Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 26, 1892, Image 6

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    is H
jr llalrdrwurr la learned Dte
cuont ou (h SdLJot l.
"Aliont bsild hwwln, dow," mid hair
drosRcr who profti to know all alxiut
llirsuto duUcicnrv unil ita r.-inf "thv
, w
are aa much ilno to heredity aa aro
nil iic.vts, Mack he-kds, curly head
t heads tlmt aro nut curly. Ami
why are men so commonly hnU nml
women bald o uncommonly? Tlicro
aro doctors and men of science who
point to that fact to strengthen tli-ir
111 I I . . I ....
wuu Known ni'ii liar, meory or luiM
n(ws. They uiTert to believe, ami iu
ewi on their belief, that tho hif-h silk
liatMl tho hard filt hat nrorespoiiMUo
for ioht of tin bnldheaded men, tlio un
yielding presMiro of such headgear con
ptrieting tlio Mood vessels which nour
ish tho hair bulbs, and thus destroying
their Tit al inojiertii'ii, tho result being
death of tho root and unavoidable
capillary HcantinesH. Women, Pay the.-
scientific speculators, do not injure th
vitals of their huir by such means, and
thns are rarely chronically bald.
"Maybo they aro ri;it, but I don't to
lieve it. Lverykxly known that mun,
as the heail of the family, hau to go to
the front and stay there in the capacity
of tho breadwinner. Tho strain of life
comes tho inont severe on the man in
that respect. JIo it is who suffers tin
anxieties and battle" against the disap
.xnntiiienta of business, speaking of life
In general. What makes men prema
turely old? Just those anxieties and
struggles. If prematurely old, why not
prcinatnrely bald, which is a natnral ac
companiment of untimely age? Woman
feus lusa brain stress. Uer sympathies
with the man in hi struggle may be
groat, and usunlly aio, but they do not
make the demands on her organization
that toll bo severely on the system of tho
"I acconnt for much baldness among
men by this theory of nervons exhaus
tion, but then what will explain its prev
alence among mon whose circumstance
do not require them either to indulge in
business anxieties or undergo busineua
disappointments? Thus we see the easy
going man about town, not yet in his
prime as to years, with no haunting
thought of tomorrow, yet aa bald as his
grandfather was at seventy. We see the
pampered child of fortnno, eon of a mil
lionaire father, who toils not, neither
doth he spin, yet Elijah, whom tho bad
boys mocked, at the same time the she
bears came out of the wilderness and
dined npon them, was not arrayed in
loss hair than ono of these. Some might
explain this by the sweeping charge of
dissipation. ut it will not do. I havo
among my patrons youth of this kind
who are models of sobriety, propriety
and simple living, and yet they are aa
bald as doorknobs.
"Heredity is tho only explanation that
can be inado of this mysterious depar
ture of tho hair in early life, although
Professor Eaton, an English scientific
person who has made investigation on
the subject a specialty for years, does not
lielieve it, and stoutly declares that the
causo of baldness is no nearer discovery
than it was a hundred years ago.
"But whether 1 am right or wrong in
my theories 1 know I am right in this,
and that is when a man is once bald lit
is always bald, unless his hair has fallen
out from tho effects of fever. In that
case it will generally return in timo ol
its own accord. But a head that has
gradually lost its hair while tho ownui
of it is in good physical condition has
lout it for good. If it wasn't so do you
suptxwe there would bo go many bald-
ruled doctors and barbers?" New
V rk Sun.
How nn i;irplunt Eut..
An elephant's digest ivo functions are
Very rapid, and tho animal therefore
vquires daily a largo ainoutit of fodder
-ODD pounds at least. In iu wild state
.no eiepnant toed heartily, but waste
tally. It is careful in selecting tho few
forest treeH which it likes for their bark
jt foliage. But it will tear down
.iranches and leave half of them un
touched. It will strip off tho bark from
rtlier trees and throw away a largo por
tion. As it is a nocturnal animal, it selects
its trees by tho senses of touch and
smell. Its sense of smell in ho delicate
that a wild elephant can scent an enemy
at a distance of 1,000 yards, and th.i
nerves t; its trunk am so sensitive
that tho smallest Hubxfaneo can bo dis
covered and picked up by its tiny pro
boscis. An elephant's palato is very delicate,
and tho animal is whimsical in selecting
or rejecting morsels of food. Youth's
Diiirrhea unci stive Tronliim.
