Tin; (Meat of ltlalti.' iIiiin not Xeii liiui iii.iii ; ..r::::' Jl.ir-':-con mill tin wliol-- ivj.iit il ii'iin ticket. Till-: ri'imli! ii-.i 11 ii.iiuiiuM- fur tiie ir'.--itli'ii.v iiixl iviii'i'l:i"ii! );: ft M) i ;ue i:i ; I ' I t li.iriini'iv with -".lell other. N TU I I !l-r.llt, tile liuv. nt tin tlt'llir U.J-.) t ic V-s, Iii'iiiie i.T.it dull y result !.!- i t i : of ls, ami di'f-iii'- iu In- Kmi'vii ,i.; mi .1- a 1 l.ai"riMii in. ni. I'm: (Ionian 1 fur 1-cent letter .u-t-,iU'c in loiti'iati'il in tlio 1 1 -1 1 1 1 il lean platform, aii'l tlii.- ivpliUirau (uu. yn-.M lu l o elected 1 1 ( -x : 1 . 1 1 1 will ci- that the people it. 1'I.KVI I.WII lia- llothinir to nay aliont I lan i-iuM h l ('nomination. lint we slioiiM nut wonder il lie re ineinliei when tiie .name man wan nominated four cut s' ayo. It in true, aw Ciuv. McKiulcy hays that noliody can tell what the demo cratic party means by tarilf reform. In fact imhodv can tell what the (1 'inocratic party menu liyiinyof iti professions. I'k'll DKNT IlAk'k'ISON' promptly sent hi check for !f'i0 to tin- Oil Creek sufferers. In other words he manifested just ten times as inucli sympathy for them na Cleveland did for the victim.-of the Charles ton earthquake. II II. I. is hecomin- scared. It is now reported that he will withdraw troin the contest in favor of Cleve land, as the democrats cannot elect their mail this year, and he would rather see Cleveland defeated than a "n-(iotl western man." Till-: Chiciieii Inter Ocean says the democratic party is wanderine in the nwanip plagued ly mischie vous miistpiitos, and that the dem ocrats are looking loniiiily to Chicago for comfort, which they will not find; while the republican party is encamped in iiod order on the pleasant plains of harmony. K'l'l'Dk i s from the census bureau show that Iowa leads Kansas very considerahly in the yield per acre of cereals. The figures for Iowa are ns follows: Marlev, 2"il; buck wlieat, 1t.:i.; corn, 41.118; oats, :i!l.(iii; rye, la.42; wheat, I1.0U. For Kansas the figures are: llatley, U:i.i!; buck wheat, 0.7J; corn, Iti. Ill; oats ao.ld; rye, RCTi; wheat. I'.t.lM. In the yield per ncre of wh-at alone Kan sas makes the better showing. IS No event can the growth of lare fortune., be laid to'the charge 6f the protective policy, rrotection has proved a distributor id jjreal sums of money, not an ae,ency for amazing it iu the hands of a few. The records of our savings banks and building associations can he appealed to in support of this state ment. The benefit of protection tfocs first and last to the men who earn their bread iu the sweat of their faces. James (1. Maine. A Xkw Oklkaxs raiid jry h.ls made a report, iu which it says that Kaniblintf cannot be suppressed and recommends liitfli license as a means decontrolling and limiting the evil. The Miggention is made to the legislature that a uniform license of .fU(H) per month be as sessed upon each gambling house in New Orleans, the license fees to be turned over to the charity hospi tal. As the gamblers are not likely to do much for charity voluntarily, und as they are pretty mire to go right on pursuing their calling in New Orleans, perhaps, some good would come of such a law. Two hundred dollars a month from each gambling house would give charity a great boom. Omaha llec. ORIGIN OF OUH ELAG. As our existence as a nation had its origin in the IvnglL-h colonies, co our national vnsign had for its basis the ilag of Ivngland. the moth, er country from whom the colonies revolted. Thc'yoia- was (-liakcn oif; but the impress remains on our character; ine Hag was repudiated, but the colors were retained. The Knglih il.ig was the one in use iu the Anylo Saxon settlements in America from the time of the nr. rival of the Mayflower until January, 177(i. It was a red Ilag with a blue canton, or coner, upon which was the cross of St. George, the patron saint of England, and afterwards the united crosses of St. George and St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scot laud. During the storing times just preciMtmg the Revolution, the style of the American flag was as chaotic as were the albiirs of the country. Some dozen or more different ones were carried on different occasions jCuch indicating, in some way or another, the state of mind of the people But ill the latter purl of 177" it w.i- .J, enied n try to -'-t- t'.e upon sunn- de-in. and it was decid.