Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 02, 1892, Image 5

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Mr. L. A. Plumb is visiting iu the
Miss Edna Adam went to Lincoln
vUus morning.
S. Waugh has returned from his
i trip to Denver.
Dr. R. K. Livingston came in from
Hastings to viit over Deeoration
. II. WherVr and family of
Omaha. ar upending (lie day in
the city witli old
Kdwnrd KV.ey anl sister Maragret
arrived this mm uia:;- from Ireland
and will make iheir home with their
brother-in-law. Van. O'Shea.
Plattsmout li claims thai her cigar
factories amount to more than those
vof Omaha and Coutiell iiin.'fs. It is
J not necessar to add that Platts
niouth business men smoke home
made cigars and that the retail
dealers handle them.- Omaha Hee.
Gering & Co. are headquarters for
everything in the druggist line.
Many Years. All Manner of Medicines
and Doctors Fall. Cured In One
Month by Cuttcura.
la IMS I had an eruption come ont on my akin,
and while at first It did not amount to much, It
(raw to tie very aioiravaUnK and at tlmea unbear
able. The akin would get hard, Inflamed, and prel
eft, leaving an entire new akin, acting aame way
for weeka at a time, alwaya worae at nlghta.
Have tried all manner of medictnea and had dortora
prescribe to no effect. I bought a boi of C'l'Tici iu
KiaiuiES and uad C'l'Tici iu Kihoi.vint for my
blood. 1 am fully cured, and In Iota than a month.
It waa a moat aitKravatlng akin dtaeaae, and now
1 ara enjoying ea and comfort. 1 have had un
told bene lilt. Anyone trying CUTICI'R KminiEB
cannot help but derive benefit. Anyone writing
me will receive an answer and my advice to give
your llimuiia a trial. A.B. TATTON,
Manager 1'uital Telegraph-Cable Co.,
Harden City, Kanaaa.
Doctor Uses Cuticura
W hv cpftifd i drug iter t thli place and
rc hiring splendid tale on Cmcriu Himraii,
which we keep a full itork of. I would not he
without your Ctiriceiu Reioltnt, Cutiguiu,
and Cuticuiu Soar for t5UU, juat for the benefit it
did my little boy. When he waa til months old,
h'.a face wai covered with eczema, and ClTici'Ra
Uiiiuill cured It. He It now three years old.
We still use the Citticura Boap, and waah him
occasional It with It, to prevent his skin from getting
rouith. We have handled yonr medicines for five
years, and never heard a complaint aKatnst them, but
abundant praise. We sold our drugeloreln Kansas,
and will continue in the drug bnalnres here.
Bailer City, Bnohomist Co., Washington.
Cuticura Remedies
Are sold everywhere. Trice, Cbtictiu, the (treat
fkln Cure, 6Uc.; CiTioriu Soap, an eiquialte Skin
i'unflerand Beautlfler,26c.;CVTici'BAKiioLViNT,
the new Blood I' Prepared by the I'ottib
s)ivSend for" How to Cure Skin Diaeases," 44
pages, 60 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
DIM t'LKB, black-beads, red, rough, chapped, and
r I III oily akin cured by Cuticcha Boap.
Aching Bidet and Back, IIlp. Kidney,
and Uterine Pain, and Kheuraatium rt-
lm a3v.u uiir uiiuuiv v uic vuuvui m
ill Antl-Falo fUatcr. Price. 26 eta.
zzTzzz 'ccc;:oooocooooooocooocooco
Sti l continue to be
In the Clothing Business.
Thi U i'nV v ili'inonstrated by the fact that they
have .-"hi i; '1 this Spring tn
They own their nroods as low as mortal man
can buy them for spot cash.
They sell them to their customers at as low
prices as mortal man can sell them and make
a living.
They are Square and Honest in their Dealings.
Thosa l h G3 Hg, sons are the Keystones of Their
ov to show their
inmitM' of business they propose to
L.Mv away to their
Uook, entitled k,Tlie
3 Atlas i-ftlie Wolld,,,
goods to the amount
M purchase or in a running account. They will
give them a copy of this valuale book free of
.Aayer &
Tin. jOthing Kings.
Sunday School Convention.