Tho connection between tec-thin;? and
diarrhea has been considered until if
recent years as beyond question. But
even this is very doubtful. For our
selves, wo should havo no difficulty the
oretically in supiosing that painful tith
ing might upset tho digestion, just as in
nervous older children and adulu wo see
excitement and mental anxiety produce
liko results. But actually, tho uioro the
eases aro examined tho less certain is
the relation of tho Ihwc1 trouble to tho
supposed cause. Here again develop
ments in tho digest ivo organs may have
an influence, and the effect of heat, eit her
directly upon tho nervous system of the
child or by injuring food, is shown by
tho prevalence of these diseases in sum
mer. Dr. Henry I). Chapin in Baby
hood. Wi'i-phiR TrM'.
The literature of "weeping fives'' is
enormous, much of it being plainly
mythical, jut thero is a largo basis of
fact upon which most of these marvel
ous stories rest. .Many travelers have
. described tho famous "rain tree'' of Pa
dradoca, Isle of Ferro. John Ox'kburn.
in 1735, describes a tree at Vera Pas. Cen
tral America, irom wnicli puro water
continually dripped from every leaf and
branch. St. Louis Republic.
Chinamen cannot becomo citizens of
tho United States becauso tho right of
naturalization is limited to free whit j
persons and Africans or people of Afri
can descent.
naravfi-al-RanrkM l4 Mi kirm'i matt
Ho kl In wi ifar wfaxllnf
He lowil b wi-h bk cryrtftl fornituJiui play;
II kiwi m karwa mmA Mn rmrtmrn gajr.
II loTi-fl all royal spnrw HuU pkv a kina.
Hut mot ! Iotm! In hear hat lotiwtrvis runt'.
And an H happened that liis f;im tial brmglit
Two rival mnirrr to the naJiph's court.
Who pli uu l Liin bent, full well wb lurnatrel
WonM I proclaimed the (rrejitrr of tlte two.
fco wrll th lranl loin Uiat lhay fuoml hi ra
To clioiwe iH'twu-o thun, fur ha ked them
"It all the nation Jude," at length naid hec
"Who plniM'N IhshI iny pi'Dpla plriim m."
TliriiURli all t lie I.ukI tlic rival put'ta atinx;
Tlicir nanun i.nd imiic were on every UniKTie,
thitll at Ijiht tliey uever rrm lull a Uiior
Where Kme lnul uui huuh all thulr aonKa be
fura. fU-n Olnf nanif of did the caliph wrought.
The rirhnn and tlie uplrridorit of bin court;
Tlie miichty warrioni every nation IkkwiIh,
And armlt vaii(iiii,hcd by the prophet' host;
How Inlain'R valor wan la-loved and feaml;
And when he finished. Untuning thotuvind
Mnstapba's aonir were all of nlmpler thingm
Korirollen wan the pride of earthly kln.
He sanK to them of home and tmth and love;
How Allah wnlched bin i-hil.l run tmtn klwiif
Clone to their heart the pocfa music crept:
Ana wnen n nn Lined, all the nple wept.
For though lien Olaf charmed thetn with hi
It wan Muntapha' onif that roarhed their
. heart.
-James O. linrnett lo Harpcr'a.
Fifty KlmU of Klectrie Fl.he.
According to the statement of th
English naturalist, TrofosHor Stirling,
mere aro in existence today upward of
fifty specie of fishes havin-
ipecialiwd organs, the function of which
is the generation of electric discharges.
Tho fishes differ widely, sometimes
strikingly, from each other, belonging
mostly to different families, and m-.
cawionally even to different orders of the
nscos.- In structure ther elosolv re
semble the other speciea ot the genera
w wmcn they sevoraliT belom?. differ-
ing from them, with aa occasional ex
ception, mainly in the poeMwion ol or
gans for electric generation.
The well known "electric rayu," for
example, of which Nicholson mentions
three and Ounther six, are th most
prominent These ravs aro found in tJ
Atlantic and Indian oceans and the
Mediterranean sea, and are aeon in the
English channel, or even farther north;
whilo other electric fishea am atiH
coftraopolitan, though most of them hv
naou umited areas and warm waters.
