Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 28, 1892, Image 7

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Pi s .
Circulation Large.
lates Reasonable,
r Returns Remunerative.
Smoker's Nose
knows when it is pleased. It is always
pleased with the fragrant and peculiar
aroma of
Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco
Which has been for more than a quarter
of a century the desire and delight of
comfort lovers everywhere. It strikes
the taste of many fastidious smokers.
Try it.
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co.,
Got a mote on your secretions Uy j
taking "Kalreua for your Hlooil." i
Cures the worst Skin uld I Hood j
Ibsordei Guaranteed by O II.
Snyder and lbown Garrett.
La Crippn.
No healthy I't'ir-ou need fear an
d. macrons e oiiseiiieiiecs from an
attack of la grippe il piopcih
treated. It is much the same as a
severe cold ami reunites precise!
the same treatment. kVuuiin quiet
ly at liomi ami take Chamberlain's
C'ouuli K'cinedv as ilinvtctl for a so
vere colli ami a prompt anil coin
plote recovery is sure to follow
l'his. li-iiu-ilv also counteracts nn
j tendency ot la irripe to result ii.
pneumonia. Aiming the man
thousands wkio have used it dunni:
the epidemics of the past two years
we have yet to learn of a single
case that "has not recovered or that
has resulted in pneumonia, -a and
50 cent bottles for sale by F. G
Fricke & Co.
La rlppe Successlu'ly Treated
"I have just recovered from a sec
ond attack of the grip this year,"
Hays Mr. Jas. O. Jones, publisher ol
the leader, Mexica Texas. "In the
latter case 1 used , Chamberlain's
l.'oii;h remedy, and I thins, with
considerable success, only being in
I,,., I :i liitl. over two davs, aiiaiust
ten davs for the first attnek. The
second attack, I am ratshed. wouUI
have been equally as nan as me
first but for the use of this remedy,
as I had to go to boil in about six
hours alter hoing shuck won u,
while in the fust case I was able to
atiend to business about two Hays
before getting down. ;'. cent bot
tles for sale bj F. G. Fricke A Co.
The population of Plattsmoutb
Is about lOXX), ahl wf would nay
at least neo half are troubled with
u.iiiik itTiTtion on t te inroai aim
lungs, as those complaints are, ac
cording to staaistics, more ininici
ni Hum others, wewouni ativist
nnr readers not to ucelect the
M,iwrtmiitv to call on their ilrutr
gist and got a bottle of Kemp's Hal
i urmi fur tin throat and lunti s. Trial
size free. Largeliottle adc- and $1
Sold by all druirgist.
Is q Weekly Ptiblicqtion f
ligl qnd spcciql vqlqc qs i cd-
otit Ve county-
Colvin, La., Doo. 2, 1886.-My wife used
MOTHER'S FRIEND Darore nor intra
confinement, and iay she would not be
without it (or hundreds of dollar.
Sent by f xrw on receipt of price. JbW P1 bot
tle. Hook " To Mothers " mailed free.
ran iiu nuPMWi'i' TtAT,0
Wlml 'Kll. hril ,;oi!i-n TruliitiiB," Mrll.
lliw It MiiNimI mill ly Whom.
Mi lliiiitlnt;tm' lin-ut Work fur llrr
l4's Korti-.tuitv Sllrt hi a Ui Clly.
'There is ho much to f'nul fault with !
and m niucU to wish for in Hitch u Kr'iit
birf, dirty city as ems that sonu tiiaes
the piHxl. sweet, modest facts connected
with ivircharitalileinstitutieiis are over
looked," said a visitor to the Wilson In
dustrial school and mission as nhe cum
aw.iv from thero tho other day. The
bnildim,' at Vi't St. Mark's place waa
turned, nearly forty years aco. from a
fwtory into tho pleasant whool house
it nnw is. This ticluMil. which wan
tho first institution i f tho kind in Amer
ica, is not endowed and is imuntatned
entirely hy voluntary contribution. Mrs.
Jonathan St urges W tho first director,
and many familiar names are on the list
of managers.
