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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1892)
BASE BALL BENEFIT. The Fats and Leans will Cross Bats Friday. OTHEIt NMYS uiill'f TIIK (III Work on the Grounds tor the New School Euildintf was B-nun To d:iy Other Local Hap DJnintjsof lntret. Hen wcnl up to Ottilia this) morning mi bu.-incs. A. V. Wliiti- went up ti Omaha il tin1 two o'clock freight. C. C. l'.inii'-lc aini J. M. Craig left this afternoon for a liusiiic.-s trip through Texas. The case of T raver vs. the Rock Hindu ncliool directors wan tried lie fore Judge Archer this afternoon and taken under advisement until Saturday morning. The plnnss and HpecificatioiiH dr the new school building will he in the hands of the board to-night. This morning a force was put to work grading for the building ami the work will he pushed us. rapidly us possible. The Fourth of Jit y executive com mittee will meet at the council chamber to-night to settle up all ac counts contracted by said commit tee and the transaction of such other business as may come before it. A full attendance is earnestly desired. The funeral of the late W. H. Shryock was the largest ever seen in Louisville. The Douglas county members of the legislature sent down a beautiful pillow of llowern, the donors being Warren Switsder, Arthur Hriggs, George J. SteriiH dorfT, W. A. (iardner, W. S. Felker, (ieorge Hertrand, J. J. Hreen, J. H Huse, Pat Ford, J. C. Itrennan, Thomas Copek and George Chris topherson. Kver since the Fourth the patient housewife has had a red card hang ing out, and has been looking over Webster's unabridged dictionary to find words that she might express herself properly, when C. II. I'eter son, with his little red wagon filled with gasoline, should come around. So far she has looked in vain, for Mr. Peterson has stayed right by the R & M. depot, making it very hot for those officials. They re ceived a car of oil for him in Omaha last Saturday and have carried it by to some other point, but as they pro inise to have it here by to-morrow morning the citizens need not fear a famine. Fats vs. Leans. Arrangements have been made for a game between the Fats and Leans next Friday afternoon at the ball park. The proceeds of the game will go to the members of the bull team. Kver body should turn out and see the game as it will be worth the price of admission, besides the proceeds go to the ex leaguers. Fol lowing are thotw from whom the two teams will be selected: Fatu-Geo. Poisall, Win. Weber, Dave McFntee, Kd Oliver, Kelly Fox, C. Hrekenfield, M. II. Murphy, Hyron Clark, W. H. Cashing, C. W. Shen man, Kd Fitzgerald, A. H. Week bach. Leans-Frank Morgan, Frank Dickson, II. . Dovey, Dr. Hum phrey, Dr. IVering, rrcd Murphy, Fred Herrmaii. G. F. S. Hurton, M. X. Griffith, J. I. ruruli, K. 11. Wind ham, Mathew Gering. Installation of Officers. Star lodge No. 4, Degree of Honor, will install officers Thursday eve ning, July 7, as f jJlows: Past Worthy Sister of Honor-Mrs. D. H. Smith. Worthy Sister of Honor Mrs. Val Hurkel. Sister ot Honor Mrs. T.J. Hicks. Sister of Ceremonies Mrs. F. Ver milyea. Sister Secretary-Miss Let tie Smith. Sister Financier Mrs. I). F. Foster. Sister Treasurer Mrs. C. S. .Forbes. Sister I'sher -Miss Annie Adams. Inside Watch-Miss Kva Smith. Outside Watch Mrs. Val Hurkel. Kefreshments will be served after the business meeting. All mem berg are requested to be present. Prohibition Convention. The prohibition county conven tion will meet July 15 at Weeping Water for the purpose ot nominat ing candidates for county otliees and delegates to attend the state convention at Hastings. H. M. Gaclt, K. W. Nckless, Chairman. Secretary. Central Committee Meeting. The republican county central committee is called to meet at Weeping Water on Saturday, July 9, at 1 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of calling the couity convention, ap portioning delegates and the trans action of such other business as may properly come before it. A full attendance is earnestly re quested. Okl.ANIM) Tkkkt, A. L Tinhlin. Chairman. Secretary. Go to F. A. Kickerson for good cool lemonade. The M. K. A id Society will meet to morrow afternoon at J o'clock at the church. Miss Maggie O'Kourke was ap pointed deputy register of deer's this afternoon. F. A. Kickerson, on Main street1 will be glad to furnish you with candies, pop corn, lemonade, etc. The Y. L. U. R. A. will hold a meet ing at the reading room to-morrow evening at 7:.'