r Blackwell's Bull Dui r x ; Has been the recognized standard or S:... for over 25 years. Uniformly go 'J rod 1 first. Bright, sweet anj fra3a.1t-re v most fastidious to test its peculiar exa-;! : Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Dud. !? ft (Tt! . i liEuV W -if FOtt EAI iT PAYM THE MASON & llAULIM CO. now otlVr to rent hiiv one ot tkeir t'am.'iis Oi'itums or i'nui tor tlim- months, ivim; the person hiriiifjr tlii'in I'uli opportunity to test it t!iir. uglily in his own Inure kid return if lie does t;..r longer want it. IT lie eoftinnes to want it util the Hiiivjjrate ('rent pain amount to tlie price ..' the instru ment. It bkciimks u s rmn-ERTT wiriorr menu-:. iwymknt. Illus trati'd catalogue, with net price tree. Mason & Hamlin Org in and Piano Co 1.0sT).. NEW 7 If VlUUCIIl' School Library S-K-C-U-L-D Own a Dictionary. .) honld 1m Uien to err im BM) H1W FROM COVER TO COVIH, 13 IHS OriE TO BUY. SU0CX3S0& Of THE UNABRIDGED. I . Ten tmii enant In irtirtnr. 100 adi- Z ten atnployod, erar 4 It 00,000 expended. 4 gold by all Booksellers. a ft a MKHIIAM t CO.. Pn.bliel.eri, Bjmngneia. uwl, u. b. a. e S-Do oot tmr rrorinU of obcoletti . edlUom. X 6end for f roe pamphlrt eontiitalnK i. , fpmimeu pg tad full pmlicului. X A A A A YOUNG MENOLD MEN OtT IR Ink TOIU Or THE tUPlKTS OF littAil, Thiy rr.k hrrait flirU t frw Uiwiilm, Bi But icovinf bow vi n,Miii;iy JSHAKEOFFTHE HORHID SNAKC3 OUR NtW BCCX nI fk.A Ma.. raid IMaltl till piilluci)li7 uf DllthS- u an A(rlat!rri (.f th Ortn of at tin, ladhw f HnMF TMfATfAFMT. tiymttltsd tTl dimly tnp own. lb wtr it Lott.tr Fuit' i3noiO, G.ncrl and Htyoci lie ud Kind. llleu ,-! Cnarl Or kiCKiui. n..i. 8hniiii0-,i)9tl hCnrni. Bnt u d. EawtnF.aUrci ndS r-ni'tlienWtAK, ViXDITILOILO CROANB -ArTEifU01iYmJtiliuinUUir.t,r,lt.cl. Ji'fH t.iifr rrota S:V)H. TririMfi-l uri r'twun CoiifH.lr. . ri Ui -m. K. l'ol..fint!it;-lii'l l"t .Hr.l ERIE MEDICAL CO.UUWALO.M.r. Brunkenness Im t!'3 Lluucr Habit, Positively Curet CY f.OF.:i!j!S'tai,)Q DR. IIMHtJ' OQIQEH SPtClfl!. It can bo glvJn In a cuo cl cu'Jeo or tea. or in nr lirlcsnl ood, wltliout the know lednrcnf ihoi i on titkinx It; It In absolutely h&rniic ninl w 1:1 t'lTert a perniauent mil Hfiecily curt-, wln.' .-r the (iMIcutlna inodr.ri.ti) (Irlnkprornn nlroholi" wiwk. IT NEVFR FAIL8. R GU ARANTf ' armmiitste curu In t-vsry liiHtante. 4b pD'U Uid FREE. Aililrw In conlMaiiev, CU0i. P6HC CO.. 9 Sm St. CrMtnnell.tt Chantrcrlain'a Eyo aad EHn Ointment A oertoin enro for Chronio Sen Eyos Tetter, Salt llheum, Scald llt ad, Oh Cbroaio Src3, Fever Soros, Eczema, Itch, Frairio Scratches, Soro Klprlca fcrjd Piles. It ia ecoliag aotl footlilng. Hundreds of oaees have bocn cured by it tifter all other brwvtmcot bad failed. It is put up In 23 acd CO cent buica. TI31011LY LAUK. DKALEK IN COA WOOD -o TKRMS CAS Ho trtlii and Olllcn 401 South Th'id Strict. Tt'lppho: e 1.1. I'LATTSMOl Til, NEKKASK iLILiX . .. .. Cebsteivs i international j v dictionary j Fee MEN ONLY 0 1 I X V S- .a'f LW. 'ft' s . .. V OSLO'S fair ?rt. t?, iSgj ' ' '"" Dl'"HAM . Co., '" N.C 'J.ni.UcJ up . : .'-World's . . ,i :.;:::. inuu; sly :.;1 Medal . i L..o to an mm " ' r success, : '.v.rrTiiU. . l.t-aw! - -- - -a:.. 1 :'ir. m km YOUlv CHICAGO. mm Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Chapped Handa, Wounds, Burni, Etc Be move asd Prevent D&ndniH. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. BO LI C WATER OR MILK. 1 G i A T !: U L COM FORT I N G 0C Labeled 12 lb Tins Oulv. !i i!:ii '' Ir.vi.il It I.U.. l.r fu.li. s.ij iyK. ii.mi.oj .rnrc 1:JUWL f Al,!n-s I Mil l V lifiiuv.wiis-h iii!,t n .. J. "''I'M CtiU tKu:ii:u t' a Hif. . . -i )',, .. t t rr. .vl'.. . :. -I. v i.-J'.n to li?ln.-o C-rv I t -r t.-i ili, Tomliful eii ;v-.' : ,1 ..! 11 ',al l'to.w.- . l : ii:.,.. i" 'I 1..' . 1 ' ..i. w.ir I I' i.i'i. ' ' 1 '' '.; . . I'l I ai'f-n, i.nl'i-ac :n lime. 31' i-lf. y's.ir: ,?s.raii5. 1 V oily ,urc ciit fur Comt . . 1 I'U.-allll. ur lll.ttxiX J., H. Y. How Lost! Mow Regained mm THYSELF. r f.KI.F-l'I.KSKl. VATTON. A new and only """l 'M1l'l I lajta-. T. r-.