Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 19, 1892, Image 6

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    Wheeler" Ucdrr to (CUool Mr. lUlknaat
There v.ia a arrange incident in tha
room of tliu house committee on military
affairs the jilur Jay. when General
Wlu'i li r, of uM.ikinm, brought out an
oM order liook to huv to Mr. livlknap.
of Mkhiiriin. in which wan the copy of
tho stji'i'liii;; cnhT tliat "...i i-
kna;t. of tin- Tw -nty-tii--t Mii!.i'.ui n
lantry, In- cliot if c-.ijit ii: -1. It wasl'i '
fi'ipn 1 to a war time htory. Mr. I I
knaii ouli.-tnl at hiueeii. Il il.
look thirty imw, wilb his;ii;;ht t'uuv. .
bright ryes an 1 juilitary brown mus
tache, but i:j war tian' be was as li
ing a ilanil' vil as ever lived. One
liik'ht, for the tun of it. In? lnoiuih d
bis hur.-.c and ruili! Kjldly through tlm
Confederate linen to the headquarter of
General Wheeler, who wan commander
of tho wc.xfeni ('iiiiiishrato cavalrj. ,
Tim tent was empty.
Young IMl.nap threw his lines loan
orderly, strode boldly in and lelilera!(
ly iKH-kctcd all tho dispatches and pa
peri on tho table. His very audacity
paved him, and not a man in all t lie Con
federah) camp even thought to tjuostion
him. Hack he rodo with the dispatches,
to unlimited applause and a captain's
commission at seventeen. Then it was
that General Wheeler turned green and
blue and white and red for rage", and
for six months his Boldiers had orders to .
shoot Belknap if ever he came within j
range again. Wheeler and Belknap are j
me oetit or friends, they serve on the
same committee and delight in growing
reminiscent of war times togothor. tit.
Taul Ulobe.
Snake Clear Out a School.
Teacher and pupils of the Chestnut
Hill school in Montville, Conn., had a
fright from Hnakes the other day.
School opened for the summer term, and
all went well till a little girl screamed
and rushed out of the room. She had
eeen a snako jiecping out of the planter
ing near the teacher's dunk. Tho teacher
thought she was ill and mistaken and
cut her home. Half an hour later a
mnall boy saw a snake crawl out of a
hole near the chimney and killed it with
a slate frame. The fire in tho warm
chimney started up more snakes. Pretty
soon a half awakened reptile five feet
long tumbled out of a hole in the ceiling
and landed with a great thump just in
frontof the children's seat. The teacher
stood on top of her desk till tho big boys
had settled his account. Then more
snakes began to tumble down, and the
whole school, big boys and all, took to
flight. The teacher refuses to enter the
building again, and the Chetttnut Hill
school term is adjourned without data.
An Aeronaut's Intrepid Peat.
The aeronaut. Captain Dworniki, has
succeeded at lust in his descent with a
parachute from his balloon at Naples.
In ten minutes the balloon, with Dworn
. iki depending from it seated on a
trapezo, had reached a height of 5,000
feet. The parachute, when set free was
dashed about by the wind so violently
that often the captain's body touched
ita edgo, swinging rapidly from side to
side so that the spectators screamed
with horror. However, in five minutos
the descent was accomplished, the aero
naut safely touching grouud in the
street of Merzelina, near the Llone
The people surrounded the captain,
some of them even embracing him, and
when he took refuge in a carriage he
was accompanied in triumph by the
crowd. The balloon was carried over
the Vomero, where it fell into tho woods
of the Duke of Salvi, who for some time
refused to give it up. London News.
Snakeikln Necktie.
A west side dealer in rainbow hued
novelties for the adornment of the mas
culine neck has recently doveloped a
new thing in that lino which maybe
come vory popular. This new scarf is
made from tho dried skin of the rattle
snake and makes a very handsome tie,
although tho effect ia rather startling,
as the rattles and buttons are utilized
for a scarfpin.
Tho dealer says that he intonda to
send samples to the leading society men,
and has no doubt that he can find a
market for nil the snakeakins Unit ho
can get New York Herald.
I'llls the Site of Iliuvballn.
