Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 09, 1892, Image 7

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0n (A II
foBrUtheL rV,S!5fnMof
the smoker.
THE MASON ll.WIUN C. now .dl'er to iviit nnv ..tie
their famous Orpins or i'otin.s t' r three in oiths. civiinr the per so
kiring tlioin full opportunitr to test it thoroughly in his own loon
kid return if he docs not loiiovr wsirit it. If lie coi'tinncs to want i
til the abrogate of rent pain amounts to the price of the instm
lent. It hkcomks ins pi:ii'i;ictt witaoit h ktiiku payment. Illu
trated catalogue, with net prices tree.
Mason & Hamlin Org m and Piano Cc
I ihrarv
Own a
T. CreloulJ bo til in tn ,. J
A .-. .-. ftKT TUB BEST.;
13 Til 2 O.ik: TO liUV.
fZ ion employed, over ;tCnJ,oU uxpendtKL
AU. S u. WEiuuAa it, u., i 'iiuiiuners,
. ;
Spriogtictd, :.:., U.S.A.
Bg-iio not Day r.? 01 ocrjieia
. . ... . .
T a-Sond for free ri'v."'"' r ?;ri?
T specimea pagu aua tall ;.,.'. ;i u'. . I.
fo MEW
m mm m
They mkt hsrolc 3orti to fre thf mi
rft rvt no mowing low to mcctiiraii
ILfj (fiTetip fa dL'ititr tn1 rnk into mnr'y
f r limit. UtnA..iptiui
ib ptaitMliipilTOf OifM
a and AffllrtllMl Af thft
Orir&n if M ftd , ftfid how bf
unuc TiiClTMFNT
by mOi(xll elollyr our
own, t)i gont nuw"t
Loir, or rUln Mnbood,
0nil nd Rirvoai De
bility. Wttkntm of or
tai Mind, Kttcuol Errors
a. Ehuiii. stantta or
f Al-T': ."SfSf A5.5a
Ijm un nan urtnV nlklH tnfcll lntflrAllVCL
Yn fn writ them. Fr hwi,inii'ip'nr;i; ''""
If tho Liuuor Habit, Positively Curef
BI AUr.aillSJCRIl Un. Hf.HtS' UUlUkH SPlClHt
It can bo given In a cut) ot co'Jee or tea, or In or
tides ol ood, without tho knowledge of the
nn taklnit It; It l-i Kbsulntolv lurmlr.m ami w ill
ftliTt a iamaiiiait uml tpeccly cure, whothcr
thepiUlontlHR moderate drinkernr nn MenhiiMrf
arnmnivtorurc 1: cvjrv Instiinic. 4J l)tt(je buuk
c-ntrrr a.i.i.... i.w... ..(i.
NCLDkjJ .t-EUFIC. CO.. too Nau'SU ClaolnnkU.0
Caamborlain'a Eyo and lda
A eerfcrin enro for Chronic Soro Eyfi!
Jvittcr, Salt Dhflum, Scald Head, Oh
T'i.nn(A Qot Vnm C.,u Fninmn
Itlh, rrairio Scratches, Soro Ulpplca
Bad Piles. It is oooling and soothing.
n'jndrodaofctt3C3bavobetin cured by
tt after all other treatmont had fallod.
It 13 put up in S3 and GO cent boica.
vA and Ollloe 4l South Thlid Street.
Teli'iihone i:i.
w. i a ui it mm '
A' In ri A U a
f La I Eal
Vdictionary I
la o
The Tariff
Ha not raised the price on
Bui! Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
There are many ether brands,
each represented by some inter
ested person to be "just as good
as the Hull Dlkiiam." They
not; bat like ail counterfeits,
each lack the peculiar and
attractive qualities of the genuine.
mm i mi
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc,
Remove and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
i O Ll i C WATEr? OX MILK.
li m 6. ..J t rj ! ii
cp ssr 'air b
Labeled 1-1! ll Titiri Only
T7&. r3aNESSHFAn!lii!iif8CURED
S Bh1' S-ia '' 1 ulwltr fciir (ink.
i". .. ' .-,,. t. lw.(fcn. Soi.i iy k. infoi,oniv. crirr
f i J ar,Jj, k,K lurk. M'rIU I Uovk ul ouurilLC
PlflXflfJ flT. rmi IH. Wnnt nuts, cutl'mie
liiHtoii N. J.
