Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 31, 1892, Image 2

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    republican: state conven
tion. The republican electors of the
Ktateuf Nt braHka are requested to
eml ih'lrtfatCH from their neveral
rouiiti'.'s to meet in coiiTention in
the city of Kearney Wednemlay
April 27,1S'.C, at 11 o'clock u, in., for
the purpose of electing four dele
gate at larj-e to the republican na
tional convention to be held in
MinneapnliM June 7, W2.
The coiintieH are entitled
to repreHcntation nn follows, beintf
buried upon the vote cant for lion.
Crortfe. H. HaHtinH for attorney
general in IS'.Kl, m.r one delegate
at large to each county and one for
nch 1ft) votcM and the major frac
tion thereof:
JhiltitU'tt Oel. Count
Allium II Jnliiiwiii 7
A utiMoiie . . I Ki-ariicy n
Manner 3 Koye riilia 3
mi ' k'..illi 2
iniiii: h!. ......
... Kiiiilmll t
... .1 Kim K
. .. li l.uni'iitti'r 3"
. .. 4 Lincoln
. . In l.k''iii 2
... 7 b"iii 'I
... M MiiiliMiin ... .... A
... lOliTlii-iimoa 2
... tiMi-rrick B
tioolll .. .
Rdx Unite.
Rrown ...
Biiltitln . ..
Mutler. .
... :i,.n.,.. ... .... t
f .ntm .... ... fl iMiinha V
Oiorrr 5 i k.illH J
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t'llfiia 4 1'iiwnce
r.uinitiR Jiiyrkina
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awHitli .
curl ,
mill v
Kiliniire. ...
Prmikliii . ..
frontier ... .
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Hiiuiilton ....
Jerternon5 .
4 : IMiclfiM
H' h'eil Willow
liilvii liiiril-mn
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Surpy .. 4
huiiiiilern . ,
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Thornton . .
W heeler
It is recotnended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention, ami
that the delegates present be auth
orized to cuwt full votes of the dele
Ifation. '
It recommended that the republi
cans of every county in this Mate
be requested to select their county
central committee tit the first coun
ty convention held in their respec
tive counties. Said committee to
nerve until the county convention
of 1N.W be held.
l)k S. I). Ml-h'I KK,
The republican electors of the
First congressional district of the
state of Nebraska are requested to
send delegates from the several
counties comprising said district to
meet in convention in the city of
Falls City, Wednesday, April 21),
ISM, at 7:30 o'clock p. in., for the
purpose of electing two delegates
and two alternate delegates to the
republican national convention to
be held at Minneapolis June 7, 18S)2.
The several counties are entitled
t representation as follows, be
ing based upon the vote cast for
Hon. W.J. Council for congress in
IftlO. One delegate for each 11X)
rotes and major fraction thereof
and one delegate at large from each
utilities. jlel.ll'ounties Del.
Cmhh 1!Mtoe i:i
Johnson.... loTiiwnee Ill
I. minister l."i K'icliiirdsoti HI
.Nrinuliu 1-1
I Totnl V
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention, and
that the delegates present from
eruh county cast the full vote of the
, Secretary.
The Homllost Man in Plntlem ovith
As well as the handsomest, and
others are invited to call on any
druggist and get free a trial bottle
of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is selling
entirely upon its merits and is
guaranteed to relieve and cure nil
chronic and acute coughs, asthma,
bronchitis and consumption. Large
bottles .Mc and fl.;
Subscribe for THE Hkkald, only
li cents a week or 50 cents a month.
Rheumatism cured in a day.
"Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and
neuralgia radically in 1 to 3 days.
Its action upon the system is rem
arkable and mysterious. It removes
at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first
dose greatly benettts, " cents. Sold
by F. C5. Fricke Co.
The rapidity of its healing pro
cess is marvelous. Kail Koad
Cough Cure is infallible for whoop
ing cough, croup, dry hacking
cough and all lung troubles. Tse
no other. It cures la grippe. '25c tc
Title at ). II. Snyder and Hrown
V llarett.
A Grem Surprise
Is in store for till who use Kemp'f
Jialsuu for the throat and lungs the
great guaranteed remedy. Would
you believe that it is sold on its
merits and that any druggits is au
thorized by the proprietor of this
wonderful remedy to give you a
sample bottle free? It never fails
to cure acute and chronic coughs.
All drugpists sell Kemp's lialsam.
Large Uottles 50c and f 1.
