Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 14, 1892, Image 10

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The Strikers Will Still Keep
Their Pickets on Guard.
The Militia Tae tho City Without
the Fonn.ility of a Music and
Flower Kection--War-raii's
smi"d Fir
the Lenders,
HoMr.-n: i, I'.i. July 1-. Tin'
nilit .i-mI ijnnlly. All llmno
ntcad va- in Imlid.iy attire thin
1 1 1 1 1 1" 1 1 i 1 1 ; in :i 1 1 1 it-i J .! t i mi nf tin- mili
tia. It was expected tin' troop
would arrive l ila Lii'iK ami the
j km 1 1 lc I ii nil il nut in anticipation o!
that event, In wclenilie the
Mile-Coated representative id the
Have with a prucer -ion, lua.-s 1 1. mils,
school children ami Mowers, but
till' situation lieeanie somewhat
ludicrous as the himrs passed ami
the militia did mt appear. The
liamls lil their lust to keep up the
spirits of the inultitmle, with in
dilfcrent sueeess, It was U o'clock
when the try went up "The troops
are eoinin!"
The troops arrived by train from
their rendezvous at (Jtu ensburn and
eousisled of the Second mid Third
briat e, nu inhering:.'"! men under
eoininatid of Cieneral Snowden, to
gether with two atlin uns and
three field pieees. Their sudden ar
rival in the absenee of the leaders
of the strikers diseoneerted the pro
gramme for the reception ami the
soldiers evidently did not desire
Htieli treatment from the men whom
they were sent there to keep in or
der. They were received with per
fect respect and here and there an
attempt at a cheer was set up by the
on looking populace.
The troops descended from the
train, formed silently and marched
in perfect order to take possession
of the mills, displayed artillery
ncroH.s the y ononahehi, opposite
the mills, not picket all about the
works and settled the cpiestinn of
taking the town by marching one
company direct to the HtrikerH head
quarters, smother to the vicinity of
the depot and a third to a slight
eminence overlooking anil com
manding the commercial center of
the town, then Homestead was in
the hands of the military and mar
tial law had succeeded the arbitiary
reign of the advisory committee.
The citizens of Homestead are
deeply disappointed that the mili
tia thought it necessary to occupy
the whole town, instead of confining
themselves to the mills, but gaveno
open evidence of the fact. It was a
complete acquiesce in the power of
the state, and they gracefully ac
cepted the inevitable.
The battery across the river com
mand the whole town as well as the
Carnegie works.
Win n the troops arrived, the
strikers' pickets, locate! in the
neighborhood, left their posts and
congregated to watch the soldiers.
The strike leaders at once sent them
back to their stations, telling them
they had no business to leave their
posts, and instructing them not to
let any non-union man or detective
through their lines. The leaders
tohl them the troops would not in
terfere with them in this. Similar
instructions were given the other
watchmen, and the strikers' picket
was re-formed outside of the picket
of the troops.
What They Will Do.
Prnsiii'iv'ii, July 1'.'.-President
Weihe of the amalgamated associa
tion, substantially admitted this
morning that the workmen in all of
the Carnegie plants, to the aggre
gate number of ''M N i, would be
called out if the company attempted
to start up the Homestead mills
with non-union men.
The congressional investigating
committees arrived at noon and held
a preliminary conference with Car
negie's attorney ami others. The
attorney said the company would
like the fullest investigation and
that h'riek would appear before the
Committee ami testily. The com
mttee went to Homestead this after
noon and will begin the taking of
evidence .it 1 p. m.
After Non-Union Mon.
Nl-w VokK, July 12.- A Philadel
phia dispatch says a representative
of Carnegie arrived here this morn
ing to engage non-union men ft r
the mills. He. says an attempt will
he made to resume work at once.
Still on Guard.
Patrols of the strikers outside of
the town anil railroad depots will
he continued, and every effort will
be made to keep the Pinkerton
watchmen and non-union workmen J
out of the town.
