'"V . .A. Who Shall be President? Drs.BETTS&BETTS WAVEULAND Is it Harrison? Is it Blaine? IK IJ HICKC Ail I Is it Cleveland ? Is it Hill? OTHER IIAN YOU WANT FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? NAME YOUR CHOICE! The Farm Journal has, at large expense, designed and printed a beautiful Counting Hou.-e Calendar for 1892, containing portraits of the leading Presidential possibilities : Cleveland, Harrison, llili, Blaine, McKinley, Gorman, Boies, Rusk, and Crisp, also Postmaster-Gentri Wanamaker. lhcse portraits are in themselves beautiful works of art, really splendid pictures, PHYSICIANS, SURCEOHS and SPECIALISTS, 1409 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. FARM 7 JOURNAL as fine as any steel engraving, and in no way an adver tisement. They will be an ornament to 50 CENTS This space ti occupied with engraved portraits of either HARRISON, CLEVELAND, BLAINE, HILL, CRISP, WANAMAKER. McKINLEY. GORMAN, RUSK. BOIES. Whichever you may select. JANUARY S M 3 4 1011 17 18 24 25 3l-- 5 12 19 W 6 13 20 26 27 7 14 21 28 2 9 16 23 15 22 2930 PORTRAIT after the Calendar is done are suitable for framing. They are sold, with or without the Cal- CALENDAR endar, for 25 cents each, to non-subscribers to Farm Journal. This is a miniature of the Calendar. The size is 5)4 bj s!4 inches. 25 CENTS i any parlor, or office, wall, or desk, and If you nre a Cleveland man you will want a Cleveland Calendar; if a Uliine man order a Maine Calendar; if a Hill man order a Hill Calendar ; if a Mckinley man order a McKinley Calendar, and so on. LET'S HAVE A VOTE! T.:c Farm Journal is well known everywhere in the United States es o'i- of ttie verv lest Farm papers a perfect gem of a Family paper It ii ere mi, not sAini milk; it H the UoileU-Uown paper; ciiuckiuiiu, CJi.imou-sc.ne; hit the nil on the head every time. F;very one who has a vir--. it cow, or pig, or chicken, or has a farm big or little, or a t-rdan patch, ought to take the Farm Journal. The io. r, ., ,!.,. I,, a round million readers bespeaks its wonderful v4wlv-iV p.i;ml.iriiy. It ii the one paper that guvantees its advertisers i jV-t.-;i.X' to lu honest, and protects its readers against fraud. LET S HAVE A VOTE! It cosl you nothing' to vote, The Farm Journnl tor one year conts noth ing; the presidents' portrait calendar costH you but 10 centn, to merely cover the expetme of printing, wrapping; mailing1 etc., provided that you nubBcribe at the game time for Tub Hkkat.R Our clubbing terms with the farm Journal are such that we can furnish W.btl. 1 HtKAUn Farm Journal, : President's j orlraitca'endcr, $1.50. .50 .'25 4U Total, inure man our usual p - $2.5 iibMirinlion rate: or, if tnr $1 HI) I, III imi l-l'llt-i .iyour subscription to The IIkkalu haw been paid up in full, we will nencl i you the Farm Journal, 1 year, the presidents portrait calendar (your .. nn ..i i.. .: aVi .aa Office hnnra (mm 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. BmulaJ . from 10 a. ru.tolp. in. Bieeinlint in Chronic, Nervous, Skin and Blood ! Diaeanee. tTT-('onulttlon at office or bjr mail free Medicines sent by mail or eipreiw, securely packed, free from otiwrvation. OuurauUme tu cure quickly, safely and permanently. The mopt widely and favorably known speeial iete in the Uuiteil Bint. Tlieir liiimeximrieuoe, remarkable Hk ill and univrriial auceee in the treatment and cure nt Nervous, Chronic and 8ur. trirnl lliaeaww. entitle tliene eminent pbyeiciana to the full confidence of the atllictod overy where. They guarantee: A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE dUE for the awful effect of early vice uud Uie numerous evil that follow in it train. PRIVATE, BLOOD AND IKIN DISEASES speedily, completely and iwrmaiuiiitly cured. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL DIS ORDERS yield readily to their akillful treat ment. PILES, FISTULA AND BECTAL ULCERS ffnarnnteed cured without lain or detention from bUHiuees. HYDROCELE AND VARICOCELE perma nently and auoeewifully cured in every cut. SYPHILIS. fiONOKIUKKA, (iliF.ET. Hperma. torrtiiea, Neminal Weakness, l.imt Manhood, Nilit EmisKiotiH, Decayed faculties. Female Wttiikneiw and all delicate disorder peculiar to either net positively cured, aa well aa nil func tional disorders that nwult from youthful follies or the excess of mature years. Ctrirfliro Guaranteed permanently cored, OlllbllilC removal complete, without cnt- time, cauhtie or dilatation. I ure otlectM at home by paueni wiuioui a