Hit iKtLattfimomti TOeeMi ieMill VOI, XXIX. NO. s ri.ATTSMOUTH. (SS COUNTY. XKHU ASKA. TUUKSIUY MAY 10. 1892 $1.50 AY K Alt. i , ghe lUattsiiwuth gcruld. COKNKK OF VIXK AM) KH'Tll STS TELEPHONE 3S.N K NOTTS BROS, Publishers rulilislint every Tliurwduy, uud daily every evening except Sunday. Registered at the riuttsinuutli. Nelirtifka nont pflke a second class mail mutter for transmission through the U. S. mails. TKHMK Ft K WLU.KI.Y. FOOT Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength -Latest U. S. Government food report. Oae year in udvajice - - $1 .VI One year tint hi iWlvuara - - 2 (B Six niotitlis In udvuuee " - To Three months in udvimie 40 TKK.'fS OK HA1I.Y. One year in advance - - - $ (i One copy one month ----- P) I'er week by currier - 15 EV MEATMARKET. KriUKcef, Pork. Veal. Mutton, Huti.r mu eKKskent constantly o hand. Tllli present administration lias not made any loud professions of devotion to the cause of civil service reform, but it has done ten tunes as much for the improvement of the service as was done by the preced iug one. Game of all kinds kept in Seaeo SATISFACTION - GARANTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 0th St and Lincoln Are PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA MEAT HAEKE'P SIXTH STKkKT m F. II. ELLEN BAUM, rrp- Tke best of fresh meat always found in this market. ;iso iresu EggH and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. SIXTH STKKET EAT MARKET A 1.,-jva Ims (Ml hand a full lock of FLOUR AND FEED, ii-,., simria Ontsaiul lsalei Hay for sale as low as the lowi and delivered to any part of t tU' coKXi:w sixth and vixn THE democrat!) are now trying to carry the campaign on by the anti silver men howling for GrovcrClcve land for president ami the free sil ver men are howling for Boies o Iowa, for vice president. If that isn't stradling the silver plank do not know what is. p.issito nf n uieiiMiie iliat is thus profitable ti that part of the country. The democratic it. embers were all in ;heir seats and were uger to vote fi r it. Mr. lloltnan made a perfunctory opposition to some of it features, but it went through, nevei theless, by a major ity of 120. The smith demanded its passage, and what the south de mands she always gets when the emocratic pi rty has the power to give it to tier. 1 his is onlv a portion, nowever.e the appropriations made and to be made by the preset house. The total to date, with the additions that are unavoidable, is at least $:0,lHiO,tKXI in excess of the amount appropriated at the fust session of the last republican congress. These figures thoroughly refute the democratic pretenses ot economy, and show that not a cent is to be left in the treasury if the house can have its way. Every democratic member has a job of some kind in the interest of his district, and the aggregate of such schemes is tin precedenled in all the history of the government. Reduced Hates. The first annual meeting of the Nebraska conference of the Kpworth League meets at Lincoln, May Lt 10. The It. & M. will sell tickets south of the Platte river to Lincoln, May 10 lt inclusive. Parties paying full fare going will be returned at one third fare on presenting certificate at ticket office at Lincoln, signed by Z. V. Abbott, David City. 1. FKAXCIrt, Gen. V. and T. Agt. The siWer admission of the state of Nchraakn will be held at Lincoln, May 2a and H'i. The It. A M. wilt sell tickets to Lincoln at the rate of one fair for the round trip, May Ua anil 20 and limit for return May 27. J. hk'ANUS, (i. V. A. F. G. I'ricke A. Co., the druggists desire us to publish the following testimonial as they handle the rem edy and believe it to be reliable: "I bought a aO cent bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm and applied it to my limbs, which have been af flicted with rheumatism at inter vals for one year. At the time I bought the 1'aiu Balm I was un able to walk. I can truthfully say that l'ain Naltfi has completely cured me. R. 11. FAKK, Ilolywood, Kfcti. Mr. A. B. Cox, the leading druggist at Ilolywood, vouches for the truth tit the above statement. Spot Cash Hardware. many tea:::: "et vtkote: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, and fits our case exactly ALL THAT WE WANT LS Your Trade on TllK Charleston Ni'wsandCourier says: " 1 lie 'American