Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 16, 1892, Image 3

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LBenjamin Harrison Nominated
J ' on the First Ballot.
Editor Rosewater Eluded a Member
of the National Committee
The Convention Adjourn d
After an Interesting
Nebrask's Cavel Presented
Krom Thursday' Kiiily. t
Mr. Walker nf Nebraska, who rre
with the "-avel made of timber
grown on the Freeman homestead
in Gage count j, made the fol lowing
presentation speech: "Among the
many masterpieces 01 tne republic
legislation, more numerous than
the stars oj yonder Hay;, is the home-
1 i ... l i r .
years before congress and was ve
toed by President Huehauan in
K?.t, and the Nebraska enabling act
passed in lMiT, and particularly
cherished by our people. Taking
. ) advantage of the beneficent feat. ire
of the homestead law, thousands of
returning soldiers aeqii'rcd homes
in Nebraska during ISC!) and 1S W.
founding u prosperous and thrifiv
- intsoatKiry and thereby made it
possible for the passage of an act
admitting Nebraska from ten to fif-
' teen years sooner than othetw'se.
"Asa token of our appreciation
j and on behalf of young and old re
publicans of Nebraska, I desire to
present the temporary chairman of
tuis convention with this gavel. It
t plain and simple, but useful. Its
historical interest and icpublican
origin symbolizes the two acts. The
wood from wtiieli it i o ,,1'it,. ....ii
grown upon the first or original
homestead, located near Beatrice,
Gage couniy, Neb., which was en
tered January 1, 1M(S3, by Daniel Free
nian,who sidl owns and occupies
his claim. The ends of the gavel
are inlaid with silver coins, one
bearing the date of n7, and the
other 1S02, signifying- that this year
Nebraska celebrates her twenty-
fifth or silver anniversary. It was
' our hope that Hon. Gahtsha A
Grow of Pennsylvania, a delegate to
this convention and the father of
homestead law, would be here and
make a few appropriate remarks,
but I am sorry to inform you that
lie is sick and confined to his bed.
With the hopeihat when Nebsaska
t celebrates her golden anniversary
V that the United States may be still
governed by republicans, I have the
honor, sir, to present yo a 'Jos gave!."
Permanent Organization.
The Chairman Are you ready
for the question? There being no
objection the committee is extended
permission to sit until they have
completed their report. The next
order of business is the report of
the committee on permanent orga
nisation. Cheers greeted the appearance of
Chairman Lockwood, who sub
mitted the following report: "Mr.
Chairman and gentlemen of the
i-vimvih'uli, juui vuiiiui uu'c on per-
, nianent organization have in
structed me to make the following
report: We recommend for perma
nent chairman of the convention,
Hon. William McKinley of Ohio.
Prolonged cheers.) Your commit
tee further recommends for perma
nent secretary of the convention,
Charles W. Johnston of Minnesota;
and the recommendation of the
committee further is that the tem
porary working force of secretaries,
reading clerks and assistant secre
taries be made permanent officers
of this convention. (Applause.
Harness - and - Bu2p;ies.
TllPV ilkll ('ill'l'V II illll
V - - ml " - ' ' "
v their house in Wci'iiijig Wntcr.
Fred Gorder & Sow
I'lnUimoulli, -
Your committee further recom
mends an honorary secretary and
an honorary vice president for each
of the states, and the committee de
sires me also to suggest that the
delegations from the following
states send a leport to the desk for
the vice president and secretary,
who up to this time have not re
ported to the committee: Alabama
North Carolina, Louisiana, Maine,
Kentucky. Nebraska, Arizona, Indi
an Territory and I'tah."
Mr. Lock wood -I move the adop
tion of the report on permanent
The report was unauimoiisly
The Chairman -The chair will
appoint as a committee to escort
the permanent chairman to the
chair lion. Samuel Fessenden, Sen
ator Spooner and Ge eral Mahonc
Cheers Greeted MeKinley.
The announcement of General
Mahone's name was greeted by en
thusiastic approval from the gal
leries and a number of delegates.