" .1 f-ArKrVW'S
a.- flnrwiwo uul braniiiiM f h.ilr.
vsfl l'tirtH.'ivfl ft IiiicnnNitt frt.wlti.
vl 'nTcr Frula to Kfyryri- (rrr.y
J C'UJS ,V1) (l:-ciwflA( lljir fniu il.
Jj ""' ' : '"' I" ' '
f r i i,,r i'onii-. (i .' n. iht- Wei i i,
. '. ) li.m , I'lil.Ktaion. j' mi, 1 akr in Iuim'. .Vu-t.
iCOrf'd. T'w rn?v H'J7'. kitiit fur ('nmg.
.- . u Lai. xi l fuifti, or lU.iCOX tS. V.
How Lost ! How Regained
Or KKLF-VKKSKKVATION. A m-w nnd only
(ioldMeil.ilI'UlZK KSSAV ou MFKVOIIS and
l'llYSM.'Alj IF.II1.1TV, F.KKOitS nf
tnd WKAKNKSSKS ot MAN. S(KImire, cloth,
pilt; Ytt invaluable pruacniituma. Only fl.iM
by mail, double eoAlcd. DiKCrinttTe I'ronpiic.
uj with rndorBcnienti ffiPP I 1F" N n
of the lText and ToluntarT kKtH I Jnjl'
Utimoiilali of tho cureA NUW,
l'ouu!tallnn In wwn or hf mnil. KxiTt treat,
mint. IN VIHLAI1I.K KM.'I1M:V and CF.K
T1N rt'ltF. Aildn-M Or. V. U. 1'irkiT. or
Tin r,UKly Minlical lunttluit, No. 4 llulhiaU Hl,
boBton, Maw.
Tho lYnlndy Mi-diod limtlliiU- Ihk many imi
tator, luit no e.( rri'.
The KuMi.i' ul I.ifi', nr '.1 I'rwrvitidi, t a
trcanure tlmr- Ml I - t I Hum mdd. Iv.'u.l it now,
ever WKAK .ind FUViU .s, n id li-am to
Ik; STKIIMi . Ml 'th ul A'.nnr. (C(.iirihUsi.'
Jl Stm, yro-npt. Vffsittv.
. ' A. . . . I . . I...
J. "J ' A l'T l.''in.. "l, Ofrf..M
B-.Utufiaov tltlriist Cj
f J BOtO tuoL A.
sr. uquiu. mi
m mi m
A-ff VV3TT" . -.
arJ,JS''if 'i-'ittu?hfi''. 4Uhi
Who Hid Wfcatt
In the days whou our grandinothi
were irirla there came occ.iMnnally in
the family of a good deacon wilh nil
children a village dressmaker. She li.-n.
au alisorbing interest in other people's
affairs, and always looked forward with
particular pleasure to tho week during
which she cut and fitted for thedeaac.r.s
trills, knowing that his house wa. in
some sort a social center, where she was
likely to hear plenty nf fresh news and
entertaining anecdotes. j
ne day she arrived lute for her work, '.
and as she entered the house caught a j
glimpse of the six daughters already as- i
i-eniHed in the family sitting room with
their gowns and patterns, their work- .
boxes and tlteir new roll of "lujv niiis
lint liotM' of them were at work, f r
one was telling the other a story of such
absorbing interest that they sat lav, ;h
less and spellbound, with hands fa'; i
in their laps or needles suspended in ti.. ;
air. 1
The sight was too much for the m i
'earner. Willi one mitt on and one .
her unfastened pelisse dragging fro.n '
her shoulders, her bonnet askew and I
J loosened strings streaming, she n;
peared suddenly anions tlio astonished i
girls, crying as she came:
"What? What? What is it? Who t
Sao was answered, although giving a !
full answer involved the retelling of the '
whole story, but her comprehensive in- !
quiry becanie thereafter a family by- j
Anions the deacon's descendants to 1
this day if one shows signs of too great !
imiuisitiveiiess, it is sullicient for any i
other member of the family to ask, with I
a lift of the eyebrow:
"Who did what?" Youth's Compan
ion, Taking Tliitvkrrny Seriotmly,
The obscurity in which Thackeray
has left tho beginnina; of Newcome,
Hart., is an instance of his forget fulness
aliout his people which, glaring as it is,
has hitherto escaped comment. Thomas
Newcoine, tho elder, is said to have
been "the founder" of tho Neweome
family. We aro given to understand
that ho was a foundling. Up to the
time of his demise there was no New
couie, Bart. Mr. Nowconio "might
have Ihm'H made" one, hut "ho eschewed
blood red hands." As ho said, "It
wouldn't do; the (junker connection
wouldn't like it."