-a I UD 1 r. EV 1BIM aild I'HYNICAI. DKKIL1TV, KKKllKM of YOI Til, KXIfAl STKU VITALITY, VRK 1U ATI UK 111 I. INF, and ail KISK.ASKH and YV KA KSKSSIilofMA!. 300 pnj.--, cloth, pilt; 1 liiTHhiable proeenptiona. Only $l.uo by mnil, iloubia aealviL l)mcriillTe rroapocv ui ilh endorsomenti t"MmTmt CTMn of the l'rewB and olnnlary Klla I yV" trmimniiln! of tlio cunl I HULI NOW, I'oiianiMlion in .cron or hy moil. KxiktI treat mom. IN VKILAI.I.i: HKI'likfY and CKlt TAIN (TKF. Ailil-- l-. W. U. Hnrki-r. or Thu I wilNxiy Medical Iiwllliita, No. I liulliiu li til., lioKtou, Mmu. The JValwdy llotiiral Inrtltnto hai many Imitator-., but no iiial. Ilirnl'l. Tim Ht'inicfl of Life, or nlf I'rcwcrrallon, la a IriM-ur.i iix r tkIiuiMi' than irnld Iliad It now, I'vi-rv WK.tK anil NKKVOI N inn. and burn to be TKOM) . MrJmut AVrow. (OipiriKhted.' Burs, rwmjitt rcMtr. jf liipottnce, Lou cf Martha i, Stmlnai 'i':i'ii:i75, 6;)i rmntorrtwt, f .rtwit's.t, SlfD:iiru$t, Loss of Vswori;, &tt, ik : : ; a a li 7K0NQ, If Igor ( it ti'an Prial St. CO, 0 L"-t, f J CO. f, hvnrh fl.ir. Aaiirtat " LjidSsci? tlnlnett Ca., Till lomoAvT. t,T LOUI3. Ma M 'V ,11 aU W MMfjl EPFS O A mtmi V 0 Di K Kmw lie Wim Gli(. ' Tin o?ily a tratnil'!.tid a littV, with rtl (ld mn tsirly ye!trday moniiiei in tlte Mrdberry HtJf't ixiliet st.it ion, "lmt plitikw I t me stop here. I've ! Wii!kil a rrvnt ile;il. I'm fmitsri nu.l j wniry. 1 win't W it bother much I longer. Ill son tliruw in my ohtvk.-s." ! lie had the fn.llor of ileath. j "I never tnkn in unv imo nt 3 in the - i niorniiiir," kindly rrphiil STpMiit Ilr ML "but I'll makt'Kii e-xception in yous c;Lse. 1 or fellow, you look playeii out. Yesterday inoniiTil'iilioeiiiiintToi'.'i nn took the old man, who jj'.ve the natm of John Irviiii;, u thu Tombs jioliti ctmrt. lie wanti'd to lo commit ted ti the workhouse. "The toj o' t!i' morriinj,', yer honor,' In aid to Justice IhitTy. "This'll lie th last timo I'll bother ye. Give me a ;.roi d lolliC senteliee." The justice, however, did not fix ain speeilieil time. Under thecommiuiii i tlie old man could get his liberty win ho wanted it. "Take your time," paid tho policeman he agisted Irvimj down the wmdii .; flight of stairs leading into tho prison. "My wife!" jraf-ped the old man ilov.i. stairs. l.. .1.: . a: at 1 . , I 1 . I j mis i hub uiey nau reaenei i.it warden h ollb'c, where tho jiedigroe). et the jirisoners are taken anew. "Well, what's tho matter with yor.t wife?" asked a keeper. "She's in Heaven!" replied the tramp. Tho next instant ho fell back dead into tho policeman's arniH. New York World. Tame from Cuba to Y'ot. The hmt vote depot-itod in Rhode In land nt the recent election was the votfl of Eugene McAulitTe, of Provid' tice. Tho gentleman was in Cuba when he re ceived a cablegram telling him of the urgent neetwity for every vote. Con sulting the shipping register, ho found that by taking a steamer which nailed that night he might with good weather reach Boston tho day before election. Two hours later found bins alxtard the hip. Adverse weather delayed tho ves sel, and at tho dawn of election day tho ate.itner was still out in the Atlantic. Port was reached late in the afternoon, and McAulitTe was just in timo to take a train to Providence duo jnst ten minutes bofore tho time for closing the jkUh. The train was four minutes late. Hurling himself into a hack he brikd the driver to get to the wardroom in six minutes or kill the horses. The clock was abont to strike the hour as Mr. McAuliSe bounded into the booth. His cross marks were made with lightning rapidity, and he got in his ballot right on the last stroke. He will return t Cuba to complete the business ho dropped to come back to vote. And yet there were some thousands of people in Providence who, I have no doubt, for.rot to go to tho polls or were "too busy" to give tlie time required for walking to the wardroom. -Cor. Boston Globo. Canoeing in Scotland. Lord and Lady Mount Stephen, who