momeuia paw in aunoyauce, TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ACilPft PltPO The awfnl effecta of eaxry OUI O UUI C ioa which bnum orunnio weakness, Heetroyinit both mind and body, with all its dreaded ills, permanently eared. fire Roffe Address thone who have impar 1119. DcllS ed themselves by improper in- dnlgence and solitary habits, which ruin both mind and body, unfitting them for business, study or mairiaice. MA Kill EI) MEN. or those enterina on that happy life, aware of physical debility, quickly assisted, CP"8end 6 cents postage for celebrated works on t hronic, Nervous and Delicate Ulseasea Thousands enrod. JfTA friondly hitter or call mny save you future sutlennic ana shame, anu add golden jenrsto life. tt7"No letter answered unlex accompanied by 4 cents in stamp. Address, cr call on J. . r, e mf... , ..... .... .i:..,.,.. 4m iviilintit -nmii tnr uri'HKii'iii i Kir cenif. .'i.iic iciiiihiiuii- ununui"! "" ,, ...j il.la id ii uin-i:il :nwl extraordinary oiler. Don't forget in orderring calendar to state who is your choice for President, ana wnicn caienaar y.u want, ADDRESS, rnTT JL I ill PLATTSMOUTII, NKMIv'HSKA. i Circulation Large, la tes ieasonab e Returns Remunerative DRS. BETTS i BETTS, 1409 Douglas St., OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. Scientific American alons ovor the stones and acnvt t tie nar row streams with e;no. At l.it wo ri'.u '.ifd the head of the rnn yon where t!u ladict finiinii'iicrd inakinit merry by throwing snowballs at tlu oih eite walls of the canyon. Hy some unite cmiutatile Impulse they nimed their mis- ctilcvous weam.s at our heads as we mm near to their great uumseiueut audourdis CumtUiifo. "lie careful," cried Mrs. Lollard," or you'll fall into that wvll of U-r cold w.Ver," as they .ithered fresli handfuls of snow that lay in a mass by the granite wall. "Why, you said there were seven falls, Ixdlard, but 1 can only see three, said I Melvorno. j "To see the seven we must climb out of i the canyon on the left side, then ut a eor I tain ulai e. we can see them all at one". U, iook. irieil sirs. ijOlltiM, "tuere are the stars!" I Sure enough the afternoon win had pasted and let the pirire in twilight, i "I would like to see the falls," nahl Lady fnitu;. So would I," cried Stella and Mrs. Ixil lar 1 witlt one vulc!. "T'ne eve can hardly crasp the Tast height. The bla.o of liht on the red sandstones at the top of the mountains make the dim Huht down here seem dark er by Hie contrast," said Melvorne, as we coiiimenced to nscend the wild, rocky cm v.- to m-t a view of the upper falls. The ladles w ere very glad now of the aid of our outstretched hands to help balance them from one shelving rock, tree or fal len loi to another. At last we reached the point we sou-lit and were repaid by seeing the seven falls of the little, river with ita foam and roar, as it leaps tn nuick succes sion Into the depths below. "If we could imaaine some Ivy covered towers made Immortal by leiieiidory loro, this would excel In beauty the fastnesses of the Alps," said Iiudy Irving. "When I become an authoress I wIU make this the place from which to send forth thrilling tales of wild Indian maidens stid their brave warrior chiefs," said Stel la, her cheeks glowing from the vigorous exercise and her eyes sparkling with Joy- ous animation. "This place will sometime echo with the Imagination of a Homer, a Hyron, or a Scolt," said Melvorne. "It is the very home of romance and poetry!" Our guide followed us with a dainty lunch, of which every weary traveler knows the value. Seated on a trunk of fallen tree beside a cool stream In a shady nook we soon emptied the basket and were ready for the descent into the ennyou. Weary but delighted we readied the Tiillev and returned to our hotel. Not withstanding the generous lunch we had en loved, w e were ready tu devour tlio wholesome food spread before us. W were tired enough to rest, but after a little while we m-t in the parlor whi're tlio evvni'i'j wan passed with music uud cou wraitUoii. chattered as with an agne tit. or a tim we sat by a warm lire. Jt was a Injury. Then we went out to enjoy the sunset scene from the summit of the peak. Th sun bxiked like a ball of tire as it sank be hind the mountains beyond and brighten ed the ra'-l t;ip with its golden twams. The plains away to the east were mystified by the peculiar light until we imagined we could wo the st eejiles of Chicago or Hus ton, but we were: In doubt, which. The