But his twin sons by bin second wife,
Sophia Alethea Hobsun, aro stated to
Lave been culled llobson and Brian, re
spectively, "alter their undo and late
grandfather, whoso niiuto and rank they
were destined to perpetuate." The
"rank" is clearly tho Newcomo baron
etcy, but equally dearly tho undo and
grandfather must have been Ilobsons
tho founder of the Newcomo family be
ing "himself alone." Tho twins at firs;
take order r.e above. Then Brian is de
dared to bo the elder "by u quarter of
an hour." He is referred to as "Mr.
Brian." All at once he becomes "Kir
Brian," mid "perpetuates" n "rank" to
which, for all that appears, be had no
right whatever. Notes and Queries.
Colli! MIliiiKK fur I'ulsu Teelli.
"Funny business, this," remarked a
uontist, turning trom ins workbench
lllld addressing the reporter. "Wlia;.'"
'filling falso teeth. Every now an 1
then, when we inako a set of false teeth,
wo are asked to (ill two or three of the
front ones, so that the gold when tho
wearer smiles will shine like a darkey's
lieol. This taked away tho counterfeit
appearance of the teeth to some extent.
It's a couurerft it upon a counterfeit.
"Persons who have this kind of wurk
dono are willing to pay for it, and as
they always want a good showing of
gold, and are very particular as to tho
appearance of the work, we have tt)
charge well for it. Somehow I don",
like to do it. When wo have made tho
counterfeit teeth it always seems to lie'
that tho deception has gone far
enough." Indianapolis Journal.
Ymikeo Thrift.
Tho Maine man who cannot turn his
hand to another source of profit when
ono fails him is a scarce article. An en
graver and carver of old timo repute, in
tho palmy days of Maino shipbuilding,
now a resident of Kittery, finding bis
occupation gone as a sculptor cf figure
heads tor vessels, is engaged m making
idols aud graven images for the heathen!
Ilebas a largo order that will employ
most of bis time for over two years.
from a missionary just returned from
Central Asia to this countrv. This mis
sionary, by the way, is evidently some
thing of u Yankeo himself. Kennebec
JiiIiiikiiu'h l'i riilliirit ira.
Johnson was a eulogist, of the metropo
lis, ami it Wiis down Fleet street that he
took his daily walk, which, owing to the
series of tasks he made compulsory on
himself, was a really curious perform
ance. First, every post required to bo
touched as he passed it; next it was a
I iiit of honor to step exactly in tho
middle of each paving slab, und lastly,
as hi; approached his destination. series
of graduated strides had to U' employed
in order to reach the door with one par
ticular foot. Hygiene.
A Novel Wilted.
One of the most ingenious ami inex
pensive novdties (if the day is a gun
metal watch, keyless, and showing upo-i
its face, through small apertures, th
day, date, month ami state of the moon.
The watch requires only to be wound in
the usual way, and when the hour of ! :
o'clock midnight arrives, with aslight
click the d;cy and date change in a, magic,
although automatic, manner. New
York Journal.
llll;e I ll;lisli Iti'iMettiln.
The English four posted bedstead was
a huge affair. There is one at one ot
the inns ut Want, a small market town
near Hertford, which is large enough to
hold a dozen people, anil it is one of the
curiosi; ie. i f England. It is referred U
in ShakespearCs "Twelfth Night." Ta
ble Talk.
Ourrr Fitrlliiiiui.o KtTert.
An old '.beep herder who dwells in a
leeluded m . in 1 he Sutter nullity but tea
made lus ;i, viMt to thin eily
Wednesi'. iv, i nd from him we learn of
sorie plieiioaieiial and ii:teretiii( rir
I'unistaiiees us a resullof the earthquake
of Taesibi v morning.
