'm; 1 1 1 K'. '.i i w i -lies to s.i they missed a yreat treat, from the start the leans took the lead, and kept it. u hiie the lats w. re ictired m one. two, three order iidout eyerv other iiiuiuy. It was , coined ol errors ticui start to finish. Povev, ticlvs,,ii and Noble were in the box lor the leans, and lor the fats Oliver. McKutee, OR. nuke and Johnson did the Iwirliuy. Stieiyht caliyht lor the leans in line loiui. Iloth teams pf iv ed ten men, and at one lime the lals had fifteen men in the field. A lalye si.ed audience was present and enjoved themselves huyelv. The leatutes of the yanie were the base steal iny of the fats and Milt Geriny's throw iny to hi st. The scorer started out to keep the score, but the leans kept ruuniuy up tlnir scores s,, ,,, that he couldn't keep up. At the end of the y.iiue the score stood thus: Leans, HI; fits, la. The lats have chal lenyed the leans to phiy another y.ime, the loo,-ers to pav lor:i supper at the Hotel Rilev. The challenye will be aceep ted. )if (I. Mrs. Liunia Tiifauy, wife of Wm. Tilfaii, died tliis moi'iiiiy : 1 1 It o'clock from the effects of a cancer, The deceased was about II years old and leaves a husband and live children to mourn her loss. Mrs. Tiffany hi id been troubled for about lifleeii years with what the family supposed to be dspepsia but it instead turned out to be a cancer. The W. U'. ('., of which the deceased Wiis ii member, will have chnrye of (he funeral which will occur Mon day ii I tt rnoon at o'clock. "Six Mouths' Siyhtseeipy in Washinyton," by Rev. 1 1. Pilleli bacher, late chaplain ol the Nebraska house ol representatives at Pre.-b tei iau church Thursday and brid.i eveiiiuys, J ulv I I and la. first lecture, "Wnshinylon: Man and Ci!y." Second lecture, "Joseph Francis, Father til the Life Sav iny Service." About seventy-live pic tures, each lilleen lect ill diameter, will be thrown upon a screen by Peri- A. I. yon with his first-class stereopt icon. The v iew s present! (1 were selected by the chaplain in person ami many of them made es pecially for him. Pis personal in spection and sillily of the objects enables him to impart interest iny ami useful information. The enter tainment will beyiv ed for the bene fit of the Presbyterian church oryan fund. The church should be packed, as a line entertainment is promised. Admission, 2a cents: children, Id cents. W. H. Sh.nck, whose death shocked thousands of Nebraska people, was in the last session of the legislature, a worthy colleaytie ol Frank White. To say this of a man ouyllt to be sul'licient. He had not the dash iind vim ol the yreat PI a Ms. mouth democrat, but those who knew Shi ock well adnr'ed linn for many estimable trait of character. Shryork was too yood a man lor fulsome praise to be yiven at his tomb. He had all the strenyth ol a man air! all tie- tenderness (,i a woman. In his sympathies he was a child, in bis ' -n-ud -hips I r iv.i lirill. lie was (,, ;,-,., wa- ipiick to tears. ! Utl hav e had in my I i'i't for he was en tirely human, but the hundreds ol men in Nelu. id,, i who knew U J! Shryoek intimaielv will ren e ui I i him for in, my years as on,- (,f those yi-ntle, maul men who-e memory isuorthcheri.-hmy - Woild Herald. hi July 'J. the les.di in e i, ('has. Yandeveiit. r burned to the yrouml On the ivih the loss was adjusted and on the eiy lit h the h,ss was paid ') full. P. J. Hansen, ayent ,,( tu II me Iiisuraiii'e ('oiiipauv ot ( )m:i ha, showed a Ill.KAl.ii representa tive a ilralt for 1.iki made out in favor of Yandeventer h r the full amount of insurance. If th,. pn,. perty been insured in a foreiyn i" piiny it would probably have been two months before the loss would have been adjusted. The above is a strony aryument in favor of pn'roniany home industry. A new suit was filed to-day with the clerk of the district court, wherein K. G. Dovey A: Son have commenced action ayainst the city for damages to the amount of $1,100. I. Moedek.-r ,,f I.ouisv die is iu tht. cit today. L. F. Giber-on, the Weepiny Wider Utoi lie , was ,,l the ,11 to day. Pert Shrjock and Clark Met, of I.ouisv ill,- were in the city to day. Mt. and Mrs. W. G. Noble went up to Council Pluiis to spend Suiidii. P. McCann of Omal a c line down to-dav to look alter property inter, e.