Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, February 18, 1892, Image 5

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If ?
Legal Notice.
tjr Nebraska.
X. V. Johnson, executor ot the
?'ttate ol .lane Lee, d ceased.
lohsrd P Cartwright. Amm
da M. CarlwriKht, Aluuio B.
Dort huU Win. t. is
Klehard P. CaHwriislit, Amanda M- rrt-
lht l,.,t U Ik rl .nil Will . HIM. UC-
Undents, wilt tHke one that on le M
dav f Janua y. I-. K V J.-U on. e xecutnr
of the eititeot lane Lee. deceased. I laii tin
hiiui,i itu,.i iiiu iii tiirt is. rl'1' court I
linrill ll'ni li... iniui'm . . . i .
Can-omity. .Wkaa lu-t said del. n.lai.ts
the oi.Jeci and pr.iyv I winch arc ta mree n-e
a c-r .n m rtaeHcuW.I byihesaut :
ard I' ami Am i - a M, ait t In "11 An.
iii wlii. u is i'" Hi , P" per v i.f
e.Ut'.f .hue leedeoca-e.l. '.ml kivhii ihkhi
he eat Hi e -I-nnli- ' t oiitli.'ai
imirl i (Uf 'I"' ' "itl'W ! 11 ar t-i ptl
ili..MtiH,.eU2l tw. I" t-h,i; ....itH
of rail e lUi' ' I'll l!3.i' St. td-oruri- Iheiav
nieiit ot IT 'inls- ry M"e lnt-l March ISi'i
lNMf.ii I If sum 1 tTO. IK) a l rtii- an payable'
ti'ivi" year a'tcrilaf there ii"w "if n
-iilld not and mortgage the sum of 1700 wl h ;
III" , - - . 1 At I i .-!. if
10 Off ''1:1 mil' in 'ill lie lt" "J "
i'Uiiilitt pray 'hat. an alleged in e fstorln- .
eresi I " c i" B 1 t a 'I on" m M '
vt in tn said land he :'eclap i In .r ai d tiler-
lr to tlut'f ilalnlifTH and tli-tt flefi-nri .nu
inav ' fnr'Clc-ed of all cciul'y of -d- ptl nor
other Int'T ft In sa d mrt aaed premises, an'i
thai Ihe smmm y h-i suhl ac "rdlng '
and nut of the proceeds thereof the plaintiff
may be paid H-e a" nut niljiMue to bo lu"
him wlih Interests and costs of suit
and for such ottie relief as may be Just and
equitable .
. you are rpqii red t anw-r said petition on
r before th 7tb day nf MaK'h Sfi.
Puted January 23rd let
4. It. K WlNllllAM.
" Attorney lor Haintlfl.
Legal Notlde
J. Nehraska.
Kelnon A. tiinlth,
Helen MKmlth j" , , , a
Hmen M inlth d'endftiH, will tnke notl e
that nn Ihe, 2? d riav of Janii i' 1K92. " e'sn
A. Htni'h, plaintiff, herein filed h a petition In
UteniHtiitt court of l'as fmmiy Neliniska,
!! 'd defendii' t. 'h nbjeet n l praver
f which are ; obtain a decree of illv.ree from
aid rt feiiilnntoiithflcroiin.o. of willful aban
onmei't fo' two ear I 'St past
You arereipilred to au'wer id oeilllon nn
or before the 2oth d.y of febiuar) 1W2.
ri,-o A. -MlTll.
Bj ChM h. (iray his atUntev .
SherlfTs Sale.
By ylrtue "f an ord- r ef ale t.sui d by w . II
Dearlni?, clerk of the district CJiirt. within
and for 'h y. Nebraska aid to ni'
dire' ted. I will on theU'n av of March. A
D. 1IW2. at 10 o' Hock a. m t said day. at tlie
f mtof Hiesfcil'W y leading nn to Kockwo'.d
hall. In th cttvof Hatti-mouth, a-s countv.
Nebraska, that bebig th place where tin- last
..f ai.triiw nmirt. w ah held n Kal't H'Mint .
loll at public auction to the blithest bidder (or
...i. ,t.A f..iiikttfi,ir pmi&I ite. Ii wt: Lot
sis 161. In bloc ninety 'eight In the city ef
Weplng Water, dait county. ebrasVa. to-
V getber with all the privileges and appurte
nances thereunto blongln or lu anywise an
The ame being leyled upon and taken as the
pon am
, tiidei
nuiHriv in jeau nurua aim r.nru .ui...
i . 1 1 1 ii .. . -1
V - def.-ndanta. to eat ely a judgment oi (n
a ooui
i I air it
oourt recovered by w.
