The Plattsmouth Herald. LEGITIMATE NEWS. In Thursduy cviniiiK's issue TlIK II KH ALI) contutned mi item of district court new which unimrently wuh written (or no other uurixme tliuii to usiiersc unci l.lucken the cliuructcr of un utlm he of the News onice. iiik! to reflect disudvuntuKe oiiMly upon this pnHT. The faulty unit KtnnitrrniiHfioHM of the item will not lie dwelt uoon in thin urlicle, l.ut we wish to cull uttentlon to the ilispicuhlc methods employed by crrtuin money Influenced IHilltlclanH whose anxiety to pose an party lender arisen lcly from the fact of there IteliiK "inotiey In It." The Item re ferrcd to dencrlbed the KPnt"""1 mt'n tloned an the editor of the Kvenlnjj Nf, which. In a very covert way.woHan attack upon that paper. The name of the editor of the News Is printed at the top ol tne ear torlol pne, anil that fact In well known to the writer of the Item, who merely gave that title to theiK-rwin tnnlixned In order to cover hi real Intention. Mr. M. I). I oik wan attiicked In thut contemptible man ner, and the reflection enst upon the New for the Hole reason of thin U'' wonder fill popularity, and the fuct of nearly all ol TUB IlEXALIi'M nubscrllier having quit that puier, whic h fuct appear to have aroused the enmity of a few unprincipled politician who try to bolster up the rap idly nlnkiiiK HKKAI.n l retain a tool for their own pernonul ends. The New han the umKirt of thecitUetiM, which it In con fldeutof It ability to retuin, and will not Ink tm low an to employ such under, handed method to help H bunlnc Evening New. Mr. Hurton of the News, cither did not write the foregoing: or elne he listened to the representations of his "attache" and blindly swallowed very weuk Btory. The comment of TUB IlEKAU) on the case of O'Donohoeva. Milton I) Polk and his father, was in our opinion fully warranted by the facts in the case as they were retailed by the elder Polk. The News is supposed to liave a fine scent for items, (is a usual thing, but its editor was not in court when the case was called, indeed the News, was conspicuous for its absence, both in the person of its editor and its trusted "at tache," who was the first and princi pal defendant in the case which at tracted so much attention from the public. The IIekald wants its neighbor to understand that it ifl responsible for that item of news. It was published as a legitimate item of news without conspiracy or consultation with politicians or outsiders and without thought of doing our neighbor harm or break ingdown the News, as that paper terms it. We are not in that bust ness, although we have heard that the mission of the News, since its "attache" took charge ot its column was to "swamp The IIekad" and, however that may be, we want Mr. Hurton to understand that we do not run a newspaper for that pur. pose we are publishing a paper because that is our business and trade; it is our profession; we have been brought up to it and do not know how to do anything else; we are not publishing a newspaper for fame or health, like our neigh bor; neither are we bothering our selves over politicians and their in trigues; nor have we hired a poli tician to edit our paper. Now as to the item which seems to annoy our neighbor, does the News doubt Mr. John F. Polk's evidence given to the court and public under the solem nity of an oath? Or does it prefer the word of its "attache," which has proved so disastrous to the father? If it does, of . course thai settles it with that paper, but we want to say, right here, that we stand ready to satisfy anybody else of sound mind that the old father's word is bettei than the son's, and we are prepared to prove it It won't do to charge it to politicians, nor sny the old gentleman is mistaken on the wit ness stand. This was a civil action right here in court, in the city of I'lattsmouth, and in the presence of our citizens, and if a newspaper hasn't the right to comment on the fact of that trial THE IlKKALD wants to know it. Listening to that testimony we, like the balance of the spectators, felt justly indig nant that such wrongs should go unpunished in this community, and we commented on the case in that spirit and in no other. Per haps the News can explain why its trusted iattache" was not in court to deny the testimony of his father, and to clear his skirts from the charges made against him? Here was a very excellent opportunity to make a