Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 03, 1892, Image 2

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    O.V the presidental nomination
question the democracy in split tia
bad as it was in 1H6T1, when it put
Hreckonridge and Douglas in the
HlLL lias npparantly captured
New York state but if the old Bay
in jf, "He who laughs hint, laughs
the longest." proe true, Grover
Cleveland will curry New York yet
for he has called a new convention
to meet May 1st.
Railroad earnings and hank
learnings are at high figures, and
show that trade continues fairly
nctive. Money nt the same time re
.mains aliumlant and low. The
business conditions were seldom
more encouraging than they are
A Democratic congress would
not allow an American steamer' to
carry the flour and corn of generous
American givers to starving Rus
sians. Hut a British steamer with
England's flag floating at her maut
head will leave New York this week
with over a million pound of Hour
and other generous gifts. It is
great card for John Hull.
tage of our civil war to attempt to
farce on Mexico u European adven
turer a word from this country coui-
licd Louis Napoleon to desist,
and Mexico was sav ed. I he same
spirit still animates the United
States, and the other nations of the
continent are serene in the conn
dence that so long as our Govern
ment endures a vigorous ami reso
lute defender stands behind them
in their day of trouble. Globe
The following appeared iti the
National Economist Almanac of
"Farmers, do you want a change?
Are you satisfied ;with 13 cent corn
.r0-whcut( and KjCent cow'f"
The l'i cent cow might be consi
dered a reasonable and suggestive
topic by way of comparison for the
thoughtful farmer. In 1H80 there
weie 72,77.1 head of beef cattle im-
Spanish-American nations would ingly the second act passed by this
hare lost their' independence and ' first congress, inspired by Madison,
have pone under the sway of Spain I supported by Hamilton, and ap
or some other Huropean power proved by Washington, was a tarill
The old world has been impressed act. The preamble of this act de
by the fact that our warding dared that it was ' necessary for the
against outside interference in the support of the government, fur the
alTairs of the countries of this conti discharge of the debt of the United
nent meant something, and the j States, and the encouragement and
countries of the hemisphere have protection of manufactures that
found it a bulwark of protection to ; duties be laid." This act combined
them. When France took aivan- revenue wun i'mu.u.uh iw.j
successful taritfact must, it em
bodied every frnture of the protec
tive doctrine. It had a free list,
specific duties, and an ail valorem
rates; some goods were taxed more
and some less, and it discriminated
so as to encourage and protect our
own industries, lioth in name and
in form it was a protective tariff.
We are often reminded that those
were the pure and patriotic days of
the republic when the founder of
the government were only intent on
the public good, and partisan greed
of office did not hinder wise legisla
tion. It it is well, therefore, to
remember that a protective tarill
originated with, and was first ap
plied by the fathers of the constitu
tion, who may well be credited with
an understanding of its powers and
purpose. Under the benign influ
ence of his protective tariff our
revenues were made ample to meet
the requirements of the treasury,
our manufacturing industries were
plated and fostered, our national
credit established, and our country
freed from the productive vessel-
ige which had so persistently been
enforced upon us as colonies, and
from which the confederation was
powerless to deliver us.
W. W. Cl'RRY.
Taken Up.
Taken up at my farm V miles
south of Hlattsmouth, Wednesday
Februry 3rd, one yearling heifer cal f
and one yearling steer calf, both red
marked with tip of left ear cut off
and "V" cut on under side. Party
may have same by paying for ad
vertisement and proving owner
ship. Hs. F. HoKMNU.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tub Bkst Salvk in the world for Cut
Bruise, Sores, fleers, Suit Rheum. Fever
Si 'res, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures PiIcb, or no pay required.
It is gunraiitit-d to ive until) faction, or
money refunded. I'rice 25 cents per box.
For sale by F. 0. Fricke
There's n kind of ilriwy feelin in
linKi rin', leimtlii-nin' days;
The violets, hliyly steiilin', lire n Hcentin
till the wiiysi
An' the held lurk nre dehnthin', un the
liawkH lieuin to He renin ;
An' the koMoii pereh lire latin in the cool
depths of the nt renin.
She Is here,
She Is here,
She Is siuilliii' everywhere!
You eun nee her Klinices hrliiKheth, you
can see her tresses jjlenm ;
With her sweet hints enrolling,
With her lenll v vines u swinn,
She meets yon nnd she greets yon, with
the kisses of the spring!
Atlanta Constitution.