"We are not going to commit sui
cide," snid O'Donnell, "anil conse
juently how to the inevitable-. The
troops will be hero for about ten
laye, it is said, at an expense of
tfOUO jer day. llow long will the
taxpayers stand that, and when the
troops go away, as eventually they
muit, how will the situation be
ch.iiiiTcd "
( I I 1 1 1 1 -1 1 and other members of
the advisorj committee are of the
1 oniniou that the win ks will at once
be Idled up with non-union men,
but they decline to discuss how
they will meet and solve the
j "We will not be beaten," ( 'Ioiinell
remarked, couhdeiitly, "and the re
sult will prove it. Now we will
take much needed rest and wait for
the next chapter in the ,-tory."
Hceeh. mi's pills cure sick head-
i ache.
.No. a was one hour and twenty
minutes late this morning.
The I'lattsmouth ba.-e ball dub
went to (ilenwood to-day for two
The city council will meet in
special session to-night to levy the
sidewalk tax.
game of base ball is in progress
this afternoon between the I!. Ac M.'s
of this city and the K'ock Itltilf
club, at the ball park.
('. II. Paul, the defaulting county
treausnrer of Adams county, was
sentenced yesterday by Judge Heal
to three years in the yenitentiary at
hard labor.
In Judge Archer' court tnis morn
ing the Gas A; Klectrie Light com
pany received a judgment by de
fault for IfltiH against the I'latts
mouth Investment company.
A report was in circulation to-day
which came from pretty good au
thority, that Master Mechanic 10. S.
( ireus 'I had received orders to go
to Havelock to-morrow and take
charge of the shops there and that
J. N. Summers had been selected to
take charge of Ihe the shops in this
Nebraska Mortgagees.
A compilation of mortgage re
ports has just been completed by
the deputy labor commissioner for
the year ending June 1, IS'.C.
During that time IM.fiiW farm
mortgages were filed in the state,
ahiounting to I'.''.!, 1(11,7 II. Releases
numbered 2l,r(l,"), amounting to
$17,(f,d,!H)T), and there were !fl,'2-'f fore
closures. Town and city mortgages filed
numbered amounting to
$l:tl!',7."i7.,"l. There were N,7H re
leases, amounting to $!),() l!V.I."0.!w
The foreclosures numbered Tu'.K
During the year 115,;t7H chattel
mortgages were filed, amounting to
$'J'J,(.il,"i,l.")f.tu, Releases numbered
7-,Ml!t, amounting to !fl 4, af'ia.H 17.1 1.
(.'ass county's record for the year
was: Mortgages filed, !? i:i7,(l-J'J.lS.
Allow me to add inv tribute to tin
efficacy of Kly's Cream Halm. 1 was
siltleriug from a s"vere attack of in
llueu.a and catarrh and was induced
to try your remedy. The result was
marvelous. I could hardly articu
late, and in less than twenty-four
hours the catarrhal symptoms and
my hoarseness disappeared and 1
w, is able to sing a heavy role in
(hand ( pern with voice uuimpared.
1 strongly recommend it to all sing
ers. -Win. II. Hamilton, leading
basso of the C. 1. Hess ( Ira ml ( pcra
Go and See.
Iloi sK or Rki'K'Kskn i i n i;s,
Washington, June HI, lvr
Rev. licnjamin F. PitTenbacher:
Sir -I had the pleasure of seeing
your views and hearing your lec
ture in this city on the tith inst. and
take pleasure in saying to you that
I was both pleased and surprised
with it. I am familiar with most of
tin-scenes you exhibited; dead, in
deed, must be the man whose pa
triotism is not stirred by the fights
and scenes so graphically por
trayed. Cold is the he irt whose pulses are
not quickened by the scenes that
have passed into the nation's his
tory from the d.ivs of Washington
with their simplicity to the better,
brighter and grander da s of the
It is indeed a great portrayal af a
great nation's Miccecding conflicts,
and success i e triumphs. It speaks
to us of the past, calls attention to
the grand present, ami bids us hope
for a glorious Inline.
