Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, February 18, 1892, Image 6

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The Annual Meeting
Election of Officerr.
Tnr 4H.D omii'i; kf.-f.i.f.itf.d.
A Seishn Last Night That was
Exclusively a Bat Iness One-
Proslclent Windham's
The annual meeting of the hoard
f traile held lat evening at the
dounty judge's oll'ue was not as
Lire-elv attended art was anticipated
r y
but nevertheless an enthusiastic
crowd wa present.'
The calling of the roll wan diH
penned with, and the ininutertof th
iast meeting were read and a
proved, afrer which a coinmumca
tion from the rail way postal clerk
wn read and placed on file.
Prenidcnt Windham then read hi
address, which wan as follows:
TkADB Thin beiiur our annual
meeting and the clone of my term
of office as your presiding officer, it
lay be expected that I should Hay
omething regarding the city s in
terests. Were I to put inyselt in
harinonv with the profeHHioiial
exilamity monger, I would hav
othinggood o say. The specie
f animal referred to, we regret to
aav. is more numerous in our city at
the present time than ever before
He is th; out-growth of various con
4itions. There is a dyspeptic; he
longs for relief, ho he berates th
town as the best means ot se
curing it. Then we hare a man
who is making a failure for want of
business capacity and thinks his
elghbors are to blame, so he join
the dyspeptics. Then we have an
individual who came among us
few years ago with only a few al
mighty dollars, but is now indepen
dent; he is constantly growling be
ctuse occassionly he sees Rome one
get off the train from Omaha with a
package under his arm, on whicl
he failed to make a profit, and if
you step into his place of business
to do some trading he regales you
with his refrain that we are too
cJose to Omaha, it not occurring to
him that there are other towns a
aafer distance from our giant com
petilor to which the objectioti can be
We also have the chronic howler
about the removal of the H. &. M
shops, he has been here twenty
years or more, only he is more num
erous just now; it weighs not a pen
ny-weight with him that this plant
cobtfl,500,000nnd that its building
re permanently constructed, that
it has water facilities absolutely
necessary for its business that can
not be acquired anywhere else on
its line weHt of the Missouri river
that these shops are constantly be
iug supplied with new and expen
sive machinery; that the general
manager Mr. Holdrcge, has more
tnau once said iu . interview and
over signature, that it was not the
intention to deplete the working
force at this point; but the howler
must howl just the same, he wants
to show you how wise he is in pre
aiding and be one of the "I told
you bos' in the advent anything
adversely should occur.
HI. .
inen we nave a companion piece
m the wader about the damage
done the city through the building
ot the Missouri Pacific railroad, al
though he supported the project
as-most everybody did, it has iust
dawned on his benighted miud that
it will afford another opportunity of
getting out of town, and he stands
daaed if you mildly suggest to him
that the ingress is as good as the
egress and that it being to our in
u-resiio attract instead of repel!,
tne conditions are largely jn our
favor. To this man Murray is more
to be feared than Omaha. If nugela
ever weep it is when the man who
is afraid of Omaha and the one who
fears Murray come together,
Another interesting character is
the man who blooms and blossoms
only behind his counter and whose
fragrance never extended beyond
tne iront door; he is after the al
mignty dollar, but is careful to
avoid doing something to help his
associates advance the city's inter
ests; he is perfectly satisfied to
have the more enterprising citizen
expend time and money to scare
up the dollars so long as they are
chased his way. He is always to
busy to attend u board of trade
or business men's meeting or other
meeting to advance the public wel
fare, nevertheless he is constantly
howling how awful dull business
is, says he is paying clerk hire for
nothing, just as well close up store
doors, etc.
It is gratifying to know that this
class of individuals I have de
scribed are very largely in the tni
nority, and the time h rapidly ap
proaching when they will be given
a vacation or a lay off.
The foundation for the future
commercial growth of our city waa
I never u firm mid nolid bs it is at
' this time. The completion of tlie
new court lioiine removea onother
cause of uncertainty from the pub
lie mind. The illusion that existed
with many that the nhopn might be
moved ha been dispelled, ami lite
PlattHiiiouth pay roll i much larger
than ever before.
