1 V ,5 i.'f 4 r 4 V ' , j f CENUINE ! . 7 ulri f I lilDURHAM : M. DURHAM : IDURHAMr l T. i ' BULL VVcVbW V7 nimiiAM W VVIIIIfllSl All around the world, from East to West, Pipe Smokers think Bull Durham best How good it is, a trial will show, And make you smoke and praise it too. Get the Genuine. - Made only fcy : EUCKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N.C. Circulation Large, ii 1 ' labs Reasonable, Returns Remunerative, iiPLATTSWlOUTH HERALD ! Is Weekly Pqblicqtioil of - lrigl qid special ?qlqe qs t qd- I seel o 1'eqcl fqiqilies flii'oqgli- oxg coqqty. rio.ll XnforancLatlon And EatesOn ApplicatL on.. A. B. KNOTTS BUSIMISS j oui uor turn PLATTSMOUTH Everything to Furnish Your House. AT i I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN ) HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having purchased the J. V. AVeckbach store room on south Main street where I am now located can sell goods cheap er than the cheapest hating just put in the largest stock of new goods eter brought to the city. Gasoline stoves and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan. I. PEAltLMAN. THE POSITIVE CURE. I KIT BROTHERS, M Warran B-, "New Tort prlc so tU OHIIIG TOBACCO 3IAMAGKI?. ana vinebt. - NEBRASKA 11 !U lA ,!".'. "" . LaCnppe. ' No healthy portion nood foar any ' dangerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires jri'eisely the same treatment. K'l'in.iin quiet ly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as dinvtod fur a se vere coM and a prompt ami com plete recovi ry is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency ot la grippe to result in pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that "has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia, -a and 5i) cent hottles for sale hy Kir. Fricke A Co. La Grippe SucnessluHy Treated. "I have jiiMt recovered from a sec oud attack of the grip this year." says Mr. Jas. O. Jones, publisher of the leader, Mexica Texas. "In the latter case 1 used Chamberlain' Cough remedy, and I thins: with i considerable success, only tfi ti vr in bed a little over two days, against ten days for the first attuck. The second attack, I am ratified, would have been equally an had an the first but for the use of this remedy, an I had to no to bed in about mix hours after being struck wdh it, while in the first case I was able to aliend to business about two days before getting down. 5J cent bot tles for sale b F. G. Fricke & Co. The population of Plnttamouth la about lO.tHH). add we would Bay at least ueohalf are troubled with some effect inn on the throat and lungs, as those complaints are, ac cording to stnnistics, more numer ous than others. We would advise all our readers not to ueglect the opportunity to call on their drug gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Hal. sam for the throat and lungs. Trial sixe free. Large Hot tit- 50c and $1. Sold by all dnurgist. Every Month I Mif Vlfflta .uRtr from Eicaaat. .r I cut M.aatntati.ii; thejr doa't kaaw ' wko to cenfld. ta t. .t prwpar .dvls Doa't tonfld. In .abody bat try Bradfield'g Fomalo Regulator iHtHI NINTH., niOFUK, tCMn. IWPFHEMEO lid IMUaVLM MENSTRUATION. Bok to " WOMAN " maiUd tn. BUDFIELD RI8UUT0R CO.. Atlaatt, ta. Ml kr Brsciata. a tua Liuitr itoit, fttiuviiy Curar bi Aiuiniirut.xi ii, iiainr loir ineirii It can bt gtvtn In cud el e.tt. or Im, or In w !ola of wd. without las knowledge of th. par on uklog It; It U abiolut.ly barm lew and wit. ttnet a permanent and ti.df enre, whather ilie patient li a moderate drinker or an aleohnlli wreck, it NEVER FAttS. W. GUARANTEE a rnnipiste cure la evsi y loitaac. Hi pag. uoua -REE. Addrelneonfl(lnce, I SPECIFIC CO., 1BtB. SUCIackwalLO GENTS Do ynu want to ninke money? Send us ton cent unci rweive a sniii- Hple, with full imrticuliirs of the lniHi nt'ss, wliicli will (five you Inrno protit and quick hmU'S, Steady , euiploy nient Kimrutiteed. Address viarsh&Co9aa Chamberlain's Eye and ESsSa Ointment. A certain euro for Chronic Soro Eyc Tetter, Salt Bbonm, Scald Huad, 01' Chronio Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, ItcL, Trairio Scratches, Soro Nipples and Files. It is cooling and soothing. Dundrodsof cases havo been cured by It after all other treatment had failed. It la put up ia 25 and 59 cent boxes. BO LIMC WATER OR MILK.! GKATKL'L COMFORTING COCOA Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only. EIF A BlME88H,lll"m,'HCURED k U' iS9 J7 A M l..t. Wbleri h.rd. Comfnrt.blt. h-,.