mists and shadows were brought out In Vivid contrail uy nir oriioani siimm'i iiuto. Agoncy for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS COPYRICHTS, etc. fnr Information snd froe Hnnrthook write tn Ml'NN 4 CO., I SHI HiioaiiWAY, MiW V'OKK. Oldi'i't bumsu for wurlns pstonts In America. Fvfirr patont taken nut by u U brnuirhi tipfnia the public by s notico glrcn fieo of churije In llie (icutific mctunu IStvert rirralstlon of sny sctentlfli- psrr In th worlU. Hplenrtidly tlliintrmoit. Ni lnlelliriit man shmilil be without It. Weehly, J.IM ri Il.n0 ill monthii. Aditrwi MUNN 4 CO., 'LULIBUKKJ, 301 Drosilwity, hew York. VEAKNESSLIEN QUI0KLY. THOROUGHLY. FOREVER CURED sclentiflo method tlmt csnuut fnll unle.s tlio cime Is tH'Tond humsn did. You feel Improved theflrtdnT,feel s bene fit every dar: soonknuw yoiiniplf kins unions iiihii In body, mind and jii'.irt. bminsandloMi'a ciidwl. Kverv obntaclu to happy Djnrrled Itfo re moved. Nerve force, will, enemy, brain power, wnon iainilK or lost nrs HERALD Is c Weekly Pqblicqion of seeli to lcqcli fqnilics lionsl oqt Vo coiiqty. rF-o-ll Znforxratlon And Kates On Appllcatlcn. A, B. KNO TT S liUSLNKSS MAAAUUK. restnred by this treat nient. AllamnllHndweuk iitirtionaof thobodyen arued and slreniti huneit. Victims of ntiUHCS and eicohes, reclaim your rnRithood! HutTiirerafroiii folly.DTerwork.lll boalth, nmiln your vmor! Don't di'Hpalr.even If In the Inst slniroA. Ikin'tbedmtMwt eimdtf quarks have rot j U U J11U. JJttfc US IUU- 7 OH that medical science and 1'inlnM honor still pilot t hra go hand In hand. Wrllelor onr Book with explanations proofs, mailed sealed free Over .0OO referenea. ERIS MEDICAL CO. , BUTFALO, IT. 7. CHAPTKIS XVHI. PIKK'8 TRAK. rreparations were niado and the follow Ing morning, we gathered with a party of ten or lllleen persons, ready to ascend the world renowned summit of 1'ike'n I'tak. In the party wus an editor from Vermont, who was making a tour of the West and wanted to accompany us up the mountain. lie carried a huge note book as a reposito ry from which he honed to drav? his win' ter editorials. Ilciug a tall slim man an wearing a hat with a very broad brim. Stella tsaid, his sharv face looked like "pick ax under an awning." We were much amused as he cume from the hotel with an umbrella under one arm and m huge note book under the other, wearing a loose tweed overcoat that scarcely touched him below the shoulders. Then there was a young couple who were very uncon sciously telling us that they were "taking in" the beauties of the West as an ao tompaniment to their honeymoon. TVs gat hered on the steps of the great hotel and as each one mounted a small pony, we started on the Cheyenne roud for the trail to the upper world. We set out on a rapid swinging gallop, but from some unaccountable reason my animal suddenly stopped still, eating grass, and I lay on the ground a few feet away observing my situation. From the BSL DIEFFENBACH'8 PROTAGON CAPSULES, finra Cure for Weak Men, as prof eo oy reeoruoi leaduis pby alctana. Stale acs tn ordering. Price. t'ataloi-w Pre. f O ft A safe and speedy la ft II eons for elect, U U M Mrlctnresnt all apnatnral discharges. Priest. CREEK SPECIFIC BiTJd and Mkta Dleae, Mere vlnns Hnrcs sndNyhllltl A reetloBSt with out merenry. Price, Order from THE PERI) DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. 1 189 Wiicocaic Dtwet, MIXWAPKB8, WI8, Mi I Hen ess f,r tho LUmor Habit, Positively Curec by Ao:jii:isfcm.)C o. HsinireoiDH sptcint. It cm be given In a cup ol coBes or tea, or In ar. Uriel ol 'ood, without the knowledge uf the per. son taking it; It Ii absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent anil speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcohol le wrei k. it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete rui e In ev;iy Instance. 44 page uouk FREE. Adiireenin cuufl'lencr, SriLCeN SPECIFIC CO., 18 Hist SL. Cincinnati. I lay on the ground a few feet away o6 icrulni; my ttltuitlon. 