Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 02, 1892, Image 3
f 1 i Blackwell's Bull Durham PjpO ,lf m '., ifrr v'T l "Great Bull flovement." Sold wherever tobacco is smoked. BULL DURHAM Is a mild and pleasant stimulant which quiets the nerves and in no way excites or deranges the system. In this respect it is distinctive. It gives the most solid com fort vith no unpleasant effects. Made only by Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C. BEST ORGANS MSB FOP? EASIEST PAYMENTS. THE MASON k HAMLIN CO. now offer to rent any one of tkeir fiiinous Oriratm or 1'ianos for three months, giving the person ail , them full opportunity to test it thoroughly in his own home Mil -return if he does n-.t longer want it. If he continues to want it itil the aregate of rent pain amounts to the price of the instru ment. It I!i;i:omks ins rnoi-Kinr witaoct flktiiki iwymknt. Illus trated catiilngne, with net prices tree. Mason & Hamlin Orgj,n and Piano Co IUM'ON. NEW Mk, rttmllu at ilUlv Student sr School Library S-U-C-U-L-D Own a Dictionary. fl i Car should bo ti'. ;cn t .: , T T THE BEST. 2 WEBSTER'S KTEILWIONT.Li DICTIONARY THK rNTKaN.iT iov at,. NSW KROM to V Eli :o eovEB. IS TtlS CliZ TO UUY. 5 SUCCESSOR OF Ti X Ten years ipent in icvisir.p, 100 edl- RnM hv all HmVKallf m. a ft C. MEHRIAM ft CO.. TublUhert, X Sprlntrfleld. t.lva.. V. B. A. maI knn Hir nt. , i Vjj n. a I editions. a X 44Send for free ntmrblni. for.', airing J specimen pages sua tuil par'.icuia.-s. I FOR MEN ONLY YOUNG MENOLD MEN . fill II THE TOILS Of THE SERPENTS Of OUiaJE. Thay make herole eHorta to frM thamatlrae, , oat not aoowme; now o autcMtnuif DSHAKEOrFTHE HORRID NAKE laty fire up id dMtalr tnl nuk ltu to ttrl? trait. KUlaaSaKCI'.T fr-. LFII mm fn. gM viU, l-tl1) f r limited time. "flu: I K. 'VrV ee 4 ASirtlone ol U4 b? mithodt txeluilTtlf oxr own, tno wont rttM-aoi Lot or FlUtF Mnnoo4, O.mral and HtrvoM U Jblllty, Wkni of Boi I u4 HlBd, Edocti o( Erron or Eicmmi. StUEtad of F bfjiAm OntMil run Im arH. Btntt In a .dir. 'VotoSnUrttiil8trni!t)ltliWEAS:.OMOEVEI.OPF.I) CROANB PAHN of BODY mall plain tnall InUrilkl. Mnwilif? from Hiti... Tfniori n4 Portico Ootom.1. i'oot,ntrit.thm K''.ntintn'lpfxif, tt.lrl ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, W. ft iilieiiiie (,r Iho Lluucr Habit, Positively Curer rv oy ADF:i:i!Sfcm,w or. haires' golden specif:'.. i. i.. i. . .... .a ...... .. ... .. i. i uii uu yi,vu ill a tuif ui bUHca ur iva. vr im iir I " 1 1 """irnrrn 'wt a permsnent smrt mikwU euro. tlicpMleutlsa modernle (trhiki'rornn nlrnlinllr; wreck. j NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE A rotmiiete cure la every Instance. page buui FREE. Addrensln eonflilmice, :LDeN iCECIFrC CO ISA iUct SUChieliUMtLO Chamberlain's Eye aad RWn Ointment. A certain core lor Chronic Sow Ejm Tetter, Salt Ehcm, Scald Iload, Oh SHaoaia Bona, Fever Soros, Eczema, tch, Prairio Scratches, Sore KIpplea - nd Filoa. It ia cooling aod eoothlng. Ltundredji of cases have boon cured by U after all other treatment had failod. It is put npia 25 and CO oect boica. TJ310TIIY CLAKK. DEALER IX tCOA WOOD o TERMS CASHo rdi and OHlce 404 Houth Third Street. Telephone 13. PlATTSMOUTII, NEBKASK 8 L li I I y'kv. Smoking Tobacco Made a record long years ago, which Ins never been beaten or , approached. It has not to-day, a soconJ in 0ulaity, Its mvnlinr nn.l iitiifnrm vr.dbni pleases the men of to-day as it did their fathers before them. YORK CHICAGO. Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cure Chapped Hands, Wounds), Born, Etc Bemovea and Prevent SuidruS. WHITE BUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in (Had Water. BO LIHC WATER OR MUK. 9 GKATKUL COM FORTIN I.iih.-leil 1-2 11) Tins Only. f. T5, prt n f tiy I'Kk'a Invwiblv Ttibultr tr Ci h. I lw. W hwtfl lif.rd. Cmfnrt. t. I . ,. I..w...r. !r. nlr.u.fnl. Solil I y V. Illtaal.oulr. CO Tt rJJ tiruMdat, Itn lr.. WiiH 1 Imvk ut fxtMUIllL. free. AiUirjHs Diin'l K iii-nttv.wiivl iiiKtoii .N. J. PAtiiiLir'S "ti HAIR BALSAM ? i'l l if.n,(n tttd l.