The lecture brings to us again
the wordsof tin.' good men uf the
We left at the close teeling that
I this is an age in which to live, is in
deed sublime.
I am, sir, yours truly,
W. A. Mi Kt:iiiii ,
At the Presbv terian church That's
day and Friday evenings, July 1H
and II. Admission -." cents, chil
dren hU'ents.
Don't Tebacco Spit Your Life
Is the startling, truthful title of a
little I ii ,k insl received, tidlino' all
,.... ...... ........... . . ..... -
about Notohae, the wonderful,
harmless, economical, guaranteed
cure for the tobacco habit in every
form. Tobacco users who wint to
tpiit and can't, by mentioning: TtlK
llEKAM can get the book mailed
free. Address the Sterling Remedy
Co. box Ni2, Indiana Mineral
Springs, Intl.
Gone but not Forgotten.
Flute, Finte eucli ehrthly joy; heaven i
it; i He.
Ye, mother Iiji- U"fir lnt there st;iu!i
her iirm rlmir
Aii'l we prize it inure than ynhl.
Fur white mi k .-he t here o put ieiit
iiti.l kiln!.
Hut tier Mitleriiu;- c an ne'er he told.
When we enter tier room iiml timl her not
It i- t hen t h;it we mi her sweet fiu r,
Ami Hum v's t he teur t hut w e sheil for her.
For no one i ;ui till mot her's Li e.
Whiit a comfort it to kneel l.y her
Ami li-ten to the sweet, earnest prayer.
u when she a-ialli-J from tier loved
one- aw ay.
Aain they would meet over t here.
Although friends may -peuk hoth loving
and kind.
Andtis to keep -ad t hounh li away ;
It'-a mother that's none and we can hut
For a w hi!e vet on earth we inu-t -tay.
Ilerla-t reipiest washer son to see,
.Mill he came, nut short w a - her stay.
I' or she w a - t lien ready and wait ill; . to no,
1 o dwell in a hoiiiefar awa '.
The I ii l and and fat tier w ith t hi Id nil is
hi mourn for the one that i- 14m ie;
Hut -o,,n may we meet w here part ilia's no
When- sick lie and deal h cannot come.
the loiin that lies buried wii- one we
1 ie l well:
It wa- a trea-ure ju-t lent, not Kiven.
nd now -he's sleeping that loin; peaceful
May her children all meet her in heaven.
Ke-I, weai V one, re-t.
- K1. Kl.lXK.
Mynard Items.
Will Nye, the grain buyer at My
nard, is paying :t."i cents for yellow
corn and ID cents for while.
The Missouri Pacific have a gang
of men working out their road laud
t ix on the Omaha Southern and
they ha ve worked to the amount of
ifctl.HS in road district No. 15, in
which Mynard is located.
The foundation for a new store
house in Mynard is now finished
and ready for the carpenters.
Fight cars of cattle went through
here the other day bound for Oma
ha. Win. Gillispie bought a sixteen
pound cheese from James Hall of
Kight Mile Grove, being his own
Owen Ross, the operator, says
there is a pump and trough here and
that a well will be dug at the stock
yards soon.
There was an address on educa
tion at the U. H, church July 3rd.
which was quite interesting.
Weather -Crop Bulletin,
July 12, 1W The weather the past
week has been cool, the temperature
averaging from three to live de
grees below lhe normal, With de
cidedly more than the seasonable
amount of sunshine.
The rainfall the past week has
been light, falling only in scatter
ing showers and so far as reported
exceeded an inch in Cherry county
and being about half to three-quarters
of an inch in Hox Hutte, Key a
Paya, Hrowu, Cellar, Otoe, Nenieha,
Holt, l.oup, Colfax, and Dundy
counties elsewhere eitherno rain or
a very light fall was reported.
