Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 07, 1892, Image 6

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    Tub tin plate liar has crept under
cover at last. A whole week has
pnsseil without our seeing a ninle
reference to the tin plate question
in the free trade press.
As whs expected, the Ihitish
papers are nil booming Cleveland,
and the Cobden club lias already
subscribed liberally to the demo
cratic campaign fund.
To-day ends the financial year
for Uncle Sam. He has no big sur
plus in the treasury, but is able to
meet his engagements all right,
nnd something will be laid by for a
rainy day besides.
THE electoral college this year
will eoiiMst of 414 votes, and no
more. The democratic territories
of Arizona ami New Mexico will
not be admitted to statehood yet
THE free trader keeps on shouting
that the tariff is a tax, and the
advertisements in every paper in
the I'nited States keep on showing
that he is either the greatest fool or
the greatest knave that ever lived.
A ;ooi corn crop means a big re
publican majority this fall, and the
corn is looking as well as it did this
time last year, consequently the
democrats are down in the month,
as they cannot win unless there is a
big (np failure.
The courts of every state in the
I'nioii. when the question of the
lawfulness of such combinations
has been presented - and this has
been many times- have declared
tlirm to be illegal, besides being
against public policy. Trusts are
unlawful, because, through the sur
render, by many dilferiug and dis
tinct corporations and by the indi
viduals composing them, of the
power to manage and control them
selves, and by delivering over their
corporate powers to some other
person, as well as by engaging
through the trust in many kinds of
business not authorized by their
respective charters, they have done
prohibited things. The corporation
so doing forfeits its right to exist to
the people who bestowed it, and the
trust existing solely through these
violations of law is itself null. The
principles underlying these deci
sions of the courts are recognized
by the fundamental law of nearly
all the states, ;-inl ino-.t notably
have they been enforced by the
judiciary of the state of New York
in the ".sujrar tiii-l" cases, where
by three tribunals, tlirniiirli three
successive Hint deliberate opinions,
the law has been amioiiiieed with
strength of reasoning Imtilied by
precedent and a courage and clear
ness worth of the best days of
Anglo-Saxon freed Roger Sher
man, in the July b'orimi.
Hut who are our free traders?
They are not found much among
our industrial classes, certainly not
among our workingmen and pro
ducers. They are composed of pro
slavery theorists, who can nevtr
forget what they learned before the
war; doctrinaires and dreamers
who have a supreme contempt for
facts and practical results; foreign
importers, who can see nothing be
yond their own personal gains;
newspapers which are the subsi
dized attorneys of foreign manu
facturers and merchants; the Cob
den club, representing Hrilisb inte
rests anil caring nothing for the
welfare f our people or the honor
and glory of our country, and the
pro-Hritish democracy.
The toilers and producers of our
land, they whose intelligent labor
makes the wealth and greatness of
our country and the prosperity of
our people, are not among them.
There is one other fact in connec
tion with this subject of too much
significance to be overlooked. It is
that the drift of population is from
free trade countries to protective
America. "All roads lead to koine"
was once a saying. All pathways
across the sea, in which are found
people traveliiij.' to a bind where
they hope to better their condition,
lead to our own favored country.
They are all coining this way, ton.
None are returning.
It has been truly said that Un
gates of t'.istle (iarden swing in
ward. No man or woman who is
struggling up the hill of life foi'.i
competency and comfort ever has
occasion to swing them out. .None
desire to leave this land of protec
tion and plenty for the poverty ami
wretchedness, the helplessness and
hopelessness from which they lied
in the free trade land of their birth.
Congressman Milliken.
The IIhkai.h has received the an
nual report of the Nebraska state
board of agriculture for IS'.ll from
ex-Governor Robert Y. Furnas.
Mrs. Winslow, mother of Mrs. S,
A. David, left this morning for Ken
eaaw, Neb., for a visit.