Governor McKinley was in the
seat with the Ohio delegation and
there was a slight hush as the com
mittee approached him and former
ly notified him of his election. With
a bow the governor of the liuckeye
state arose and arm and arm with
the chairman of the notification
couim'ltee, marched up to the plat
form. No occasion could have been
more fitting to demonstrate Un
popularity of the great American
protectionist and his admirers were
not slow to catch the inspiration of
the occasion. It was nearly a min
ute before the deafening cheers
ceased reverberating through the
halls and corriders, and when si
lence was finally restored Chair
man McKinley was introduced by
his predecessor, Temporary Chair
man Fassett, who thanked the con
vention for its courtesy to him and
presented McKinley of Ohio. Ap
plause for the retiring and incom
ing' chairmen resounded through
the building,
Hefore McKinley could say more
than "gentleman of the convention"
some one called, "three cheers for
McKinley," and the building fairly
shook with therespose.
When quiet was restored McKin
ley proceededjto deliver a brilliant
telliitg speech, punctuated by en
thusiastic applause as point after
point was made.
McKinley's Crand Effort.
Among other things he siio.:
"Republican conventions mean
something. They have always
meant something. Republican con
veniens say what they mean and
mei'ii what they say. They declare
principles ami policies and pur
poses, and when entrusted with
power, they execute and enforce
them." He said the platform of the
lirst republican convention in I'hil
adclplra thirty-six years ago reads
to-diy more like an inspiration
than tlie aTirmntioii of a great
polit'Cid party; that every provision
of that great instrument was on the
pitbbc statutes of our country to
day, which cannot be said of the
platform of any oilier political or
ganization of this or any other
country. Whenever anyth'i:g was
to be done in this country, by this
country and for th:s country, the
republican party has been called
upon to do it.
Success Predicted.
"We are here to-day to make a
platform uiut ticket that will com
mend themselves to the conscience
intelligence and judgment of the
American people, and will do it.
Whatever is done by this conven
tion, either as to platform or ticket
will receive the approval of Un
American people in November.
"This is a republican year. Rhode
Island has spoken, Only yesterday
Oregon spoke by electing three re
publicans to congress. When we
l ino at' Iniiilninoiitc .it
m. i v. Ul III I'lV lilt II 111 ML
get through with this convention
its conclusions shall be the law of
of republican and the assurance of
of republican victory. We are for
a protective tariff and reciprocity."
MlNSKAIDLIS. Minn.. June 10.
Jpecial to THE HliK.U.P. -The re
publican convention nom
inated teiijamin Harrison for pres
ident on the first ballot. MeKinley
came second, with Illaine third.
Following is the vote:
lliirri-mi r(
Mihnilev 1st
IVl'I'll 4
Lincoln i
Mli;.i', Ml.W., June '.- The
convention got down to business
last night and Chairman Cogges
well of the committee on credentials
took the platlorm, and stated that
he was not prepared with a written
majority report, but if the conven
tion wished he would make a verbal
report, lie understood that the mi
nority was ready to report.
Mr. W allace of New York said he
had a partial report from the minor
ity which he sent to the clerk's
Mr. Lockwood of Idaho asked
some questions which brought an
explanation from the chairman.
When his curiosity was satisfied
the chairman asked if there wasauy
objection to the reception of a cr-
lial report Irom the committee. No
objection washeard and Mr.Cogges
well, holding' in his hand the mem-
orandain sheet, began to announce
the action of the commiltee. Mr
Coggeswell dictated to the conveir
tion and the reporters. His report
was as follows:
The committee on credeiitinlscon-
sidered the list of contested dele
gales and has heard in twenty-four
different costested cases. It recom
mends that the uncontested list
submittted by the national com
mittee of the temporary organiza
tion be accepted as the list of duly
credited delegates and alternates
except the cases to be hereafter
In the matter of contests in the
Kighth, Third and Fourth districts
it was recommended that the sit
l;ng members retain their seats.