The World's Fair Commission Are
Looking for a Departed
The following was taken from this
morning's World Herald:
The World's fair commissioner's
got together again al 10 o'clock,
Sawyer, Mobley and Weiss being on
Weiss set things in motion by of
fering the following resolution:
Resolved, That ex-Commissioner
Ceneral (ireer be requested to furn
ish the commissioners by April 5
W, a full and complete report of
all his doings and actions as com
missioner general; also to furnish
a full and complete itemized state
ment of all sums of money received
and from whom; also the amount
expended and for what put pose, to
whom paid during his term of of
fice; also to turn over to his succes
sor in office all moneys, furniture,
property and other belongings to
the commission.
Kctolvcd, That the secretary be
instrected to forward a copy of this
resolution to Mr. Greer.
The following resolution was ac
cepted and adopted by his col
leagues: Resolved, Tnat the Nebraska
educational exhibit be made in the
Liberal Arts building in connection
with the educational exhibits of
other states, as required by the
rules prescribed by the national
board of control, and that energetic
i (forts be made to have the exhibit
in keeping with the excellence of
our educational system, and that
we earnestly invite the hearty co
operation of all educational insti
tutions in the state in our efforts to
make a creditable snowing of
Nebraska's advancement and lib
erality in educational development,
and that we will extend all financial
aid possible to accomplish thatend.
Kesylved, That application be
immediately made lor II.OtKI feet of
floor space in the Liberal Arts
building, to be used for the
Nebraska educational exhibit.
On motion of Commissioner
Weiss the secretary was instructed
to forward a copy of the resolu
tions passed yesterday to Pres
ident Strang calling for an itemized
statement of the liiianei il atfairs of
his official career and a full state
ment of all his doings.
The afternoon session was spent
in informal discussions of ways
and in aus and worrying over the
following telegram from (larneau,
who went to Chicago yesterday:
"Htirnhain in Huston. Returns
Monday. From what his chief
clerk says be don't think Woods'
plans suit.
'Josr.i'n Gak.'Ckait, Jk."
As maybe inferred from the reso
lution passed so promiscuously and
profusely yesterday and to-day,
there seems to be much dissatis
faction and suspicion as to the con
dition of the finances of the commis
sion. The $5,000 allowed for the
first year have about evaporated,
and their is nothing on the records
to show where much of the money
expended has gone to. It is sup
posed that Strang could throw a
few rays of light on the matter. The
commissionas reorganized proposes
to sift all dark matters to the bot
tom. The books showed that $5,000 had
been drawn and only l.OOO.'.ltt had
been accounted for. The following
is the only account so far presented:
K. K.Greer 2W K)
A. b. Strnnit 270 0U
S. L. I in i:7 i4i
Krie Johnson till on
II. H. Miller. n
J. II. Powers N) 17
S. I. Moliley 7ti 40
State Journal cotniiiinv. NH HO
M W (. 'inter : 75
A. (i. Scott '"' 73
Furniture, irlnlliif, general sup
plies ami extra lalior 7!I0 IS
Total ,
Silver Wedding.
On Thursday, the 17th inet., Mr.
and Mrs. William Morrow cele
brated their silver wedding, sur
rounded by their interesting family
and a large number of their friends
and neighbors. The day was cold
and disagreeable, but this fact did
not keep away relatives and friends
from a distance, and at least one
hundred people were present to
offer congratulations and join in
the festivities of the day.
There is not a household in this
community which is better known
or more respected than "the Mor
row's," they having lived here for
years, and, while Mr. Morrow has
accumulated quite a considerable
share of this world's goods, it has
been done without injury to his
neighbors. During his entire life
he has had time, while caring for
his own interests, to help his fellow
men, and there is not a member of
his family but will follow his most
worthy example.
The refreshments prepared for
the occasion were of the highest
order and ample to satisfy the de
mands of till present. We venture
to say that never were congratula
tions more sincere or heartfelt than
those offered Mr. and Mrs. Morrow
that day by their friends, and the
the Hai.ner begs to join in the wish
that a long life of happiness and
prosperity may be in store for them.
Mtirrav Manner.
P. J. ritman of Murray is reported
as suffering with rheumatism so
bad that he is confined to the
Womna'a Way.
Women have tlu'ir own ways of keep
ing their coiisciencfs el"ar and their
mind freed from all UTic'IiiintaUeii.1 ..s.
One woman wlien aiie encounters a i'i.
Sfrroeable person pot h off into a coriiT
ami counts off on In r tinkers tiio agree
able people sho ki. iws. This she dues
not in effect, but literally us she ini.;h
tell her im'ucIh, ami t-'he keeps ou iloin,; it
until tiio ituuje of the disagreeable on
t. effaced.
