Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 07, 1892, Image 7

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For over 25 Years
Bull Durban)
SrrjoKing Tobacco
has been recognized as the standard
of tobacco perfection. This is why
we have remained, during this long
period, the largest manufacturers of
Smoking Tobacco in the world. It
has a fragrance
liar excellence.
Circulation Large.
lates Reasonable,
etums Kemunerative,
1 1 i,rwiiw,Miiijiiiuitun.TinTniiwrBMM
Is q Weekly Piiblicritioq of
qrcl special vqlqc qs qq qd
fei'ising iqcdiqiq o qll lo
seel,; t iqcl fqiqilies tlioiigl-
oqt ftG coqqty
HP-clII Ix3.form.atiorL And
Kates On. jfLpplicat 1 on..
801 Cor Fifth
Everything to Furnish four House.
Having purchased the J. V. Weekbach store room on Routh
Main street where lam now located ' can sell goods cheap
er than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock
of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stoves
and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan.
Rf fti-7i VytfTT 14 i.:r KUS-i V.M"
i i ELY BHOTHERS. tt Warren
and flavor of pecu
Give it a trial.
N. (
and Vine St.
Bn Nrw York. Pr'so CO fit -
La Crippe.
No healthy person need fear any
dangerous consequences from an
attack of la urippe if properly
treated. It is much the same as a
severe cold ami requires precisely
1 1 io same treatment, k'cinuiu iiul
ly at homo ami take Cliaintict Iain's
I'onli Remedy at din-ctcd for a se
vi' re colli ami a prompt ami com
plete recovery is sure to follow.
This remedy also counteract: any
tendency ot la grippe to result in
pneumonia. Anions the many
thousands v lio have used it during
the epidemics of the past two years
we have yet lo learn of a single
case that has not recovered or that
li. is resulted in piieutu in a Jo and
."Ml Cent biitlh
I'ricke V Co.
lot .-.ile l F. G.
La rlppe Sj'"'i'' i
"I have just rccovei
ond attack ol ihe t n .
says Mr. J. is. O. Jones.
I 'roui a sec-
'in- year,"
tiall isiier of
a-. "In the
the leader, .Mexica I
latter case I used (.'Ii.iiuImtI tin's
C'oili;h remedy, ami 1 iliiiii with
Considerable success, eiiy I, uii;' in
bed a little over two d'iy-. against
ten days for the first : 1 1 ! 1 1 K . The
second attack. I am ci.-.'!. I. would
have been cqu.illv ,is I t I i- ihe
first Iml for the use of tin- i. ineilv,
ax 1 had to oo to lied in ;ii,r six
hours after lieiuy stnicli with it,
while in the first case I . , I ; to
nticud to business nlmct to days
before fjeltini;' down. "Hi n ni hot
ties for Hide In F. (1. Knokc ,V Co.
The population ot i i..n -m. ,U' h
Is about ltl.tKiO, ndd " would say I
at least neo half are troubled with I
some elfection on the and i
Iiuitf!, as those complai -t :v r, ac j
oordinur to staais'ics, uioie namer-
0.1s than other. VVe woo i, I a U i se I
all our readers not to neu leei the
opportunity to call 011 their dru
nit and jjet a bottb-ol Keiup's Hai
sam for the throat an I lim:- - Trial
si.c free. l.areHoitl and !fl.
Sold by all druirtfist.
Every Month
mny women suffer from Excessive or
Scant Menatruition; they don't know
who to confide In to get proper advice.
Don't confide in anybody but try
Female Regulator
a Specific tor PAINFUL, PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed free.
nld by nil llrnEsUla.
.,. !o Lli-uor Habit, Positively Cunt
:i AjrjKiiccniiJC dr. umy oolden spegioi.
!i t :n bo given In a cun ol colee or tea, or in '
ficlci "I 'ood, without tlin know leilue nf eln v-.