-in:iti.-i t' t hair. i--'1- ( Faila li l:r-!.tijro Grey . to lta YtnUu'ul Color. i! 1 lrtwP "ia tftJu.'j. i i.i'',r'-'i"1 ,lr"fr" .it li .iiitfur i, u rnrvn tub w.iipL'M, I -lis. 1 u.ihH, I'i;fcitJul, J'aii, ld.LutiuM.MJcU. . ui jKuiu uu. ti Htu&. tfU, or IIIjwuX CU N. Y. I ii ..... T . "X t How KalntKn T HOW L08t!- TOY THYSELF. Or KKLF-FKESKKVATTON. A new and only OoM Meditl I'llIZK KSSAY on NKUVOU8 and rilVHICAIi ItKHILITY, KKKOK3 of YOUTH, KXIfAUKTKU VITALITY, PRE MATl ldC 1K I.INF, and all DISKASKH and WIvAKNKSStS of MAN. SOI) pap, cloth. Kilt; 16 lnrnluabie prescriptions. Only 11.00 by mail, double sealed, lleaciiptlva ProapecW ns with endorsements mppi criun of tho Presa and Tolunury hKp r I iiaui Wftimonlala of the cured. I I1UUI NUW. Onsnltatlnn In rwwon or by mall. Kipert treat nent. INVIOLAIH.U BKCHKL'T and CEK TAIN CI'RK, AiidrM. Dr. W. U. l'arker. or Tliu i'nahody Uisllaal Inallluts, No. I Bulilncli bU. liuaton, Maa. Tho I'ealKxly Medical Inatltule has many lml. tatnra, but no equal. llrrnlt. The Bcienee of Life, or HelfPreaetratlon, Is a trfature more Tnlnalile Uua void. Ktwl It now, every WKAK and NKRVOl'S man, and Inarn to be STKONG , Medical Hnitve. (Cpl riuliU'dJ Pirn. Vmrtt. PdtttTw '-j i of Uanhrod, Sminat 1 Htnwntt, StlfDiitruft, t4 Losh of Mtmoru, &c. will Li uou a STRUH0, Vltjor X , e Han. Print ft. 00. 9 f JflortJ, it 00. CaUlidEovUUBHtCO-a tO'tt LuoaoAvt. UT.LOUI3. MCk PIANOS, DIJW E P PS -ufSMi tr V HOW THEY CARRY THEIR MONEY. Beading the Character of I'm pip in the lorketbookii Ttiry I'ar. "1 can tell you tliu Imsiiu'ssof six nifti i out of fwry ti'ii wlio o.-mo in luiv. a.iil tltt sotiul htaiitliiiK of all of thi'iu. from ' tlio v:iy tiioy tarry tlicir inoiicy." s;iid .1 1 Droiulwiiy t'cki t seller for ouo of tho ' soiiml sU'iiiiibont hues to a lfportt r. i "Dil you over think how lam-h of a pertoti'a iiulivuhulity is exiiivsseil ia his method of carry ing his luom-y? 1 soo I people every day K't at tlu ir change and have made a study of it. ; "That man." said the ticket seller, 11s , an old gentleman who had purchased it ! pastehoard piu.l for a trip to l'oston went out. "i:a retired banker. Did you notice that ho carried his money in a lonj; morocco pocketlntok? That pocket- I book is ul ways carried in tho inside pocket of his coat, on the rij;ht side. It contains 11 number of bright, clean bills, all neatly smoothed mid laid out at full length and riiiht siilo up. Ilo never fi)Uls 11 bill, 1 will venture 11 cigar. "Tho yountf broker or wholesale mor- i chant carries his money in a small case madu of seal or lizard skin. Ho folds tho bills twice. Ilis roll is never lavo, but he lias enough ou hand to meet 11 ny einergency. "The clubmen invariably carry a roll of clean live dollar t ills in their vest pocket, where they can be easily reached. . Somo carry only gold. James Drown Potter favors gold, and usually carries a ' few quarter eagles in a small silver case, . into which tho coins tit without rattling. Lispenard Stewart usually has a roll of , new bills in his vest pocket ! "Tho mau who comes in and fishes from a deep trousers pocket a lot of one, two and five dollar bills that have beeu twisted up liko a gun wadding 1 ulways sot down as a sporting 'gent.' "The farmer on an excursion to 'Bos ting' counts up the price of a ticket in quarters and halves from a tan colored leather pouch that is tied up with a string run through small slits near the top. The seafaring mau on his way to his home on tho Maine coast carries tho proceeds of his last trip in a calfskin wallet. It has been handed down from , his father, or perhaps his grandfather, ! for it is black and shiny with ago. It ' has a long strap passed through a num- j ber of cross straps. Tho cross sections seldom have more in them than tobacco dust or a frayed tax receipt that shows that he owns a house. But in the cen ter of the wallet is a place where bills may be laid out straight and covered with a calfskin flap from either Ride. "The