The c ( tton of tin' .Missouri
----- I
Pacific bridge across the l'litte
river in the near tin lire, assure
our people a new source of income
in regular trains will then be put
on the road. Heciiriim us business
from territory not heretofore aeces
In tlie second o-rent railroad we
j, lVt. ., leverage for the securing of
m. muf, H'toi inir cnteinnses, it we
are disposed to try for them; it i?
as well an additional source of ad
ver tise incut. The values of Plaits
mouth realty are not ficticious,
hence there iH no danger o( a re-ac
tion which has proved disastrous
in so many instances.
Comparisons with our sister
towns lend nothing but encourage
ment and should create confidence
in our financial condition. Report
from the comptroller of the curren
cy for October 2, 181K) and Septem
ber 2.", 1801, as regards individual
deposits iu national banks is as fol
lows: Ueatrice, decrease $80,;)3:
Hastings, decrease $153,015; Nebras
ka City, $34,r4; Kearney, $117,373;
Grand Island, $H3,rrfS3; Yo.rk, $113,237:
Omaha, $1,(KK),(M); Plat'smouth, in
crease $32,295.28. These facts
are doubtless discouraging to our
friends who are only willing to look
on the dark side.
I might mention more facts that
prove conclusively that the condi
tions are right for a general advance
along the line of prosperity. Tho
question for the business men of
Plattsmouth to answer is, will they
accept them and go to work with
faith and confidence and help turn
the wheels of commerce? I will of
fer a few suggestions which I think
if acted upon would help start the
wheels. If your perceptive facul
ties hinder you from having any
thing good to say about your city
do not say any thing bad, when you
meet a business man or a neighbor
speak encouragingly if you can, if
you cannot, then say nothing to
the contrary but smile pleasantly
and pass on, you will feel better
and it will be more dollars in
your pockets in the end. If you ob
ject to bonded indebtedness and
the obligation is already incurred,
do not growl, for it will not pay the
debt. Do not speak ill about your
city in the presence of an enemy,
he will repeat and exaggerate what
you say.
Do not become so absorbed in
your private affairs that you can
not give some time to informing
yourself how the business
of your city government is run.
Your mayor and city councilman
are expected to direct the alfairs
which effect three or four million
dollars' worth of property, and the
business welfare of 10,000 people.
It is no small responsibility, and
they should have your co-operation
and moral support. If the citizens
of our beautiful little city will all
join together for the year now
entered upon and work the bright
side of things ns industriously as
some have worked the dark ride for
the year just passed, we will be in
smooth waters with clear sailing."
After the reading of the presi
dent's address the board proceeded
io eieci ouiccrs lor tlie ensuing
Henry Hoeck moved that the old
officers be re-elected. A. N. Sul.
livan made an amendment to the
effect that the secretary cast the
vote of the board for the old of
ficers, carried:
Following are the officers elected:
President R. H. Windham.
First Vice-President.-Julius Pep-
Second Vice-President, A. N. Sul
Treasurer F. R. Guthmaii.
Secretary- G. F. S. Hurton.
Hoard of Directors-Sam Wauirh
Kd Oliver, Julius Pewperberg, A. H.
Todd, Henry Hoeck, A. N. Sullivan.
and M. H, Murphy.
r general discussion wan then
indulged in on the manufacturing
udustries I'lattsmouth needed.
Win, Neville moved that the
president appoint a committee of
three to sec what could be done to
ward ressurecting the canning fac
tory. Sullivan offered an amendment
that president be chairman of the
committee. The committee stand..
R. R Windham, Kd Oliver and 0.
F. S. Hurton.
On motion, the board was author
ized to advertise Plattsnlouth's
advantages in some manufacturing
journal, and also have folders
printed and distributed throughout
the east.
SAI.KSMKN.-Knergetic men
wanted. Free prepaid outfit. One
of our agents has earned over $20,
()() in live years.
P. O. Hox 1371. New York. I
Copyrl'jhttd, I860.
'Colorsto ranks hign among toe art
galleries of the world for charming pict
ures," said Melvorne. "What are youi
plmis for to-morrow, Lady Irving." :
"I believe Mr. Ixllard has been study
ing tlie cuide book for points we want to
see. Of course we will all travel together.
It will be bo much pl'.santer," she an
swered. "Indeed It will," I said. "You would
huvo to evaporate into thin air to get rid
of me now, or else make me a prisouer bo
hind Iron burs."