. U. faylar.slalntilt
ratnatsaid delendait.
Tlattiinouth. cb., February W. A D. 1S92.
Vll nil.blAM tllin.
v hi iflc... n Mali
JJYUOU 'LWH. nuoim vwi ww-i wvn.
t AUy.frPlalotiff.
t vu M.irrh will lake entice tha, on the ?l h
sy ( January M, archer. a Justice o( its
peace ot Hattwmmith f'lty, Ca county. Ne
bratka. tsued an ordei o( attachment for
the amnoiM.M Ui an action p. nolng before
him, w herein Joe Klein lapiauinu wm i.
Murch is defeiidan', that property of the de
fendant eoneiailig ( inouey haa bees at
.... v. ... i naM. Mi.i.i f,rf1ir
Hald cause waen- nUuued to the 15th day of
March UK at wo ewca a. m, .,,
Jci Klrik. riainttff.
- Legal Notice
TJnhaW. Amlek. non-resident defendant
nn are hpre'hv notified that on the th day
of January. 1K92 the plaintiff herein, Knnc
K. Finch, filed her petitioa In the district court
of Casseounty, Nebrneka. agalni't Martna a.
Hurst, John W. Anilck ana li t - nuteiiocn
dr illit and real name unknown, the object
ind nmvprnf which are, to foreclose 4 certain
mortgage executed by the defendant Martha
A. Uurtto plaintiff upon the north half f
lota three IJJ and lour omen sixty iw
u.nim wter. 1' countv. Nebraska, to se
cure the payment of on certain promissory
int. ni th aaiil Hurst for StiOO dated Septem
ber 1st. HOT and due and payable in three years
from date ; also one certain coupon note for
$41 attached to (aid ssuu uote uue nii. i iwe.
IhunUnna ilua nn said note andmortL'ages
theium of 1900 with 8 per cent interest from
Beptember Ut m and -t witk II per cent lu
terest from Sept. 1 IID for which sums with a
crued interest, plaintiff prays (or a decree that
rfuranitiinta iim renuired to Dav the san e or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
ou are required to answer said petition on
or before we itn uay oi an arc u mm-
Dated January Stth, U92.
Hi hr AttiirtlMVa.
A. G. Wolfeabarger and Beeson S Root,
Road Notice.
To all whom It may concern :
The commissioner appointed toacate ana
locate a road as follows :
Vacate a road lecated north and sontn
through center ofsectloi 5 10-11 and seetlon
1S-U-13 granted September 21, 1S9I. And lo
cate a road beginning at a point 40 rods i west
( southeast crnerot sectloa 6. town 10 R U
thence In a southwesterly direction and Inter
eet with public mad near cemetery, has re
ported in (av r ef the racatlon and location
thereof, and all objection thereto or claims
tor damages mnst be Died In the county clerks
office on or before noon enthe lath Hay or April
A. D. ls!orsiich roads will be vacated and lo
cated wlthoU referenc thereto.
Frans DteasoK. Co. Clerk.
Bibd CBiTcnrm.D, Deputy,
Kotiee Is hereby given that the annual meet
11 of the stockholders of the Burlington t
iissouri River Kallraad Company In Nebras
ka, will be held at tne office of the company,
at 1'iattsmouth, Nebraska, on Thursday the
Sth day of February im, at 5 o'clok p. m.
This meeting Is held (or the purpose o( elec
ting directors for the company (or the ensuing
year and for the transaetinn of such other bus
Iscss as msy legally come before th meeting.
A.. . Stamwood, sec.
Jsn'y ,
Probata Notloe.
1 Christiana Homing, deceased.
In the county oourt of Cass county N'D"a
Notice Is hereby given, That Olive Honing.
nf tha eatate of the Sail
Christiana Horning, deceased, has made ap
pllcatlen (or final settlement, and that said
i. f.r ii.urinir at mv oce at Platts
mouth, on the s, day o( March a I),, 1892, at
10 o'olock a m. on s4ld day ; at which time aud
place, nil persons interesieu may prcaouv
ana f xaniiue m aotouiin.
. County Judge.
February 16. 1W1.