The announcement that most of
the gold which is now leaving this
country is being shipped to Autria
is preparing to change from the
single silver to the double stand
ard, and for this purpose it is en-
The First Step,
I'erhaps you are run down, can't
eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do
anything to your satisfaction, and
you wonder what ails you. You
should heed the warning, you are
taking the first step into nervous
prostration. You need a nerve tonic
and in Hlectric Hitters you will lind
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous system to it normal, healthy
ondition. Mtrprising results fol
low the use of this great Nerve
Tonic and Alterative, Your appe
tite returns, good digestion is re
stored, and the liver and kidneys re
sume healthy action. Try a bottle.
'rice alc, at 1 u. ericke iVtos
drugstore. 0
Do not confuse the famous Hlush
of K'oses with the many worthless
taints, powders, creams and
bleaches which are Hooding the
market. Get the genuine of your
lruggist, . II. Snyder, 73 cents per
tottle, and I guarantee it will re
move your pimples, irecKies, mack-
ads, moth, tan and sunburn, and
give you a lovely complexion. 1
ported into the United States after deavoring to strengthen its gold
paviner a dutv of $2 per head. If reserve. Russia is the only other
, - - - - i
Kansas beef was selling at.l4cents great country in Europe which has
per pound, it la indeed a poor show I the silver standard. Great Hritain
ing for the Kansas farmer when the I and Germany use gold chiefly in
Canadian farmer pays at least one-1 their payments to the government
quarter of a cent per pound tariff du i, and France, Italy and Spain
and then beats him in the open I emolov both trold and silver. All
market of the United States. In
order that the American farmer
may be encouraged in finding Ja
market for his beef without foreign
competition, the McKinlcy bill in
creased the tariff to $10 per head.
The avernge importation for the
last five yearB has been 88,000 hend
per year, and the average price for
the last nine months has been $12
per head, equally annually to a
million and a quarter dollars. The
McKinlcy tariffjin 1800 making it $10
per head must certainly prove pro
hibitive, and the additional increase
in sales to the American producer
must be this vast sum of a million
and a quarter dollars. Can farmers
possibly fail to see the great bene
fit of such legislation?
One of the latest fictions of the
London Times' correspondent in
Chile is to the effect that the in
tluence ot tne united Mates in
Central and South America has
diminished materially in the past
few months. This alleged condi
tion of things, of course, he attri
butestothe recent Chilean difficul
ty with this country. The people
of the United States have not taken
much notice of this meddlesome
individual thus far, although in
directly nnd temporarily he has
harmed us in a considerable degree.
To the extent of his opporlunties
and influence he prejudiced Chile
against us, and helped to create in
that country the feeling which led
t the attack on our sailors in Val-
pariso nnd to the preceeding and
subsequently insults to our flag,
His falsehoods in his paper about
us was telegraphed back to Chile,
and found iniplict credence in that
country as well as in his own.
Through him Chile obtained an tit
terly false impression of the doings
and designs of the United States,
and England acquired erroneous
views of the' controversy. This
of these countries are on the gold
basis, and the silver which circu
lates in them is held up to its face
value in gold by the fact that silver
coinage is virtually suspended, and
by the further fact that the govern
ment of each stands ready to em
ploy all practicable means to keep
silver up.
Austria naturally desires to aban-
don the companionship of Russia
and to get itself into harmony with
the more progressive nations.
Thin renders the accumulation of a
considerable stock of gold indis
pensable. It is supposed that the
rest of the world will thus be drawn
on for from $100,000,000, to $150,000,000
of the yellow metal. Where can
this amount be obtained? Obvious
ly the United States and Great
Britain are expected to furnish
most of it. France and Germany
guard their gold jealously, while
neither Italy or Spain have any of it
to hpare under any conditions. It
is now believed that nearly all the
gold that has left the bauk of En-
land in the past few weeks has gone
to Vienna direct, while most of that
which has begun to move from the
United States is said to have the
same destination.
Thus the gold exportation which
has just set in has a peculiar inter
est for us. Only about half of the
$S3,000,000 sent by us to Europe in
the first half of lSdl has returned,
although all of it was expected
back by this time. That drain had
no injurious effect on the country's
business er enterprise, so far as can
be preceived, but could the country
spare that much this year? This is
a question which financiers are be
ginning to put to themselves. The
general opinion is, however, that no
real peril threatens us. The oper
President Harrison has now
appointed the last of the nine
judges of the United Stiites circui
court of, appeals, and it may
be surely said that he has not made
a mistake in a single one of his se
lection. Acta of this kind com
mend the administration to what
Mr. Lincoln used to call the plain
people, and make it strong among
them with a strength far surpass
ing any amonnt of "brilliancy," so-
Don't forget that the McKinley
bill still lives, nnd is hourly vindi
cating the wisdom of the protection
system. The Tribune is perfectly
aware that the campaign of 1891 is
over, but also calculates to do a lit
tle missionary work occasionally.