Another woman in the presence of an
unusually annoying circumstance was
observed to inilmok and rcliook her
gown. Tho rthooking miscarried sev
eral times to her nrnt impatience. Sim
was asked why then hud tsho unhooked
it. Her aiiKwer was that hooks ami eyes
were the most disagreeable things ever
invented. Olio always began to lioo'j
tliein in the middle, and the chances
were ten to oim that you linked the
wrong pair. Hut thin you did not know
until yon wero half through and one
Nido came out ahead. So with that,
and tho strain upon your fingers, you
wero naturally exasperated, and as they
wero only hooks and eyes it didn't much
matter what you said. With the chance
to free your mind other disagreeable
things seemed almost pleaaant
It will be observed that it occurred to
neither of these women, who were both
religious, to fall on their knees and ask
in the old fashioned way to be delivered
from anger and ill feeling. This was
not liecause they distrusted the eflicacy
of this method, hut simply because they
hadn't at the moment, and seldom had,
the time or pkica. Also, both being sci
entific inimical the one knew that in
thought as in physics two beings cannot
occupy tho name, space at the same time,
and so pried out ono thought with an
other; while tho other, by simply trans
muting her angry force from an incor
poreal offense to hooks and eyes, had
the relief of its expenditure without its
Bin. New York livening Sun.
Such a Komaiit ie A flair.
She was a convalescent from la grippe,
and as she leaned back in tho depths of
her easy chair she played with the roses
in her lap, which had been brought her
by the first caller she had lieen able to
receive, and smiled over some stories he
was telling her of a summer at well,
we'll only say at a certain fashionablo
watering place on Narragansett bay.
"Ono of tint beauties whom I used to see
at the casino," said ho, "was a young
married hello about twenty-three or
four, I should think, and her husband
was alxmt sixty, and it was great fun
watching them. There was such a good
story, bona fi le truth it was, too. alsmt
their engagement. Ilo called at her
homo ono evening and offered his heart,
hand and fortune in correct stylo.
Pretty Miss Liuil Raid slio 'must ask
mamma,' and coyly tripped upstairs to
mamma, who told her that every girl
did not get such a chance as that, ami of
course slio was to accept him.
"Down sho went, picturing the ardent
lover awaiting her return with anxious,
throbbing heart and found the old gen
tleman comfortably asleep in the big
gest armchair, while an occasional snore
attested to the depth of his slumbers."
"1 hope she didn't wake the ioor old
thing up," said tho convalescent, when
she got her l.A'ath again after her laugh.
"Oh, yes slio did. Catch her losing that
chancel She woke him up and told him
it was all right and sho'd have him."
Boston Saturday Gazette.
Thuckeray'a Itealinm.
Thackeray is verily as great a realist
as a great artist can be. lie prides hiin
Rolf On pre:ienting life as it is, unseas
oned by the hot spices of artificial ro
mance. Kay, he employs devices to en
trap the credulity of the reader tho de
vice, for example, of making Arthur
Pendennis, whom we know independ
ently, tell tho story of his young friend
Clive Newcome, and tho noble, meek
hearted gentleman with whom he had
seen the boy at tho Cave of Harmony.
Yes, Thackeray is a great realist, if
ever there was one. Ilia characters aro
uo decorative figments to amuse our
fancy. They have become some of tho
men and women we know best personal
friends or foes of our own. It consoles
us for living in these late days of a re
formed parliament that we have lived
late enough to have known Colonel Nev
come. They wero no tears of unreal
sentiment that we wept over hit martyr
dom; it was a very genuine itch we felt
to kick Barnes. Blackwood's Magazine.
The Nerrtaitjr of the Tluin. '
Inventive faculty will not have
reached high tide until sotnoone per
fects an envelope flap warranted to
stick. One of the considerable discom
forts of lifo takes the form of a non
adhesive mucilage that allows the en
velope upon which it is placed to peel
open again and again as it is pressed
down, uutil in a tine frenzy tho letter
writer is driven hither and yon for real
mucilage. And the finer the quality of
the stationery the more trials lie in the
wake of the envelope.
If they are trusted to tho mails with
out an extra dab of mucilage, they may
be deluded uH)n to arrive at their des
tination invitingly open or accessible
to the sneakish individual, who in spite
of our civilization does exist, who is ca
pable of going against all written and
uuwrittcn laws and tampering with a
seal. A padlocked envelope is one Of
tho necessities of the times. -Boston
The Vnluo of IVin !.