A Fhrano TkaA Ii Hot Waclhti
I Wtfl oHva a nriu n ftlAO ...
who can prove that the exnrmnmi 'nVwit
you know,' or, as it is oftoa rendered.
doncherknow.' was ptot ivnA in En.
land by a real Englishman," declared a
person of the British pent uau ion the other
"ThO nhl-OHA hnA Ita nrlrrin 4a t,i I
phi where it is much in rogue, heeanee
crtain dudes there beliera it ia
No Englishman ever say8 'Doot you
now. i tie expression he does nm is
'You know,' such as Tin going np to
London, you know, to gut me new
trousers, yon know.'
"This maybe a startler for rvrtnin
young men about town, who by dint of
great practaee are ahle to interject
'donchorknow' at about evorv tnn vnr
in their conversation. I'm sorry to hurt
ineir leeimgs. Aow ork liorald.
It Netnl No tlnard.
Tlie smallest, sinmlent and W nrn.
tectinl postofiira in tho world k i n ihA
Straits of Magellan and has been there
tor many years. It consist of a small
Painted ke or cask, and k rhaimvl
tho rcK'ks of tho extreme cape in a man
ner so that it lloats froo, opposite Terra
ticlfuego. hiu ti passing ship bhtkIs a
boat to take letters out and nnt others
in. i ins curious postotlico is unprovided
with a postmaster, and is tliereforo un
der tho protection of all tho navii of
tho world. Never in tho history of thi
unique "office" has its privilege lieen
abused. Phihulolphia Press.
Ill Election Cost Him Four t'-coU.
Mr. H. It. Williams may lo compli
mentcd upon the economy ho exercised
in seeking re-election to the Middlesex
county council, his expenses being set
down at twojienee. This fairly Natn
the "record." Air. Deputy Bedford's
election expenses were said to U but
niuepenee on ono occiuiion, but be mit
palo his ineffectual fires Ix'foro tho su
perior financial prowess of Mr. Williams
London Citv Press.
m .
Depth of the Mediterranean.
The Austrian government hits made a
nnmlter of soundings in tho Mediter
ranean, and tho greatest depth readied
was 2,-HHl fathoms, which is deejH-r tlian
any sounding yet recorded for that body
of water. Now York Journal.
What He Dl.lo't I'.at.
A Yankee on paying his bill at a Ixn
don restaurant was told that the sum
put down didn't include tho waiter.
"Waal," ho roared, "1 didn't eat any
waiter, did I?" Loudon Tit-Bita.
Tho commissioners of customs in Eng
land have taken steps t bring their 'e
partnientinto line in the normal require
ments of trade, and the custojna hotys
aro from U to 0, without overtime.
Tho Boston board of health, in a tour
of inspection at night in the North End
tenement hotisti district, found nine jier
sons shaping in ono room, with windows
and doors tightly closed.
Professor John Marshall, of Universi
ty college, London, says that yawning
"may bo aeconmlisheil lv tlm win lint-
is often tho result of involuntary imita
tion." Tho stupendous results of the stoam
engine may all be traced to the loy who
sat watching the steam which came
from tlw iioeo of tho teakettle.
Five soda crackers devoured without
drinking, in 4 minutes and 20 seconds,
is tho latest gormandizing feat of a Ivau
b8 freak.
Eaor Lqaor Care.
To those seeking a rt-HCue from
liquors curse or other evil habits
brought about by morphine, tobac
co etc. Tlu Kusor Institute at South
Omaha offers one of the most relia
ble mnl hot places to efo with the
absolute certainly of a permanent
cure. Write wr v i i t the institute.
A ensitile Mho.
Would tie Kemp's balsam for the
throat olid Itins, it is curing more
cases cotigliM cwlds, asthina, bron
chitts, craiip and all throat and
lung- troubles, than any other rem
edy. The proprietor has author
ized any dninist to give you a sam
ph bottle tree t convince you of
the merit of this freat remedy.
Larjyt bottles 5t)f and fl.
I feel it my duty to say a few
words in regard to Kly' ('ream
Balm, and I do no entirely without
solicitation. I have used it more
or less half n year, and have found
it to be most admirable. I have
suffered from catarrh of the worst
kind ever since 1 was a little hoy
and I never hoped for tt", but
t team Halm m-enis to tin even that.
Many of iny acquaintances have
used it witu excellnnt results.
Oscar Ostiim, 43 Warren Ave., Chi
cago III.