Li the Sixth the contestants, Hous
ton and Mathews, were recom
mended to be seated. The sitting
delegatesat-large from Louisiana
were recommended to retain their
seats. In the contest from Missis
sippi both sets of delegates wi re
allowed seats, casting half votes
The chairman asked the rcpre-sentati-'e
of the minority, Mr. W al
lace, if he desired to make a verbal
The report of tin- minority was
the same as the majority w ith the
exceptions, of 'he Alabama dispute.
M-. Coggeswell moved that the
majority report beadopted. Clieun-c.-y
I. Fuller on behalf of the repub
licans of Alabama, asked that the
minority report be adopted. The
chair announced that he would
recognize gentlemen from each
side idlernately and gave the floor
to Mr. Massey of Dele ware, who !
s.oke in behalf of the majority re
port. Mr Knight of California, and sew
ator Walcott were then recognized
A vote was taken on the majority
report. The roll was called and re
sulted as follows: For majority re
port, 47(i; against, 3(15.
Hefore the vote was announced
the convention, on motion of Mr.
Shepherd of New York, passed a
resolution authorizing the secre
tary to receive contributions for the
Titusville sufferers.
Mr. Foraker, chairman of the com.
mittee on resolutions, was then
given unanimous consent to read
tlu- platform, which was received
with great enthusiasm and adopted.
At 1:30 last night the convention
adjourned until 11 o'clock to-day.
ClIICAiio, June 0,-The daily News
made a canvass by states of the del
egates at Minneapolis and finds
them divided as follows: Maine
122, Harrison, Inl, Alger 31, McKin
ley 12, Reed 2, Allison 1. doubtful
32. 1 he News asserts that McKin
ley has given the Harrison mana
gers positive assurance that he will
tinder no circumstances allow the
use of his name as a dark horse and
that in return he will receive the
support of the Harrison men in lsrj.
Not for Blaine.
Mokkisvillk, Yr., June1.). The If.
H. Powers republican club tins
morning sent H. II Powers, chair
man of the Vermont delegation at
Minneapolis, a telegram savino-
"The people aid press of Vermont
regret your position. Take a posi
five stand for Harrison first, then
McKinley and Sherman, not
Will Not Withdraw.
HoSTOV, Illll" 111.,),,,. ;.
ile: c a..v. i .u.. ii, oc unci u:scu. -
A friead who called on him says he J
will not withdraw, but is perfectly
willing to let the delegates tight it
At 11.35 yesterday morning Chair
man McKinley called the conven
tion to order after which Rev. Hays
of Minneapolis ottered prayer. Af
ter some rotine business the chair
man announced that nominations
were in order. It was decided that
the roll ,f states should be called
and when Colorado was reached
Senator Walcott took the floor ami
placed in nomination James G.
The roll call went on and when
Indiana was reached Hon. Ricliard
Thompson ex-secretary of the navy
arose and nominated Itenjaniin
Thread of states was resumed un
til Michigan. There was a breath
less pause, but no response from the
Michigan delegation. "What's the
matter with Alger':" shouted a
delegate. "Not in it," a voice re
plied. W hen Minn-sot, i was reached lius
tis seconded the nomination of
At the close of liuslis' speech the
chief Maine demonstration of the
day look place. It seemed to have
no limit. The crowd veiled waved
umbrellas, threw hats, and danced
and cheered, and when it seemed
that human power must soon over
come itself the old cry of lilaine,
James, G. Maine, spread through
the audience.
Enthusiasm Unbounded.
The manifestation was the most
sensational. The prolonged en
durance of intensity probably
equalled anything ever n-en ill the
convention. At twenty-three min
utes the band began playing, but
the roar came again and the stamp
ing renewed.
McKinley began rapping with his
gavel and finally the storm spent
itself at the end of thirty-iiue min
utes. W. K. Malleson, colored, from Mis.
sissippi, seconded the noni inat ion.
He was the greatest citizen in the
world, a man so great that no one
was jealous of him. He was t!w
greatest American and the greatest
living republican, James G. Maine.