denial, and a much more appropriate place than the columns of the News, when we consider that Milton P. Polk was the first defend ant in the case and within a few yards of the court room when the case was in progress of trial. We have more evidence than was given on that trial, Mr. Dtirton, and we hereby notify you that our com ments were tame when compared with the facts in the case. TlIK coming republican national convention will be the lirst since 1S72 without a contest for the presi dential nomination. In that year Ornnt was renominated unanimous ly. There was an exciting contest' in every convention afterward tip to and including that of IfcSS. In ISTr) foven ballots were required for a choice, in 18S0 thirty-six ballots, in ISXt four ballot and in I eight ballots. TWO VIEWS. Heie are twouinuninjrviewtMf the Rhode Island electiou. The New York Sun says: To the mugwump t.ini i s. Mi Cleveland's imaginary popularity about the time of his accidental election in 1M, grew like Jack's bean stalk steadily throughout his four years of mugwump adminis tration. Then in J8-H be was de feated with a reversed or dimin ished democratic majority in every democratic state. The same frantic argument for the stulled prophet's fictitious status has been put to the test of the fact again in the city of Providence, where this ponderous and unac countable demagogue went to plead his own case tor the democratic nomination, under the pretense that it was the "people s cause. 1 he re stilt is that the democratic niaioritv of '2,()l)0 in I'rovidei.ce sank almost to iJtK). This, too, was after a be wideringly vociferous reception a few days before to the visiting speaker. The popularity alleged of the clai mant is as baseless a his democra cy. Muirwump politics and moral hypocrisy are offensive to every one trained in the school ol American republicanism. Monsieur de Uufla lo is a back number. Take him awayl The Philadelphia Press says: Yen, unotherstute hannpoken unil upurty'n Idol' broken- There In junt another nail in free trude' coffin, thut in all: Khody advocates protection, and that's why, thin lust election, Khody turned O. Cleveland's picture to the wall. CAPTAIN Yocum of Hastings was eentenced Friday to the peniten tiary for one year, the lightest sen tence that the court could impose' and last Saturday, the next day after the sentence had been pro nounced, AdjutantGeneral Vifquain canied to Hastings a pardon for Mr. Yocum from Governor Hoyd. There will be but one verdict on this action of the governor and that will be a verdict of approval. Nothing but the letter of the law convicted Captain Yocum. The jury, the judge, the spectators at the trial and the people over the state all felt that equity demanded that Captain Yocum, who defended his home and family from the lies of a traducer, ought to be justified in his act and told to go hence a free man. Hut the law in its strict letter has been complied with and the governor has exercised his right under the law and given justice to a man who stands, though convicted under the law, justified in all that he has done to protect his home and his fireside. DIVERSIFIED INDUSTRIES One of the objects and results of a protective tariff is to diversify the industries ot a country, bom agn. cultural and manuiacturinf. We are all more or less dependent on each other tor what we consume, and protection enables us to pro duce nearly nil our wants at home instead of buying them abroad. If our farmers were to grow noth ing but wheat and our manufac turers were to make nothing but steel rails, they would have no home market of any value for either; but by protecting every thing that can be grown or manu factured, we make the best use ot all the natural resources of our coun try, we lessen the cost of transpor tation, we bring prices down to a reasonable level, and at the same time good wages and crood profits are insured to all. tor instance, by putting an ade quate duty on tin plate we not only establish that industry, but aid a score of allied industries way back to the mining of the ore and coal. I'rotection brinirs the farm and the factory together, each helping the other. Kvery new industry cre ated, every new product success fully grown, gives employment to otherwise idle hands and more pur chasing power to consumers of UOtll. The McKilllev law hnn nlre.irlr started scores of new industriesand each has helped those already es- lumiMiicu. To repeal the present law or anv part of it would shut un the mills. decrease wages and sadly cripple if iuu ruin our spiennid Home market. Atnericun Jvcononnst. COLD AND bILVER. Once upon a time a Silver Dollar was standing on the dock watching a steamer coming in. And the sil ver dollar was looking unhappy, for u was uuiiRing. nen tne steamer had landed, a Gold Dollar came rat tling merrily along down the gang piann anu iiici uie silver Hollar on the dock. "Where have you been?" asked the Silver Dollar, sadly, for it knew all about the state of the case. 