Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 24, 1892, Image 8

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No, 2
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Piistiiirirn iitnt IfHvt n for Onmtig ahmil two
a'cliH-k I r i iiihliiiuiiil will eciiinini ilHt' (iiis
tin. SH4 Acai'tiioilHll U I.MVM.,
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Tmlna dally except unrtay
.lO.ftfta in.
. 4 :lp. in.
S. II. Atw.od was in Omaha
Cliff Weecott left this morning for
II. A. Cartwright left for Oaiah
this morning.
Frank Carruth departed for
Aurora this morning.
Mre. J. m! Chase went up lo
Omaha thiH morning. ,
P.J. Hansen went up to Omaha
this morning on business.
W. S. Purdy departed thii morn
ing for Hroktn How, this state.
W.J. HesHtr returned yesterday
from a trip through Colorado.
Kd Kunts, one of Klmwood'B lead
ing citizens, is in the city to day.
Fred Starbuck of Glenwood, Iowa,
is in the city to day on business.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dovey
went up to Omaha this morning on
No. 5.
Geo. McAdie and Chas. Hrakea
were in attencance at district court
John Philpott jr., ia in the city to
lny attending district court as a wit
ness. Ex-Commissioner Louis Foltz is
in the city from Weeping Water at
tending court io-day.
A. B. Todd, J. C. Eikenbary and
Charles Harris were passengers
for Omaha this morning.
E. W. Munson and A. E. Carter are
in the city from Weeping Water
attending district court to-day.
W.W.Carter and K. I. McNnrlin
came in from Weeping Water this
morning to attend district court.
Captain Meyers, formerly an eni.
ployce of this oilier, but who has for
sometime past been editing a paper
in Herrmann, Nebraska, was in the
city to-day greeting old friends.
Finest line of wall paper in the
city at Hrown At Harrett's.
Regular meeting of Giuutlet
Lodge No. 47 to-night. Work in the
third rank. A good attendance is
Wall paper at Hrown A Harretta
The laidics aid society of the
Christian church will give a Farm
er's social to-tnarrow night at the
residence of Judge J. W.Johnson
Supper 25 cents. Evrrydody invited
You should see Hrown A Harrett's
stock of wallpaper.
A firm from Dee M oines, Iowa
will start a bakery in this city in the
Anhciiscr-Husch building as soon
as the building can be made ready.
Workmen are bupy to-day repairing
the room and building an oven.
Millions of people can find their
wall paper at Hrown ft Unrrett s.
The. York Daily Press found its
way to our exchange table yester
day. The paper is published by
Casper 1 tc K'awalt and is a four
column fqlio. The paper is well
gotten up 'ami the only criticism
The Hkkald baa to make is that it
is a democratic paper. The pub
lishers say iu their announcement
that "the Press is democratic in
every fibre. . .
Paints, oils,-' and varnishes at
Hrown A Harrett's.
The Parisian' Millinery company
has succeeded Dawson A Pearce
and now have their agents in the
east selecting n new stock of goods
o place in the More-room formerly
occupied by their 'predecessors in
the Riley block. They will have all
the latest styles and, novelties iu the
millinery line, at' eastern prices.
Ladies of Plattsmouth. and vicinity
can rest assured that they can get
eastern prices here and not hare to
go away from home for their goods.
It is town talk that Hrown A Par
rett's ia the only place to find a new
and complete stock of wall paper.
A goodly number f people as
neinbled last night in the new read
ing rooms to inspect the fine collec
tion of books recently placed there
by the Excelsior Library Itiireau
of Chicago. Subscribers expressed
themselves well pleased with the
collection, consisting of over three
hundred volumes, which have been
approved and accepted by the Y. L.
R. R. A. in behalf of the city. Mr.
Thompson deserves credit for the
systematic and efficient way in
-which the business has been trans-
Latest things in wall paper at
Hrown A Harrett's.