When New York was reached
Hon, Chauncey M. Depevv arose and
in one of his greatest speeches sec
onded the nomination of ltenjamin
A fler several other delegates had
spoken ex-Governor Sewell of New
Jersey moved that (he convention
proceed to hallos. The vote result
ed as follows:
II:irt f,;;-, ;
lilaiiii' iv,"
K'ee.l , i
l.iiii 'iln . . j .(
Total ;
.Yie-Mry 1..rliun-e . . -1
The convention then adjourned
until S p. m.
At S o'clock the convent ion was
called to order and the roll of stales
was called until New York was
reached and State Senator O'Con
nor arose ami placed in nomination
for vice president Whitelaw Reid
of the New York Tribune. General
Horace Porter in an able speech
seconded the nomination.
On motion of Mr. Cauey of Iowa,
the rules were suspended and the
nomination made unanimous.
At ten o'clock the convention ad
journed sine die.
With a Kiss.
Washington, I). C, June 10. A
kiss, given by Miss Jeanette Hal
ford as she Hung her arms about
President Harrison's neck at 5:12
o'clock this afternoon, announced
to him that he had been renomi
nated by the Minneapolis repub
lican convention for piesident.
'IT e president was in his office
across the hall from the telegraph
room, where the bulletins were be
ing received by an enthusiastic
crowd composed of cabinet officers,
generals in the 1'nited States army,
newspaper men and women, at
taches of the executive mansion
and colored servants.
Miss Ilalford rushed across the
hall and saluted the president as
she had done four years ago at
Minneapolis when In- lirst received
the nomination. The president
was surrounded by Secretaries
Tracy, Noble and Rusk and by Mrs.
McKee, Russell Harrison, Mrs. Par
ker, Lieutenant Parker and other
members of his private family.
It was a memorable scene, and
only one face was missing to c -
plete the picture, that id Mrs. Har
rison, who lay upon a sick bed less
than 1 M feet away, anxious, no
doubt, but as yet unconscious that
the extra anxiety of the last few
days had been dissipated ami that
her husband, Henjamin Harrison,
had been selected to lead the re
publican party in the coming cam
paign for the presidency.
Mrs. Make entertained a large
number of her friends last evening
at her home on Main street, between
'""s iqicm in a pleasant man
lier, after which the guests were
treated to a first class supper.
Krnin Krl.luvs ll.iily.
Hon. W. H. Shryock of Louisville
is in the city to-day.
Patterson A Co. vs. Hugh Hehan
is on trial in district court to day.
The teachers and pupils in the
Fourth ward are holding a picnic
to day in Garfield Park.
Amos liurtnett departed this eve
ning for Ashland to take a course
in the Miner Institute.
The city council will meet Mon
day evening in their new quarters
in the Wettenkeinp block.
Henry Phillips was drunk and
disorderly jesterday and this
morning paid t for his fun.
A vaivue and undefined rumor
seemed to prevail upon the streets
today that it was tolerably warm.
At the referee's sale yesterday ICO
acres of raw land were sold for !f III
per acre; and for cash, too, auiount
iug to y 7,3i'it.
The K. of P. decorat'oii day will
occur Sunday, Jun- 10. Gauntlet
lodge No. 17 w-'ll oppropriately ob
serve the day.
Attorney J. S. Mathews received
notice this morning that Curtis
Moon- had been granted a pension
of per month.
Kohl. Ford, the fdavcr of Jesse
James wos shot and instantly killed
at Crede, Colo., yesterday by dep
uty Slu t id Kelly.
The regular panel of the jury
were turned loose this afternoon,
with instructions to report at 0
o'clock to-niot row morning.
All the assessors in the county
have made their returns to the
county clerk except the Second
ward, Plattsniouth, and the First
ward, Weeping Water.
The graduating class of 1 sol .02
are making- anangements to attend
the graduating exercises in Platts
inoiith next Thursday evening, so
says the Weeping Water Kagle.