"Me, too," laughed Melvorne. "I just
now begin to appreciate American seen
(iiMnl nights were said with glad re
frain. citArTEu rvi. a n.rrr party.
The next morning we were up bright
and eurly. There in no drowsy fog here to
keep oho In bed until ten o'clock. Every
thing In nature has a charm for the earlj
ri.ier. Wu all met at the brcakfatst table
Melvorne and myself were tlie first, then
Mr. and Mrs. I,ollurd, and last of all came '
Stella and her friend, Lady Irving. I had
alwajtt thought Stella bright and bea'Ki i
ful, but this morning, with her simple
ttniy gown, dainty neck trimming and soft
wavy hair, I thought her more beautiful '
than ever, and an the face is an index to
the mind, she must have been at pence
w Ith herself and all the world. A look ol
glad content lit up In all her expressive
'eatures u.i 1 ;iarkled in her ejes.
"Well, what Is the programme for to
day?" naked Mr. l.ollard, after the fir ,
general grecilni h.vl been given. "Are
vou to travel together?"
'Yes," came lu a chortu from the en
clre party.
"I had thought we would visit Coloradg
Sorintfx 'Wat, and take our bearings from
there," wild Mr. I.llard.
"Agreed." said Melvorne. "We will
pass some interesting places there, but wa
cannot see everything."
We were soon.on our way southward.
"Oh, there," cried Stella, "see the little
steeples with hats on."
"That Is Monument Park," said Mel
vorne as we rushed along.
"What queer mountains," said Lady
Irving; "It seems as though there had been
a mighty river here once that washed
away all the earth except these little pil
lars that are left standing, like Lot's wife.
Is that the theory of their creation?"
"No," said Mr. Lollard, consulting his
guide book. "They are said to be formed
by the currents of air which descend from
the mountains la funnel-shaped currents
and tornadoes."
"Colorado Springs!" cried the Dorter.
We gathered up the bundles, counting
mem tosee mat none had been lost W
bad bundles now, for we hail lady compan
Ions. Ladles and bundles, roses and
This Is a beautifully located city. I said,
offering Stella my arm as we walked up
me sugnt ascent to the hotel.
"Where are we going, Lollard?" asked
tne duke.
"To the Antlers."
It was an elegant building, occunyinsr
prominent position on the risim irrounrL
After securing our rooms, depositing our
bundles and arranging our toilet, we met
on the balcony to enjoy a view of the sur-
ronmnng country.
We met on the halrnny to enjoy a view of
vie mtrroundlnij rovntry.
"imi ia uinv massive outline that we
see to the west?" asked Lady Irving.
"That Is the range of mountains and
that prominent peak la the famous Pike's
Peak of history."
"What is that red tower which looks
ime a wick tortineation, there to th
northwest?" asked Stella.
"That's the gateway to the Garden of
the Gods," answered Mr. IoUard, w4io
stood with his guidtt book open la hUhaad
reaoy io answer questions.
"Those mountains to the southwest are
the Chuyenne. In them are some famous
canyons," said the duke.
"Why, where has the rnin gone to?"
aflKeu .Mrs. inward. "It has disappeared. "
"it has bid behind Pike's Peak," said
Melvorne. "We have a long twilight hero.
iui v-umuu oynugs ues uuuer me after
noon shadow of ten thousand feet of eter
nal granite."
After an hour or two of quiet conversa
tion we strolled out upon the streets.
Here, as in Denver, they are Unci! vii
either side by tall, graceful trees. Some of
the broad avenues are laid out with double
roaoways, separated by two rows of shade
trees and a walk, while on either side is
another row or shade trees and a walk.
The city Is under a thorough Bystem ot ir
rigation, Resides, the water brouirht In
open iiuenes, mere is an iron pipe to Rax
ton's creek six miles away on the moun
tain side, which brings pure cold wutet
from the meltiug snows on the mouuUin
"This must lie a very wealthy rity," said
Stella, "judging from the beautiful houses
aud expeiihive public buildings which we
"It hardly seems possible that within
ten or fifteen years a wild barren place
could be changed to such a iharmiug
city," I said.
"1 cannot comprehend It," said Stella.