Nine iren had to hold a iwtient with
rope the other day while a dose of med
icine was administered. The domj con
sisted of throe pills, each the size of a
baseball, and tho jiatient was the hippo
potamus Caliph, in Central park, New
York, who was suffering from a stom
ach ache. The medicine comprised 2,040
grains of aloes and 40 drops or croton
oil, combined with Kiwoed oil and gin
ger, and the pills were forced down Ca
liph's throat with a policeman's clnb.
The patient speedily recovered. Yankee
Blade, j
Bride and Groom Weigh 1.311 Pound.
A curious sight at Union station was
that of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farlow as
they alighted from No. 4. They are the
largest couple in the world, aud, haviug
been married in Chicago, were en route
to New York on a honeymoon trip. As
Mrs. Farlow weighs pounds aud as
her husband tips the beam at (525, it is
necessary for them to ride in a fruit car.
No passenger cars in uso have a door
wide enough for either. rittsbnrg
A Cm That runlet l'hynlrlana.
Ernest Frevert, nine years old, an in
mate of tho Orphans' home at Carson,
Nov., became stone bliud about the mid
dle of last week. The following day he
became deaf aud dumb and the third
day he went insane. Sunday a rapid
change took place, and, the boy now
shows every sign of recovery of all of hU
lost senses. The case has baffled tho
llfVTfftra. flTlil llna nil trnnim
uuw ..v nuimu
Flrat Colored Electrician.
A colored man has obtained nromi-
nence as beinir the first of his r tn
make an invention in electricity. Thi
patent he applied for was a new metliod
of supplying electrical energy to cure.
New York Journal. -
HU Knh VmtrT a BeMtboah.
The poetic element in the character
Cf the late C. Jerome Cary, whose body
has lecii cremated ut Detroit, will find
hating aud beautiful expression if hu
wishes are curried out.
It was his oft expressed desire that
his a-l,' s sliMiild be iven to liis in: i
inato tii' iid, C. C. Whiinall, the lWi.-t.
to lx liii'i.d tx ne.iih a rosebush of ;t
variety of which ho was p,.rtirul.irl,
fond. Only his very intimate friend
knew that .Mr. Cary whs i.t.-iuat ly
fond of HiiWers, and of ro.-es in pariieu
lar. lie was in the h:lfiit of hpendin..: .1
great deal of time anion;,' Air. V, iol
liall's lloweis, ami the latter was wed
Ui'qtlaillted with tho poetic siil.- of 1,1
nature. To him .Mr. Cary li . -ipieiul ,
confided his thoughts, ami ho will know
how best to carry out his wish.
.Mr. Whitnall will place tho u rn con
taining .Mr. Cary's ashes in a sjx.t which
he will select in his greenhouses, and
plant over it a rosebush in hihIi a posi
tion that the roots will strike down into
it. He will sink a brick wall around it.
to keep otlier roots from striking it, so
that only the rosebush will reach tics
ashes. Mr. Whitnall will plant a small
Le Marche rose, of which variety Mr.
Cary was very fond, and he will muse
it carefully until it becomes a tree. Tlii
variety of rose grows to a height of ten
or twelve foet and blosgome profusely.
It is said that at this time of the year a
full grown tree will have from 1,000 fu
8,000 blossoms. Milwaukee Wisconsin
Can See HU Brain Pul.aU.
A remarkable surgical case was that
of little Charlie Fisher, who was recent
ly discharged from the Eastern District
hospital, Brooklyn. The little patient,
while riding with his grandfather on
Bedford avenue a week or two ago, re
ceived a fracture of the skull and was so
seriously injured that life was de.imir-
ed of.
The horso, rearing up, kicked over the
dashboard, his left foot striking Clinrlifl'i
forehead. The three-year-old boy was
taken rrom the carriage immediately
after tho accident in an unconscious
state. An ambulance was mminmiw.,1
and Surgeon Oifford took him to the
hospital without an idea that he would
ever recover consciousness tho boy's
Bkuii was so horribly mangled. Hut
House Burgeon Orrell worked hard,
taking broken fragments of skull from
tho wound for three or four hours.
in all, fifty-six littlo pieces of skull
were taken from the child's forehead,
and there is now a round circle about
tho sizo of a fifty cent piece over the
rigtit eye wuere the brain is exposed.
