Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 14, 1892, Image 2
The. out of woman's Mcu! trouMes and ailments comes wi;!i I r. Pierce's Favorite 1'ies. ripiiiiM. It can s tlii'iii. l'or nil the fuiut i n:il (e r:m;,'eiiiehts, .:iinl';:i disorders, ami chronic weaknesses thiil a'lliet wo mankind, it's a certain remedy. It's an invii'iat in;.', restorative tonic, southing r 1 1:1 1 rt ii I liracin' tierv inc purely vectalile, noii-;ilouholie, and perfectly harmless. In tlic cure of periodical pains, prolapsus ainl otlier displacements, l)cariii -tlnwn si jisat ions, nii'l all "female complaints" and irrcgu laritics, " l''acniie Prescript ii n " is the only medicine that's 'imnitnl. If it doesn't ijive satisfaction in ev ery ease, you have your money hack. You pay only for the jvd you get. Can you ask more ? The easiest nay is tlic liest. llcr. tilate the liver, sioinacli, ami howels with Dr. Tierce's l'leasant Pellets. They cleanse and renovate the, system thoroughly and naturally. Nick Headache, Constipation, Indi gestion, and Uilioiis Attacks, are jireveiited, relieved, and cured. yt K. WI-YXOLDS. lii'itli'icil l i y -" t c i :li ami I'liaiiiiacl-I Special attention ejvcii to (Mice l'ractice. Kock s - Xkh. p i. luixsi'.x IK W.Kit IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEEN3WARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, PlnUsinouth TVR. A, SALISBURY : DE-X-T-I ST :- GOU) AM) I'DkTl-LAIX CROWNS. Dr. Sieluwiiys an;rsiliciio for tlio pillule e tl acl ton tit ti'fllt. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Koekwoml Wink I'lattMiioiitli, Ni-b IQlVlllIjXS 1(0LTSK. 217, 219, 221, AND O23 yV!N ST PLATTSMOUTII, XKH. F. R- GUTHMAOT. PROP- Rates $l.r0 ikk week and it Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. I L WATERMAN & S!)S PI LUM MDCD Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds Cfin supply cverw ueniund of the city Cull and fct:t terms. Fourth street in reur of opera house. TIMOTHY CLAKK. DEALER" IX COAL I WOOD oTKIOIS CASIIo rd and Otllce 404 South Third Street. Telephone FLATT8MOUT1I, NEBRASKA (The yUlbnwuth licnild. (OKNKK OF VIXK AM) KIITU ST: I uom-; . NOTTS BROS, Publishers I'nMi-hi'il every Tlnir-,,i , utnl daily I'Vrry e citing cm r,t Stitnlny. k'l-ui-lered Ml I In- I'Liti-tnnnl It, X i I r ; i -k ; i P'i-1 I'lliee ii- -i i wtnl ( In-- Mini! mutter fur t ran-an i--i,,u t hrin;li the I'. S. m.iil-. :U 'l-i I I IV II.K I.V. Mm- e;o iti xt-lv.itu 'in- ear tint in ;i I am -s 1 x mi ittt li- in ;pl atn i I'lurr li- in ;)(v ,1111 r I I K.M - t U 1 1 I I.V hie vt-iir in ot 1 am r t tin- ropy r it- in. mt !i IVr wi'i'U l,v t ai i irr niriv'SDAv, ji i.v ii. lvj. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. I'.ir I're-i.lent hi:n.i mi ii.K'K'H'i of Imlia'ia. I'ur ice l'ri -ident W ill I KI.AW K'IKIi of New V oik. COWARDICE IN CONGRESS All consi'ient ion s democrats who are devoted to their party from prin ciple regard the course of their par ly in conoress with a mingled feel-ino- if diso us ;,nd despair. The people, under a tlisl t act i no delusion, dismissed a republican house with twenty-cioht niajurily and replaced it wit Ii one haino' a democratic majority of 1 1 Had the republicans came into possession of such a house in December last and with a democratic senate and president to confront them they would have reduced the opposition loiio-ere this, to a pitiable state of frantic defense. The republican and democratic parties are essenti- illy different in their constitutional character and respective methods of political operation. Tin republi can party was born out of political chaos and rocked by the strurlinjf sectionsol fiijhtinir factions. It came as "one crying in the wilderness," vitalized by a splendid principle that trobbed at its heart, and in spired, as if by more than human wisdom, to a manilicent mission, the fulfillment of which will forever shine upon the page of history as one of the marvels of human achieve ment. Coming into existence to meet an emergency, to face a nation witli the baleful tires of se dition, treason ami revolution, i is natural for the republican party to be courageous. The democratic party, on the con trary, has always been a party of tempori.atiou and compromise. It is essentially craven in character and cowardly in conduct. It for ever halts and skulks and seeks the shades of safety, anil has never, in all its history, pressed straight for ward in an exulting path of ag gressive action. It has never bad the courage to bit an issue between