001 Cor Fifth and Vine St. PL A.TTS MOUTH NEBRASKA Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When TsJijr was sick, gate her Castoria. When she was Child, she cried fur '.v :r Vhen sheheetwie M, s'i' , i.. r r., "Vben'.iet.id"! It '' . .. .' roar of laughter that greeted me I must have performed a most wonderful gym nastic feat, I had hardly recovered my perpendicular when Mr: Editor with bis umbrella and note book made the same flying leap and came down to the earth with more haste than elegance. We remounted and kept our seata after that. The trail up the mountains was frequent ly rough and steep. Sometimes we had to stop and let our horses breathe lie fore mounting the steepest places. But we were In no hurry. The scenery was en chanting. Constant surprises burst upon ns as we reached on height after another. Yet tho longed for peak was always Just a little beyond lika the famous pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. We reached the seven lakes nnd had our lunch. The lakes arc picturesque, as such sheets of water are apt to be among tho mountains. While we were resting a party of twelve or more passed us coming down. Some of them wore the most hag gard expressions. One, lady of the party said to I July Irving, O madam, take my advice and go down. It is a deadly place up there. If 1 ever reach the hotel I will never tempt Providence again by starting out on another excursion." Judging from the expression of her countenance It must have, been a trying ordeal for her. We were not going back. We were bound for the summit and if sea sickness or rather sky sickness came with the view we were prepared for that also. V had not gone far before we felt the need of our fur wrajts and warm gloves. When we reached the little stone house where the odicer of the siiruul service lived our teeth b Ih" west lay the dark lines of mouu- i:..o a '.ist.i:i: s with madly rolling billows. We conl ! : t stay long after the sun had dropped o o. i.ubt. e returneii to tne litl.H lion ifl wliere we eijjoyeil our iunca brouciiit from the wmld below. 1 be oineer kindly prepared fur us a cup of hot coffee which was highly acceptable. The one sleepiat, room was civ: a to the ladius while with buffalo mlies and vinier coats we iMtased the night dreaming of "Green land's Icy mountains," and sundry expe ditions to the north pole. When morning came the Yankee editor Ith chattering teeth called us to "see tho stinrwo. From the experience of the previous eve- ting, we wrapiied up as though going for sleigh ride with the thermometer twenty rlow eero. We reached the regulation stat ion just before the sun appeared. A bite cloud lay on all the world below us iilil the sun that looked like a ball of lire eomlng from the uttermost rim of the uni verse burst forth lu all Its beauty, dis persing the misty cloud and rolling it away like tne angry wnite caps on stormy white sea. For a few moments we all stood In silence. Then exclamations or vipriae, admiration and reverence gave Vf tit to the Intensity of our feeling. How irrand! how glorious'." cried Stel la, a-s we stood together in the frosty air, forgetful of the bodily pain at fiie grand eur of the sight. TLs worth all the trouble and all the blwr to stand here atiove the earth, alsive all Bounds of si u or sorrow, free from the etty cares of life and for one moment en joy the grandeur of the new born day I How can anyone stand Here in tne pre tence of the king of day and not believe iu Cod, who has created and sustained all these wonderful things!" I said, as we stood on tho snow-chid summit of the mountain and viewed the great world that Iny beneath us, gladdening Into life under the rays of the rising sun. "It seems almost a vision of Unulah land," said IMy Irving. "The sky is so fcrlL'ht above with its tints of red and gold leuded with the heavenly blue; the earth ao gruen below mingled with the tinU cf sed and brown of the rocks and cliffs 'ti Sie mountains!" "Here we all see the colors that St. John aaw in his vision of the New Jerusalem from the red Jmsper, typifying human pas sion, through all the colors to the sapphire purity of heaven!" said Stella, reverently. "Where does tho real cease and the Ideal begin? What can be more real than this vaat rocky fragment that crowns the sum mit of the peak?" said Melvirne. "i'et who ever thinks of broken rock or chilling air when enjoying a scene like thlsf" "The imagination Is the reader here. Sold fwst the granite rock aud nil becomes sute and near sighted," I said, picking ap a pieco that lay at my feet. "Hut let it and all the rest of this grand sight bo lit with Imagination and we feel that It Is but a symbol of something grander and nobler bun the mind can conceive." "You little fuiry star of mountain wild," aid Stella, as she gathered Borne of the delicate white flowers that grow where rer the granite rock has crumbled enough tr cover their tiny rootleU. "Tell me the aecretof yourlifel" "I