Site pattern onil) tueebl it- i net; ft 1 VOL. XXIX. XO.l. Y POWDER r Absolutely Pure. V Acre?1 of tartar baking powder Mighest .(all inleaveningstrengtli I Latest U.S. Government food re f Port. If-'.' -- ' TW MEATMAKKKT. rresli Beef. Pork, Veal. Mutton, Butter and egSKCpi VOIIMiaimy uu lloiiu. 1 Came of all kinds ket iu Season SATISFACTION - OARANTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. flth St and Lincoln Ave PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. J j X;1 VTEW HARDWARE STORE j S. E. II ALL & SON v Keep all kiiirtN of builder hardware on hand t aud will supply contractor on most lav J i oruble terms : V f i TIN BOOPING : t ' : ," fpnutlnK ' ' end all kimlsof tin work promrtly lie. Orders from tlin country Solicited 1S Pearl St. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Vk h it. OTNN l Always has on band a full stock of (, Jt FLOUR AND FEED, I ?rw limn Shnrls Oats and Haled ' vv Hay for sale as low as the lowest and delivered to any part of the r city. I , CORNER SIXTH AND TINE Flattsniouth. - iNebraska J ULIUS PEPPKRBKRG. ! ' MANl'FACTUHK OK AND j UHOLESMLEllNU RETAIL PEALRIUN TIIK ' , v CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINK OP 'Jv tobacco and smokers articles always in stock -I o Plattsmouth, Nebrassa ? W. II. CUSH1NO, FrtMiUnt, J. W. Johnson rke-I'rmiilfnU -ooOT H EOoo- T PLATTSMOUTU NEBRASKA Capital Paid In - $80,000 E B (.uthman. .1 W .lohnson, E 8 Grensel Henry Klkenunry, ni w iornan, o A Cennor. W Wettenkanip, W 11 CusIiIuk (I A general nanNing ousiness irans VI acted. Interest allowed on de r posites IRST : NATIONAL : BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid tip capital $w,nno,oo Surplus 10,000.09 rs the ery bet facilities for the promp tranoaciion oi uuiiiniaie Banking Business Btock. nnnrti, Rold, Rnvernmeiit and local e Surltle bought and sold. Deposits receive! la Ihleresi auoweii km oiu muurain Draft drawn, available In any part of the ,'nlteu stale ana an ine pnnripui ibus w urope. I0LLK0T1OS MALR AND PHdMPTLV KKMIT- TKI). HlKhest m,rkct price paid for County War ratlin, oiaie VUUIIIJ Ul'UUB. D1KECTOKS John Fltzra!d D. Jf.wk'wortH Ham WauKh. V. B. White Ceorge K, Dovey John FiURMftld, . WauKh. Preeldeut CvbtW; lLA'lTSM()UTII.(1ASS('()lTNTY.XKHUASKA.TUlTliSI)AY M AKCH 31, IS!) CORNER OK VINE AM) KIKTH STS TKI.KI'IIOXKTS. NOTTS BROS, Publishers Published every Thursday, anil daily every evenintf except Sunday. Keis tercel ut the I'lattsinoiith, Nebraska post pftice as second class tn:iil mutter for transmission through the l". S. mails. I'KKMS HK WKKKI.V. t)ne year in aclvimce - . H 50 One year not in advance - - - - 2 M Six inontlis in ailvunce - - 75 Three niotitlis in advance 40 TKkfIS UK HAll.Y. One year in advance - - - $fi (i One copy one month - - - - !i0 Per week by carrier 1T REPUBLICAN CITY TICKET. Kor Mayor, H. N. DOVKY- Kor Treasnn'r, T. ii. pollock. Kor Clerk, M. N. Cik'IKKITII. Kor Police JiuIko, VM. It. SHORT. Kor Members School Hoard, J. I. L'XKl'H. V. X.MCLKNNAN. Kor Councilman Kirst ward. (iKOKGK LOXCKMIACEN. Kor Councilman Second ward, I". I). HAT liS. Kor Councilman Third ward, K. II. STKI.MKK.K. Kor Coiincilinan Kourth ward, J. K. i.aki;. For Councilman 1'iftli ward, A. J.CKAVKS. The nickel congress has set litne 1 as the prob ble date of adjourn ment. DAVin B. Hill has made republi can success a sure thing this year, he can have the apples. II. N. Dovey is growing in popu- laritj every day anil will be elected mayor by a handsome majority. It looks now as if Hill was off the track and that there may be another Harrison-Cleveland canvass after all. J. I. Uxkl'H should be re elected to the school board. He is the best secretary by all odds that that board ever had. G. Lox ; u N i f A d e N will make a No. 1 coiincilinan and the citizens of the Kirst ward will see that he fills that place for the next two years. W.N. McLennan, the republican