-d t- retain the uisited cns-s of Kinj; James on a blue ground in tin-corner, therebv recuui.ing the sovereignty of Ivnl.iml. but to still further carry out tin- idea "I a union I1.il: bv I eol.'.i'in- the r-d field with one ni 1'i.irteen fed and white em blematic of I he tin ioti if t he thirteen Ctiloeies again-t tyranny and op pressi hi. The new striped Ilag was called lit" "gratid union Ilag." It was not de-lined to v.avo long, for it ,-oon became neee-sary to aball. don the la.-l -yinbt.l of loyalty, and on J one II, 1777. the blended crosses of King James were erased from the blue canton, and the American con-gre-s resolved 'That the Ilag of the thirteen I'nited Stales be thirteen -tripe alternate red anil vviuie; wiai tiie union lie thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new con stellation." June 1! is now known as "Ilag dav," and is celebrated as such by the Sons of the American Revolution. From "flow to Make an American Flag," iu Demorest's Family Magazine for July. A BRITISH OPINION OF LORD SALISBURY'S SPEECH. In turning to the coinmerciel re ipiirements of the country Lord Sal isbury grappled frankly with the difficulties caused to Hriltish enter prise by the persistent rejection ol free trade doctrines among all the other nations. That he would in stantly be accused of protectionist views was, he almost comically ad milted, a matter of course. Ncvcr the less, the perfectly inelastic rules of the Cobdenite school have no special claim to be regarded as in defeasible, and It is obviously the duly of political leaders to estimate the tendencies of the amount with out consenting to stop at a particu lar point of economical develop incut. England is essentially a trading island, contending unarm ed in a general war of tariffs, nor is the correctness of this observation at all vitiated by the conclusions which different men may build up on in. Lord Salisbury advocates the common sense view that retali ation is becoming a necessity in the case of imported luxuries, but that it cannot be tried in that of food and raw material. This statement of course, will create great commo tion iu radical circles, but it is the first authoritative recognition of the view always maintained in these columns that the free trade dispute is essentially a working man's (pies tion, and will have to be settled iu harmony with the workman's .re (Uiretuents. - The London Morning l'ost, May lit, TilK New York Herald gleefully remarks: "When the republicans are divided by factional hostility, as they are to-day, there is greater need of harmony among the demo crats. If Harrison and Maine see lit to split one party, there is no reason why Cleveland and Hill should split the other." Hut just wait and see how much "division" there is among republicans. The Herald advises the "dropping of both Hill and Cleveland and a union upon some western man.' That might be sensible. The west is the place to find winning candi dates. The star of empire is in the west, atid no mistake. We not only raise the corn and the wheat and hogs and cattle upon a thousand hills, but we raise the men. Come west for a candidate the woods are full of them. Inter Ocean. A Gkki:k professor iu England has invented nn ice locomotive, which he expects will carry him to the north pole. It is to have a unique arrangement by which it lays and takes up rails as it runs The locomotive will be operated bv steam, and the exhaust will furnish warmth for the travelers. Attached to the engine will be u cab which will carry provisions for the explor ing party. I'rofessor Damaskin, the inventor, says that he will start from Spitzenbergen and run for the north pole at the rate of thirty milt s an hour, expecting to reach his des tination in twenty hours, or making the observation and the round trip in two davs. 1 his wildlv iniprtictic- able scheme is worthy of a Greek professor. Strange he docs not take into account "grades." and omits I "the accounts" that will proceed from the party when they strike slush ice, etc. WIRE PILLOWS AND CUSHIONS. Recently I had brought under my notice, says a vvritter in the London Illustrated .News, a new invention, which I think should be made wide ly known in view of the sanitary benefits likely to accrue from its use. I refer to the braided wire pillows, mattresses, and like articles which. I understand, are being introduced into this country by an American linn. The pillows I saw and exam ined are made of braided wire; they are perfectly resilient, accomodate themselves to every movement, and are of cotire, always cool. The chief point to vhieh puMje a,'en 't turn slioiil 1 be dire. 