Dm iriiA nf an nrder of sale Issued hvW.H
Hearing, clerk of the district court, within and
(or Cass county, nevraaaa uu to me uiieutou
I will on the 'ilst day of March A. I). IBM at
Mo'sloek a ru. of said day at the foot of the
utalrway leading uu lo Rockwuod Hall in the
City of rlattsmouth, Cass county, Nsbraaka,
that being the place where the last term of
tbo district court was held in said county, sell
at public auction lo the highest bidder (or
cash the following real estate to-wit : All of
the west one-third (H and the center one
third (S) of lot two (4) In block number seven,
ty (70)' In the city of Weeping Water, Cass
Theamebelng ievled upon and taken as ths
sropcrtyof William Jameson, Julia E. Jame
r,vl" ' . , .niA I null I I'tilM Kfttffiirrf
Win V Hlier a. "wioi ih.ih'. .
P. ChUrCUIIl St l, ssummin, """' "
tinamenl ot eaiu cuaii VJ ... ,
IIIIIIICII. ..... u.ia riafanriiint
inson, piaioiui j ... o..v. " . .,
viaii.mnutb. Nebra-ks. Keb. Tlh A. D. I89J
Sheriff Cass Co., Nebraska.
TV ooley t Gibson, Atlys for rialntltl
AfTlIcU Well-Known Merchant. Itch
ing and Burning Terrible. Doctors
and All Bemedlei Fall.
Tries Cutlcnra. Relieved by th First
Application and Entirely Cured
In Five Weeks.
About elchteen monthi ga unall ipeck p
pearttl on my
iH-innie luritiT
my ankle: it renembu-d n.h Kale; ; it
Ifer, and I coinulted a phyatclau ho
prouounml II paorlatla or moniea aiwate, in-raum
It reariuidrd money, i appiua an oiniiueni. mini
pred unlil al laat It covered alnioit my emira
Linlv. Mv uffcrlus vai aomelbliiK terrllile, burn.
lull and tu Iiiiik aeiitaliuu couuuually until It beraine
nluiu.t uut'iidurable. 1 auflered torture eaperully
at uiiclit, and for two uioulba I vaa coaijit llcd lo
li'cp with glove ou. 1 became defuerate. 1 would
have irivcQ anything to bo relieved of the Itihlug
cm.ition. I tried a number of reinelica without
any relief. I a requested to try Ol'Tlil'RA; till
I ill J , and to my great aurprloe, I a relieved
after the ftrat aiplicaiion. I uned the t'l TH riiA,
ClTiri'Rjt Snxr and CiTirrKA Kisoi.vknt aconrd.
in g to directloni for about four or five werka when
I was entirely rurod. Put what a relief It wiw to
me after the tuffering 1 went through. I
peak with too much favor for the ' Ci'Turn provide rciresnmeilis ami ciiui
KisEmta," audi would recommend It to all thoe .,,. f,,, ., Theiiiem
w ho are Buffering from the same dtneane that 1 hav. tainment tor tilt gilt St 8. Hit lilt 111
uffered. JOHN T. MEI.ODt, .
of MlLODT Uhotuirs, Wyandotte, Mich.
Cuticura Resolvent
Tl. ... Ull Qkln Purlflnr nil imliit of
Humor Remedies, Internally (to cleanse the blood
of all impurities, and thus remove tlie cause), and
ciTitLKA. the great skin t'ure. and cituika
Hoap, an eiquttlle skin Heautlder, externally (to
clear the skin and scalp and restore the hair), cure
every species of agonlring, Itching, burning, scaly,
and pimply diseases oi ice sain, scaip, ana uiuvu.
Bold everywhere. Price, Ccticcri, 50c.; t
Vie.; Uksolvint, 1. I'repared by the lo
2Sc.; Uksolvint, fl. I'repared by the 1'otteii
tf Send for " How to Cure Skin Maeaaes," U
pages, 60 Illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
DIUl'I-KH, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, aud
rllTI oily akin cured by C'utici'ra Hoap.
Chest I'slns, Soreness, Weakness,
Hacking Cough, Asthma, I'leurlny
and llillainuiution relieved In one
minute bv the ntlcara AnU-l'alu
Nothing like it for Weak Lung.
jud 0PE2ATI0N.
fVP. yCtfl f VltlAL.
Read Notl .
To all whom It may concern :
Tim cnniinivaini er annolllted tO locate
road commencing at the nnnhwest corner of
nuiiiiiii in imn fl rahirH 11. ( hms conntT Ne
braska running thence ea-t on section line for
the distance of one and one-nun nines tnj
and te minating at the u riheast corner of Ihe
hiiiihuiyinnirmriii spe'inii m. 12. is has re
ported It: (avoro( the location thereof, and all
nble -tlon- iiieroi-, Oi e aum for damaeesmut
be filed Id the county clerk olflee o.i or before
muia 11,1 tlie au dav l Au.ll. A. 1). Wi, '
such rtad will be located without reference
w4t County Clerk.