Tho matron of tho school w SIisf
Emily Huntington, the originator of the
Hvsti tn of kiuhim K!"d1'" trsnniiiK, a
iimncti nf work now carried on not
nnlv at the Wilson whool and elsewhero
in this city, hut in other American cttn
unit in Ciinada. England. Ireland, Scot
land and France. Miss Huntington lias
mado tho mission liouso her home, and
here slio watchea day by day tho result
of tho niethinls which she lias estab
It is with a fascinating intercut that
... . i . . i i...
oni! listens to ino xaio in now uy mo
nw.nwt rhnnco Miss Huntington, at
aiiriitnnn. iiist out of whool and ready
to 1 ushered into fashion's ploasureH,
chanced to be taken by a friend to visit
a "ragged school, and how ttio outy
daughter of fond parents juit society
and tho usual amusements or ynitn
aside, and not in tho same manner, but
with tho same motive as her cousin, Fa
ther Huntington, set herself alniut mis
sion school work.
Voiuulv ronlil work with Miss Hunt-
' - .
itigton's energy mid lit r capacity for or-
eanizing without (Icvelopiiit' new nieas
which should bring forth more com
plete work, so lis timo passud on and she
iruin.'ii I'xnenenco. not otuv among ino
poor, but with her own class, alio made
various discoveries. no wan that tne
leisure of some of tho young girls of her
(icqnaintanee might readily lie put to
good account, and another that kitchen
gardening might with profit bo adapted
to tho rich aa well as tho jnior.
Sho obtained tho co-operation of some
of tho mothers and tho interest of the
girls, so that a meeting was called for
the purpose of developing a plan of
movement. Fifty girls met at tho liouso
m m "
r ... I I LI t. ! A! imu PiiPDf
lir 1113 LlUUUr num. ruiiumj vuim
11 AOrjiniSftRLK) OR. HAIKU' OO10EN Sf Clflt
1. . i. nt onOii ap (an nr In nr
II tun uu uhbh m v.
tides ot ood, without the knowledge of thc iicr
u. .i iuh nil ir it in nrtfuiiiiLi'i v iin.1 iiiirns aii'i vi t
ftVri a permanent ami Ppwiy cure, whotiM-r
n rmmivie cure m cv ji v niaiauiv. o yn&v
FREE. Adilivnnlii roiifl'lunre,
StxaCA SPECIFIC CO., 88 Bm St-Cincinnati. 0
-cill" Inf orri.ation. And
Katos On Applicat i on.
801 Cor Fifth and Vine St.
Chamberlain's Eye and SMn
A wirtaln enro for Chronic Soro Eye!
Tetter, Salt IUicum, Scald Head, 01
Chronio Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, rrairio Scratches, Soro Kipplcs
and Tiles. Itiseooling ana sooiniog.
Dundrodsof cases have bcea cured by
fc after all other treatment bad faikxl
it is put op in 23 and CO cost boxes.
LaU'led 1-2 lb Tins Only.
b I'Mrk'slnvtuMnTubailav Lar L'uih
h,v.l.i.:i.rtl it. iij., Illul. (V.I,lb,K. lllmi,nl)'.rnrP
C53 Unadn.llolwk. Wnu (uc buuk ot proU-lnLU
PIIKfl'Sil"'. iirKims $1K- Want mttn
iuuiuu ,r,.0 Al(lre!.s Dim l I
iiiKtnii X. J.
fill 1'inlt'
Everything to Furnish Your House.
iti. nt a . ... n ... i.
4tt i.timivi uiu imtiui ih :.m klt.
I'niiDief ft luxui ian t1rtfl.
Never FaiU to iiotor Omv
i.l;'. I llnir to ita Yoothful Color.
V,uk l.'j: 1 1, In! itv. Iih;;itn!i,!n,'ltliintille.atU.
HINOEWCORMS. Tlit onWrawcun-forlW
r lllatuX CO., K Y.
Having purchased the J. V. Weckbach store room on south
Main street where I am novr located " can sell goods cheap
Viot in oVioanoat Viainc inst Tint. 1 rt the larfTPSt RtOck
VI VllA VHWVOU UUIllig J . . , ' - - O
of new goods eyer brought to the city. Gasoline stores
. . 1 .1 i ll i 1
and lurniture ot all kinds sold on tne installment, pian.