The fact the republican party
has taken its candidates for the
presidency from the west in every
instance but one is more significant
than is generally realized. It was
not a mere accident that this prac
tice was inaugurated at the begin
ning of the party's liitory, nor has
it been prolonged by the rule of
chance. The east has always pos
sessed able and worthy republican
statesmen, and could at any time
have furnished a first-class presi
deutial candidate; but her favorite
sons have been systematically shut
out for logical and judicious rea
sons. It was not until the anti
slavery sentiment gained con
trolling force in the west that the
republican organization became
reallv effective; and that result
was brought about by the contest
in Kansas, which checked the ex
tension of the servile labor system
and saved the territories to free
dom. The west took the right side
in that liht not so much upon
moral grounds as because of mate
rial interest. When the south pro
posed to establish its peculiar in
stitutions in the country beyond
the Missouri river, the west readily
saw that the success of such an un
dertaking would practically ex
clude free white labor and prevent
landless citizens from securing
homes. And so the west gave its
sympathy and support to the re
publican party, and that party was
thereby enabled to acquire control
of the government. The republican
creed was particularly conducive In
western welfare and prosperity,
and western votes accordingly gave
it popularity and potency.
It was not surprising that west
ern men, under these circum
stances, became the most inllueii
tial republican leacers, and that
the party adopted the custom of
taking western men as its candi
tlates for the presidency. Kver
since 1 MM) the surpassing strength
of the republican party has been in
the west, by virtue of the increase
of population and the founding of
new states. Jts principles and pur
poses have been in harmony at all
times with the interests of the west
ern people. The homestead law
commended it to special favor, and
its general policy of facilitating the
extension of civilization gave it a
decided adv mtage. The fact is
that the west is the supreme force
in national politics, and is likely to
maintain this position for an indefi
nite period. vo party can hope to
triumph through eastern or south
ern strength as agi.inst western
sentiment. The republicans have
acted wisely, therefore, in giving
preference to men representing the
section which holds the dctcrmin
ing power. That is one of the
secrets of its wonderful vitality and
its mi pii'cedentec achievements.
It has not only chosen good men,
but it has been careful at the same
time to respect the just claims of
the locality which first placed vic
tory within its reach. -St. Louis
There is of course no other man
in the I'nited States who has cob
lected and handled with competen
cy so large a mass of statistics of
wages as Col. Carroll 1). Wright,
I'nited States commissioner of la
bor. Through all his investigations
Col. Wright has made an especial
study for himself of the bearin rs of
the facts that he has collected upon
the condition and advancement of
women, lie has brought together
his conclusions of many years'
study and investigation in an article
which appears in the July number
of the Forum, bearing upon the
question as to the relative wages
received by men and women for the
same work.
Are women paid as well as men
for the same work'? Col. Wright
maintains that in a great majority
of cases they are, but that confusion
has arisen because it oftner hap
pens than is generally supposed
that the work which women do is
not the same which men do. As
women, for iusb-ncc, have forced
their way into such employments as
bookeepiug and lighter clerical
work, the same grade of men that
formerely did this work have sought
higher and more remunerative oc
cupations. The proper comparison
to make is not so between what wo
men receive and what men receive,
but what the wage-earning women
now receive, and what they received
before the great advance of women
into industrial life.
' There are reasons, however, why
women are not in every case paid as
well as men, and they are large
economic reasons which deserve
consideration. Among them are
these: There is undoubtedly a
cheaper standard of living among
women than among men; women as
a class have less good equipment
for life-work than men, because the
expectation in many cases is that
the work will be interrupted by
matrimony; and most of all, women
have come into the industrial field
as a new economic factor, nnd in.
dustry has not yet adjusted itself to
Chas. Vandeventer's Dwelling
Burned to the Cronnd.
The Police Have Made One Arrest
A Young Lady Presents Her
self at Hymeneal's Alter
andTnen Faints- Other
From Sutunliiy's Daily.
This morning at 3:110 the residence
of Charles Vandeventer was dis
covered to be on lire. The baby
awakened Mr. Vandeventer by cry
ing, nnd when he arose he found
the house to be a sljeet of flames.
The house burned to the ground,
and most all of the furniture went
with it. Mr. Vandeventer and fam
ily had time enough to get out of
the house and to save a small por
tion of the furniture.
The house was valued at $l,aiK).
The house and furniture were in
sured, but the insurance will not
cover the loss, The origin of the
fire is a mystery, hut it is the sup
position that lightning was the
cause. The house and contents
were insured in the Home Insur
ance company of Omaha, and the
company's agent, 1. J. Hansen,
went out this morning witd the
view of an early settlement with
Mr. Yandeveiitcr.
Rohbed the Chinaman.
Henry Robinson now languishes
in durance vile, charged with rob
bing the laundry run by the China
man. Yesterday afternoon some
one went through the Chinai i's
house and secured .fll.ti!) in money.