"In the old world some of the ctt ies ws
viltd were Mime of them thousands of
years old and yet we did not see such rl-
den;e of wealth and culture at we Arid la
the west."
"This is an elegant building. What Is
It?" I asked, pausing nntll Melvorne and
Lady Irving came up. .
"Tha 1" the opera house built for enjoy
ment by the people," he aaid.
"I wonder If there will be anything to
see to-night?" asked I Jtily. Irving.
"t- run inquire, i sie uie door is ciwn.
home one must be here'" I said, and I
steuoed inside. An old mau was insio.
dusting and arranging tnings.
"Sir," I asked, "will there be any kind
of an entertainment here this evening?"
"Yes, sir," said the old man, "our own
people give the 'Spy of the ItebeUion' here
When I made my report it was agreed
that we should see w hat home talent
could do in this wild western town. We
returned to our hotel and had a most sub
stantial supper. Tho pure mountain air
gave us keen appetites.
The opera house was a perfect jewel In
side. I.verything was in jierfect accord
with the most cultivated taste. The music
was giveu by a full orche.-tr.i and was of a
high grade. The play of thrilling interest,
fnm l'..e jieniug to the e! !m' scone.
The homq of wwillh and comfort,, where
love nan leu me vesi.u came, was oroneo
by tlie call "To Arms!" The maiden
crushed the throbbing love within he
heart, rather than give her hand in mar
riago to a rebel to his country.
The training of the Dutchman was the
only mirthful scene in the whole nhiv,
His awkwardness brought forth peals of
laughter. The prison M"::e must have
been magnilied to produce effect. No peo
pie on earth, In this enlightened atie,
would put such tortures on their fellow
men. The scene of revenue was (leudUh,
Stella sat as though tilled with horror,
As soou us we were on the street she said
"Cun that be true? Were there ever such
scenes of horror during the American
"It Is hard to tell," I said. "I have heard
of their terrible prison life, but never could
lorm any idea of what it was."
ttn ....
uen we met m me parlor me play was
the topic of discussion. Not the merits of
the actors, but the historical scenes which
were represented.
"I do not believe they are true to life,
said Melvorne. "The South is full of
warm-hearted, hospitable people. It Is
the people of the north that are cold and
"Hut the North was very generous with
them, certainly, in the tun of reconstruc
tion. Th-y would do well to remember
that!" 1 said.
"So they were. Hut what an amount f
suffering might have been saved if the
government had bought the slaves and set
them free. Let Kngland take the warn
ing. Here Is a case of something like the
Kngllsh landlords in Ireland. If England
would pursue a wiser course, she would
buy the lauds aud sell them to the tenant
farmers; thereby no one will lose. Hut if
Ireland wins in this struggle, they will
confiscate tne Irish estate and the land
lords will have to submit. I think there
would be some resentment harbored for
generations to come," said Mr. Lollard
with warmth.
"Hut the slave holders were in the
wrong. They were holding men and wo
men as property to be bouaht and sold
whipped or petted, according to the mas
ters will," I said.
"And so the landlords are holding thous
ands on me racK of eviction," he argued
"That Is no reason why we should lose
our property without pay for it," I an-
"That is just the case with the southern
people," said Lollard. "Thousands and
thousands were thrown into bankruptcy
by the loss of their slaves. The slaves
were their wealth. A great many masters
were against slavery as you are against
evictions. The slaves were their property
as your estate Is your property. The mas
ters were not to blame that the slaves
were theirs. Generations had passed
away since the wioug began. Neither are
you to blame lint your property is ui Ire
land, i.. : iy generations hare passed
away Mticc t.iat land was tuksa by force.
tt m,i; De, from tlie natural owners. But
v .".M fXisti. Someone must suffer.
':. y.:.i luvl flawed the slave trade un-
dtil.c ii u unbearable. Then agitation
""'"t'.cM, t wl.ea a people begin to
K.. ;iiii,k. (o agitate, then defeat to
' ." w ro;i doer u not far distant."
"Then you believe landlords In Ireland
are In about the same condition that the
slaveholders were before the war?" I
"Yes." said Lollard, "and I think it
wuend in about the same way unless
gland recognizes the righu of tho Irish
people. Ireland to-day has the sympathy
UI ""iny mewnoie civilized world, and
public opinion is a mighty lever towards
removing an evil. My advice to you, my
friend, is to sell your prorierty while you
cu mae reasonable terms with your ten-
anus, for if England refuses to listen to
Ireland in the coming campaign, she will
hear agai:i the terrific shock of last Janu
ary. And it muy mean destruction the
next time!"