The past week has been very favor
able for the harvesting and haying
now in progress in the southern
part of the state. Rye and winter
wheat are generally reported a good
crop. Corn, while growing well, is
still vcrv backward and needs
warmer weather and general rain
to push it forward.
June Report.
Monthly weather report for June,
Mean temperature 72.4.
Highest temperature If.) on the 22;
i'S, 11; !7 ,2h; (.N1, 12; !5, 2:1; M. 10; W,
15; 512. 20, and '." on the 0 and V.
Lowest temerattirc, ft on the 11.
Hottest on the 22, the mean tem
perature being M.H.
Clear days, 2.
Fair days, 15.
Cloudy days, I.
Stormy days, 7.
Rainfall :,( of an inch.
The monthly mean temperature
one year ago was r;t.
Highest tempt ratine was ill, on
the 21.
CO.. OF N. Y.
T. H. 1 'i !.!.' H i, Agent
List of Letters
Remaining unci aimed in the post-
ollice at PI ittsmouth:
Admits, Mr-lien Hare. Henry
Herder, J YV l!oon,.l .1
How man, ti
a s
wn. I. I:
l'a-per, (ien
Fl.y. lohit
Nam v H.,:i, W )
.1 -.1111-01., M W
Mi I llehlil. A.
lli i ran, I'l l!.
Met. lie. Man
el-oti, Ku,,etie
Schilley, 1-It'ii-Stephen-,
Snpt. Hap. S S
Tiiiiiii, I
Thonippon. !'
Wilmoth, V I.
Persons calliu
- elx , Hack
Keiiehau. I latik
Shei man, C H
Stradlev, Mr- Jane
Ta lor, V II
I rout man, Henry
Wicker-ham, Su-an
Win.. John
; for anv of the
above will please a.-k for "adver
tised" mail. 11. J. Sik'EliitlT,
Fok SALE Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to I'lattsmouth. within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call on or address The
IlEKALU office.
Mrs. Hlack went up to Omaha
this morning.
Mrs. S. A. Davis an Omaha
visitor to-day.
L. t". ICrvin was an Omaha passen
ger this morning.
Mrs. S. II. Atwood was an Omaha
passenger this morning.
R. YY. II vers went out to Lincoln
this morning on a business trip.
L Finley Johnson and wife re
turned last night from an extended
tripthrough the east.
Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs.
Letierty are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. T. B. Brown to-day.
Lillian Fry and Anna Weir, who
have been visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. P. (.'. Minor, returned
last evening to Omaha.
Eastern Cities fuic! Pleasure Resorts
are best reached by the Burlington
lhe improved train service now
in etfect brings Omaha within 40
hours, and Beaver within Ttt hours,
of New York, Boston or Philadel
phia. The numerous conventions
to be held in New Y ork, Saratoga,
Betroit and other eastern cities dur
ing the coining summer-to which
reduced rates will apply--otf.T
splendid opportunities of visiting
the east at an attaint nominal cost.
The local agent of the B. iV M. R.
R. will he glad to g ive you further
Notice to Contractors
Sealed propo-al- i il he recei m d 1 iv 1 he
-ccivtar otiliel'oaid ot edacation mm!
ii o'cl i U p. in., Sal uidav J't!- 'J.l. I-:1.', tor
the con-t met ion of i two stor . four
room In ick huil.liii.. on I he lot-In. il or I'.,
ill Stadleuiau'- ad'lilion in arioidanee
with plan-and -priilirai ion-nil hleat the
l'ir-t Nat ion a I hank ot I'lalt-mout Ii. lie!,
lad Miii-1 lie a-companied l.v a certitn il
ilii-ili nl j.'ki, I he Im ,. i r. I re-erv e- t he r is hi
to (eject anv and all lad-.
11 v older ot lhe lionrd of K.lucat ion.
.1. I. t'K'l II. see'v.
