Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 07, 1892, Image 5
il THE EAGLE DID SCREAM. Pataiotic Citizens Properly Ob serve The Day. iV 1HE PROGRAMME AS EXFCl'TF.l) Races, Ball Games, Speech Making and Amusements of Every De scription Constituted The Days Proceedings --Notes The nation's birthday was appro priately observed by the citizens of Cass county yesterday. The princi pal celebration, however, was held in this city. The town was crowded with patriotic people, and from ear , ly morning until late in the evening throngs of people were coming and going to the grounds. The day passed with only two or three slight accidents and there was nothing occurred to disturb (he proceedings of the day. Kvery train brought in large crowds of people, and with the large attendance from the country I'lattsmouth had the largest crowd of 'the county. At 10:;) the whole populace went out to the ground. The forenoon program was coir, men'ed by singing the doxology. Rev. II. R Unrgess offered a fervent prayer which was followed by "America," being sang by the choir. J. I.. Root then made a few remarks appropriate for the occasion. The choir then sang the "Star Spangled Manner.'' Hon. K. M. Hart k-tt was then in troduced and made a short but to the point talk that was attentively listened to by a vast concourse of people. After another selection by the choir an adjornment was taken ' for dinner and a regular old fash ioned basket dinner was indulged in. After dinner the program was continued and the following were the winners: Putting the shot, Geo. Wainscott won first prize, $2 and Sam Patter son the second prize, $1. Tug of war between the farmers ond the fire department was won by the farmers. In the hurdle race Yes Green won first prize.-f-'and Kd Todd secured $1. The sack race was won by J. II. O'Neal, first prize tine hat and Kd Grace winning a sack of Hour as second. The wheelbarrow race was won by Wall. ice Thrasher, lirst prize sack of Hour and a lad by the name of Ohm winning if 1 as second prize. Tlie three legged race was won by Kd Grace and Sylvester Haimnon, winning a suit of clothes as lirst prize and Will Ohm and Hoiihuian winning $' as second prize. The fast mule race was won by (' Tidd, lirst prize a set of single bar ness. The slow mule race was won by Guy McMaken, first prize $5 worth of hardware and Will Thrasher second, winning a lap robe. The 1100 yard foot race was won by Ve Green. The prize was a gold watch. The UK) yard foot race was won by Ves Green and Sam Patterson. First prize a suit of clothes, second prize a sack of flour. The greased pig was then turned loose and captured by Sam .ender sen. Wallace Thrasher won the prize for climbing the greased pole. The crowd then adjourned to the ball park and witnessed the game between Plattsiiiouth and Council Muffs. In the evening the largest and best display of lire works ever wit nessed in Cass county wad exhibited on High school hill, and it lasted two hours and a half. Hesides this there were numerous private ex hibits, while all over the city the noise made by the cracker was so great that a person could hardly hear one speak. At Weeping Water. The citizens of Weeping Water al so held ii rousing celebration. J udge J. A. Mulcombe of Omaha was the P rincipaf speaker. The Avoca band furnished the music. In the after noon n fine program was carried out. From reports the crowd at Weeping Water was the largest seen there for si long time. At Rock Bluffs. Rock Muffs drew a large crowd yesterday at their barbecue. A good time was had by all. County Attorney Travis delivered the ora tion. At Murray Kvcrything passed off quietly at Murra)', and, although the crowd was not as large as expected, all en joyed themselves. Last Saturday evening while K. W. Hyers was driving about the city someone threw a large fire cracker under his horse, causing it to run away, throwing Mr. Hyers out and breaking his leg. The buggy was badly demolished. Joe's Drawing. From Tuesday's Duily. As advertised, the prizes were awarded yesterday to the persons having written the largest number of words on a large-sized postal Ciird. A large number of cards were sent in, but only a few came anywhere near the prize. Kvery man in Cass county was entitled to one trial, and postal cards were re ceived from all parts of the county. A committee of four was called in to award the prizes. The commit tee made the following report: We. the iiiittriitncd, dn timl the follow. iiiK etititlril ti the .. K". Sawyer of South liend, tirst prize; II. C Schmidt of this city, second prize; C. A. Kintiiimoii of this clt v, third prize. W. II. IM-KRIXi;, M. X. Ckikh i h. C M. Kl-TI.KK, IV C. Minor. The following is a list of those having written the most words: Words. I. . K. Sawyer 7,iisi II. C Schmidt r!,ie7 A. Kinmiinon f,uii John T. Coleman j.jv; Lee Sharp .",,iii A. Reynolds ;,(ij7 K. K. Hustcr ;i,:w) Jeff Lewis .. Viti William i.uchiiiski -.'