Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 16, 1892, Image 2

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    11 1 ' . . f " I 11111.' 1
womanhood, eve ry utig girl needs
tne wisest care. 1 roubles beginning
then may make her whole life mis
erable. Hut tin! troubles that nro to ho
feared have a jositive remedy. Ir.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription builds
tip and strengthens tlm nystcm, and
regulates and promotes every proper
function. It's a generous, support
in tonic,, and a mtictiiig, soothing
nervine a legitimatu ii'iriut', not
a beverage, free from alcohol and
injurious drugs. It corrects and
cures, wifely and surely, all those
delicate, derangements, weaknesses,
and diseases peculiar to tlm sex.
A remedy that, ilms cure is one
that can he ynurniiUul. That's
what this proprietors of " Favorito
Prescription." think. If it doesn't
give- satisfaction, in every case for
which it's recommended, they'll re
fund ihe money. No other medicine
for women is sold on such terms.
Decide for yourself whether some
thing else sold ly the dealer, is
likely to be "just as good" fur
you to buy.
Yt V.. KKV.NOl.DS,
HivlMc!'"l riiy-i'i;ni mill rii;iiin!ict
Special .-mention given to Office
Tract ice.
Kock' T.I. i l i s . ii.
III il l II IS
Tatroi:;!.;e ,.f the Ttiblic Solicited.
i.) i t 'i . i . : i
lyi. A, i-.Li."dsU';i Y
-- : n :: r i - r .- -
l.l AMI (! i ! .A I ( !': ' .. ;;s
Or. ,S .llr.'jv. -!,- !:, !,,, 1,;,i,.r.h ('
I ' .. ( . . 1 . t I I 'I ' ' I
I'ine i"M V I a .- j e-;:i!ty. i
to Til; i,i 's ijoi: r.
-- '-' I 1, '- 1 -j, '- 'I a - i: . . t ,,
1 I. AT I'.- K 1 11. Xl'li.
K' ATI'.:'.- I t.k- W I I K Ai IT'
I, : " "-, ' ,.i
a (i ;i
Tlf2 i.-i'lL?!;..!
lisiiiil ;
Sliiligli', I Mill. Susli.
Dcorsk Blindf
Chii oupply emw (iemuiul of tTie city.
(!ull nnd get terms. Fourth street
in rrnr of o)f,ra house.
TU10T11Y (LA HK.
nl and Ofttee 404 South Thiol Strrrt.
Telephone 13.
So far tlie democrats in congress
have not redeemed a single one of
the pledges upon which they were
TllU democrats will nut have any
such lime in Chicago as the repub
licans are having in Minneapolis.
The democrats haven't anything
worth lighting for.
Tlll.K'i; will lie a meeting of (In
board of trade and citizens at the
county judge's uflice this evening
at S:,'iil o'clock, nt which very busi
ness in. in is r quested to he present.
Tin; Minneapolis excitement has
been a to the democratic
organs; they have had a chance to
temporarily forget their own over
whelming sorrows, lint they will
yet have their opportunity. - (lubi
M AM l-'ATi kl i;s are springing up
all over this fair land under the
protection ot the McKinley law.
Why not have a few in I'latts-
i u ' 1 1 1 1 1 r They give employment to
laboring men and thereby create a
market fur thf farmer.
W'K hear a good deal in the past
four or live days, from friends of
the different aspirants, about the
'greatest living American," but in
ilmost every case the wrong man is
mentioned. The "greatest living
American" is John Sherman.
CAlMXKT crises are fashionable
among representative governments
this year. Cut ours will hardly
make a ripple, for Hnrri-nu will ap
point a new seen tary of state and
things will go on as smoothly as
ST. T.M'I. evidently rejoices in the
boom of her twin sisier, Miuueapo.
lis, in spite of cruel outride cri 1 1-
(ism. The St. i'.ni1 Tioueer Tiiss
(b'l'ii't.s Minneapolis a ; a i i i . - - i .-. -, 1
simi'ner irl w ith cru.ds ut i.--iior-.
perched 0:1 le-r on - rn r h . I
hand , wa 1 1- i n :; up her .-.! run :; a rta
in I .-.urvcy i n g 1 1 : -c, iv I ': , ,er
shapely .--h 1 1 1 -!,,-. . ' I ,. , ., .; i...,
o id' I I he pie! up- i . ' .' I i a i le h i -her
hand.-, (nil but mi i i ; t.