man who carries change in his coat pockets has been a car conductor at some time or other. The fellow who draws ten cent pieces from every pocket in his clothes is a peanut man or vender of small wares. "The women, too, havo a variety of ways to carry their money, though their lack of pockets limits their vagaries in 1 that direction. Tho young woman with fluffy hair, who lias the price of her ticket rolled tightly in her palm, has a mysterious storngo place for money somewhere. When she is not spending it she puts it where no man will ever go after it, but the place is accessible to flier slim fingcrB in a second." New York Press. Reply from the I'ew. "Joo" Jones, ono of Sam's numerous brothers, has enlisted in tho miuistry. His first sermon was preached in a conn try church at Pino Log before a largo congregation of farmers, backwoodsmen and crackers. Sam's methods were fol lowed with considerable success, but when Joo branched off on his own hook he struck a snag. He caused his hearers to winco when, slapping tho Hible nearly off tho pulpit, ho exclaimed: "A man what will cuss a oath'll steal!" There was a lively shifting among tho pews and much cautious looking around and head shaking, Joo saw, and deter mined to push liis point. "Brethren and sisters," ho repented , "I want to say to you that a man what will cuss a oath'll steal! What havo you got to say to that." An aged cracker aroso at the back of tho church and, fastening his glittering gray eyo on Joo, drawled through his nose: "All lgottersayisit'sergol dernlie!" Joo was so discouraged that ho rested on his oars two weeks before making my moro bold assertions. New York ?ribune. lirclxtrutloti In Germany. In Germany tho exigencies of compul sory military service require that a man si mid bo registered from tho day of his bith to that of his death. Tho govern nut must bo ablo to lay hands upon hin at any time. A man can nccom- ntMaitiLaclLBlthont producing his ! mv oi uuuiI-Hgrtttete busV'ss, nor buy land, nor obtain a situ tion, nor marry, nor got out of any scra,t with the judicial authorities, nor leavifthe country without satisfying the pfcee as to who he is, where he was born, Vho were his parents, etc. Lon don Tt-Dits. Throwing- Men Overboard. In airfent Scotland the bnrbarous cus tom ex. ted which cost Jonah so ranch inconvtujeneo. Whon a ship became unmannfeablo it was usual to cast lots for the jirpose of discovering who was respousi.fe for the trouble, and tho man upon whfti the lot foil was condemned. Instead I human beings dogs used sometime to le thrown into the sea with the legs bound. Washington Star- I Not Alone. Very stotpcrsons may somotinnis be noticed gl.-u ing at other stout persons with a plem 4 expression that seems to say, "Well, V not as stout as thai, ::ny way;" or, "voro is soma 0110 who is qnito as stott is 1 am." Cvident ly it is a consoling tho iht. Youth's Companion. Telllnjr I) tntotxla liy tho Tuate. Diamonds i $ crystals can bo distin guished from tins and paste by touching them with tlv tongue. The diam;.ds feel much cold iiew York Journal. A DANGEROUS ACCOMPLISHMENT. II Shot Too W.-ll ami So Thry Took II on Out ..I Triiiitalloii. "Away up in the Sh rras, where tint t!!.iii.;n.irt::.;r snow white pe.iks and M.01 i hi,, 1 s i.iincls in armor c,nanb ing t!;.' p M ilnt Iks hid bn in the rocky cany.-.,s i. !.. I one saw uu exhibition of ri.le ,o.t, ng which I have in-vr since nv:i cuVI.-reiiiarke.l a l; i i -.