Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 26, 1892, Image 5

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rom Monday's Inily.
Joe Hush of Omaha, is in the cit
jRobt. Doom of Ashland was in the
iy to-day.
lion. V. I. Shryocfc anil wife came
itn from Louisville to-day.
jr Kd McMaken came in from North
l'latte to visit with his parents.
. U. Dick.-oi., i-.l. jeary and Phil
Nickle were in from Klimvood today.
II. I). Harr, editor of the Leader at
Klmwood, is in the city taking notes.
Theo. Ivory, one of Glcnwood's
pioneer citizens, is in the city to
day. Attorneys I lalde man, Timid in and
Douglas, of Weeping Water, were in
tVill.I I'itl' tll.ll.1V
-iv v..., j .
M A l'.irti,r.i ,f II
.-. ....i.v,'ti, - I inioiiu s i ii uic
I in to attend tne court house cere-
monies to-day.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. K. Leyda are the
guests of Mr. u.,d Mrs. J. M. l.eyda,
of this city, lu-d.iy.
Uied Everything Five Months. In
Three Weeks not a Sear or Pimple.
Cured, by Cutlcura.
When my bby m three monthi old his choeke
nd furehrnd Xiegm to break out with white iiui
fki on red surface. In tew days Itching com.
meoced, which waa terrible. After he would rub
it, matter would ooze
from the point, in a
abort time ft unread over
the top of his head, then
acaba eoon formed on
head and face. We used
everything we could
hear of for nearly five
. month. It iitpv orc
' all the time. 1 b:iiv your
advertisement of thot'L'.
TicrKi Km nuts In thf
"ChlcaKO Weekly." We
tinrrhMed CCTldRi
KEHiDiEa and com-
TtTftA thtr nut. In
three weeks' time there waa not a tore or pimple, not
even a acar, on head or face, tie la nineteen montha
old Dow, and haa no eigne of the disease. Uls scalp
la healthy and he haa beautiful head of hair.
(See portrait herewith.)
Mm. UtiCAK JAMES, Wooditon, Kan.
My infant, eighteen montha old, waa afflicted with
fklu eruptiona on hie hipa. Had aorea came on
Other Dart. All mmnHina fallnrf nntil 1 nrniur.(
Cvticvra. Cured a year and no return of disease.
Mat. A. M. WALKER, Careonrtlle, Ua.
N Cutlcura Resolvent
The new Blood Purifler, Internally (to cleanse the
, blood of all impurities and poisonous elements),
jand C'CJTICDRA, the great Skin Cure, and L'utiltiu
JSokf, an exquisite Skin Beautlfler, externally (to
f clear the akin and scalp and reatore the hair), have
J cored thousanda of cases where the suffering waa
I almost beyond endurance, hair lifeleaa or all gone,
jk disfigurement terrible. What other remedies have
H side such marvellous cures?
Bold everywhere. Price. Ccricriu. Me.; 8oP,
Vk.; Kisolvint, 1. Prepared by the I'oTTIii
rHend for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64
pages, 60 Illustration, and 100 testimonials.
DirjV'O Skin and Scalp purified and beautified
DflDl 0 by C trier iu Sosr. Absolutely pure.
il) J nip, Kidney, and Uterine Paine and
I .,k Weaknesses relieTed In one minute)
I ffir t7 the Cntlcura Antl-Paln Plaster,
laWt the fUal and only palfl kUllcg plaster.
JLT UL coococooooccooooocoooooocoooo ci c
9it.ill p.nn t.iniifi to be
This is fully tlomonstratcd by the fact that they
have bold rr
They own their goods as low as mortal man
can buy them lor spot cash.
They sell them to their customers at as low
prices as mortal man can sell them and make
a living.
They are Square and
ti tl n
jow to snow their appreciation ot their
increase of business they propose to
give away to their customers a Ilandsemo
liook, entitled "The Columbian World's Fair
Atlas of the World' to every person buying
goods to the amount of $25.00, either at one
purchase or in a running account. They will
give them a copy ot' this valuale book free of
Mayer &
The Clothing Kings.