The matter was not reported to the
police until evening. To-day they
arrested Henry Robinson and
placed him in jail. All the police
could get out of him was that he
would get the money from his
father and pay it back. He also
said one of his brothers knew some
thing about the matter. This
makes the second time the same
boys have robbed the Chinaman.
The boys are the stepsons of George
A Dramatic Scene.
This forenoon a couple came from
the Iowa side for the purpose of
procuring a marriage license and
having the matrimonial knot tied
upon the Nebraska side. li e pros
pective groom was from Fremont
county and his occupation that of a
farmer and his age 22 years, while
the prospective bride lived in Mills
county, ami gave her age t s 1, al
though she was undoubtedly a
few years older. The young
man left his blushing partner be
low while he went up to ask
the stem judge for a permit to
wed. After the permit had been
granted and arrangements made
with Judge Ramsey to perform the
ceremony, he went down stairs to
get his prospective bride. They ar
rived at the judge's office and he
told them to join their right bauds
he then stepped into another
room to get the license and when
he reached the room he was some
what surprised to find that the
bride had fainted. Two young lad
ies who happened to be present ran
for water and a camphor bottle
which happened to be near at hand
and the prospective bride was soon
restored to consciousness. Hut the
ceremony stopped short, some
thought that the couple bad run
away and at the last moment
the young lady had repented,
while others seemed to think that
she really did faint. Judge Ram
sey was anxiously awaiting their
return, but up to the time of Till-;
HKk'ALD going to press they had
failed to put in an appearance.
THE democratic papers have
ceased all talk about the republican
billion dollar congress. They have
one of their own that is now occu
pying their attention. They have
also ceased their talk about tin
plate. The tacts are, the democratic
press has not got much to talk
about these days.
The engine house of the Fremont
binding twine factory was destroy ed
by lire last night between the hours
of eleven and twelve. The damage
will only cause a few days shut
down for the twine mill.
The town of Mason was visited
last night by a cyclone. The loss
by the storm will be about faO.OUO.
No lives were lost.
It is quietly whispered within the
walls of the republican citadel that
Colonel H. M. Hushnell has his eye
glued to a seat in the state senate.
Itch on human and horses animals
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
sanitary lotion. This never fails.
Sold F. G. Fricke & Co.' druggist,
J. II. Haldenian of Weeping Water
was iu the city today on business.
From Friday' Dully.
C. II. Parniele went up to Omaha
to-day on business.
R. W. I Iyer had business in the
metropolis to-day.
II. G. Van Horn of the precinct
had business in town to-day.
Prof. Halsey is moving to the cor
ner of Eighth and Rock streets.
H. W. Pierce, who has been sick
for nearly a yeas, commenced work
J. L. Mulz has just moved into
Mr. Crosser's building on Eighth
and Oak streets.
Tom Parniele came home yester
day from Ann Arbor, Michigan, to
spend his vacation.
Dan O'Hrien cut his foot quite
badly yesterday and to-day he goes
about with a cane.
W. S. Schwab of Rock Hluffs was
in tne city to-day transacting busi
ness at the court house.
A party was held at the residence
of Mrs. S. H. Atwood yesterday af
ternoon in honor of Helen Waugh.
Gerald Drew and Klniich Kennedy
went out to the Richardson school
house to-day to attend a school pic
nic. A large delegation of the Turners
left this morning for Sioux City to
attend the annual meeting of the
Mr. and Mrs. William White have
a new daughter at their house. It
made its appearance bright and
early this morning.
The number of farm mortgages
filed during the month of June was
twenty-six, amounting to Ci.liH).
Released, twenty-six; amount, r?33,
2i K).
A. N. Sullivan received a telegram
from Wichita, Kansas, announcing
the serious illness of his brother.
William. He will leave to-morrow
for Wichita.
The au'trreiration of female ball
players traveling over the state of
Nebraska played a picked nine at
Hastings yesterday, defeating Hast
ings by a score of 4 to 3.
John Hinshaw is building a new
house, L'(l by 3D, one story. It is a
neat residence and will add much
to that part of the town. J. L. Jor
dan is doing the plastering. I
The social given by the ladies of
the Christian church last evening
at the home of v. A. Swearingeu,
was a financial success. A large
crowd was present ami the evening
was spent amid games unci music.