'te l. I think, is the pos it'ili'V ol - I! dl i:i! 1 1 1 -1 1 1 i i 1 1 ' siipi r-eibiig the ordi:iaiy stiitlcd ! pillows and c:: -hi.ni which, with J the I ip-- ol tiiil , I .-eutne 1 l.eled ' with du-t ai.d g'-fin-. -.itiiiat' d with ' pe-spii atiini. and demand what , they s.-l dmtl get thoioi'g'i ili-iit- feet ion ail ! ciea ' i i 1 1, , ,. ,. er t II i !l i III 1 he il Hlle i at I .1 d ii -1 i 11 mierobes v, l.ich lh-- .-tnlled cu-h. 1 ion- of a t!:i ,:fe, church. h,.i!, or ' ol 1 e r pui i! :e i il.n ;i I isi ,ri i, with no ,-peed- pr,,-;,ei t. as Lu- as I can judge, ui cleaii-ing and rent vvai: II III I II ill' el's and ol!!.! - would oil I v til their -eat- v, itli the braidi d wire cusbi. ins 1 ,-., , cut on!;, v. oitld tie y be much more comfortable, but, what i- more to the point, much more healthy. Railway carriage sta!-, too, get, iu course of lime, most iineomi'ort ible, as every trave ler knows. Fitted with the wire cushions and wire padding, railway seats (and those id carriages a well! would be alWays shapely and practically iudestructil.de.-- Scien tific American. THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK. Perhaps the most important fact to be presented to the public in a ictrospcctivc glance for the week is the subsidence of the alarm re garding the crops. Statistics gathered by the department of agriculture indicate that the yield of w heat will be nearly equal to (hat of last year. Tl e average of corn planted is about the same as last year and the warm weather tin past week has brought it out till it is nearly as far advanced as it was this time last year. The volume of trade is estimated at 7 per cent increase over the same period of last year, and the clear ings show a gain of ln.ii per cent. Iron has been iu better demand at Philadelphia and Pittsburg, al though some southern product was pressed upon the market at very low rates. All the eastern jobbers find dry goods active, and there are large orders and shipments in boots and shoes. Cotton scored tin advance of a fraction. Silver bul lion has been quietly crawling up the ladder. ON THE FIRST BALLCT. After three days of preliminary work the republican national con vention yesterday nominated Presi ilent Harrison for a second term on the first ballot. Tltli JIiikAI.1) believes the party will go into the contest with noth ing to apologize for either in candi dates or platform. The recoid of the president is absolutely unas sailable. He has given the best ad ministration we have had since the Wiir, and as brilliant none as any other country has ever enjoyed iu times of piece. His conduct of the office has commended him to the best elements of all parties, and es- peci illy those who agree with him on economic questions. His second candidacy will produce a more en thusiastic campaign than his first, iml the president will grow iu pop ularity and strength with the pen pie until the election returns him triumphantly to the white house fcr another term of four years. Wti conunend the able, patriotic and thoroughly American adminis tration of President Harrison. I'n- der it the country has enjoyed re markable prosperity, and thediirni- ty and honor of the nation, at home and abroad, have been faithfully maintained, and we offer the record of pledges kept as a truarantee of of the faithful performance in the future. Republican platform. Eniilish Snavin f.miiiietii rnim' all hard soft or calloused lumns and blemishes from horses, blood spavins , curns splints, sweeney, ring 'jone, stiflee, sprains all svvoi len throats, eoinrlis etc ($,.,.,. sj, cent by use of one bottle. Warrant en me most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. G. FricketV Co druggists Plattsniouth World's Fair Note9. A Racine, Wis., linn is plamiiuir to have a complete tannery plant in operation at the exposition. President Diaz has recommended to the Mexican congress that Octo ber 12 of this ye.:r be made a national holiday in commemora tion ot tin- landing of Columbus in the new world. He sav in l.s sage that the work of collecting the .