A r al ,i o'c k I , i fa. -'. .
e it in , Ch:,:-l.- t '. k i'i ' i ; ' i ,
st.inily killed l-y .ighlning at lr ing,
III. The boy -A I-: I il j ,r,.
a.'d had ju-1 mi,, i ii i ( with a n 1 1 m
l"'r of am. r !...;. t i play ball. lb- '
-t ill !:!; ci tie ,-,:,-y , . a
-'. ' !-l v.lem I;-..!,:..,,,
! i' 1 . ' . e ,i:ae .in-! he v :,s t ,, i ,.
h:!rf. Tin- i;-;!iliiitig I ?,i nl a I,,,!,
tauei.Ji t!:e I.,;, of hi- ; n. Ii -v...
the only ii Jitahi.;- f;:..; c.wae 1 oi.i
the cloud v. I: i ' e i pa ....,( ,, r i ; ,
c lie.
I'll- l' , ot, i
I : i ' e - ,i: a I ' hen a
. '! i . i ;, it h;
'.. 1 b- i.nd. r i1
', .' . ' . ' i , . t i ' y - ,
11 1 ,',',e': .
1 ,
. i t i :au a i Ol,- '
a -he , va oa , r
I.. . a . .;.
. 1 I 1 M n
al. ! ,1
i ',. ,1 it.. e a. ., . .,.:! ! ; -j ! c
I I 'd !e -.' aa.aey. ,1- I v e
v. . I a ; I i a i aoi a, r. - .,l.
'.! wh n:l a h. o w!:,-a
,i I. ..;..!!., t,, a
I II i . ' ' .'.' a:-:.a ! a. ,: !
Ilia :f-! !!.' J :!;, I ;
-M-'l-- ! i' i : :s v hi v..' v.-o : a i
, '' Tal l! .- t.'.ri i, 'he in,: .
Ii 1 1. 1 a i r the e 1 1 ; ; 1 1 1 1 a .'
' i lie Jurruat sa competition end
iai'i ra e 1 machinery ::i a v, ha', ma'- e
Ihe .biieretice. 'i is : v,r
I'i--c ehiiiaed all alon;. What
can- es this Com; eiiiam and iia
ptaved i::,n hiuei .- We sa ' it is
the MeKialey lav.-, as j, i calle.!,
fin if it v as not i",,r our protective
I'olh v there wocl 1 be no iadm
nii'iil e"" .'a , n'.a 1 i.-1 s to i n vc.'.t l!a a r I
ri, any in lliis country nor I n' ih,
inventive geuiu-' to invent in w
m.n hiMery.
II it were not for our iimtectiva
policy we would have no home j
competition and Would still be pa v -ing
hi;h prices o, m a n u lac 1 1 . ,ed
articles and saudi;
'III' go'el IO
huiope. Supply and demand rule
the prices. K'eniove the s-upply
from the demand and the iri. es go
up, up.
Trotectiou is what we want, and
we want it right at home, right
here in Tl.ittsmouth. We want a
taritf put on the retail houses ot
Omaha so high that they can't sell
goods in Tlattsniouth. Tetter buy
your goods in Tlattsniouth, even if
you ilo have to pay a little more for
a while. Competition will soon
bring prices down again. Hut buy
all your goods in Omaha and you
will noon ruin our fair city.
Come, Urother Sherman, preach
a little taritf and less free trade atul
try and ct a few manufacturies
located right herein Tlattsniouth.
It ia nil that will make this a large
city. Manufacturies will pive em
ployinent to the laboring men nrul
make a market for nil the farmers
produce nt a jrood price.