The Platlsinouth ball team con
tains several very fair sentimental
and comic singers. They were out
singing at a number ol residences
Tuesday night, and advertising the
next day's game. Glenwood (la.)
The coroner's jury returned a
verdict last night, after hearing the
evidence, that Antoni Adli came to
his death by a C, 1 5. (J. car pass
ing over his body. They also ex
onerated the company and em
ployes. The three men arrested Monday
near I'nion, charged Jwith stealing
chickens, had their trial at Nebras
ka City and Judge Chapman sen
tenced them to the penitentiary
One gets three years, one four ) ears
and the other five years,
A special train of six cars passed
through the city on the H. - M. this
afternoon fort 'inaha with delegates
to the farmers alliance convention.
One car was labelled Indiana and
the others Iowa. Doth had large
streamers along the side of the car
with Grcsham's name iu large bold
Antoni Adli, the Italian laborer
killed yesterday by the cars, was
buried this afternoon. The sermon
was preached by the Hoheniian
Catholic priest and the remains in
terred iu the Catholic cemetery.
The deceased left a wife and one
child, who are living in sunny Italy.
The unfortunate man had only
been in this country 13 months.
His ft How laborers each contri
buted !r 1 and John Schiappagasse rfa
to defray the funeral expenses.
Chaplain and Mrs. Diffenbacher,
who have been sojourning iu Wash
ington City for the last six months,
are in the city, the guests of Post
master and Mrs. Streight and Mr.
and Mrs. U.S. Ramsey. They will
remain in the city for some time,
during which Mr. DilTenbacher will
give a number of lectures on sights
and scenes iu Washington City,
illustrated by stereopticon views on
canvass. These lectures and illus
trations will not only be entertain
ing, but highly instructive.
H Polk can prove the assertions
false in last evening's Journal, he
could make things warm for Peter
son. Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For pale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Iilloij-iicranlpit L)t' Count.
"Madam." will the street car conductm
to a young lady in a blue calico froc'i,
"you have a dog under your shawl, and
you must leave the car."
"What! Leave the carl" vociferated
the woman. "I have paid my fare aud
I'm going to stick right where I am."
"Then I nhi.ll put you off," replied the
disciplinarian in blue.
All at once a law point came into tht
woman's head. "Give me back in;
fare," she said. "1 got in here in good
faith, and when I paid my five cents a
contract was completed. You must
either carry it out or return my cash.
I'm not responsible because your crank)
directors don't like dogs."
The street car official stopped the cat
nd hailed a policeman. The point wit
tated, and the thief catcher, after poll
iering for a few moments, observed:
"1 ain't no judge nor 1 ain't no jury,
but I claim to have some sense.
"Under your system you might tnakt
rules that passengers must n't wear red
neckties or red noses or three dollai
trousers, and after they had paid fare,
show 'em the rules and put them off.
"Thore is no end to the rules you
might make to bunko folks out of then
ride, aud every time a chap looked cross
eyed you could turn to rulo No. 321,
providing that he ninsn't look crosseyed
and then dump him in the gutter.
"The thing isn't fair. There ain't no
law to it and it don't go."
Turning to the young woman he said
"You stay where you are, mum," and to
the conductor, "If you try to put her oil
without giving her back her fare I'll
club your head off."
Ting went the bell and on went tht
car, dog, young woman and all. New
York Herald.
She Committed Suicide.
Mrs F. n. Hoe, at Watkins, left this
letter: "My husband - Forgive me
if I cause you trouble, but I sulfer
so. You do not know what these
long, wakeful, wretched nights arc
to me, ahd I am mi tired, darling
the pain will never be better. It is
not easy to take my own life, but I
have been sick so long. Good be,
my husband, I love you -youi wile."
This is but one id thousands that
give up, instead of using Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine, ami being
speedily cured of their wretched
ness. Go to F, G. Fricke and get an
elegant book and trial bottle free, (i
Fok Sam; ok Tk.dhA desirable
lot in Plattsmoiith. Will sell for
cash or will take a good buggy
horse and noises
For particulars call
this office.
m exchange,
on or address
t TfsL 2h F F N B A C H 'S
t- .rc'v.
V&r, inmil by rriMirisoi Icmhii piiy
1 V? mHmis. Stult :ik'C in iir.Ji'rilikr.
tf-fc O i'r'ov 91. 4'u(iiIikii- KiM-c.
sU 0 if, 0 fi A sale mnl xii'.'rty
hXf'Q rt-V- - M Nii-icliitpuml nil
I. r,.lTV u'im.ii ui.inn
W.m.1 Skin lWt''ir,crr-
t) Inn ft Hcr? nmlHy tMOt ir flrctluu, Wilil-
f'Ut iiH'tviiry.