A. E. Cook, an attorney of Mal
vern, Iowa, is in the city visiting
his brother, E. W. Cook.
l'hil C.reen nnd X. II Mkr of
! Greenwood, came in this tfoining
; to attend the dedication cermunies
Attorney S. F. Rockwell fid C. A.
i Mankercame in from LouJ.-ville to
j day to attend the court hojuse cere
, monies. '
j lion. I). II. Wheeler and wife, for
; merely cf this cily,c;iine down from
Omaha to-day to attend the court
house celebration.
J. U. Strode, li. 11. Wooley. T. M
Marquette, I). A. Campbell and
Judge Field are riattsmouih quests
to-day from Lincoln.
Geo.S. Smith. Geo. W. Covell, J. A.
McMurphy, Andy McLaughlin, Ma
jor Pentium and Hrad Slaughter,
all of Omaha, are in the city attend
ing the dedication ceremonies to
day. Farewell Party.
A farewell party was given at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Adams
Saturday evening, in honor of Rich
nrd X. Green, who will leave for Chi
cago in a short time. Mr. Green has
been employed in the H. & M. shops
for a long time past as a machinist.
As a token of esteem in which Mr.
Green was held he was presented
with a fold pen and an autograph
album. The presentation speech
was made by Miss Eleanor Dray.
Following is a list of those present:
Messrs. nnd Mesdames J. E. Hutchi
son, Levi Gold i tiff, Jacob Keppel,
Henry Gabbelman, Herman Herold,
Elijah Tidd, George Dodge, John
Hignell, Archibald Adams. Mes
dames Dray, Wheaton, Hayes,
Campbell, Make, Edwards, Pine.
Misses Elanor Dray.Xellie Carmack
Annie Adams, Fann'e Adams, Dord
Adams, Daisy Adams, Susie Hutch
ison, Maggie Dray, Bertha Tidd,
Minnie and Freda Herold. Msssrs
S. K. Tidd, X. G. Cook, Henry Cox,
Dr. Golding, Dryon Goldng, Cuth
bert Ayre, William Tidd, John J. and
Archie Adams, Samuel Altachuler,
Arthurand Ed Hignell.Otto Herold,
E. W. Pahueter, Frank and Jas. I.
Dray, Clifton and Cashes. Tidd, Joe
and John Hignell, Eugent Hayes.
English Spavin L-iniinenreniovfi
all hard eoft or callouse lumps
and blemishes from horset blood
spavins , curbs splints, sVeeney,
ringbone, etiflee, sprains afj swob
lea throats, coughs etc.. Sve 50
cent by use of one bottle. W arrant
ed the most wonderful bltmisb
cure ever known. Sold by I". G.
Fricke & Co druggists Plattsinriuth
the Clothing Busing
-this Spring
Honest in their Deal-I
l i tl.
- Plattsmouth, Neb-
Cass County's New Court
House Formally Dedicated.
m:vki:al lktifks of rn.kkt.
The Dedication of the Court House
Drew a Lare Crowd From
Over the State This Eve
ning's Pronram Will
Benin at 8
Tlx e dedication of Cass county's
new court house occurred to-day
a.-d proved to tie as Tin; IlKKAl.u
predicted a retl letter day in the his
tory of the county. The day was
all that could be desired and if the
day bad been ordertd could not
have been better. The trains this
morning brought in visitors from
all over the state, and also letters of
regret from those who could not at
tend. The court house was profuse
ly decorated and ilowers were in
abundance. The back of the judge s
rostrom was tastefully draped with
the stars and stripes.
The district court room was in
charge of I). S. Diaper, who was
appointed sergeut-at-arms, and he
tilled his office in a first class man
ner. The back of the court room
was elaborately decorated with flags
At about I1:H0 Judge Chapman,
with Judge Field sitting at his left,
rapped for order and I'nited States
Marshal Hrad D. Slaughter opened
the court in ancient style as follows:
Oh, Yees! Oh, Yees! Oh, Yees!