.T'.'S J. X. Wise 'J.i(j4 J. (i. Meisiiii;cr '.'.ITS A.M. Knot ts l.'Xi2 Ves Mcfiiiire. .. l',ir, The three highest can have their prizes by calling at the store. The first prize, awarded to L. R. Sawyer of South Head, is a new summer suit of clothes; the second, won by II. C. Schmidt, a leather satchel; the third, won by C. A. Kinnanioii, two fine shirts. The Turners Plattsmonth's delegation of Tur tiers returned from Sioux City yes terday. I'p there they captured lirst, second and third prize in everything. In class turning Plattsmotith se cured first prize. Single prize turning Paul Willi, tirst; Kmil Wuti, second; II.Hillick er, third; 1 1. I laden, Omaha, third; Otto Wurl, fourth; C. W. Hritt, eighth; II. Roat, tenth. First group consisting of forward jump, running jump, vaulting and putting the shot, Paul Wurl, lirst; Kmil Wurl, second; II. Hillicker, third. Second group, high forward jumping, weight lifting and hop, step and jump, Paul Wurl, first; Kmil Wurl, second. Third group, high jump, rope climbing ami running, C. W. Hritt third. The boys report having hail a good time and that they had to work hard for their prizes. Killed by the Cars. J. S. Mathews received word Satur day night that his brother-in-law, W. R Hawkins, living at Inhester, South Dakota, had been run over and killed by the cars last Wednes day, J line 'J'l. A man with a steam swing held forth near the R & M. depot yester day. Charles Kropiskey was badly hurt about the face yesterday by the ex plosion of a gun. A boy baby made its appearance at the residence ot Mr. ami Mrs. O. II. Snyder Sunday. Judge Ramsey yesterd ly married Mr. Mike Sampson and .Miss ('Jay A. Sage, both of this city. Andy Murphy was fined if? and costs in police court this morning for being drunk and disorderly. Kngineer and Mrs. W. A. Sayles iire the possessor.) of a line girl baby that made its appearance Sun day. Levi Churchill brought to this office a piece of the ox roasted it t the Rock HlulTs barbecue yester day. The Masons, Odd Fellows and Rebeccas went up to Louisville to day to attend the funeral of W. H. Shryock. A ten pound girl baby made its appearance at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kleitsch Sunday morning. Charley Patterson, while shooting a toy cannon yesterday, had his face and eyes badly burned with powder. Joy Lodge I), of II. will hold a meeting Thursday evening in the K. of P. hall instead of the G. A. R. hall as previously announced. Norman Rickerson, the son of Hu man that runs the popcorn stand, picked up a large lirecrai ker yester day. It exploded in his hand ami badly lacerated it. $100 Reward Si 00 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn rhiit there is at one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that iscatarrh. Halls catarrh is the only positive cure known to medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis.iase, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system there by destroying the foundation of the deseaseand giving (the patient strength by building up the consti tution ami assisting nature in its wark. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F.J.Cheney & Co. Tole do Ohio. Sold by druggists, 7ae. Itch on human and horses animals cured in oil minutes by Woolford's sanitary lotion. This never fails. Sold V. G. Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsmotith. DIED AWAY FROM HOME. The Sudden Death of a Prom, inent Cass County Man. DEATH CAUSED BY HEAKT FAILURE Hon W. B. Shryock Died Saturday at the Murray Hotel, Omaha Died In the Prime of Life. The startling intelligence was brought to this city Saturday that Hon. W. H. Shryock was dead. He went to Omaha Friday to look "on at the convention and when he went to bed Friday night at the Murray, he complained of not feeling well and sent the bell boy out after "qui nine. Saturday morning the chamber maid went to his room to make the bed but found the door locked and went away, thinking very little about the occurrence. She went to the room again about live o'clock ami it was still locked, then she gave the alarm at the office. A boy was put over the transom and the door unlocked. Laying in the bed with one arm under the cover and the other under his head was the dead body or W. H. Shyroek. The comer was immediately noti fied and took charge of the body. Sunday a post uiorteiii examination was held and the doctors say that he came to his death from the ef fects of heart failure. W. H. Shryock was born in Win chester, Virginia, September 7, 1."1, and spent his boyhood days in Hal timore. He came to Plattsiiiouth in lSiif with his parents, where they re sided for twenty years ami then moved to Louisville in HS5, He completed his education in the I'lattsmouth schools. He served an apprenticeship of seven years on the Plattsmouth IIkkai.D, after which he went to Leadville, Colora do, and held several responsible po sitions in the Union there. After wards he came back to Plattsmouth and was deputy county treasurer under J. M. Patterson from lSTii to 1S7S and again from 1SSH to W2. In ISSJ he was married to Miss Irwin. The deceased was elected to the legislature two years ago. A wife and two children are left behind to mourn his loss. The funeral oc curred ;it 11 o'clock this morning at Louisville under the allspices of the Masonic order of which he was an honored member. PKRSONAL. Will Carrcaine down from Omaha to celebrate. Mr. John Mack spent the Fourth in Omaha, Perry Lnthrop has returned home from Illinois. Robt Geinger of Omaha spent the Fourth in this city. J. L. Kennedy of Weeping Wider was in the city to-day. O. M. Peterson of the Journal went iqi to Omaha to-day. Newt I lowland visited with rela tives in the city yesterday. Will Ackcrman spent the Fourth visiting friends and relatives in the city. Gordon H. Knotts visited Omaha, Council Muffs and his girl yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hawksworth came in from Havelock to spend the Fourth. Miss Nellie Simpson, fornurly of this city, spent the Fourth visiting friends here. ( has. I). Kads arrived Sunday from Alliance to spend the Fourth with relatives. Miss Mary McClelland and Mrs. S. ILAtwood were Omaha passen gers this morning. Miss Grace Russell of Villisea, Iowa, is in tne city, vifiting A. H. Knotts and family. Miss Sarah Haker departed this morning for Fremont to attend the Chautauqua Assembly. John Morgan left this morning for Akron, Colorado, to look after some land he has at that point. Mrs. Lizzie ILiyden of Omaha spent the Fourth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Stempker. Charles I). Grimes and T. S. Clif ford went up to Omaha last night and attended the alliance conven tion. Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Jackson came in from McCook to spend the Fourth with the family of II. J. Streight. Will. Oscar and 'iss Kva Heath of Lincoln were in the city Sunday ami Monday, the guests of their cousins, Mrs. II. X. Dovey and Mrs. W. K. Fox. Charles and Philip Langston at tended the celebration of the seventy fifth birthday anniversary of their grandfather, Col. K. X. Greusel, at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, esterday. Ititf-rnitt lnual float flaring. It U possible tlmt there will be an in ternational rowing match arranged be fore the close of the rowing season ot 18U3. Fui'ttotiiu time past mi informal correspondence lins lieeti curried on be tweeu the president of the Oxford Uui veraity Boutelub ami the rowing men of botb lUrvnrd and Yale colleges in the United States. Tim medium ot communication was Mr. Cluise Mellin, an oh) Uras"iiose oar, who is at present residing in the states. The idea was to hring Oxford ngnitist the winners of the Harvard-Yule mutch. Harvard has al ways expressed a willingness to ratify an international match if such a thing was possible, and the only hitches likely to occur were the locale and the time, hi an interview with It. C. Lehmann, the couch of the Oxford crew, that gentle man says : "The Oxford