The Cass County Sunday School
Association held its annual conven
tion at Weeping Water, May 2rt and
27. The success of the convention
was largely due to M. A. llillisof
Saunders county, who put forth
every effort to uwakt n an interest
among the Christian people and
point them to the best methods of
promoting the Sunday school work
in Cass county. Delegates to the
number of 10 were present and about
la schools were represented. Owing
to the busy season a great many
schools were unable to send dele
gates. One very interesting feature
of the convention was the address
by K. H. Stevenson of Cedar Kapids,
Iowa, Ass't Sup't. of the A. S. S. I'
A missionary will soon be in the
the field to canvass the county and
organize Sunday schools.
The following othceres were
elected for the eiisuingyear: Presi
dent, Kev. C. F. Knlow, Greenwood;
vice president, Dr. E. W. Murless,
Weeping Water; secretary, Miss
VirgieTutt, Plattsniouth, assistant
secretary, Miss Annie Kussell,
Weeping Water; treasurer, Mr. Jas.
Stauder, Louisville.
Kxecutive committee II. Heards
ley, J. A. Leach and Cyrus Alton.
Next annual convention will be held
at Greenwood.
A Strong Straw.
XhHKASKA City, Neil, May 'Jit
George Straw, an employe at the
gas factory, had nn exciting en
counter with a footpad about 3
o'clock this morning, while on his
way home. The highwayman
struck hitn a terrific blow over the
eye with a piece of coal, butStraw
grappled with him and succeeded
. . ll' t .umrnli
in capturing mm. imt '
of an officer he escaped. He was
subsequently arrested and gave the
name of John Fitzpatrick. He is
now in jail.
A. M. Holmes, one of Cass
county's enterprising farmers, who
lives about six miles south of town
received last Saturday, direct from
the manufacturer in the east, an
apparatus known as a dog power,
as he has raised himself a fine dog
foAhat purpose and will commence
training him at once. He expects
the dog to do the churning in the
future, also to turn the grind stone
and corn eheller.
English Spavin Liniment rcmorei
all hard soft or calloused lumps
and bleiuiwhes from horses, blood
spavins , curbs splints, eweeney,
ring bone, stiflee, sprains all .swoi
len throats, coughs etc.. Save 5U
cent by use of one bottle. Warrant
ed the most wonderful blemish
cure ever known. Sold by F. (
Fricke & Co druggists Plattsniouth
appreciation ol their
customers a Handsome.
Columbian World's Fair
to every person buying TJ
of $25.00, either at one
- Plattsmouth, Neb-
The Graves of the Departed
Heroes Strewn with Flowers
ThoJOId Soldiera Appropriately Ob
aerva Memorial and Decoration
Day The Deium Party--Other
Garlands With Love.
Anions the hills Hint heavenly t-hailed
We refresh sweet meimiries by strewing
o'er t lie loyal unit hruve now silent in sleep
Ity floral uilortiinn sweet memories will
Tlieinoiinilsof the brave tire mimberiiij;
Who were vnlliant uetors. in the tlismul
It is Krcut to pay hiimatie to .the ;KiiHiit
and brave,
Who labored so hard -our country lo save
AlthoiiKb in silence our K'oiniins doth
Ami kindred mid friends, may o'er them
We cun tell the youth with love uud
For f rcdoins cause they fought and died.
Kour million slaves were brought to Unlit
While these deur braves were in the Unlit.
TrudnhiK their wuy through snowfatl uud
EnduriiiK hutiK'ir, sickness and pain;
In seorehiiiK sun heat unl darkness of
Without u murmur-battled for riht.
The vicious lion sleeps witli the lamb
Sweet liberty for the wins of Until.
Tho' deaf to the cheers of the biik'nl sound,
IleyotiK thut stroma each weurs u crown;
Tho" beyond the viNion of mortals sinlit
Their K'ltteriiiK crowns, ure shinlnK
bright. -J. CM.
The members of McConihie Post,
G. A. R., the W. K. C. and the S. of V.
turned out in a body yesterday
morning and attended divine BtT
vice at the Presbyterian church.
Seats were reserved in front. Rev.
Mairl delivered an eloquent eer
In the evening the old soldiers
went to the M. K. church. Rev. Britt
preached from Job 0:20, "They are
passed away as swift ships, ns the
eagle hasteth to the prey "and talked
to the old soldiers for one-half hour.
Dr. Hritt was one of the boys who
wore the blue aud knew whereof he
was speaking.