All manner of persons having busi
ness before the honorable district
court, sitting in and for Cass coun
ty, within the state of Xebraska,
let them come forward, and they
shall this day be heard. God save
the commonwealth and this honor
able court.
Judge Chapman made n few pre
limnary remarks and then read let
tera of regret from the following
gentlemen, who expresetd a with to
be present but owing to the prcsure
of busieess could not.
HJ. H lam
I-WKMONT, Mnv21.-Hon. K. U. Wt milium ,
PliittMiintitli, .Nt-liriiskii Ueur Wiu.lhiiiii :
liiur letter of the Hth iiint., inviting me to
iiriin tne (ledic'tittoii ottlieLiiHS count
Ooirt limisc, eunie duly to luiiid, (or w hie
von inive my tnntiHx. I would ho very
mi ii Kiimoeu 10 iiriepi me invitation
unci meet tny old friend in (.'tlfcs, but
mere (ire so iiitmy 1 1 1 1 1 m irl u 1 1 ciihOri wliiiii
Klioulil lie ileeided Unit 1 unulit not to Inke
the tune. '1 hirt -kLt veiirhiino I hettled in
I n8 county, iiikI throui;li suiihhiue nnd
Htortn I nave lieen cheered lv the kind
nes mid Hteiidfiistnecw of frieiitls there.
With kind reKnrdw, I tun vrr- rehpertfullv
yon'', SAM I 1-1. MAXWK1.I.."
CllAPKON. Mnv 111. II. I). Triivm no, I
iC'oniuiittee on Arrniiuements-Centle.
iien: in reply toyourn ot the lilth i ur-t
ivin kiv i reurei verv niiie u i rimtini i
itli you on thc'JId.iirt I know I would en
liy it, tin it wouiii he a k I opport nil It v
to meet no iiinnv ol mv iriemlM nt one
line. 1 ny iniiiiv friends, for I nlwnvu
'imiKht I had more friends In I'latts
'oiith nnd throughout Cass county than
iy place I ever lived. Iliipin yoii inuy
ve a Kood time, 1 remain, vours truly,
J. M.'KolllNsoN.
ri kl.IMiToX, Ia May a.-Messrs. A. X
Hlivan, II. I). Travis, jesse L. Knot and
JV. Johnson, ('oiuuiittee-ta'iitlemen:
r invitation, ilateil May Lit, to take part
in te (leiliciil ion of t lie court house, lias
he received liy me this morniui;. I re
ifT ThHt It is not possihle for me to lie
rt t vii uuil desire to express mv thanks
Ol o precinlion oi the invitation" and mv
1'O.Ib.lies. C. L. PKKKINS."
t iv'KK, I'olo., lav l'.l.-Mcssrs. Wind.
haiC Travis nnd other-tientlenieu: I
?. ,1cei1'' "' '""' l"l'e invitation of
tin Jih iimt. to attend a reunion of
2."it i
I' of the Cass county liar on tin
inn.iul.l ntloril me verv ureat nlen-
It i' 'jo present. The vears which I
spi I
tl I'lut tsmollt h were iiinniiir in.
;l !tpunt of iiiy life, ami I remember
eni'M? ot the Par and the people of
fully du.v with Kreat respect and
M. My eiiKiiuements are such, lmw
firt it will he imtiossilile for me to
pr'tf'tit. I'lease accept in v hest w ishes
i 'ilMt.rTHS ot vour eiitertaiiiitiiMit 1,11,1
Mvinsmicirvimrkiiii Invitation to
i. . - . . . . . :
lur intent on that occasion. I uni.
ery rauctfully. your ohedient servant.
Cll tON.Neb Mav Iti-J. W. J.ihnson,
lii1tiits,,vh, N. l.riiska. Keolvinir to .
vitnti o' your committee to he pres.
in us i irnnti iieitication ol the new
urt "'Is-. I would say that I would
ently siito 'he with von on that joy.
s oci a..; anrl it hv an v possible turn
illairHl; in aro. I certain v w ill he Iher..
tiatin i well aH personal interests
still wit 'lMtthinouth and 1 certainly
lice vt'lflt irriti.i'll nt tin rno, ...,
'iiinati' i i ionir and acriiuonioos
cltest in j; (nnntv seat. I 1. ...... ,.i
m;iiitiil' tlo'it it
slnld In' itil at tin. i ,. , r. ii.i
tllmlisof tlimnl,- ulnl i
I.I. . . - ..ii.., rim. Ullll
'Ink v.-ryt-t niit nersoniillv ini..r..i...i
nt i
rvvisr w-oivi du-pute tluit "proMisit ion.