Mr. Fred Kroehler, Jr., and Miss
Lizzie Weidmaiiu, daughter of
George Weidiuaiin, were married
last night at the residence of the
bride's parents by Judge Ram
sey. After the ceremony the
guests sat down to an elegant
supper, prepared by Mrs. .George
W'cidiiianu and Mrs. Fred Kroehler.
The coupie were the recipients of
many useful and costly presents.
Tin; lIi;ioAl.l extends congratula
tions. Tho Jury Return Thanks.
Judge Chapman this afternoon
discharged the regular jury panel
and adjourned court until lOo'elock
Monday morning-. Hefore separat
ing the panel passed the following:
'1 o the honorable Samuel M.
Chapman, judge second judicial
district, Neb.
We, the jury duly selected ami
impaneled both as talesmen ami
regular panel to try upon instruc
tions of your honor, hereby tender
our thanks lor your im
partial and just rulings
and courteous treatment and
your further determination in
the new temple of justice to expedi
ate the business id your court to
the advantages of all ligitants, and
recommend lawyers to your mercy.
Woather Report For May.
Monthly mean temperature, 50.1 .
Highest temperature, H,'P, 20th.
Warmest day, 20th.
Coolest, day, 2Sth.
No clear days without clouds.
Fair days, 5.
Cloudy days, 15.
Number of thunderstorms, If,.
Stormy days, 22.
Light snow storm on 2f'th; light
frost on 23d.
Northern lights see on loth.
Rainfall, 10.IW inches; last year,
3.!HI inches.
District Court.
In the case of Machford A: Co. vs.
Plattsniouth Canning Co. et al. De
fendant given twenty days in which
to answer.
D. M. Jones vs.-Cass Co. Jndg
incut on verdict brought in for de
fendant. R. Mlstciti vs. J. M. Craig. Judg
ment on verdict in favor i Craig.
J. W. Drunks vs. C. Iv. Ward et al
Motion for new trial overruled and
forty days given in which to pre
pare bill of exceptions.
John A. Gutsche administrator
vs. O. J. King et al. Motion for new
trial cousidcicd by thejeourt and
taken under advisement.
Anton Seiler vs. Cass Co. passed
to foot of docket.
J. F. Stnlland A. H.Smith vs. Cass
county passi-d to foot of dockect.
Henry I lowland vs. Cass Co.
passed to foot of docket.
Stull vs. Cass Co. passed to foot
of docket.
Samuel T. Anderson vs. J. M
Ueardslcy .Called ami passed.
The State of Nebraska vs. Win.
Coulson called and after some evi
deuce been given, defendant
was discharged. Coulson was one
of the men arrested charged with
stealing wheat last winter out near
South Hend.
C4, i n in .m iiiiiiiues liy ooltord s
sanitary lotion. This never fails.
Sold F. G. Fricke it Co. druggist,
A tone m-,iI,-.1 through the soten. a iiiulil.
I lircuvi lork toll, -.1 o,.: fc '
It "itiil to every huriting (.r.
Another iluv'n lieuiin.
So, hi our nation' nloom, n r-,il
K'niH out our triiiiiiili hnur
It lelN how lionet, (Mini-M work
IticukHiloun tho tyrant' power.
Tin- whole worM hear the welcome
A ml lirlier forcei rise
To join llu- tew who Ion,- h;,f foui-lit,
W nh lo it h t hut never ilnw;
i i r lor. (all Inn-It in wavi otin liuei,
Ana In uilile lor their power;
1 hi knew ileleat i. draw im: uear-
lioil'.eloi k ha. Mtruek the hour
With (ioil there it no eoiniroini-e ;
lie hatetli every wroui;;
With him it trailer of out inu.e,
V nil hallot. . raver n 1 1, 1 ,mi.
W e ll win k linileil, hriiv e Hint MrollK,
I util the whisky power,
Throughout Hie win 1,1, .hall. ui el v kiiovw
io. Mclork haSHtrui k the houi.
W lutein I luiMum A.lvoiute.
Prohibition prohibited, even in
New York. On Sunday, April 4.
saloons and gambling houses were
tightly shut; let us hope that other
haunts of sin were also barred and
bolted. The I ike was never seen in
Gotham. What was tlu- reason?