nominee for member of the school board for the Fifth ward, is a college bred man, and is the right man for the' school board and should be elected. Three negroes were sold at pub lic auction to the highest bidder yesterday at Fayette, Mo., there names are G. W. Patterson who was bought by a farmer for $25; Henry Lee sold for $3 and the other one Otto Williams was sold for $1.00. A son of the largest shoe manu facturer in Glasgow, Scotland, is studying the shoe business in Brockton, Mass., with a view of ap plying American methods to the manufacture of shoes in the old country. American methods are now supreme not only in the manu facture of shoes, but in iron, steel, cotton goods and many other in dustries. Indeed, the great nations of Europe are gradually awakening to i knowledge of the fact that iu the short period of one hundred years we have become the greatest industrial nation on the globe. The only one who does not seem to be aide to get this truth into his calamity-filled head is the tariff 'reformer,' who still looks upon us irs an agricultural community. American Economist. MODREN CARNAGE. The new disappearing gun car riage, which has been in position at the proving grounds since No vember, was yesterday put through a proving test. The former test proving satisfactory, Jthe carriage was turned over to the government and yesterday's tests were intended to try its power and workings before recommending its acceptance by the government. The machine is a triumph for American skill and genius, and is the first carriage of its kind to be successful. A large number of tests have been made by England. Germany, France and Russia to tTnd just such a carriage as this, hut all unsuccessful. The ji'ttn was uinuntcd on a piirnpet of the old fortification, with her muz- zv turned toward the lightship, When prepared to loud no part of the pun could he seen from the beach in front of (he parapet, but the moment the loading was com pleted the machinery is set at work and in an instant the big gut weigh ing (7,t)tH) pounds is raised above the water. The elevation for fire was eight feet from the load position. The gun wan fired with an electric primer and the recoil was easy. The time clasping from the completion of the loading posi tion toils recovery after reaching the firing position and dropping back was less than half a minute, and it is estimated that the gun could be hoisted, tired and lowered to its or riginal position in less than twelve seconds. The gun used yesterday was one of the new ten inch steel rilles, and the projectile of used weighed !)lir pounds, The carriage was designed by II. II. Sillers, one of the designers of the Terror. Its operation was automatic and it weighs twenty-live tons. DEATH OF A NOTED EDITOR. For more than twenty years Mor rison Mumford has been a promi nent character and an important factor in political and general af fairsofthe rapidly growing west, and to Kansas City he lias been a never faltering champion and a nev er tiring friend. His death leaves his place vacant. In whatever he undertook to do he never recognized the possibility of failure so long as physical endurance and time left a straw within his grasp. Countless beneficiaries of these characteristics of the man will read of the ending of his life work with feelings of the sincerest grief. If there are any ex ceptions to the rule, they are of those who received but never gave. At all times his chief pride was his newspaper (the Times). In that were centered his ambitions, his hopes and his cares, it is not with out warrant to say that his failure to stein the tide of business compli cations, which resulted in the loss of his paper, was in a very great measure responsible for his death This fact, if nothing eJse, would account for the feeling of universal sympathy that to day prevades this community, where his every influ ence has been so strongly felt. The world is