A i.l
I r, l
o in.iiiniiiKvuu lor reniemlierinu me
,OM I'liir, iny, 4. . 1 Kl l KS.
I'll l'l.ATT V. in.. II....
Wool Dear Sin receivi'd v rt
vttafcin to join
entnk von' cm hmise. I regret verv
tiiui K tiuit ICMiitt nVili lnVsi.lf f that
lileasbre lit ttllH iln Thankiiiif vour
cmniilttee 'or tfc J,,,ir. I am, truly
y'"n - , II. I. IllNMAN.
JudW Chapm, ai,0 Htated that
owinto the w. the trainn were
runnitiHr lion. Jsttrlinr Morotn
nnd the Otoe rouir bar would not
he hereunti! 4 o'cltStUii. afternoon.
Hon. J. .Sterling oAon will jire
sent a life t-ixd linens of Lewis
: Cnsn, of Miehimi, to the new court
house, Lewis Onnt being the innn
whom Cass county whs named after.
Judge Field was then introduced
and made a short address in which
he paid a glowing tribute to the
county commissioners, Judge t'hap
uian and the Cass county bar.
Mr. 1. II. Wheeler, a former citi.en
of this city was the next to respond,
he said that when he received an in
vitation to attend the ceremonies he
had no idea that he would he called
upon for ,i speech, but made a short
and tt the point address.
A fter a witty address by the squat
ter governor, Major 1 Vat man, an
adjournment was taken until 'J:40 in
the afternoon.
The afternoon ceremonies were
commenced promptly at p. m.
by the choircomposcd of Mrs, S. H.
Atwood, Mrs. 10. it. Hurris, Mrs. d.
W. Noble, Mrs C. S. Johnson, Miss.
Nanie Moore and Messers IVttec
McKlwain, Pollock and Dickson
singing the anthem, "America."
J. A. McMurphy was then intro.
tluced and made a short talk on the
early days of l'lattsmotith and was
followed by lion. T. M. Maruictte of
Lincoln, who was speaking as the
Ill.k'Al.n goes to press.
The district court room was
crowded last night and standing
room was at x premium King be
fore the time set for the opening of
the evening program.
The program of the evening was
commenced with a selection from
the orchestra, after which Judge
Chapman, in a few well chosen
wortls, introduced lion. J. Sterling
Morton of Nebraska City. Mr Mor
ton presented to the court room an
elegant likeness of (Jen. Lewis Cass.
Mr. Morton gave a thrilling descrip
tion of the pioneer life of Nebraska
and also a history of Gen. Cass and
how he secured possession of the
painting; also stating that the pic
ture had been hanging in hit) par
lor for the past thirty-four years.
A vote of thanks from thecitufns
of Cass county was tendered Mr.
Morton for his valuablu gift.
It was also moved that the Cass
county bar draft a set of resolutions
and that they be spread upon the
records of tUe court and also upon
the records of the county commis
sioners, which was unanimously
A. X. Sullivan, on behalf of the
county commissioners, acknowl
edged the receipt of the gift and
thanked Mr. Morton for the same.
Judge Chapman then turned the
program over to the bar of Cass
county, and Hon. K. H. Windham,
as toastniaster, took possession of
the chair.