the eyes, but has always (lodged be hind it ami contented itself with a pusillanimous ambush warfare. With two-thirds of the house of representatives, which is democratic by a larye majority, i:i favor of Iraudulenl free silver, and who were elected by free silver constitu encies, its only care is to toy with deceit and to make a false show by fair compromises which it never in tends to fulfill. The confessed champion of free trade, it has never had the heart for anything more perilous than a theatrical war of words. Its present presidential candidate, at whose feet it bows with degraded servility, has been said to furnish his party with an issue, if there is anything new in democratic princi ples, it is preserved as a most sacred secret within their limbo of party frauds and fallacies. Solemn ego tisin ami a fondness lor ponderous phraseology may have great weight with tin1 av erage democrat, but they are regarded by all intelligent and self-respecting citizens with quiet but contemptuous amusement. The American people are always ready to torgive mistakes honestly made, or rashness prompted by zeal in a cause believed in, but they have only contempt and ion for cowardice.- New York Mail and l'Apress. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. The republican electors of the h'irst congressional district of the slate of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the s.-vral counties comprising said district to meet in convention in the city of Nebraska City, Thursday, July ll.r at i o'clock p. in., for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candidate for member of congress for said district and fcrthe trans action yf such other business as may come before the convention. THE A I TO h'T ION M E. T, The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for lion. W.J. Council for congress in lS'K); One delegate for each 100 votes and major fraction thereof and one deleate-at larjje from each county. futilities. Ieleutes. ('iiiintie. lMtmite". I !M tlH' I I I'lllll-ntl I" I'aw li" '- V.i l.iitu a-ti-r "i K'ii lianl-ciii ... 1 ' .Nemuliii I." 1 Total It is recommended that no prox ies lie admitted to the convention, and that tlie delegates present from each county east the full vote of the delegation. W. II. i imvAKii, I'kAMv M'C'Ak I'NEV. C'liairiuan. Secret. ii . i Till-; 1-hiu'li-li pres ; and the K 1110 ' era tie pre.-s of the I' nit ed Slates are i H niu' to itiaKe puliiieal nut lot tie- llumc-tcad .-trilie. They luiow it i.- their only hope to win this (all. Tin: democrats have practically given up all hopes of winning this I. ill and are now trying to fuse with the i in lepenc lent s, so as to give them three or four states, thereby throw ing the election of pre-ident into the house of representatives, where Cleveland will be elected. Real Estate Boom Attracts the attention ol every prop et ly holder in this city, lint when lr. Franklin Miles the eminent In diana specialist claims that heart disease is curable ami proves it by thousands of testimonials of won deiiul cures by his new Heart Cure it attracts the attention of the mil lions sutlcring with short b.ieath; palpatation, irregular pulse, wind in stomach, pain in side or shoiilder sinothering spells, fainting', dropsy etc. A. F. Davis, Silver Creek, Neb by usin four bottles of lr. Miles' New Heart Cure was completely cured alter twelve years suffering from heart disease. This new reined)- is sold by F. (',. Fricke iV Co. a Until last night it has never been known that I'lattsmouth had any professional foot racers. Last night a crowd went to the ball park to wit ness a race between Win. dishing and liny Livingston. The stakes were a box of ten cent cigars and the winner to pay the h ick hire. Afttr arriving at the park the ground was measured and the word given to go. The two runners came down the track at a terrific pace with dishing about ten feet ahead of his competi tor, and w hen near the goal dishing stepped into a hole and fell. The judges declared the race had to be run over, but this time Livingston came under the wire only a few feet ahead. Another match was ar ranged between John Tighe and Sam Shnmaker, the sherilf winning easily. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine They say " will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's lialsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. I'rice ade and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. Half Rates to Saratoga. On the occasion of the National Kdiicntioual Ass'u's annual con vention at Saratoga. J uly 1'.' la, the I iiirlington roi.te, from uly H to J u ly '. inclusive, will seli round trip tickets from all stations in Nebras ka to Saratoga at one lowest first class fare, plus two dollars (mem bership fee N. V.. A.) Tickets are good lor return passage from July la to 'J I ; an extension of time limit can, however, be obtained by depos iting tickets at the office of the joint agent of terminal lines; Hi Ml Ifroad way, Saratoga. The Hurlington route will run special Pullman sleeping cars and reclining chair cars from Lincoln and Omaha through to Saratoga, leaving Lin coln at L':IU j. m. and Omaha at 1:45 p. in., July t. A folder, giving all par ticulars, may be had upon applying to J. Francis, general passenger and ticket agent, Omaha, to whom, or to local agent IS. v M. K. k, requests for reservation of births should be addressed. A carpenter by the name of M. S Powers, fell I rou 1 1 he root ol a house in Last DesMoiues, Iowa and sus tained a painful and serious sprain id the wrist which he cured with one bottle ol Chamberlains pain balm, lie says it is worth :." to a bottle. It co-t him ."ii cents. I',,t snlebv bv F. Ii. Fricki . Co. The following item, clipped from the Ft. Madison ilowai IVmocrat, contains information well worth reme nbejing: "Mr. John Roth of this city, who met with an accident a lew days ago. spraining and bruising his leg and arm quite severely, was cured by one aU-eent but tie ol Chamberlain's Pa i n 1 (aim." This remedy is without an con for sprains and bruises and should have a olace in every household. For sale by F. ( ;. FricKe A Co. Financially Em bar rased A large nmuulactiin r; whose af fairs were cry much embarrassed and who was very much overwork ed and broken down wild nervious exhaustion, went to a celebrated specinli.-t. He was told that the onld thing needed was to be re lieved of care anp worry, and have change of thought. This doctor was mora considerate of his patient hei.lth than of bis financial circum stances. He ought to have ad viced him to use lr. Miles' K'estoative Nervine, the best remedy for ner vous prostration, sleeplessness, diz ziness heada :he, ill effects of tobac co, coffee .opium; etc. Thousands testyfy to it. Hook and trial bottle ree at F li Fricke fc Ce's. Half Rates to New York. To accommodate Christian Kit deavorers and their friends along its line who desire t ) attenu the national convention of the Y. 1'. S. C. K. at New York, July 7-1U, the Hurlington route will onuly 4 run a special ,train from Omaha through to New York, via Chicago and Niagara Falls, leaving at ll:IK p. in., after arrival of all trains from the west. A rate of one fare for the round trip has been authorized and wit I be open to the general public. Tickets, good to return any time within thirty days from date of purchase, will be on sale at dates to lie announced later, i'he low rates in lorce, the through car facilities at the disposal of travelers by the I liii lington route, and thedeiighl tlll season of the ear, combine to make this an lint (pi, died oppor tunity ot visiting I he east. K'e mem ber that you i an purchase tickets I ri mi vour station agent through to New York, bull i n for ion may be hadtipou application to tin local agent ol the i, X M., or by ad dressing J. Francis, (ieneral Pas senger Agent, t hnaha. Oregon, in, jinn h 1 1. 1 the Nor Vi--l 1 'al 1 lit; The constant demand of the trav -cling public to the far west for a comfortable and at the same time an economical mode of traveling has led to the establishment as what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. These cars are built on the same general plan as the regular first class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif ference being that they are not up holstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair matresses. warm blankets, snow white linen cur tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., w hich secure to the occu pant of a birth as much privacy as is to be had in first class sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smok ing is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper ballet. VI. L. Lo ina.x, (ieneral Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska, Nothing New Under the Sun No! not even through cars to Den ver, Ogden, Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Portland. This is simply written to remind you that the Union Pacific is the pioneer in running through cars to the above mentioned