. My order of the president. M. K. Hendricks has been elected principal of the schools at Herman, Neb. Mr. Hendricks is a man well qualified for the responsible posi tion he has been selected to fill. Frank Mr tier was arrested this morning at the instance of his wife and was examined by the insanity board. He was discharged as the board decided he was all right. . Miss Gertrude Hilton entertained n number of herfriendslast evening in a handsome manner. Games of different kinds were played and refreshments served during the evening. Miss Luella Mathews, who has been teaching at Alvo, Nebraska, closed a very successful term last Friday. She returned to this city yesterday, accompanied by her cousin, Kliner Koose, who will visit in the city a short time. George F. Collins of Firth, Neb., superintendent of the agricultural exhibit, was in the city to-day con ferring with the Cass county agri cultural society regarding an ex hibit being sent from this county to the world's fair. There is a man going about this town securing subscribers for the News by false accusationo against TtlK HekALD. In his conversation with a gentleman this morning he said: "Oh, that IlF.KALDl I would like to take it and make a news paper out of it if I had the money." We would like to inform the wiry gentleman that it takes brains as well as money to run a newspaper, and if the brainy gent would put foith a little ot his voluptuous knowledge on the News he might, by and by, when the birds quit singing and the cuckoos cease cooing, make a paper out of that. The gentleman may be a news paper man, but his appearance is decidedly against him. An article voluntarily written by him for this paper suitably reached the waste basket. Grant him all the money in the country and he could not make a newspaper out of the Hkkald or any other paper. Weather-Crop Bulletin. The weather as observed at Mos well Observatory, Doane College, Crete, for the week ending July 5: The weather the past week has been cool, the temperature averag ing from four to six degrees below the normal, with about an average amount of sunshine. The rainfall during the past week has been more than an inch and exceeded the normal in Custer, Hamilton, Hutler, Otoe, Saline, Jef. ferson and Pawnee counties. Klse- where in the eastern part of the state the rainfall ha generally ex ceeded half an inch. In the western pari oi tne state lime or no ram fell. Corn has grown well the past week, considering the cool weather, but is still backward and in need of warm weather. Rye and winter wheat harvest has begun in the southern part of the state. A CC 1 1)H. tTnSI'kTac E, T. H. PoLI.oc k. Agent. A. Clark went to Omaha to day. Mrs. Dave Miller is on the sick list. Charles Fleck went out to Lincoln this morning. A. C lark went up to Omaha this morning on business. F. A. Kickerson is the place for nicety seasoned pop corn. """m eio.maun was an Omaha passenger this morning on No..-). Allow me to add mv tribute to ilm efficacy of Kly'sCreani Malm. I was suuei tug ironi a severe attack of in tlueiua and catarrh and was induced to try your remedy. The result was marvelous. I could hardly articu late, and in less than twenty-four iiuim s uic cinarrnai symptoms and my hoarseness disappeared and I was able to sing a heavy role in Grand Opera with voice unimpared. I stronclv recommend ers. m. H. Hamilton, leading uica.. u. ness oranu Upera Professor McClelland left this morning for Seward to visit friends for a few days. Jttdson Reynolds of Agency City, Iowa, is in the city, the guest of C. H. Parinele and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I). Eads de parted this morning for their home in Alliance, after a short visit with relatives in this city. Miss Georgia Oliver accompanied them home and will visit in Alliance a. couple of months. List of Letters Remaining unclaimed in the post office at Pl.tttsmouth: Anderson, Selnui Arkley, Koliert lMlcy, (;ns Itrown, I'nmk It County, Jcmii A vers, V K lliislice, K A beverage, Sam Cliiinitiers, Venn!. i Foster, J C Kurnswortli, Mrs A E I'loru.C V I ielil, I'nii Mow kind, Trunk Hoover, J W Joliiisoii, I'.li l,m, Mrs jolm Meyer. J II Mitchell, l-'riincis Mari Count Miles, Tom McCnllocli, Mumlie Newiiiiiiiii, C C Ouiiwii.T I'reH hard, W S Roth, Henry kupcr, I. II SoetiHon, 1 1 11 1 it n Schiller, Kred Selshinsky, (ieo Fred, Thoiims Wheelmk, Jack Wiirkii, Ida Persons calling for any of the above will please ask for "adver tised'' mail. II. J. Stkeioht, An ' ni'Klinjr .Mounter. The ticoiilc residins alomr Palmetto creek, Stmt li