-'in 1 iklnK It; It Is HlinolutL'ly linriuli's ; 1 1 I
MlVct n iitti'iimnvnt ami uprniy riii-p, I , cJ 1 . 1
liic ,'ttii'iitlita iiiuili'iBtti ili inki'i'fir nn Hli'iiiniiii
n miiipiute cine in v 31 v liistiiu e. 41 psu Ixmi
FRF E, AdiiiPfHln roiitlilniirr,
VlfiEM SPECIFIC CO. Rw SI., Clncinnstl.O
pie, with fn
Oil yon wnnl to niiikc
iiiiinry? Si'iiil us leu
cents Hint receive 11 hiiiii-
with full iiartieiiltirs of the lnii-
riess, wlniii wi
mill iniick snl
riess. which will uive vim Inrue nrnllts
mill (iiiick snles. Steailv finiilov-
merit iriiiirimtepil. AiMrc
iYJarsh&Co.,' aoston, Mass.
Chcunborlain's Eye and SkSa
A certain euro for Chronic Sore Eyei
Totter, Salt Khoam, Scald Head, 01
Chronlo Sorea, Fever Bores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Piles. It Is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
tt after all other treatment bad fAilod.
It is put np in 25 and SO cent boxes.
E P PS ' 8
G R A T I' 1 I.-C( ) M F( ) R T I X G
Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only.
9m3 LwL US Ira '", '"i timm w cm.
"E'"M kM, W blI
BS3 Mm, lark. trll.lurkAl pfwutntt
?'Wj HA,f balsam
rtJr - :SNnfr Palis to r:r.
I K t".. Li ' i -tLi-m Miui. In ... v.wTC.V V,.,.-
Si- t" ' ,ii Cu"' 'r' V '" hair t,.u
. '.I'li, .B.ltl')l Pmgfi
1' , ' r "'"H" ioino. 11 ruim lliv ur.l C.uirli,
. "" :"' ,"'l,""v' I'Ml'Kiiiimi, WinI.k, In
HrDfc.COnNS. T)i. orJ turf mrt f,.r Com
bu. Kl iiu.u. Ut. l IjiumiiU, or lilSCUX CO., N. Y.
HOW L08t ! HOW Regained j
RRUW inidlLFl Packing ton;. prmy ; two
CioM.Mnisl l'KI.K KSKA V 011 NKKVOI s nd '
I lit -HAL, 'itKlilMTY, EKKOItS of.
nd WKAKNK.NNKSofMA.v. Buo viuit. clotii.
nt; ls invaluable prmription. onlv fl.otl !
mail, doable loaliiL Dencriutlra l'rodtmct.
t with nd(irimenti i,nm
cf the lYPMaml voluntary hKhk I sMlr' '
tcntimonian of the caret I IILC I NOW. '
tim(ii!lMion In w-raon or hf mull. EikH twat. .
rnt. INTKtLAKI.K KKCltKl'Y ai'.l Kit- I
X,,y f.VK ,.A'VV"'", W- I'-rki-r. or '
lie I'wiIkhIv Mi-illcal In.lllui K.i i 'li,.i,.... ilV. '
The IVaiHidy Medical Iimtltuto ban many Iml- 1 ' - J- ' ""T,l' living solltll ot lilt
tntnr, but nucijiial. Ilmiltl. ' citv. brouo-bt : ... u u....l.. Ik ....,t
Th.. Hrirnrr of Mfe, r S..f IWrrallon. It a J "n,uMt ' 1 wolf S M alp IU .111(1
tn-amir mire lion VM. K,. It nuw, the COUnty Cb ,x, Wl ,i,,l for it to
rviTV WI.'.tK mnl NKKVOl .H man. ami 1,-nrn lu ,,. " 1
Iforiuii, .liiiKP,
The Young Men's Republican Club
Is M.tklnK Arrangements for
1 heir Annual Banquet
1'rem .itunl jv'-. Pailv.
The Youun' Men's Republican
Club held their regular meeting; at
the council chamber last eveninf;
and a laree crowd w,is present.
President K'oot was instructed at its
last meeting; to appoint the neces
sary committees to prepare for the
banquet ami repot ted the following
bsl last niht:
Finance II. N. Povey, Cn-o. Poi
sail. A. U. Todd. Wash Smith and W.
M. Short.
Hall and lecoralious I). li. Smith
S. C. Green, V. L. Thomas, A. C. Fry
ami Cieo. Ilouseworth.
l'royram and Toasts-John A.
Ua ies, A. J. tlraves, Con McCarthy.
C. A. K'awes and Have Miller.
Invitations and Speakers-M. I).
Polk, I). K. Hair, Kd Harstow, liua
Kuberjf and A. H. Knotts.
K'efreshments- M. H. Murphy, W.
McCauley, John A. Davies, C. A.