The piogranx opened with a song
by the quartette, composed of Mes
dames Johnson, Xoble, Hurris and
Miss Nannie Moore and Messm
I'ettee, Pollock, McKlwain und
J. L. Root responded to the toast,
"The Har of Cass County," mid
handled his subject in an able
The toast, "Reminiscenses of the
Probate Court," was responded to
by Judge Ramsey. After few re
marks be read several old records,
among which was the following:
In the .Nainenf (iod, Amen:
hnow all men by these presents, reet-
hereas, the supreme law of t he Terri
totv of .Nebraska, has authorized the urn.
hate jiwlucs of the several count ies of said
'territory, cither singly or collect ivelv, to
solemiii.e the inarriaKe of man and worn
an. anil whereas: it has heeti duly proved
to t lie sat istaetion of this otliciatint; pro
hate judkre that the hiuh contractiiiK par
ties tire ot sound and ilisposini' minds and
memories; t hat thev are ot lawful aue and
competent to contract mutual debts of
love and allection and also for the neces
saries of'life;
van it appearitn; to the satislactioti of
the court that leual proof has been umde
that noobjectiousliave been inadeaud tiled
i K 'he records of tills court, to the
soletuni.atioti ot the marriaue of said
parties, it is therefore ordered that said
jinnies lie and they are hereby required
to stand up, the uetitleman on the riul.i
aiffl the lady on the left, and join their
nyht hands,
Doyou, Mr. .take this ladv whom
you hold by the riyht hand, to lit- your law
hilly wedded wiler lo you promise to for
sake father, mother, brothers, sisters unit
all llirts and sweethearts, Inclmlinn nil
other relatives, and love her w hom you
hold hv the said riK'ht hand, and her only,
ni iiiuK as oii uoiii sunn over
Do you. Miss . take this irontletimn
whom you hold by the ritfht hand to be
your lawful wedded husband.' Do you
promise to forsake father, mother, broth
ers, sisters iitnl nil former lovers, iucltid
itiKiill other Jelatives, and love, cherish
and obey him whom you hold by the
r lii 1 1 1 hand, as loii us you both shall liver
then in the presence of all these wit
nesses: in the presence of Him who senrrh
eth alljiearts: under the authority in me
vestedjby the council and house of repre
sentatives of the territory of .Nebraska, 1
pronounce you husbund and w ife.
What this prohute indue and Almiirlitv
("iod hath joined together, jet no man or
woman dare to break asunder, and may
lioil huve mercy on your souls. Amen.
Mrs. (i. W. Noble and Miss Nan
nie .loore sang a duett that re
ceived a hearty encore.
"Dignity of the Bench and liar"
was responded to by J. H. Ilalde
mati. M. Archer responded to the toast,
"The Justice ol the Peace of Cass
Fiat Justitia Rant Culuni,"
which means, after translation,
"Let Justice be Done, Though the
Heavens Fall," was responded to
by S, P. Vanatta.
The orchestra then rendered a
selection that was heartily appre
ciated. D. O. Dwyer responded to the
toast, "The Lawyer as a Citizen,"
and K. II. Wooley to the toast. "The
Duties of an Advocate."
Mrs. G. W. Noble followed with a
II. li. Travis responded to "The
Weeping Water liar." C, S. Polk to
"Trial b Jury," and Alleen ItVcson,
"Reminiscenses of an Old Har
rister." Mrs. K. H. Hurris ami Frank Dick-
on rendered a duet, billowed bv
Myron Clark in response to the
toast, "The Presiding Judge," and
M. A. Ilarligau to "Fquity." A. N.
Sullivan responded to "The Lawyer
and His Client" and Malhew tiering
to "Idealism of Advocacy," after
which the entertainment closed.
A Quiet Weddlnir.
Last evening at the Christian
church occurred a quiet wedding,
the principals in the event being
Harry Jaqttette and Miss Dertha
May Rounds, at the close of the ser
vices at the church last evening. As
is the usual custom Rev. Galloway
asked the choir to sing an invita
tion hymn and at the close of the
hymn, Mrs. W. A. Swearigen played
a wedding march and the couple
matched up to the front of the
church, and were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony and left the
church before the congregation
could regain their wits, the ending
of the service being a complete sur
prise to all but Rev. Gallon-nt ami a
few of the congregation.
Mr. Jnqiicttc has charge of Mr. O.
II. Snyder's jewelry store and is a
young man of exemplary habits.
