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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1892)
"V. plftllSltt0llll wwJIW X. V VOL. XXIX. NO II. PLATTSMOUTH, CASSCOrNTY. NK1UIASKA. Til UKSDAY .1 I'M i), 1S!)J SI.50 AY K A It. ' f POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Ilighest of nil in leaveniugstrength Latest U. S. Government food report. BCRL1SQTUX & MISSOURI IilVKtt 11. U. V TIME TABLE. J OF DAILY PASSENGER TKA1X3 (The Qhttsmoulh Ijcnild. IdKXKK Ol' VINK AND 1-11 Til SIS'iionk;. K NOTTS BROS, Publishers rulilished every Thursday, and ilaily every I'vonini; except Sunday. Registered at tin1 1'latlsinoiit h, Nelirnska post pllice a- second class muil inciter fur transmission thruiitili the C S. mails. TKh'NS K K XVKKKI.Y. One year in advance - SI "" One year tint in mix mice - '-' 1,1 Six months in advance "! Three umtitlis in advance - - In TKKNS ow li.Ul.Y. tine year ill advance - . $i mi ( ne copy one iiniiit li Si Per xveek ly carrier - - 15 I Mk. Dkpi-w would make a tirst- rate secretary of state. GOING ERST Ko.2 5: 17 P.M. No. 4 10 :'M a. II.. i No. 8 7 ; M p. m No. 10 9 : 4.1 a. m No,J 12 :15 a. in Bushr.ell's extra leaves fur Omaha about two o'clock tor Omaha aud xvlll accommodate pas- GOING WEST Not 3 :if a. m. o. i :i :1 ! Ill Nil, fi 9 :(K) a. 111. 0. 7 B:l7 l Hi. No. 9 4:40 p.m. No, 91 7:15 a. m. V M ISSUURI PACIFIC RA1LWA T TIME CAKD. jfc. 34 Accomodation Leaven.., ' v urrives... ' Trains dally except Sunday. ....lo.vs a. m, .... 4;00p. m. SECRET SOCIfTJfc CaS8 CAMP No'm2 M. W. A." meets every tecond and founn ninnuny r-.uuK- i.i i.. it iiuitiiii. nuiclihrn-ii welcome. yttr, Hanneu, V. C. : 1'. Wertenberuer, W. A., wnue, xaem. AIN It K PAbJIKH CAMP NO B0- aivUimi of Ne iraska, I' 8. A. meet every Tuesday ni!ht at 7 ::W o clock in their hall In Fltliicrald block. A" sons and visltliii! comradei are cordially Invited to meet withiis J.J. Kurtz, Commander; 1!. A. Mc Klwaln, 1st Searveut. nKDKK OK THE WOlil.l), Meets at 7 : .W V- every Miinoav evenlnu at the (Irani) Army hall. A. F.Uroom, pre.tik-iit, Thos Walling, secretary. A o V W NnH-Meet first and third 1-rt 4' daveveniiiirof each month at 1 O O f Vrjll, Frank i-rmyleii M W; J h llaixvkk, t.yTilor. p a. K.MoConlhle Post No. 4". meets every J waturday evoninu' at 7 : 30 in their Hall m (ockwood block. All vlsillni! conn a.lf-H are Vrdlallv Invited to -i t with us. ried Kates, fort Adjnlant ; (1. K. Nilcs, I'oi-t t'ominad.ler. T.rI(iIITS ()! v.i7. m 1'VTIIl AS-flaunt let LndtfC .,.k m-iTV x eilne-iiay exe nini; at their hall over Heiine A. 1 ntt f , all vi-itine kninlits are cordially invileil tu attend. M N Oritlitli, C C: Otis Dovey K of K and S. A o r wXoM-Meet second and fourth Kridnveveiiiin's in the niiinth at Ml 1. J.. .. . 1 IV I. 1 ' (',l o nuraii, .1 i " i OK Kali. recorde-i T"AU(IITKltS OK KKHK0CA-- liucl of Prom- Nn 40 meets the scconn una f.,iirli Tliiimlnv eveiilnus of each lnontll In the I'tl.O. V. hsll. Mrs. T. K. Williams, N (i. i Mrs. John Cory. Secretary. pkliGKEK mid tlii iV 111 1 VOW-Meet the llrt mid third Thriirsdayectiim.'S!if each month in I.O.O. K. hall, Kit.i;erald l-lock. Mrw. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor Mrs. Nannie llurhcl, wsier Keirenuj. Vh A ery Tuesday nliibt at their hall n .HtW'ra d ki.'i, in ii.i. fi.-..n,,vL urn cordial v invileil . ftitenit nen visiiinu ill tae iiy. via ip ,en, N. (.. ; S. r, Usiiorn, secretary. - ... ii 1... litnl . (iv i I . in .win i ;tpn Lilian ii iu ii.i . Mppt Hi the K. of P. hall In the Parmele & iir block over Hennett & Tutts, yislrliiK hren Invited. Henry Uerlnt,', Kegeut ; ('ml brethren Invited. Henry Thos Wulllnt!, Becretarv TTiiIIKIl MUX'S ('HltlSTIONHHOCIATION X Waterman block. Main Street. Uoonis open from k :;) a m to 9 :30 p m. For men only Uospel ineetlni? every Bunday altcrnoon at 4 o elock. JKW MBATMARKKT. v,U Meet. Pork. Veal. Mutton, nutter anu e!sklllt constantly on hand. Game of all kinds kept in Season SATISFACTION - GARANTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. (ith St and Lincoln Ave l'LATTSMOUTH, XKHKASKA ,1 The man who K-ads on the first ballot often fails to lead on the last ballot. Seward led at the start in lStit), Iilaine in 1S7C, Grant in 1SS0, and Sherman in isss, yet the other man in each case carried olT the priae. I'K'ESIDK.NT IIAkkison its not wor rying Ininselt aUottt a new secre tary of state, as there are a half dozen or more ood men in the re publican party who are capable of filling the place and are ready to serve whenever he calls them. There is a somewhat general idea that the McKinley tariff