To-day's program commenced at
1:30 by the procession forming on
Main street and marched to the
cemetery in the following order:
Carriage containing speakers.
McConihie Post G. A. K.
S. of V. in uniform.
Fire deparnient.
Women's Relief Corps in carriages.
Citizens in carriages.
At the cemetery the ceremonies
were opened with prayer followed
by music.
I Dr. Pritt delivered an address fol
lowed by a Sons of Veterans address
by K. G. Vanatta, after which the
graves ofjthe departed heroes were
covered with flowers.
Dancing Party.
The return dancing party given
in return to the one on February
was a pleasant affair. The orchns
tra from Omaha was down and fur
nished some excellent inusie
Those present were Mr and Mrs. G.
F. Ilouseworth, Mr. and Mrs. T. 11.
Pollock, Janet Livingston, Klla
Clark, Nannie Moore, Maud Vivian,
MaySkyles, Tillie Vallery, Herlli.i
Nitka, Amelia Vallery, Dora llerold
Kittie YThartan, Mamie Coffee, FM
ith Patterson, K'ena nnd Alice Mur
ray, Mamie Sullivan, Lou White,
Mattota and Alice lCikenbary, Ma
inie "Styles, Anna Coleman, Mia
Gering, Maud Moore and Itertha
Wise and Messrs. Clements, Mur
phy, Sherman, Logan Hrown, Cro,
ier, Coleman, Lew Moore. Tal Daken
of Omaha, Lou O'Ncil, Paul and
Kmil W'url, (ireen, V. J. Streight,
Harrett, Jensen, Dr. Humphrey,
Con Coffee, Pert Holmes, John
Wright Gus Ilycr.s, Tom Miller, J
Juvinille, Chas. Vallery, Henry
Tartsch and (3. A. Hrown.
Another Man Killed.
Satu rday night Lincoln was again
the scene of another murder, and
the victim, as that of Thursday lay
stone dead ten minutes after tin
fatal shot was fired.
This time, however, both parties
being colored, and the shooting
was done over Ivison's billiard hall
at the rear of the Lincoln hot
Green Greavely, a colored man who
ban been out of the penitentiary
three months was the assassin. Th
night before Greavely had insulted
Mrs. Chas. Thomas, the victim's
wife. Thomas found him in n Ha
loon and ask him to explain why lit
had treated his wife in such a man
ner; Greavely answered with an
oath and before Thomas could
reach the door the fatal ;shot was
fired. This makes two cold blooded
murders for Lincoln within three
days. Who will he the next.
The stand pipe has been treated
to a coat of paint which greatly im
proves its appearance.
Hiram Waa Not at Alt Scared by the
NuUra Down Stulra.
It was 3 o'clock in the morning when
Mrs. IIii;iiihothain idiiiok her husband.
"lTj;!i," he resHitMed unconsciously,
"I Iiruui! Jlinini!'' she exclaimed iu a
"U-tinli," he observed.
She Biive him another shake.
"Hiram." idle whispered, "there's rob
bers down Mhirs."
"UkI!-" he ventured ngnin, this time
with a rising inflect ion iiulieatin. that he
was gradually absorbing tho idea that
soiuetliin was wrong.
She j.:avo him a tremendous shake.
"LV'li," he almost shouted, siltitii;
utraiglit tip, "what in thunder's the row,
She clapped her hand over his mouth.
"Sli sli!" she whispered, "there's
burglars down stairs."
"Aw," ho growled, "wo ought to ho
thankful they aro not up stairs, tlo to
sleep!" nnd ho fell back to tho pillow.
'Hiram, I tell you," nho insisted, witli
another shake, "there's burglars down
stairs. 1 heard them. You go down
and seo what they want."
"Maria," ho protested, "I'll do noth
ing of the sort. If they don't see what
they want they can ask for it. Thais
"Hat you shall go down, llinun, nnd
see," she urged and pleaded at the same
"I won't, I tell you, Maria. Because
your father own n, dry goods store is no
sign that I Ix-liove it is no trouble to
show goods, nml I repeat, madam, if
those burglars want anything they've
got to wait on themselves. It's after
business hours nnywity. You must
think weruu an all night place. Go to
sleep, 1 tell you."
Mrs. Higinhothatn gave a sudden
clutch at his arm.
"Tlicre," she nearly screamed, "I hoar
them coming up Btairs now."