will tell you IU secret," I said. "It U doing what it can; It brings one link of Hving nature to this bare, bleak and deso late mountain top, as you, my fairy star, rought a link of life and love to the bleak Id bouse at Waverland. And as that Mny ftower can charm us with lis beauty and hold us prisoners by iu fragrance, so you charmed me Into an active thinking van and held my heart a prisoner by the purity and purpose of your life. Hut come, my darling, I see you shiver. You must not stay longer lu this keen winter air." When we reached the house we found the rest of the party there thawing their benumbed fingers, and drinking a cup of fragrant coffee, made, by the signal ofllrer who seasoned his hospitality with thrilling tales of former visitors, which mitdo the party roar with laughter till the rafters re echoed our glee "(), you should stay till noon nnd see the frail, tender daughters of tlio earth, w ho like the lilies of tho Held that "toil not neither do they spin," but think thu earth and all that dwell I herein were mudu foi Miem and U) ilo their will. Why, some Mmes I am ordered to build fires, to make codec and to llx comfortable lounging places for them as though they were queens nnd I their slave," he said iu a muck tone of outraged dignity. "Well colfee is a luxury," said lollard, taking his second or third cup. "And the Mrgeunt knows just how to make It." After breakfast we all went out for one nsont look from tho lofty place, before we loft. The sun had been traveling nt a rapid rale. The rosy hue of the morning light hnd disappeared, but tho clear bright sun l4ht bad revelei every visible object, rrnn our neia Rinsscs we coma msun fOilsh Denver and Manltou; and the I'latte and Arkansas riven with their lines of green trees, and many beautiful parks among the mountains. The brilliant col ors of the images In tho garden of the gods were distinctly marked. To the west we Imagined we could see ICiulville tike a block speck among tho bristling peaks. "Colorado, rare aud beautiful Colorado)" exclaimed Ijllard. "Yonder she resta her head of silver and gold pillowed on the Kocky Mountains; her feet nestling In the ioft brown grasses of the boundless plains. She Is set on a hill before the world, and tho air of heaven is so clear that all mny nee her well! That expresses my Idea of Colorado, standing here on this dizzy height viewing her from all points of cotn pikss:" "Did you find thot In your guide book'" asked Melvorne. "Don't iihk me that, aa though I never had any idea of my own," he said turning away In seeming disgust. With a htst lingering look we left tho peak and started m our downwird jour ney. The twenty-four mile to and from the summit of tho peak is a rido that will never be forgotten. The grandeur of the acene and the Impression left in the mind t hat the world is great, and man is but a tiny object, Is worth all the trouble and fatigue that it costs. We reached the hotel just nt sunset, La good condition for supper and rest. out we were au present, wneu wro muu. hour arrived. "Where is tho next point of interest? I Inquired of Mr. Itrilard. "Manltou," said he. "That Is the Sara togaof the mountains, and one of the finest phirea In the world for a summer resort." "So your guide bnik says," said Mrs. Uilhinl with a mischievous glance at her husband. Kor a moment Mr. Lollard was tempted to be vexed, but changing his mind be re plied: "I have studied this guide book so faith fully to find tlio most Interestiic: and picV nrcsqun places for our excursions that I have uearlv learned it bv heart. Iv the time I rcacu lonuon I snail excel mo lia inortal Ferguson who showed Mark Twatn the wonders of tlio Orient, when he was abroad.'" "That M irk Is a cnto one, I .wish we might meet him." Kitld Melvorne. 'Where are wu going to Hton?" asked Melvorne, as we came in slgbt ol .Manltou. "It seeas built In circles ease along thu hidden and bushy valleys among the uioitntalus." "Yes, it has a changing nir of Individual ity ttlMIIlt It," said Ullmd. "Wo will go to the lteebee." Very soon we were domiciled in the spne lotts rooms of that elev'ant and coiuf.'ru bio hotel. It is really wonderful to see such wealth of tasto and comfort na W found nestled down In the valley lit the foot of tho everlasting hills, surrounded by tho most beautiful scenery in America; n m Id t!iegrandeutif the mountains uud mi near tlio gently rolling plains. After n most delicious supper which was supplemented with "strawberries Htnoth ered in cream," we started out from the nir of tho hotel on what Is called th "I .over's I, imp." It Is u most romantic rtmble. Very naturally we separated into CUAITKU XIX. STKLl.A'S KTOItr. For once, since our twrty hail gathered from the opisislto sides of the world, there were vumnt places at the breakfast table. I'liullwj one of those iltln'it rvxtlo leak I (.Vl'IC ,Sfi((l (o HI! nl.!