Gov. Thayer Through Ha Attorney
Makes Application for the Re
opening of the Cho
This morning's Lincoln Journal
contains the following concerning
the celebrated governorship case:
Governor Teayr yesterday com
menced the last step in the celebrat
ed governorship case which was in
stituted more than a year ago to
test the citizenship of Governor
James E Hoyd, who was elected to
fill the chair of chief executive of
Nebraska. The step taken is in the
form of a motion for reopening the
case, which was dismissed March
16, by the supreme court of Nebras
ka. None of Governor Thayer's at
torneys appear in his behalf. Argu
ment on the motion will be heard
March 29. The motion is as follows:
State of Nebraska ex rel John M.
Thayer vs. James E. Hoyd Motion:
Now comes the state of Nebraska
upon relation of John M. Thayer
and moves the court, towit:
First That the judgement of this
court, entered herein March 16, 1892,
on the mandate of the supreme
court of the United States, and that
the defendant go hence without day
and recover his costs and tnat exe
cution be awarded therefore, be re
called, vacated, and set aside.
Second That the saul relator be
piveu leave to file a reply to the
answer of defendant; and
Third That thereupon ihis cause
be set far trial.
Joseph II. Hlair,
Ch a klks A. Goes,
M. H. Reese,
Attorneys for Relator.
Accompanying the motion was
the following notice which was
served on Governor Hoyd:
State of Nebraska ex rel John M.
Thayer vb. James E. Hoyd quo
warranto notice. To James E.
Hoyd, defendant: You are hereby
notified that on Tuesday, the 29th
day of March, 1892, at the open ng
of court in tne torenoon ot tnat aay
or as soon thereafter as counsel can
be heard, the state of Nebraska up
on relation of John M. Thayer will
move the court to set aside tne
judgement entered in said cause on
the 10th day ot narcn, and lor leave
to file a reply; and that the cause be
set down for trial. A copy of said
motion is hereto attached and is
herewith handed you.
Joseph H. Hlaik,
M. H. Reese,
Attorneys for Relator.
The report that Governor Hoyd's
attorneys will, on the 29th, appear
and attempt to prove that the
United States court in rendering an
opinion in thia case settled the
matter of Governor Hoyd's citizen
ship, has been the means of arous
ing renewed interest iu the matter.
They expect to produce the record
of the vote on the various points in
the opinion to prove these allega
B. M. and U. P. Engines Crash To
gether at h Croneing.
A bad wreck occurred at David
City yesterday about two o'clock on
the H. A M. and U. P. crossing, Two
freight engines were badly smashed
the H. A M. being thrown from the
track, the front trucks of the U. P.
resting upon it. The train men
jumped and saved themselves just
before the crash came. The H, A M.
engine and tender were the only
ones thrown from the track, though
that of the U. P. is oil the rails
Wrecking trains' were sent for and
the track will soon be cleared so
that other trains will be but little
High School Notes.
This year's senior class has an ad
vantage over former classes in the
teacher's review course, which is a
review of arithmetic, grammar, ge
ography and U. S. history under
Prof. Ilalsey's instruction. Ten
weeks are given to each subject, and
methods of teaching suggested.
Several post-graduates are taking
the course.
Eeach of the classes in the High
School is preparing some practical
work for exhibition at the end of the
year. The girls of the sophomore
class are makingnn aquarium 4x2'.
Some of them are very good car
The High School had n pronounc
ing match on St. Patrick's day
They are making good improve
ment in spelling and penmanship
under Prof. Musgrave's instruction
A nice class is being prepared by
Miss dark for entrance to the High
Schorl next year.
The scholars who come from oth
er districts to our school have gen
erally a wholesome influence over
the pupils of this district, as they
are honest, faithful, hard working
students, and appreciate their ad
The American school houtie and
the American school are the forts
and garrisons of this republic.
District Court.
The jury returned a verdict of .'0
in favor of the platntifl in the Haer
Fleming case yesterday afternoon.
K, W. Murless vs.thecounty coun
ty commissioners has been occupy
ing the attention of Judge Chap
man to-day. The attorneys are ar
guing the case as we go to press.
They are Found by the Father and
an Officer.