Its pulsation can uluinlv be seen. If tlm
patient had bcon older a recovery, tlie
doctors say, would not have been so re
markable. New York Advertiser.
Electricity In Mining a nig Baeceas.
The steady and successful operation
of the Gold Kinir stain n mill at Totl.i.
ride, Colo., by electrical power, from
.a. 1 A. - n .... -
me iasi or may, mm, to tbe present, has
been of incalculable benefit, not only to
the mining interest of San Miguel, hut
to those of the state and country in gen
eral. It has never been operated a win
ter through before, but run the past
year twenty-four hours per day and six
days in the week from the time it started
up. During the time the total stoppage
of the mill by reason of the deficiency
of power has averaged loss than sixteen
minutes per day, and of the whole
amount of time lost 80 per cent has
been due to necessary work on tho tur
bines and in changing the source of the
water supply for mill purposes. Its suc
cess has inspired confidence in investors,
and its first fruits are seen in the lotting
of the contract for the building of a 130
stanip mill on Bear croek. Helena Jour
nal rive Minute of Freedom.
Four years and nine months ago
Charles Parkor was confined in the
United States penitentiary at Laramie,
Wy., for holding up Paymaster Bash, of
the United States army, and taking
7,000 from him at Antolopo Springs.
Tho gates of freedom were ojhmiwI
Tuesday morning for Parker to pursue
his way in peace, but five minutes after
ward, as ho reached tho prison gates, he
was roarrostod by Sheriff Moore, of
Texas, for wife murder committed years
ago. Parker was taken to Texas. Cor.
Denver Sun.
Nonainokeri In College.
The Medical News says the records of
Yale college during the past eight years
show that the uonsmokors are 20 per
cent, taller than the smokers, 25 per
cent, heavier and had 66 per cent more
lung capacity. In the last graduating
class at Amherst college thenonsmokers
have gained in weight 34 per cent over
the smokers; in height, 87 per cont; in
chest girth, 42 per cent, aud in lung
capacity, 8.30 cubic inches.
Hnudrodi at IJle Ship.
English capitalists are complaining at
the number of steamers that are lying
idle in that country. In the Tyno and
Wear 250 steamers are laid up, while a
great number are to be found at West
Hartlepool, Cardiff, Southampton aud
other porta. It is estimated that alto
gether there are 600 vessels not in serv
ice. New York Times.
A lThoper.
The story that comes up from Colora
do about a man who was lost for six
weeks in an alkali desert, during which
time he lived exclusively on hope aud
cactus plants, is perhaps the biggest
alkali of the season. Chicago Tribune.
The shipments of sturgeon from the
Pacific coast continue to increase. Over
1,400,000 pounds have been packed by a
single firm in Kulama, Wash., this sea
son and shipped to the east
A Russian pedestrian recently walked
from Bordeaux to Angoulome, in France,
and back, a distance of 1 15 miles, in
forty minutes less than twenty-four
The testing of big guns attheKrupp
works makes cracked walls aud broken
windows the fashion at E&m.
Entor Liquor Car.
To those seeking a rescue from
lirpiors curse or other evil habits
brought about by morphine, tobac
co etc. The Knwor Institute at South
Omaha offers one of the uiOHt relia
lilc and best pliicen to tfO with tho
absolute certainty of 11 permanent
cure. Write or visit the institute.
A 'enwi lle Mhii.
Would use Kemp's balsam for tin
lliroat and ltiuy, it is curing more
i':im s coughs cilils, asthma, bron
i lulls, craiip ami all throat ami
liin troubles, than any other rem
edy. The proprietor has author
i. 1 il any druist to ivc you a sain
pie bottle free t convince you of
the merit of this reat remedy.
J.argy bottles otic ;itm ft.
I feel it my duty to say a few
word in regard to Kly'et Cream
Malm, and I do ho entirely without
solicitation. 1 have used it more
or less half a year, and have found
it to he most admirable. I have
eutfered from catarrh of the worat
Kind ever since 1 was a little boy
ai.d I never honed for ?ure. hut
1 cam Halm seems to do even that.
Many of my acquaintances have
used it witu exotllnut results.
