Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 09, 1892, Image 5

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Fatal Accident on the Coun
cil Bluffs & Omaha Motor.
ennsylvaniathe Victim of Another
Great Flood Together With
Fir --The Commission
ers Doings Local
News Notes
Blaine Surprises the Country.
The following correspondence ex
plains itself:
"Dei'Aktmext of State, Wash
ington, 1). C, June L 1S!I'. To the
President: I respectfully hey; leave
to submit my resignation of the
office of secretary of state of the
United States, to which 1 was ap
pointed by you on the 5th of March,
181). The condition of public busi
ness in the department of state
justifies me in requiring that my
resignation may be accepted inline
diatiately. I have the honor to be,
.verv resuecttunv. vour oueuient
'1 servant, JANES U. HLA1XE."
"Executive Mansion, Wasiiixg
1 TON, J tine 4. lwri To the Secretary
of state. Your letter of this date,
tendering your resignation of the
oftice of secretary of state of the
t'nited States, has been received.
The terms in which you state your
desire are such as to leave ine no
choice but to accede to your wishes
at once. Your resignation is there
fore accepted. Very respectfully
yours, Hexjamin IIakkisox."
Crushed to Death.
A frightful accident on the Coun
cil Bluffs and Omaha motor oc
curred yesterday on the bridge
whereby Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cole
were killed and a number of others
seriously injured. The following is
fold by a witness of the accident:
"On account of the heavy travel
. i. a -. l i - . 1 . '
mi- I r.u ii whs a iiiui-. ueiimu tiiur at
it climbed the grade at the west
end of the big bridge, and just as
I 1 - -t.. ..1 A,. .
niotorman, W. K. Iloyt, turned on
.41. ..II - A 4,. ' 41...
t'mi emu iiiiinc wij nil iu n i line on
.......I .. . I . . . .1 1. .. .... 41... I. ...4 4;..... .
i level track. When within seventy-
ive or iw leet of the lirst truss on
he rhiinnel snan of the briilfH. the
ailer jumped the track and
iMiinped along on the block pave
ment. Evidently the train crew
was not aware of this fact, for the
.'peed was not diminished. Just as
the span was reached the rear car
gave a lurch and struck the heavy
truss on the south side of the
"Mr. and Mrs. Cole, who occupied
iront seats on the right hand side
the trailer, were thrown out and
against the iron ' railing which
guards the footpath. The force of
I he shock of crashing against the
'on pillar was so great that the
bodies, when they struck the rail
ing, bounded back and fell beneath
the front end of the car and directly
across the track.
"The couplings broke and the
front end of the trailer remained
slightly elevated and leaning
against the truss.
"After the shock every passenger
jumped to the ground and gathered
around the two bleeding bodies.
Some one ran to the toll gate at the
west end and telephoned to the city
tfiil and to the coroner."
and Water Destroy Tltus-
vllle, Pennsylvania.
TlTTSVlLI.K, Pa., June 5. The city
of Titusrille has been visitedduring
tliti past twenty-four hours by one
iin. IIIW.--I. lllilll Ulir llll'W itllll
.......4 .i:......4 ,
'Mivia in in i nit- i hi rv in i rn r mt in
m cieen uas ovenioweu us naiiKs
from the west and above the water
works to the city line below, and for
hours assumed the proportions of
aresistless Hood, reaching nearly up
to the line of Spring street. The city
is without fuel, street car service or
electric lights, the water works and
works are surrounded by water
I. if id inundated.
scores of cheap dwlling houses
in the lower part of the city, on Ie
chanic street and vicinity, have been
destroyed and scores of lives have
been lost, sonic being burned, but
the majority perishing by drowning.
The scene presented by the rushing
inters surging thiough the lower
part of city, as witnessed by thous
ands of citizens, was one of utter
desolation. When morning broke
hundreds of anxious people looked
Tnnf of the windows or stood on the
roofs of houses, waiting for a help
ing hand and trembling for their
fate. Strong men by means of boats
and ropes succeeded in saving
those who had a secure position tin
til the waters began to recede.