University Boatc.hib is very anxious to arrange a mutch with the winner of the Y'ule-Harvurd mutch this year. Informal communications have, 1 believe, come from the other side of the Atlantic, and have been an swered by Mr. Fletcher, who is now president of the 0. U. B. C." Mr. Lel inann thought that a race might be arranged on the river Thames, between Putney and Mortlake, in the uionth of September, and that Mr. Fletcher and his companions expect to get a favorable reply is an open secret. It is a well known fact that a joint com mittee of Harvard and Yale has favored this project for some years, and it was the intention of the Americans to invite a representative crew of F.nglish college rowers to Chicago next season to take part in the national regatta there. It is more than probable that the winners of the Harvard-Yale race will meet the English rowers on the river Thames this year, and (hen ask for a return contest next year at Chicago. London Sporting Life. Worth Twenty Thoitiiiml llnllurfj to Mini. I. X. Locke, of Wayno county, hid., was formerly an active trader. In May, lVi. he was in Chicago ainl bought a lot for a small sum. He put the d 1 in an envelope and placed it in his pocket with other papers. A few days after ward he lost, tlio envelope and nil its contents. He advertised for it, but real ly cured only for the notes, thinking the lot of little value. John llitchey, a vic tim of softening of the brain, whs wan dering aimlessly on the street the day Locke lost his papers. Ho found them and laid them away, and even after his death no uotieo was taken of the sup posed worthless papers. A short time ago John Litchey found the package and gave it to Mr. Locke, and through his attorney his claim lias been est a 1 1 lished. Had the deed remained con cealed a few days longer the twenty years would have expired ami no claim allowable. It is a lot in the boulevard addition, and tho parties occupying it have given Mr. Locke iO.OOU for a quit claim. Chicago Letter. Money In Tried for Cut. Ill Paris there is a cat whose future welfare has become quite a question of public interest. The animal belonged ton Mine. Ibibrai, and his mistress was si) fond of him that she left a sinn of money in trust to the mayor of the third arroiiiliseineiit, in which she re sided, for the use of the scholastic fund (C'aisso des Keolcsl on condition thr.t a certain iiinouiit shall go toward pussy's maintenance. A trusty person is to be nominated by the mayor, who will under take to house the lucky cat ninl give him three meals a day, consisting of such delicacies as lights, liver mid hjurl. L is estimated that after this charge has been ia. t there will only m about am) francs a year left for the fund, and the question now agitating public functionaries is whether that sum is worth the responsibility to be incurred. -Paris Letter. Oiecr Antira of lninln. Tuesday afternoon, during tho rain and hailstorm, a cloud was observed a few miles south of this place that acted very strangely, to say the least. It was quite near the ground nnd seemed to be violently agitated. Suddenly the cloud seemed to burst asunder, one part going to tho northwest and only forty or fifty feet from the earth. One of the sections passed over or through tho tops of some tall poplar trees and shaved them olf as if a gigantic mowing machine had passed that way. A heavy hailstorm also passed over u narrow strip of coun try near there, and at Sand Slough there were piles of them still remaining in spots late Wednesday morning. Very little hail fell here, and it was so small us to bo scarcely noticeable. Lemoore (Cal.) Leader. A (liurih Stif il for lilevOrn. The Center church commit teo is going to set aside one of the horse sheds as a bicycle shed. Not a few persons who attend the Sunday and week night meet ings ride to and from the church on bicycles. Now they have to leave their bicycles outside, where the small Ix.ys tamper with them and where, in case of a sudden shower, the machines would bo injured. The shed will he inclosed and conveniently arranged for the stor age of bicycles. So far as we can learn tho Center church is the first in the country to provide a bicycle shed. Manchester (Conn.) Herald. Trou lii Hie SI. Clair Tunnel. Great trouble is being experienced ia ventilating tho St. Clair tunnel, wlii. b was opened last year. Owing to tne steep grades very heavy engines aiv used for working the tunnel section and such quantities of smoke come i . i.i . these engines that it is diliicnh In men who are willing to run them. i now proposed fitting smoke rn-,oi,,.r to the engines with a view of miiigatin;. the tiuisauce. New York Times. Mummy I'lilnt. Mummies taken from the K.' tombs, Is'iiten into a line powder m .'