-.b 1 old man w!mv s..udsof hie had run, as In. s.ood siii roiinded by n ej-niip of intciv:ci li-teii, .is in a well kn.n. :t Clark si reel'in resort the oiinr' night. "What was 1 doing up there, you ask. Why, herding sheep, in order to m-l tiigei.ii-r enoui;li for a grub st.ue, so that I might start out again on a prospecting tour. "We had ltt.lKIO sheep, divided into four bauds, with three herders and us many dos to each one of them, and wn camped wherever night overtook us. I tell yon 1 slept sounder in those day , rolled up in a pair of blankets nnd it'a a log of wood for my pillow, than I do now in the best bed that I can f.nd in a hotel. "We followed the old stago road (hut led up front Stockton through Soiiora and Cherokee camp, and then struck out over a trail that led through tlm l!ig ltasin' and up to the headwaters of tho Tolunino river. It was in Juno and tho air was full of the fragrance of flowers, while tho sunlight as it Dick ered through tho trees made a chess board on th velvet green carpet that lay stretched out lieneath the spreading oaks. "We had long before left civilization behind us, when lato one evening wo came out of the woods into a little mountain meadow that was known as Crane's flats, and was the headquarters for a band of cattle herders. Most of them were Italians, but they gave us a warm welcome. One of them in particu lar attracted my attention. He was tall, lithe and muscular, and walked with tho easy swing of a professional pedestrian. Ilis eyes were of bluish gray, nnd ho seemed to be a lender among his com panions, all of whom were swarthy and dark eyed. j " 'If yon enn get that fellow to show you somo snooting you will see some- thing wonderful in that line,' whispered one of my companions, " 'Who is he;' 1 asked. " 'Italian Joe,' was the reply. "I had heard of Italian Joo before. At Sonora, at Cherokee, at the Confidence mines and in a hundred other places his fame as a rille shot had been dinned into my ears. "The next morning I asked him to give us an exhibition of his skill. Shoot ing was his weak point, and he consent ed. Unlike the coy maiden, who can sing, but wishes to be coaxed before she does, he had his notes with him. Tak ing a Colt's revolving riflo in his hands ho paced off a hundred yards and pinned a common enp box to the trunk of a huge oak. Coming bnek, lie wheeled na quick ns lightning, and without sight ing, apparently, he emptied the cham bers. Six of tho shots were in a circle around the edgo, while the seventh was a plumb center. "Loading again, he glanced abont him. High up in the heavens a hawk circled warily through the bluo, looking for something to prey upon, Tliero was a moment of hesitation, a quick report and down came tho hawk with a bullet in his head. Pennies, dimes and quar ters that were tossed in the aircamo down with a bullet holo through them. Ilo missed nothing that he drew a bead on. He could beat nil the Carvers and the Buffalo Bills that you ever saw." "What became of him?" asked an eager listener. "Ho shot at a man and he didn't miss him, either. He was raptured by a band of vigilantes, and when I came out of the monntains in the fall his skeleton, white and ghastly, was hanging to a treo at tho entraiv 1 of the big basin. The vultures bail picked nil tho flesh from the bones, nnd tho sun, wind and rain had bleached than to a snowy whiteness. Pinned to a treo was this Inscription, written with charcoal 6pon a pino shingle: : nE roin.n shoot too wr.t.L, ; : AMI WK lll'MI HIM. ; "Rather a ghastly comment on our so called civilization, was it not?" Chicago Mail. I'.fTert of Grnvitiitlon. If a man weighing twelvo stono were to be transferred to the moon, the weight of his body, measured, nt least, by the attraction which the moon would exor cise upon it, would bo reduced to about two stone. If his muscles nnd his frame remained tho samo, it would sct-m as it he would bo ablo to jump over a wall Ivy feet high on tho small irlobe witiTW greater exertion than would be requii to clear a wall two feet high on the eni Mi. Good Words. Hoontitli Linns Are Great Cotrnrila. Mounts.) l Hons aro tho greatest cow ards in tU mountains, although people who are id familiar with them believe that theAtrotch out on limbs of trees and pontt- upon unsuspecting travel ers. I f'l guarantee to take an ordi nary . hi A-ry club nnd rhaso any lion in the mi ntains, although I Lave ono hide at measuring nino feet from tip to ti -Topeka Capital. AmA-ment of Ti-ii i:h;1iici ih. Enginfirs of railroad trains in Texas and tnoJ.'jf the western states curry re