-,.fii.wli.r,..llrf.n.ll,.tu. R,,, by r. MlM.I,tmlT, f" nr ( fci3 Unoltia, Ae lark. Wnu kwA ol prix,uf lltt ifVr packer's tt'-L HA,R BALSAM f J'v'. ii"'1 lu.miil trowth. fr -VV2jSr ... Fail, to Bnator Oriiy I 't5 rJnnlr 10 ' Youthful. Cclor. 1. '. WJ Cut" f 'li""'" hlr lliBu. l i'ali kin- tt iiintfur J oiiit', It i urex Hie wort Coiitili. HINDtHCORNS. Ttae onlrtuwHireforromi. btupa twpKiu. Lk. mi Uruiitt, of lilSCUX ft CO., N. Y. How Lost! How Regained KNOW THYSELF. Or KKLF-l'ItK.HKKVATTON. A new and only GnldMeiliilPUIZK KHHAY on NKHVOHS and PHYSICAL KKHIMTY, r.UUOKS of YOUTH, EXHAHSTKU VITALITY, PRK MATI'KK IIKI INK, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 00 pagno, cloth, lilt; 18ft lnvalualil. pnocnptkxii. Only $1.00 dj man, annni. toaiea. imcnpur. iToopect- wim .naoriemeni. aFREEIBK or the i'rna and Tolunlar ktlmolala of tlia cm t'onitillatlnn in iron or hy mail. Expert trwit mPM. INVIOLABLE 8ECHKCY and CEK TAIN ( I KK. Add;.. Ir. W. H. Purker. or Tb l'elxKly Mllcl Inmitute, No. 4 Uullltich St., l)olon, Uui, The Teatwdy Mnllol Inalituto hat many Iml. Iatnr, but no squaJ. Herald. Th Science of Mfi-, or Slf-Pruirvatlon, li a trraaurn mora TaluiMe titan irold. llpiirt It now, vary WEAK and NKK VOl'M man, and Irara to b aTROXW . il-inii llfitir. (CopyriKktadJ runl(fiiiiifiss d5vW fjorffirtff Congressional Convention. The lriiKH-r.it- held tlieireongres sional convention yesterday at Te I'timseh. X. S. llarwiuid, of l.an caster, and K'obt. Clegg. of K'ii hard son, were elected delegates to the national convention by acclama tion. C. X. llttbuer and Dr. Wall.u e, of this county were elected as alter nates. Some ill feeling was created by Lancaster promising to vote lor Pe Vinney of Johnson as alternate in return for Johnson supporting llarwood for delegate. The follow ing resolutions were adopted: This convention unanimously congratulates Mr. Hryan on his re markably successful career as the member from this district of the national house of representatives, and it especially commends his gal lant and brilliant advocacy of the great cause of tariff reform.'so vital to both producer and consumer of the west. The convention assures Mr. Hryan of the confidence and support of the democracy of this district. This convention instructs the del egates to the national democratic convention to use the utmost en deavor to secure the nomination of Grover Cleveland for president and should this be found impracticable then to stand for the choice of a western man. Congressman Hryan's candidacy as a delegate-at large to the national convention was endorsed. The B. & M. bridge across the Missouri river at Nebraska City had a narrow escape from destruction yesterday. The State Journal says: "A fire was discovered on the H. A M. bridge over the Missouri liver last evening about 10 o'clock. For a time it threatened to destroy the trestle work leading to the bridge, but ready assistance reduced the flames after a stubborn fight of about two hours. The driveway ap proach was destroyed for several rods, but it is thought the railway was not sufficiently damaged to stop trains. The fire probably originated in the watchman's house at the eastern end of the bridge. At the time the night patrolman was at the western end. lie telephoned to the H. A M. depot and the bridge engine was sent to the scene of the fire. However, It had no pumps and what was done to extinguish the fire was by means of buckets. Had the night been windy the bridge would probably have been destroyed. Federal Building. The house committee on postof ficehave received from the treasury and post office departments letters on the bills making appropriations for public buildings at Plattsmouth and South Omaha. In relation to the IMattsmouth bill the Hee this morning says; "As to the riattsmouth bill, Su pervising Architect Kdbrook writes that the receipts of the office for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, were $l,804,and for the fiscal year 31), 1891 were $o,581. The receipts last year were $5,051. There was but one em ployee in 1881 and nowtheie is but one. Rent is $:X) per year. He calls attention to the growth of riattsmouth and the general necessity of a government build ing. The office yields a net profit of 02 per cent. Henry J. Streight, IMattsmouth's postmaster, contrib utes a strong