just to one who has its sympathies, and even enemies and cowards smile approval of the truth when death stands witness. Kans is City Journal. The latest news in the lace curtail industry is that another factory is to be started at Philadelphia. Row land A Shmidt, who were nianufact urers of Brussels carpets and who sold their carpet plant last fall, have ordered ten lace curtatn ma chines and are now fitting up a fact ory on Lawerance street, above Girard avenue, in Philadelphia. Mr. A.E Scmitd's visit to England some weeks ago was for the purpose of investigating the manufacture of lace curtains, and the result of his mission must have been favorable, as shown by the firm's decision to embark in the industry. The fact ory to be occupied was formerly used by John W. Priestly for the manufacture of carpets, and is a five story building, about 40x100 The firm have ample capital to prosecute the business and enlarge their production if successful. The Carpet and Upholstery Trades Review, March 15, 18(i2. Jluc;e Maynakd is not the first member of New York's supreme court to be disgraced. There were two judges impeached about twen ty years ago under similar circum stances to those which surround Maynard now. At that time therewas a great corruptionist in New York known as Boss Tweed. He controlled the legislature and the courts for a time, and when the people drove him fiom the country they necessarly had to purge the supreme court. The circumstances are similar now. Tammany has lifted up another boss who stops at no form of cor ruption, andjwhile Dave Bill has not yet been driven from the coun try as an exiled criminal, he has made the supreme court almost ;is notorious by placing a corrupt judge on the bench. History re peats itself. Inter Ocean. Subscribe for The Plat tsmoi th Daily Herald at 15 cents a week. .sfcTKKT N(llr.T,- KMt.lllS (1 ' : I I A. No. 47 Mi .-( (M M il i . .! . v ,, i 41 llieir Ii no ' ar e .V i i;i u b i . 1 IllliK Ki'ii hu are fond . iv i v ' i.. ",,. v). N tir nut:, r. ; ii i i'c i, t; A " " N M" -'- ...!.l .lie' I. .! ix Kthl.n ?. n 'j- in ie ii "MH :i .. V hall hi Ho kw. mhI lii . v V. i i I , I', brown, lii i nriler. I. 1M,. ... l,- I , .. , , r I !; ii u.t. ill -l-cii ii ,li - i. o-k V! O.I.! I el:ow at. . ... i.i -VWI u Ii. . ( ,. n . i hi 'i. , i i lit ' eren, N ; ; s K (Mum, -v . ii-ta y OY At. K -, M .,- e I,, i j, lx Mel in Hie h .of luilnilli I i in, , t'r Iu' block over I'.i i lie I .V o , v nil brethren Invited Henry (l-r'nn U"-.;i Thou v ailing, si-civuiia . A O. I', .. Meeii. tirl ami lli i.. 1 1 . t . eve.iliiL'H of i i h moil h ,. i; .:. i .. in Itoekwinik block. Knuik e ml yen. " l, P ruerto Ki-conler IKliKhK OK HON K. ii ec hi ' mi- L fourth 'I linrMl:i s n cu ll ontli in i O. V hall in Htj.u rulil bl i k )l K. Ko Lady of iliioor; Helle Venn!, lea. n-coi. er ri A It.MeConlliie Tiii-t No 4.1 Hie t- ever Jiitiii .y cvniiiim nt 7 : :l lii hen II., I i eckwood block All vImiiiii- enuilinl-s n, coiiilnllv tnvileil to e.iwilliun. I-1. il I ;,ti- l'ot Ailjlilunt ; (i l' Miev. l'o ( i iiiiiniilili QUD' lt OK I III- il!I.I. Meeid nt ",;',( v-' evcrv Mi iiiiiiv eveiilnir a I lliellrmil Aiiiiv hull. A. K. (iiooiu, prenlileut, h Walliin secrctaiy. rAS- CAMP o. M2 M W A. ni1 etn evt-p reeoiid and K mill Monday iv idi't; I Vllzp'iaid h I Usiiiiil'ii luhii r wolciiie P.I . HaiiKen, V. ('. : 1'. Meileubeiver, A. S. C. Wilde, Clerk fiAl'l I II K I'Al.JIKIt CWi' NO Ml Soim of Veti-niliK. division 01 i bra-ka P rt A . meet . very l uei.ila tnubt at 7 :.'tn o'.-l ek In Hi'-ir hall in I- II lKi-ral.1 Ii ock . II sou mi visiting romi ailea are conllally invi'cil to mci I whli ns J. ,1 . Kuiiz, t onimaMilcr ; II A. i Klwaln, li-t. seairent. TYU'l. HTHiS OK KKI'KIVA liuil of I'roni " I e LihIko N . 