Price. .-'-. Onlcr trum
T'JP era
j.'iu'j .6
If 9 W'urormn C (', K'.LWAOKEE, WI3,
Otlioo honri from H . m. to S p. m. Buudaj
from IU a. iu. to 1 p. in.
Rlierinlintji in Chronic, Norvons, Skin and Blood
tConenllition at nflim or by mnil fron.
MoliriucK nont ty nmil or pxprnw, ei-cnroly
pnrkixl, free from olwrvntion. Hnn,nuito to
duro quickly, wifely anil pormanotit ly.
Ttio iniwt widely ami favorably known nrinU
totfl in (ho Unitiol Htatiw. Thuir lung eximrirno',
rxninrkalilo nkill ami nnivi'rml xurriwH in tlitt
tri'ntinent and euro of Norvons. ( 'hronie and Hur
viral liaHM, ontitln tltpflo emimnt phyBiriani
In tlia full confidence of the atllirtod nvory whttra.
T)uy KU!irntt"t:
awful oil net of early Tice and tlitiiuiricroroii
W at follow in iu train.
l,ivdily, ciunpli U'iy and permauf utly curml.
OK DEES ymld rwulily Ui thuir skillful trail
Kiinranlcvl curud without ixun or di-toiition
from Imsinnn.
ueiiily and HurcuwifuHy carud in pvcry ciih.
torrhcra. Seminal Wenknenn, Lot Manhood,
Niulit KinifwionK, lecand Karnltiiw, Kenwiln
Wwiknam and all deliratu disorder peculiar to
itlwrx poKitively cured, aa well an all func
tional diBordem that nvwlt from youthful fullio
or the ejciwa of mature yenra.
Qf r!ftrr 'fnamntoed permanently cured,
Oil IUIUI V removal complete, without rnt
tini;, rouixtir or dilatation, t'nre ellected at
home by patient without a momenta pain or
A Corn Pliro Tl'9 w'"l effects of parry
OUI C VUI C vice whii h brim.' organic
wonkmf h, deotrnyiDK both mind and body, with
all it dreaded ill, permanently cured.
nn Rpffe Addreea Uione. who tiave impar
lil o. UG119 e, themaelvew by improper in
dulgence and Military hubita, which ruin Inith
mind and ImkIjt, uiinttiiik- them for buttirwwa,
study or marriage.
MAHUIEI) MEN, or thoao entering on thnt
happy life, awara of phytucal debility, quickly
V-Hend 8 centa poettwe for celebrated work
on Chronic, Nerroiw and Delicate I'laeamH.
J housanil cured. tTA friendly letter or call
may iavo you future aufferitu? and rihnme, and
add itoldeu yearn to life. JfVNrt letter aiiHwemr
uiiIkmi accompanied by 4 cent in HtanipN.
Addreao, cr call on
I 10 Sotuh 14th St
N. Cor 14th and Douglas Sts
Sizes and styles
Requirements of Everybody
fit. VHns Inne npd. VIII
Bam Andrkas, Cat Co., Cal., Feb. 1889.
My boy, IS years old, wai ao affected by St.
Vitua Dunce that he could not go to school for
2 yeara. Two bottles of Pastor Koeuig'e Norya
Tonic restored bis bualiu, aud be is now at
tending sujiool aiiin.
Could Hate NhmmI tllserj'.
San Kiumoisoo, Cal., January, '89.
1 was treated by several physicians since 1
years to get cured of epilepsy, but tbe attack be
caiuo more violent and of tuner ; sinoe I take Fac
tor Koenhj's Nerve Tonic I foel dolishted at my
improvement. Hod I known of this remedy
years ago, I could have savud iuucn mi iory and
worrinuent of niiud and body.
A Tatnable Hook wn Normal
i.iNeHAeM sent i roe to any auurnaa,
anil HMir patient can aino ohtaia
till medicine free of ciuWKe
This remndrhu been nrenarnd bv the KevnmrU
P&ptor Kneuiti, ol Fort Vtavne, lud, tinoa iSK, atS
louow prvparud under nit direction by the
KOZNEC MED. vo., Chicago, fit.
i tK-rBotJlo. OfbrfV
Pnbjff-rtf nwl ffftftO lower fmm thta Vtrur of
rfrrnnt, fur hy a nni wnndir!nl (lt(oTry In
nn'tlidmv rsnrr on any part "f the h-tdy can be
fMrrminrully curutl without the uao of
Hi 41 knlitt.