have spent very many years in Canada, have introduced canoeing in Scotland. They have taken the beautiful estate ;f Faskally, Perthshire, belonging to Mrs. Butler, which comprises a stretch of the picttiresqno river, Tnmniel, which run:; through tho Pass of Killiecrankie Atholo and all that district, and, in order to exploro more fully, Lord Moui.t Stephen has brought homo a Cimadia.i canoe and two real Canadian lxMttuien. They have already shot some of tL.j dangerous rapids of the Scotch river, and been investigating tho salmon pools among the bowlders in otherwise unseen spots. Lord -Mount Stephen intends 1 use his c.'iiioe later on for salmon ftshintr. Tho novelty has created a great deal of interest in the neighborhood, extending to the ducal party at Blair Athol castle. London Qiieen. I (llll'lt I ll'vt ruVt'ttlf'tltl. After a long fight in tho Ogden city council over the relative merits of sand stone, brick and asphaltmu for strict paving purposes, it has lieen decided to nso native sandstone from the quarries a few m:le. distant from Ogden, and that only home labor shall bo employed by contract. Thu district to bo paved includes a niiinli T of blocks in the busi ness part of town, for which paving bonds are now being negotiated. It will bo the first paving done by this city or in this territory. Utah Cor. St. Louis. Globe- Democrat. A rrlecloH Diamond Fntiml. A remarkable diamond luw boon re cently fonp.d on tho lvoffeyfontein Dia mond .Mining company's ground in Aus tralia, which ap.iears to bo of such value that even competent judges hesitate to name a price eonunonsnrato with its worth. It is said to bo of a lienutiful shade of pink, entirely devoid of spot or blemish, and to weigh V.i carats. Natural (in In I tub. A flow of natural gas has lieen struck at Salt Lake City at a depth of (HM) (Vet, tho pressure lx.ing 100 jionnds to tho square inch. Several companies are en gaged in sinking wells in that bs'ality, with favorable indications of finding the gas in considerable quantities. New York Journal. 1MB Iron In March. Ill the lirt week in March tho iron furnaces in this country are snid t Ii .re produced more pigs t'.CV.l io tons t'i mi in any previous week in history. i,ie curious circumstance is that there were fewer furnaces in blast than in the pre ceding month. New York Times. Tho largest shipment of applet) ev.--mado from the United States left I'.i, ! land recently in thesteainship Lalu.'.der. which curried im ini than bJ.OoU h;i;r U of fine fruit to I'.ngland. A fine coll -ctinn of Seventeenth (:: tury tobacco pip"S has ju b-cu foe- tinder an old London cellar and deposiioi! in the Guildhall museum. Tho states west of the .Missouri alone will cast one-fourth of HiL. poprdai vow in the United Seates tiii.t full. THE REAL LOBBYIST. THE WOMEN ARE NUISANCES JUST THE SAME AS THE MEN ARE. Tlit-re II a Itt-en a i.rt-at lf-ul of IComitm-tt iri ulnlril Alton! tbrt I iililitbla, nod II la Timo That tho Truth Wni knoun, Tbr Keul Thlni, In Yt-ry llitttoint int;. "Shew me a lobbyist" was the request of a frviid who was walking through theC;;pitol with the writer. This visitor was a reader of the newspapers, a man of intellige nce, and a believer in most of the interesting stories he had read about the iiumlier, ingenuity, boldness, sl.i'l and usefulness of the body of lnhbust that is supposed to be almost a nece.-.-a: part of the legislative machinery. 1 showed my visitor a lobloist. I. was one of the liest known of the 1. about the Capitol. He was leaning ha. . against the corridor wall.oppie. ih. entrance of the house of representative with his hands thrust into the pockets of a pair of trousers that were so raveled about the heels that they might he Hai'. to wear whiskers without provoking tee remonstrances of the most thorough de tester of slang. If this man had an overcoat it was hnng up somewhere, but tho dusty rou dition of his rather thin frock coat, which carried the polish on its back that ought to have leu on bis very disrepu table