bill will be repealed before long, or at all events be so much modified that the Mting will be taken out of those clauses most objectionable to Hritish man ufactures; and it is for this reason that the hopes of the democrats for the approaching presidential elec tion are so largely shared in this country. Loudon Kngineering, April IS. are to.unl rural postnllices in the country, including villages. Many of these would be unnecessary with the carrier system. The net expense would be much less than one miht suppose at first flush. Speaking of the system as it has been tried in other lands Hr. O'Dnuuelly says: "The I'nited Slates of America is far hihind other nations in afford ing mail accommodations to dwel lers in the farming communities. Kngland, Germany, France, China, Japan and India have long had this system the I nited Mates xviih an area of 3,."ii 1,10-1 square miles and a population of ti.'i,iKH!,(KKI, have made wonderful progress in providing mail facilities for cities and towns, but the fanning com munity has been allowed to jog along with the same conveniences of early days. "The farming community ask that they be treated as other citi zens are. They know they bear their share in sustaining the gov ernment. They believe in recipro city and ask that the government return their support by enlarging i.-id increasing the postal facilities the portions where they reside. i(; the cities the mail is delivered frt to all the people. The farmer must go to the postol'lice for his mail, aud also has to pay box rent. Six years ago, on this floor, I called attention to this manifest injustice. Last year $2,3(W,7(S were collected from box rents at the different post ollices. A good share of this came from the farmer. In the mail ser vice the farmer asks to be put on an equality with his fellow citizens." The experience of the countries named above is favorable to rural mail delivery, and we hope the plat form adopted at Minneapolis will treat the question fairly. Inter Ocean. Oregon, Wiisliinotoii mid tha Nor . xvei Pneifie Coiict. The constant demand of the trav eling public to the far west for a comfortable aud at the saute time an economical mode of traveling has led to the establishment us what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. These cars arc built on the same general plan as the regular fust class Kiilliuan Sleeper, the only dif ference being that theyure not up holstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair matresses. warm blankets, snow w hite linen cur tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., winch secure to the occu pant of a birth as much privacy as ! is to lie nail in lust class sleepers. There ate also separate toilet rooms lor ladies and gentlemen, and sinok ing is absolutely prohibited. For full information .-end for Pullman Colonist Sleeper leallct. K. 1.. l.o max, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska. Spot Cash Hardware. many yka;:c 'JO TV: " MIT WKOTK: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, md fits our case exactly ALL THAT WD WANT IS You i- Trade on IT makes no difference to the masses ot tne people who tne re publicans put up ior president, whether it is Harrison, I5Iaine, Sherman, Allison or McKinley, they are all good men, and with either of them the republican party could make a light in which every advantage would be on its side. Kspecially would it be if Sherman should get the nomination, as no unpleasant surprises would aric to compel defensive and apologetic operations. The th- competitive drill, Omaha, and for the meeting of the Manufacturers mil liusiuess Men's association, Omaha, at one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold Junebl, la, Ki ami IS. Final limit for return, June J. FivAM Is, Gen. Pass. A Ticket Agent. WHO PAYS THE TARIFF? Iv. G. Dovey Son have displayed in their show window a set of Fug lish made dishes, which consists of KK) pieces. They offer the entire set for only ifS.Oa. Three years ago they sold a set just like this one for if 15. Now since the McKinley bill has gone into effect they will sell you the same dishes for ouly f.s.05. The freight on this set from Hoston was $2, the tariff and the wholesaler made a profit, K. G. Dovey Son make a profit, and the freight from Kngland to Huston must cost some thing and the crate, straw and pack ing cost something. Will the Journal or some other free trader explain who pays the tariff and why these goods should be sold so much cheaper since the McKinley bill went into effect than before. LI US PKPPKKHKRG. MANUKACTL KK OF AND UHDLESALEZIND