. mixed with oil for paint is one t tv. latest industries of Cairo. The color of this human dust paint is a rich brown of lively tone. St; Louis Leuublie. Sunatrok Stop tho Wadillnf af 73 and V.t. A marriage was interrupted Thursday night by the groom becoming suddenly overcome with the heat and he hud to lie taken to his hotel, where he lias been confined to his lied ever since. The groom in question is Mr. Y. S. Fowler who Inmrds at the F.nterprise hotel. L'n'il a short while ago he con ducted a livery stable on F.ast Market street, but retired about a year ago with m comfortable fortune. Mr. Fowler Is a widower, seventy-five years old, and has several grown children. A short while ago he met Miss Lillie Townsend, a young woman twenty-live years of age, who is employed by J. Hucou & Sous at the glove counter. The courtship did not last long till the engagement was announced. Mr. Fowl er's children, it seems, objected strongly to the marriage and did everything in their power to break oft' the match. They were unsuccessful, however, mid June la, the day set for the marriage, arrived. The wedding was to take place where Aliss Townsend has Isiarded for several years. Everything was in readiness at the time iipjHiinted the guests, tho min ister nnd the happy couple. Just liefore the time for the ceremony Mr. Fowler became very faint and would have fallen but for the support of one of the guests. He soon lost con sciousness and was taken to the Enter prise hotel in a carriage, where ho was put to bed and the doctor summoned. Ilis condition was found not to be seri ous, but he was suffering from a slight ea-so of sunstroke. Louisville Courier Journal. An lin prUoni'il Oenlim. Alberto Lopaz, who was taken to Yiiina r nfly to serve a two years' term for burglary gave his personal, ef fects to his friends about the jail. Hepuly Harry was presented wilh a fac simile of the Episcopal church made out of pasteboard. Lopaz could see the church from one of the jail windows, and ho reproduced it almost perfectly. He borrowed a knife from Deputy Sheri dan with which he cut. up the paste board, and then made paste from flour with which to stick the pieces together. Il is a piece of workmanship to be proud of. The greatest production of Lopaz while confined in jail here is a reproduc tion of the magnificent Merchants' ex change building in Guadalajara. The entire, affair is constructed of paper. On the inside of the building are the stairways, etc., each perfect in its con struction. Tho prisoner must be pos sessed of a memory much stronger than most men are, to remeinlier every detail of that large structure for a number of years. However much genius tho man possessed, he has made had use of it. Phu'iiix Herald. TrniiMi-snnm Si uN. The salmon fishermen down the river nnd bay are having trouble this spring from the seals, as usual. These pests are multiplying rather than decreasing and arecaiising great losses to the weirs. While tho seals of the arctic regions have the reputation of being slow, stupid animals, hunters killing them with clubs, those on tho Maine coast are the sharpest game to bo found. They will go in and out of tho salmon weirs, either by force or strategy, and eat all tho li.-h they want. They are very hard to get n shot at, and when hit sink to tlio bottom, tho carcass thus being lost to the gunner. One fisher man remarked on a recent Saturday that there was a small fortune in store for the man who would invent a trap that would catch seals and hold thorn. Tho bounty upon them doesn't seem to do a bit of good. Iiangor (Me.) Com mercial. No Itlljer for KhIcIkIi' YoiikIiiiII lloiiae. Sir Walter Raleigh's Irish home in Youghall, County Cork, which belonged to tho late Sir John Pope Heimessy, M. P., was put up for sale by Messrs. E. & II. Lumley, in the Auction mart, To kenhouso yard. Tho house is a fine specimen of Elizabethan architecture. It was there that Sir Walter smoked tho lirst pipe of tobacco in Ireland and received an unexpected bath from a faithful servant maid, who, on seeing tho blue smoke emerging from her mas ter's mouth and curling around his head, thought Sir Walter was falling a victim to spontaneous combustion and threw a pail of cold Witter over him toexliiigueh tho conflagration. hily i'l .'