J. C. Petersen, C. II. Petersen and
L. (J. Larson, with their families,
and Mr. Karnes took their dinners
wnii mem yesterday ana went tip to
he "point" just above the mouth of
i' Platte river, where thev h.:u a '
"d time all by themselves. They
j - " t
nt up on a Hat-boat, using a sail
I'd the wind for motive power,
rturntng m the evening by the
I.irrent of the Hig Muddy.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
The following communication
was filed:
To the Count v Commissioners of
I Cass Co., Neb. DearSirs: The wag
on bridge across il e I'luttc river be
tween the counties of Cass and Sar
py, near the town of Louisx ille.Cass
county, Neb., is in a dangerous con
dition; one span on the north end
of said bridge having sank to the
depth of eighteen inches. The said
orioge should be repaired at once
Yours respectfully,
Fkank KiriZKk-,"
W'M. 15. SllKYOCK
M. N. Dkake.
I. M. Ward.
Jas. M. llooVEK.
Koad overseer.
The commissioners made the fol
lowing record, viz. :
The Louisville bridge having been
built by the precinct of Louisville
as an inernal improvement, bonds
having been voted for such purpose
by said precinct, the bridge belongs
to the Louisville precinct and not to
the county, which had no say in the
matter. Therefore the precinct
must look nftVr the repairs of said
bridge. Signed by
A. C. I.ODKk",
J. Tk'l TSUI.
The following resolution, in re
gard to an increase of damages to
different parties on what is known
as the Morgan and Stull road was
made, viz. :
We, the County Coniniisi-ioncrsof
Cass Co., Neb., in regular session
assembled, would kindly say tw the
parties claiming damage on what is
known as the Morgan and Stull rote,
that we cannot change the damages
allowed, as we consider them high
enough already.
A. C. Lopfk,
J. Tkitsch,
S. W. Durrox.
Fred Gorder, of Weeping Water,
spent Sunday in the city
Mr. and Mrs. J. Finley Johnson
came in last evening from Hastings
for a visit.
The reading room let out books
during the mouth of May averaging
lid per week.
County Clerk Frank Dickson and
County Recorder Charley I'armele
were in Omaha to day.
Honx-To Mr. and Mrs. A. Gallo
way last night, a girl. Mother and
child reported as doing well.
Word reached the city yesterday
from Texas that Frank Morrison
was thrown from a horse and seri
ously hurt.
Mrs. Henton and daughter Hlanch.
of Wyinore, Neb., is in the city, the
gueM of Mrs. K. K. Hilton, Mrs.
Kenton's daughter,
Frank Yerinilyea and family re
turned last evening from Gales-
burg, 111., where they have been on
a three weeks visit.
("apt. Heujaniin II. Oilman, of the
U. S. army, stationed at Ft. Leaven
worth, Kansas, is in the city, visit
ing his sister, Mrs. H. C. Kerr.
J. Finley Johnson has sold out his
hardware store at Hastings and has
returned to Plattsinouth. We hope
he will conclude to stay among us
once more.
Henry Geringdeparted this morn
ing for Grand Island to attend the
druggist convention. Mr. Gering
will read a paper before thcjcnuvcii
tion. Mrs. S. H. Atwood and Miss Mia
Gering left this morning for York
to attend the state convention of
the P. K. O. society as delegates
from the society here.
Deputy Sheriff John Tighe will
leave to-night for Lincoln to bring
down Kobert Mickenham from the
penitentiary to testify in the case of
the State of Nebraska vs. William
lite democratic county central
committee met at Louisville to-day.
This city was represented by-
Oswald Gutlmian, C. W. Sherman,
Dave McKntee, C. M. Hutler and
J. JL Minor.
The skeleton of a woman was un
earthed by the Hurlington Mis
souri steam shovel at N braska City
yesterday. It was found at the bot.
torn of an old well about sixteen feet
deep. It is thought the bones are
that of some homicide, although no
one can give an explanation of the
ghastly find.