Wanted: An energetic man to
manage branch office. Only a few
dollars needed. Salary to start $7."
per month ami interest in business
The Western Co., Kansas City, Mo.
Some Foollah Peopla
allow a cough to run until it cets
beyond the reach of medicine They
say "Oh, it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears them nway.
Could they be induced to try the
successful Kemp's Balsam, which
is sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would see the excellent
effect after taking the first dose.
Price ?)c and $1. Trial size free. At
all druggists.
The wisdom of him who journey
eth is known by the line he selects;
the judgment of the man who takes
the "Burlington Koutc" to the
cities of the east, the south, ttnd the
wi-Ht, is never impeached. The in
ference is plain. Magnificent Pull
man sleepers, elegant reclining
chair care and world-famous dining
cars on nil through trains. For
information address the ngent of
the company at this place, or write
to J. Francis, General Passenger
and Ticket Agent, Omaha.
How Try This
It will cost you nothing and will
urely do you good, if yo have a
Cough, Cold or any trouble with
Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds it guaranteed to
give relief, or money will be paid
back. Sufferers from La Grippe
found it just the thing and under
its use had a speedy and perfect re
covery. Try a sample bottle at our
expense and learn for yourself just
how good a thing it is. Trial bottle
free at F. G. Fricke A Co. Drug
Store, Large size 50c. and $1.00
The population of Plattemoutl
Is about 10,000, add we would say
at least 'neo-half are troubled with
some etTection on the throat and
lungs, as those complaints nre, ac
cording to staaistics, more numer
ous than otherB. We would advise
nil our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their drug
gist and get a uottieot rvenip s Hal
sum for the throat and lungs. Trial
size free. LarireHottle oOc- and 1.
Sold by nil druggist.
Itch OI1 human and Imrm-a nniiii:ilo
cured in HO minutes by Woolford's
sauitarr lotion. Tliii n. v,.r f-iilu
Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. druggist
i lattsmouiii.
For years the editor of the Hurl
ington Junction, (Mo,) Post, has
been subject tocramncolic fits of in
digestion, which prostrated him for
several hours and unfitted him for
luisiness for two or three days. For
the past year he has been usiiiir
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera anil
Diai rhn a h'emedv whenever occa
sion required, and it has invnriuhlv
given him prompt relief. 'J5 mid 120
cent bottles for sale by F. G.
rricae i io., druggists.
Areonlill'V tn tlie ivnuui ..f 1.1 HI
Chicago takes rank, by virtue d her
population oi i,ou)iU people, as the
eighth largest city on the globe.
Most "f us desire, at one time or
another, to visit n city in which so
many persons uiui Homes, and,
when We do. WO can find on hi-tter
line than the "Burlington Koutc."
inrco last ami comfortable trains
tfaily. For further information ad
dress the agent of the company at
this place, or write to J. Francis,
General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
The Missori Pacific will sell round
trip tickets May W to It inclusive, to
Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian
general aisenildy being held their
May 10 to J une 12. Tickets good un
til May 10 and returning inside W
days at iftt), going via one route and
rettirHing via another. Apply at
ticket office for particulars.
Specimen Caos.
S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wi
was troubled with neuralgia am)
rheumatism, bis stomach was dis
ordered, his liver was affected to an
alarming degree, appetite fell awaj
and lie was terribly reduced in flesh
and strength. Three bottles of
Klectrie Hitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg,
111., had n running sore on his leg
of eight years' standing. Used
three bottles of Klectrie Hitters and
seven bottles Hucklen's Amies
Salve, and his leg is sound and well
John Speaker, Catawba, ()., had live
large fever sores on his leg, doctors
said he whs incurable. One bottlr
Klectrie Bitters and one box Buck
len's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke Co.
CATHnur.-St. Paul (Inirehirbctw's
Klllh Hint Sixth. Father Cuuiey, I'astor
Service : V tss nt mill in :W A. M. KutiilnV
School at 2 :;), it a benediction.
Christian. former and Klghth ftn
Sen lees iiioriiiiix xi, il tveniKtf. hint r A
tiil'oay pastor. Sunday School Iua.m.
ti'is"OfAL.-St. Luke's I hurcli, corner 'I hlrd
and the. Lev 11 U. iMimen-. .H-tor. Ser
vice!! ; II A. M. a d 7 :3i!f ki . hundtt) School
at 2:30 P.M.
iKhman MmiolMNT. t mer Sixth St and
liliiuite. Itev. HIM. I'Mftoi. services : II A.M.
and 7 :;i0 I. M. Sunday School li) a M.