Taken bh dirpctml thft-o fnmoH Pill will
pmv niirvtll(Mn rcHiorniivi'M to all eufuablt-ti
by i no uiinvtiur kiihlrvu uiio .
25 Cents a Dox.
hut gcni'rally iwonniieil in Knitlun j and. In j
iiii-i i.iniuft-'iiui.c t na wirut tu be "nurtti J
ifinnpA a li.t t,,r lliri rpftnon thnt tliv :
W I I.I. 1' IC K ii vrlili- rungr il' r,ini-!
ilHlnl,aiiil t'l.a iay hnrn ivud to many i
iiui.irvrH uK-riiiy uuo urn many gmuaai,, .o I
iioctuni uiiii.
Covvred with Taitelett k Soluble Coating,
0t all ilruiiKisu. lTloe J5 cents a box!
New Vor Depot, 3M Canal fit.
Joe Klein, the Popular Clothier,
Distributes Prizes in the
Postal Card Contest.
The following prizes were given in the
postal canl cuivtot:
First prize, a nice spring suit, L. II.
Sawyer, South JJend, J''M words.
Second prize, a leather eajtehel, II. C.
Schmidt, riitttsinonth, b0S7 words.
Third prize, two nice shirts. C. A. Kin
nainoii, I'lattsinouth, 5,0ti0 words.
Look out for new ad.
nt'tice: ItlMain Street, Oppo
site Court House.
in a st ii in itie manner and fur-ni-hes
the line-t of periscopic
leli-es in either Hold, silver,
nickle. -teel. .ynolite
or ruliher frames.
Will test your eyes free.
nu reasoiiiilile terms.
Hour-: 'J a. tu. to 4 p. in. Ladies,
to 4 p. ill.
Carries an Elegant Stock
Watches and
Everything kept that goes
to constitute a first-class
jewely store is kept in his
stock. Repairing done by
first-class workmen and sat
isfaction guaranteed or mon
ey refunded.
l-'ir-t door -onth oi
I'o-t 1 'Hice,
Nr. 1 1.
. ,jvr viiiF, rjn
ToWM hMrt Tirrm rijinti will U al.fc in rH this
frintntt ilnt.ineool 1 1 iueh- fn-m tlio cv. s with two sni
f inl-irt : al.) will Im' to rvml it with cnt li pvo crraUly,
If nnfil le o your ryt-t nry ilt-ttvtivi. nt tu,nll tmv
itriti.iiti:ite attintiori. Wlh ti th p vt'S to?iw tin'l fr .m rva.l
ituor hwiii, nr if thf l tu-r-. 1 k hm-i mi I run tTth r,
it ii auro inilti'ition tlut (tlasM-H btv nel.-i. 'Jde lonnei
oi in the ch':i gnU ro of une piil .J. rtMfv ml
imperf.Ttlv fortii' -l urTK-vn, (.'nntniii.-.i ... i,t tln-u -H.rf-r
ltm'! will rvniH in i-tiiitMf Inpirv from ti,,. r..ntattt utram
U-m tlie tuuKltil yl McuvuiuiAlatiuO U tuj-j l th Uukct to
Ir. Sit iiiiitm will tt-t vour evt frt'O mnl
Mt vtiii with prrfivt lcnt' in "hmM, hiIvit,
MlvI, .yiKilitc nr rultl t r traiiu'.
T. II. I'oLLOCK, Aj;ent.
( fll'.f'-l
The Place to Buy
I wi-h to -peeiullv recoiiiiueinl
It i- iilir-olutelv -me.
- muii u-iii as l'lle;i a.S torCilsill.
on v.y liK.ntlily piiynu-ntH. Conn:
in mul I'Xiunitit' my imti-rtistt tin
wure which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time you
.f,,i 'loi.ii.: ..... .
..... on uiillLr new I vv, nnul
n.ippcn to nave in sstuck we can K.i
;t for yon mi two days' notice. '
C. imUKKM ixi).
421 Maln-St, Plattsm.uth
' ''" -