The school board held a meeting
last evening and elected the follow
ing teachers: Miss Mary McClleland,
.Miss Alice Wilson, Miss Kldora
Clark, .Miss Ada Searle, Miss Marga
ret Shepherd, M iss Alberta Hyers,
Miss Tressa Hemple, .Miss Nannie
Moore, Miss Sue Mattson, Miss
Deana Fisherand Miss Klla Wright.
Plans were looked over for the new
school building but none of them
were accepted. The board will meet
again to night to close the contract
for lots 10, 11, and 1 in Donelan's
addition, for the purpose of putting
the school building there.
New Bank at Murdock.
Articles of l tif-ori uir:i t inn t'4r.. C, 1...I
with the counlv elcrk fnr ,.
j "
l"ik at Murdock, Cass county, to be
known as the State Hank of .Murdock
with a capital stock of JfiVMl. Geo.
Meeker, N. H. Meeker and Kobt.
Ly ons are the incorporators.
Fassett Will be the Temporary
Harrison Forces by No Means En
gulfed, However--Veterans
Predict a Dark Horse
Fassett Men Vic
torious. Minneapolis, June
meeting ot the nation,
. At the
last night the Harrison men made
ngnt on l-assett and were defe ited.
The result of the vote for temporary
chairman was: bassett L'li, Culloni
21, so Fassett will be the temporary
chairman of the convention, and
this as a test vote shows that the
Blaine men control the committees.
Fassett received the votes of the
following states: Alabama, Cali
fornia. Colorado, Connecticut. Dis
trict of Columbia, Iowa.'Idaho, Kan
sas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachu
setts, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada,
New Mexico, Morth Carolina, North
Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, IV hod e Is
land, South Carolina, I'tah, Ver
mont. West Virginia, New York,
Wisconsin I'd.
For Culloni Arizona, Arkansas,
Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana
Kentucky, Meryland, Minnesota,
Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, Okla
homa, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wy
oining 21.
When the Louisiana contest was
heard ex-Senator William Pitt Kel
logg and ex-Governor Warmouth
headed the respective forces. Kel
logg, who aapears as regular dele
gate, prevailed before the sub-committee,
beating Warmouth, who
led the contesting delegation in
every district except the Sixth,
where the sub-committee split two
votes between the factions. This is
a Hlaine victory.
The "lilly whites" from Texas, the
conimittte decided, would be ad
mitted. The result of the contest
as a whole is favorable to Hlaine.
Ex-Governor Hracket of Massa
chusstts denied the signs of a stam
pede for Hlaine in the delegation.
Change among the Massachusets
men so far as apparent, favor a
third man, with Reed or McKinley
as favorites.
Ex-Senatoi Tom Piatt said to
night that he had no figures for
publication. "We are confident of
Mr. Hlaine's nomination on the first
ballot." he continued. "Hut further
than that we do not care to state
what we know of the strength of
the two candidates. Things are a
litle choatic anyhow, especially as
far as the southern delegates a're
concerned and no man can give fig
ures that will have sufficient accu-
acy to be valuable. We have made
gains of considerable importance
to-day and the situation to-night is
entirely satisfactory to the friends
of Mr. Hlaine."
Governor McKinley said to-night,
(speaking of the reported defection
of the southern delegates, "Yes,
they will keep on getting votes
from the south until the balloting
A careful canvass made by Mr.
Harrison's people this evening
leads them to claim, that he can lose
fifty southern votes and still be
nominated on the lirst ballot.
A noticeable fact which deserves
consideration is this, that at mid
night, after all the varying events
of the day, after the test votes in
numerous delegations, after a com
parison of claims and tabular state
ments on both sides, the old hands
of both factions, these veteran party
leaders who have been made famil
iar by long experience with the
tricks and manners of such polit
ical gatherings as this, are almost
a unit in the opinion that no iiomi
nation will be made either on the
first or second ballot. Their belief
is that sufficient scattering votes
will be cast by some of those
counted mi the list of each of the
great leaders to prevent a nomina
tion until it becomes plain on
which side of the fence the cat will
jump. Then all the trimmers will
jump after it. Hut if one or more
ballots are held without result, th.Mi
the springing of a third candidate
is inevitable.