I'H FSH vini I a N. erviees In new church. cor
tier Sixth hikI tininiti- la-v. .1 T. liainl,
l;i-liir. Minday-M-t oo at V ;:n; i'lcuchliii
Ht II a. in. ii-id x . in,
'I he . K. s. h ol f hlx church nieelH every
SaliliHlh eenlii' al 7 :1S ill the hast inel t i(
Ihechucih. All uie Inviietl to attend thefe
Kiiiht MHTlioitisT. Sixth St., In-tweu Main
aiitl I'earl. hev I. I'. I'.nlt, l. I), nastor.
Service : 11 A. M..8 ;iki y. m Sunda .School
:'M a M. I'rsyer ineetii yt ednesday even
lni. tifloiAN I'KVHiivTK.KiA.N. Corner Main and
Ninih. Iv Witlc, pastor. Services usual
horns. Sunday rchool y :30 A. M.
Swkf.disii t onorfoationai. Craulle, be
tween Fifth and sixth.
I'oi.itltKI) IlAl"risT.-Mt. Olive, i 'iik. between
ietilh anil Kleveiilh. (ev. A. Hoi-well, pas
tor. Services ll a. in. and 7 :M) . in. Trayer
meetinif Wfilnesday eveniiiu.
ltooinsln Waterman block, Main street. Uos
pel meet Inc. for men only, every Suyday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Kooiuk open week dayi
from 8:30 a. ni..i-) h-. jo p. m.
Wood, 1'a.Htor. Services; Sunctay Hcknol,
'). m. : I reHchliiK, 11 . in. mid g p. m
prayer ineetlni; 'l iifsday iiMit ; choir prac
tice Friday iilKlit All are welcome.
Tha First Step,
Perhaps you are run down, can't
eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do
anything to your satisfaction, and
you wonder what nils you. You
should heed the warning, you are
taking the first step into nervous
prostration. You need a nerve tonic
and in Flectric Hitters you will lind
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous system to it normal, healthy
condition. Surprising results fol
low the use of this great Nerve
Tonic and Alterative, Your appe
tite returnB, good digestion ia re
stored, and the liver and kidneys re
sume healthy action. Try a bottle.
Price 50c,. at F. G. Fricke & Co's
drugstore. 6
ALittle virls Experienced a LlgMt
Mr. and Mrs, Ixren Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
April she taken down with Measles,
followed with dreadful Cough and
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at petroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" handful of bones".
Then she tried I)r, King's New
Discovery and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King.s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you may get a trial, bottle
free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore.
How's This!
we offer 100 dollars reward for
any case of catarrh that can not be I
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. I
F.J.Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo,
unio, i
We the undersigned, have knowii
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yearyf
and belivc him pefectly honorable
in all buisness transactionsand fi
ancially able to carry out an oblig
ations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Drifg
gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kimtui
& Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tele
do Ohio. j
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iutcr
nally, action directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 7.")C. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggist; Testimonials free. '
The Leading
ConBtntly keeps on Imnil evAythii
you need to furnish your I p1.
- ---W
Plattsmouth - Neb
Lumber ml
7 1
r i
i l watepjk m
Doors BJind
Ctn Bupply eTcr'niaPil t f tho city.
Call and girnu. Fourth street
in rea opert house.
8hingle,th, tnfh
O-O - TO
House Furnishing Emporium.
WHERE yon can get your house furnished fron
kitchen to parlor and at easy toanns. I liaa
die the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also
the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline stove
Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods.
I. Pearleman
I I T "I t I
A Pull and
Inscriptions Carefully
AdvihHIwin - mnl - dob WoiA
atGG On & -
.A. Bo K
B01 Cor Fifth
, Liniment.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
It3 StcKrSr""?1 h7 the wife, Ae Farmer, the
HnrninL T QC ""S effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy
gJSJiSS.0 rmCjjr 1US St0od the test of year.
N Liniment61 Cmplcte WithUt a of Mustaho
Occasions arise forks use almost every day
AU druggists and dealers have it,
-f . 7" TT -w.
Complete line of
Paints, and 'Oik
(impounded nt all Ilour
ppllaa tioaa..
and Vine St.
- . .