Oscar Oatuni, 45 Warren Ave., Chi
cago 111.
Wanted: An energetic man to
manage branch oflice. Only a few
dohars needed. Salary to start $75
per month and interest in business
The Western Co., Kansas City, Mo.
Soma Foollah Peopla
allow a cough to run until itRfts
beyond the reach of medicine They
say "Oh, it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears them away.
Could they be induced to try the
successful Kemp's Halsam, which
ia sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would see the excellent
effect after taking the first dose.
Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At
all druggists.
The wisdom of him who journey
eth is known by the line he selects;
the judgment of the man who takes
the "Utirlington Kotite" to the
cities of the east, the south, and the
weat, is never impeached. The in
ference is plain. Magnificent Pull
man sleepers, elegant reclining
chair cars and world-famous dining
cars on nil through trains. For
information address the ngent of
the company at this place, or write
to J. Francis, General Passenger
and Ticket Agent, Omaha.
Now Try This
It will cost you nothing and will
eurely do you good, if you have a
Cough, Cold or any trouble with
Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds ia guaranteed to
give relief, or money will be paid
back. Sufferers from La Grippe
found it just the thing and under
its use had a speedy and perfect re
covery. Try a sample bottle at our
expense and learn for yourself iust
how good a thing it is. Trial bottle
irec ai r. kj. rncae 10. wrug
Store, Large size 50c. and $1.00
A Great Surprise
Is in store for all who use Kemp'f
Halsan for the throat and lungs the
great guaranteed remedy. Would
you believe that it is sold on its
merits and that any druggits is au
thorized by the proprietor of this
wonderful remedy to give you a
sample bottle free? It neyer fails
to cure acute and chronic coughs.
All drugpiHts sell Kemp's Balsam.
Large Bottles 50c and f 1.
Itch on human and horses animals
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
sanitary lotion. This never fails.
Sold F. G. Fricke A Co. druggist,
For millinery and pattern hats or
anything in the line of ribbons,
ilowers of the latest styles and de
signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in
the Sherwood block. tf.
For years the editor of the Burl
ington Junction, (Mo,) Post, has
been subject to cramp colic fits of in
digestion, which prostrated him for
several hours and unfitted him for
business for two or three days. For
the past year he has been using
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kemedy whenever occa
sion required, and it has invariably
given him prompt relief. 25 and 20
cent bottles for sale by F. G.
Fricke A Co., druggists.
According to the census of 18U0,
Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her
population of 1,098,576 people, as the
eighth largest city on the globe.
Most of us desire, nt one time or
another, to visit a city in which so
many persons find homes, and,
when we do, we can find no better
lin than the "Burlington Route."
Three fast and comfortable trains
daily. For further information ad
dress the agent of the company at
this place, or write to J. Francis,
General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
The Missori Pacific will sell round
trip tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to
Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian
general aisembly being held their
May 19 to June 2. TicketB good un
til May 19 and returning inside 90
days at $00, going via oue route and
returning via another. Apply at
ticket office for particulars.
Specimen Caos.
S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wit
was troubled with neuralgia nnd
rheumatism, his stomach was dis
ordered, his liver was affected to an
alarming degree, appetite fell nwaj
and he was terribly reduced in flesh
and strength. Three bottles oi
Electric Bitters cured him.
Kdwnni Shepherd, Harrisburc,
111., find a running sore on his leg
of eight years' standing. Used
three bottles of Electric Bitters nnd
seven bottles Bucklen's Arnict
Salve, and his leg is sound and well
John Speaker, Catawba, ()., bad rivt
large fever sores on his leg, doctor
said he whs incurable. One- bottlr
Electric Bitters and one box Buck
len's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke A Co.
CaTHOLlC.-St. rul'S Church. aiTeftwen
Filth and Slith. Father ( IVitur
Hfrvioet: Vim nt anil in :30 . u. Huhtlity
odium at t ;.hi, wun oruraicuou.