Secured His Freedom.
Report of a reliable character
reaced the city this afternoon from
Omaha, that Gay, the man arrested
for robbing the postofliee in this
city, hail been set free on account of
the evidence not being sufficient to
hold him. Several witnesses were
in Omaha y esterday to testify, but
it seems their testimony failed to
The Beatrice Chautauqua.
THE llEk'Al.1) is in receipt of
the program of the Heatrie
Chautunpia assembly for this
year, and is highly gratified with
the announcements contained there
in. The speakers an- all talented
people and the program as a whole
is one of the best ever offered
.-p.ue win not permit our giving
in detail the splendid array of en
g.igemi 'its, tut a lew references
will Mit'tiee to give our readers an
idea of what they can expect if at
tending the assembly. Among the
iniiiieioiis -red letter davs ar
ranged for, are K'epub
bean, IVnioeratio, Alliance, Prohi
bition and Woman's SuITi age days
On July 2 the celebrated J. ' I.
Hughes ol loronto, Canada, and
several others equally prominent,
will speak. Kdueators and others
interested in education will have a
treat in Mr. Hughes' address.
Republican day is July II, when
such nu n as Governor McKinley
of Ohio and other prominent men
will address the Chautainpia
Democratic day is July JU. Speakers
for the occasion have not been defi
nitely secured, but will be men
worth hearing. On Alliance day,
lulyli, President Polk. J. II. Davis
and Mrs. Mary Lease of Kansas will
be the speakers. July- 4 will be a
notable event. On th it day Robert
Nourse of Washington, 1). C and
Chaplin McCabe of New York, the
hero of I.ibby prison and one of the
greatest orators and singers of the
country , will be present. Our peo
ple should write at once to the sec
ret try, W. D. Nichols, for a pro
gram. Elected Officers
I'lattsnioiith Lodge No. (i, A. F, A:
F. M. elected officers last night as
W. M.-V. V. Leonard.
Senior Warden Julius Pepper
burg. Junior Warden-K. W. Cook.
Treasurer-A. W. White.
Secretary- A. Salisbury.
Senior Deacon J. C. Petersen.
Junior Deacon -II. J. Helps.
Senior Steward -A. M. Hansen.
Junior Steward A. Kurtz.
Chaplain II. H. Hurgess.
Tyler- L. C. Curtis.
Last evening's passenger train,
No. 0, came near being- wrecked be
tween Louisville and South Hend
on account of the negligence of the
section men. They left a hand car,
loaded with ties, on thu track near a
curve, where, had the train been
thrown from the track, it would
surely have been thrown into the
1 latte river. As it was, the demo
lition of the hand-car was the ex
tent of the damage done. The road
ought to give those section men a
few days lay-oif in order to teach
them something.
Dtstrlct Court.
The celebrated Murray-Ilennings
case was taken up this morning and
after the plautilf had rested their
case, the defendant made a motion
to dismiss the case. A juror was
wi'hdrawu and plaintiff given leave
to amend pleading. The case was
carried over to the next term.
The jury has been impaneld in
the case of Johnson vs. Tighe.
Cooley vs. Craig will be tried to
morrow, when the criminal cases
will be called.
Our local editor, M. N. Griffith, is
taking a day olt to-day, celebrating
the advent of a little girl at his
house, who arrived this forenoon.
Our Family Phygtclun Recommends
Cutlcuni Itemed Ipa, and Says
They Cured Our Child.
Father Went 25 MUes to GrtCutleura,
uud Feels Thankful and Wants
Others to Do as He Did.
My child brnlco ont with norofiilii whn two
niniiiln old, mid we tried everythitiatthat Uu-iloctur
could du It took out hln hair and orokv out on hit
liiuU Hiid nnai'. It dm then Cl'TircK Rkmieiiikc
were recommended ty our doctor who atU-ndi d him,
ml ia now ultlluu hure. The doctiir iiald Citiitka
I; cm kiii eh cured niy child, arid recommend them
for all dlteuaea ot the akin and tilood. It did not
take hut one aetof I'I'ticcka Kemkimrh. 1 went
twenty Ave mile to net them. My child la welland
him a line head of hair aa can tie, fur which 1 feel
thankful to you, for my wife la in had health. I
have recommended Cl'TiniRA Kemeimka to othera.
l'rint thia if you think It will cauau any person to
do ua 1 did.