One Christian minister had
preached against the abomination
of his own city and hail kept on
preaching; had arraigned the
sworn officers of the law us vulgar
roughs leagued with the immoral
and criminal classes. He had been
cited to appear before the grand
jury, had made his words good by
sure testimony; the jury had ar
raigned the police; the police did
not dare longer to let the law re
main like a rusty sword in a still
more rusty scabbard. So they set
at work to do, under the lash of
public criticism, what they ought
always to haw done. Who will
roll away the stone lor us in other
cities? Where is the Dr. Parkhurst
of Chicago and St. Louis, Haltimore
and Hoston? Heaven grant that he
may soon appear with thunder
bolts. It is in direct violation of Missou
ri's statute law to employ women to
sell liquor, unless the woman is the
wife, daughter, mother or sister of
such saloon keeper. The grand
jury at St. Louis, in response to a
resolution presented by the St.
Louis W. C. T. lT. arrested and in
dicted the offenders. At the hear
ing, representatives of the liquor
dealers association eulogized the
I, Hit) saloon keepers, who must be
respectable, they said, or they could
not procure licenses, and who paid
if'.KHI.iHK) a year taxes. One of these
adtlressed the ladies of the W. C. T.
lT. particularly, claiming that the
objects of his association were, by
every means, "to promote temper
ance and the good order of society."
The Norwegian plan of running
saloons (if saloons must be run!)
commends itself in practice and re
sults. A monopoly is given to a
society of shareholders, who must
pay into 1,ie city treasury all profits
over 5 pt cut. This surplus is
applied to deserving charities and
benevolent institutions. Women
are not peri litted to be employed,
nor youths under sixteen. Attend
ants arc clad in uniform, each man
with a number on his collar like a
policeman. The bars are plainly
litted up, clean and respectable.
There are no seats, private coin
partments or attractions of any sort
for loitering . on the premises.
These saloons cannot be opened be
fore H o'clock in the morning, nor
kept open after 10 in the evening.
It is a conclusive fact, founded up
on experience, that the traffic in al
coholic beverages has been greatly
reduced and drunkenness curtailed,
since the introduction of this sys
tem in Norway.
The French Temperance organiz
ation is known as "La Societede la
Croix Men," The careless French
man is becoming thoughtful in re
gard to the drink ibuiger.
The temperance movement is
gaining a hold among French
It has I n decided to discuss the
question of Sunday opening- the ex
position tin the second day of the
next meeting of the national com
mission which will probaly be Oc
tober (V
Real Estate Transfers.
Following are tl e real estate
transfers for the past week as com
piled by Polk Hros., abstracters
and publishers of the Daily Record:
Z T Urown ami wife to I' K We -cult,
lot 11, I'orterV A.M to i ltilts-
mouth KM im
II K Kropp to Win Kropp, pt 7 to 1,1. 5,'JK) (M
T I- James ml wife to h" II Jame
son, .'o tun I uw of nei4 :i I'D OU
C Hi vet t ami wile to American Kx
i hanue hank, n 4 uf lot I, 1,1k lit,
Klmwooil i jm (jo
C K unit wile to K K, n'-.of
uf sw't '1 II 1(1 "... t.nm (Hi
S A Thonui- iiiul liuwlmud to A Koli.
erts, lot tihi, l.oui. villi- "mi no
Andrew Klep-er to T A llralev, lot.
i . I'lk in, Carter's Add to Weep-
in Water 00
Jno A lletnp.ter unit wile to MA
IIuk-c". pt se'4 uf nw' ICI'.' J l.niH) 0(1
Peter (irulier and wile to l b
Thomas, lot 17, hlkZ, l iiioti 1(X) 00
The snowball carnival given by
the Christian church last night wasi
a unique alfair. A large crowd wan
pri-u..t)t rt fti v;ee of Xrs.
Nehawka will keep abreast of the
times by building a $5,000 school
house this Bummer.