Raw.s aiid M. M Heal.
Music -Y. A. llumplirey, ()
Ht'own, Frank Inckson and J,
Keception -A. Salisbury, O.
Snyder, (). C. Suti th, A. N. Sullivan.
Jas. Kandenbush, Ueo. Copelaud, S.
P. Vanatta, C. A. Marshall, Will
llowland and K. W. I lyers.
. . Windham favored the
, , - , , , . ,
d " with a short and pointed
talk, which was followed by Hon,
M. I). Polk, Hon. 1 V, llyets, Dave
Miller and Joe Fairfield.
Several new 11 lines were added to
the already lare list.
Real Estate Transfers
Following are the real estate
transfers compiled by Polk HroH.,
abstracters and publishers of the
Daily Report.
Peter K'oeluf. :inil wife to I I. Siilluve-
lv, w'juf ne'4 11 hut -w il w rxn
(j S K'uner to II C llcruuuist, ii'-j mV
:il 11 it 1 im
C Selielrer Mini wife to J II l.iuiKlinrst,
I II I.iiiiLliuri-t iiinl wife to M Oeliler
kin, siiinc ileseription w il 2 lm
(! V I'll veil iiinl w ife to C Mininev, lot
S. !! U II. Alvo w l Ki
J II Tnlliiill mill wife to K A Sophrr
lnl;i to 1'.', I1I01I, l.'i, Kanle -wil 1 Ml
I II Tiilhiill et nl to K' ilkiiisiin. lots
1 to. ', block II. iaiKle wil . .'ilKI
A M K'on-e mill wiletoJ.N Kver.s'aof
!-e', ' I'.'H- w ! .... ... .'I 2iM
Smiiiu l l.nllion to A M K'mise, i-i. !l ft
lie1, mnl II w 'a of lie', '.'1 -Vi'J wil .... II IK U
O 1' SamN mill wile lo Phil (ireen A
Co. lot :ti, (in eiiwooil w il 1 iilHI
I ) 1 A ml 1 us mnl wi fe to I'll A minis,
nw of w'4 1VI1 II w il
C I.eMasters mnl wife to II Krl.iiiiKli-
liu. i-w '4 of nw 'Si Wild ( t il
A l'Wmnlt mnl w ife to II J Walker,
lot l.loek 1, Mmiley -wil Tow 11 iV I. mnl Co to I. C Kick-
holl, lot 2,1. lock l.'i, M unlock -wil ...
(i W Harrington noil wife totS llnte,
Mint lot li, block I'.' -wil
2 10U
J W Harrow to A T Harrow, c'a of w'i
ZVYl li w 1
C S Wortiiian ami wife to Wortmmi
C meterv Ash'ii, pt nw1, of sv.
1(1 12-1(1 -w (1
J V Polk mnl wife tu J I, Polk, pt lot l.'i.
lots IS to 2a, Creenwuoil-w il fioi
World's Fair Notes
The cottage in which George Fox,
the founder of the Society of Friends
or Quakers, was Lorn, in Leicester
shire, Kngland, is being taken down
to be re-erected in Chicago
Several of the states nre having
prepared fine lithographs of the
buildings which they will erect nt
the World's Fuir, and through the
sale of them are augmenting their
amounts available for building
' Saginaw, Mich., noted as
salt producing city, is constructing
in miniature a complete salt plant
for exhibition at the World's Ivair.
A feature of Idaho's Kxhibit at
the Fair will be a practical illustra
tionofthe system and benefits of
irrigation. A large section of sage
brush soil will be transported to
Chicago. Through this ditches
will be run, and trees, fruits, and
ilowers grown in the soil by the
irrigation system. Prospective Ida
ho settlers are expected to be espec
hilly attracted by this exhibit
Tlie"wooded island"in the F)xposi
tion grounds is beginning to as
sume the character which 111 great
part it will have during the Fair
that of a gigantic flower flower
garden. Already Floricnltural De
partment has received HyKy) rose
bushes and other plants, several
thousand of which came troin a
broad. These are being transplant
ed on the island.