CiiHirriA.v.-Conirr Locust anil El tilth His
nrrnrrx inoriiiiiK mm ncnlnp. r liter A
t.ul'emay paster. Kuinl;i Si iiuul Ida. m.
fcris''o!'Ai..-St. I.ukp' liurrli, cornrrThlril
ami inf. ia-v. 11 11. lairm-m. iaMor. Sf r-
vii'i'h : 11 a. m. ami 7 :3(n u. hiaulay SiIuhjI
Gkkmax Mkti st.-i jrner Sixth ft anil
"eiuiie. i.ev. inn. r; mtthth : 11 A.M.
ami 7 :;;o 1-. M. Manny .Srliool 10 M A .M.
1'UKsnvrmiAN. srvifit in new elitirrli.rnr-
iier sixth mill Cnimte Ms. ltev. J. T. Hninl,
e.iMiir. ."iiniiiiy-wi'nol at U ; ; I'reachlnu
ill II It. lll.HV.ll 8 I). Ill,
K. S. ('. K o this eliuieh meets every
Siilitnith eveiili'i' at 7 :I5 In the luise metit of
the I'hiiiTh. All are invlieU to attend theoe
Fiiist Mf.thoiuht. Sixth St., betwen Main
anil Pearl, ltev. I.. F. Brltt. I). u. Dasier.
Servlffi. : It a. l R :00 P. M Sunilay School
9 ::m a. m. l'rayrr nii-elli g Wednesday even
ing Ukkman 1'rkhhvtkkian. -Corner Main and
Ninth. Hev. Wltte, pastor. Services usual
liouri. Sunday fcliool :30 a. m.
Swf.kdiih Conokkoatiowau Granite, be
tween Fifth and Sixth.
Colokkd BAiTiHT.-Mt. Olive. Oak. between
leuth and Eleventh, Rev. A. Bonwell, pas
tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p.m. I'ruyer
meetlnit Wednesday evening.
Yocno Mbn's Chrihtiak Ahsociatiok
Koonis In Vt merman block, Main street. lios
pel meeting, for meu only, every Sunday af
ternnon at 4 o'clock. Koonis open week dayi
from : a. m.,is 8 : 30 p. in.
Wood, hantor. Services! Sunday School.
M a.m. : Fre aching, 11 a. m. and p. m.
orayer mestlng Tuesday night ; choir prac
tice Friday night All are welcome.
Th First Step.
Perhaps you are run down, can't
eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do
anything to your satisfaction, and
you wonder what ails you. You
should heed the warning, you are
taking the first step into nervous
prostration. You need a nerve tonic
and in Electric Bitters you will find
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous system to it normal, healthy
condition. Surprising results fol
low the use ot this great Nerve
Tonic nnd Alterative, Your appe
tite returns, good digestion is re
stored, and the liver and kidneys re
sume healthy action. Try a bottle.
Price 50c, at F. G. Fricke &Co's
drugstore. 6
AMttle fclrls Experlencem a LlgMt
Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
April she taken down with Measles,
followed with dreadful Cough and
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" handful of bones".
Then she tried Dr, King's New
Discovery and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King,s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you may get a trial; bottle
free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore.
,w How's This!
We offer 100 dollars reward for
any case of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J.Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo,
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and belive him pefectly honorable
in all buisness transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out an oblig
ations made by their firm.
West&Truax, Wholesale Drug
gist, Toledo Ohio.. Waldmg Kinnan
& Tarvin. Wholesale drurnrist Tnl.
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter
nally, action directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggist; Testimonials free.
The Leading
Coastantly keeps on band everythin
yon Deed to furnish jonr house.
Lumber Yard
si. a. waterman & m
Bhinglea, Lath, Sash,
Doors, Blinds
Ctn supply crerw demand of the city.
Call and get tcrmi. Fourth street
in rear of opera house
i. vtmswAws
House Furnishing Emporium.
HEIiE yon can get your house furnished from
kitchen to parlor and at easy tearnis. I ban
die the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also
the latest improved Iieliable Process Gasoline stove
Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods.
I. Pearleman
F Q vmm 02
" A Full and Complete line of
Drugs, Medicines,
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours.
Advertising; - and - Job - Work
.F-u.ll IrLfbranciatiorL jndL
BatGGOn --pplica tl on.
601 Cor Fifth and Vine St.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliefer.
It use is almost universal by the Howwife, the Fanner, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring aa effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the teat of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustano
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
Chicago of course jo get.
Paints, and Oils.