.'.Ml was bid for the property, which was according ly bought in by tho auctioneer, who said ho could not think of selling a his torical mansion like it for such a figure. London Telegraph. T li .lioini from 1'itrlx lo linlileioiv. At y o'clock yesterday afternoon th" new telephone line between Paris and Hordeatix was opened. Complimentary messages were exchanged between tho presidents of the chambers of commerce of both cities, and the minister of com merce, and the mayor of liordeaux. The telephone works exceedingly well, every word being dearly heard. Ucfore con cluding the Elysee telephone was hitched on and a complimentary message sent through from Hordeanx to President Cariiot, to which he replied in suitably terms. Galiguaui Messenger. Snow In .lime, Imt None In Winter. Persons returning from the hills re port that a foot of snow fell Wednesday. It extended down within ii.doo feet of tho plains. A shower of "round" simw fell in the vineyards between Fresno and the base of the Sierra Nevada moun tains, where no snow fell at any tine last winter. Fresno Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. W. C. Crawford is now, at the age of eighty-six, living in destitution at Alva rado, Tex. He is the sole survivor of the band of patriots who signed the dec laration of Texas independence at Wash ington. on the Urazos river, March 2, is;m. During a masked ball at Covent Gar deu theater thieves made off with valu able diamonds and jewelry which they are suid to have cut from the ladies' dresses. ONE MASSOF SCALES Afflicted 3 Years by Dreadful Skin and Illood Dlnrswe, with lu tense Tain and Loss of ilalr. All Other Remedies Fall. Itelleved In Unity and Cured lu Four Weeks by the Cutlcura Keiiiedlt-s. I hv a tew wonti to aajr rrifirdin th Citi. CliK Kimiiim. Thry havr rurisl mr in tmir wis'ki' Uint from a Hklu anil HIimmI lllnrmw ln, h I tiav had tur ovrr Ihrea yeara. At crruiu tlni,-, my ikiu wuulii tx very aurr, anil alwayt ko I crackuin and peolliiK off In whltn calra. In ruM eathor my fie waa on Diaaa of iralva. lien In th cold air llim pain waa tntrnar; It oull aliuuat brtuK Wara to my eyra, anil my blond alio Wing In a poor condition, wilh a leu of b ilr. 1 kitvn Irlvd avery known remedy that waa recoin. iiirndi'd lo me, W It waa of no tine, and iravr m very lltlia benefit. Ho, bearing of your t'CTIi I na Kamuiaa, I ronduded to give them a trlnl. Tho II rut aiilliallon cava almoit Imunt relief. In a few weeka' lime 1 found myaelf cured, and I am thankful for what tliry have dona for me, Your t't'Tict'HA Hamuli area Meaning to thone hj may hava the oortiiiilty to uao them. I can recouiuitiud luem lo any our. KHMirXD KKUAfl, 17(14 J taiuu Ave., Chicago, III. Cuticura Remedies Kffeet dally more groat curea of humora and dla eaneaof Uie akin, aealp, and blood than all other remedlea combined. I'lTli tata, the grent skin Cure, and ( i tiu ka Soap, an eiqulaite Skin i'url flerand lleautlller, ritornally, and ft ticcka Ks k. H. vint, tho new Illood I'lirlller and grenleat of Humor Kerni-dles, Interuiilly, cure every pei len of Itihlug, burning, arnly, pimply, and blolehy dla vwea of the akin, aealp, and blood, from lufnury to Kite, from plmplea to arrofula, when Uie beat pbyal rlaua and all other rcmediea fall. Hold every where. I'rlee, CtiTirttlu, Me.; Poap, 2io.; Hlt-ol.viST, f 1. Prepared hy tho I'oTTSrt L'HI'll ANII rtllHICAl. roHI'OHATION, lloaton. -Send for " How to (.'urn Skin I MiKuwea," 01 fuge, 60 llluatriitlona, 100 teaUmonlula. PIUJI'I-KH, hliirk-heade, red, rough, rhiwd and I HI oily aklu cured by I'lticciia Soap. 0L0 FOLKS' PAINS. Full of rnmfort for alll'iilim, Inftum mallnn, ami Wenkm-n of the Aged la the Ciillrunt Antl-I'idii I'luM. r. the flrat and only pnln -killing atreiiih. tmug p.m-UT. New, iuitiintaiieoua, unit lufiialiolo. T H OS I'OUOCK K W HYERS Nt t I'l iille A i Meti-r .solleito Ketil Est.i'e, t,dnii nt d Insurance Ac;ent 1 f ) oil