Died Thursday, March 31, 7 a.m.,
James Stanley Johnson, aged 13
years, 5 months, Zi d lys. Funeral
at 2 p. 111. Sunday from South Park
1 Haptist church.
I OThe following consignments
I passed through the Omaha custom
lme yesterday: Five cases of
I pearl shell Iroui J.ondon for the
1 Western JSiitton Company; one cast;
I of books from Hohemia, for John
j Rosicky; one car load of tea. from
, Japan for Paxton A Gallagher; three
I""' ""iuo "i nn Moie 1 1 win illCS IOI
lilrrt OI ,ruI" '''eXvoi,
for the
smelting works
locksmith, who
recently opened up a repair shop on
Sivili u(r,.,. Ho. x- ...:n.. 1.1....1.
"' " .miik. uunn,
nkiimi'i bist evem ..LT...r ;n.
1 . .1
'wo watches
and a revolver,
an unpaid board
m 1, .,
N.J. .Murray,
X " 1 . . . . . I r
An 111 !"! Inn r'nriiiHllon nn th North
rrn I'uuat uf 'h I i forlil 14,
On the northern coast of Califoniia,
tne tltirty miles Iwlnw tho tnouth of
the Klamath river, is one of the most
interestiii; natiinil formations to lie
found in this country, known as tho 15iir
lagoon. Here tho const, which runs
north iiinl south up to this point, takes a
shani turn inland, bordered by very
hi'h hills, running' to a distance of
alxiut three miles, tlicti turninir out
ain makes a sharp hay almost V
shaped, ut! for aes past a muiiI liar has
Nvn washing iNclf tip acrosH this bay
until the bar has raised up out uf tho
water some ten or twelve feet, having a
width of alxnit KH) feet ami a length of
four miles, icuchinir across tho entire
bit v. I
This bar is in tho shiipo of a roof.
When there is a ntoriu tho breakers will
roll up one sido of it, break over, and '
run down into tho bay inside, and it is
a novel eight to stand there and watch I
tho waters, mountain high on one sido .
and perfectly calm on tho other, tho
lino ln'tween tho two at intervals lilildeu T
1 his liar is a sort of short cut and can
bo traversed 011 horseback. lu a Btorin
tho horseman will 0110 minute bo high
and dry on land, the next minute a
largo wavo will roll tip and running
under tho horse's feet to the depth of a
foot or more, the rider will lie for an
instant four miles or ho at sea 011 horso
back, with no laud nearer than tho high
bluffs of tho mainland in Bight,
Moss agates may lie found in abun
dance on tho pebbly bench, and when the
sun shines they glitter with dazzling
Tho wild duck that frequent this part
of tho coast literally fill this inland bay,
ami tho passing hunter, should ho take
a shot at them, will raise such a cloud
and such a quacking that ho will think
all the du ks of tho earth have gathered
there. Occasionally some wild Is'iist
like a iH'iir or a panther will lie found
crossing this bar, and tho Indians havo
much sport when such a thing happens,
the animal rarely escaping capture or
Hero the Digger Indians abound, liv
ing on tiio shellfish, which they catch
along tho lieai h, seldom going over tho
I'idgoof hills to capture a deer, which
are plentiful. It would astonish a Yale
or Harvard football man to como upon
this scene some bright morning at low
tide and see tho squaws and children
playing lacrosse on tho beach. They get
so excited with their sport that they
keep it up until tho tide drives them
from the beach, often slaying there un
til they have lo ch.iso the ball down inlo
the surf. Detroit Free Press.
Wliut In l.liitrlilljT
If the question is now asked, "What
is eloctricityi'" wo may reply advanta
geously, in tho words of Jokal: A thing of
which wo know a little more than noth
ing and a little less than something. A
little more than nothing, for we know
that it is of t ho nature of light and heat,
extending itself like them in waves of
motion. A littlo less than something,
for of tho essence of electricity itself,
whether static or dynumic, we are still
absolutely in tho dark. There has been-
no want of other theories, but the fun
damental tendency of tho ago is to re
duce all phenomena and forces to the
fewest possible primaries, and it is not
improbable that this will bo facilitated
by the wave theory of tho bo called
The problem of gravitation, too, which
was so long regarded as a force acting
from a distance, is now equally attrib
uted to tho agency of a medium. In his
efforts to demonstrate the oneness of all
natural forces, the physicist is not likely
to be led astray, even although tho cog
nition of force presents one of those
world probleing, the solution of which
must forever eBcajo us; aye, although,
as the final result of the most exact in
vestigation, it should forever be denied
to him even to assert decisively, "It is
only a force, and the ether is its me
dium of transmissiou." Exchango.