I Don't be Hoodwinked
WHY WE NEED PROTECTION. j ,,y deaU. wh tfht tI
Mr. thamp.on is an active mem-1 Ci,n ncll Dr. l'ierce'n genuine mcdi
ler of that league of Knglish social- fines at less than these long c.-tab-ists
that demands an eight-hour I ''shed prices:
day, without reduction of the pres. ' 'V1,''1'", W,V!c.ia "'"Ty for liv
: . c , ' r' 1,1""' and lung diseases, sd a
' 1 1 1 rate of wages, for all laborers in : bottle.
the I'nited Kingdom, ami he also j Favorite Trescription (for wo
advocales a return to the protective J"'"1'" weakness and aiinientsl, f 1 a
system for the benefit of Mich i ... ,, , .,, ., ,. , ...
. . , , . . i 1 hasant 1'cllcts (for the liver), L'.i
Hnti.-h manufacturers as may hud ! cents a vial.
it difficult to compete with French! Com. Kxt. Smart-Weed ad cents a
or Cennan makers who work tlieir I"'1"''. Dr. Sage's Catarrh KVnu-dy.
, , ., , . , i ' i cents a bottle.
bands mure than eight hours and n ... ,
- ; 1 he genuine medicines can onlv
I'.iy as low, or lower, wages tlinu be sold by druggists, at the above
lire paid in ireat liritaiu. The oro- ! prices.
position of Mr. Champion amounts ' nre more ways than one to
, .r.i. . , I make a prolit, even at "cut prices."
to a Confession that protection has, .,...' -.,
1 ; I Usci llpulolis dealers tamper with
a tendency to increase the pay of t he butt les, or refill empty ones
labor, and such mixtures can be sold
This is gratifying to American ! V,1"'11''1' liut l'vi"r-v '"'title of I r.
, , ,.- , , .. II it rce s genuine medicines is guar-
protectiomsts as coming from , .,.,.,,. ,f i( f.iN , sa,tliK..
land, where the plea for protection I ( ion in any case, you have y our
as a hem-lit to labor lonir has been 1 money back.
derided as unsound, though it never
has been refuted by figures or by
logic. I tut Mr. Champion's proposi
tion has had the ellect of forcing a
celebrated American advocate into
a like confession. The New York
Fvening Tost, noticing Mr. Cham
pion's project, and, of course, op
posing it, sa s:
"In short, the cry for an eight
hours' day on the part of the work
men is not due to a desire fur more
leisure, but to force up the price of
labor by restricting its upply.
What the movement really means
is, therefore, a higher cost of pro
duction for the same amount of pro
duct, due to a larger expenditure
for wages. As this might cau-e
some establishments now pressed
hard by foreign competition to
clo.-e, thus throwing workmen out
of employment, Mr. Cha npion yen
consistently suggests a return to
the protective system of tarin's. '
Two things are worthy of note in
this, excerpt. First, our couteuipe.
rary's dread of any nn-a-ure thai
may lend toward "a higher co-t of
production." which means bctar
wages, aad second, it- ci,:if ion
Urn .ml eel ion . loc- lend I h 1 1 a a v
Tut, he-, mid this, t.(. ,-
T- 1 aia IO I ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 III! ere -, - ! I ,li j
ue.r eoiiieiiipoiary 1 ; -; T '. -. II
oiary l;-;.l
I pro I IK' t a
rule in t . i
i a !e - II Ci
,i i
Inciter ci v-t
I,VI., i',.
tl-eie ,
I Ida
bc !., i" i ia , a:
'oS. t - ' 1 ' b.-ri, ! In I
a. et
I '' i. 'i : ' 'i.- t ! la 10 1 i.
"I 1m Tope. I lilt i mi in a tog;
pooit a.; lin-t (lie Am-tcui p,-,
Tv .-ii in i
I 1 1 ! 1 1- irar v
pi'.' a . ei ul I
ol i. aid I'm,,
la t'-e c a 1
t ..... K- that
1 a !., ,'m.)