How Lost! How Ropalnodl
Or KKI.F-I'KKSKHV ATION. A Uw and only
(Md Medal I'Ul.K mmi on nwiuim inu
rillNIDAb irr.niL.iit, m.hiviuh'i ni
tiiniiiuv lift'l'l IN. UnA All fftlHIT AUFtt
and Vf KAKNF.HNEB of MAN. 8Mpaga,clnth,
rtlt; lto inTuaaui prwcripumiB. vmj tt.w
by mail, doutiM aauea. JJtcri()UT notpect-
i,h nnnriftnanll bb. mim m nriin
IW. .A .nlnalmrv LU L la I ytlll
u. ij . .o j I I I I fl I
urea. t
tettlmnnlali of the car
Kxpert lrit
TUr DrtRITIVF cuhf.
til BKOTHIRt, H Wan-n BV.'Nrw Yortr. frMNattJ
VUUUllH''ll ill w.
TAI CI KF. AdAmm lir. W. H. t'trker. or
The t'eabody iludlcal IntUtute, No. 4 UUUiucb HI..
notion, aw.
The lVtliodjr Mrdleal Inttltute haa many Iral
talort, bat no qua!. U'Tttld.
Tl.. l I.lftt. or Htlf.PnxarTtlloa. It a
trttturt nor luM Uwa ld. Uea4 H low,
tvary WK1H and NEKVOl'S man, end lean it
ae ITIHaV . Mtmttmt ctiw. cki'J nfoitii
of oho of tho cider women. This was in
1867. It was jiroveil that most of them,
uo matter how well versed they wero in
Latin and p'fometry, knew absolutely
nothing alwut domestic scienco, so ar
rangements wero mado for forming a
normal class which Bhonld ho divided
Into companies, theso companies to jro
to tho mission for regular days of teach-
Theso young women, as their paths
divided, removed to Boston, Liiinago
foul elsewhero and set tin kitchen Kar-
dens of their own, with tho result that
the system has spread everywhere. It
might even ho said with truth that tho
other thought, that of tho Working
Girls' clubs, emanated from this mis
sion, for Miss (iraee II. Dodgo was one
of the fifty young women who joined in
the work there, and it was no doubt bo
ciuiM! of the expii ience sho gained at this
time hor idea was conceived and devel
oped. The cirls becamo kitchen gardeners
themselves, and afterward, when mar
riage had placed some of them in homes
of their own, they wrote to tho founder
of tho system, "You have no idea how
kitchen garden helps mo with my serv
an'.s a:id my housekeeping," and to
ot!n rsit gave tho means of livelihood
when unforesiM'ti reverses of fortnno
mado them dependent upon their own
It must bo eonfessiil that "kitchen
garden" is a rather misleading name,
for it suggests to many a place where
vfMwtuhleH are irrown for kitchen use.
When Miss Huntington was asked aknit
in. tmtnp. mint siiid: "It means a system
bv which all the intricacies of domestic
' ... . ...
I scienco aro taught sweeping, dusting,
wiLslimrr. iroimiL'. waituiir at table, etc.
I thought a little of changing tho name
at one time because it was confounded
witli tlwi turin viiii't;ible L'iirden. but I
.. .v.. . . . . . . n o . -
found nothing that quite took its place,
and I soon discovered that tho fact that
tho nanio had to lie explained gave it
iiililitiiiTiiil iiniMirtanro."
The school hours aro the same here as
flsewhero f roui 0 to !). There aro alxiut
"oil eirls. ruiiL'iiiL' in iiL'e from five to ten.
- n o n
and there are the usual lessons in read
ing, writing and arithmetic, which come
tinder the head of study. Tho training
in the kitchen garden branches is littlo
I'lxn than a svstcmutized form of tilav.
and this takes up a projiortionatu part of
the scliool day. wew lorK inouno.
Mrhrl Armored Ship Ciui't Co North.
Tho remarkable discovery of tho ef
feet of temperature on tho density of
nickel steel is likely to have an im
nortant bearintr on its use in the con
struction of war vessels. After this va
riety of steel has been frozen it is read
ily magnetized, and, moreover, Its den
sity is iiermHiiently reduced fully 'J icr
ri'iit. bv thn extxwnre to the cold. It i-
stated that a i-hipof war built in the
temperate climate of ordinary steel and
ebul with Siiv U.(MM) tons of nickel steei
armor would bo destroyed by a visit Vj
tho arctic regions, owing to ino con
traction of tho steel by the extreme low
temperature. New iork journal.