VitiII mill III Ailinlrrr.
Verdi was traveling in tho satno rail
way carriage with General Tonrnon,
commander of the Ravenna district.
They got into conversation, which soon
turned on the subject of music, and the
general, who did nut know his compan
ion, expressed a most enthusiastic pref
erence for that of Italy. "I can hardly
go so far with you," replied tho other.
"For me, art has no frontiers, and I
give German music tho preference over
"Indeed, sir," said the general testily.
"For my part, I would give nil the Ger
man operas in the world for one act of
"You really must excuse me from fol
lowing you any further on this ground,"
replied the comjioser, blushing a little,
"1 am Verdi." Monde Artiste.
I'Hjcblo IiirlUriire.
The other day a Womau was building
with great delileration a dialect story.
Suddenly she felt her attention called to
the corner of tho room. There she saw
a friend who lives in Washington seated
with bowed head, crying. Tho story
writer called out the visitor'c name, and
the vision fled. Iimneniately, on her
manuscript paper, this woman wrote her
friend, detailing tho circumstance,
The next day she received a letter
from her friend, saying: "A queer thing
has just happened toino. I was sitting
in my room crying when I distinctly
heard you call my mime." Tho two let
ters had crossed each other in transit
New York Evtniiig Sun.
Al li)ll nml Alndimit.
"Who's the largo lady over there rais
ing a row with the waiter':" inquired tt
guest Pt tho hotel of the landlord.
"'h," was the frond natured reply,
'that's my wife."
"Ah, indeed; she's a perfect Amazon,
isn't she':"
"Well, mighty nili it, responded tho
landlord reflectively. Her mouth ain't
quiet so big, perhaps, but sho talks a
heap siybt" iMrioit Free PrenS.
Hutter, FCggs, Cheese, i Id Gain, ,
Poultry, Meat, Apples, Potatoes
Green and Dried l-'ruite, Vegetables
Cider, Deans, Wool, Hides, Tallow
Sheep Pelts, Furs, Skins, Tobacco,
Grain, Flour; Hay, lh-rswax, Feath
ers, Ginsing, HriKiiniorii, mid Ilopn.
M. K. H A 1. 1. A R D
(ii'u. ("inn, Mfirh.iht a il sliipiHT,
117 Miirkot Street - St. I ouls, M
WAN'I Kit Aitriit. .icxuiiluli-it with Frw
or mnl Shipper".
.'mriii-y at-l.nw will kiv. .r 1 ititeiitlom
i.ll Mixim-i. tiiiriinit-ii 1. inn, oilli'H in
On mi Iilnrk, ta-'i Slilf. I'Iki -ii.huiii, tfh
: D IvN-T-I S-T :-
(!()LI ANI l'()kl'Kr.AIN fkOW.NS
Or. SicluwHyi anu'sthi'tli' fnrilii" imlnlefe ex
tiarlle uf teeth
Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Itlock I'lHliamiititb. Neb,
inioiiiY n.AUK.
liaI.KK IX
ard ae flee 44 Heath Third Hlrent.
Teleplieue 18.
I I ITTaialOtTH,
li. KliYNOLDS,
lirnlstered l'liyplelun arid I'harmuelst
Special attention fiven to Office
Roc it. Hll'kfs Neb.
The best of fresh nie.-it alwnys found
in this market. Also fresh
F.tfgs and Hutter.
Wild ('lime of all kinds kept in their
sixth sTk'i:i;r
p .1. Hi,xsrT
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth
For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, St. Louis,
and all points ncth, east
south or west. Tick
ets sold and bag
jjnue checked
to any
S t a tes or
Canada. l;r
Call at Depot vr address
II, C. Towns em ,
O. J. A. St. Louis, Mo.
A. O. P. A. Omaha.
IL P. AroAK. A;t., Plattsmouth.
Telephone, 7.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all hard sott or canoiycu umu
nndbleiMiPhes from horses, blood
. 1 ' - . , ..1 .a -
lavins . citrus siuini-. nnmn-j
r nar hone, stillee, sprain
all ,swoi
Save "X
bv F. C,
len throats, coughs etc..
oTtt by usi? of one bottle,
cd the most wonderful
nire ever Known, .-mm
1-Yicke A: Cotlnifjtfists Plattsmouth