"There, Waverland. foil see some nns
elso thinks as I do, that you had better
eu your property and invest in American
"No, I will never add my InminncA ti
help make this beautiful land subject to
uie degrading influence, that Ire anil Is
laboring under; and which is the Haul re--
suit of absent landlords and great land
"Now, let's close this lecture with noma
music," said Lollard chamlna
. a---.
A call was made for music and Tji1
Irving favored Hi with
solos, then Stella Joined her In some duets,
and at last we ad Joined in with our voices
singing soma old war songs that were ly
ing on the grand piano in the hotel parlor.
Thus the first dav of onr mimim broth
er closed as ft began, lu an ecstacy of Joy,
too perfect for words to describe.
We had nominally airrned that Mr Tt.
lard should be business manager for the
iroupe- as we called ourselves.
"Where are we to iro to-dav?" Molvnrn
anked the next morning at breakfast.
That was our place and time of business
each day.
Glen Eyrie," said Mr. LollanL "Is first
on my list, it is a drive of three miles by
the Mesa road," he said, referring to his
guide lxiok which he kept in his pocket
rwuly to r. f ir to at any time.
We found the Mesa road as level as a
table and rivaling in smoothness the most
perfect boulevard. The view from this
road is grand and comprehensive. (iUra
Eyrie is situated at the entrance of Queen's
Canyon, and ts a wild and roaiantic re
treat In which Ul built the summer rest
denct of a wealthy gentleman, whose per
nmnent home is In tho East. Within the
glen which is made sylvan by the thickly
growing native shrubbery covered by the
wild clematis, is a creat confusion of
enormous pillars of exquisitely tinted pink
"(), how beautiful!" exclaimed TmU
Irving, as we passed Into this magniiicent
garden of nature. "It reminds me of the
scene described in Shakspeare's Mid
summer Night's Dream."
"1 his Is romantic enough for love in a
cottage," said Melvorne, as we fame to a
irem of a hoie built lu the Queen A una
siju, with, iwlcoules, gabies ami treliised
porches and aa avsiancha uf roofs. .. '
"Yes," 1 said,."! think it would be do -
llshtful to chooHC a mate anil livn In thla
secludud bird's nest."
"And hear the soft murmur of the little
stream that comes babbling down the v al
ley," said Stella.
"These little rustic bridges have a charm
for me," said Iuly Irving, "liuskiu's
idea of harmouioua thought of art with
nature, seems to have been developed iu
this little paradise, where the cool, clear
water gurgling at onr feet makes a musi
cal accompuulmeut to the attractive
"Hut to me the picturesque grandeur
of the rugged clills in most fasciuatiug,"
kaid Mrs. Loluud.
"IWll this is the summer home nf flan
erai fanner, me originator or me Denver
& Rio Grande railway," said Loll;.;-' iu
his practical, business way. "The
that forms this little streum comes tumb
ling down t mountain side into the Dev
il's punch bowl, at tlie head of Queen's
Canyon," he continued, reading his guide
"How nice to have a living guide book,"
laughed Melvorne, as we walked np the
gentle rise of ground until we coui I look
into the round well called the Devil's
Tunch HowL Here we could go no farther
without severe climbing, aud as It was
getting near lunch time, we preferred to
osa our time for refreshments rather than
spend it climbing the mountain
While we were at lunch Melvorne asked
where we were to go next.
"To the Garden of tha Gods," answered
Our Journey led through a smooth plain,
with perpendicular walls of red and yellow
sandstone, which marked the entrance to
Uie garden.
"What a pleasant ride re have had over
these, smooth, hard roads; it reminds mo
of home," said Mrs. Lollard.
"It seems like the picturesque parte of
England and Wales," said Melvorne.
"This, then, is the famous Garden of the
Gods," said Stella, as we came Into the
gateway of the garden. "I think the name
must have been given it from its resemb
lance to the heathen temples. This we
may imagine the broken archway to the
Egyptian temple Karnak," referring to
the perpendicular walls, three hundred
feet high, of red and yellow sandstone.