looking sbiH. jnstilied tho conclu sion that bo was not finding an overcoat necessary this winter. Do was a spure man, with a gaunt f;we, crossed by a white mustache stained at the ends with tobacco juice. His shirt was not clean, and he showed a good deal (if it, but he wore a white tie, which only added em phasis to his otherwise forbidding lack of neatness. When ho moved away from his place against the wall to meet a mcmlier of congress who had come out of tho chamlier iqion the call of one of tho doorkeepers to see him, his gait was a slouching one, and he might have been mistaken for any other loafer aliout the hall if bo had not been so much more ro pulsive than the others. My friend was disappointed. lie could not understand when 1 told him that this man was one of the best of the lot of lobbyists about the Capitol, that he hud been a member of congress, that he was, therefore, entitled to tlie privi lege of tlie floor, and that the honse of representatives has never yet had the sense to makes its rules so strong as to keep out this man and several others I' ust like him who are well known to be otliing more than strikers and luhliyuts who linger here to pick up odd joins to help them hang on to a iniseralile exist ence. They do not, one onght to be thankful, thrive as they are popularly supposed to do. If tho public knew what a mistake the professional lobbyist is they would be driven to sawing wood or working on the railroads, or into doing some other useful and laborious bnsi ness. Then I showed my friend another lob byist. This was a thin, sliding fellow, with a gray close beard, who toed In as ho walked qnickly along the passage, and who glanced fnrtively about as he went, as if watching to pounce down npon some one. This wan was not an ex-member of congress; bnt ho had fawn an employee of tho house many years ago, and had been caught taking money to enable a corporation to reach, through the door of which ho had charge, the men who were to bo pur chased to get through a subsidy bill. He was dismissed, and ho nt onco went into tho service of tho cortioration that had led to his disgrace. He is in that employment still, and bn associates with a great many senators and representatives who do not know, or havo forgotten that others know, his odious hibtury. Ho is an errand runner and a sneaking watcher of members who are to be encouraged to vote this way or tho other on bills to lo reported or killed. Ho would buy a menilier wuImuI hesitation if it wlto safe to buy him, but hois cautious. Ho (bids out his venal man before taking any risks. He u not ingenious, not; A ,0 hold. He follows tho instructions of the corpora tions that keep him here, and hu gets off in tho oouvsuof tho year very well in deed if ho does not get kicked out of n ponilenian's house moro than half a dozen times. The femalo lobbyist is, generally speaking, a myth. Tho women who come to tho Capitol as promoters of the, bills for pensions or for claims, etano oh their own account, and tho only skill they exhibit is that which consists in so persistently bjthering tho luenilmrs who havo introduced their bills for them that they undertake to havo them passed in order to get rid of terriblo afflictions. The marvelous woman of charming manners that cannot lie resisted is to he found only in the syndicate stories. Tho women who undertake U promote legis lation are, almost without exception, bunglers and failures. Few women know enough about tho ways of legisla tion or tho ways of tho legislators to qualify them to undertake lobby work or to approach memW-rs to direct their actions, except by the most vulgar spe cies of blackmail made possible by con tributory immorality. Generally speaking, the. lobbyist is a fraud and an unnecessary nuisance. Ho exists mainly because most people do not know anything about the methods cf legislation, and because neatly every body interested in a bill not public be lieves that the lobbyist is a creature who can tide over ddlieuliies and remove them. As