volveral'ud often titles in thecal) for contingfjcii that might arise. They amuse Feinsclves by shooting at tho telegraJ poles or any other mark while runnin l at full speed, and attain won derful .4 11 in marksmanship. St. Louis HepublK The (li.,t liKlilini.te. The lost banknote now in existence is in t , .British museum, ami was is sued fi .1 the imperial mint of China nt thebe cniDgof the reign of the first Ming ( ;iperor. Tho first, bank in Ku roio w M at Barcelona, established in 1401. lie Chinese banknote is supposed to datlack to 1100. New York Suu. a dat Oolnc Sn Africa. Ur-fit interest is exhibited in the jiro posed Kast African expedition of Mr. William AsUir Clianler. The Tiiina river, which he proposes to follow, is in hahited nloti .: the lower part principally by the Wa l'okomo, a race which sul sists by culthatioii. The banks of the river being 1 v, the country on loth sides is anniiilly inundated, and tho liver thus nets as a liberal fertilizer. Mr. ('hauler has no easy task Ud'ore hiui, as some of the trilies to ls passed in reaching Mount Keuia have had tin ir suspicions and hostility aroused by (he harsh and barbarous course of the German explorer Mr. l'eters. He will slart early in June in company with Lieutenant 1 bdito 1, of the Austrian navy, and Count Tolaki, with the object of careful siiuitilic research and ob servation in that region. They will travel along the Tama river, resting for some weeks at the snowcapped moun tain of Keiiia, where they will make astronomical observations. After ex ploring tho mountain to its summit if possible they will plunge into tho almost unknown regions of Kast Uudolph lake. It was there that Huron Vecketi was murdered, and that Keviol, Kespoli nnd I'Yrrendi failed in theireUorts to accom plish their aims. The region abounds in warlike tribes. Mr. ('hauler intends to enter the re rion from the west, after leaving Lake Uu dolph, and proceed along tho Tubha river to the sea. He expects to be ali sent about eighteen months. lie will take with him his young servant, (icorge (lalmin. who accompanied him through Mashonaland. Mr. ('hauler is full of hope and will go fully equipped for his perilous enterprise, which is expected to have most interesting and valuable re sults. Philadelphia Leader. A Tame Iui Klliig. Tho extraordinary sight of a duckling that has just shed its shell following a young woman alsmt tho house with all the affection of a pet dog is a domestic wonder iu tho family of Mrs. Carr. Ever sinco Easter morn the neighbors havo been dropping in to witnesM the spec tacle, and tho fanio of the singular at tachment has attracted attention among people who are interested in natural phenomena of every description. Tho little duckling has lioon in tho family since Easter Sunday, when it was brought as a gift to Mrs. Carr'B baby daughter, Serena, aged four years, who was delighted with her new iot. Tho duck at once struck up a long friendship for the domestic, Mary Mc Cnllough, and has boon the young wom an's constant companion ever since. Whenover Mary speaks the duck re sponds with tho piping salutation and waddles after tho young woman wher ever she goes. Tho most astonishing thing about this freak of nature is that if any other inmate of tho household attenipta to induce it to answer, the wobfooted prodigy maintains a solemn silence, bnt Mary has only to ntter a word when tho quacking begins and is kept up until she has ceased speaking. Philadelphia Times. Mary's Claim. A littlo girl is reported to havo died near tho imaginary lino in Oklahoma which divided tho recently opened res sorvations from the remainder of tho territory just as tho signal was given for the grand rush for lands. Thochildnnd her father were alone anil unknown, but tho beauty of tho ono ami the still, deep grief of the other moved tho strong men of the frontier to acts of admirable sym pathy. A runner on a swift horse located a homestead, and returning placed the father of tho dead girl in possession of it. Tho liody of