TUB Hkkai.D extends congratula
tions to Mr. and Mrs. Jaqttette and
wishes them many happy years of
wedded life.
He fore purchasing examine the
mamoth stock of wall paper at
Gering A Co.
From Elmwood.
Tins llhKAI.D received the follow
ing from ex County Clerk Hird
Klmwood, Neb., May. iilt.-Kditor
III. k'ALD: I desire to say to my
many friends in Plattsmonlh that I
regret ?ery muehthat I could not be
in the city to attend the dedication
ol the new court house. Circum
stances are such as to prevent me
from coming, but I join with the
rest of the many citizens of Cass
county in setting before the coming
generations a structure of which
every loyal citizen of the county
should be proud, nnd n building
which will hereafter hold in perfect
safety the records of one of the best
counties west of the Mississippi
river. I shall visit the county seat
in the near future, nt which time I
hope to seo my many friends.
Youra respectfully,
Not What Might Have Beon; But
What Is, and Has Been.
The exercises (?) yesterday remind
us of thtr march of events thusly:'
"lichlnd the squaw1 birch hark ennoe,
The Steamer rock and raves,
And city lots nre slukeil for buIc,
Above old Imliiiu ruves..'
Behind the old brick court house walls,
A stntely building stands,
And uiet reigns at Weeping Water fulls
Fur pence mine o'er the wnrrinn bands.
J. A. M.
L"Hackmetack" a lasting and fra
grant perfume, price 2." und ft) cts.
for sale by O JI. Snyder and F G
District Court.
The first session of the district
court held in the new court house
con vened to-day.
The case of John H. Hayes vs. The
Mohaska Manufacturing Co. is on
trial to jury this afternoon.
Hon. and Mrs. D. II. Wheeler re
turned to theii home in Omaha
this morning.
Rev. C. F. Smith, formerly of this
city but now at Springview, Neb.,
is in the city to-day.
County Commissioners Dutton
and Trictsch nre making a tour of
the county inspecting bridges.
vMiiioim caiarrn Kemeuy a posi
tive cure for catarrh, diplheria ami
canker mouth. For sale by O II
Snyder and li. G Frieke.
County Clerk Frank Dickson went
to Lincoln this morning on the
flyer to attend the state convention
of county clerks, which convenes
there to-day.
1 . 1 m
juuge ivamsey issued marriage
licenses ns follows yesterday: One
to Ferdinand J. Ilennings and Liz
zie M. Dagendofer, nnd to Absoloin
Tipton and Loantha M. Indkins.
Scott Patterson, John Kelly, John
Kennedy und Jas. Wilson were ar
raigned before Judge Archer this
morning, charged with drunkeness
and lighting. They were each fined
$."1 and costs and sentenced to work
their lines out on the streets.
A nasal injector free with each
bottle of Shilohs catarrh remedy.
Price aO cts. For sale by OH Sny.
der and V (I Fricke.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Wtieo Raitf ni irk, (rmre her Caitnria.
When liw tim A ChilJ, tlx cried for Castoria,
VThaa abe bactvm Hies. iXm luug to Cjurtorit,
Tkn ib lutd Ciu !r u, alss fm tuem Canton.
Th" Canadian Ar,ulturit' Great
Half Yearly Literary Compantion
The tilth h.ilf yearly literary coin
petition for ISSC of the Canadian
Agriculturist, America's old and re
liable illustrated family magazine
will close June (all ietters bear
ing postmark not later than June
:l will count no matter where post
ed). The following j splemlid priz
es! will be l'iveii ire.. I.
, . . ; - '! i sunn
sending in the greatc.-t number of
1 words made out of the lepers con
tained in tne wonls"llielllust a ed
Agriculturist, b'vervone s.-m, inf
ill a list ol not less than one hiiu
dren words will receive a valuable
present of silverware.
l-t mai..Ireiuil in
Knunl i inn. v.iiiie.t . i
-'." In K..1.I
J 1 "niali Valued m f.iOU
I!' (lUUillKnIri
! ' ''"I" K'llil " Hi ll lull Jewelled
'I i I.:ulles Kobl
JJJ 1 r'l In Knhl
lorewriUofflOeaeh".'...'.'. '" t'
Hi'fM prlen -'.'0 sllTer ten ts iiiiiulnii'il
ilaie warranted. 1
Next mi inien -m silver oYseri spoilt. r
ritnteil heavy plate
Ncit Km prlt'i--lan Hitter b'.tler illslies etc
"-irraiit-iMl heiif y pint.