-lexical! exiiion is progressing rap idlv, and that a disnlae of M..vi troops will be made at the dedi. catory exercises. Why will you cough when Shi loh's cure will give ' immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., "xi cts. and $1 For sale by F. (i. Fricke A Cc Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Wbno Bbjr iu tick, w gve br r Cattoria. When ill wm a Chil.l, ha cried for CMtori When tli tweame It in, th dun to CVutnrx, TOMDshthad CliUitm.shftcwthnu CtutaH S3,500 IN RKYVMiD Til- C'imi ll.in Ac i .. .e!e i .v, ', (j. vni H. lf ear.? L.t-ini y .' .mu-ia.oii The I'.ith half yearly l.trrarv com petition for I-"J o "t!K. Canadian Agriculturist. America's dd and re li,.ble lllilM'!te ! t iii'ily 1 , 1 .1 ga.i lie, v. ill clo-e June :v,, . .-i ; iriiei.- bear ing postmari, not later than June e" will count r.o in, liter where po.-rv eill. The fobow.lig -); 1 1 . J ! 1 pii.- e-J will I e given nee to persons - nding in the re.ifst number d wo: d- made out ol the 1 tl -i s , ou laii.cd iu the words -The Plu-tralt d Agric ulu.ri.-t. hvcrvotic .-ereling in .1 li-t "I out 1. ll.au one i;uu div:i word - v. it! receive a valuable present o silver.',' He. 1 I -I .let .-l- illi! .. .-,.,1, jj, '"' ui.Ui'I j i . . i - . v.i "ni i ii In cM " i ".iu vaiifil a: . '.'in ' ; U- II' '.'Hill l-di ' 'Mil- le'M al.'ll lull jnt, l!i-,l "' 1: l.il'lii'i pi:'l Wifri! " ' -: .--.M'.piM "'11 -' ill fill 1" n I'-! "i il" -"I: -loo -s' "tl -'i i'i" -( hi v i i- t t-;i et s ie;diii'l I, he.. t: r ,. ' Ni V : lll'lf -.-,.( lll'.lT ll.'V'lt HMI1, Will'- laiili'H lii-avj i,i,ie i'i in" in.;-s--iiH. sjiTt-r ln.tti-r diilu-s etc " laiiiiit' il hi'in y .',ite. .Vi'M .-.mi J !' .- .lis, ,t s ul llt'.IVV lllali'il "il'Jft ktltii'". Iniili-r it 1-tit-s. tuill h'.i-lo-tH, l.isimit J.ii siiL'in uliell- Imtn-r kiiivi h etc nil hilly tMiiriim il tkliej it lol il of sili'inliil r,. wiinis the value nt whii'li will aj;-r -cate V.'i filNi. This grand literary comgeUtion is open to everybody everywhere. ine loiiowmg are tiie comjiiious: 1. The words must be constt uct cdonly from letters in the words. "The Illustrated Agriculturist" and must be only such words as are found iu Wcb.-ters unabridged dictionary, in the body of the book none of the supplement to be used. 2. The words mast be written in rotation and numbered 1. 2, K, and s.) on, for facilitating in Uicidiug thv- winners. 'I Letters cannot be used oftenor than they appear iu the words, 'J'h Illustrated Agriculturist. Fur in stance (In- word egg cannot be usrd as there is but one 'g' iu the thif words, I I he list containing the largest number of words will' be awarded first prize, and so on in order of mir. it. Kach list as is it is received vrill be numbered and if two or more tit? the first received will be awarded first prize, and so on, therefore the lx iii-tit of sending in early will read ily be seen. Kach list must be accompanied by l lor six months subscription to The Agriculturist. The following men hare kindly consented to act as Judges: J (i .Mac Donald, city clerk, Peterborough, Canada, and Comodore Calcutt, Pet erboroiigh. Our last competition Ciot flood prize all right, M M Prandon Vancouver, H. C. Thanks for faOS prize (J W Cunningham Donald lit C Prize receized O. K. J I) Baptie West superior, Wis. ,f:t00 prize ree'd Thanks-V, V Robertson, Torouta; and :t00 others in I'nited States and Canada: This is no lottery-merit only will count. The reputation for fairnrsv gained by the Agriculturist in the past is ample guarantee that the competition will be conducted in like manner. Send ,c stamp for full particulars to The Agricultur ist, Peterborough, Canada. THOUSANDS IN REWARDS The Great Weekly Competition ofThe LMclies, Home Journal Which word iu this advertise ment spells i he same backward as forward'- This ir a rare opportuni ly for every .Madam, Miss, ever? father and son, to secure a splendid prize. WliliKLV PkiZKS-Kvery week throughout this great competition prizes will be distributed as follows The first correct answer received (the postmark date on each letter to be taken as the ilato t-eei.u-,.,1 o ii. office of the Ladies Home Magazine I eacn ami every week during 1S02) wil get $200; the second correct answer, flOO; the third fad; fourth a beautiful silver service- lifdi Co-. o'clock silver service; ami the next .iwi-orreci answers get prizes rang imr from ''.1 iluu-n to i.