FVora AlnnCay's Ihiili
George B. Mann, of the Fvening
News, left for Lincoln this morning
ria the Missouri Pacific railway.
Yesterday's State Journal said
that Governor Boyd would call a
special session of the legislature
within ten days.
W. K. Baker sold 800 worth of
lumber to a Mr. Whitthoefft, living
within two miles of Wabash and
four of Murdock. Louisville
Just as the clock in the court
house steeple struck eight this
morning a match was touched to
the wick of the big wax candle in
Joe's window, in the presence of
W. V. Jones and Fred Kroeliler, br.
Mrs. Peter Stander died of heui'
orrhage of the brain, luesday,
Kehruarv 9. at 11 o clock. Funeral
occurred yesterday from the Catho
lie church, three miles south of
town. Louisville Courier-Journal
The nxt term of the district court
will not be held in the new court
house, as was anticipated by the
commissioners. Superintendent
Bates informed a reporter to-day
that the buildingwould not be done
in time.
The national convention of labor
organizations will be held at St
Louis from February 20 to 27. For
this occasion the Missouri Pacific
will sell round trip tickets February
10,20,21, 22 and 2:1, good to return
March 10, atflLSO.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Tunkey became
residents of Plattsmouth this week
having moved their household
rorrfa last Monday. This move
was necessary ou account of Mr.
Tunkey'a work being near there.
He completed a neat residence here
a few months ago, expecting that
most of his work for the railroad
company would be here, and we
none the time is not far distan
when thev will be residents of
Union again.- I'nion Ledger.
, c 1-
Extensive Preparatlone Belns Made
at Plattsmouth for the Annual
Parade of the A.O. H.
A largely attended meeting of
Division No. 1, of Plattsmouth, was
held last Sunday to make arrange
merits for the reception and enter
tainment of the members of the A.
O. II., who will assemble at Platts
mouth on the 17th of March, lo par-
ticinatf in the annual parade of the
1 , i
onier Oil liiai nuj . ''o
, ,,;Tl,rpnt romiiiittffs were verv
tlie llltli rent COllimmt t 3 irt
encouraging, atul mere is every in-
dication that the gathering this year
will equal, if not eclipse anything
of that nature held heretofore.
The ladies have formed themselves
i.ito nn auxiliary organization and
have decided to look after many of
the details of the work, and to
KerB 0f he PlilltSltlOllth division
feel that they have a great tinder
taking on their hands and conse-
' .11.. Oiim- 'im liinlitillie sill tlll'ir
lU-"'J -"-J
energies to give a fitting and royal
, . , ,..,4 in
reception and entertainment to tut
, tnrP visitors thev will have
l.,,uu or more V lsuors uiey w ui imc
on me least uay oi me nuniuun ci.
Patrick. All tlie committees have
bei-u atinointed nnd they have al-
ready accomplished much of the
work necessary, uver nave
been subscribed to help defray the
nl tlw narade. The com-
"l'- . 1
mitteeof arrangements, coni)oseof
Messrs William Neville, J. A. ton-
nor and Asher Clarke report that
division from Council Hlufls, Vail,
Crestou. Atlanta and other towns
n Iowa, have signified their inten
tion of participating in the parade.
The programme of the day so far as
nrriinned is as follows: Solemn
high mass at St. John's Church, af
ter which the parade will take
place. In the afternoon an euter-
mcnt will be given consisting of
song, recitations anu sci-cut-n.
Refreshments will be served by the
ladies Addresses will be made by
Attorney Matthew Gering,
und Judge Chapman, of Platts
mouth. and Hon M. V. Gannon,
Hon. John Rush, and Hon. T. J.
Mahoney of Omaha.
In the evening there will be an
other entertainment followed by a
iPmiiicpH mips in
e ' ..
... ... 11. l,... l,.,.i nmla lurnll
, u ax at the conventions called by the
the railroads. From Omaha the . .... 4,
" .... , , . . i congressional coinnnttees in those
fare will be forty cents for round ...... , ,i i i
. , t- i . ,, ,( congressional districts and the del
trio' from Lincoln one half fare . , . . .
uiy, . ...iaII nrira from each state
will be cnargea, anu a raie oi one
i ii.:.i ill 1. i.i-iti
, ,, ui.,,,
from all other points in the state.