a rule the employment of one of the throng of dinvputable lobbyists, and most ot them are disreputable on their faces, is prejudicial to the legisla tion they are employed to promote. They thrive on account of t!w general ignorance alxuit the legislative methods of pr'K'edure. Washingson Cor. I'rovi tlenco Journal. llrrukcr Ahead. "Yes, I shall embark on tho sou of matrimony myself before long." "Then you'll soon be n-marryin her, Won't yon'r" Kat Field's Washington. la the Country Rtor-a. Pome of the snovrlxmnd passengers at one of the depots near Utica were tell ing stories thu other day, and a travel ing man was relating his experience in a country store in a small town in Jef ferson county. He said ho was there nearly the entire forenoon, and had oc casion to note the eculiarilies of the storekeeper, who carried a general stock, but a pretty small one. Every lit I It? while a customer would come into the store and inquire for some article I hat the merchant did not happen to have in stock. For instance: "Have you any dried beef, Mr. Cash drawer'r" "No, we have no dried lieef today, but we have some nice codfish. John, show this lady the codfish." "Do yon ktvp any such thing us wicks for those big, round lamp burners'?" "We generally do, but happen to be out just now. Wo have some tine cot ton clotheslines, though. John, show the gentleman the clotheslinivt." "My gals wanted mo to bring them home some confectioner's sugar. Have yen got any of it, Cashdrawer?" "Sold tho hist ounce about an hom age, Henry. We've got an excellent quality of toilet soap, though. John, show Mr. Adams the soap." "Do yon keep ready made flannel skirts?" "Have had them all winter, and sol 1 throe to a lady yesterday, which cleaned tho stock out. But wo havo a largo sup ply of overalls. John, show this lady the overalls." Utica Observer. ClTlllratloa and YVIIdnroeaa. Upon the 1,.VR) miles of tho shore of Lake Superior there aro living now less than 150,1X10 persons, and theso aro mainly in bustling cities liko Dulutli, Superior and Marquette, in industrial colonies like Calumet and Red Jacket, or in struggling little ports like Fort William and Port Arthur. Even there the wilderness and primeval conditions are face to face with tho robust civiliza tion which is shouldering its way as cap ital is accnstomod to do rather than as natural growth usually asserts itself. Not that it is not n wholly natural growth which we find at all points on tho lake shore, for it is all in response to tho inex orable laws of supply and demand. Yet tho communities there have sprung into being fur apart from well settled regiens In answer to these laws. Thus it happens that today one may ride In an electric stroet car to the start ing jKiiut for a short walk to a trout stream, or one msy take the steam rail road and In an hour alight at a forest station, breakfasting there, bnt on joy lug for luncheon a cut of the deer or a dish of the trout or the partridge which ho has killed for the purjiose. It is, so to say, a region wherein tho wholesale fisherman with hid steamlsiat disturbs the red man who la sj.earing a fish for tmpper, where the wolf blinks in the irlaro of the electrio lamp, and where the patent stump puller and the beaver work side by side. Julian Ralph in Harrier's TV a Moqul Indiana. A hundred miles north of tho Petrified forest and well into tlie edgo of the Ari torn, desert are the seven strange and seldom visited Pueblo cities of Moqui. They all h re wildly unpronounceable names, like lYdalpi, A-hua-tu nnd Mish-ongop-avi, and all nro built on the sum mits of almost inaccessible mesas islands of solid rock, whoso generally perpendicular cliff walls riso high front the surrounding plain. They aro very remarkablo towns in appearanco, set U Mii dizzy sites, with quaint terraced horses of adobe, and queer little corrals for the animals in nooks and angles of tho cliff, nnd giving far outlook across tho browns and yellows and tho spectral : .1.. . M al...a 1 -I. II. .1 al ' leans 01 