-ts. Proless,,,- ,('eland arrived home last niyht from a v isit w ith friends at Seward. Jlldye Newell went to Weepiny U .iter today to attend the ineeliny ol the county central committee. Mr. and Mr-. Ceo. R. Chathuin came in last eveiiiny bum Ilarlai Iowa, lo v isit ov er Sui. day with M. It. Murphy an I lamilv . J. I.. Root and John A. Pav ies went to weepiny Water to attend the meetiiiy ol the c iiiutv tcpiibliciin central committee, which meets to il, i, L.R.Sawyer of South P.end won the pri.e ollered by Klein, the elothier of PlattsmoKth, for the laryest number ol words wrttlcn on ii postal card. Lew was Hie winner with T.l.'tt'i winds. It was a wonder. 1 1 1 1 leal and t lie su i of clot lies was well earned. - Wee,uny Water Kay le. A little son ol Georye Woods was severe!- bitten by a doy last Sun day while on his way to church. I he brute aiis owned by parties, liv iny on the south sii le a ml slum Id be made to bite the dust for his I'a. I In' doctors think no serious ( ainaye will result from the bite. Weepiny Water Kayle. Heal Estate Trantitcrs. Follovviny are II e real estate transfers for the past week as com piled by Polk Pros., abstracter and publishers of the ltaily Record: Iv' II Windham an. I w lie to (i A Mavis. I I, h :i. I I. I. I, I 7 s, h I II-I'-'. 1.7. I : Hi. I. II, I 7 h IJ, Tow ii-e-nil's a.M to riall-nioiil Ii ... . st,.'). II i I- in ti k Mol.iirv i t nl to J h' Ihielle, I I. h II, I in lei's n.lil to Avocii.... Ii I II M Sorniiieliseti an. I Mile to 1 Seliii Ii, I I I, I',', I'lallsii t, Mum I A I, Minmer iiinl v He to A IVoi luts., I 151, l I, Alvo Nil I T I Ii kes anil wile to II T K'ii, s' j ol lie1, nl ne'4 ill II In iLVim FoK' SAI.i; At a baryain two acres of land within the corpora tion. Apply to R. P. WiMHi IN 1 HE ULACK BELT. Self-help is the best help for any people and all elforts to teach the neyroes ol the south to help them selves free from the crop nioit y.iye is worthy ol n eoynitioil. Gen eral Samuel C. Armslrony opened the way for this leaehiiiy the neyro to help himself at Hampton, Ya. His success wiis ho tlaltcriuy and promised such development of the race that others have followed. The yreat need lor such schools as Hampton where the heart, the head, and the hand are trained to yetherin the Plack Pelt, where the neyroes are in the majority. The work of Hooker T, Washinyton at Tuskeyce, A la., is one of the imisl hopeful efforts at liltiny the race because it is purely ji neyro work. I tut Tuskeyce can not ciiliyhtcn the whole Plack Pelt Lowndes county, Alabama, south of Montyoniery, has a proportion of colored popula tion to white of seven to one. These colored people are desperately poor and unexperienced, rentiny laud, raisiny cotton and yiviny crop mortyayes at the beyininy of the year thiil take the vv hole crop, all the farm implements and the mule at the harvest time. Two Yankee yiils with experi ence in General Arms' -ony's meth ods at Hampton, where they spent several veal- as teachers, visited Alabama last winter. hunted throuyh the Plack Pelt and tlloiiyht the loiind at Calhoun, Lowndes count, the most needy location for an industrial school that would le.n hcllil lleuol 'he neyroes how to help themselves b becominy me chanics and prai tied farmers, while y iv iny them the rudiments of an education. In Calhoun there are 2."n 1 colored people and only h. I whites. These Yankee y il Is propose to establish ,, si boo! in that place. The neyroes pLOIMsed to r :i i -i- S."il -n 1 ,t the sh.,,,1, and tin- o:iny ladies i,,is,-, the "th. r lunds in t d, , i.niiaiy their Ii lend- ill New -.iiyl.,ud ie have a si hoi. I house, several a f at ui of t went v at I rs to la y oi with. They will open Un it school iu ( )c to-b-t, and beyin tiled model farm next veal. I h. y have l.eeu tillered eiyhty additional noes ;,t ;i price of f-'h .in iicre. mill a northern ycnlle ni iu has olfeied it .'no toward this purchiise provided the remaininy 1 e;in he raised. 1 he two Yan kee yirls who luive uutleitakeii this work of establishing- :i school in the heart of the Jllack Pelt an- Mal-d W Pilliiiyliam, of Nashua. N. IL, and Charllotte R. Thorn, of Walliny fortl, Conn. The Yankee yirl still has the same pluck that Hie dis played before the war, when t-he went south to teach the slaves to read and write. Inter Ocean.