I-rT.i'r a t 1
T tf.P Ofiin-rs nnd Members of
The A. O. II. in the State of Nebras-
ka. By direction of the last state
eOUVeilllOII llflU III cuuill vymunu,
i i mill pi,ii.
.. ' '. . ' , i
uioutli was tne place uatneu ior
holdimr the state parade of the A.
O. II. of Nebraska on March 17. 18"J.
ecomee the duty of every
officer of the A. O. II. in
toseeto it that they have
it now Deco
division olli
tne BiaiC lO Sec tO lltllctLlllVJ liniC
the largest possible number of
nemhers in line of parade in Platts-
moillll UU lllill U.IY.
at- A X A S . .
The program for the day will i re
submitted later. Suffice to say that
I have been assured by the diyiu-
ion at Plattsmouth that they are
trrand Cead Mille Faithe will
be extended to all.
M. KlLOALLON, -State
Condition of the Department.
The forthcoming report of Colonel
ltr 11....a.. uuaiu nnl nil I lit mil
' . ... .
ii, jumu, HHI..OI.....
general, department of Nebraska,
Grand Army of the Republic,
makes a fine showing of the condi-
tion of this department:
"Considering tne iact oi trie un-
... . ajS-
usual hard timea of last year,
making it impossible for very many
skA-- Wnon ..n dn...
.. . J -
nnd their standing in the depart-
ment, the good crops of last year
have been the means of putting
. i r
members in condition to pay up anu uarrj8on m 1888 would come nearer
renew their standing. This, how- indicating the republican enti
ever, has been accomplished only ment on national issues than the
by the persistent and Indominit-
able pnsh of the assistant adjutant
general, nearuiy seconuea oy vom-
mander leeter anu otner depart-
ment officers.
"The members in good standing
on January i, iui, who 0,101. nmiy
of the posts were held iu good
the department commander m issu-
ing a general order remitting the
aU( OI SUIII pueio 9 "tic lUO I'UUI
.. i .
The falling off by delin
qucnt reports alone, at tne end
the July term, issu, was i.uiz, 1.111 on
the approach of better times nearly
1,000 of these delinquents have been
broticht in again.
"The gain of r.ew members by
muster. this year, is 904. The death
has, however, ueen me largest ever
known in the department, number
ing luo, wnue suspensions reacueu
as high as 80i. In the grand round
up, nowever, lor me year, tne
department shows now 2oT) old posts
ana icn rw Foio, a luuit vi
posts iu uotm i..i.g, wu.t a tot...
I -.4 I! A..A..1
memocremp oi n.iju, tne n.gnesi Slre!irht nd wife. Mr, and Mrs. :" . ...r .i. . nerience haa shown us that
number ever reached aint-e the t. M,. tr r m.. i " X " ediea are far more effective than
I f .I.... . 1"? .'i""'uorJi""",,?.Ioaeaaiidwedo heartily re
. . , . "r nauen, nr. and ."irs. sam tarngan, !"''"-- "icuurage , our CU8t0Ilu.ra to tone up the ay
e. - " - e - i mr. and i"irs. pi. a. inxon anu oeo. - i ton this
showing and cannot fail lo gratify' jiit.8
the comrades throughout the de
partment and give them renewed
courage for the future."
Tom Haurahan, a son of Peter
Hanrahan of this city, died this
afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home
of his father. The young man just
came home the tatter part of the
week. lie had been working for the
Union Pacific railroad company.
II is deatli was a terrible shock to
hit many frie-.i
Is in this citv. The
tout 2 years old.
To See Boyd.
Plattsmouth t-ent a good M.ed
delegation to Lincoln this m nnin
to witness the inaugural ceieuin
nies. Following is a list f lIuiMe
who went: Henry Herold. P.
Vanatta, Ike Cecil, V. 11. Dent ing,
lion. F. II. While, Hon. J. M. Patter-
eon, t.. W. Miermaii, 1.. t. . Miles,
Charles Grimes, Mayor F. M. Uiclie,
Sam Shutnaker, Henry tiering, Fred
Carruth, V. L. Krowne, Jtihn Kuh-
ney and John Cagney.
A pleasant leap year party was
held at the commodious residence
of V. V. Leonaul Saturday evening.