RETAIL DKALIK IN TIIK CIIOJCKST BRANDS OF CIGARS j ruix LINK OP jf TOBACCO AND SMOKER'S ARTICLES j always in stock o J 1 I I lattstnouth, Nebrassa 1 pi SALE Two desirable resi- . Ace lots in Orchard Hill addition I x, Plattsmoulh, within a block of Jhe Missouri Pacific depot. For Jf particulars call on or address THE 1 1 EKALD Office. I' FREE RURAL MAIL DELIVERY. The republican national conven tion of four years ago favored in its platform one thing which it did not try very hard to carry out-penny postage. The postmaster general favors instead of that free delivery for rural communities, ami certain ly if that is really practicable it would be far more important to the country at large than a reduction in the rate of postage, especially as the postal card has practically reduced postage to 1 cent for a large mini ber of letters. , The committee on resolutions of the Minneapolis convention ought to inquire carefully into the feasi bility of this idea, aud if satisfied that it would be practicable commit the party to it, sqttrely and stronly There are 4,i.i(),iM) farms in this country, and if the farmers am their families can be served with free delivery they should be. The subject has been carefully consid ered and urged upouthe present congress that it adopt the plan, but this congress is democratic, and is the very essential attribute of d iiiocracy to wiinsianu every pro gressive idea. A few days ago Cou gressman t) Donnell made a speech in advocacy of rural delivery, am the facts he presented are especially pertinent to the discussion. There 11. M. will sell tickets for second annual encampment -Notliins Nqxv Under the Sun No! not e,ven through cars to Den ver, Ogden, Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Portland. This is simply written to remind you that the I'nion Pacific is the pioneer in running through cars to the above mentioned points aud that the pres ent through car arrangement is un excelled. We also make 11115 time. For details address any agent of the company, call on your nearest agent or write to K. L. LoN AX, G. P.iV T. A. t'. P., Omaha Neb. The following item, clipped from the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat, contains information well wwrth remembering: "Mr. John Roth of this city, who met with an accident a fexv days ago, spraining and bruising his leg and arm quite severely, was cured by one 50-eent bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm." This remedy is without an equal for sprains and bruises and should have a place in every household. For sale by F. G. Fricke iV Co. HP rtTViTAixF.', Cl'TLF.RY, SI'OYKS, Tl vx- s ljt WOODISMTARJi TOOLS, ,r F ll"' ' 11,.1;' Nor d"r '""t 't long" for a fexr j ears, say twenfy . . f M !. ,,U Wl" K1',nt " "liul" "r c,'l l'"l'I'i"es will be lull to overflowing. In return you will have little to want, lor in these goods re offer the best and most complete line made in this country to-day and -ut IFrlcec go 3Lo"w That every time we fill out a quotation sheet we feel that we ought to be acconleit a place m history among the philanthropists for we are giving tne trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselres. WILL VOL' .Nor (JIVE L'S THE "LITTLE" THAT WE WANT. J. W. Hendee, & Co. S rED IELr Notice. Tkie social and dance to be given y St. John's Altar Society, Friday une 10th will be postponed to Mou- ly June LUh. Don't forget the change of date. "llacknietack a lasting and fra- rant perfume, price .i and ;0 cts. lor sale by O II. Snyder and F G l ncke. F'or millinery and pattern hats or mything in the line of ribbons, flowers of the latest styles and de signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherwood block. tf. For Sale ok Trade A desirable lot in Plattsmotith. Will sell for cash or will take a good buggy horse and horses in exchange. For particulars call on or address this office. tf Snow Ball Carnival. A snoxv ball carnival will be given under the auspices ot the l . P. . C 1.. of the Christian church. Ice cream and cake win ne served in the orchard. Waitjfor it. At Robt, Walker's Friday evening, June 10. hvcryone invited.. .it. Won-orfulCalns Dr. Miles' Nervine not only cures all nervous diseases, headache, blues, nervous prostration, sleep lessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, fits and hysteria, but also builds up the body. "I am pleased to say that after years of intense suffering with nervous disease, headacheand pros tration, I tried Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine, and in two weeks gained eight pounds in weight. I could not lie down to sleep, but now sleep perfectly easy, and am ini- pro ing xvoiiderfull y. Cannot say enough for the Nervine.