The luiielx ealupof the old bhepherd
U f :r up in i ;;e huttes.and i-i surrounded
with eliils detiM'ly covered with masive
foeks and Um Mem, whii h have with
Hih1 the storms of aes and furnished
mills for the aborigines to pind their
aeorus and matuatiita berries into flour
from the r. motest autiipiity.
The ,d In tiler had itist emer-'ed from
his cabin en this memorable morn, nnd
was natlii rnm kiiitll i iilt with which to
prepare ln iiini nin meal before turning
lu.i llock oiiio the ratine for their day 'a
forage, an i ihc wonderful sii;ht he wit
nessed will never be forgotten. When
f the treinbliin; bi .an numerous sparks of
a bright blue color ln'i;aii issuing from
the rocks, caused by the friction as they
: were tos-ed to and fro by the stirinj;
' earth. A- the tremors increased lite
', uuiiiber of .sparks did likewise, until at
1 one time I lie hillsides appeared as one
1 sheet of tiro with laillionsof sparks dart
: intr here and there as if danciutf for joy.
' As the treiiibliui; subsided the sparks
gradually disappeared, and in a moment
i all was totitl darkness,
j Shortly afler the sun had started on
! its journey in the eastern horizon the
i uttention of the old shepherd wan at
tracted by the Kl'i'at branches of trees
j which had fallen to the ground, and
those which remained intact seemed to
horrify the wild birds, as they would
attempt to alight, and then, with a
j frightened scream, would pass rapidly
j on, only to repeat the caper at the next
tree. An investigation proved that mil
! lions of li.ards and snakes had taken
refuge in the trees during their fright
and hail become so numerous on the
projecting branches that they were
forced to succumb t.) the immense
weight and fell to the ground. This is
the only instance of damage reported in
Yuba or Sutter county. Murysvillo
(Cal.) Democrat.
A I nofiil iilli'i lur of Cnnla.
IVrhajis the following anecdote may
be useful to rentiers whose houses ami
gardens abut on railways. An eminent
"inenagei ist" lives in a suburb where
forty trains pass his garden every hour.
The weather was cold, coals were ex
pensive, for the recent strike was just
then at its height. The "nienagerist,"
however, was a man of resource; ho
conceived a plan for utilizing the forty
trains an hour,
From his menagerie in town be
brought a largo Barbary ape, which un
fortunate animal was chained to the top
of a pole at the end of the garden. The
result was as pleasant ns owning a col
liery, without any wages to pay or fear
of Hoods uml explosions. Every stoker
and occasionally a driver on every
train that passed bad a shot with a
lump of coal at the Barbary npo. The
15. A. was never hit, but the garden was
littered with coal, which the "inenager
ist'' triumphantly conveyed to his cel
lars. London Tit-Bits.
A Well Triivrleil Letter.
An old member of a well known Bres-
b,n institution sent on the B'.th of May,
is'.ll. a nst from C.msel ,,c...l
to "Dr. Eniin l'acha, in (ienuau East
Africa." The card contained n poetical
allusion to tho great traveler, and was
signed by a number of other members
of tint institute. It arrived at Zanzibar
on the 1 llh of June, lMil, ami at Baga
nioyoon the Pith of that month. The
post card wan then sent back to Dar-cs-Salai.m,
where it arrived on the l'.'th of
March of this year, anil received tho fol
lowing official comment: "Aus dem In
ner!) zuruck. Eniin nicht erreichbar."
(lit turned from the interior. Eniin not
attainable.) On the !jth of May this
frame postcard found its way back to
Ca.-sel nnd is now in tho bands of the
tender. London News.
More Than a lluiulreil l olil.
Four years ago Miss Lena Woodard,
living on Thorn creek, Washington,
sowed the seed from ono bead of
barley. Slat harvested the crop with
a pair of shears and sowed the amount
received the next year, again har
vesting it with her shears. Tho third
crop her father cut with a grass
scythe, getting enough barley from this
crop to sow forty acres last spring, which
averaged forty bushels to the acre when
thra. ht'd, makinx a total yield of 1,(100
bushels from one head of barley in four
years. Exchange.
A lloy'a F.kiiIonIvo 1'ofket.