"Well, dear," he said soothingly,
"you'd better jump up und put on a
dress. It will never do in the world for
you to receive strange gentlemen in your
present attire. M
"We'll be murdered in our beds," sho
"Do yon really think you will," ho in
quired with some interest.
"I'm sure of it, Hiram," she sobbed.
"Suppose you get ont and lie on the
floor, Maria, and then you won't lie," ho
suggested heartlessly. "I'm willing to
take mine right here in bed, where it's
Mrs. II. began to cry.
"What's the matter, Marin?" Mr. II.
asked, as if ho had just that moment
discovered her grief.
'You're a mean, horrid man, Hiram
niginbothatn," she said in her natural
voice, anil she began to get out of bed.
. "Where are you going, Maria?" he in
quired uneasily.
"Down stairs," she answered heroical
ly. "As between you upstairs nnd the
burglars down stairs, I prefer tho bur
glars," nnd down stairs she went, and t he
black cat in tho preserve closet upset
four jars of her finest (minces in its mad
effort to escape.
Shescreamed, but Hiram Iliginbothiun
made no sign; ho knew ho had forgotten
to put the cat in the cellar when he shin
the honso up for tho night nnd reported
to his wife that everything was all right.
Detroit Freo Press.
Home of the Son Kerpeut.
The question of tho "great sea ser
pent" has of lato come beforo us with an
episcopal sanction; hut whatever may
be tho explanation of tho various appear
ances which have given a certain cur
lency to a belief in tho existence of an
unknown marine monster of sonio kind,
that small sea serpents exist is most cer
tain. They aro nil marine, and with the
exception of one or two species never quit
tho water. As might ho expected under
such circumstances they bring forth
their young alive, und theao can swim as
soon us they aro born.
Mr. Hotilenger tells us that their homo
is essentially tho coasts (f the Indian
ocean nnd tho tropical parts of tho west
ern Pacific, from tho Persian gulf to
New Guinea and North Australia. Uno
species, however, ranges from west and
south Africa lo tho western coast of
tropical America nnd extends northward
to Japan and tiouthward to New Zea
land. Quarterly Review.
Two Guilty t'onRclriicra.
A Danbury youth went trout fishing
and ventured to drop a bly lino into a
posted brook. Soon tho approaching
iiguro of tho owner loomed up in tho dis
tance, nnd tho Danbury youth knew he
had been seen. Ho took incontinently
to tho bushes, where ho sjietit a very
miserable two hours in hiding and
caught a cold that kept him two days iu
Meanwhile the torriblo owner, who
was not tho owner nt all, had sought a
similar refugo nt sight of tho original
culprit, and not until his teeth chattered
like a tyjiewriter did ho venture to loaw
tho friendly but damp shelter and slink
away from the scene. Ho was nn elder
ly man, and bis share in tho day's sport
resulted in a four days' rheumatic limp.
Boston Transcript.
Ancient SnrriflVp to tho Hru.
Tho navigators of antiquity, to whoso
imaginative ignorance tho ocean seemed
peopled und beset with chimeras diro
and mpernaturnl agencies of all sorts,
used often to sacrifice human lives to
the mysterious water gods. It is regard
ed by tradition tleit Idoiueneus, king of
Crete, vowed to sacrifice to Neptune the
first living thing ho met after escaping
from a storm, and this happening to bo
his son, ho fulfilled his vow religiously.
Medea nearly became a sacrifice during
tho return voyage of tho Argonauts.
Washington Star.
Nu tCrllortlun tin III ( Intrnrter.
"That stylish looking gentleman was
under police supervision in his younger
"Nonsense! You must be joking."
"Not a bit of il; his father wus a cou
ntable." Durfbarbior.
Henry Hchrns of Avoca was in
the city to-day.
Cunt. Creamer of Tipton precinct
is in the city to-day.
K. S. White was in Omaha on offi
cial business today.
Mrs. C. C. Paruiel" went up to
Oman i this morning.
Miss Hernice Kearney was a Coun I
cil I Muffs visitor to-day.
C. A. Kiikpatriek of Nehawka
was iu the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodson re
turned to their home iu Omaha this
The assessors of Nehawka, Avoca
and Tipton precincts have made
their returns to the county clerk.
I. N. Woodford. 'x., a leading of Weeping Water, is iu the
city to-day attending to business iu
county court.