argument in lavor of the bill. Holh South Omaha and Plattsmouth are given a boost in the report received by the commit tee in both houses of congress." Delinquent Tnxefl. All those owing personal and delinquent f ixes will please call at treasurer's office and settle the same. The office will be open this eveninir: also Monday and Tuesday, J April 11 and 12. iiVH A. II YKKS, Deputy Collector. Judge Ramsey to-day issued per mission to wed to August Schnei der and Ida M, Clark, both of Cedar Creek; also one to Frank H. Ray mond and Claudia Fields, of Mills county Iowa. Wa.NTKO Some good cotton rags at this office. Now Try This It will cost you nothing und will surely lo you good, if you have a Cough, Cold or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds) is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect re covery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottla free at F. G. Fricke A Co. Drug Store, Large size 50c. and $1.00 The wisdom of him who journey, eth is known by the line he selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "Hurlington Route" to the cities of the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached. The in-fi-rence is plain. Magnificent l'ull inan sleepers, elegant reclining chair c:irs and world-fainousdining cars on all through trains. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha. THE TRANSPORT Of AMMONIA. It la Oftti rrrlnl on the I'i"r Irka of Ntraiimlilp to Krrp It Coot. Ammonia lias Uvn carried in con eiileruMe tptantities on the upper (liv';i of hteamsliipi, Imt in many vessrh t'.u Isittles, carlxiya.or tins are stowed in tint W'tween deelii. In fact, they aro fi:ne tiiiiPH stowed in vacant ciihins of ciur; vessels. Tbo explosion of ono of the: n receptacles nwiikenel attention t t !i plaeinj; of such Kiibstauces daiitfernir !v near heat. Tho master of the ve.vel on whose ship tho explosion hnpieiieil un screwed thetupsof all those undama'tod. and thus allowed the gas to blow olf Restrictions on carriage of dangerous Ph1 were imposed under tho merchant shipping act, I (473, section 23 of which provides that if any person sends or at tempts to Bond by, or, not being the mas ter or owuer of the vessel, curries or at tempts to carry in any vessel, British or foreign, any dangerous goods, such as aquafortis, vitriol, uaphtfui, gunpowder, lucifer matches, nitroglycerin, petro leum, or any other goods of a dangerous nature, without distinctly marking their nature on the outside of the packages containing the samo, and .also giving written notice of the nature of each goods and the name and address of the Bender, he shall . bo liable to a penalty not exceeding 100; but If the person seading the goods on board is merely as agent and ignorant of it contents, the penalty is not to exceed ton pound. " False descriftion make the sender liable to a penalty of 500. The master or owner of a ship may refutte to take on board a vessel any suspicious package, and may require it to be opened to ascer tain its contents. Clause 26 in the act has always been looked upon as a mis take in legislation. The master of a ship is empowered to throw overboard goods of a dangerous nature which hare been sent without being marked or noti fied of their true character, and neither the master nor the owner of the vessel shall bo subject to any liability for such rusting into the sea, civil or criminal, ia any court There is no reason for denouncing the carriage of ammonia by sea, bnt it la of tlte greatest importance that each special compound should be accurately defined, and that it ought sot to be exposed te heat If everything that expanded o submission to heat were interdicted, the shipping trade would be sadly ham pered. For .XAmple-yet is shippeA for conveyance, and is usually carried on dock. In hot weather the casks have been broken and hoops burst from ex posure to the sun, although no material damage ia done. We could name othor breakages, but enough has been urged to bring home the necessity for nnder standing what to carry and where to stow U. -Chemical Trade Journal Bow Hot U Ct Into rrint. Don't hare any enemies. Don't have any friends. Don't inherit money. Don't lose it Don't sign any petitions. Don't subscribe to any lectors ootmes of stock companies. Don't recommend anything. Don't get victimized. Don't exhibit any publio spirit Don't tell stories. Don't register at a hotel. Don't