Following is a partial list of those
present, Thk Herald being unable
to obtain a full list: ivda ueiiug,
Mia tiering, Janet Livingston, ICditli
Y lute, hlla Clark. Lizzie laquette
Vcrna Ioiial. Dora Fricke and
cu.mentt Frank White, Henry
(ioring, Carroll Leonard, Charles
Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Kd
National Convention Delegates
As the date for holdingthe repiih
lican national contention up
proaches interest in the great event
naturally increases.
The national republican conven
tion will meet in Minneapolis on
Tuesday, June 7, for the purpose of
nominating candidates for presi
dent and vice president.
The call issued by the national
committee last November states
that each state will be entitled to
four delegates at large and for
each representative in congress two
This will give Nebraska eixteen
delegates in the convention. The
method of selecting these delegates
is also provided for in the class
issued by the committee. The dele
gates to be selected from each con-
I m-oaainnul ilmlrirt nlnill ti chosen
I h'1"" -
. . .
I eimii uc iinwi'i jj
I . . . ..... ,:..i0
I lions couvencu iui mat puivmai
I PUI LiUflCs AUC oiaiv v w-
called for this purpose must be
called not less than thirty uays
prior to the national convention
, . ,mj .,.. 4.u., i .mu null
" " MU,U '""'V """i r
I n ....iIi-ii .,ina lw irivi-ii nf these
I conventions.
The republicans of Nebraska are
,r-.nliv?t,in .!. n,.,.pHHnrv nre-
alrcndy mk"K the n--enry Pre
paration for the national conven-
I -
tion. Four of the six congressional
.,;h...u h.w nlreudv called
I K..i. Hlolrlrl ennvon nna and tile
mb iblv come into
other two will probably come into
line very soon. F.ach of the eu
COUKTe8eional districts will choose
delegates and the state conven
tion will elect four, making a dele-
gallon oi sixteen. iu . v.
six over uieue.eguutiuuiiuu.a..
atf ..
The state central committee will
meet February 20 at the Millard to
I AniAm linnn basis of reoreseu-
I - -a-
I . ... .... 4 :,.
I latiun in me etatc t,uiiTniuui
Tliere j8 a difference of opinion as
tQ what eUte vote Bnan i,e laiieu a8
a basiB of representation. Some are
f or o taking the rote on
I ,
Iuuc.e poati others on Mr. Marple
for rcgent, and others will insist on
i,,,, back to the vote on Attorney
g . !j . . .
oenerai naBungs m i. n.
. . ,8 the U8nce has been to take
. . .
the yote Qf president at the last
preBjdential election. The vote for
te or Btate oflicers, which has a
larBe amount of personality and
,ocai prejudice in it.
I Sent to the Poor House.
Kdward Jensen, a Dane about 40
I , . ,
"' ' 7 '
was last night sent to the poor
june. liie uniunuudic uiuu nuo
. . ....
wnue sweiung on ... n.i t "K.
anu is in sucn a i.uum
1 ; j ii.i,.iaa 1 atrifnna ut niniiiev
la micivooi ...... ... . - -j
- made up a purse and sent him to
oim.nana out wy 1
accept mm ...m
to this county. He then went to
i.incom uiu meet Wlt.. t..c
aults. He arrived in this city last
evening ou tne tiyer inauc appnea-
tion and was taken to the poor
- BounJ f0f CoIumbu8.
Tne piattsmouth delegation
- n A K eiiramDraent held
umient held in
ska, February
r , umbu8. Vebrask
18t, 18th atld 20th left this morn.
infT FoIlowiniT are thoBe who went:
I " "
A88i8tant OuarterMaster General
The Notraska City Water
Works Have Been Sold.
i;xrEKLnr.Mi:i) turn Mais
Other Nebraska News of Interest
Fox Pleads Cullty-A man
Takes a Doso of Morphine
At Fremont.
So!dth Waterworks.
N l-.IIW A.K A CI1V. Kit., I'l l). 1".
The Nebraska City waterworks, ; ?,
which have been in litigation for
i nne time past, wen- sold under
lecreeof court this morning. Ke-
present.itive of eastern capital
were present and the billing was
spirited. Starting at fiVi.UUI, tl.ey
were finally kn eked down to K.
Flleiy Anderson for $151,1)00. Mr.
Anderson is a well known eastern
politician and Hays extensive im
provements will at once be made in
the plant.
Experimented With Success.