inai weim piaiu. mil, mcy look not half so remarkable na they lire. The most remote from civilization of all tho Pueblos, tho least affected by the Spanish inlluencg which so wonderfully ruled over tho enormous urea of tho southwest, ami practically untouched by the later Saxon influence, the Indians of tho Moqui towns retain almost entirely their wonderful customs of biforo the conquest. Their languages, are different from those of any other of thu Pueblos; and theiriuodcfif life though to a hasty glance the rami: is in many ways un like that of their brethren in New Mex ico. i.liarles I . Lutnmism (st. Nicholas A Detroit Mull' Cmie. A Detroit man has a novel walking ratio that represents tho work of odd hours every day for six weeks. It is made of old posl age stamps of various denominations and six nationalities United States, Canadian, English, French, German and Italian. It took 5,014 stamps to mako a cane, Tho face value of the stamps was $100. The sur face of tho cann, when the stamps were all on, was tiled smooth and finished un til it glazed. A heavy gold knob com pletes ono of thu handsomest and most unique canes ever seen in Detroit. Philadelphia Ledger. Telling the I'.eea. The curious custom of "telling the bees" is observed in some parts of nearly every country in the world. Those who observe the custom always go to tho bee hives and tap gently on each one, then stoop and whi 'per under the cup or lid that Mary, June, Thomas t.r William is h ad. This is done to keep tho littl.j honeymakers from forsaking their place of abode should they have to wait and f.nd out tho news of tho calamity them selves. The custom is alluded to in Whittier's po em, "Telling thu Bees." St. Louis Republic. Kast nod Went. Tho failure of tho people of tho Atlan tic states to understand the area, condi tions, products and needs of the west is not infrequently illustrated in national legislation. Tho late liditor Bundy, of the New York Mail and Express, said a short time before his death: "The people of the cast know little nlKiut the west, but I have always found that the jMoplo of the west were well in formed about the east." San Francisco Examiner. Every Month many womta Buffer from EaceaaJve or Scant Mcaatraatloo; they doo't know 1 who to conndt la to f at proper advice. Doo't confide ia anybody but try Gradficld's Female Regulator tpachlc tor PAINfGL, PROFUSE. SCANTY. SLPrftESSED and IRREfiULAR MENSTRUATION. Book to "WOMAN" mailed free. BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO.. Atlaata, Cl. told bj all DruciUta. racouiwtauaaBaWrujrKauHEUsjaaBaaai i 't li. KM'.YNOI.DS, laCKlM. red ITiy-ii'liin and I'hatniai'li't I Special attention jjivcn to Office I Practice. Rock Hu l i s . Kn. ! " " ip J. U.YjMSKJ IK A I.Kit IX- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of tlie Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsnouth jCJR. A. SALISBURY : D-Ii-N-T-I-S-T : OOLB AND rOKCKLAIX CROWNS, r. UtalBwayi aairathetlo for tke piialtsi e tract loo of teatli. i Fiae Gold Work a Specialty. Rook wood Block l'latlamoath, eb. -J- 917, 919, 991, AN 99) JAkiH ST PI.ATTSMOUTIJ, NEH. F. B. GUTHMANIT. PROP. Rates R5o; per week and up - GOI.I) AND l-OKCKLAIN CK0WNS Bridge work and fine gold work s SPECIALTY. 'It. HTP.tN At'S L'H'-VI. si wll Si other fth. tir!ietlc';-!vi,n tor lie1 tuilnlets extraction i( leclb, 0. MARSHALL, Fit.gerald Wv' ITORNKY A. N. SULLIVAN. I Attoriioy ht-l.nw. Will i'Ivc prompt ntfentioB ' to all tuMni" estriMe t to lilio. onice. til ' Ubl'iiiNnek. Fs-t. Side, I'lKtt-nioiitli, Neb. .v;' v ..1 - '.- .. . a--.. For -Mcliinffm, St. Joseph. Lenven wortli. Kiuihus City, St. Louis, and nil points n "tb, e;ist south or west. Tick els sold ami baif Hace checked t o n 11 y point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATK AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address II, C. Townsi-nd, (i. I A. St. Louis. Mo. J. C. l'mrui'i'i. A. G. P. A. Omaha. II. D. Al'CAK. At., rinttstnotith. Telephone, 77. -iSrf.i'v ' ' v V 'u - '