visit a friend in an adjoining township or elsewhore. Don't allow other pooplo to risit yon. Don't show any interest in music, art, literature, science or educntion. Don't meet long loot friends or rela tives. Don't go insane. Don't get sick. Don't accept presents. Don't do anything that might bring you a vote of thanks or condemnation. Don't stio anybody. Don't get sued. Don't go to law at all. Don't live to bo an octogenarian. Don't die. Detroit Tribune. Dnngor In Physical Culture. It is beginning to bo understood that physical culture should bo undertaken intelligently and with moderation. A London girl went homo from her first lesson, which was a violent one, and dis covered a tttrnngo condition of her neck a littlo at ono cide of tho throat a mot tled appearance, with settled blood be neath. Tho physician to whom kIio ap plied said thero was no remedy; some littlo blood vessels had given way under the severe and unacctintoined exercise, and her naturally thin skin revealed tho mishap more thau would perhaps hap pen in another case. Tho injuries aro not so frequent to young girls, with supple joints and easily moved muscles and tendons, but middle aicd women should begin very carefully. Many such, to rid themselves of an un becoming tendency to corpulence, tako to extraordinary acrobatic feats not un attended with real danger to iiersons un accustomed to violent exercise. Her Point of View in New York Times. The MyNtrrloua Power of the TurquoUo. Tho turquoise, although not credited with either remedial or protective proji erties, so far as disease was concerned, was nevertheless regarded as a kind of sympathetic indicator, tho intensity of its color being supposed to fluctuate with tho health of tho wearer. Tho latter, however, by virtue of the stone ho carrried, could, it was said, fall from any height with impunity. The Marquis of Vilena's fool, however, was somewhat nearer the truth when ho re versed tho popular suinTstition in his assertion that the wearer of a turquoise might fall from tho top of a high tower and bo dashed to pieces without break ing the stone. (Queries Magazine. A Genial Traclicr. Agassiz taught natural history in Har vard college as no other man had taught in America Ik-fore. Ho was '-tho best friend that ever student had," ls'causa the most genial and kindly. Cambridge jieoplo used to say that ono had "less need of an overcoat in passing Agassiz's house" than any other in that city. Professor David Starr Jordan in ropn lur Science Monthly. TO SHH'l'KRS. Hotter, Kggs, Cheese, ild Game, Poultry, Meal, Apples, Potatoes Green ami Dried I't uite, Vegetables Ci.ler, Deans, Wool, Tallow Sheep Pelts, Furs, Skins, Tobacco, Grain, Flour; Hay. lleeswax, Feath ers, Ginning, Droomcorn, and Hops. M. K. H A L L A K D lien. I'. in, Mt'ivliiiiit h l -tapper, 217 Market Htreet - St. l.imlit, Mo. W a VI Y It- fit, y c iu-miiIiiIcI Kim Humeri- und shtprr i. I i 31 o'l Y All a. UKAI.FK t.N COAL WOOD oTKRMS CASHo rl aad tf 44 xmtu 1 k rd Mi.'t. Trleplipnp IJ I'LATTSMOWTIl, NkRRAS ,Tt K. RKYNOLDS, lieglsttreil rhynltUli niul l'li:iiaclt Special attention given to Offioe Practice. Rock Bluith Ni p J. rfilpISKJ cai.ai rn- STAPLE AND FANCY GLASS AND QUE ENS WARE. Patronage of the Fablic Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsmoatl. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A. WATERMAN & SON Shingles, Lath, Hash, Doors, Blinds 'Jan supply evcrw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven' , worth, Kansas Citv, St. Louis, and all points nr'th, east south or west. Tick ets sold and bag gage checked I t o a n y point ia the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATKS AND KOUTKS Call at Depot or address II, C. TOWNSKNO, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. PlIILLIPFI, A. G. 1. A. Omaha. ILD. APGAK. Agt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. lvnglish Spavin Liniment removes all hard soft or. calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins , curbs splints, sweeney, ring 'jone, stiflee, f prains all ,'swoi len throats, coughs etc.. Save f)0: cent by use of one bottle. Warrant eil the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co druggists Plattsmouth Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi tive cure Catarrh. Diphtheria and Canker mouth. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co GROCERIES LUMBER Tii!t o 'life,