A LrHilInc Ouent Ion.
Mr. Smallbrain (fondling his n.ty
umier lmy-All. Miss J'elle. 1 ve l'en
lettinir mv niustaclie urow, don't
- ' a -
von know, for a week.
Misa Belle (BiifniHcatitlv)-rr a weak
what, Mr. SmallbiHiu'' FrtM
K.i Suva a ll.ilr.lri'MtT In a Learned Hl-
rour.r oil (lie Sulijirt.
AUnit b .lil heads, now," t-aid n h.iir-dre'-ser
who pnif'sed to know all alHiut
hisute di l'n u iH V and its causes, "tliey
are as iuu h due to heredity as mv
red beads, black heads, curly head
or heads that aro not curly. And
why aro men so commonly bald and
women bald so uncommonly? There
are din-tors and men of scienco who
point to that fact to strengthen their
well known high hat theory of bald
ness. Tln-y titled to believe, ami in
sist on their belief, that the high silk
hat and the hard felt hat nroresMiusilU
for most of tho baldheaded men, tho un
yielding pressure of such headgear con
Ktrictiinr the blood vessels which nour
ish tho hair bulbs, and thus destroying
their vital properties, tho result being
dentil of the roots and unavoidable
capillary scantiness. Women, say theso
scientific speculators, do not injure tho
vitals of their hair by such means, and
Hum nre r.irelv chronically liald.
"Maylm they aro right, but I don't be
lieve it. Everybody knows that man,
as tho head of the family, has to go to
the front and stay thero in tlio capacity
of the breadwinner. Tho strain of life
comes tho most sovero on tho man in renueet. Ileitis who suffers tllO
anxieties and battles against tho disap
pointnients of business, speaking of life
in irciicral. What mates men prenni
turely old? Just these anxieties uml
struggles. If prematurely old, why not
iirematurelv bald, which is a natural ac
companitnont of untimely "go? Woman
has less brain stress. Her sympathies
with tho man in his struggle may bo
great, and usually aio, nut iney no not
miikn thn demands on her organization
that tell so severely on tho system of tho
I account for much baldness among
men by this theory of nervous exhaus
tion, but then what will explain itsprtv
alenco among men whose circumstances
do not reouiro theni either to indulge in
business anxieties or undergo business
disai.iiointiuents? Thus wo seo tho easy
going man about town, not yet in his
prime as to years, with no Haunting
thought of tomorrow, yet ns bald as Lis
grandfather was at seventy. Wo bco tho
pampered child of fortune, son of a mil
lionaire father, who toils not, neither
doth ho spin, yet Elijah, whom tho bad
boys mocked, at the same tuno tne suo
bears came out of the wilderness anil
dined uisin them, was not arrayed in
less hair than one of these, homo migni
explain this by tho sweeping charge of
dissipation, but it will not do. I have
among my patrons youth of this kind
who aro models of sobriety, propriety
and simple living, and yet they aro on
bald as doorkuobs.
"Heredity iB tho only explanation that
ran bn mado of this mysterious depar
ture of tho hair in early life, although
1'ri.fnKsor l aton. an hngusii BCienuiic
nersonwho has mado investigation on
the subject a specialty for years, does not
l.etiiivn it. imil stoutlv declares mat ino
canso of baldness is no nearer discovery
Hum it. wnu a hundred vears ago.
"But whether 1 am right or wrong in
mv iiionrieH I know 1 am right in this.
and that is when a man is onco bald ho
in always bald, unless his hair has fallen
out from tho effects of fever. In that
caso it will generally return in time of
its own accord. IJut a nean matna
frriul nail v lost ita hair while thoownei
of it is in good physical condition lias
lost it for good, if it wasn't so no you
Kimnose thero would bo so many bald
headed doctors and barbers?" New-
York Sun.
Mutter, Ehh, t'bt cse, ild Cianie,
I'oultry, Ment, Apples, Potatoes
(Ircen tinil li ieil I-'iuitc, Vegetables
Cider, Iti ans, Wool, Iliilt-p, Tallow
Slircp I'clts, Furs. Skins. Tobacco,
drain, Hour; II, iy, Keeswnx, heath
ers, diiisin, I troonicorii, ii ii 1 Hops.