V. K. PENSO.V, Lannley, Tike Co., Ark.
I am the doetor that recommended Ot'TirTiu
Rkmmiii to l. K. l'enaon. 1 have known them
to cure aeveral had canea of aklu and blood die
eaaea, and I aav they are irood.
illSS MAUV Ji. imOOKS.M.D.
Cutlcura Resolvent
The new niood and Skin rurifier, and ureuteat of
Humor Kemediea, cli anaea the Wood of all liniur.
Ilea and nolannotia element, and Ihut remove the.
cuuae, while Ct'TKTKA, the great akin cure.andlr.
ThthaSoap, an eiiullukln heautlHer, clear the
akin ami acalp, and reatore the hair. Thua the
i TK't UA UtMEliiEn cure every apectea of Itchlne,
buriiliiK, cly, pimply, and blotchy akin, acalp,
and Mood dlaeaaea, from pimple to erufuU, from
tsfaucy w agfe, when the beat phyalclaua fall.
Bold everywhere. Price, CtTlrfRA, .Me. ; Roap,
25c. j Uiiolvknt, Prepared by the l'oTTEH
blll.'U AN U I'llEHH AL CllRPOKATION, llnatun.
)-Scnd for " How to Curs Skin Ileaea," 64
pane, W lllmtratlunt, and tuo teaUmonial.
Hkin and Scalp purified and bcautillcd
by Cl.'Tlct'H Soap. Absolutely pure.
Back ache, kidney pain, weakness,
rheiiniatlam, and muacular pain re
lleveil in nnei minute by the C'utl
iur AuU-l'aiu l'Uater. iiic
Th CnnHdinn AurlnultiirmtV Great
Half Yearly Luemry Competition
The fifth half vearly literary com
petition tor sr t,. C anadian
Agriculturist, America's old and re
liable illustrated family niagaxine,
will close June :), (nil letters bear
ing postmark not later than June
:ki will count no matter where post
ed). The following ! splendid priz
esj will lie gicn free to persons
sending in the greatest number of
words made out of the letters con
tained in the words "The llluitrntcd
Agriculturist. Everyone sending
in a list of not less than one huti
dren words will receive a valuable
present of silverware.
l -l taaml reward , it, ,.,i
n I
KtiUHt piano. Vi(!,., I t
41 11
.'.I li
II! Il
.' Ill unld
Oiiuii vaiiinl in ;o
, timi in fold
'.eiils in ild w itch full jenelle.
Ladles xiild w.lli'h
'n In iinU
-."' In t"ld
of ?10 ctcli LIM
In rrw i
noul'o .hi aiiTi-r tea sets ii'iiii'l'niina
pl.lle w;ur:eiteil. 1
Ni-u Mt prize -mi silver dcsHeii ki Wlir.
lanteil heavy plait
Next Jim pneH--im silver baiter iIMihh rt
iimiit il heavy plate
sext .'kki nt'" consist ,if heiivv plated all v.r
kettles duller ill-he... fruit baskets, biscuit
Jar mi-ur allelic, butter knlv. sete. nil full.
warrant .1 making i.l"t l of liwisplPiiajiii i
ij'vlo"' "' wllU'11 wi" "'k'r' Kal4
This grand literary comgetition
is open to everybody everywhere.
1 he rollowing are the conditions:
1. The words must he construct
ed only from letters in the words,
"lhe Illustrated Agriculturist" untj
must be onlv such words as are
found in U'ebsters unabridged
dictionary, in the body of t, )0ok
none of the supplement to be used.
The words must be written in
rotation and numbered. 1, U, M, and
so on, for facilitating in diciding
the winners.