HlJATU'lcK, NKti., Feb. 15, ileorge
Greer , living two miles north of
this city, has just produced forty
gallons of excellent maple syrup
from a soft maple tree grown on I
bis place. The syrup possesses to
a inarKed degree mat genuine
maple flavor known only to the
maple tree product. This, is be-
lieved. is the largest ouautity of
maple syrup ever manufactured
in Gage county from one farm,
though smaller iii;itit itics have
been made in years past from
maple trees growtf in the county.
The success of Mr. Greer's experi-
ment is interesting from the fact
that it iincns ut another nossibilitv
for the wonderful productiveness
qf Nebraska soil.
Preparing for the Contest.
Ashland, Neb., Feb. 15.-The
literary society of the high school
is making extensive arrangements
for the second oratorical contest
with the literary society of the
Wahoo schools to be held in this
city Macrh 19. Both schools are
working hard and the contest will
be close and exciting.
Professor Rakeatraw takes Chance.
Nkhkaska City, Neh., Feb. 15.
Professor C. D. Kakestraw took
charge of the asylum for the blind
this morning, vice Professor Par-
malee. Mr. Kakestraw will make
Ul" u niB " n"-ii
the institution.
Plead not Guilty.
South Omaha, Neu., Feb. 13
Nathan Fox, the man who mur
dered his wife and attempted to
take his own, was arraigned before
, , Davis Saturday and plead
judge iavis saiuraay Iieua
, ... .
not K"ny- ma attorney made !
plication lor leave to tane ueposi-
1 a ai. i. in n.liiitli aatriil
"OUO willlCDOlTO, Wlllt-ll waoi
granted. Fei was then reinanded to
await trial.
Took Morphine
PutMAVT Nru . Kh 13 Millv
Win. m a ,.. ,.,.. lnnV
dojje q morphine ,aBt niK,lt Wil.
ha(, hccotlie infatuated with
one of the soiled doves of the "bad
... . . nf4llpip,n
... .... ....,., .
"ul.,"""mK -
I n
Trouble at Weeping Water.
The citizens of Weeping Water
are greatly stirred up over the
rumor that the Noble sewing
,, ,.,.,.
, , , ,
that . ,ocaUtl t,,ere T y-
K at a great expense to the citi-
f that ritv. was rrnin.r fn h
. . , . ?.
murcu w oiiuiuci ulaw iui inc inn-
pose ot raising another uonus.
The factory nas been closed for
some time on a chattel mortgage
bid in by the company. Weeping
Water people have investsd many
housands of dollars in this factory
and will no doubt invest many
more uc.u c ... ,.cnu,t ,ts re-
t. .:n :a
iiiuvcii, ua .uwn-.ui; uiuuiHucu
to run the same tor twenty years it I
I hf citizens, would inn:ile tliirtv
f ,ntw1 nilla ,,, ,,,., A very.corumendable movement
acres o a id .nd erect ""1 the oriranizatiou
a i -"r i
1 tita . n.... I
musicians and singers are interest
' :,i
, - .... .. ,.
usi""j ""'"ii mn,
Ulr 'c "t..i..iery
at T , V.
-' !n thl. fl.m; " 1 1 11 .
n pu
" "
W W ater.
j-k. " K rniuuicio HUTU UCCU
operating quite extensively among
meeting for organization is called
late. Their plans is to sell articles
to of general merchandise at a very
in low price taking therefor the note
low price taking therefor the note
of the buyer. The purchaser looks
expectantly for the goodrj, but they
Lever arrive, and upon investiga-
iton ne nnas mat tne notes have
. 1 a,. A n.A ft
"t '.u""v "eiac
V. - K I w J' .! Illltl T1 11.
wui a.
Th Canadian Agrionltor's's rsat
Winter Mt-nry CompetlWw
The fifth half yearly Literary com
petition for the winter of 18W
of The Canadian Agricul
turist, America's old and reliable
illustrated family Magazine, is now
open. The following splendid priz
eejwillbe given free to persons
sending in the greatest number of
words made out of the letters con
tained in the words " I he Illustrated
Agriculturist. Kveryotie nending
in a list of not less than one hun
dred words will receive a valuable
present of silverware. ;
l t grand reward.. tiMO in gold
In i .. .grand pi mo. va mi! I $.
'd ??fo in gold
4iii Organ va'n- d al SJnO
. 1 'i .. Sli'liiigidil
It'll llilit gold M.ilfh full Jewelled
Ladles gold watch
I II 5rt In gold
nh f ift In "ld
IP n-w rl of 10 e ich V1'H
next ) pilw. -'JO stler lea sets qu-diupl
p!:i e warra- leil
x M prize -mi silver dessert sponts war-
taeleii heavy plate
Neat 100 pric--loo silTer butter dlaheset
warrant' d heavy plale.