-,...,.. fifth correct answer, irrespective of whether a priz winner or not will get a special prize. Com petitors residing in the southern states as well as other distant points, have an equal chance with those utarer home as the postmark will be authority iu every case. Rules Kach listof answers must be accompanied by fl to pay for six months subscription to one of the best home magazines in America. K'iiKKK'E.c i:s-"The Ladies Home Magazine is weli able to carry out its promises"-Peterboroug (Cana da) Times. "A splendid paper, and financially strong" Hastings (Can ada) Star. "Kvery prize winner will be sure to receive just what he is entitled to," Norwood. (Canada) Register. Money should be sent by post office order orregistered letter. Aodress the Ladies Home Magazine Peterborough, Canada. $100 Reward SI 00 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn rhat there is at one dreaded disease that science has been aldetocurein all itsstages and that iscatarrh. Halls catarrh istbeonly positive cure known to medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disaasc, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh (.'lire is taken internally acting directly upon the blood mid mucous surface of the system there by destroying the foundation of the deseaseand giving the patient strength by building up the consti tuti in and assisting nature in its vvark. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they otfer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J.Cheney A Co. Tole do Ohio. Sold by druggists, 7."c. There will be a picnic and dai ce at Coon Vallery's grove, by the red school house, on the fourth of July about S'.j miles west of Plattsmoutti Kvery body is invited to come and have n good time. N. S. Yolk, W. A. HliCKKK. Still continue to be l(cl(lc!'()l'S In the Clothing Business. Tlu is fully (U'lnon-traU'il 1 1 v the i'act that llu'y haw (i!i ii ! this Si!'inn- tn FIRST They own their .oods as low as mortal mn can buy them for spot cash. SECOND They sell them to their customers at as low prices as mortal man can sell them and make a living. THIRD They are Square and Honest in their Dealings. Those Three Reasons are iheKeysiones of Their Success. N" ow to snow their appreciation of their increase of lupsiness they propose to t -n ott-n tf 4 4 K ,x t .. e'"- " " "J iJ im-u lioolv, entitled "The Columbian World's Fair 3 Atlas of the 'rolKl,,, to every person buying goods to the amount of ?,J5.0(, either at one purchase or in a running account. They will give them a copy of this valuale book free of charge CALL AND SKU Mayer & The Clothing Kings. ttOFI YOU TIIIM Uj TtL&t Old- Car-DGt of yours lius been turned tor the lust time, it will hardly stand uiiotlier such heating as you gave it last spring besides vu know yon are too tender hearted to give it such another ashing. It will he a useless task as you cannot lash hack its respectability, lietter discard it altogether and let us sell you one of these elegant new patterns that we have just received. Spi'hig Ijotisc Gleqiiiqg. Will soon ho upon us and you will want new carpets, cur tains, linens, etc. We are head quarters lor anything in this line, we can sell you hemp carpets as low as ten cents a yard, Ingrains as low as twenty-five cents and JJrussells rum titty cents upward. This is a : DEPARTMENT with us. We have handled them with samples but finding that we could sell them much cheaper by having them in stock we have discarded the former method and are now ab!e to tell them at a very low price, will duplicate Omaha prices every time, kind and quality taken into consideration ileing all new goods we have no old designs in the line, We have just received an excellent assortment of CURTAINS We can sell lace curtains tor T)0 cents a pair upward, Irish I'oint curtain., Tambour muslin curtains, Swiss curtains, curtain screen in plain and fancy, table silks tor draperies. Chenille Portieres. Also a tine line of window shades at the lowest prices. We have the linest line ot linens ever brought to this city Table cloths with napkins to match, Tabic" scarfs. L'urlan drape, bleached table damask with drawn work and hem stitched by the yard, plain damask for drawn work, linen scrim, stamped linens, an elegant assortment of towels with taney and drawn work borders, plain and tancv lluck and Turkish Towels, linen sheeti.ig and pillow casing etc. WIL HEROLD & SOW. ........ I i ... 1 M Jt ciiMtiiiii'i's ;i iiaimstinio Till- I 00K AT Morgan's - Plattsmouth, Neb.