'Oh, I've been abroad," dumped the Gold Dollar. "Why don't you go some time?" "Me go?" whim pered the poor Silver Dollar, as the tears rolled down its face. "Me go abroad? I'm not built that way." Mokal Sound money is the life of trade. WHY sena a million and a' half dollars out ot Nebraska every year for r;lAttm inanriinr Tna,,. ..... '-'-'' .. . k 1 k 1 1 I ' . II, borne companies and kcop your money ui nome. iiome companies loan their nione.f in Nebraska and u is Kept in circulation in our own state. N'ot a doHar in loaned in Ne braska by eastern insurance com n.mien. nor run tlifv hv Lima n( I ' - J . I . , tuna Ml the east loan their money in the we si. Insure in tho ITnti,r Vim r( n..... - - - - . ... . - . - V W 1 1 1 tl ball, a rmnnnnv that ti1itirra ' I J ...... - - . ..... . . iV III! pools and compacts, and keep yona iiiwiirY tn iiwiur. Sen atok Allison, of Iowa, says he is a Harrison man, So is rvcrv ... i ... i , , J imu-i mju rifjuui K ,iu. TEN LITTLE D VOCRATS. Ten little cundiiluten Worked it very line. One of them was tiuded oil v Then theie wi re nine. Nine little ciinliluts Kceliiiu koihI uod ureut. One of t lit-ii i u tmiilile took Then there were eiiilit. Klk'l't little cundiilute Almost lit fur hcuvcu. One of them u letter wrote Then there were mtvcm. Seven little cumlitlutCH Cutting up their tricks, One took the silver crue Then there were six. Six little cundiduten Very much alive, One tulked himself to death Then there were live. Five little candidate Set up quite a wur, One made a southern trip Then there were four. Four little cutididates Went out on u spree. One took the Keeley cure Then there were three. Three little enndidutes Tried to worry through, One heciime a niiiKwunip Then there were two. Two little cundiduten Sturted with a Klin, With a free trude loud it burst Then there wuh one. FINALE. One little democrat Sorry, mud and tired, Tried to fiKhtthe cumpulgn out Hut verv soon expired. HOME, SWEET HOME. Not long ago a distinguibhed Knglishman and jurist visited our country. On the eve of his return. in a public address, he alluded to the fact that wherever' I e went he was asked whether he was not amazed at the size of our country, ThiB student of lawand government very kindly, but very decidedly, re buked this too prevalent pride of bulk, and called our attention to the finer and higher things that he had observed in our American civiliza tion. So to-day, as I look into these in telligent faces, my thoughts are turned away from those things that are scheduled, that have their places in our census returns, to those things which belongs to the higher man his spiritual and moral na ture. I congratulate you, not so much upon the rich farm lands of your country as upon your virtuous and happy homes. The home is the best, as it is the first, school of citi zenship. It is the great conserva tive and assimilating force. I should despair for my country if American citizens were to be trained nly in our echools, valuabld as their in struction is. It is in the home that we first learn obedience and respect for law. Parental authority is the type of beneficent government. It is in the home that we learn to love, in the mother that bore us. that which is virtuous, consecrated, and pure. I take more pride in the fact that the republican party has al ways been the friend and protector of the American home than aught else. I3y the beneficent homestead law it created more than half a mil lion of homes; by the Emancipation rrochmation it converted a million cattle-pens into homes. And it is still true to those principles that will preserve contentment in our homes. I gTeet you as men who have been nurtured in such homes. and call your thoughts to the fact that the republican party has al ways been, and can be trusted to be, friendly to all that