:t Letters cannot be lined oflenar
than they appear in the words, Ths
Illustrated Airricult IlI'lMt b'nr it.
stance the word egg cannot be used
' in. re is out one 'g in the thres
4 The list tontaining the largest
number of words will I
first prize.and so on in order of mer-
n. r.acu list as is it is receiTcd will
be numbered and if two or nw.,
the lirst received will be awarded
nrst prize, and so on, therefore thf
benefit of sending in eurly will read
ily be seen.
Kach list must 1 ie accninniniai
by $1 for six months subscription
i i ne Jigncuiiurist.
The following llll'll ll:i hi,,, II.
consented to act as judges: J (i Mac
Dollillll I'llv ..,rlr I ..,.. ft.. L.
I v 1 1 1 11 ,.ii'i'll,llL;a(
Canada, and Conindore Calcutt, 1'et
Our last com petit ion-Got $KK
prize all right, M M 1'randou
Hlicouver. IL '. Tlmnku fr.r -.aa
prize O W I'linninghain Donald at
C. 1'rizereceized O. K.-J 1) Hatitie
i cm i wiiperior, wis. j.tuu prize reed
Thanks (1 V Robertson, Toronla;
and .'(K) others in f'nifi-.l Stn..u a,,d
This is no lotterv meril mil. ;n
count. The reiiiH.itiim fur f-iir,,u
gained by the Agriculturist in the
i.imi m ample guarantee that the
competition will be conducted ia
like manner. Send He Mtnmi, f,.r
full nartieularH in The A n li
ist, Peterborough, Canada.
The Croat Weekly Competition of The
i-aaie Home JouriiHl
Which word in this advertise
ment spells the same backxfard as
forward? This ir a mre opportuni
ty for every Madam, Miss, every
lather and son, to secure a splendid
WhKKI.Y I'wizi-s-Kvery xvrek
throughout this great coinpetitiou will be distributed as follows
The first correct answer received
(the postmark date on each letter to
be taken as the date received.Jat the
office of the Ladies Home Magazine
( each and every week during
1HIC) wil getif-DO; the second correct
answer, $1(KI; the third pi; fourth
a beautiful silver service; fifth, live
o'clock silver service; and the next
"Kl correct answers get prizes rang
ing from !f2r down to Kviry
fifth correct answer, irrespective of
whether a prize winner or not will
get a special prize. Com
petitors residing in the southern
states as well as other distant
points, have an equal chance with
those luarer home as the postmark
will be authority in every case.
Kl'LKS-Kach listof answers must
be accompanied by $1 to pay for
six nionins suiiscription to one ol
the liest home magazines in
KKl-Lk-KM i-s -"The Ladies Home
Magazine is well able to carry out
us promises l'etcrlioroug (.ana
da) Times. "A splendid paper, and
financially strong ' Hastings Can
ada) Star. "Kvery prize xvinner xvill
oe sure in receive just what he is
entitled to,"- Norwood, (Canada)
Register. Money should be sent by
post office order orrciristcred letter.
Address the Ladies Home Magazine
Peterborough, Caaada.
Notary l'nlillc t' Abti:.eler Sollcito
Heal Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent
If you have real estate to sell or
exchange send tisdescription, price
and terms.
Abstracts of title furnished at rea
onable rates.
tKKMXifl lo loan at 7lo percent and
no commissions, on good
farm security.
Ofllce under ' County Hank,
Why will you cough when Shi
loh'a cure xvill give immediate re
lief. Price 10 cts., fll cts. and $1
Kir sale by K (i. lricke Cc
Goiii to Spend the
GloiioiiB Fourth
with us?
Make our utorc your
2 Hi'iulquartcrs for
you 'vill iiml wo can
take care of you.
And when it comes to furnishing
you with the necessaries of
the occasion we are
We have now opened nn iinnience
stock of
Flags, Etc.
At Prices cheaper than any
We can safely eay we have
a larger and better line of
Than any liottve in the county.
The Purest ami most Re
f rolling Soda "Water
in town.
I Plattsmoufh,
Stick 'In If