Nothing varies so much in value as
pearls. With them fashion affects the
market constantly. Sometimes white
ones are sought, while other tints at in
tervals are in demand. For some years
past black pearls have been the rage. A
fine specimen, worth $tS0ti, will fetch
$1,000 perhaps if another can be got to
match it perfectly. Kansas City Times.
M hi' to liny Mines.
A customer with tender feet should be
fitted with shoes late in tho afternoon.
The feet are then at their utmost size,
for activity enlarges them. Shoe and
Leather Reporter.
I'ATiioi.ic.-St. rani' Church, xk. between
Kiltli .mil Six t li . Father ;eiu , Castor
Si rvic-f : M-e ! ml In :.'lii a. M. Sunday
selieiil At 2 :.1o. wi'li ix-nt dictliii..
-iuin . 4 on ei l.jeiiM am) Fltlith Sis.
-oivliTvihi iiiiiiK iiimI iveii. !', r A.
lial av lalior Mimin School 10 a. M.
Krli' -opal. St. Luke's t liurch. comer 1 hint
Hint ill-. Kev II It. limn ,' 'Hlnr. Ser
vices : 11 a. M . a 17 '301- M . SuiiUa) School
Hi 2 : r. M.
Hkiinan M kthiiihst i .uiier Sixth St aim
liraiilte llev. Jlht. 1'aMoi. Services : 1 1 A. M
null 7 :'M 1-. M. Siinnny School 10 ;30 A M.
I'KKMiYTKlil a N. ervlce in new chinch. ror
n r Sixth liuil liranite t. Itev. J . T. hair".
(tor Miiula' -sc i el at 9 ; JO ; I'reachiuii
Ht II a lll.KMt p III.
'ir, II. s. I'. K el iht church lie etc evei j
SahliHth evenlif at 7 its In lire tiasiinei I ol
the chiicrh. All are invited to alt' nti th'
ii ecthics.
Kihmt M'THoiilsT.-Sixlh St.. hetweii Main
Mini Pearl. Hev I. F. Hiltl. I. I). naitor.
ServlceH :11a.m. DMr m Siinda School
9:.')0a l I'ray-r uieeli g Wednesday even
Ini!. MfliMAN I'M1 shvtkkia.n .t'orner Main hih!
Nililll. Kev W lite, paster Serviced usual
hours. Sunday - clinol a :30 a. m
swkkpimi I onokmjatIi'Nal (Iraniie, be
twern Fifth and Sixth
I I'eLohf.ii Haptiht. Mt. Olive, ak. between
lenih ,'int Kleveiilh Kev. A . Iohw ell, pas-
lui. Sc vices 11 a. in. : nd 7 :;K) p. in t'rayei
ti.eetjiiv Wediu niihv ev nil v.
Kui'liiH in lOernnin block, Main street, (ios
Ih meeting, for inei. iiiily, even sntday at
tcniiinii at 4 o'clock. Ifixiiii open eek duy
f'Oin H:;tn a. in ,13 9:30 p. i.i.
v md, astur. .Service i Sunlay School.
a. in.; I reachh'K. 11 a in. and g p. ai. j
prayei meeting Tursitay nielli ; choir piac
lee Iriil . iiikIh a I! are welcome.
Bucklen'9 Arnica Salve.
I lia HhST Sai.vis iu the world for Vuu
ItrtiiHi H, Sores, Ulcer, Salt Rheum. Fevet
Sore., Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
('cms, i:il all Skin Eruptions, and posi
lively cuiet- Piles, or no pay required.
It i- unrniiteed to tive satisfacvion, 01
inorif.v ri'lumie i. Price 2. ccnte per box
Kor sale In F. . Fricke
The First step,
Perhapw you are run down, can't
eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do
anytliiii": to your satisfaction, and
you wonder what ails you. You
should lu'ed the warning, you are
taking the- first step into nervous
prostration. You need a nerve tunic
and in Kloctric Hitters you will find
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous system to it normal, healthy
condition. Surprising results fol
low the use of this "Teat Nerve
Tonic and Alterative, Your appe
tite returns, jooil digestion is re
stored, and the liver and kidneys re
sume healthy action. Try a bottle.
Price at If, at 1". G. Fricke tV Cos
drugstore. ti
Do not confuse the famous Hlush
of K'oses with the many worthless
paints, powders, erenms and
bleaches which are flooding the
market. Get the genuine of your
druggist, (). II. Snyder, 75 cents per
bottle, and I guarantee it will re
move your pimples, freckles, black
heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and
give you a lovely complexion. 1
Specimen Cases.