For instance, it rises to remark that
one year and a half ago e em -free
trade organ in America was a daily
prognostics tor that the iniquitous
McKinley tariff law would destroy
American commerce. What does
the present situation show to us?
That our foreign trade, for the year
ending Decetnbf r 31, 185)0 counting
both imports and exports amounted
to $1,417,172,421. For the year 1891 it
was $1,898,818,028. Net gain for Un
cle Sam of $881,016,587 in just twelve
months Webster City Tribune.
Farm and Factory.
Prosperity to the farmer means
similar conditions to nil who labor;
but prosperity must first come from
the farm; and through the farm to
the factory. The farm stands at
the threshold of production, and if
the farmers' labors go unrewarded
success cannot come to those that
base their hopes upon what he pro
duces. Ihe vast interest repre
eented in manufacturing, transpor
tation, mining and the minorindus
tries must look to agriculture as
a basis for nil calculations for the
future, It then follows that the
home market is the market worth
considering; and the political party
which aims to iuipairits consuming
Specimen Caes.
S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wi
was troiiMed witn neuralgia anc
rheumatism, his stomach was dis
ordered, his liver was affected to ai
alarming degree, appetite fell awai
and he was terribly reduced in tlesk
and strength. Three bottles ol
Electric Hitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburn
111., had a running sore on his lee
of eight years' standing. Us'd
three bottles of Electric Hitters a id
seven bottles Hucklen's AinL'
Salve, and his leg is sound and well
John Speaker, Catawba, O., had livt
large fever sores on hia leg, doctor
said he whs incurable. One botth
Electric Hitters and one box Huck
len's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
A Fatal Mistake.
Physicians make no more fatal
mistake than when they inform pa
tients that nervous heart troubles
come from the stomach and are of
little consequence. Dr. Franklin
Miles, the noted Indiana specialist,
has proven the contrary in his new
book on "Heart Disease" which may
be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co.,
who guarantee and recommend Dr.
Miles unequalled new Heart Cure,
which has the largest sale of any
heart remedy in the world. It cures
nervous and organic heart disease,
short brenth. fluttering, pain or ten
derness in the side, arm or shoulder,
irregular pulse, fainting, smother
ing, dropsy, etc. 11 is Kestorative
Nervine cures headache, fits, etc.
At-lttlettlrls Experienced! aLlgUt
Mr. and Mrs, Lorcn Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Hcach Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
April she taken down with Measles,
followed with dreadful Cough and
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" handful of bones".
Then she tried Dr, King's New
Discovery and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King.s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you may get a trial; bottle
free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore.
power should be denounced as a
ation of our mines and mints has common enemy, publicly arrayed
almost fullv made uo for the loss against prosperity
sustaiued last year, and these All perishable products mast find
sources will hardly fail us in the a market near home to a-e valuable.
immediate future. There is a heavv ar easier to Dring tne factory
trade balance on o'ur side, and nl. with its employes to the vicinity of
mystification extended to tlw whole I thouo-h this has brought us verv I the Ia"n than '8 transport the
of Europe, for the Times was the iittie nM from Eurooe in the past perishable product to thf great
jnly old world newspaper which I few months, it mav be able to keen I centers of trade. The increase of
was regularly represented in Chile. the outflow of that metal within arm property within a radius of
His blindness or bigotry, however, comoarativelv narrow limits. At t or twenty miles of a lage fac
hurt Chile more than it has the I nii events there in no ormsion fnr I tory can be ued to demonstrate
United States, for to this is charge- i.irm i nresent. We have meet nil this fact.
able the expense and the humilia
tion which have come to her in the
difficulty with this country.
South America ought to know by
this time, and it undoubtedly does
know, that it has a powerful and
consistent defender in the people of
the United States. We showed our
friendship for that section two-
thirds of a century ago, when, by
the Monroe declaration, we warned
Europe to stop its meddling in the
domestic affairs of the nations of
this continent. This proclamation
was not lightly decided on and
delivered. It was fraught with
mighty possibilities lor us in the
schemes of European aggrandise
ment which it balked nnd in the
European antagonism to ourselves
nnd our institutions which it
nrouscd. Our stand brought safety
to South America. If our govern
ment had been timid or irresolute
demands upon us of this sort here
tofore withont appreciable harm,
and we are notlikely to be less fort
unate in the present emergency.-
Globe Democrat
On the third day of the first ses
sion of the first congress of the
LTnited States after the adoption of
the national costitution, James
Madison of Virginia offered a reso
lution reciting that specific duties
should be levied on all importations
of spiritous liquors, molasses,
wines, teas, sugar, pepper, cocoa
and spices; and an ad valorem
duty on all other articles; and also
a tonnage duty on all American
vessels in wnicn niercnanuise was
imported, and a higher tonnage
rate on all foreign vessels. Accord,"
n that crisis more than one of the1
- - I
Sing a rouk of leniiH ra'4,
Mostly full of rye. . j
Going down to Wusliiiit'iui
Feeling pretty fly.