pointsand that the pres ent through car arrangement is un excelled. We also make THE time. For details address any agent of the company, cull on your nearest agent or write to K. L. Lo.max, G. P. & T. A. U. P.. Omaha Neb. Mi!es Nerve and Liver Pills Act on o new priciple regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discov ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation Uncqualed for men, women and children. Small est, mildest, surest. aU doses 2a cts. Samples tree at F. G. Kncke Go's. The II. & N. will sell round trip tickets for the Council Hluffs and ( hnaha Chautauqua assembly, J uly 2 to lti, to Omaha for one fare for the round trip from I'lattsmouth. Tickets on sale July 2, :t, 4, 7, S and la, and limit for return to fp-e days troni date of sale, this limit in no case to exceed July 17. J. F wax i'is, General Passenger Agent. Agreeable soap for the handa is one that dis solves quickly, washes quickly, rinses quickly, and leaves the skin soft and comfortable. It is Pears'. Wholesome soap is one that attacks the dirt but not the living skin. It is Pears'. Iiconomical soap is one that a touch of cleanses. And this is Pears'. All sorts of stores sell it, especially druggists; all sorts of people use it. O 5 Soap ! m FAIN 5 (aT i ;,fJ;ffte l-u:illv n ill-onlerof tlio KMnoyi, 'i'il ! iil men-iir.-s clitiulj by uikcu to prevent -i rimis tioill.le. REMEMBER K'iHto"?! uliuli n niyleeted, may become daiinemus. DR. J. H. MCLEAN'S LIVER S22 KIDNEY BALM N wlmt yon mvit. It will cmi I.tverOUir ilcrs. Kidney Wenkiifs llriplit's Diea-o mill DialietiM. 1'iiee t (mt IxittlH. Send 2-ciMit t,vni for bonk of hints, how to live and cure thene distressing complaints. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MED. CO ST. LOUIS, MO. They wash their clothes tJ ( ' urn mm That's whcfcySfct MADE ONLY BY N.K.Fairbank8cCo. chic WABoeck&Co 4m VK 1XVITH YOl' LOW PRICKS IX MKNS. mf or I AND CIIILDW1C.XS SHOKS THAT A K K OOIXO AT HA KfJ A INS. TV. 1. BOBGK cj CO Cs Hiiiucls, Hciiler ill All kinds of fresh, salt and smoked meats. I nrike the liest of .-ill kin. Is of s;iu salt's : 1 1 1 1 1 keep ii i;iioi sllpplv i'oiist;intly on liand. MAKKMT ON - SIXTH -STK'I-'JT Hctwccii M:i in iiiid IViirl I'lattsmouth, - .Nebraska. Cholera infantum ha lost its terrors since the introduction of Clnmilicrlaiin colic, cholera and di arrhn a remedy. When that remedy is used and the treatment as direc ted with each hottle is followed, a cure is certain. Mr. A.W. Walters, a iiroiniiient merchant at "'alters, l'lir, III., says: It cured iny hahy hoy of cholera iiifantuni alter sev eral other remedies had failed, the child was so low that he seemed al-mo-t heyoiid the aid ol human hands or reach of any medicine." 'J.1 and cent hot t les for sale hy F. !. I' l ieke V Co. NEVER STRIKES INDIANS. In I lie cinr-e of hi - X.-w 1 1 iven iC'IMI I lecture 1'CY. Tlloo:,s 1. 111.1, an cilii .'.ited iadi.m, made this iu i;iilar .-tateiuen t : "The Indians never cook anythimr in the house. 1 hey ahvavs cook out-ide, "iviii!;' as their only reason that if they cook inside the steam will collect in their elmliin-- ami draw the liyht niii'. Whether this is true or not I do no) know, hut I know this- no Indian wiii'wam has Leeii struck hy lihtnine; since the dawn of history, and no Indian has lieeu killed with lihtninn' for more than lm) years. - Hartford Cotirant. Tho Horn, litest Man in Portsmouth As well as the handsomest, and oth ers are invited to call on any drui;' ijist and 't free a trial hottle of Kemp's halsatn for the throat and lunj;s, a remedy thatjis selliny; en tit cly upon its merits and is iruar anteed to relieve and cure all chron ic ami acute coughs, asthma, hron chitiH and ooncumption. Lnr;e hot ties 50c a ml 21.UU. WITH B their style. TO CAIJ, AND SKK Ob HOYS, LADIKS MISSK r i i ? : H :J r.'v Bl For Atchinsou, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points if'th, east south or west. Tick ets sold and hair. tfajje cnecKeu t o a n y point in the United S t ;i tes or Canada. For I.XFOKMATIOX AS TO KATES AX I) Kol'TES Call at Depot or address II, t. lOW NSKM), (i. I'. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. l'lm.Mi'i-i. A. Ci. V. A. Omaha. II. D, AlHiAlc. Aut., I'lattsmouth. Telephone, 77. ...:LVti:t'L. AlA'.lUr.i.C, w farmers, h:?!s and Mechanics.1 A PERFECT SOA? FOR ALKALI WATER. Curs ChaftnK, C')nr?cd Handa, Wounds, Burns5 ttc. A Ut.,ii;iitlul ahanipou. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei mi pipe yk vji)vA iiJiHiA Hi i.