I'rotecuve Tariff league' has rolled up its sleeves and taken off its coat for active work during the presidential fight now forming." Certainly; why should it not'r It has nothing to conceal and the more people know of the McKinley law and the tariff the better. No law ever spoke more eloquently and persuasively in its own defense. The Handsomest Lady in Plmtsmouth Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat ami lunge was a su perior remedy, as it slopped her cough instantly when other rente dies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and to convince you of its merits any uruggist win give tiiii a sample bottle free. Large bottles fiOc and $1. Ice. Ice. McMaken & Son aiedeliveiing ice daily. Call on them for your sum iner's ice. That is all; ''Nor do we want it long' or more- anil it you will grant us this ' ie lull to overllowmg. In return you will have little to want, lor in these goods we oiler the est and most complete line made in this country to-day ami ut Prices go Xjotx7" That etery time we fill out a (imitation sheet we feel that we ought to be accorded a place in history among the philanthropists for we are. giving the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselves. WILL YOU NOT CITK US TllK "I.ITTI.Ii" THAT WK WANT. J. W. Henclee, & Co. Plattsmouth, Nebr;. c'o.NCKliss is adding to the area oi the Yellowstone park. With its new boundaries it will be larger than Connecticut. When the peo ple at large do more long distance traveling the value of these incom parable public preserves will be-t-- ti Miore appreciated. It is to us all that congress is );; this wonderland more at- . : rather than narrowing its .cs. I UIUUS PKPPERBEKG. J MASt'FACTl'UK. OF AM) UIRBLE3KLEim;iJ RETAIL DEALEU IN TllK CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINK CF rnnArrn AND SMOKER'S ARTICLES ft jut - " always in stock plattsmouth, Nebrassa V. II. CUSIIlNCi, VrcMcnl, J. V. JOHXKOX. riec-PrcMilenl. ooOX H EOoo - A iQ i -r-i In riJVTTSMOL'TU NKIUtAMKA Capital Paid in $50,000 :nthmiiii. .1 W Johnson. E 8 Oreusel Henry Klkeiihiiry, M W Morgan. J A Connor. W Wcttenkttiiii, W 11 C'uslilliK A general banxing business trans nrted. Interest allowed on de posites. pIRST r NATIONAL : BANK Off PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA raid up capital Surplus ..sn.oiio.oo .. 10.0U0.09 rs the fry bet tvllltles for tbe promp tranf aotlon ot liKitiniate Banking Business Stock, bondi, gold, government and local te ftiiritinii hoiiuht and iold. Deposits received and Interest allowed on the certificate Draft drawn, available In any part of tbe Dulted States and all tbe principal towns ol Burope. OOLLECTIOXB MADE AND PB0MPTLT BBMIT- ainnest mrket price pmd for County War U1RKCT0B3 John Fltwerald D. nawkswortu Bam Waunh. H. K. White George E. Oovey John FIUKrali, '8.Wau(rli. ,0 President Caakiec. THE SILVER CONFERENCE. The consent of Great Britian to irticipate in the conference ren ders it highly probable that Ger- many also will accept the invitation. There lias been no reason to doubt that France and the other nations of the Latin Union would accept the invitation and join with the United States in an earnest effort to settle thevexed quest ion. Their difliculty has all the time been that they could not afford to adopt a monetary sys tem antagonistic to that of Great Britain and Germany, even with the support of the United States. But f all the great commercial nations could unite upon any plan, so that the intercuts of some would no longer be sacrificed for the benefit of others, a monetary adjustment for the whole world might be reached. It is in the highest degree creditable to the administration that it has taken the initiative in the matter with such success. The sil ver producing states will assuredly be brought to realise that, while the idministration can ant and will not assent to free coinage of silver by the United States alone, throwing upon the country all the responsi bilities, risks nnd sacrifices of an ef fort to strengthen and broaden the monetary system of the civilized world, it is neTcrtheless ready and anxious to do all that can be done in conjunction with other nations to correct the evils which have grown out of the disuse of silver. New York Tribune. THE river and harbor bill passed by the house makes provision for the expenditure of about f48,OUO,0(X), or oyer ? 