S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wit
was troubled with neuralgia and
rheumatism, his stomach was dis
ordered, his liver was affected to at
alarming degree, appetite fell awai
and he was terribly reduced in llesr,
and strength. Three bottles ol
Klectric Hitters cured him.
Kdward Shepherd, Harrisburg
111., had a running sore on his lep
of eight years' standing. Used
three bottles of Klectric Hitters and
seven bottles Ducklen's Amies
Salve, and his leg is sound and well
John Speaker, Catawba, ()., had fivi
large fever sores on bis leg, doctor
said he whs incurable. One bottlt
Klectric Hitters and one box Huck
leu's Arnicn Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by K. G. Kricke A Co.
A Little iris Experlencem a LlgMt
Mr. and Mrs, I.oren Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Hooch Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
April she taken down with Measles,
followed with dreadful Cough and
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" handful of bones".
Then she tried Dr. King's New
Discovery and after the use of two
and n half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King.s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you may get a trial bottle
free at F. G. Krickey Drugstore.
C ougn Following the Crip
Many person, who have recovered
from la grippe are now troubled
with a persistent cough. Cham
berlain's cough remedy will
promptly loosen this cough and
relieve the lungs, effecting a per
manent cure in a very short time.
25 and 50 cent bottle for sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
How's This!
We offer UK) dollars reward for
any case of catarrh thatcan not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
K J. Cheney Ac Co. Props, Toledo,
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and belive him pefectly honorable
in all buisuess transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out nn oblig
ations made by their firm.,
West & Truax. Wholesale Drug
(list, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kinnau
& Tnrvin, Wholesale druggist Tole
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, action directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggist; Testimonials free.
Take Kalrena for your blood, liv
er and kidneys. It cures Nervous
and general debility. Kbeiimatism
suppressed or painful periods, dys
pepsia, indigestion, billions attacks
skin eruptions., urinary complaints,
and the worst blood disorders
known. It is the best tonic on earth
for the debilitated. Price $1 at O.
II. Snyder and Hrown & Barrett.
I am a TravMIng man I I'll tell you of my plan.
In spite of all temptation
I pursue my old vocation,
I'm still a Trav'Iing man t A jolly Fairbank man 1
For he himself has said it,
And it's greatly to his credit,
That he is a Trav'ling man J That he is a fairbank man I
SolJ by Traveling men and Grocers Everywhere. Manufactured only by
N. K. FAIRBANK cS: CO., Chicago, III.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
I'.2 use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by- every one requiring an effectiTe
.To other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
A Full and Complete line o!
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils!)
Prescriptions Carcflilly
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chapped Bands, Wounds, Burns, Etc.
Bomoves and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Hard Water.
Ttity Btki htrolt tffortt to tm thtnitlrM,
.fl u ddi Bowing now V3 nectunillf
yannnturr int nuHHiu SNAKES
vxrj gire up in aefrfttr tnl tint idiom f srlf
J MOt fr.9. peit'Plld. IKalftl)
f..r llnltrd llm,'ri.ioi
tha philosophy of OlloM-
m4 AfflletlOBl ol tht
Organ! of Mftn, tod how bf
by nothodi nclnalnlr oof
owa, tho vrnnit urf
Loft or Fatllai kUahoot,
Otnortl eron Do
kill. 07 ........ i.t llnil
( tod Mind, E8mU of Errors
or Kieoiifti, oiioioo or
8'innin Orfmril nn ho f ami. Bimtti to dy.
tow toEnUrntndntrtacthanWEAI.QMDSVELOI'F.D
t oBTaof BODT madt plain Illt.rMUd.
Mtm from W lii.( TrT!inrl''0 an-1 P.r.itn OoanirLf.
T"H 'in nirllii"n. t full pWntli n I r-fyih a-Hr.a
I Nnvar faua an viva inn. . . . I
Ioooaa. and oiTmu Mm ,bm QtKra fait I
VrtairMaaxrKKC at DnawM. h, BOk I
at X V-"V
Compounded it ;tl! ur
The Leading j
C"ni.tsntlT krirjiK on hhnd everytliin
yiti ne-d to furnitih your houn.
f . WTtnoivnil nnj pott isSid MrmMdi
I IT'Cn ''ll-HUT rjianflTnutn Z
'mqiUqtij '03 V WYIHH5IH 0 )
: TpnMi ooo'ooe. mao pioidm um
'aaoaiHavNaBHi jOHOBsaoons t
wnJ? 01 SHI H X
k VOIAn f. T .n.n - . .
i 'isira am xao
. . v, uo,,, ,4 pinoqi jij
m m