When the Press gave the particu
lars of the elopement of Walter Pal
mer and Miss Snowden in Sunday's
issue, it had not yet learned whither
the guilty pair had flown. However
Mr. Isaac Snowden was not mind
ed to allow his daughter to escape
from home so unceremoniously and
without making some effort to find
Accordingly, in company with Of
ficer Zack White, Mr. Isaac Snowden
set out Sunday afternoon for Rulo
at a venture, knowing that place to
be the home of yung Palmer's par
ents. They arrived in that place
at about eleven o'clock and set out
at once to Palmer's father's house.
They had struck the right trail.
They found the guilty but happy
pair; but they had the marriage li
cense, which effectively shut off all
protests on the father's part.
The little ruse succeed in every
particular. The parental anger was
foiled and the venturesome end at
tained. It is said that the young
couple will spend their conjugal
life in thia city and that they will
arrive in a few days. Such is the
happy ending of a love story.
Anderson's Unique Comedian a
l Company of StarsThey
Delight a Large
is seldom that the Plattsmouth
public has been permitted to enjoy
the acting of so fine a company as
Anderson's comedians. This su
perb organization presented the re
juvenated farce-comedy, "Two Old
Cronies," at the Waterman last
night to a large and appreciative
audience. The comedy has been
rewritten since its former produc
tion here, and, as seen last night, it
was excruciatingly funny. It wa9
presented by artists who were stars
in their line. In fact every member
of the troupe is a star. To particu
larize and give any one member
mention would .only serve to do the
others an injustice. A. II. Wilson
and E. J. HefTernan, the two old
cronies, kept the house in a contin
ual howl of laughter by their droll
talk and antics. J. H. Macke, Harry
C. Dietz and Lindsay Morrison were
also fine. Mr. Morrison's bass solo
was excellent. Miss Ada Heaves
fully deserves her reputation as an
actress. She is certainly as versa
tile and able an actress as any that
have visited our city in years
Miss Fanny Hloodgood and Miss
Florence Myatt are also excellent
and versatile actresses. The Sisters
Don are very line dancers and
deserved the warm encores they re
ceived. Only two of them appeared
here, as Miss Lizzie Don i9 sick in
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Taken as a
whole, the performance was superb
Literary Society.
The following program will be
given by the E. Q. V. society Thttrs
clay evening at the residence of Mrs
Perry Walker, corner of Pearl and
Tenth streets:
MiiHic Instrumental
Martha Smith.
Murguerite Pavis.
Rose Hyers.
Anna Adams.
Select Reading
Gertrude Hilton.
Mitry Sherman.
Delmte 'ia ?M1'.
( JesMie Mc ey
Reading of I'ariln
Lizzie Jupiiette.
Carroll Lennurd.
Music- Instrumental
Lillian Smith.
The program will begin promptly
at 8 o'clock. All are cordially in
vited to attend.
World's Fair Notes
.New jersey lias increased its
world's fair appropriation from $20-
000 to $70,000.
The Russian government has
adopted a very liberal policyj to
ward the exposition. Information
has been received at headquarters
that the minister of finance with
the approval of the Emperor, has de
cided to pay all freight relations on
Russian exhibits for the fair, to in
sure the exhibit ami to decorate the
Russian section. The Imperial
Porcelain factory is making ware
of special designs to be shown at
the fair.
A Magnificent Combination x
For the People. x
Is Receiving a Popular Line of the
An unlimited variety of the
best makes in every line.
He has a determination and
the ability to make
Be fair with
Look out for JOE'S new
"Our Irish Visitors."
It is with pardonable pride Jthat
the opera house management in
forms the patrons of the Waterman
that the attraction for next Satur
day will be Thomas E. Murray, in
"Our Irish Visitors." This simple
announcement in itself is sufficient
to insure a full house; but for the
benefit of those who have forgotten
the excellence of thia strong attrac
tion, it may not be out of place to
refresh their memory. Mr. Murray
was the leading member of the
comedy firm of Murray & Murphy,
who, in "Our Irish Visitors," and
tinder the management of J. M.
Hill, became famous throughout
the United States. Mr. Murray
possesses an Irish dialect so droll,
peculiar and funny, that it has no
equal on the stage, although
tiiuiifrouH comedians have tried to
imitate. Then again his manners
and actions are peculiar to him
self, and are extremely ludicrous.