11,(XX),(X)0 more than was ap propriated by the preceding house, We have heard a great deal about the "billion dollar congress," and here is a specimen of how the dem ocrats corrected the extravagances of republican. With two exception,, this is the largest bill of the kind that has ever been passed, and when the amount of contracts which it authorizes are considered it far surpasses any previous one, The most of the money goes to the south, of course, as that section not only has more creeks and sloughs than any other, but also casts more democratic votes. It was not at all difficult to cet a quorum for the Hot Spring9. A k - Carlsbad of America On April lith. 7ih and Nth the M. P. will sell round trip tickets to Hot Siiritii'-s. Ark., at one lowest first class fare, good returning until June 10th, on account of govern ment salu of lots and meeting of the Southern Central Tui nverin Association. Call at office lor par ticulars. A St ran tc UciikIoii. A fit rnnso reunion kwik place nttlio Dunning Insane asylum Thursday after noon, an error on the part of a criminal court bailiff leading to tho meeting of husband mid wife, who .thought each other deiul. Git?c iithI Ivt. HiSbyni Hvod hiip- pily at 0:ik Lam. Olio night, not so long ago, (icorge did not come homo at his usual hour, nnd his wife; started to look for him. Ho retiirnul home nnd then went out on a hunt for her. While she was wandering around tho jMiliee nicked her up. nnd after a short stay fit the Detention hospital she. was sent to Dunning, her identity being unrevealed. Almost tlio sanm performance was gone, through with tho husband. Ho want) he sent to tho poorhonse, but nn intelli gent bailiff got him mixed with an iu sano patient named Larson mid ho was sent to the asylum. Tho chief physician, who knew Ilill inan, coon straightened tho case out when "Larson" was placed on tho books. Ho learned the unfortnnato man's story, nnd Wednesday located tho wife in ono of tho cottages occupied by women. Tho mutter was reported by Superin tendent Sawyer to the county commis sioners, and Thursday, in tho presence, of Commissioners KiolTord, Ballard and StaulKT, tho reunion took place. Ilill- man will stay at tho poorhouso until bin wife is well enough to leave the asylum. Chicago Tribune. Catarrh In New England. Ely's Cream Balm gives satisfac tion to every one using it tor ca tarrhal troubles - G. K. Mellor drug gist, orcester Masc. I believe Ely's cream Balm is tin best article lor catarrh ever ollerei the public Bush iV Co. druggists Worcester Mass, A n articleof real merit.C. P. Alden druggist, Springlield Mass. Those who use it speak highly o it.- ( ieo A, Hill, druggist spring field.?! ass, Cream Bi.hn has given satisfac tory results W. P. Draper, dru gist, Springlieln, Mass. Some of the Grand Army boy may be interested iu the following from Alex. B. Pope, A. IX C, Com niander, Bep't. Tenii. and Gn. lie says: "We have bad an epidemic id whooping cough here, (Stewart T'enn.,) and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been the July medicine that has done any good I here no danger from whooping coug when this remedy is freely given, completely controls tin' disease. cent botles for sab: by P. G. I'ricke C o., druggists. :h Cl'TLEUY, STOVES, YTOODENWARh, TOOLS, -just for a few years, say twenty 'little" our cup ol happiness will TJNRUH Whitney's Carriages Why will you cough when Shi' lob's cure will give immediate re- icf. Price 10 cts., ad els. and Ifl Eor sale by P. G. b'ricke Sc Cc nriiLixuros & .vwsovitt hivkii it. n. TIMF, TABLE, y ok daily i'As.si:ni;i;k tkai.ns r- V'ti-, ii"v.''SY--"' -!! -, ' iv".- ' f,-V";-s.':--..'Ht.f ' U . 5iVC'ViV:'):,- '$ Ariel the PRICES Are away down :-1 i I CALL AND SEE GOING WEST Not 3 :lr a. in Nn. i, 3 :H p. in No, M 11. ill. No. 7 5 ;P p Hi, No. 0 r.io P.m. No, 91 7:15 a. in. 'Misluicir.H extrii leaves for Onmliii iitiout two ti'eliK'k fur Cliihliaiind will accoiiniioiliklu l:w- senners. GOING ESST So. 2 15:17 P. M, No. 4. 10::il a. n . No. 8 7 ; 44 l, in No. ill 9 : 45 a. in No, II 1'.' :' Ik. ui MISSUUIil PACIFIC UAUAVA Y TIMK CAKD. No. ,in4 Acoomodiitioii Leaven.. No, am ' drove.. Traum dully except simiiHy. .lO.Ma. m, . 