"Then these are the speaking statues of
Memnon, whose lips gave forth musical
SOllmla irlmn tiillptmil Kw tUn npa .if t I
rising sun," said Lady Irving, following
out Mel la s thought of the heathen temple,
as sne passed to some forms that seemed
weird enough to represent heathen gods.
"And what are these grotesque forms?"
asked Me-lvorue as we came to a group ot
wind cut monuments.
"O, they are the priesta, and these
strange forms are bearing Incense before
the god Apis, who stands there in all tha
dignity of his sacred godship, even to the
color," Mid Stella, pointing to a huge dark
image in the tenter of a group.
"Pray, what was Apis? This looks much
like an animal," said Ixllard.
' 0, 1 know," exclaimed Mrs. Lollard.
"It was the sacred bull that the Egyptians
"To what religion does yon immense
cube belong? It is large enough for a
dwelling house, and so nicely balanced on
a point that the weight of a child's finger
could seemingly npset it?" I asked.
"That Is the sacred seal of Mahomet'a
faith, only tha temple has been removed,"
said Stella.
"Then those high battlements with
broken windows are a part of the Mosqua
of St. Omar," suggested Ixdlard.
"This is Buddha, and that the sacred
cow," said Idy Irving, going from one
statue to another.
There thnj (o up Ihf canyon."
Ib - 'ropri.ite it is that the domi
nant d-ir here should hi red, which
means passion, as tho heathen gods anneal
only to t'.ie baser sentiments of mankind."
said Stella thoughtfully.
'l!ut leave out the thoughts of the
heathen gods and view the wonders of the
Jau.1:pe filled with atrangj colonsul
ImngeH. Jlffi and there a snow-white
linifitone towoy or crag to bring out more
vividly the leep rich tful of red and
brown, surmounted by the sapphire blue
of the heavens above. Under foot the
smooth level surface of the valley is car
peted with equally rich tints, made brill
iant by mingled green and gray of brass
nd moases. Aud, toweriiu over all, not
far away, see the sirw rl.i mimnilt of
l'ike's I'eak. It fears its lofty firm, a fit
ting back ground for this pantonrime in
nature!" sail Mefvonic moved lo elo
quence by the grandeur of the scene.
Then for a time we all felt tli lnflufv
ot the awful mystery that surrounds thu?
weiru and snevd pi ice. With Iwwod ,
neaus and devout hfarU wu eacli m-knnwi.
edged that we were iu tho prtweucu of tha
God ot Nature!
From the Garden of the R,U w wnt
mulhward over a beautiful level road be
tween huge bluffs and crags on eitherside.
We drove into the mouth or opening In
no niouuiaiii called Cheyenne Canyon.
ma gasn in tne mailt mountain walls
neems like a roadway cut into a deep snow
drift, which has become a solid moiintikln
and defies the power of man to move it;
while down its farther aide comes a lah.
lng, rushing, foaming and roaring water
fall. Krom the nenrlv laval valUu rinnn
which the stream flows with gentle move
ment we can see but thn nf t.h .,
ills that drop the water from the melted
snow Into the granite well at tha head of
oe narrow irorire. Gain? nn the mirtm tn
th well is not very difficult.
me water falls five hundred feet in
even leaps," said I)llard, as we still
stood at the mouth of the deep gash in the
mountain side. .
"Where are the trio?" asked Melvorne
as he turned to look for the ladies.
"There they go up the canyon," I said,
as we started to overtake them. Hut they
were moe snrv than, we and could ski u
.Continued on Next Page.
1 UeKlstere.l l'hyi. Ui, uml l'luirmacltt
attention given
Rock Bluffs
Office in the Hass Noel (mllding
Residence, the Kd Kich Property.
'The merciful man ia merciful un
to his beast."
A I Hsi.d Made and Warranted.
&ee tneiu at SALTER'S ticw har
iieHstdiop, 1 .ho Maker cf low Prices.
iNetary I'ubite & Abstracter Solicit
! RJM Estate, Loan and Insuranci Agent
If you have real estate to sell or
exchange send usdeecription, price
and terms.
Abstracts of title furnished at reas
onable ratea.
$1QO,0)0 to loan at 7a per cent ni
no commission?, on jjood
farm security.