Carolina, us well as those fur miles back in tlio "(slashes, are highly excited over the appearance of a strange ami uncouth creature in that vicinity. The beast is described as be ing a creature that far on tn test ho night mare ideas of the- mythologies. It is equally at home in tho water, on the land or anions the. tall trees of the ueighliorhuod, where it has leen most frequently seen. Tho general contour of the head reminds oue of some gigantic, serpent with this exception: Tho "snout" terminates in a bulbus, monkey faced knot, which much resembles the physi ognomy of some gigantic ape. From the neck down, with the exception of some fin shaped flippers, which extend from the anus to the waist, the creature resembles a man, only thut the toes and fingers are armed with claws from two to six inches long. Tracks made by the beast in the soft mud around Ilennis lake have been taken to Donner's Grove, where they are kept on exhibition in a druggist's show case. Those who have seen the horrid thing face to face say that it is a full nine feet in height, which conld hardly be believed only for the fact that the tracks mentioned above are within a small fraction of fifteen inches in length. Fishermen who surprised the monstei sitting silently on a mass of driftwood declared that its back looked like an al ligator's, and that it had a caudal ter mination a yard long, which forked like the tail of a fish. St. Louis Republic. I.lttle Short of Murder. The neighbors around a certain corner of Ash street were alarmed on Monday night by low moans issuing from a close ly curtained carriage that stood on the corner. A driver sat upon the seat. One of the neighbors came out and ap proached the team to ask what was the matter. Before he reached the corner the driver caught sight of hiin, and whipping up tho horses drove rapidly on. ine loins were doubly alarmed, and after a good deal of exciting talk asked a policeman to call at the house on the corner and ascertain who was hurt, or if any mystery was in the moans. He talked with an excited woman who came to the door, and also with a man who wiped his eyes with a handkerchief, while the neighbors stood across the street in suspicions silence. The officer came over the street und told them that the old family dog, the hero of dozens and dozens of fights and of US years, had been carried off to die by a bullet. The dog evidently understood his fate, for he began to moan and moan as soon as they took him from the house. Lewis ton Journal. rklnioii for the Worlil'i Klr. Two well known Swedish scientists. MM. Djovlitig and Kallstemuis, arrived at St. John's, Newfoundland, yesterday. They are commissioned by the geo graphical and geological societies of Stockholm to explore tho shores of Smith's sound, in the Arctic regions, t collect specimens of tho flora and fauna of the district and to take astronomical observations. They will hire a schooner in St. John's for their voyage, from which they expect to return in Septem ber. Information has been received that a party of Americans is coining to explore Labrador and visit the Great falls, which were discovered last year. Another American party leaves hero soon in order to transport for the World'a fair at Chicago three villages of different trilies of Eskimos, with all their be longings, and also a village of Indians inhabiting the mountainous districts in the interior of Labrador. Newfound land Cor. Pall Mall Gazette. A Hull of l ire on a HounHnp. During a severe electrical storm this evening the Crescent oil refinery was struck by lightning and caught fire, but tho blaze was extinguished without much damage. The house of Ferdinand Kreiner wits struck by a ball of electric fire, which exploded with tremendous force. A fire alarm was turned in, but the electrical display burned itself out without even setting fire to tho house Eyewitnesses say it was tho most re markable sight they ever witnessed. An enormous electric glolio of fire lodged against the peak of the house, where L hung, burning and spitting flashes of fire until exhausted. Every inmate of the place was more or less severely shocked, the air being heavily charged. All watches and clocks on the premises were stopped and other electrical phe nomena occurred. Bradford Cor. Pitts lurtf Dispatch. The Inspection of Milk. It has been proposed, and in some parts of the country the law already provides, thut the entire milk supplying business shall be open at all times to inspection. Such inspection should in clude