Nexi MiO i r.i1 consists of hearv plated alWer
kelile liii.ter iIIhIi,', I rial. baMeta. biscuit
Jar sugar liella butter knives etc. all fully
arrant d aklng a tut d of Si splendid re
waMs the valuu of which will aggr ate
$i AiMJ.
This grand literary comgetition
is open to everybody everywhere.
The rollowiug are the conditions:
1. The wortls must be construct
ed only from letters in the words,
"The Illustrated Agriculturist" and
must be only such words ns are
found in Websters unabridged
dictionary, in the body of the book
none of the supplement to be used
i. 1 he words must Lie written in
rotation and nunihered I, .1,; ana
h.i nn. for facilitating in dicidintr
,, .u " "
;j Lellers cannot be used oftener
than they appear in the words, The
nnistra 'd Agriculturist.
hor in
stance the word egg cannot be used
as there is but one 'g' in the three
4 The list containing the largest
number of words will be u warded
first (irize, and so on in order of mer
it. Lach list as is it is received will
be numbered and if two or more tie
the lirst received will be awarded
lirt,t prize, and so on, therefore the
i i.......i.
benefit of sending in early will read
ily be seen.
Kach list must be accompanied"
by $1 for six months subscription
to The Agriculturist.
The following men have kindly
I consented to act as Judges: J G Mac
Donald, citv clerk. Peterborough.
Canada, ami Comodore Calcutt, Pet
er borough.
Our last competitionGot $1000
prize all right, M M Praudon
Vancouver, II. C. Thanks for $50IV
prize G V Cunningham Donald H
C. Prize rcceized (). K. J D liaptie
West superior, Wis. $.KX) prize ree'd
Thanks G V Robertson, Toronto;
aud :tiHJ others in United States and
ThiB is no lottery merit only will
count. I he reputation for fairness-
1 gained by the Agriculturist in the
past is ample guarantee that the
competition will he conducted in
like manner, bend .1c stamp for
lull particulars to I lie Agncultur-
I ist, Peterborough, Canada.
Croat Winter Competition of the
Ladle Home Maeazlne
Cjukhtions Where does the fol-
lowing words first appear in the
Old testament: "Knowledge" "Wife'
atldI)ovl,-f Where doe the follow
ic,.i ..v.... ii in iv .nn o mv iii,in
i,1f worcls first appenr in the new
testament: "ludca," 'Fame' and
I " W I 11 (r "
Weekly Pkizks-Lvery week
throughout this great competition
prizes will be distributed as follows
The first correct answer received
I the postmark date on each letter to
e taken as the date received. )at the
office of the Ladies Home Magazine
( each and every week during
1802) wil get $200; the second correct
answer. $100: the third $50; fourth
a beautiful silver service; fifth, five
o'clock silver service; and the next
50correct answers get prizes rang-
ing from $25 dow,. to $3. Kv.ry
fifth correct answer, irrespective of
whether a prize winner or not will
(vol fjsii fi 1 ri aa
itatf 8 as a8 otlier di8tari,
points, have an equal chance with
those nearer home ns the postmark
will be authority in every case.
KULh8-hach list of tmswers must
be accompanied by $ to pay for
six months. subscription to one of
the best home inatrazines in
o... ,ti. t ..,t:..- n
i nDrDR r.ftvn.T a lie iiuaa uvmr
Magazine in well iible to carry out
its promises" Peterborotig (Cana -da)
Times. "A splendid paper, and
financially strong Hastings (Can
ada) Star. "F.very prize winner will
be sure to receive just what he is
entitled to," Norwood, (Canada)
Register. Money should be sent by
dre88 tkie La(lic8 Ubme Magazine
I UUBI unite orucr urrrirmitrrru iciiri .
i Peterborough, Caaaua.
I musical.
ed in the project and The Herali
... ... ..
the well known and accomplished
instructress in vocal culture, or
charKe o( a iarge class of aspirants
ainiri n(, .
. 1 1 1 A ' t
improvement in the profession. A
for Thursday evening at the M E.
church when the society will be or-
ranizated with a charter member-
Ka,iizated wiUi a charter
,,irif nitv B,ra
B'"po'vtr fifty BI"Ker8'
Science in the last few years haw
been making rapid progress in the
- deDartuient of medicine,
unr ex-
Boring witn nailer s arsa-
parilla and Burdock.