have real estate to Hell or exchange m io! usiiecriition, price and terniM. Alistrncts of title furnished at reas onable lilies. $100,(100 to loan at 7'.. percent and no commissions, on noml farm security. I'OI.I.C K'K A HYKKS I'I.AT'1'.SMiMTII - Ni:h. (illlcc miller Cum. I'miMy luink. liiictlnrt nf tfW It., ami I 01 to much Mlcr that 1 wmiM not Uht l,ooy irtit t put lk whrr I wt. I rH Oi uirt rliwi am! rroudl of lh chir. I V"ur trntitint to til ult.rrr from otmltf. WW tniwar ill ibqulrivs it tiiu.p It luci i for rrly." PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. HannlH, anil with an frlnf. In eortTfn tenet, or lid ttezXt. tot (uirtiLultri ddrm, Mltti b CrliU In lUmp, CI. 0. W. r. SBYDtR. M ilCKH 5 THEATER, CHICHO, ILL l.FJi.U. ATlCi:s. Road Ni-.tico. Tuiill vvhnMi il truiy e.tneero : 'I lie i'i,MMlli-iilier :l,MMitlel (i view fl rnnil iioiiinellriiu; ot Hie center nil the u --t lii I -ei I .mi I. hi r I eel I 1 l't , tuv N-li ii let! Hl, rjnue iwelve '2 , r 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 l; llleliee eie-t t liriiiii.!i i .i-renter nf "eetiim HUM'.', t hence en-l I In imh t lie renler nl -.ertiim III till ', I hem e i i-l I lirniif,li I lie renter nf Sec. Is Hi I :t inn ! ; i ni iino in it lit the run lit y rmnl rnnniim iin inu lii'.e Inln eh:iw ka Iruiel Vi. p t he kimu n ns mini u.'ll7, has reii" ii I I in I ivm nl I he Inent inn t here iil , ii in I nil i lined on- I hei etn, nr claims tur liaiaaue-. must he hleil in the enmity rlei iV- i ill' re nil nr hefnrr I Inn II nil the 'Jilt II ilav nl A ii ttii -I , IvrJ, nr surli mini Willi ho liKliteil wilhnnt relerence t herein. I k.WK Kicksov. I t'nniity t'lelk. Legal Notice. Jnlm W. ( lark, Mnrv M. Heche mill tho unknown heir nr ilevi-eex nf Thiiiini It. in rih in, 'leceaseil, will take tint ice t hut nil tlie nth ihiv nl May, !"'. Ileinricli leiitc li pit II, herein ti Iff 1 his pel il inn in I lie ilist rirt court nf Cuss i tmnty, Nehrnkii, nain-t sniil ileleinlaiils. tlie uhject nnil praver nl which are in hae ilerlareil sati-aicil anil en tier I Icil a mm I itaite nil t he nnrt hoie-t 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 l nl the leal lie:il iinr ter ni i-ecl inn I!', tnwn. IJ, railue II Ciifs runnlv. Nelirifkn, executed hv .1 I '. ."li ni hell l.i Ji.lm V. t'hirk, I rtn her 7. I"i-i, anil ret nrifeil in hunk "A" nf iniirl;;au'e-. nl 1 "ia - runnlv nil mue tiHi llieie il. In annul and ile hire vnid a slier ill's rert iiicnte mi said premises, issued mi II ijlle nil eM'i'litinii iticiiseuf InlelllallV 'et vs J. I . Miuehell ami lavid lleelie, district rmirt nl ( a-s rnunty, .Nelirnska and t lie "liri ill's deed issued on said rert i licnle In Marin M. Heche, date .,f cert ilicate 1-th. '-' date nl deed nv lilh, lv;.'J; also to e;iiire nnd aiiui.l a iuit claim deed for ; i i 1 pieuiises executed nveili her "it li. l,v :iiuestl. eill to Thnmiis II. (ioiileu. anil In ''liet the title In miiI in lllesiiid lleilllich Kelllsch. You arc reiniired In nu-vversiiid 'pelitimi nn nr he lore 'lonilav t he M h da v id Ail it list l'C. Il KINK'K II llian , li' his ;itlnruiys llei'sull ,V K'unt, WANTS FRUITCAKE OR NOTHING. The republicans, according; to Miss Willard, have nominated for president an honest man anil a Christian u-nllc man. "It was a tribute," said Miss Willard, coni mentin!; on the Minneapolis con vention, "to the clear record, Ihe manliness, the rcniarka! de ahility an 1 the pure home life ol our chief magistrate." .Now she wants to blow up the party which made each a nomination and the nominee with it. The trouble with the talented editor of the I'nion Signal is the disease which afllicts all her sisters and brethren; she is covetous. If she can't jjet fruit cake she wiint.s to starve. If she can't wear angels' robes she insists on the rjarb of a Fiji Islander. In other words, if she can't r;ct a prohibitionist for presi dent she is jjoiny; to do her best to defeat the man whose nomination is "a tribute to the clear record, the manliness, the remarkable ability and the pure home life of our chief maoa'strate." For that is all the vote for the prohibition candidate can accomplish. Kvery vote in favor of that candidate is a vote in favor of throwing the election for president into the house, where the result can be anticipated. Minne apolis Tribune.