-; tnuples, and finding one of those dainty rustic seats mudu ju-it for two, I drew Stel la to my side, saying: 'Now for the story you promised me when I first found you, darling. You can not tell how huppy I h ive been since then. The world seems full of new beauty. Even rocks and glens have a laimnage of love. It seems oh though some fairy hud wroaght a magic spell over my life, until I almost fear that I shall wake and llnd It all u pass ing dream, scut to client tne with IU mock ery." "Yes, lioyd," sho said, "I can realize your happiness by my own. I have been so free, so happyl no longing for the for bidden love. All my wishes have been nioro than realized. Where shall I begia my story?" "Wheu you were a child; rcmemlsr I know nothing of your llfu except Wio few months at Waverland." "Well, then, we will begin In the usual style. Once upon a time there was a Utile girl," she begun in a theatrical tone. Then sober thought came, and sho continued, "I was the only child of an English clergy man. We had a beautiful home while my dear mother lived. Hut when I was about ten years old she died. From that time my father seemed to think he must be every thing to me. He devoted what time he could spare to my studies. When he waa preparing his sermons he would assign ma to some task, and as soon as the lesson was learned would hear me recite. Then be would talk with me about It until It be came a part of myself. He was passion ately fond of music. Under his patient In struction I learned to play oil the piano, and on tlio organ in church for him. With pencil and brush ho was good, but never could satisfy himself. He always Insisted that my fingers were more deft than his, aud encouraged me to copy sotno object and pictures as I fancied. Wo had but one servant and I always helped her with the housework. My father said that he wanted me to bo a woman and not a toy with merely a few act ipllshments. One morn ing when I was helping tliiihousol;i-cvrn usual, sho Kild; 'Your father bin s'. range notions for an I'Mglish nobleman. I waa surprised, cud said: 'My father Is only a clergyman. ' Hut she declared t',.at ho waa tho son of an F.nglish earl, and that c cause he married my dear mother his father had disowned him. I wanted to ask tny father about It but sho forbade me. "Years passed by full of lifo and study. When my father niado his visit through the parish, I was ulways by his side When any one was sick ho was often tMr physician as well ns their spiritual comfor ter. With his litllo c:vseof horneopathlo remedies he gave easo t ) bodily pain, white with his gonial manner and warm, kindly heart he cheered them with hi words of ' couusel, or read to them from the holy Hible. One day I went Into his room and found him asleep, as I thought. Ho hfti; , not boon well for some time, so I moved about very quietly, fearing to disturb hi -slumbers. As I came near his choir some thing uliout his position attracted my at tention. I placed my hand upon bis ho4' and everything grew dark. I fell anif when I opened my eyes, I was In my owu room. The old nurse and a doctor were standing over me. I asked for my father. The nurse tried to calm me. Hut I kept asking for him until tho doctor fuld that he was dead. Again there was a blank. For weeks I Iny in a semi-conscious stato. Tho nurse, (who was our old housekeeper and my only friend,) watched and tended mo faithfully. At last I took up the bur den; all tho joy had Hod. I found fifty pounds safely stored away for me, aud a few books, and tho old piano. We sold them for what they would bring and paid our little debta.". Here Stella paused as though dreading to continue her sod story. "My precious darling, how long was that before you came to Waverland.'" I asked, bringing ber nearer to mo and pressing a loving kiss on her tunocetit lips. "Futher diod about three months before I came to Waverland," she said. "Hut It was only a few days lieforo Hint we sold our little furniture. I suw Annie Wren whom I had often met wnen I had beea around with my father, mid she toU trie of Continued.