Elias Mellinger, fifteen years old, was
in bis father's quarry in Lancaster, and
put some powder in his jiocket, in which
there were matches, The powder was
igt.iti d by one of the matches taking
fire, and in a moment bis clothing wa-s
in a blaze It was 1,000 distant to
bis father's home, and the hoy ran to it.
By the time he reached there his cloth
ing was entirely burned from bis lttxly,
and he was badly burned from bis head
to his fet t. Cor.rhiladclphia Telegraph.
ShiiliiK Live l.ulmtera to I.iiitiloii.
Ret -cully the steamer Inchulva sailed
for London with live lobsters.
They are carried in four plate iron
tanks on the main deck, the tanks be
ing fitted with shelves, and each capa
ble of holding l.oiio lobsters.
By means of a steam pump connected
with the sea valve in the engine room a
large reservoir is kept filled with sea
water, which in turn is supplied to the
lobster tanks at will. Halifax Cor. Bos
ton Herald.
Hunter IIiIiIib1 lli ar Autiiud.
Nathaniel S. Bridges, who died re
cently in Charlotte, was one of the oldest
Uieu in town, having nearly reached the
age ot eighty-nine years. Mr. Bridges
was well known in eastern Washington
county as a Iumlicrman anil trainer of
farm buildings, lie was a hunter and
trapper of nide, having killed the same
number of bears as marked the years of
his life, Bungor News.
A tlftil Umnance.
On the plat form of a Bull man at the
depi't i:i v .. i venae, Wy., one morning
an iii'h let t lo.ikmg chap in r.n;!ish
to.;s andaprciiv young woman in red
conversed so earnestly that they at
t -acted the jo ten in i ul' cvcrylmdy with
in l'ai:;,'e. ;v, p i -i-n ;t is witre an se
tt as to tell a !: it tli; y knew of l'i" story
of the interc ting pair, and i aid that the
man was a frank, how-M f. 11 i u '.io
would talk wi'.li'k;!; . C.,r!s were ex
changed, and 1:1 - t .ni, ', ,.,,ul I'.tirif
tia, t )er ce1' i'lii .in' Wei u.i Depart nit nt,
l'e yii Lie 1 his story like a major.
Saiil he: "lam tniug to )n raaie the
girl here to stop off in I'iieyeiaie and
Marry me, but she wants to go to Colo
rado Springs and see In r folks about it
first. This is a genuine romance, just
like a novel. Might years ago we were
lovers in Vermont and were engaged.
My parents were Irish emigrants and
poor, and her people Were Well fixed. It
was agreed that I should start out to
make my fortune, and that she should
wait ten years for me. She has been
true, and she has wailed like an angel.
1 worked in the Chicago stock yards,
prospected in Colorado and tried a dozen
tilings on the coast.
"Six ears ago 1 landed in 1 long-Kong.
At first I was clerk in a wholesale house,
then secured my present pi ice My sal
ary is ."1, 000, and I make something on
the side, as you say in America. All I do
time I have thought of the girl and
knew she was single and thinking of
me, though I never heard of her. She
now lives at Colorado Springs and has
been visiting wiili friends at Helena.
We met in the car at Ogden and rceog
j nized each other at once. It was a
: pleasant meeting. Before the train had
gone loo miles we were engaged again
ami will be married at her home right
(irillin's story was corroborated by the
girl, Cor. St. Louis (t lobe-Democrat.
NitlUea lllftiiiearh!K.
From the administrative report of the
Andaman Islands for the past ollicial
year, which has recently been issued in
Calcutta, it appears that the aborigines
of the archipelago are disappearing so
rapidly that Mr. l'ortnian states tint
present generation may be considered as
the last of the great Andaman tribe, All
the people (f Rutland Island ami Port
Campbell are now dead and very few
remain in the South Andaiuans. Apart
from the mortality from infectious
diseases, it is said that the few children
who are now born do not survive,
Mr. Portman is endeavoring to keep
the tribe alive as long as possible, ainl
he is collecting all tho children at bis
house, where they are well fed and
cared for; but this can only postpone for
a short time the extinction of the race.
For many centuries the people lived
completely isolated from the rest of the
world, but, like the Pacific Islanders,
they seem unable to withstand contact
with external civilization. Clalignani's
Ki it (.i lii rnl (.rniit'K llomea.
Sixty long years, with their sunshine
and shallow, have passed since Mr.