'., !a-!!i. r it .
hoars ol labor
, o I' b
a. I I
i I
I a
1 1 ,
' ' m i v l o Co
r, a - o i of i
! .!. I wa a -,
.hai-li.ei ,,bt;u
a ', i 1
,:'-' ad-, a.ita.a a A"i, rieaa ena,
writes (mi:i I!, rim gi ia a, .me
i-ltei.-stmg deiails :n to the
niada. lath ri'i.iiiy, be slate,-',
'' i 1 - i . , i i pi , mil" j . i i ea 1 1 i , i h oaiai i a i a
operaiiou f. r ri.idin-- corn '
lb. in !iae been working
oi.;i'-t a-id d -y an 1 !:ave I can i,n
able to 'IT their orders. Several
olin r mill., mi v ,.; ion a pari.-, of
i.TI II, I 1 1 V 1 I ! :- oo ; ; ,
m i ad t, r n i - -,
den, ... , , e.aa aiiosi, iao i
eled, the de j
!. In !),.'' I
'a:.- a.e in j
ba!o is are selliaa; inai..e r e luead, j
co-a; o ,,; r ,;,,r, ,,, ,; ,. .,,
l.vo iai;s re. in uhicii the t.u-ie i t j
II'" ' '!.,' is not a; 'h ie. Km n
liie two mills in i!,e lain r citv. one I
of 1'ier.i the T.iueerts, the largest I
rve mill in Cernianv, are I akin :' !
...,1a::,,,,.,.. ' , i
' ' " . o .... , m 1 1 1 i o , e - oi i.os
oie. in. ami tin- ,,M government gar-
risun baKety' is turning out thou-
sands of loaves daily. The govern-
incut is now putting in a corn-
milling' plant in its large mill at
Magdeburg, and the ,-uvernmen t ;
r.. ,,.,.- .... ,n .... i t . ,
"A ,,,,v -'" "icuru as tuuu
will soon be published, w hich is the
result of a thorough investigation
and practical testing of bread
making at the garrison bakery,
which he is informed by the com
mission will be highly favorable.
Two weeks hence it will be the
democrats' turn to furnish fun fur
the country. Hut they will hardly
be able to do as much as the repub
licans have done in this line. The
people won't have the interest in
their doings as they hud in the re-publicans'.
Can anything else, at any price
be really as cheapr
Vou pay only for value received.
Something el-e, that pays tin-
dealer In tter, may be ollered a.-
! J" U'ood ivrliaps it is. lor
nun, nut it can t in-, tor you.
Oregon, WmhIiIihiIosi nml the Nor
we-i I'malii? Corist.
The Cun.-tant demand of the trav
eling public to the far we.-t fur a
comfortable and at the same time
mi economical mode of traveling
has led to the establishment as
what is known as Tollman Colonist
These cars are built on the same
general plan as the regular tifs.
class Tollman Sleeper, the only dif
lereiice being that they are not up
hulstered. They are furnished complete with
good coiulortahle hair matresses,
warm blankets, snow white linen cur
tains plenty of towels, combs, hni.-h
es etc., which secure to the uccu
pant of a birth as much privacy as
is to be had ill lilt class sleepers.
I here arc also separate toilet rooms
lor ladies and gent h-men. and ,-mok
ing is absolutely prohibited. For
full information send lor Cullman
Colonist Sleeper leallet. K. I.. I.u
tua, ( leneral Tasseiiger ami Ticket
A gi-ni. ( hualia .ehr,n-ka.
Notlnia; N,.w Ut--tor the Sun
' .' I ml e i'ii 1 h.i'ou gh ca: - to 1 ).-n-r.
'-.'1'", s,. I ake Cily, t-;y.