lint when coiiKrens open 1,
What a lively muss!
Every mother's son of tl m
Begun to kick utul ctixs
Cleveland in the nursery
Acting very funny
Hill in the pantry
Eating bread and horn ,
Mills in the back yard
Hanging out the cloth ,
Along came a "Crlnp'' ti etc
And nipped off his nam
Attention Commltteemin.
The republican city central com
mittee ia hereby called to Incet at
the office A.N. Sullivan Siturday
evening, March 5, at 8 oVln k.
A. N. S ti U IVAN',
Chairman City Ceiitni Com.
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent no
tices of rich, pretty and educated
girls eloping with negroes, tramps
and coachmen. The well-known
specialist, Dr. franklin Miles, says
all such girls are more or less hys
terical, nervous, very impulsive, un
balanced; usually subject to nead
ache, neuraliria, sleeplessness, im
moderate crying or laughing. These
show a weak, nervous system for
which there is no remedy equal to
Kestorative Nervine. Trial bottles
and a fine book, containing many
marvelous cures, free at F. G.FricKe
A Co's., who also sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart
Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures
lluttenng'short breath, etc.
They wash their clothes
i C!US
N K.Fai r ban k8cCo. chicarh
A Regular Scimitar
That Sweeps all before it.
Thmn will nlmnct malt In wnim mnnth. Tha "Charmer1' r$
very productive, high quality .and sugar flavor, Hat great staying qualities. Vines 3 to
4 ft. high. In season follows ,TLittle Cem" and before the'Cnampion of England." We
have thoroughly tested it, and confidently recommend it as the best ever introduced.
Price by mailt per packet, IS eentsi pint, 75 cents.
which contains several colored plates of Flowers and Vegetables. 1,000 Illustrations.'
Over ioo pages 8 x loj inches. Instructions how to plant and care for gardea.
Descriptions of over 20 New Novelties. Vick's Floral Guide mailed om
receipt of addro and 10 cents, which may be deducted from first order.
Tames Vick's Sons. Rochester. n.yJ
j ?
Cough Following the Crip
Many person, who have recovered
from la grippe are now troubled
with a persistent cough. Cham
berlain's cough remedy will
promptly loosen this cough and
relieve the lungs, effecting a per
manent cure in a verv Bhort time
25 and 50 cent bottle for snl by F
G. Fricke & Co.
Startling Facts.
The American people are rapidly
becoming a rase of nervous wrecks
nnd the followtng suggests, the
best remedy: alphouso Humpfling,
of Uutler, rYnn, swears mat wneu
his son was snechless from Bt. Vitus
Dance Dr Miles great Kestorative
Nerving cured him. iirs. j. I,,
Miller of Valprai and. J.D. Taolnr,
of Locransport. Ind each gained 'JO
pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A
Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to 30 convulsions easy and
much aeadach, diziness, bockach
and nervous prostiation by one
bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of
Nervous cures free at r, G. Fricke, 9c
Co., who recomends this unequailed
Klv's Cream Balm i especially
adapted as a reineby for catarrh
which is aggravated by alkaline
Dust and dry winds. Y. A Hover
Druggist, Denver. Plattsmouth,
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and. Beast'
A long-tested pain rclicTer.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
No other application compare with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mvstako
Occasions arise for its use almost crery day.
All druggists and dealers have it'
The Leading
For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, St. Louis,
and all points north, east
south or west Tick
ets sold and bag
gage checked
to any.
States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
II, C. Townsenp,
G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo.
J. C. ritiLUPPl,
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
II. D. APGAR. Agt., Platt8tnouth.
Telephone, 77.
irde and Olllce 404 South Third Street.
Telephone 13.
Constantly keeps on hand everythia
Vntl f rt f install WAna knitia
Plattsmouth - Neb
I iirnhnf Vnpfl
HUU,&ftWH 4abu. tMU.i
Doors, Blinds
Can supply everw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
ia rear of op;a Iobbs.