examination into the condition and situation of wells in relation to all sur rounding buildings, their proximity to standing water or jkkiIs containing or ganic matter, the condition of barns as to warmth and cleanliness, the kind, condition and healthfulness of the cown from which milk is obtained and the nature of the food given to them. Inspectors should be at liberty to con demn as unfit for milking any cows suf fering from chronic diseases that might be conveyed to man by tho use of their milk. Youth's Companion. Turtle y.ffgn. Turtle eggs are an acquired taste with most jteonle, although they are not so with bears. They have a rough, yellow yolk and a white like any other eggs, but you can cook them for a year and the white part will remain liquid. No tice a curious dimple in the side of each one. If you squeeze it out the dimple appears on the other side, and you can never get hoid of a turtle egg which hasn't got a dimple in it Interview ia Washington Star. Oil for Heavy Mm lilncry. For lubricating the journals of heavy machinery, either rape oil or sperm oil is the liest to use in mixture with min eral oil, as they have tho least effect on brass and iron, which two metals gen erally constitute the bearing surfaces of tin engine. Age of Steel, Out of Date. Housewife Marie, these fowls are de ridedly too tough again, you cannot have put them into tho stewpan early enough! Cook Right you are, mum; they should have been put in three years ugoi Faris Figaro. Ilurvnnl KxuiiiliintloiiH. Harvard university is spreading her net over a very wide extent of territory this year. It is announced that examina tions for admission to that institution are to be held simultaneously in no less than twenty-five places, including Eng land. Germany and Japan. It looks as if Harvard wanted the earth and was in a fair way to get a large section of it. Boston Herald. t'atnlly Shacked hjr IIhiikIiii;. Lee Ennis, a young colored woman of Hnntsville, Tex., who witnessed the hanging of Alf White on Saturday, fainted when the drop fell and died late that night from the effects of the shock. Cor. St. Louis GlolH'-Democrat. Miniature boars' tusks and the shells so much affected by gypsies are both of ery ancient origin. What they signify can be easily found out by any one who cares to inquire. PRIZESJWARDED. Joe Klein, the Popular Clothier, Distributes Prizes in the Postal Card Contest. The following prizes were given in the postal curd coiitiBt: First prize, a nice spring suit, L. It. Sawyer, South Demi, 7,tH5 w. rds. Second prize, a leather satchel, 11. C. Schmidt, l'lattsniouth, fj,0S7 words. Third prize, two nice shirts, C. A. Kin nainon, I'lattsinonth, 5,000 words. Look out tor new ad. B. A. McELWAIN Carries an Elegant Stock OF Jewelry, Silverware, Watches and Clocks. Everything kept that goes to constitute a first-class jewely store is kept in his stock. Repairing done by first-class workmen and sat isfaction guaranteed or mon ey refunded. B. A. McELWAIN, First door south of 1'ot-t mice, PLATTSNorTH, N'EH. These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam r of Copaiba, AT Ctiliebs and Injections, (ffffll They euro in 48 hours tho vJ samo diseases without anyincon. TCnlcncc. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS! F()K SALE Two desirable resi dence lotn in Orchard Hill addition to l'lattstiiouth, within a block of the Missouri I'acitic depot. For particulars call on or address TllK IlEKAI.n office. KQUITAHLK l.IFli IXSTKAXCK CO., OF X, Y. T. II. Pollock, Agent, Don't Tebacco Spit Your Life Awav." Is the etartling, truthful title of a little book just received, telling all about Xotobac, the wonderful, harmless, economical, guaranteed cure for the tobacco habit in every form. Tobacco users who want to (piit and inn't, by mentioning The HEKALD can get the book mailed free. Address the Sterling Remedy Co., box Hti'i, Indiana Mineral Springf, Ind. The Place to Buy hardware IS AT G. BREKENFELD'S WHERE YOU WILL FIND A. STOVES, c IlAiNGES, TIN WAKE, GARDEN TOOLS GASOLTNE j STOVES, KU1LDERS' HARDWARE, TAD-LOCKS, DOOR-LOCKS, LADIES' PEN KNIVES, ETC NEW PROCESS "QUICK- MEAL' GASOLINE STOVE wish to specially recommend, It is absolutely pule. GOODS SOLI) OX TIIK IXSTAI. nient plan as cheap as for cai on easy monthly payments. Con in and examine my anti-rust i ware which is warranted not tor for one year. If at any time y want anything new that wed; t .. . . nappen to nave in stock we.cJ it for you on two days' notice., C. KIIEKENFEI 421 Maln-St, Plattsmouth i