: 1 1 i -vi and T. in !aa,l. I hi - is
I It O 1 ' I I - I . 1 i I . i ' o o . , I , , , , . I I , , I
;,, I ,,,,, p,,,.,:! . , .
uive I
I 1 1 1 1 ' a 1 1 : t'o'oi: . ! . : r- ro lie- ;.!
in. nl.'oii" I po'ia-a', 1 :h. t j
'il ' 1 1 1' 1 1 , i ear ,o ; i-tn . nt
l la
I In
;;;..'! i
1.. 1.1
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al I
I. '
,V ( o
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! i
a, u 1
..". I I la a:al the
a heil. 'I ia- in
a'l.h. al bud
ant reebning
!.:i ini' - -1 i i : 1 1 : .
1: ti on-. F,.r
- the ag-M o!
d r
a 1,11'
r i a i , i.
n - ,,,.;
lire i s
in:! v. m l
i"i ail l! To!
oiaraiion a.'ai..
11: - company at t' is place.
I 1 . . I I. "' , ' I T
:l"d ' o'1'! -vgi'i.t. Omaha.
The Mi-M ri j'aeihe will Sail round
1 i'. liea.i- .V v. .1 lull inclusive, to
1 r; land. I reg in, the 1 're.- ! , vtei ia a
1 al"inl'lv being In. Id their
. i to ' la
-,;:'y 1 1
Ticket.-, good 1 1 n
tinning i a a ' a '.' a
,' t " ', !'"";:: via one ruu'.e and
':".; ' ,a ano", her. A pply at
I oi.'-, a- lor pai't:eu'.:i---.
UK" t lal 1 y l n r'.,'Mn,ni: , l
! to a friend lb, - other
:e I , n ' ,vi
y ,bat .-be knew
vemp I ,.!-':; ill
" ' be i m 1 1 a l him lunge was a -a-rior
renaalv, as it .-looped her
eoitgh ir- ".antly when oth, r rente
' ! ."' ' r!l ''lt u Imtevcr. So to
p'ove tiii.-. and to convince you of
veil a samp
buttle free. I. art
bottles a'c and jd.
t L. ',, , 1 -- ,
allow u cough to run until it gels
beyond the reach f medicine They
"''.'twill wear away," but in
most cases it wears them iiwuv,
U',ild they be induced to try the
successful Kemp'si Balsam, which
is suhl on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would see the excellent
effect after taking the first dose.
Trice adc and 1. Trial size free. At
all druggists.
Cerman Baptist Conference.
The German Haptist Connference
meets at Ceilar Iv'apids, town. June
:i to St. One lowest first class fare for
round trip over the M. T. Tickets
on sale May 30 to June 0, good until
June :).
Shilohs catarrh K'emedy a posi
tive cure for catarrh, diptheria and
canker mouth. For sale by () II
Snyder nnd K. G Frieke.
iViX .1 1 1
Ac4P 13 MAPE-
GrO - TO'r
ouse Furnishing Emporium.
WIlEIiK you can get
kitclii'tt to parlor
d!o the world ruiowu llsiywoud Iml-y earriac'es, ;,1mi
the latest, improved Kelialile I'l'i-co-s ( i iitolitii; btuve
Call ami he eunviuceil. No truulilc to slmw eruods.
I. Pearleman
i". T3 T"!l c- t m -i -i
( I 7t 1 1 g
DRUGblTS eii,-; F,;:
. t :
'i " . , i' '
' i 'ul l ' 1 f ! va'"' :
t i
ia-5 vrss
(301 Cor Fifth
' t
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast lv--
A long-tested pain reliever. a .
fta line i nlmnst hv
' ......... - - - - - - - . J ., 1 .UU.1V,fl.V illU A W. 1,1, 1 b
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This vell-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Must ano
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it
our Aotber
your huMpo t'unii.-hed from
ami at easy teitnns. 1 litui
; vt
v j i.
V ' 1 J. w'
t ;j; i. ,-;,:.,.. -..;
' : I
! r!! 1 . :
J i"
' ' 5 T
o f-i (--y S -,-' r'A
and Vinebt.
rvTrilm,r.wr nun mt mi
tVia TTmicnnr!f tm ffirmoi. V
T. V - 'V I .j
ii a