will promote virtue, intelligence and morality in the homes of our people. Benj. Harrison. The United States has paid Italv $115,000 for the killing of the Mafia men at New Orleans and friendly relations are once more established with that country. We won't say out tney are worth that dead, but alive the whole lot isn't worth twenty-five cents. One of the signs by which the re publicans are sure to conquer is the uoncst dollar. The republican ticket will read Harrison and Morton. Ik the neonle nf Xelimatra tu i 1 1 1 I K ernlly patronize responsiblelhome inntlutrina ..f ..11 1. . i . . ........... wl nuius 11 WOU1U soon make money plenty and easy to get at low rates of interest, and an era of good times would at once aawn upon us, as it is the want of the money that is drai state and sent east that empover- .r....., mc iicopie anu makes hard times. Insure in the Home Fire of Oma ha, a sound and responsible home company, and keep your money at home. A large sized steamboat went down the river this morning. J.M.Carter vs. It. A.Gibson is oc cupying the attention of district court today. Notice iiiK the 1st liny of Muv I'M! Notice 'Is hereby Ki ven to the citizens of . ViVTl'iu ".""'"""' V. Neli.. that we will rip. ii t.. the ..f trustees of suid villuuo tor a license tosi-ll mult. ines m.,1 i,,r iis ii leveriiL'i. in tin. ,,,i..i....i , i 1,'tll . I'll I l-IHI JHE WAR IN WYOMING.. Over a Thousand Rustlers and Friends Encamped. iiKitni it iv M'n un ri;i ni:i:. is MarvelousThe Alter- natus L:ft Out Other items. From TuasdayS Daily. 1 The war in Wyoming between the sheriff and Governor Harbour is still pending. The following dis patch, dated Cheyenne, Wyoming, is taken from a ninrning paper: That now historic wire of the Wyoming Inland Telegraph com pany, that used to pulsate widi news from the seat of the rustler conflict, has been thot down since Saturday. News from Johnson county is brought to Douglas by the mail carrier and sent here bv wire. The dead wire has been re duced by the thieves, who hope now, emboldened by their victory at the "T A" ranch, to muster a suf ficient force to take the prisoner of war irom live companies of the United States army at Fort McKin- ney. More than u thousand rust lers and their friends, including sneritr Angus and deputies, are en camped about the post, and only tear 01 neavy loss in a collision re strains them from making a rush on tort iMcrunney. lliey are will ing to pay almost any price for the half dozen unarmed men ot Wol cott's command. At several ranch es visited in riding from the country, men were heard advocat in the ckinning and burning alive of the men on the list. The depth of their hatred and vindictiveness is marvelous. It is not because Champion and Kay were killed es pecially, but it is based on the broad and peculiar premise that mere must he no lntertereuce with rustling. Governor Barbour says to-night mat ne nas requested General Brooke to deliver the prisoners in this city. Colonel Van Horn will start when he feels that the overland trio to Dourrlas can be madp with safety. It is feared now the rustlers will bum ranches and murder men who have been inactive. There is much feeling against the foremen, who are believed to have known of the movement and keDt still. The trial of Dr. Charles Bingham Penrose, the Philadelphia physi cian, which was to have been held to-day, was postponed until Thurs day, owing to the inability of the Johnson county authorities to be present. In an interview the doctor says he left the invading party at Tisdale's ranch on the second day out on account of sickness. He strenuously denies havinir been with his party at the killintr of inampion anu Kay. Dud Champion, brother of one of . -. . n tne dead men. is at Buffalo. He Mt Johnson county last fall because he ten this coming. Dud now says he only wants a look at each mem ber of Wolcotts party and he will remember them all and mav have a chance to get even. The fellow is a ngnter, as are two other brothers of the family. One is a fugitive from justice. Iherearenow in Chevenne two ranch farmers bf Johnson county, two miners, Mayor Barritt of Buffa lo, H, R. Mann, receiver of the land office, and Thomas Botiton. editor of the FIcho, all afraid for their lives to venture to their homes and prop erty. All have been warned. Sheriff Augus still refuses to deliver the expedition teamsters to Colonel Van Horn. The Rockv