Plitts.mouth - Nkb.
Onlce under Cum Cosnty Bsuk,
Perfectly Well I ?
FnxMoai, Dubnqu Co., Ia., Sept., 1889,
Ulss K. Flnolgsn wrtuu : 'My mother and
siatar ased Pastor Koeug'i Nerve Tonlo for nan.
ralgla, Tbey are both perfectly well now aad
never tired pniilng Um Tonie.
Dattom, Nt., 8p4., 1899.
' I wu saffsrlni from nerratui deUUty, eaoaed
by dyspepsia, Didn't gat more than three
bonn' sleep daring any alght, Tbe effeet ot Fa,
tor Koenlg't Nan Toole was magical. I slept
sound sad am now aa wall as ever attar taking
only one bottle. As a Nerve Tonlo, oontlderlng
how bamilesi It Is, tnlnk ft Is tha best medielaa
am invented. X P. BHUtUT.
&rcirciAV, Wuh. Tar., J ana, 18
.I-. 5.WBen,,r : 'I must oheerfally ty
that of U tha Nar? Tonics whleh I bare aa4
during the Uat twelve years, Faator Koenlf's la
tne beet 1 erer seed.
A Tata W Book an Tfei pU
vimiMn iroo io any audi I IN
and poor paUenta can elm oMafi
this medietas tree) of eharceu
Thla mmnrivhaa tiAAn firttnaraif hvtha RMmni
Ptftor Koenig, of Fort Wayne, Ind alnoe iSH, sal
(snow prepared under his titration by toe
KGENIC MED. ??., Chicago, lit.
toklbyDniftidnto tlT-il j-'wDottU. CmrJS
ItlSSc51.T5. - n'A'r.i fc 89.
Pubertnedfearao I on or from this Kins; or
Terrora, for br a muel wondorful diaoorary In
merilclna. ranoar on idt nartnf the toidy can ba
I prratanrntlr ear wlUeawt tha Baaj f
r Uie hair.
MK8.ll., B07 Indiana are., iwoejio,
Sayi: " Waa eartxl of oanoer of tba bream In all
wrrkabj your method of treatment." Hend for
traaUea, If r, U. V. JfaUa, 304 Mlu SU, Chicago.
WEAK mib
PonattlfifllCf thebnman fot anooeaatullr treated
to develop, etrenrthen, enlia) aH weak, minted,
Dn1eyelopeLfaablaor(anaaa d parU of the body
which haya lnat oe nam ait. tlned a Draper and
iiuurai ana, cue to ui neaitb.
abnae. exoeasee. or
nty ene, by whlrb this may ba acoompllnhet.
lnsraued flow of blood to any . Part, produced by
niiiuwa wuaea. j nerv u
ie snaibod and
rinipwapparmioa acuDU aniomara
t lHue, tone and ylsor by tha aaak natural lawiaa
thalnoraaaaof alia and strength A fninacle. Don't
bepreJuilMMMlbeoaiiao little quack. i'llT
n,ini to do tha name. INi BHTIGATK.
Tnere'e BO trap back of onr Our pay
will coma when ibe publlo kuowa . oleorly eclenoo
frmnfraud. Wrttena for InatrnetlOBi foil deaetln
tion. proofs, refnrenoea. eta All sent 70U la PUUA
eoHlpilletterwiihoiitooatofsnyklnd. . H
No lioallliy person yiecd fo-ti ' an'
tlillliTOUH COtlScqtU'l.Ve;" froiv '
attnek of l.i grippe jf pf(Vj'A
yeateJ. It much (lu MinCaw n
aevere colli uml required prcciwi v
the name livtitmeiit.'ntiiof.
ly t home and lake Chain .Vrlain't
Couh Kemcily aa directed fia'ee'
vere cold and n prompt and eohl1--plete
recovery is nure to folor.
This remedy nlo couiilcrHCta .wiy"
tendency nf In grippe to reflitlt h'
pneumoivw. Among - the ' runirf'
thousand who hnve used it during
the epidernivn of the pnnt two yenr
we have yet to learn of n ninglw
case (hat lius not recovered or that
has resulted iu piieiunonin. '.'.") and
.TO cent bottle for sale by F. (1.
Fricke fc Co.
II l-x
Valentines ut Coring & Co. if