Net nki prii-eiiiiRishi of heiifv plated nilver
Utile liiilterillhlies, Innt biivlo-Xtt. liNeuil
Jar !ii;ar Hiielli., hatler kidven ete. nl fiillf
wai i ual il ii'iikliiK tut il nt lixii iplendul r
" inNtlie alite t.f which will au-r. Kte
ti Sim.
This grand literary comgetitiou
is open to everybody everywhere.
The rollowing nre the conditions:
1. The words must be construct
ed only from letters in the words,
"The Illustrated Agriculturist" und
must be only such words as are
found in Websters unabridged
dictionary, in the body of the book
none of the supplement to be used.
2. The words must be written ia
rotation mid numbered 1, 2, :t, and
s.) on, for facilitating in dicidinr
the winners.
A Letters cannot be used often
than they upiiear in the words, Th
Illustrated Agriculturist. For in
stance the word egg cannot be UHe
as there is but one 'g' in the thret
4 The list containing the largest
number of words will be awarded
first )i i.e,und ho on in order of turr
it. Fvach list as is it is received will
be numbered and if two or more ti
the first received will be awarded
first prize, and soon, therefore the
benefit of sending in early will read
ily be seen.
ICach list must be accompanies!
by 11 for six months subscription
to The Agriculturist.
The following men have kindly
consented to act as Judges: J G Mac
Donald, city clerk. Peterborough,
Canada, mid Comodore Calctitt, Pet
Our last competition-Got $1000
prize all right, M M Prundou
V ancouver, H. C. Thanks fur M
prize (J W Cunningham Donald
C. Prize receized O. K.-J 1) Haptir
West superior, Wis. if.'XX) prize ree'd
Ihanks-G V Robertson, Toronto
and :0 others in Pnited States and
This is no lottery merit only will
count. The reputation for fairnesa
gained by the Agriculturist in the
past is ample guarantee that the
competition will be conducted ia
like manner, Send :ic stamp for
full particulars to The Agricultar
ist, Peterborough. Canada.
The GreAt Weekly Competition orThe
L-adlew Homa Journal
Which word in this advertise
ment spells the same backward as
forward? This ir a rare opportttni
ty for every Madam, Miss, every
father nnd son, to secure u splendid
Wkkklt Pkizks Ivfery week
throughout this great competition
prizes will be distributed as follows
The first correct answer received
(the postmark date on each letter to
be taken as the date received.)at the
office of the Ludies Home Magazine
( each and every week durinir
H)2) wib get $310; the second correct
answer, ifliH); the third $50: fourth
a beautiful silver service; fifth, lire
o'clock silver service; and the next
;0 correct answers get prizes rang
ing from $'J5 down to $'J. Kvery
fifth correct answer, irrespective ot
whether a priz winner or not will
get a special prize. Com
petitors residing in the southern
states as well as other distant
points, have mi equal chance with
those marer home as the postmark
will be authority in every case.
Rlijjs Kadi listof answers must
be accompanied by $1 to pay for
six months subscription to one of
the best borne magazines iu
KKFKKK.Nv'KS "The Ladies Home
Magazine is well able to carry out
its promises" Peterboroug (Cana
da) Times. "A splendid paper, and
fiuancinlly strong" Hastings (Can
ada) Star. "livery prize winner will
be sure to receive just what he ia
entitled to," Xorwood, (Canada)
Register. Money should be sent by
post office order orregistered letter.
Address the Ladies Home Magazine.
Pcterboroajjh, Canada.
Notary I'nlille t Almtrneti t fwilidto
Real Estate, Loan aad Insurance Aseu
If you have real estate to sell or
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Abstracts of title furnished ;it im.
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