4 ;(X) p. in. lint Weather In (iold Flelcln. Tho new African gold fields are prov ing profitahlo lieyond all expectations. It was prophesied about ono year ago that tho output of the V ltwatersrandj dig gings would reach 70,01)0 ounces m D; cember, 191, and ono year later 110,001 ounces. Already tho first prophecy ha; been liorno out, the average being about 7.1.000 ounces a month. It is a warm thought and not unpleasant still, that when tho latest reports from Natal were written, from which tho facts almvo wero taken, and when tho people of this country were shivering beforo tho blasts of winter, Natal was simply scorchirg under a temperature, of 120 (legs, in the shade, a figure which was reached on several occasions during Christmas week. All trade was abandoned, tho people lieing content to exist without exertion in such nn awful heat. Pitts burg Chronicle-Telegraph. Needs (if a I'liyslcliin. Tho physician needs more mental di version. It would lie well for him to cul tivate flowers, to study some science, or some department of history, literature or art, or to take up some snnplo mechan ical occupation, to which ho could turn from time to time for refreslunent. He needs more active exercise. It would be well for him oftener to sub stitnte the bicycle for tho carriage. Ho needs more sleep, too fully seven hours and as his sleep is often broken in upon at night, he should form the habit of sleeping at odd moments, even by day. Dr. Minot. NewKiler Have IuureUHed. -The number of newspapers published in tho whole United States thirty years atro was less than 5,000. Now the uum- lier of newspapers published in tho re gion west of the Mississippi aggregates 5,509, of which number J.iaa are pun lishod west of the Missouri rfver. EX ward Rosewater' Omaha Address. SECUKT SUCWTI,, r'AS.i CAMI No. :m M. W. A. meets every m.piind mid Knurl i .Monday evinnt!" lit yilzueriilcl liall. Vlsilllil! nelijlilioi n welcome. p. ( . M iin- V. C. : J'. M erteliberirer, W. A., 8. C. Wllile, Clerk. nOTAlN II K I'AIUKlt (JAM I' NO B0 Soim of VeleriinK, division of Neliraskii, V I meet evorv 1 neilav limht lit 7 :; o'olocK In tlieir hull In I'll rt. A. ItlneraM liiock. All modhhikI visit Ini! coin ailen are cordially Invited to meet willi in .I..IKtirl.. Commander: 11. A. Mel Klwaln, let Hoarnent . OKIIKK OK TllK WOltl.l). MeetM at 7 : .') i-viov Miuiniiv I'vi'i.lni; at (lie lir.unl Army A. I', (iroom, iiiemdeut, J lion WallliiK. hall secretary AO I' T .n H ?leet tirsl ninl llnrcl en; il.i v evrnitiis of eocll llliilll ll lit I ( H K iuill, erimk Verniyleii M SV ; J K lliirwitk, reeonlrr. It f"; I mm&vk it' GA. H.McConllilo I'oKt .No. 4.1 meei.i every 4utnriiuv hvoiuiili at. 7 : :v 111 their Hall in Koi'kwooil hlock. All visit iiikf comiadrs are ctmllallv Invited to iieet with us. Kred Hate, r"ot Adjutant ; (i. r. Mies, l'ot wommainier. irxioHTS OK PYTIIIAS-iiiMntlet IvOdttc rv vlt47. Mccti vcrv Weilnesiluv eve- iltiir nt tlieir tinll over IletinetftTiittV, nil visitiiikj kiilylits are cordially Invited to attend. M N Griflltli, C C: 4tis Lovey K of K nnd . o it w o W Miet Bprond unit lotinii Kridnv fTPiiitlUM ill the lllontll lit HI () K Hull. H Vundran, M W,K 1 Urown, recordeJ. DAt'UIITKKH OF HEHKCt.'A- Hud of I'ront l e l.mlifl Nn 40 meetH the Keeouil and fourth Ttitirsdav eveiiimei of each month In the r u. f nan. mm. i . r.. niuuunBi n. U ; Mri.Juhn Cory, Secretin y. rKCKEK OK HONOR Meets the first ' nnd third Thrursdiiy eyeniims of fnrli nioiitli in I. (. ll. f . linn. rtt.i!eriiii iiiuh. Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor Mrs. Nannie tlurkel, sister secretary. CASS I.ODUK. No. 146.1. O. O. V. meets ey nry Tuei-day nlitlit Kt their hall In Flttterald block. All Odd Kellown are cordially Invited 'o attend when vlnltltm In the city. Chri ret eren,N. (i.;S. K.Ovhorn, Secretary. CJj WEArvl W. A. BOM & CO., FINE SH0ES T1IKY ARE OFFEKINO A OTKAT MANY BARGAINS. IN LADIFS, MKXS AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. And it ?,-oul(l pay you to call and examine their special LOW PBIOBS That will l)u civen for the next thirty days. 1JOTAI. AKUANAM-Cak Council No 1021, Meet at the K. of H. hall In the Farmele & CraiK block over Hennett ft luttt, vwinnj tirethren liitled. Henry (ierinit, KeKnt; TU09 Walling, Secretary, THf POSITIVE CURE. SLY BiaJTHKKS. M Vterm Bt, Nw Ynrt. PimtOU