M. K. H A 1. 1. A K 1)
lien. I'iiiii, Meieluoil ;ihl MiliipiT,
17 Market Street - St. Louis, Mo.
WAN ! I'll - AL'i-lit. vne iie nail 1 1 -! null Kiirnr
i uml shliriH.
m:ai.i:k in
rd ami (Ml) re 4n South Thlnl Street.
Tcli'lihoni' 13.
l!i'Klsiiii'(l rtiyuli hut in nl rtinriaai'ttl
Special attention nivcn to Office
Tract ice.
Rock Hlufkh
9 J-liNSjKjJ
I'sitrouajje of the I'whlic Solicited.
Nortk Sixth Street, PUttsmoutk
How an lZlopliiint F.ata.
An's diiiestivo functions aro
very rapid, and tho animal therefore
iluilv a. l.'iri'H niiKitltlt of fuMT
.1 'JMII -J i J w - " O "
GOO pounds at least. In ita wild stato
the elephant feeds iieartuy, out wasio
f ully. It is careful in selecting tho few
forest trees which it likes for their bark
or foliage. But it will tear down
branches and leave half of them un
touched. It will strip off the bark from
other frees auu iiirow away u wit" iui-
A a it is a nocturnal animal, it selects
its trees by tho senses of touch and
smell. Its senso of smell is so delicate
Unit, a wild eleiihant can scent an enemy
at ft distance of 1,000 yards, and the
nerves o: its trunk aro so sensitive
Hint, thn smallest substanco can bo dis
covered and picked up by its tiny pro
An ilitihnnt.'s Tialatn is verv delicate.
and tho animal is whimsical in selecting
or rejecting morsels or lood. loutn s
Dlnrrhfii anil KIbi-hIIvo Troulili-a.
Thn connection between teethinir and
diarrhea has been considered until of
recent years as beyond question. But
even this is very doubtful. For our
selves, wo should have no difficulty the-
a. t .1 1 1 i . il.
creticaiiy in supjiosing mat painiui leeui
ing might npset tho digestion, just as in
nervous older children and adults wo seo
excitement and mental anxiety produce
liVn riwmltH. P.nt actually, tho moro the
cases aro examined tho less certain is
tho relation of tho liowel trouble to tho
sin aiosud cause. Hero ncaiii develop-
ineuta in the digestive organs may have
an iufluence, and thoeffectof heat, either
directly upon tho nervous system of the
child or by injuring food, is shown by
tho prevalence of these diseases in sum
mer. Dr. Henry D. Chapin in Baby
WfenlnK Trem.
Tho literature of "weeiiinir trees" is
enormous, much of it lx-ing plainly
mythical, out there is a largo oasis or
fact unon which most of theso marvel
ous stories rest. Many travelers have
descrilsjd tho famous "rain tree" of IV
dradoca, Isle of Ferro. John (,'ockburn,
in 1735, descrils-s a tree nt Vera Pas, Cen
tral America, from which pure vater
continually dripix-d from every leaf and
branch. M. Liouis Kepuune.
Chinamen cannot become citizens of
tbn fniteil State ber.'insfi tho riirht of
naturalization is limited to free whit
persons and Africans or people of Airl
can descent.
Lumber Yard
Shingles, Lalli, Sah,
Doors, Blinds
Can supply emw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of opera Iiohm.
DI SM. -rrv V aal aa Ki. 'V v
For Atchinson.St. Joseph, Leavea-
worth, Kansas x.ouio,
ami nil points ne-tli, east
south or west. Tick
eta sold and bag
gae;e checked
to any
St a tea or
Canada. For
Call ot Depot or address
C. P. A. St. Louts, Mo.
J. C. l'HILtll'W,
A. G. T. A. Omaha.
II. 1). Al'OAK. Agt., I'lattsnionth.
Telephone, 77.
. Knglish Spavin Liniment removes
all hard soft or calloused lumps
nndhlemishes from horses, blood
spavins , curbs splints, Sweeney,
ring Jonc, stiflee, sprains all Jswoi
lea throats, coughs etc.. Save 50
cent by use of one bottle. AYarrant
ed the most wonderful blemish
cure ever known. Sold by F. O.
Fricke & Co druggists l'lattsmouth
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For eale by F. G.
Fricke & Co