MU;' II. li.On.nT.awrinfllaria Avo., Chlmum,
fi-: " Whs Mrvl of rjriOfr nt the hruat In mx
iM'rk1 1'' v'-ur i!ut!iiKl df tro.-uiLfiit.'' (m-ih! fir
Mas bocome a household word because cf
its absolute purity, nutritive value, smooth
tasteand delicious bouquet. It is K'K") for
weak lunRs and a stimulant for impaired
constitutions. Unlike inferior whiskies, it
does not rasp or scald the throat and
stomach, nor cause nausea, dizziness anc'
headache. You may know it by the abov
qualities and the proprietary buttles in
which it is served. Call lor ' Cimii rare
Rye" and take no other. For salu at all
first-class drinking places and drug stores
13 DALI.EVAND k CO. Chicago
ForS;ilf by ()S. J. McVKV.
of a new partectea
arlontiflo method
cni i not frill union ttio
caA In txoyond human
anl. Yon ft?, ImproTiMl
theflrHt ri'iy, foul a hone
tit every Uay: noon know
yotiniHf a klim rum ma:
men la body, mind and
lit' ut. IXftliifl And I o 3
unried. KvHry obntncla
to happy mnrriod lifere-lU'-vt'd.
Worve fnrm-L
will.euprizv. brain tumor, f
vrhuti tailinKor lost aro
Matured ty this treat,
ment. All nrimlland weak
ttiriins of tlio ti-otly en
tuvod tuid RtrvimilittiieiL
Virtin:aof nhimrs find
eiop-m, riM'Imm y"ir
m.inlnMHl! SulTt'rorflfn 'in
rvKiun ymir viu't! I"n t
! apoJr.Pvon I fin the last
HtAk'rw. Ihm'ttHidihlK'nrt
hhh if qum-ka havroh
lHd yuii. Ijt usehowyou
thnt iiiL'dltul HCii'iit'O and
!'HlnM tionr Pt'll fTtr't; lnr : hnnd In hand.
Write tor our IlmiL wltliracpliuiauonn pnn)fs.
i.miii'uitaini irrfu uver K.ump reierrncei.
It Ax7uSPtW MrM.L,
a fW M.rniuiihi-1 i rn
.vtivi,.. wis hiivh . b,,,,,,. Xfur. t,
7ioarrfH'Mi!iyii, hta'oiiu-nt, wlnlii snih, jMlb. 1Mb.
nt i.iy tiiMit Hint lie iimit,- H...... 41 in. In. It) In.
lie nNwiil -le vthirl'f.i:ltaof.tVj,t.. 4. In. 1 in. II In.
Il 11- .llllin' tr,.tiw ut. Ili. VUn. 4'iln. 13 In.
BIl'.'D. F." SMrOt rT tOOKS's'THkAf fl. CIICK1 ut
Ti .ru . " " " v "r n 11.1 run.
Kill aril ninito niw rui,,mrrw. wt Imva
rtccidml to imikH IImn Nprrliil tivr rieml tin n
l iihinct rti tiircrh.itiiKniiih.Tlnlypp, AmhMtvnn
IT lHlllH'r,,yIH,,f Villi WlflirBTlV Ill.mli..r..l
In nr'n. In I ..... a . . . -
" .i.-iui. 1111U Wl. Will I1I1IKO yi'H II
I'rivon l'tirlrulf i-mm nl ..M...r
- ... ... . H . , 'l Ill".
yiiiu'xlnhit it to ymir frivinln na n m'inilit our
wrk, him! 110 Muir InHui'iii-olii Bi'i uniiK u future
erili-rs. I'hiretiiiino anil uiMro-oiun Imrinif picture
and It will be ri'liirni'il In ivrlect onlcr. Wnnnike
any ohiunre In iiicluro ymi wlnh.nut InU'rfiirliig
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V K.-W. will forWt $110 to .ny onev
jwnilliiit n. rhofo ,,d not rwlTin ornron 1,
73 mm a
- a 1 j l s V run 1