In the role of Colonel, nlias "Lord"
Gilhooley, Mr. Murray has wide
scope in which to display his ex
cruciating comedy efforts. The fun
begins with his first entrance, and
ripples along uninterrupted to the
closing climax. This season he is
adding new laughs to his big stock
of old ones. The play, "Our Irish
Visitors," is very funny without
partaking of the nature of a farce
comedy. The fun is relieved at in
tervals by clever, bright and pleas
ing specialties by the members of
the company. These specialties,
which are introduced at proper in
tervals, include the brightest and
latest musical gems, and jolly,
jovial songs and dances. The
present company is by far the
strongest and best that has ever
appeared in "Our Irish Visitors."
It includes Katie Rooney, the tal
ented daughter of the famous Pat
Rooney, and some of the brightest
lights on the comedy stage.
If you love fun, don't fail to go to
the Waterman next Saturday night
Do not forget that the New York
Symphony Club will be at the Pres
byterian church April 2nd. Those
who heard the club when here be
fore will be pleased to know of its
reappearance. Tickets on sail at J.
I. S'oung's,
WANTED; A boy with a horse to
carry papers. Apply at this office.
Itch on human and hoi sesanimals
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
sanitary lotion. This never fails.
Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. druggist.
yourself and give
A looV before
ad in a lew days, it will
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed in the post
office at Plattsmouth March 23, tor
the wet k ending March 16:
Urown, Frunk Chambers, Clarence
Fisher, Mollie Creen, Ester
(Jus, llattic llnrtwin,(
Hilton, 11. II. Koukal, John
McLuiiKlilin, A W Miller, j 11
Marsh, J J Smith, Huitellu
Si'hweilner, Nora Smith, W It
Vuneath. James II Willis, Katie
Williams, Wultt-r J.
Persons calling for any of the
above will please ask for "adver
tised" letters.
II. J. Stkeight, P. M.
Hrown & Harrett were successful
in securing thr agency for Nebras
ka of the only house iu the U. S.
who make a specialty of new de
signs of wall paper for city trade.
The oeople of I'lattsmouth should
call at their store and see the new
things just out in the wall paper
Hot Springs. A' k -Carlsbad of
On April Gth, 7th and 8th the M.
P. will sell round trip tickets to Hot
Springs, Ark., at one lowest first
class fare, good returning until
June 10th, on account of govern
ment sale of lots and meeting
of the Southern Central Turnverin
Association. Call at office for par
ticulars. The Man in the Moon
would be hippier If he could have t tupply of
Blackwell's Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco
For over twenty .five years the standard smoking tobacco of the world.
To-day More Popular than Ever.
I? Dfr antime and everytime it is only necessary to
Ct Bull Durham. It is all good and always good.
knock tlie candle silly.
Gentlemen would not use "Blush
of Roses" if it was a paint or pow
der, of course not. It is clear as
water, no sediment to ful the pores
f the skin. Its mission is to heal,
cleanse and purify the complexion
of every imperfection, and insures
every lady and gentleman a clean,
smooth complexion. Sold by O. II.
Snyder. Price 7." cents.
Wanted: -An energetic man to
manage branch office. Only a few
dollars needed. Salary to start 575
per month and interest in business.
The Western Co., Kansas City, Mo.
New Washington Conn., People
Are not slow about taking hold of
a new thing, if the article lias merit.
A few mouths nro David Hvern. nf
that place, bought his first stock of
Chamberlain's Cough remedy. He
tl'lHUdlfl if 'ill fl.wt j .! rl
.it; .v ... null UIUI I UIUIC,
He says: "It has given the best of
satisfaction. I have warrantad ey
ery bottle and have not had one
come back." 23 cent. 50 cent, and
f 1.00 bottles for sale by F. G. GrickA
t o., druggists.
A.NTi'.i) A girl to tlo general
notiseworn. tioou wages.
23-tf Mks. . 1. IlBSSKK,
Kx-Governor Furnas writes: Send
me one dozen Rail Road Pain Cure
with bill, it cures more aching ills
than any other preparation I have
used or known. 25c and 50c at O. II.
Snvder and Ifrnwn A ltn-.t
and Soothine