Operator Peck left this morning
for Omaha this morning to work
for the Western I'nion Telegraph
Fred Spriegel and Miss Minnie
Link of Fight Mile drove were
granted a permit to wed by Judge
Nainsey this afternoon.
The reception given last night at
the resilience of S. A. Davis in
honor of Mrs. W. M. Alexander was
well attended and a nice time was
had by those present.
Mrs. Ci. W. beford and daughter,
Fsther, of National City, California,
are in the city, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Coolidge and Mr.
and Mrs. It. S. Ramsey,
Judge Chapman has gone over to
Fairfield, Iowa, to attend the gradu
ation of bin daughter, Miss Ilattie,
tomorrow. Judge Hall of Lincoln,
is holding cnrt in his place.
The county commissioners are
making preparations to put in sixty
new bridges, and from ten to fifteen
will have to be repaired at a cost of
Irom $S,(XX) to $10,X0, all on account
of the recent rains.
Chilberg and McFIwain are
moving their stock to day into the
room recently vacated by Muir in
the Kiley block. Frank Davis iu
moving into the room recently
used by the county judge.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kvans of
Malvern visited with the family of
O. II. Snyder over Sunday. When
they returned home they found
burglars had entered the house and
stolen everything of any value.
District Court.
A decision has been rendered in
the case of the First National Hank
of Weeping Water vs. K'eed Pros.
Co. The attachment was sustained
and an order of sale made.
Ivd. K. Duster vs. J. M. Creamer
setteled nnd dismissed.
Alex Schlegel vs. German Insur
ance Company of Freeport, 111., net
tled, plaintiff taking judgment for
D. M Jones vs. Cass County, Ne
braska, is on trial to a jury this af
ternoon. The case of Fred Patterson vs. W.
Gillion was argued before Jud;e
Archer this afternoon.
$100 Reward SI 00
The readers of this paper will
be pleased to learn rhat there is at
one dreaded disease that science
has been nblctocure in all its stages
and that iscatarrh. Halls catarrh
istheonly positive cure known to
medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disaase, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surface of the system there
by destroying the foundation of
the descaseand giving the patient
strength by building up the consti
tution and assisting nature iu its
wark. The proprietors have so
much faith in its curative powers
that they offer one hundred dollars
for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. Cheney iV Co. Tole
do Ohio. Sohlby druggists, 7,'ic.
Shilohs catarrh K'emedy a posi
tive cure for catarrh, dipthcria and
canker mouth. For sale by () II
Snyder and li. G Frieke.
For Sale.
My house ami three lots corner
Sixth and Dey, price $ 1,'JO.
Mks. I. A. (i.Mt i-lX,
Central City, Neb., H.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria nnd
Canker month. For sale by F. G.
FrickeA Cm
Go to Gering Co. for wall paper
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Iaby wus sick, wo rsvo fcrr Casloria.
When alio ttm Child, tUo cricl r r 'artorla
Wlo til txvanm Miss, e!i:: .: to C:i r
Tlii-n li.-v! i "i .1 '"Mi il. -." ! . ( .i .-"'i''
Correspondence Solicited.
Office in ( 'uioti lilook
PtAHS.MOUin, - Nkhkaska
Th Canadian A(rmilturiata'a Great
Half Yearly Literary Competition
The fifth half yearly literary com.
petition for W of the Canadian
Agriculturist. America's jld and re
liable illustrated family ninga.ine,
will close June :), (all letters bear
ing postmark not later than June
M will count no matter where post
ed). The following.! splendid priz
es; will be given free to permitis
sending in the greatest number of
words made out of the letters con
tained in the words "The Illustrated
Agriculturist. Kvcryone sending
in a list of not less than one hiin
dren words will receive a valuable
present of silverware.
l-t miiml ri'naril vo In k1
'-'"'I .. Kr.tlid ii;llip. VH'lliMl .t fv)
ar'l " I-'.mi In L'.ld
4U1 OlKaii valut'il HI I'tu
tfhio liittiila
'Hi .ilitK.ilil waleh rulljr-wrllra
Till l.ailus ttnlil w.iti'li
"Hi r,n in K,,
!" -: i"ii
111 rrw of JKM'hcIi jts
.M'UJti iili'i -.'0 ir tea srl.i numlmiiit
phiiH wiuni'iltd.