40 imetH the second am. fourlh Thiirsilav cvei li s of each month in the I O.O I loll M..S.T. K. William, N II. ) Mm John l eiy, Secretary Y'lCSli MKN'8 I llHIsiioN- SOCIATIO . ateniiaii block Main Street. Hooim- ipen from h ::ui a in lo ll p te. hoi- men oni, (Soxpel ineetinn every Siinilay afternoon at I Vioi-k. CJKIih'KK OK HONOR -Keels (he first " ami third i'liriirsdav even in us of each month in I. O. ( I. I-', hall', 1 llm-inl.l l.l.,i k. Mrs. .ddie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor Mrs. .Nannie llurkel, sister secretary. G. A. R. ( CAMP ( FIRE i APRIL 9, 189!2 AT ROCK W O O D : HALL. McConihe Post No. 45 will hold a rousing ramp fire on Saturday eve ning, April 1Mb, the aniversarv. Turn out everybody as we will have something that will interest you. ID. -A.. DORSE V Will give us a talk on the Anderson ram which consisted ot 4 men who went down in the very heart of the rebellion at Big Shanty, Georgia, captured an engine and several cars and made their escape. It is one of the most thrillimr in,-i,i,.,iiu of the war. Money spent to hear . outran uorsey will De well spent. COMRADE DOKSEYis no hun'i bitir as he was one of the 'IX millers called by the rebels "the engine wietves ADMISSION 25 CENTS. Supper will be served by the W. R. C. in the G. A. R. Hall. COME EVERYBODY. REMEMBER AT ROCKWOOD HALL, APRIL- 9 N N N N I1T WATCHES,. CLOCKS,- SILVERWARE and Jewelry. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T( ). HATISFACTIO.N Cil'AKANTEKU NN N N -f H. M. GAULT, : i Room with Snyder, Sontn Main Street ft E. REYNOLDS, Ilcglstered Physician and Pharmacist Special attention giren to Office Practice. RikkBlcffs - Neb. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A, WATBBMAN & SUN BER ! Shingles, Lath, Fash, Doors, Blinds Oin mpply cmw demand ef the city. Ci.ll and pet tcrme. Fourth street in rear of opera hous. PI LUM UNRUH KEEPS Whitney's Carriages rwiiw iiiii-nminmijii Mnn u. 'i:.vS''ivN'Xi& -Vi ,siTfc'''i'V,v 'flf:'' L. AND SEE Spoi Ctxsh MANY YEA tv- (in I HE POET WROTE: "Mini wauls but lillle here below, Nor wiints thai little long." Ii-.v.i ii. .i ni I j 't-i as (rue to day, and fits our case exactly ALL I II ) Vi; ANT IS :. our Trade on HARDW iCI-:. ( TTI.l K'Y, STOVES, Tools, l is all; Nor do we want it long"- just for a few years, say twenty or more iiikI 1 1 mi w ill grant us this "little" our cup of happiness will be full to nvci flowing. In return j on will have little to want, lor iu these goods we offer lUc best mid most coinplele line made in this country to-day and Prices co Hio-w That every time we fill out a notation sheet we feel that we ought to be accorded a place in history among the philanthropists for we are giving the trade nil the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselves. WILL YOU NOT (ilVK I S THE "LITTLK" THAT WE WANT. j. W. Hen dee, & Co. JOVV IS YOUF, The Weekly c Home Magazine Toledo Blade Harpers Magazine Harper's Biizar Harper' Weekly ?i sr. - 2 45 4 (Ml - 4 SO 4 80 h9 As 501 Vine Street. For Atchinson, St. Joseph, LraTeu worth, Kansas Citv, St. Louii, and all points nc'th, esst south or west. Tick ets sold and bag page checked to any point in the United S t a tes or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address, H, C. Towxsi-XD, (i. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. Phillippi. A. (I. P. A. Omaha. II. D. Al'iiAR. Agt., Phittsmoutli. Telephone, 77. 51.50 AY I Alt. And tin PRICES At e away down M M K M k H H Hardware. TINWARE, WOODENWARE ClftJCK 9 ct Iowa State Register Western Rural - The Forum Globe-Democrat -." Inter Ocean 300 2 85 S59 819 3 25 7iirc o St)bsoi'ibe MEAT .MARKER 8IXTH .STREET F. H. ELLENBAUH, Prwp. The best of fresh meat always found iu this market. Also fresh Eggs find Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept iu their season. RP SIXTH STREET MEAT. MARKET CS'lOI.l) AND PORCELAIN IKOWNS Bridgo work and line p.lii work h .SPECIALTY. DR. STEINAD8 LOCAL a :) fi otter rf estheticKlvea for the nainio' fxrrao::ou if teeth, C. A. MARSHALL, Fit-erV.d BJocU