Mountain News nf Denver, has just received a bulletin irom casper, Wyo.. savintr that two men, badly wounded, arrived thprp this afternoon and relate an exciting story of the burning of Champion and Kay by cattlemen. The bulletin is meagre and everv effort is beino- made to obtain the particulars. The Alternate Left Out. Tohn II. Powers of Stmttrm hnu succeeded in having Governor Boyd ncci-pi nis resignation as member of the Nebraska Columbian com mission representing the indepen dent party of his district. Mr. l'ow ers was appointed by Governor Thayer and when the finnnr-pa nf th commission became in something "i an uiiKnown shape uovernor Boyd refused to accent Mr. Powpra' resignation as secretary until a set- iicwieiiicouiu ne secured all around. As everything is now in n satisfac tory condition, tnnde an l 1, n. port of President Strang, the resig nation nas necn accepted. The vacancy was filled vpatpnUv hv i,n appointment of another indepen- uem, jonn ii. Stewart, of Benedict, i or county, a member of the legis lature. Durinirthe Mf'Rnimi lift i . I curred the displeasure of his radical alliance brothers and he will be as unacceptable to that class as A. 11. Cole, recently appointed. Mr. Stew- mi is a laruier. who liyes near Ben edict and makes his living by farm- K wuii ma nanus, it was Mr. Powers' request that his alternate, one juiiiison, mi tne vacancy, but Governor Bovd )erlimri in ..nmr.u, and made an appointment of his own ncieciion. A reorganization in PTricrto.l - take place at the Omaha meeting to- uay aim iion. a. j. sawyer, ot IA coin, will probably be elected pret dent. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorwu When Uiiif ww tick, w pap l.r r CMtorin. Wbeo ill in a CliiM, cWv-ti lut Castori VTien alt becam Xiu, tim tlung to Caatnric, Vanlihil '"hililnm.n'! jnrt!im CMwm III? Ci Ho Carythalargeet lino of oarpota in tho COUnty, A Luof which, wo effop at lowest poesi "blspriceo. CHEBT designs iabody Brussels and Moquevs. p)KISTriE3T and newest designs ia two ply nd thre ply carpets. TVSRV pi-c cf carpeting sold on its merits. M&Vo0,UTABN-,ftLcL8OOLCARPET Y0U HPHE chapas t gr.r-oas we are showing -- this season will merit ycur attention. OSLiEGT your c.rpat now and have it inade up ready for house-cleaning, Tn our line ol SPRING X GOODS, We have the lament and best selected line of Drew Goods we have ever shown, both iu woolen and wash goods. In all the New Spring Shades AND IN BLACK. Sereres 2Tew French Cife-haivLs Henriettas, Bedfor Cord l G. DOVEY and S0NI OFT YOU THH Tliat Old. Oarpet of yoars has been turned for the last time, it will hardlj stand another snch beating as yon gave it last spring besides we know you are too tender hearted to give ifsuch another lashing. It will be a useless task as you cannot lash back its respectability. Better discard it altogether and let us sell you one of these elegant new patterns that we hare just received. Spring tjoqse Gleqqiig. "Will 6oon be upon us and you will want new carpets, cur tains, linens, etc. We are head quarters tor anything in this line, we can sell you hemp carpets as low as ten cents a yard, Ingrains as low as twenty-fiv cents and Brus6ells trom fifty cents upward. This is f4 iMFW nFPHRTMITMfrvJ I I I with nH. Wf hftvn lianrllfd " ' ...... h. u 1 1 WiAti UlJ41ll that we could sell them much cheaper by having them in stock we have discarded the' former method and are now able to sell them at a very low price, will duplicate Omaha prices every time, kind and quality taken into consideration Being all new goods we have no old designs in the line. We have just received an excellent CURTAINS We can sell lace curtains lor 50 cents a pair upward, Irish Point curtains, Tambour muslin curtains, Swiss curtains, curtain screen in plain and fancy, table silks for draperies, (Jiienille 1 ortieres. Also a nne he lowest prices. We have the finest line of linens ever brought to this city. Table cloths with napkins to match, Table scarfs. Burlan drapes, bleached table damask with drawn work and hem stitched by tho yard, plain damask tor drawn work, linen '""j t vit.oiib oppui tuinit ui tuwcio fancy and drawn work borders. Dlain and fanev Ilnek and Turkish Towels, linen sheeting V 1 UNUfU.n JrV.QAAr ? t in. imiwj uu i uui.1 Sootoh Gigham Printed Zephero with oumnlou Knt flKl ' assortment of Lr line ot window shades at and pillow casing etc. V I I ltKoi-KMAXX llKOS.