John T. Price, the well known livery
man, first saw the light of day, and all
day Monday he was kept, busy receiving
congratulations on his golden jubilee,
Mr. Price was borii in Alexandria on
April 11, is:i'
Having been in business at his present,
stand for twenty-seven years he is fuli
of reminiscences of great Americans
who patronized his lliers. Among these
was (ieneral ( irant, who came in one
day and said: "Price, I want to take a
spin over the road today. Let me have
one of your fastest trotters." When the
general returned ho was profuse in bis
praise of the borso ho had driven, and
"Price, that fellow was chain light
ning itself."
(ieneral (irant's Arabian steeds, pre
sented to him by the sultan of Turkey,
were placed in Mr. Price's care when
they first came here. Washington Post.
The Dug Knew Where to Jump.
A very knowing dog got into the train
which was coming down from up river,
at Great Works, recently, Tho train
started up and the dog still staid
aboard. The train began to move faster
and faster, until it was going at the rate
of twenty miles an hour. The dog did
notdaro to jump. The animal got out
on tho lowest step. At last tho train
reached a swamp. Ho then gave a
tremendous leap und landed in safety in
the soft mud and water. Tho dog was
uninjured and ran back. Bangor News.
Tlie Turtle Seed Tree.
Among a collection of curious plants
recently received at the Kew Gardens,
England, is a specimen of a curious tree
from the Solomon islands. It is believed
to be a new genus of the order of Sapo
taco,'e, to which the sapodiller of Florida
Is'longs. The tree is known to the na
tives of the Solomon islands us the "tur
tle seed tree," on account of the close
resemblance which the seeds bear to a
turtle. London Letter.
An Kloi.'trlo I. nutted.
A line electric launch has just been
built for the Earl of Dysart, which meas
ures 55 feet in length and 8 feet fl inches
in beam. With her full equipment on
ltonrd she will draw 1! feet ! inches of
water, and her speed will lie KJ toll
miles an hour for seven hours. She is
built of mahogany uml teak, with omni
bus seating on the roof of her capacious
Halooii. New York Telegram.
A Strung Ordlimiiee.
The city council of Salem, O., has
passetl an ordinance prohibiting girls
from being on the streets after 8 o'clock
at night. A number of the young men
nf the place are already preparing to leave
and locate where the rights of the fair
sex are not Infringed upon by the city
authorities. Exchange.
There is a poet in the Statesboro jail.
He was the lirst. of the spring season,
and tho watchful editors nipped him in
the bud. Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution.
Every Month
dwot womea lufTcr from BictaaWt or
Scant MtBitraation; they doa't know '
who to confld ia to l proper adico
Doa't conftiU la anybody bat try
Female Regulator
Specific for PAINf OL, PROFUSE.
"Book to "WOMAN" mailed free.
3 K,i!ii b) a'l I'rnigUla.
';- " "'r s
For Atcliiiison, St. Joseph, I.cnvcn
wortli, Kansas City, St. Louis,
(111(1 all poilltHlirrth,i(St
Houtb or west. Tick
ets sold nnd bag;.
Hac checked
t o a n y
St a toH or
Camilla. For
Call at Depot or uddrrsH
Ci. P. A. St. Louis, Mo.
J. C. Piiu.i.ti'i'i,
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
II. P. Al'dAK. Ajrt., Plntlnmouth.
Telephone, 77.
Attorney nr-I.Ht. Will kIvv troniit nttentloo
to All ltiinliii' rn t rafted to hint, oftlce III
Unlou Meek, Kul side, I'lHttfmoiitli, Nob.
Keulslered 1'liyslrlan nntl l'li:d uiuctft
Special uttention pven to Office
Rock HiA'i is - Nkii.
9 J. i-iiSKsr
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattsssouth
: D-K-N-T-I-S-T :-
Or. Hlelmayi aiarsllietln fur tie anialeea ex
tiaetloc of teeth.
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
Kiickwoud illoi'k riattsaoalh, Neb
y 1 7, 219, 2J1, AND yAIN ST
K AT lirt R.Kri'I-K WI-I.K AM) IP
Bridge work and fine gold work a
DK. HTKINAU8 LOCAL as well us other bu.
etthetU'iK'lvou tor the painless extraction ot
0. A MARSHALL, . Fitzgerald Rlocfr