Ni'xi m prlrD-Ml silver (l. -wert snt. war
nmlfil limy v iliiii
NrU Km irii's-iiKi sl!,'r lnitiT illtlii's ftc
itliuit 'd luay il,iti.
M'M .Mm i i ic I'liiinstH of lieu v iliiti l silver
kattli-K ImiUit iIMicm, (l ull hinkvl.t, biscuit
J:irsuu:ir kIicIIk. lnitiiT knlvt-s etc. nil fully
;u r,iiil il "iiKlli' h tul ,1 ii iix;i iilindnl r
wiUiWtlm fiilim .f whli'li will utKryala
M :m.
This grand literary comgetition
is open to everybody everywhere.
The rollowing are the conditions:
1. The words must be construct
ed only from letters in the words,
"The Illustrated Agriculturist" anil
must be only such words as are
found iu U'cbstcrs unabridged
dictionary, in the body of the book
none of the supplement to be used.
'i. The words must be written ia
rotation and numbered 1, 'J, 3, anal
s.) on, lor facilitating in diciding
the winners.
:t Letters cannot be used oftenar
than they appear in the words, Tha
Illustrated Agriculturist. For in
stance the word egg cannot be used
as there is but one 'g' in the threa
4 The list containing the largent
number of words will be awarded
first prize, and so on in order of iner-
ii. ivncn nsi us is ii is received win
be numbered and if two or more tia
the first received will be awarded
lirst prize, mid so on, therefore the
benelit of sending in early will read
ily be seen.
Kach list must be accompanied
by ifl for six months mibscriptioa
to The Agriculturist.
The following men have kindly
consented to act as Judges: J G Mac
Donald, city clerk, Peterborough,
Canada, and Comodore Calcutt, Pet
Our last competition Got $100i
prize all right, M M Prandoa
Vancouver, H. C. Thanks for $TM
prize G W Cunningham Donald B
C. Prize received O. K. J D Haptif
West superior, Wis. f.W prize ree'd
Thanks-G V Kobcrtson, Torontay
and :K) others in United StateB and
This is no lottery merit only will
count. The reputation forfairnesa
gained by the Agriculturist in the
past is ample guarantee that the
competition will be conducted ia
like manner, Send ,'tc stamp for
full particulars to The Agricultar
ist, Peterborough, Canada.
The Great Weekly Competition of The
LndloN Home Journal
Which word in this advertise
ment spells the same backward as
forward? This ir a r.ire opportuni
ty for every Madam, Miss, every
lather and son, to secure a splendid
Wekkly Pki.K.s-lCvery week
throughout this great competition
prizes w ill be distributed as follow
The first correct answer received
(the postmark date on each letter to
lie taken as the date received. )at the
office of the Ladies Home Magazine
( each nnd every week during
1WJ) wil get $3 JO; the second correct
answer, $100; the third SfaOj fourth
a beautiful silver service; fifth, live
o'clock silver service; and the next
.TO correct answers get prizes rang
ing from !f'J5 down to hverr
fifth correct answer, irrespective of
whether a prizi- winner or not will
get a special prize. Com
petitors residing in the southern
states ns well as other distant
points, have tin equal chance with
those nuirer home as the postmark
will be authority in every case,
Kui.Ks- Kach lint of answers must
be accompanied by $1 to pay for
six months subscription to one of
the best home magazines it:
Kkkkkencks "The Ladies Home
Magazine is weli able to carry out
its promises" Peterboroug (Cana
(la) Times. "A splendid paper, nnd
financially strong" Hastings (Can
ada) Star. "Kvery prize winner will
be sure to receive just what he is
entitled to," Norwood, (Canada)
Kegister. Money should be sent by
post office order orregistered letter
Address the Ladies Home Magazine
Peterborough, Canada.
Notary I'iiIiIIo t Al'strn-'i r hciii-'tu
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Acat
If you have real osh.te to pell oi
exchange send ttudescriptiou, price
and terms.
Abstracts of title furnished at reas
onable rates.
$100,fnn) to loan at percent and
no commissions, on good
farm security.
Pl.ATTSMOL'TH - Nlili.
ollioe under Cum County l!;wk,
Why will you cough when Sin
lob's cure will give immediate re
lief. Price ID cts., fV) cts. and 1
For sale by F. G. Frieke & Cc