tho child was trans ported to tho claim ami buried upon it. Afterward it was discovered tho re maining one of tho unfortunate couple was absolutely penniless, nnd a purse of money was given him with the hox) that tho claim will prove a haven of rest to him and that the homestead 'Khali al ways bo known ns "Mary's claim." Duluth Tribune Ilnalh from Ingrowing Toe Nail. Some time ago there was published the story of the death of a Long Island physician from blood poisoning result ing from nn ingrowing too nail. A well known surgeon chiroiK)dist said the other day to tho rejMirter: "The death of that Long Island doctor is not tho first I have beard of from tho samo cause, "The cause of the disease is comufon and painful nnd usually directly trace able to narrow toed shoes. It causes pain as severe an a toothache and not infrequently, when neglected, results in blood poisoning. I know of an opera tion for ingrowing too nail in nn English hospital whom tho patient suffered so much pain that they gavo him a mixture of ether ami chloroform. Tim operation was successful, but when it was finished the physicians found that their patient had died from tho chloroform." New York Sun. To rri'MTvn nn Alpine 1 limi r. The diet of the Tyrol last week passed a bill itnpoMt'g heavy fines upon persons found selling any sample of tho beauti ful but rare Alpine flower called edel weiss, which has been pulled up by tiie roots on the mountains. A similar act was passed seven years ago by the diet of Salzburg, with a view to tho preserva tion of the edelweiss plant, which is threatened with extinction in the Aus trian Alps. In (he Salzburg district the success i,l this legislation is, unfortu nately, not encouraging. Great Season for IlirrhiK. The herring fishing season on the Sus quehanna river is finished, and the catch has lwen unprecedented. Tho pack will amount to over (iO.iHli) barrels of salted fish. Tho season ojh u April 8 ami closed May 10. One fisherman caught 100 Lar rels of tho fish with a dipnet in the out let lock of the canal. It has been no un common Uiing this season to take 200, 000 herring at a haul of one of the largo seines, which, when paid out, encircles three-qjiartcrs of a milo or more of water area. Cor. Philadelphia H?cord. Every Month many womea suffer from Btceeaive ar Scant lienatraatton; they don't know who to confide In to get proper advice. Don't confide In anybody but try Bradfleld's J Fcrcah Regulator Specific tor PAINFCl, PROFUSE, SCANTY. SlPPRESStO and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. !Pook to "WOMAN" mailrd free. BRADFIEL0 RECUlaTOR CO.. A'.lanla, Ca. SoM It; all j; K. REYNOLDS. Ki-Klstcri-.l a nnd riininmcM Special attention oiven to Ollice Practice. k'lK'K ltl.l I 1 S . ftm, ! - Jar. . .J! .. ' 11 "; ik in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEEN8WARE. Patron a jre of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsmo.Ui jn. A. SALISBURY : D K-N-T-I-S T : OOLD AND POKCKI.AIN CROWNS. Or. Htslnways nsiratketln for the painless si tract lor of teeth. Fine Oold Work a Specialty. Kockwend Block l'UUmaostk, Neb. P KlWIJtfS house. 317, 9 I Q, 331, AND 93 JAkK ST FLATTSMOUTH, NKH. F. B. GUTHMAN1T. PROP. Rates R!5(rEK week and up ,4, OOI.I) AND I'OHCELAIN CKOWNS Bridge work and tine gold work a SPECIALTY. OK. HTKINAim LD'!AI. as well as other an fhtlu'ilcsKlven for the painless extraction of teeth, 0. . MARSHALL, Fitzgerald RW TTORNEV A. N. SULLIVAN, attorney Will (rive prompt attention 'ft Kll ItllMtnfiMa ABtrttBf.iit t,t lilm tfini... It, I ;,rtoii hloek, Kaet Hide, l'liitt-nioutli, Neb. For ' Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven vorth, Kansas City, St. Louis, wor and nil points nc-th, east south or west. I ick otn nold nnd bnjj. Hit (re checked t o a ti y point in the United States or Cnnnda. For INFORMATION AS TO KATES AND ROUTES Call nt Depot or address II, C. Townhend, ('.. P. A. St. I.otii.,Mo. J. C. PlllLLIITl, A. (. P. A. Omaha. II. D. Al'OAK. Apt., Phittsmotith. Telephone, 77.