- Mrs. L. ii. Mlt.LAlx'D.Duukirk, N. Y. One ens- tomer used Nervine and gained fif teen pounds in llesh. - Hk'OW . a MAVHUkV, Cortland, N. Y. Trial bottles and elegant book free at F. (i. Fricke Co. :t. The wisdom of linn who journey- eth is known by the line he selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "Burlington Route" to the cities of the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached. The in ference is plain. Magnificent Pull man sleepers, elegant reclining chair cars and world-famousdining cars on all through trains. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha. W VV WW H J. i. ujvnuH M FOR FIRST CLASS FVHMTUIW. Iv 1IANDLKS the Whitney baby Carriages and can offer good bargains in them Parties desiring to furnish a house complete could not do better than to call nml inspect his line of furniture, in the way of Parlor sets, Dining room sets, Bed Room set, and evenything kipt in a first-class establishment. The population of Pliittsmouth Is u omit lu.uoo, add we would say at least 'neo-half are troubled with some effection on the throat and lungs, as those complaints are, ac cording to slaaisties, more numer ous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the opportunity to cull on their drug gist and get a Dottle of Kemp s Mal- saui for the throat and lungs. Trial size free. LargeBottle 5(c- and Ifl. Sold by all druggist. According to the census of IS!), Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population ot l,(ftiV,() people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and, when we do, xve can find no better line than the "Burlington Route." Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. The Missori Pacific will sell round trip tickets May S to II inclusive, to Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian general aiseinbly being held their May lit to June 2. Tickets good un til May 111 and returning inside IHI days at Iff ii), going via one route and returning via another. Apply at ticket office for particulars. The Handsomest Lady In Plnttsmoiith Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam tor the throat and lunge was a su perior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other reine dies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and to convince you of its merits any druggist xvill give you a sample Dottle tree. Large bottles .iOc and Just as sure as hot weather conies there will De more or less bowel complaint in this vicinity. Ivvery person, and especially "families, ought to have some reliable medi cine iit hand for instant use in case it is needed. A 25 or all-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhu-a Remedy is just what you ought to have and all that you would need, even for the most severe and dangerous cases. It is the best, the most reliable aud most successful treatment known and is pleasant to take F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. Some Foollwh People allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine They say. "Oh, it xvill wear away," but in most cases it wears them away Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's Balsam, which is' sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose." Price .Tic anil ifl. Trial si.e free. At all druggists. J. I. Unruh, PLATTSMOl'TH, NFBRASKA. WABoeck&Co Admitted the Fact". Newspaper editors have to be very careful in opening their columns for statements. But axvare that the Dr. Miles Medical Co are responsi ble, xve make room for the following testimonial from R. McDougall, Au burn, Ind., who for two years noticed a stoppage or skipping of the pulse, his left side got so tender he could not lie on it, his heart lluttered, he was alarmed, went to different doc tors, found no relief, but one bottle of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure cured him. The elegant book, "New and Startling Facts," free at F. G. Fricke Ac Co. It tells all about heart and nervous diseases and many wonder ful enrss 'A, German Baptist Conference. The German Baptist Connference meets at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 'A toll. One loxvest first class fare for round trip over the M. P. Tickets For sale on sale May :) to June 0, good until June Hi. WF INVITK Vol' TO CALL AND SF.F, Ol R LOW PRICKS IN MF.NS, BOYS, LADIKS MISSK AND CHII.DRLNS SIIOLS THAT ARK GP1 N G AT BARG TF. Jl. BOECK j' CO LJ ".-7. ""SI B v 1J, D THE POSITIVE CURE. I ELY BKOTUKItS, M Wrra Bt iSew York. Prtee BOetj.l ' Vkj i ' j n